Good Newz Magazine - April, May, June 2012

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Good thru 5/31/2012

April, may & June 2012 • Issue 1

Table of Contents Publisher, Quincy Dowell EDITORIAL Writers: Quincy Dowell Brandi Ray Brianna Coleman Ashley Dowell Shelena Douglas

2 Message from Publisher, about Good Newz..........Quincy Dowell

GRAPHICS AND DESIGN Heidi Hudson, GreenWorx Printing

8 Wishing Wail.................................................... Brianna Coleman


4 Yesterday I was a daughter Today I’m a mother........... Brandi Ray 6 Q&A – Jackie Coleman 8 Just for laughs

9 Power of Peace......................................................Quincy Dowell 10 Q&A – Nathan Lorick 12 Bag Lady................................................................ Ashley Dowell 14 Bounce Back Moment......................................... Shelena Douglas 15 Fear is a Mindset......................................................... Brandi Ray

ADVERTISING Quincy Dowell 903-275-3307 SUPPORTERS QueShena Dowell

ON THE COVER Quincy Dowell

CONTACT: P.O. Box 2148 Malakoff, TX 75148 Visit us online @

GoodNewz April, May & June 2012 1

Message from the Publisher

What Is Good Newz Magazine? I would like to first take the time out to say thank you, first to God for the vision, and the grace He’s given to make even this possible. Big shout out to Chris Ross for being a big support, I am Quincy Dowell, Publisher appreciative, also to those who helped work on this project, to all the writers who took the time to dig into their hearts and give us a piece of it on paper. Brandi, and Ashley you two have been a tremendous help, and last but certainly not least my wife QueShena, you have been a big inspiration and a motivating factor in this magazine becoming possible. Some may ask, what is Good Newz Magazine and what is their purpose. Our purpose Is to inspire, enlighten, encourage, and empower to help bring forth change in the lives of people, families, and communities, making them stronger and more aware of the fact that there is a need for good news. Jesus said, in Mark 16:15 Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Why is there such a need for Good News? I believe the Good News is like a light that continues to shine in a dark place, and no matter how dark, how gloom, or overwhelming the situation, darkness can never overpower light.

So Good News is needed because the world can be a very dark place, and it is our time to shine in fact that is the only time light is needed is in the midst of darkness. Just think how much could you really accomplish in the span of a day without light, not much right? How many cars would crash, and planes crash if there was no light. If this is true about the natural world that we live in today imagine what that says about the spirit, most of us are simply not accomplishing as much as we should because we are not walking in the light. The book of Psalms 119:105 states “Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path”. So it is important that while going through life that we have our guide that is the Word, and this word is here to show us the path that we should take, hence the scripture. Walking in the light so much so that we become what we are following. Jesus states in Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world, like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” So the Good Newz is, when you give, or if you have given your life to Jesus and make him Lord, you inherit something that everyone needs, no one can make it without, and is a total necessity to mankind, and that is Light, and remember it’s your time to shine. Quincy Dowell

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Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3, 5-6

The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. --Reinhold Niebuhr GoodNewz April, May & June 2012 3

Yesterday I was a daughter.. . Today I’m a mother. Yesterday I was living life carefree, Today I’m holding a beautiful baby. Yesterday I slept way past noon, Today I’m awaken way too soon. Yesterday my concerns were purses and clothes, Today I’m thanking God for ten fingers and toes. Brandi Ray Yesterday I was a college student working, going to school, and having fun, Today my life changed when I was blessed with my son. I dare not tell you my life didn’t change drastically. I dare not tell you the road didn’t get rough. You would not understand unless you were there, But God never put more on me than I could bear. There were people who spoke against me and said I wouldn’t make it. But I had a made-up mind and words couldn’t shake it. The one thing I least expected had happened to me, But I refused to let it dictate my destiny. Having a child while in school can cause some devastation, But for me I had found my new motivation. I became a mother on yesterday and today I wouldn’t have it any other way. Yesterday I was a daughter, today I’m a mother. By Brandi Ray Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. ... By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. Hebrews 11:1,3 (NIV) GoodNewz April, May & June 2012 4

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Good Newz

Q & A With

Jackie Coleman Pastor Jackie Coleman, Pastor of Petersburg Baptist Church, Athens, Texas. A man with a great sense of leadership, also always seeking direction and vision from God. A devoted husband and hard worker, and a seasoned leader for this generation. Recently GN had the awesome opportunity to sit and chat with Pastor Jackie Coleman. GN: Aside from being husband, father, son, uncle, brother, hard worker and pastor, who is Jackie Coleman? PASTOR JACKIE COLEMAN: That’s a good question. Jackie Coleman is a guy with a down-to-earth personality. I have a heart and a desire to please God. It makes my spirit happy when I know I am doing the work of the Lord. If you know me, you know I’m a loving person, I love to help people grow, and I love what I’m doing. The real Jackie Coleman is the man that I let God use, and when I let God use me I don’t see anything stopping me or getting in my way. I know that I can do whatever God leads me to do. GN: Okay. Let’s kind of talk about the transition that was made. Recently you were called to move to a new location in a new city. Explain the transition that took place.

PASTOR JACKIE COLEMAN: Well, I saw the vision in parts, because what we were wanting to do in Kerens, for example, the gym, the classrooms, the parking lot, I saw that, and I saw doing it in Kerens. And when I began to see the delay in progress over there, and once we had an opportunity to see the location that we are in now, it kind of made it clear for us. The transition became easy and it was just a matter of waiting on God’s timing. I think we tried

To show them the Love of God and to extend a helping hand to those who need it. ~ Pastor Jackie Coleman to rush God to get over here because this is what we were wanting and also needing. Especially with the gymnasium, because the number of active youth in our ministry is just astounding. The youth are coming and they are bringing friends, and without the space, we were definitely having to improvise. But once we began to trust God and his timing, the transition became easier. I won’t say easy, because it took a lot of prayer, preparation, and teamwork to get it all done. Everyone joined in and we pulled it off. GN: So, what struggles do you see with the church, as a whole, in this generation? PASTOR JACKIE COLEMAN: I think the church has to be prepared for this generation. We can’t sit back and watch them fail, and point our fingers at them, because they are the remnant. God always has a remnant that’s going to be in step with what God is doing. So I think the church owes it to this generation to work with them and to try to understand them. This generation also has to listen to their elders in order to get all the knowledge that they can, so that they can have a solid foundation whenever they go forth in God.

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Jackie Coleman GN: So, what has been your main target for this generation, and what is the motivation behind it? PASTOR JACKIE COLEMAN: : I believe that when God places you somewhere, there’s an assignment already in place. And I do believe that I have an assignment with this generation, and that is to try to help them to build a solid foundation, as far as them knowing who they are serving, and knowing how to serve, and trying to pour as much wisdom into them as I can. I think Paul told Timothy, the things you heard from many witnesses about me, Timothy, you need to in turn deposit what you have learned and heard from me, into faithful men, so that this can continue to go forward. So that’s my target, is to pass on the word and the knowledge of God so that when we’re off the scene, it’s sill going forward. GN: Anything else? PASTOR JACKIE COLEMAN: Well, I’m motivated by Christ. Whoever God is bringing forth to be leaders, it motivates me, and when I can see it change their lives and they begin to think like they should think when it comes to the kingdom of God, that’s my motivation, to see that happen. GN: What does the future hold for Petersburg Baptist Church? PASTOR JACKIE COLEMAN: : I believe the sky is the limit. I really do. With the core of people that we have here, and the God-given abilities that they have, I don’t see anything stopping us. If we do stop, we’ve stopped ourselves. But I see God laying a platform for ministry, and if we follow it out, I think we’ve got a great future. Petersburg will be a thriving church for a long time. With the abilities and talents and with the power of God, if we yield to God and continue to be humble, I don’t see anything stopping us. I desire, and I believe God’s desire for Petersburg Baptist Church, is

to make an impact on the community. To show them the Love of God and to extend a helping hand to those who need it. I believe if we love our community, our community will come to love God. GN: : I want to throw this in there. If you had to give advice to someone coming into the forefront of ministry in this generation, what advice would you give? PASTOR JACKIE COLEMAN: : I would advise them to on it and that it’s God leading you to do it, because if God’s leading you, you will know without a doubt that you can do it. I believe even beforehand, before you begin to go forth, that you’ve already kind of done the ground work and it’s just a matter of you stepping into God’s timing and God’s plan and carrying it out. The most important thing is making sure that God is the one that’s leading you, because you don’t want to get out there on your own. This battle that we’re fighting is real, and we’re fighting some real enemies, and without God’s approval and his support you will be open to defeat. With God it’s declared that you’re already victorious. GN: Thank you for your time Pastor Coleman, and for helping to share the Good Newz.

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JUST FOR LAUGHS A minister told his congregation, “Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I want you all to read Mark 17.” The following Sunday, as he prepared to deliver his sermon, the minister asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many had read Mark 17. Every hand went up. The minister smiled and said, “Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying.”

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The Power of Peace Our Search for peace often times takes us many different directions – the sounds and sights of the beach, no children for the day, all bills are taken care of, or a day of shopping. My guess is that you perked up a bit at the mention of no children; you might have even felt a twinge of guilt by saying you could experience a little more peace with a day away from the children. This is because we often view peace based on the tangible things we have and see around us, but contrary to belief the peace that we are most likely seeking has to begin within us. The truth is we would not be so concerned with our situation & circumstances around us if we knew of the power that we could tap into on the inside. I am reminded of the story of when Jesus and his disciples were on the sea and a great storm comes from nowhere, and the disciples were afraid because of what was going on around them. It is to this picture that they awake Jesus from his sleep and asked him “do you care that we are about to perish?” never realizing that the one who was in the boat has the power to control the surrounding. Jesus’ response to the storm was, “PEACE BE STILL” and suddenly there was a great calm. Mark 4:35-41. Many of us reading this can apply this to life when it seems that storms are beating against your life (boat), we should take note that Jesus is there to pronounce peace to your storm. Philippians 4:6-9 says “6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,

will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. So this tells me that the peace that you and I are searching for starts in our minds, yes the mind, somehow if we can change the way we think as the scripture so beautifully stated, to think on good things, that the God of peace will be with us. There is also an old story that says, a teacher one day asked her students to draw a picture of what peace looks like to them, and so the students were drawing; one drew a field of flowers with the sun shining upon them, the second student drew a person with a big house with a lot of money, and the third student drew a dark, cloudy storm with a bird singing in the midst of the storm. “Why this picture” the teacher asked, chuckling the young man says, peace is not the absence of storms, but it’s in your perception and the way you handle it that will determine your peace. The bible states in Isaiah 26:3 that he would keep them in perfect peace all whose mind is stayed on him, because he trusts in you. Now that is Good News. So what is the power of peace? Peace has a way of saying despite the calamity, chaos, conflict, adversity, and confusion; I will not allow that to depict how things will end. Instead peace says, “I’ll ride it out and out last the storm.” By: Quincy Dowell~

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Good Newz

Q & A With

Nathan Lorick Nathan Lorick, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Malakoff, Texas. A devoted husband and father, who has a great passion for winning souls and seeing lives changed. Nathan is also very passionate about the vision that God has for the church. He desires for FBC, to not just be “good”, but to be “Great”. Recently GN had the opportunity to have a conversation with Pastor Lorick and get a glimpse at what God is doing through this ministry. GN: First question I have is asking, who is Pastor Nathan Lorick? PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: I’m a believer in the Lord Jesus first. I’m a husband second. I’m a Daddy third, and then I’m a pastor. I am the senior pastor here at First Baptist Church Malakoff. Been here in August will be five years, and you know, just really love this area and love what God’s doing here. GN: Where do you see the church as a whole in this generation? PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: I think the church is in trouble in America. I think we’ve bought into this idea that God wants us to be primarily happy, but in

scripture it says God wants us to be primarily holy. And I think if the church in this generation doesn’t wake up, we’re going to begin to see a real mass exodus from biblical living. And what I mean by that is, you know, we’re going to get into this stuff that Paul talked about with a tickling ear and those type things and I think we already see traces of this. Also I do think we’re in trouble, particularly in America, if we don’t start standing for what we believe in, and to me that’s so crucial. You know, we can’t standby any longer and watch Christianity become more and more dependent on what culture thinks verses what God thinks. So that’s where I see the church at in this generation, but I do see a lot of hope and a lot of future for it, and I believe the best days for the church of America are going to come, and I believe they are going to come through the young generation stepping up and saying enough’s enough with mere traditions and mere politics of churches and let’s just be Jesus people? GN: So, recently there was an uproar about a nativity scene during the Christmas holidays, and you and a host of others stood up for that cause. Can you explain that experience? PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: Yeah, that was really a great experience. We just felt like that this wasn’t an issue about a symbol or a faith, be it a nativity scene

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Nathan Lorick in Christmas time, but really feel like it was something of a larger scale, and I think you can see this most days on major media, that Christianity as a whole is coming under attack in our nation. God gave us a platform about a month and a half to share the gospel and it was literally all over the world. I got e-mails from Baghdad, Iraq, Afghanistan, I got a phone call from the West Indies. Literally, e-mail letters from all across the nation. GN: How many people came out in support? PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: There were about 5,000 people estimated. GN: Didn’t someone meet one of the guys that was a part of an atheist group? PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: This guy in San Antonio that was an atheist and was going to sue everybody, then all of a sudden he found out he was going blind and decided he would drop it, and Erick, Pastor Graham and I talked about that, we were going to try to find a way for him to have his surgery, and help get his eyes fixed, and he didn’t want that, but he said he was behind on some bills and needed help, so Erick and his church over there stepped up and met the need, and really begun a great relationship with this guy, and we’ll see what happens, so to God be all

to glory for that. So it all goes back to even in December, and I believe I may be wrong on this, but we started seeing a real conversions come to the table when we stood as a county. We stood up against this bullying atheist group. GN: What do you expect this year? PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: We’re not planning a rally this year. The thing is That God placed that in our hearts. God placed that in a conversation with me and another guy. He placed that in my heart and I called these three pastors and said this is what I have on my mind, will you stand, be a part of it, they said absolutely. We met together the next morning and throughout the whole process we thought, wouldn’t it be awesome if we could get 100 to 150 people and we saw God begin to set things in place and when that began to happen we knew God was up to something big. GN: That’s kingdom. PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: We knew God was up to something big. When I say that, we printed off something to give to everyone there that gave information on all the needs ministries, food pantries, clothing closets in Henderson County, and we printed 3,000, thinking we would have some left over. So when 5,000 people showed up, we ran out fast, but that was a kingdom thing, it was a God thing. But we believe that we did in that event exactly what God told us to do. Since then there’s been a thing that, again Pastor Erick over at Sand Springs initiated where we did a night where all those

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Q&A with Nathan Lorick continued... help ministries came in the Cain Center, invited people, but as far as the rally, the nativity scene, we believe we stood up for what God told us to do. GN: You being a fairly young pastor, what advice would you give to the coming generation? PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: You know, I think the greatest thing I can say is fall head over heels in love with Jesus and let the rest of it take care of itself. I mean, when you’re in love with Jesus and he dictates the things in your life and he leads and guides and directs you, you don’t get so caught up in problems of the church and policies of the church and traditions of the church. I mean, I would just tell this young generation, this coming generation, to fall head over heels in love with Jesus and be with him and submit and surrender your life to anything he says. GN: Okay. What is your motivation? PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: My motivation is to see as many people come to Jesus Christ as possible. I think when I stand before God, he’s not going to ask what size church I pastored or what kind of car I drove, where I lived, or how many degrees I had on the wall. I think that I’m going to stand before him with the ability to realize, have I made my life count for something or not. And so my motivation is to see people come to Christ, and you know, that’s my motivation in life and standing for religious liberty so that my little boys can grow up in a nation where they have the freedom to love Jesus.

GN: What does the future hold for First Baptist Church, Malakoff? PASTOR NATHAN LORICK: You know there’s an old song that says I don’t know what tomorrow holds but I know who holds tomorrow. And I think for us, for so long we were like every other church, or many other churches in America even around the southern parts of the US and even in Texas, where everything we did we would say we’re going to do this, y’all come here. Or we’re going to perform for y’all. We’re going to have the best this and the best that. And God transformed my mindset, and really I believe the mindset of the people at First Baptist Malakoff, a few years ago to say that’s not the right model. Jesus never did anything which he wanted people to -- he didn’t perform for people, he was always out in the streets and walking among the people. He was at their homes and where they were. So for us, the future of First Baptist Malakoff, our desire is to see Henderson County changed for the glory of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ, and in doing that, we want to be out in the community. Scripture says many are the plans of a man’s heart but the Lord directs the steps. So we have a lot of plans, but God’s going to lead and direct us. And for us, same way with you guys, we’re just going to stay humble before the Lord and just be thankful every day for the opportunity to love people and serve people. GN: Thank you, for your time Pastor Lorick, and for sharing the Good Newz.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Matthew 7:24-25 (NIV) If you would like to advertise in this magazine contact us 903-275-3307 • P.O. Box 2148, Malakoff, TX 75148 Visit us online @ GoodNewz April, May & June 2012 12

Handling Baggage Bag lady you gone hurt your back, dragging all them bags like that… Girl I know sometimes it’s hard And we can’t let go Oh when someone hurts you oh so bad inside You can’t deny it you can’t stop crying So oh, oh, oh If you start breathing Then you won’t believe it You’ll feel so much better -Erykah Badu Opening the Dialogue This series of Bag Lady will focus on hope and healing from past hurts. Healing from past hurts and emotional wounds that result from events in our lives such as rejection, abandonment, abuse, neglect, violence, insecurity and being embarrassed, shamed, terrorized, scared, manipulated or otherwise uncontrolled are pertinent to living a fulfilling and satisfying life. While I personally know how difficult it is to move forward to allow healing, the reality is that we must do it. While it is impossible to live life without being hurt, it is vital to know when you are continuously filling your bags with the hurts of life, allowing them to continue to weigh you down long after the events that caused them. Unhealed hurts and pains disrupt people’s lives. They are open wounds that continue to fester and flare up, causing emotional pain and suffering, and sometimes, physical discomfort and illness, and at worst, even more serious disruption. It is vital that one allows these emotional wounds to form scars, given that the very presence of a scar indicates healing of a wound. Remember, the tissue of a scar is typically stronger than the tissue around it.

Where Past Hurts Reside Past hurts inhabit our memory and affect the way we think, the choices and decisions we make, the emotions we feel, and our hidden and noticeable reactions to other people and what they say. They inhabit our heart, soul, mind, spirit, and innermost being and eventually have a profound effect on our personality or individuality—our thoughts, will, memories, and emotions. Even when we have worked so diligently to suppress these hurts so they no longer infect our conscious memory, they can remain open wounds and affect the quality of our lives. Why Emptying Our Bags is Vital If we allow our hurts to remain unhealed, the effects can destroy us. For example, unresolved and unreleased anger can potentially cause depression. The anger arises from a particular hurt, which for various reasons, the person feeling it is not able or allowed to express constructively, and to protect themselves, bury it deep within their subconscious. In some people, that depression can lead to suicide or acts that harm other persons. Other people experience mental illnesses and actual physical illnesses that have psychological roots. Sometimes people with such unhealed hurts may exhibit various forms of rage or an inability to relate to others in a healthy way. Some with such hurts inflict on others the same acts that produced the hurts in them. Dr. Sandra Wilson explored it best in Hurt People Hurt People. Crossing the Finish Line of Healing A healthy soul is one that is mature and whole. When our souls are healthy, we can embrace the idea and demonstrate the ability to love unconditionally, understand deeply and act and react appropriately and consistently with living a healthy fulfilling life. Healing past hurts or emotional wounds helps a person toward that maturity. ~ By Ashley Dowell

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Bounce Back When I was first asked to write this testimonial about how God has turned my life around. I immediately went back to the abuse that I suffered under the hand of my ex- husband. That was the gateway to all my fears and insecurities. The fear of men consumed me, I was beaten and abused by this man. My heart felt as though nothing good could come from the opposite sex. The devil noticed this weakness and preyed on it with all his force. With this being said the curiosity of women began to comfort my mind. So I started going on chat lines to seek some companionship. I needed someone to fill that void. Hurt and pain consumed me. I met this young lady that opened me up to a new lifestyle in which she was very knowledgeable of. She exposed me to the gay clubs, parks, and all the hangout spots that were headed by this way of life. Little Miss Shelena was taken before she knew it. For instance I can recall an incident when I wanted to leave a girlfriend of mine. The relationship was no longer for me and I wanted to leave. She became outraged and in result without me knowing followed me and my mother around town all day. Later on that day she broke into my home and set up a voodoo like alter with a photo of me and her. I was taken back, my mom was taken back and we would not touch it. My mother being the woman of God that she is prayed over the fixture. Then and only then did she remove it. Even though I was still in my situation, I knew that the power of God was evident. Needless to say, I returned back to my girlfriend, because of another attempt to leave and her pondering estranged husband. I was held against my will. No lights, blinds

closed, bolted doors, and an outraged attitude. There was pure silence as she began to confess her love. By force I had to stay. I was held against my will for 24 hours, until my best friend and cousin came to rescue me. I was ashamed because I knew that this was not the way. But it continued on for another six years. There was always a conviction in my heart. After a while I became tired of myself and my lifestyle and I wanted to go back home to my mom and dad. They lived about 60 miles from where I was located. On my way home I prayed a sincere prayer and ask God to change me. I made the best decision of my life. I never wanted to return to the old me, the old people, and the old lifestyle. I desired and needed a change. God did hear my cry and he answered my prayers. I now am married to a great man and I am the mother of an intelligent and loving 3 yr old son and I am expecting a second addition to my family. My faith in God and my relationship with him could not be more vibrant and exciting. My life has truly changed and is filled with true happiness. II Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if anyone be in Christ he is a new creation, old things are passed away and behold all things become new”, thank you Jesus for a new beginning with a promising end. – Shelena Douglas

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Fearif it’sisnotaonmindset.. . your mind it will not matter By Brandi Ray

If you’ve ever had a life situation that has sent you into a downward spiral into the realm of fear, you will appreciate this manual on overcoming fear and never being suffocated by the stronghold again. Fear is often accompanied by anxiety. As anxiety kicks in you may feel a sudden rush in your heart rate, a tensing of every muscle in your body, and an inability to breathe and a feeling of no self-control. This is just the beginning of a moment of fear. Following anxiety, panic will kick in. In the state of panic, you feel helpless and oftentimes unable to move. All of these strong, and very real feelings in the moment, are really an entrapment of your very own mind. The devil is the ultimate culprit of fear. He uses fear as a war tactic. The thing about fear as opposed to other emotional and mental barriers is that it often originates from a life event that is hard not to look back on. There are things in our life that occur, that are easy to set aside, never to be thought of again. But it’s those moments in life that leave such a heavy imprint on us, that we often find ourselves re-living or recalling just from associated triggers. What qualifies me to speak to you about fear? My moment of fear or life-changing event occurred at 6:15 a.m., on Monday, March 3rd, 2008. As I slept on the couch in my home, all alone, I was awaken to a need to go to the restroom, just 15 minutes prior to my alarm for work to go off. As I went to lay back on the couch until time to get up, I decided to take a look out of my front window to measure the extent of the storm that I could here passing through the little town of Athens. As I pulled back the blinds in my living room window, there to my surprise, fear waited on the other side. There in the midst of the heavy rain and strong winds, was a young man with a tire iron, removing my

tires from my truck. As you could probably guess, this was without my permission. At that very moment, my mind accepted the feeling of fear and my body began to react in the way that fear requires. I felt my heartbeat race, my muscles tense and I would have swore that I was suffocating. For three years following this morning, every time that I would go to the local skating rink on a Sunday evening for a birthday party, this would trigger my fear, because that is what I had done the night prior to this Monday morning. Each time that I would wake from a sleep in the middle of the night, I would feel a strong urge to look out of the blinds in my home, expecting the unexpected. I would have nightmares on more occasions than I can recall. All of which were triggers that wouldn’t allow me to overcome the night that fear made its way into my mind. The great thing about my story is that I know God, who has declared to us, “I have not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind”. II Timothy 1:7. Sound mind. Should I say it again? Sound mind. This is the part that makes it possible to overcome this mind issue. The night before I became entrapped by fear, God sent assurance that he was always with me. My husband worked a rotating shift at this time and when we first moved into our home, on the nights that he would work, I would sleep with a big knife with me. I had been long past this stage. It had been months since I had done this, but that particular night I felt a strong need to place the knife beside the couch, which is where I would sleep when he was at work. So I got my knife and said my prayers. The minute I lay on the couch, I felt a strong urge to pray again. After just getting comfortable, I really wanted to just go to sleep, but instead I got up and I prayed further. Just before falling asleep I began thinking, with the keylock on my phone, that would slow me down if an emergency were to occur and I needed to call for help, so I turned the keylock off and went to bed. As everything seemed to fall apart the following morning, every thing that God placed in my spirit the night before came in handy. The knife gave me some sense of protection until help

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fear is a mindset continued... arrived. The phone being unlocked allowed me to get a call in to 911 as well as my mother without complications, and most importantly, the prayers that I had prayed covered me in the presence of the Lord. Now I dare not tell you that this was an easy thing for me to overcome. After that day there was a long road ahead. There were countless sleepless nights. There were nights that I packed up my two children at all hours of the night to go stay at my in-laws or my mother’s because I would be gripped by fear late in the midnight hours. I envied people who either had no fear of being alone at night or those whose husbands were home every night. I bought a gun, had an alarm system installed and even had a dog in the backyard, all to no avail over the fear that consumed my mind. I struggled with depression as the days would approach for my husband to be away again. I felt like a failure to my children who were uprooted from home either just at dark or in the wee hours on nights of failed attempts to stay at home. There are things that I went through while waring with this fear that no one will ever know besides God and I. My husband and family tried to understand the things that I was feeling, but it was never enough.

where I can talk about it for what it is? How did I recognize that my fear was a mind issue and not a life issue? I began to seek God for my answer. I realized where it manifested and it was always in my thoughts. I began to acknowledge the moments when fear would creep up and it always began in my mind. The word of the Lord says if I keep my mind on God he would keep me in perfect peace, and that’s when I had a ta-da moment. Peace, that’s just what I was missing. I began to force myself to block out the thoughts as they arose, by thinking on Godly things. I found a weapon that the devil couldn’t handle and that was the word of God. On the mornings that I would wake up and couldn’t seem to sleep, I would watch a sermon on television or read my bible. The Word was the answer. God is the word. I would feel fear creeping in and I would fight the feeling. I stopped allowing myself to peep out of windows in the middle of the night. All of the tricks the enemy had up his sleeve, I was prepared for. No longer can the enemy use this attack. I faced him head on in this battlefield of my mind. The fear was just a mindset. It was no longer on my mind, and it no longer mattered. – Brandi Ray

I would become angry when people would make comments about me not being able to stay home or would bring it up in front of crowds. No one understood how ashamed I felt because of this. So, how did I ever come to the place that I am now,

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Peace & Blessings It is our prayer that something you read touched your heart as it did ours. Please don’t hesitate to share the good newz with anyone, we thank you for the support and the love, and we continue to live by the motto: “the best is yet to come”. Salvation the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His resurrection provide the only ground for salvation for all who believe, and only such as receive Jesus Christ by faith are born of the Holy Spirit and thus become children of God Perhaps you have never accepted Jesus as your savior and some may even think that you have to get it all right first and then turn your life over, NOT TRUE. Jesus said “come to me all who are tired of carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28 So you will be saved, if you honestly say, Jesus is Lord, and if you believe with all your heart that God raised Him from death. God will accept you and save you, if you truly believe this (Romans 10:9-10). Is there any good reason why you cannot turn your life over to Jesus Christ right now?

How to give your life to Christ: 1. Admit you are a sinner and need forgiveness. 2. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the Cross and rose from the grave. 3. Through prayer, confess that Jesus Christ is the only way to God and commit to live for Him for the rest of your life. If you gave your life to Jesus and submitted your way for His way, we here at GN would love to hear from you. Also we would love your feedback and testimonials please don’t hesitate to write us or email us at the contact info below. Also if you would like to be a blessing and give into this ministry and help us with our efforts of spreading Good Newz please feel free to send your gift large or small in a Money order to the info provided below

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