Hot Springs Advocate - Property's Owner Association - Fall 2012

Page 1

Property Owners’ Association

Advocate Volume 36, No. 3 Hot Springs Village, Arkansas

Fall 2012 501-922-5556

Official Publication of the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Hot Springs Village Visitor Center See story page 6 Photo by Daniel J. Botkin and Seiz Signs

A Message to Property Owners Jerry Kosoglow  President HSV Board of Directors

Board Works With Property Owners IN THE LAST EDITION, I encouraged that we “all work together to make Hot Springs Village a better place.” Some considerations I think are important for us to be able to work together are: 1) understanding our relative roles as Property Owners, as Board members, and as POA employees, and; 2) that we respect and listen to each other, and when confused, or concerned, we search for more facts, or clarification of why something was done, what we think we know, or what we heard. The Property Owners are Hot Springs Village. I understand that. As Property Owners, we all have a say in what we want this place to be. The Board represents the Property Owners, their wants and needs, while managing the finances and policies that are needed to protect the stability and integrity of Hot Springs Village. The employees do the work, and the General Manager is responsible for them and for getting the work done more efficiently. He is also the leader of our 2010 Strategic Plan, and therefore is responsible for developing and managing new efforts, under the direction of the Board, in areas like land use planning, economic development, and business modeling. The actions of the Board and the General Manager lend themselves to a wide range of opinions about what we’re doing, and have done. I know you often scratch your head wondering, “Now why did they do THAT?” I believe we do things for the right reasons. I get concerned when there are Property Owners, who, not knowing the facts or assumptions behind decisions, form negative opinions based on misinformation, and spread these opinions verbally, through emails, in blogs, or via the Hot Springs Village Voice Readers’ Forum. This leads to confusion, dissatisfaction, or just plain angry Property Owners. Sometimes the Board and the General Manager can clear up this confusion, but it’s not always easy. Have you ever noticed that the email or conversation that corrects the misinformation always spreads less widely and less efficiently than the untrue rumors? At other times, even if the Board, the POA, and the Property Owners are on the same page with accurate information, there can be honest disagreements. But my hope is that we

See KOSOGLOW page 5 Hot Springs Village

Hot SpringS Village

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used under the and will ONLY be strictly confidential tm or mail the this short survey is online at The information from survey 71909. We value your input. of Directors. Please complete this Springs Village, AR DeSoto Blvd., Hot direction of your Board to Property Owners Survey, 895 questionnaire Service How long have you  1-5 years


Property Owners Survey

A PROPERTY Owners survey on customer service and communication is included on pages 7-8 of this issue of the Advocate. Please complete this survey online at htm or detach and return to: Property Owners’ Survey, 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. This input will help us to better serve our members. Section 1: Customer

been a Property Owner?  11-15 years  6-10 years

 16-20 years

 20+ years

Are you a: 2.  Non-Resident Village?  Resident to move to Hot Springs sident, do you plan If you are a Non-Re  No 3.  Yes If no, why not?

plan to move?  6+ years If yes, when do you  4-5 years  1-3 years Village? do you visit Hot Springs  rarely sident, how often If you are a Non-Re a year  every 2-5 years 4. more times  one or not? If never, why g amenities?

use the followin How often do you Center a. Coronado Fitness  Weekly  Daily


6. 7. 8.

 Monthly

 never

 Less Frequently

 Never

 Never  Less Frequently  Monthly b. DeSoto Pool  Weekly  Daily  Never  Less Frequently  Monthly c. Golf Courses  Weekly ly  Dai ium? Woodlands Auditor er attend events at the  Nev How often do you  Occasionally  Often  Never trails? tly Village Frequen s  Les use the Hot Springs  Monthly How often do you  Weekly  Daily g POA Departments: from the followin you have received Please rate the service ent:  N/A Accounting Departm ds Improvement tration/  Nee Adminis a. POA  Fair  Good  Outstanding  N/A ment ent:  Needs Improve b. POA Golf Departm  Good  Fair  Outstanding  N/A ent: ment Inspections Departm  Needs Improve c. POA Planning &  Good  Fair  Outstanding  N/A ment Department:  Needs Improve d. POA Public Safety  Good  Fair  Outstanding  N/A ment ent: Improve Departm  Needs e. POA Public Works  Good  Fair  Outstanding  N/A ment survey Department:  Needs Improve Turn over to complete f. POA Recreation  Fair  Good  Outstanding

In This Issue

Board President Message............................................................3 Around the Board Table...............................................................4 POA Declaration Changes Take Effect in 2013, Board Holds Working Retreat in May, Committee Spotlight Visitor Center.............................................................................6 Visitor Center Opens in Hot Springs Village Property Owners Survey..............................................................7 General Manager Message........................................................10 Advocate Going Digital..............................................................10 Money Matters.........................................................................12 Hot Springs Village Financial News, 2013 Budget Parameters, Delinquent Assessment Penalties, Interest Set, POA Website Redesign Coming Soon , 2013 Budget Process Golf News.................................................................................15 Magellan Greens Conversion Complete, Golf Week 2012: Oct. 14-20, Golf Update, Scholtz Takes Top Honors Public Works.............................................................................16 Heat, Drought Contribute to Water Conservation, Public Works Updates Public Safety............................................................................17 Chief Cornett To Retire in November Fall Fun.................................................................................... 18 Plan Your Fall Getaway to Central Arkansas Marketing Update....................................................................19 ‘Share the Fun’ in Hot Springs Village Planning and Inspections..........................................................20 New HSV Construction, Phase IX Forest Management, POA Administration Building Renovations Recreation...............................................................................21 Hot Springs Village Offers “Right” Event Venues, Board Approves New Woodlands Sound System Contact Us................................................................................ 22 Community Calendar................................................................ 23

is an active, friendly, gated community with a wide variety of outstanding amenities in

a natural environment providing ample opportunities for community involvement and an enriching lifestyle.

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012


Around the Board Table POA Declaration Changes Take Effect in 2013 SEVERAL AMENDMENTS to the Hot Springs Village Declaration are set to take effect in 2013. Two amendments will take effect April 20, 2013. The first is an amendment to Article X, Sections 3, 5 and 6, which addresses the basis and maximum of annual assessments. It states: “From and after January 1, 2014, the annual assessment may be increased each year above the annual assessment for the previous year by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Association, provided, however, that such an increase may be no greater than the consumer price index for the twelve month period ending June 30 of the preceding year using the “Consumer Price Index, South Region All Items” as promulgated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor.” The second is an amendment to Article VIII, Section 3, which addresses the extent of members’ and associate members’ easements. It states: “The right of the Association by and through its authorized and delegated representatives to impose a reasonable monetary penalty for any single incident infraction as defined in its Protective Covenants and published rules and regulations, Property Owners’ Association Advocate Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Blvd. Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Telephone: (501) 922-5556 Email address: Website: Managing Editor: Linda Mayhood Editor: Lisa Watson


such monetary penalty not to exceed the amount of the annual assessment in effect at the time of such infraction. The right of the Association to impose a reasonable monetary penalty on a daily basis for ongoing infractions as defined in the Association’s Protective Covenants and published rules and regulations which are not corrected within thirty days of written notice of the infraction to the property owner. Accumulated monetary penalties for ongoing infractions shall not exceed five times the total of the annual assessment.” The third amendment affects Article X, Section 4, of the Declaration, which relates to special assessments for capital improvements with the vote of members. It states: “In addition to the annual assessments authorized by Section 3, hereof, the Association may request and levy a special assessment limited in time and specifically for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction or reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of the water system, the sewer system, and the ways of access for vehicles and roads and streets within The Properties, even though the roads and streets may have been dedicated to the public, and

Volume XXXVI, Number 3

also other capital improvements upon or additions to the Common Properties, including the necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto, provided that any such assessment shall have the assent of 51% of the votes of each class of members who are voting in person or by proxy at a meeting duly called for this purpose, written notice of which shall be sent to all members at least thirty (30) days in advance and shall set forth the purpose of the meeting, duration of the special assessment, and the specifics of the project.” This amendment takes effect Aug. 1, 2013. The Property Owners’ Association Declaration is available in its entirety at

The 2012-13 Property Owners’ Association Board of Directors (front, left to right): Director Bobbie Bateman, President Jerry Kosoglow, Vice President Jim Owens, (back, left to right): Chief Financial Officer Don Yucuis, Director John Clooney, Director Keith Keck, Director Tom Bryant, Director Frank Leeming and General Manager Scott Randall.

Fall 2012

PERIODICAL POSTAGE 019-874 AT HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS - Additional Entry at Little Rock, Arkansas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the POA Advocate, 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The Property Owners’ Association Advocate is published quarterly, four times a year, by the Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association (POA), 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909. The POA assesses its members $432 a year, $1 of which covers the annual subscription price. The publication is distributed to 22,357 members of the POA. Periodical postage #019-847 from Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012

Around the Board Table Board Holds Working Retreat in May THE PROPERTY OWNERS’ Association Board of Directors held a threeday retreat Monday, May 14 – Wednesday, May 16. Retreat discussions centered on topics including board meetings, review of the Communication Plan, POA finances, the 20 year Capital Improvement and Maintenance Plan, alternative governance, the land use plan and Check out the latest news on the merger between Mercy (St. Joseph’s) Healthcare System and National Park Medical Center online. Go to Click on the Local Hospital Merger Link button on the right side of the page.

KOSOGLOW continued from page 3

development standards, the next steps for the Architectural Control Committee, various committee presentations, improving visitor access, security and

organizational issues. Ideas, discussions and practices discussed at the retreat will be brought to the table over the next several months.

Committee Spotlight

ACC Preserves HSV Character, Appearance THE PURPOSE OF THE Architectural Control Committee is to preserve the character, appearance and use of Hot Springs Village for the health and welfare of property owners. The committee evaluates residential and commercial construction or alterations in regard to nature, kind, shape, height, materials, location and harmony of external design with surroundings and topography. The ACC meets twice a month at the POA Administration Building - ACC Members - left to right: Bruce Haywood, Bobbie Bateman (POA Board Liaison), George Parker, Bill Roe, Buddy Dixon. Not pictured: Bob Kostelecky, Chairman.

can still respect each other and be civil. I admit it frustrates me when opinions are formed or spread using the wrong information. One suggestion I want to leave you with, if an action or idea the Board, or the POA is considering sounds really crazy, contact the Board members, or the General Manager. Our emails are on the hsvpoa. org website (mine is at the top of the page). Someone will get back to you, hopefully with an explanation you can understand, even if you can’t agree with it. I respect your opinions, and I know the other decision-makers do as well. We have all worked hard the last two years to make Hot Springs Village a better place. It is financially stronger and we are working on the right things. I think it’s getting better everyday, and I love living here!

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012


Visitor Center Visitor Center Opens in Hot Springs Village THE PROPERTY OWNERS’ Association is pleased to announce the opening of the new Visitor Center, located at 121 Cordoba Center, Ste 300, Sept. 7 at 10:30 a.m. The event, which includes a ribbon cutting ceremony, is open to the public to tour the facility and enjoy refreshments. Tours are available from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The Visitor Center was developed as part of the POA’s Marketing Plan, with the Chamber of Commerce (COC) and Board of Realtors (BOR) subleasing space and working alongside the POA as partners in the effort to better meet the needs of those who visit Hot Springs Village. The Chamber will manWorkers measure sheet rock for age the Center’s day-to-day installation at the Visitor Center. operations, utilizing numerous Hot Springs Village volunteers, as part of their service agreement with the POA. The Board of Realtors will assist the Chamber to staff the Visitor Center and provide guest Village tours. Combined, the team effort between the POA, COC and BOR will permit the Center to be open seven days a week and provide service to all HSV visitors. The Grand Opening will be followed by a two-day Real Estate Open House Weekend (September 8 and 9 – 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.):


Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012

You are cordially invited to the

Visitor Center Grand Opening

Where: 121 Cordoba Center, Ste. 300 When: September 7, 2012 Time: 10:30 a.m. Tour the new Center and enjoy refreshments from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association Property Owners Survey We value your input. The information from this short survey is strictly confidential and will ONLY be used under the direction of your Board of Directors. Please complete this survey online at or mail the questionnaire to Property Owners Survey, 895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909.

Section 1: Customer Service 1.

How long have you been a Property Owner?  1-5 years  6-10 years 


Are you a:  Resident


If you are a Non-Resident, do you plan to move to Hot Springs Village?  Yes  No If no, why not?


11-15 years

16-20 years

20+ years


If yes, when do you plan to move?  1-3 years  4-5 years

6+ years

If you are a Non-Resident, how often do you visit Hot Springs Village?  one or more times a year  every 2-5 years  rarely If never, why not?



How often do you use the following amenities? a. Coronado Fitness Center  Daily  Weekly  Monthly

Less Frequently 


b. DeSoto Pool  Daily



Less Frequently 


c. Golf Courses  Daily



Less Frequently 



How often do you attend events at the Woodlands Auditorium?  Often  Occasionally  Never


How often do you use the Hot Springs Village trails?  Daily  Weekly  Monthly

Less Frequently 



Please rate the service you have received from the following POA Departments:

a. POA Administration/Accounting Department:  Outstanding  Good  Fair

Needs Improvement


b. POA Golf Department:  Outstanding  Good


Needs Improvement


c. POA Planning & Inspections Department:  Outstanding  Good  Fair

Needs Improvement


d. POA Public Safety Department:  Outstanding  Good 


Needs Improvement


e. POA Public Works Department:  Outstanding  Good 


Needs Improvement


f. POA Recreation Department:  Outstanding  Good


Needs Improvement


Turn over to complete survey

Property Owners Survey Page 2 Section 2: Communications 9.

What are your main sources of information about POA events, activities, programs? (Check all that apply)  Advocate  Neighbors/Friends  Newspaper (Village Voice, Sentinel)  Digital Message Boards  Public Meetings  POA Website (  Eblasts  Flyers  Radio

10. How do you rate the quality of the information that you receive?  Excellent  Good  Fair  Poor 11.

How would you prefer to receive information?  Advocate  Text Message  Digital Message Boards  Public Meetings  Eblasts  Neighbors/Friends

  

Social Networking Websites Newspaper (Village Voice, Sentinel) POA Website (

12. How well do you feel the POA communicates important information to property owners?  Excellent  Good  Fair  Poor 13 . Do you have access to the Internet?  Yes  No 14. How often do you visit the POA website (  Daily  Weekly  Monthly

Less Frequently 


15. Do you find the POA Website easy to navigate?  Yes  No 16. Does the POA Website provide information that is beneficial to you?  Yes  No 17. Have you used the online bill pay system feature to pay utilities or POA dues?  Yes  No 18. Do you receive email blast updates from the Property Owners’ Association?  Yes  No If no, please provide your email address to subscribe: 19. Do you read the Advocate?  Yes  No 20. Would you read the Advocate online?  Yes  No 21. Would you subscribe to a free monthly e-newsletter from the POA?  Yes  No 22. Do you use any of the following social media websites?  Facebook  Twitter  None 23.

On a scale of 1 (excellent) - 10 (poor), what is your overall level of satisfaction with the POA?___________

24. Would you recommend Hot Springs Village to others?  Yes  No If no, why not? 25. Do you feel Hot Springs Village is a value?  Yes  No If no, why not? 26.

Comments: Thank you for completing this survey.

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A Message to Property Owners

Scott Randall  General Manager HSV Property Owners’ Association 

Marketing Investment Reaping Huge Rewards AS HAS BEEN previously reported, the POA initiated an aggressive marketing program over the past two years; first in partnership with the Hot Springs Village Chamber of Commerce; and late last year, hiring our own in-house staff. In 2012, we committed more than $400,000 to this new, but important, task. As we approach our first anniversary, and consider whether to continue such an investment, it is timely to report on what “return” the Village has received from this investment. From my perspective, the results have been extraordinarily positive –based upon every economic indicator. Some of these include: • New housing starts are up 14 percent; and this does not include the 75 senior living units within the Mt. Carmel Assisted Living Facility. • Existing home sales are up six percent. • Lot transfers are up 203 percent. • Rounds of golf have been up every month; and cumulatively by more than 18,600 (or 13.5 percent) for the year. In addition to these economic indicators, we are initiating more contacts, hosting more visitors and guests and ion

Associat Property Owners’


Volume 36, No. 3 e, Arkansas Hot Springs Villag

Fall 2012 501-922-5556

Owners’ Association s Village Property of the Hot Spring Official Publication

Visitor Center Hot Springs Village See story page 6

Signs J. Botkin and Seiz Photo by Daniel www.hsvjointhef


reaching more prospective investors and residents than ever before. On to another topic, the Village continues to pursue innovative ways in which to communicate with our property owners. One of these changes is the introduction of an electronic or “E-Newsletter.” I encourage each of you to visit the POA’s website,, to see how the most recent issue of the “Advocate” looks in an electronic format. Soon, it is my hope that all future issues of the “Advocate” will be distributed electronically, rather than the expensive, hard copy magazine format which has traditionally been distributed by mail.

Coffee with General Manager Scott Randall Upcoming Coffees September 7 - DeSoto Club Event Center October 5 - Ponce de Leon Center November 9 - Coronado Community Center December 7 - DeSoto Club Event Center Coffees begin at 9 a.m. For more information, call 501-922-5530.

Advocate Going Digital Coffees begin at 9 a.m.

For of more information, 501-922-5530. THE FALL EDITION the Ad- callSign up today for the digital Advocate is online at vocate at Click on Click on the Property Owners’ Asso- E-Communications Sign-Up on the ciation Advocate link at the bottom right side of the page. Fill in the form of the home page. Be sure to check and check the box for E-Newsletter/ out the new format, which allows Advocate. advertisements and other articles to In addition, the POA will publish link directly to websites. E-Newsletters in between quarterly The Property Owners’ Association Advocate issues to keep property will publish future issues of the Ad- owners better informed about imvocate online. It will not be mailed portant Hot Springs Village news to all property owners. and updates.

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012

Money Matters

Hot Springs Village Financial News THE FOLLOWING is the seven month finance report for the month ending July 2012. Year-to-date revenue totaling $17 million is 61% of budget and expenses totaling $15.5 million are 55% of budget. REVENUE Year-to-date assessment revenue is $6.93 million, net of $1.72 million in uncollected assessments and 60% of budget. The POA added a collections specialist to assist in the collection of


delinquent assessments prior to sending to a collection agency. Establishing a systematic delinquent notification process and adding in an interest and

penalty amount have aided revenue collections. By department, year-to-date golf See FINANCIALS page 13

2013 Budget Parameters THE PROPERTY OWNERS Association Board of Directors approved budget parameters for the preparation of the 2013 budget. These include maintaining a minimum $2.0 million unrestricted cash balance and a

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012

minimum of $6.0 million total cash balance, no deficit spending, using the CPI-U/Southern Region as a guide for inflation and including the first year of the 20-Year Capital Improvement and Maintenance Plan in FY 2013.

Money Matters Delinquent Assessment Penalties, Interest Set THE PROPERTY OWNERS’ Association imposes the following penalties and interest charges on delinquent assessments in arrears for more than 60 days: interest of 6 percent per year, applicable immediately upon delinquency and calculated monthly; and a penalty of $5.00 per month administrative fee, in addition to all accrued interest on all accounts in arrears more than 60 days, with the basis for

this cost being the increased expenses incurred by the POA for billing and collection. For property owners who owe a large balance, the charge is 6 percent interest as well as a $5.00-a-month charge on the unpaid balance. Pay assessments and utility bills online at, click on Pay Assessment/Utilities.

POA Website Redesign Coming Soon THE PROPERTY OWNERS’ Association website, www., is getting a face lift. Through the efforts of Exit Marketing and the work of the POA staff, the website is currently undergoing an overhaul. The new design of the website will incorporate the

themes the Marketing Department has already put into place for Hot Springs Village while streamlining the site and making important information more accessible. Look for the new site to be up and running in the coming months.

2013 Budget Process POA DEPARTMENT Directors submitted budget requests for internal review beginning the third week of July. A recommended budget was distributed to the Board of Directors in early August and public meetings will be scheduled for budget review. Final adoption is scheduled for the Oct. 17 Board meeting.


continued from page 12

revenue is $4.71 million, 73% of budget and 8% more than last year due to more rounds; public works revenue (water, sewer, sanitation) is $3.36 million and 50% of budget; recreation revenue is $772,000 or 65% of budget and all other revenue is $1.27 million or 74% of budget. EXPENSES By department, year-to-date golf expense is $5.21 million or 62% of budget; public safety expense is $2.28 million or 57% of budget; recreation expense is $1.36 million or 54% of budget; and public works expense is $3.33 million or 37% of budget, $2 million of the $9.1 million public works budget is for water plant expansion and approximately $1.5 million will be deferred until 2013. POA monthly financial reports and current 2012 budget can be accessed at | about us | financials.

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012


Golf News Magellan Greens Conversion Complete Golf Week 2012 Oct. 14-20 Schedule of Events

THE MAGELLAN GOLF COURSE conversion to dwarf bermuda greens has been completed. The course, which closed June 3, reopened for play Aug. 30. Champion Turf Farms of Bay City, Texas, completed the conversion. The Property Owners’ Association Golf Department anticipates an investment return in 2 to 3 years and a savings of $20,000 per year in chemical applications and reduced labor.

Golf Update YEAR-TO-DATE golf rounds through July are 191,892 compared to 163,797 at this time last year. That’s a 15 percent increase in spite of Magellan Golf Course being closed in June and July. Henry Falgout has been hired as the new golf superintendent at DeSoto Golf Course.

Sunday, Oct. 14 – Par 3 Kickoff Tournament at Coronado. Men and Women’s divisions. Monday, Oct. 15 – Tuesday, Oct. 16 – MGA Men’s Club Championship at Ponce de Leon and Cortez. Wednesday, Oct. 17 – Celebration of the 9 millionth golfer to play in Hot Springs Village and the Magellan reopening. Come play golf on the new greens at Magellan! Special prizes and events! Thursday, Oct. 18 – Ladies Golf Tournament and Golf Clinic (prior to play) at Magellan. Women Best Ball, pick your own partner. Friday – Oct. 19 – Men’s Golf Tournament at DeSoto. Two-Man Best Ball; pick your own partner. Saturday, Oct. 20 – Couples Golf Tournament at Granada – two-person scramble. Please see for more details.

Scholtz Takes Top Honors CHRIS SCHOLTZ, of Deer Park, Texas, took top honors as the 2012 Champion for this year’s Junior Golf Program, with a 36-hole score of 132. Second place went to Chase Thornton, with a 36-hole score of 133. This year, 268 juniors participated in the program, which was held from June 6 to July 26. The program culminated in a tournament July 25-26, followed by an awards picnic. At the awards picnic, trophies were awarded to flight winners in 15 flights. First place winners in each flight also received a Hot Springs Village Junior Golf logo putter or a logo wedge.

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012


Public Works Heat, Drought Contribute to Water Conservation IT’S BEEN A LONG, hot summer with record-breaking temperatures and extreme drought conditions. Water consumption has been a key issue in Hot Springs Village for much of the summer, with average consumption rising to 3.44 million gallons per day in June and 3.49 million in July. With no rain, the Property Owners’ Association Public Works Department anticipates water consumption to continue to rise to as much as 3.50 million in August and 3.60 million in September. The Water Treatment Plant has the capacity to treat only 4 million gallons of water per day. The Property Owners’ Association reinstated water restrictions in June. These restrictions include: (1) odd/even – with odd numbered properties watering on odd calendar days and even numbered properties

Public Works Updates ROAD PAVING: The First Phase of the 2012 Road Paving Program has been completed with a total of 21.14 miles of road (6.37 miles of major roads and 15.04 miles of neighborhood roads) paved in June and July. Several repairs were made and pavement markings were added in August. MOWING: Due to extreme drought conditions, Public Works temporarily halted its mowing program in August. STORM CLEANUP: Crews completed clean up of storm debris in Zone 3 during the first week of August. The crews will spend the remainder of the year cleaning storm damage in Zone 4, which is between Balboa Road and Lake Balboa.



814 Higdon Ferry Road Hot Springs, AR 71913


501-624-1238 Fax 501-624-6849 Toll Free 866-221-5422

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012

watering on even numbered days; and (2) landscape irrigation during non-daylight hours only. On June 28, a water main break led to the loss of more than 1 million gallons of water. Water supply levels became dangerously low and General Manager Scott Randall banned all outdoor water use and limited indoor water use until the break was repaired and tank levels were restored on June 30. Plans are underway to expand the Water Treatment Plant allowing 6 million gallons of water to be treated daily. Expansion plans have been submitted to the Arkansas Department of Health. When approval is received, an engineering firm will solicit bids and plans are to award a contract in November following board approval in October. The new plant should be completed in 2014.

Public Safety

Chief Cornett To Retire in November LAROY CORNETT, the Property Owners’ Association Director of Public Safety, announced his plan to retire effective Nov. 9. Cornett, who served in Hot Springs Village for 18 and a half years, began his law enforcement career with the Pasadena, Texas, Cornett Police Department. He was appointed as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigations,

Village Employees Benefit Fund Show Your Appreciation: The Village Employees Benefit Fund provides

property owners with an opportunity to show appreciation by providing gift certificates to POA employees. The fund also provides financial assistance to employees in need. Please mail your contributions to: Village Employees Benefit Fund, P.O. Box 8503, Hot Springs Village, AR 71910.

where he served from 1968-1994, when he was appointed to his HSV post. A native of Houston, Texas, Cornett and his wife, Beverly, have one daughter, two sons, four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. The POA Department of Human Resources is currently developing a recruiting notice that will be distributed nationally. For more information, call 501-922-5570.

Ouachita Speaker Series featuring Curtis W. Coleman,

Chairman, Institute for Constitutional Policy

Sept 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 8 Ponce de Leon Center For tickets, go to

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012


Fall Fun Plan Your Fall Getaway to Central Arkansas HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE is not just your place to call home, it’s also a great base to explore all the fun in Central Arkansas. Hot Springs Just a stone’s throw away from the Village, Hot Springs is the perfect Arkansas vacation destination. Tour and shop in the historic downtown, visit Experience the thermal waters on Bathhouse the Magic Springs and Crystal Falls Row in Hot Springs. Theme and Water Park and/or dig for treasures in the nearby quartz mine. Springs’ three “Diamond Lakes,” each Explore the interactive wonder of offer a variety of activities to enjoy. the Mid-America Science Museum, Lake Ouachita, the largest manwitness the natural beauty at Garvan made lake in Arkansas, is surrounded Woodland Gardens and/or take in Hot by the Ouachita National Forest and Springs National Park’s amazing views provides recreation for thousands of from the Mountain Tower. visitors each year, while still offering Downtown Hot Springs seclusion. historic district offers oneLake Hamilton affords For more information, of-a-kind boutiques, art equal opportunities for galleries and antique shops, check out these websites: both fishermen and ational visitors. The lake is eclectic dining, spas, salons and the famous Bath- largely residential and tures a number of condos, house Row, along with historic buildings like the old homes, resorts and campSouthern Club, once a popular mob/ sites. The 250-passenger riverboat, gambling hangout, now a unique wax Belle of Hot Springs, also operates on museum, as well as the oldest bar in Lake Hamilton. Arkansas, the Ohio Club. Lake Catherine is definitely best Be sure to take a dip in the 143-deknown for fishing, offering ample gree thermal waters of Hot Springs, opportunity to land the “big one” which are known not only for beauty – whether fishing for bass, crappie, but also medicinal value. walleye, bream, or even rainbow trout. The healing waters are pumped into Surrounding the lake is the beautiful several downtown hotels and spas, as scenery of the Ouachita Mountains well as city fountains, drawing thouand Lake Catherine State Park, perfect sands of visitors each year who seek its for hiking and camping. healing power. With clean, clear water, surrounded Little Rock by mountain ranges and forests, Hot Little Rock offers a variety of mu-


Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012

seums and cultural attractions and is home to the Clinton Presidential Library, Little Rock Central High School – known nationally for the school’s civil rights battle in 1957 – as well as three state capitol buildings still in operation including the Old State House, oldest state capitol west of the Mississippi River. The city is rich in military and cultural history. Be sure to check out landmarks such as the MacArthur Museum of Arkansas Military History, the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial and the USS Razorback Submarine. Other museums and institutes include the Arkansas Arts Center, Arkansas Korean War Veterans Memorial, Arkansas Studies Institute, Emoba: Ernie’s Museum of Black Arkansas. Pick up seasonal produce or shop for a local treasure at the Arkansas River Market, which is also home to several excellent restaurants. Cultivate a sense of wonder at the Museum of Discovery – recent renovations have transformed Little Rock’s oldest museum into Central Arkansas’

See FALL FUN page 19

Witness the colors of fall at Pinnacle Mountain State Park, just outside of Little Rock.

Marketing Update

‘Share the Fun’ in Hot Springs Village THE POA MARKETING Department is pleased to report home and membership sales are up compared to last year and visitors are Joining the Fun in HSV! POA State Weeks The Marketing Department encourages you to ‘Share the Fun’ and invite your friends and relatives into the Village to play during POA State Weeks. Visitors playing in Hot Springs Village during their state’s week will enjoy all of our amazing POA amenities at resident rates. Guests must show a state ID card to obtain this visitor special. To find out more, type this URL into your internet browser: http:// to download the State Week flyer. As a token of appreciation, Property Owners will receive one round of golf FREE, in 2012, for bringing in a visiting guest. Residents sign in at any HSV POA Golf Pro Shop with your visitor and we will mail you a golf coupon. Please schedule your visitor guest play round by calling 501-922-2858 or emailing The Texas State Week was such a success with over 100 visitors, we added an extra Texas week this year - Nov. 4-10 - after all, Don’t Mess with Texas!


continued from page 18 premiere math, science and technology center. Step back in time at the Old State House Museum, the Historic Arkansas Museum, Scott Plantation Settlement, the Quapaw Quarter Historic Homes

Upcoming Events 2012

Sept. 7: Visitor Center Grand Opening Sept. 8-9: Real Estate Open House Oct. 14-20: Golf Week


Feb. 6: Cirque Ziva, Woodlands March 7: Ballet Ark., Woodlands May 18: TRI-the-Village Sprint Triathlon June 22: Motorcycle & Scooter Show Nov. 2-3: HSV “Zombie Run” and Trail Photo by Renee Steinpreis Tour Upcoming State Weeks • September - Sept. 2-8: Minnesota; Sept. 9-15: Missouri; Sept. 16-22: Arkansas; Sept. 23-29: Iowa • October - Sept. 30-Oct. 6: California; Oct. 7-13: New York; Oct. 14-20: Wisconsin; Oct. 21-27: Michigan • November - Oct. 28-Nov. 3: Oklahoma; Nov. 4-10: Tennessee; Nov. 4-10: Texas; Nov. 11-17: Illinois; Nov. 18-24: Hawaii

• December - Nov. 25-Dec. 1: Puerto Rico; Dec. 2-8: Pennsylvania; Dec. 9-15: Arizona; Dec. 16-22: Alaska; Dec. 18-29, Wash., D.C.

district and the Historic Arkansas Museum, the state’s oldest neighborhood, where medicine came from the herb garden and the newspaper was printed on a hand-operated press. Explore the great outdoors at Pinnacle Mountain State Park, walk or bike

across the Arkansas River on the Big Dam Bridge or get in touch with your wild side at the Little Rock Zoo. From history to the great outdoors, Little Rock and Central Arkansas offer great things to do ... just down the road from Hot Springs Village.

Marketing Videos A special thanks to Renee Steinpreis and Larry Wilson for producing great Marketing Videos! Type this URL into your internet browser to view the videos:

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012


Planning and Inspections New HSV Construction

Construction on the Mt. Carmel Retirement Community continues with plans to install insulation and sheet rock in August. Units include studio apartments, deluxe apartments and memory care facilities. The facility is slated for completion by December 2013. Pictured: Foreman Rick Mooney, left, and Travis Payne.

Framing is almost finished on the Re/MAX Building #1, which is scheduled for completion in April 2013. The next phase will include enclosing the building’s exterior. The 5,000-square-foot strip retail facility is located behind the current Re/MAX building on Ponce de Leon Dr.

PHASE IX FOREST MANAGEMENT: The Property Owners’ Association Forest Management Plan is currently 40 percent completed. The POA Board of Directors approved a bid from Cosbys Custom Logging and Tree Service for this phase. The expected net revenue for Phase IX is approximately $92,000.

The POA Administration Building was recently renovated, providing a more comfortable lobby for property owners and updating the building’s exterior.


Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012

Recreation Hot Springs Village Offers “Right” Event Venues THERE’S NO REASON to hold events outside the Village when POA facilities are designed to meet your needs. From outdoor events to weddings, dances, holiday parties and even the prom, HSV facilities are available to meet your facility rental needs. Enjoy the natural beauty of HSV lakes by reserving one of two OUTCouples dance under the Porte Cochere at the DOOR PAVILIONS. Balboa PaPonce de Leon Center. vilion, located on Lake Balboa, and special occasion. With seating capacity Cortez Pavilion, on Lake Cortez, offer of up to 250, it is the perfect place to amazing outdoor views and access to host weddings, banquets, garden parlake activities with the convenience of ties, dinners or more formal events. Customers can choose charcoal grills, rest rooms For information and pricing, from individual dining and picnic tables. please call rooms or the entire facilHSV’s newest rental fa501-922-5050 or email ity. cility offers the convenience Host your upcomof a pavilion without the ing meetings or speweather worries. The newly updated DESOTO RECREATION cial events, both large and small, at INDOOR PAVILION is located at the CORONADO COMMUNITY the DeSoto Recreation Area. Complete with a kitchen featuring a microwave, sink and refrigerator, the Pavilion is a unique place to hold parties, reunions, dances, and more. It has the added convenience of being close to DeSoto Pool and other outdoor amenities. From casual to elegant, the DESOTO CLUB EVENT CENTER, overlooking the DeSoto Golf Course, provides the perfect destination for your Coronado Community Center decked out for the Fountain Lake All-Class Reunion Prom.

CENTER. The Center offers a comfortable space for just a few or a whole lot more. The auditorium, with stage, lighting and sound, is a great place for large events, including weddings, anniversaries, dances, proms, card parties, and dinners. The Center also has meeting rooms that accommodate small and medium events including meetings, dinners, seminars, classes and more. With a unique combination of indoor and outdoor space, the PONCE DE LEON CENTER, located in the heart of HSV, is a great event destination. Wine tastings, art shows, weddings, dinners, ice cream socials, meetings, seminars, and classes are all just across from HSV’s performing arts center, Woodlands Auditorium. It’s never too early to begin planning your special event, so make the “right” choice – choose an HSV facility today.

We believe in compassionate care. We believe in industry-leading excellence. And we believe there’s no place like home for healing. Maybe that’s why so many patients and physicians turn to us every day for skilled nursing, rehabilitation and therapy services. For more information, call 501-984-5034 or visit Gentiva accepts patients for care regardless of age, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, being a qualified disabled veteran, being a qualified disabled veteran of the Vietnam era, or any other category protected by law, or decisions regarding advance directives. © 2012 Gentiva Health Services, Inc. 2972

Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012


Recreation Board Approves New Woodlands Sound System THE PROPERTY OWNERS’ Association Board of Directors approved a bid of $179,726.42 from Texarkana Pro Sound to purchase and install new audio equipment to replace the current sound system at the Ponce de Leon Center’s Woodlands Auditorium. The new equipment provides a state-of-the-art sound system that will meet the needs and requirements of the facility while providing an opportunity

Upcoming Events

To purchase tickets, go to or call 501-922-4231.

CIRQUE ZIVA Feb. 6, 2013 Woodlands Auditorium Ballet Arkansas Beyond Category March 7, 2013 Woodlands Auditorium

Photo by Renee Steinpreis

Contact Us Main Number General Manager Golf Marketing Planning & Inspections Public Safety Public Works Recreation Visitor Center

501-922-5556 501-922-5530 501-922-2858 501-922-5561 501-922-5562 501-922-0011 501-922-5524 501-922-0322 866-984-9963 Emergency: 911

895 DeSoto Blvd., Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 


Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012

to host world-class performances. Installation will be completed in time for the upcoming Mickey Gilley performances, scheduled for Sept. 8.

Community Calendar September

Mickey Gilley Sept. 8

3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets $25

3 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8-9 11 13

Labor Day POA Board Work Session, Ponce Blood Drive, Ponce Coffee with GM, DeSoto Visitor Center Grand Opening Evening Lions Bingo, CCC Country Two Steppers Dance, CCC Mickey Gilley, Woodlands Real Estate Open House Candidates Forum, Ponce Ouachita Speakers Series, Woodlands

15 15 15 16-17 18 19 21 22 25 25-28 27-29

POA Board Meet and Greet, CCC Crystal Chimes Show, Woodlands

Village Merry Mixers/Village Big Band, CCC

A Christmas Carol Auditions Candidates Forum, CCC POA Board Regular Meeting, Ponce Evening Lions Bingo, Ponce Arkansas Women’s Retreat, CCC Blood Drive, CCC Dallas Brass, Woodlands HSV Players - “Stoops,” CCC

October 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 9 11 11 12 13 14-20

16-19 17 19 20 20 21 23 24 25 25 27 27 30

POA Board Work Session, Ponce AWL “Dancing with the Stars,” CCC Coffee with GM, Ponce Evening Lions Bingo, CCC Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC Harmony of Home Tour, Ponce AWL Blessing of the Animals, Woodlands VFW Women’s Auxiliary Card Party, CCC Ouachita Speaker Series, Ponce Evening of Patsy Cline, CCC Country Two Steppers Dance, CCC Kiwanis Bratfest, CCC Golf Week

Almost Elton John, Woodlands POA Board Regular Meeting, Ponce Evening Lions Bingo, CCC Evening Lions Pancake Days, CCC Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC Hot Springs Concert Band, Woodlands Blood Drive, CCC Health Fair, CCC Newcomers’ Coffee, Ponce HSV Symphony Guild - Cabaret, CCC Children’s Halloween Carnival, Ponce Greater Kiwanis Club Spaghetti Days, CCC Beboppers 50’s/60’s Dance, CCC

November 2 2 3 3 7 8 9 10

Evening Lions Club Bingo, CCC Village Bible Church Speaker, Woodlands Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC Brush Strokes Galleria, CCC POA Board Work Session, Ponce Ouachita Speaker Series, Ponce Coffee with GM, CCC Country Two Steppers Dance, CCC

10 11 13-16 17 17 20 21 24

Heifer International Fund Raiser, CCC Veterans’ Day Celebration, Woodlands Sandy Hackett’s Rat Pack Show, Woodlands Fall Crafts Fair, CCC Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC Blood Drive, CCC POA Board Regular Meeting, Ponce Colt and the Old 45s, Woodlands


1 1 3 3 5 6 7 7 7-9 8

Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC HSV Symphony Guild Christmas Concert, Woodlands Crystal Chimes Concert, CCC Cedar Mountain Singers, Woodlands POA Board Work Session, Ponce Newcomers’ Coffee, Ponce Coffee with GM, DeSoto Evening Lions Bingo, CCC A Christmas Carol, Woodlands Country Two Steppers Dance, CCC

11 13 14 15 16 18 19 27 31

Colt & The Old 45’s Nov. 24 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $20

Village Chorale, Woodlands Hot Springs Concert Band, Woodlands Beboppers Dance, CCC Village Merry Mixers Dance, CCC Village Chorale - Messiah, Woodlands Blood Drive, CCC POA Board Regular Meeting, Ponce Blood Drive, Ponce Village Merry Mixers New Year’s Eve Dance, CCC

CCC-Coronado Community Center  Woodlands - Woodlands Auditorium  Ponce - Ponce de Leon Center  DeSoto - DeSoto Club Event Center Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association - Fall 2012


Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association 895 DeSoto Boulevard Hot Springs Village, AR 71909


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