2012 Bi-Stone Business Connections The ultimate business directory for the Bi-Stone area.
Y o u r Ar ea T r uc k L ea de r
Beene Motor Sales
Where More People Buy & Save! 1100 E. Milam (Hwy 84 East) • Mexia (254) 562-2846 or TOLL FREE 1-866-377-1831
Advertiser Index A/C & Heating Alliance AirPro Services, LLC Goodman’s AC Serna Services Wortham Air Conditioning Auctions Kennedy Auction Automotive Allen Samuels Beene Motor Sales Performance Ford Automotive Repair C& J Auto Day Boys Pet Shop Performance Ford Banking Incommons Farmers State Bank Building Supplies Bi-Stone Building Supply Carpet Carpet Country
Cellular Cellular One Child Care Aunt Rosie’s Day Care Church First United Methodist Church Clothing-Retail Peek in the Attic Communications Northland Communications Computer Sandy’s Computer Services Construction Company 5-H Construction Counseling NHS Lifestyle Development Convenience Store Mini Stop Credit Union Centex Citizens Credit Union Dentist
3 Cholopisa General Dentistry Donuts Wortham Donut Shop Feed Store Tractor Supply Florist Ingram’s Florist The Flower House Fitness Adrenaline Fitness Funeral Homes Griffin Roughton Funeral Home Porter Funeral Home Furniture Longbotham Furniture Groceries H-E-B Hardware Jackson’s True Value Hearing Aides Beltone Historic Sites
Confederate Reunion Grounds Fort Parker Hospital Parkview Regional Hospital Hotels Best Western Fort Parker Motel Hunting F.E. Hill Ranch Insurance Teague Insurance Agency Lawn Care Lindsey and Sons Landscape MC Landscape Trees Tri-County Irrigation Loans Security Finance Zip Cash Newspapers La Cara The Fairfield Recorder
The Mexia News Nursing & Rehabilitation Mexia LTC Wortham Rehab Nightclubs The Falcon Club Office Supply Flatt Stationers Oil & Gas Brown Oil and Gas Outdoor Decor Barbara’s Emporium Pest Control Mexia Pest Control Pets Lena’s Groom &Board Resort Propane-Gas Propane Energy Co. Restaurants Frankie’s Pasta & Pizza Mexicano Grille Snack Shack
Sonic Subway Retail Sears Signs Black Hawk Signs George Fitch Signs Tank Manufacturer Lide Industries Tanning Hot Spot Tanning Tires Alan’s Tires H&L Tire Title Company First Title Tobacco Andy’s Drive Thru Vending Breaktime Solutions Water Aqua Bella Water Systems Western Wear Rusty’s Boots
Since 2004
Aqua Bella Water Systems is committed to improving the health of your family by improving the quality of your water. Aqua Bella Water Systems offer: •Chemical Free Iron/Sulfur Removal Systems •Efficient Water Softeners for Hard Water •Reverse Osmosis/Drinking Water Systems •Carbon Filters for Taste and
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We offer full service rental plans for peace of mind and no service calls. Call today for a free water test and consultation at 903-388-8468 or 877-732-3207. We serve Mexia, Groesbeck, Lake Limestone area, Fairfield, Richland-Chambers and a 50+ mile radius around Mexia. www.aquabellawatersystems.com “We can fix or service most other water systems.”
A/C & Heating
Air Heat Spray Foam
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622 SOUTH 3rd STREET, WORTHAM, TX. 76693 254-765-3203 - WWW.WORTHAMAC.COM License # TACLB016973E
A/C Heating
Automotive Repair
CALL THE PROS! A l l ia n ce A ir P ro S er v ic es , L L C A i r C o nd i t i on g & H ea t i n g HVA C
Justin Robinson Office: (903) 599 - 2835 Cell: (903) 467 - 0085
Farm - Estate Liquidations
- S a l e e v e r y 3 rd S u n d a y i n M a r c h , M a y , J u l y , S e p t . a n d N o v . -
Kennedy Auctions “Serving Central Texas Since 1982”
(903) 388-6796 (254) 562-7100 1000 FM 3119 Mexia, TX 76667 www.kennedyauctions.com Jerry Lee Kennedy Lic #06940
Automotive Repair
C & J Auto
1520 Hwy 171 • Mexia 254-562-5247
Tune-ups A/C
Brakes Radiators
Why come to our dealership for service? •Why come to our dealership for service? •We have genuine expertise when it comes to your vehicle, which means your service or maintenance will be performed promptly, and done right. •We have Genuine Ford and Motorcraft Parts made specifically for your vehicle. •Our technicians are factory trained specialists on Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicles. •We offer competitive prices on everything your vehicle needs.
Bob Gigowski Service Manager
Performance Ford
Visit our website: www.performance-ford.com 1202 West Hwy 84 • Fairfield, Texas (903) 389-4186 TOLL FREE 1-800-256-4186
Day Boys Shop Engine Repair and Rebuilds Auto and Std. Transmission Rebuilds Hyd. Repair Of All Types Field Service On All Makes Of Heavy Equip. Heavy Equipment & Truck Repair P.O. Box 129 1402 W. Hwy 84 Mexia, Texas 76687 Bus. 254-472-0000 Fax 254-472-0888
Building Supplies
When you trust your money to a bank, you want to be sure it's in an account that gives you the most for what you need. Farmers State Bank is proud to offer a variety of accounts to choose from. Whether personal or commercial, we would love the opportunity to assist you in finding the type of account just for you.
604 W. Milam Mexia, Texas 76667 Main: (254) 562-9494 Fax: 254-562-9499
DANA HOWARD (254) 562-7744
FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 203 N. Canton • Mexia, Texas Sundays: Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Worship - 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays: Worship 6:00 p.m. Pastor Rev. Kory Koch
Join us for worship and ministry activities!
Coin Machines/Vending
Breaktime Solutions Vending • Office Coffee • Bottled Water
Ph. (254) 562-5792 • Fax: (254) 562-6629
P.O. Box 1081 • Mexia, TX 76667 breaktimesolutions@sbcglobal.net
Child Care
Aunt Rosie’s Daycare 834 College Ave. Mexia, Texas 254-562-2607 254-562-7380 5:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Rock & Roll Cowgirl & Cowboy Jeans L.A. Idols • Not Your Daughter’s Jeans Miss Me Big Star • Circle E Candles Rock Revival Clothing, Jewelry & Purses Willow Tree Figurines Christian Books, Bibles, etc. Yellow Box Shoes & Boots Grazie Shoes • Corkey Shoes accessories & great gift ideas FREE GIFT WRAPPING
Peek in the Attic Boutique
816 E. Milam, Mexia, TX - 254-472-9600 429 N. Robinson Dr., Robinson, TX • 118 W. Brown St. Ennis, TX
Proudly y ser serving ving ourr community. community y.
We are just a phone call away!
• Computer Repairs • Notary Public • Faxing and Copying • UPS Shipping Center
Sandy’s C o m p u t e r S e r v i c e s Sandy Markwardt - Owner
515 W West est Tyler Tyler er Mexia, TX 76667 7 (254) 562-2872 2 yournorthland.com yournorthland.com m
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www.sandycomputers.com sandycomputers@windstream.net (903) 389-8798 • Fax: (903) 389-8118 601-A West Commerce • Fairfield, Texas 75840
Construction Company
5H Construction, LLC • Dozer FREE ESTIMATES • Welding • Carpentry • Dozer Rates, $60/Hr Jona Heil, (254) 744-1806 www.5hconstruction.com
Convenience Store
A quick stop for great food!
The Mini Stop Grocery Made to order!
3892 Hwy 84 • Mexia, Texas (254)-472-9996
Counseling “
NHS Lifestyle Development”
*Therapon Counseling System™ Faith-Based Christian Counseling Member of the American Association of Christian Counselors.
www.nhstherapon.org Email: mves44@yahoo.com 706 E. Main St. • Mexia, Texas 76667 (254) 472-9093
9 We mean business. Three times a week, every week, we reach more potential customers, more often for your business than any other advertisting medium. Call us now so we can help grow your business together.
The Mexia News
254-562-2868 advertising@themexianews.com
Credit Union
Cholopisa General Dentistry 300 N. Sherman Mexia, Texas 254-562-5347
Robin L. Cholopisa, D.D.S.
The Wortham Donut Shop “made fresh everyday” 5 AM - 1 PM Monday - Saturday 101 S. Hwy 14 • 254-765-3811 Donuts, Kolaches, Sandwiches & Burritos
10 Feed Store
1101 East Milam Street Mexia, TX 76667
phone (254) 562-7501 fax (254) 562-7780
Proudly Serving Freestone & Limestone Counties
Florist ˜ Gifts
Hours: Mon/Fri 9am-5pm ~ Sat. 9am -Noon 740 Hwy 84 West • Teague, Texas
254-739-3002 • 254-739-3204 - Fax Owners: Clay & Christi Jo Kimball
C o m e i n a n d s e e o u r s e l e c ti o n o f f l o w e r s , p l a n t s a n d g i f t s f o r a l l o c ca s i o n s !
Voted Best Fitness Studio & Best Tanning Salon in the 2012 Best of Freestone County Readers Choice Awards.
Zumba, Cardio Kickbox Body Shaping, Body Shaping, Body X
Full Service Tanning Facility Open Seven days a week (903) 389-9770 1500 E. Commerce • Fairfield, Texas
Funeral homes
Ingram Florist & Gifts
Shop: (254) 562-3524 Night: (254) 562-2653 1-800-413-0945
Alan & Andrea Ingram 518 S. McKinney • Mexia
Bringing The News To You Since 1876
75 cents
Thursday, August 9, 2012 voL. 137, Issue 32
Texas Rangers investigate Freestone County jail fund By MICHAEL DILLIN and APRIL WALKER The Fairfield Recorder The Texas Rangers and a retired FBI agent have been called in to investigate why an internal account of the Freestone County Jail was almost $23,000 overdrawn.
County Attorney Chris Martin disclosed the investigation this week in a report to the Freestone County Commissioners’ Court. “It was not a bookkeeping error, it was not a computer error,” Martin said. “We’re looking at it as pos-
sible theft.” Martin said his office was notified of the negative account balance by Community National Bank, the local bank the county uses for its accounts.” He did not say if anyone at the bank was being
investigated, and declined to name names of any potential suspect in the jail division of the Sheriff’s Office. He said Sheriff Ralph Billings had ordered “mandatory cooperation.” The Fairfield Recorder has learned that a number
Thunder and lightning...
money paid when someone arrested posts bond. “For now, we’ve turned over the responsibility for the account to the County Treasurer, Kay Taylor,” he said. Continued on Page 4 See JAIL FUND
Eagles begin football practice for 2012 season
By MICHAEL DILLIN The Fairfield Recorder After more than eight months, the wait is about over. The 2012 football campaign began in earnest at 6 a.m. Monday, as the Fairfield Eagles took to the practice field, readying themselves to defend last year’s undefeated, regular season record of 10-0. “Everyone that we wanted to show up ... did,” said first year Head Coach John Bachtel, who succeed four-year veteran Head Coach Darrell Piske who took the job at Tyler’s Lee High School. “We’re getEagles star running backs Larry Rose (left), aka ting on it the first day. “Our attitude is that we :ightning,” and Andre Welch “Thunder”, hydrate during the first practice of the year at Eagles Field. Even want to be good, (really) in morning, temps quickly reached the 90s. Phoot, bad.” In between the two-aupper right: Assistant Coach Kevin Chase gives day practices, Bachtel instructions to Rose. . Michael Dillin photos pointed to the depth chart on the wall of his office.
Alcohol petitioners near magic number to get on ballot By MICHAEL DILLIN The Fairfield Recorder A group seeking to permit the sale of beer and w
of jail employees are cooperating, but at least one has invoked Fifth Amendment rights not to testify, as well as refusing a request to take a lie detector test. Martin said the funds in question involves internal jail funds, including
turned in every week. To have the question placed on the ballot requires 1,744 valid signat
“It’s a depth chart, but the players know it means nothing unless they show that it does,” Bachtel said. “They know if the guy behind them works harder and produces more, it’ll be their job (at the top of the chart). Fairfield is backed with explosive talent returning from last year -- loaded with explosive talent in the running game. Loaded, as in “Thunder and Lightning,” returning tailbacks Andre Welch and Larry Rose. Bachtel calls a “mauler,” who defensive lines learned last year that he can almost singlehandedly bulldoze them back into their own secondary. Welch was named Class 3A, District 20, Offensive Player of the Year as a junior. He gained 1,200 yards. His brute power will be
complemented by, yes, the lightning like speed of tailback Larry Rose. Rose didn’t play until district play kicked in midway through the season. But he responded with 600 yards in the second half. It leaves one to wonder - not what if -- but when, each will go over the 1,000 yard mark. “Rose is fast, but let me tell you, he hits hard too,” Bachtel said. “Everybody knows we’re a running team (they ran 75-80 percent of the time the past two seasons), and we will run. But we’re going to pass more than in the past. Players on the team did their share of throwing and catching in the offseason, Go to Page 6 See FOOTBALL
Reach the Fairfield and Freestone County market!
The Fairfield Recorder (903) 389-3334
P O RT E R FUNERAL HOME 208 N. Canton • Mexia (254) 562-2887
‘Since 1877’
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Since 1946 our Family has been helping those in their most difficult time with compassion, dignity and respect.
(903) 389-9217 450 East Main Street, Fairfield, Texas 75840 www.griffin-roughton.com
Complete your home with a selection of beautiful furniture by Sunny Designs, Broyhill, Riverside, Lane, Mayo and Ashley.
Longbotham Furniture “Serving Central Texas over 65 Years”
109 W. Navasota • Groesbeck (254) 729-3809 • Mon - Sat 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. www.longbothamfurniture.com
Come see us! 701 E. Milam • Mexia • (254) 562-5305
Area Chamber of Commerce The Magical Middle of America www.mexiachamber.com
“WHERE WE OUT PERFOR We offer superior sales and service for our valued customers. We are committed to serving our friends and customers and look forward to hearing from you.
Visi 1202 Wes
For great service contact: Eric Harwell - GSM Bob Gigowski - Service Manager Les Barham - Parts Manager Bruce Giles - Sales Chuck Knight - Sales Sam Judd - Sales Curtis Smith - Sales
ERFORMANCE FORD Proud recipient of the
Partners in Quality Award
Visit our website: www.performance-ford.com 02 West Hwy 84 • Fairfield, Texas • (903) 389-4186 TOLL FREE: 1-800-256-4186
Party Rental
Equipment Rental
Full line STIHL dealer
4 0 7 E. C o m m erc e S t . • M e x i a • ( 2 5 4 ) 5 6 2 - 3 1 1 2
Hearing Aids
(254) 562-7771 208 E. Rusk St. • Mexia, Texas 76667
Historic Sites
Historic Sites
O l d Fo r t P a r k e r Early Texas Historical Fort on the Brazos Trail!!!
Come visit us and step back in time to recapture the atmosphere of that fateful spring morning in 1836 and learn about the history of the fort and life of Cynthia Ann Parker, as you explore the cabins and climb the block houses. (254) 729-5253
www.oldfortparker.org Open: Wed. - Sun. 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 866 Park Road 35 • Groesbeck, Texas (Between Groesbeck and Mexia) Adults 12 & Over - $12 • Children 6-11 - $1 • 5 and Under - FREE Park passes do not apply!
Hunt F. E. Hill Ranch!
254-562-0200 1314 E. Milam St., Mexia, Texas 76667 BUNGALOWS AVAILABLE Refrigerators • Mirowaves • TV with Cable • Coffee Makers Fax Machines for Business Travelers • Wi-Fi Across the street from Fort Parker State Park
Fort Parker Motel
(254) 562-2066 3126 N. Highway 14 • Mexia, Texas
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Independent Insurance Agent Susan Rawls, owner; Kristi Harris, Agent • Auto • ATV • Home • Commercial • RV • Watercraft • Farm & Ranch • Renters • Mobile Home • Motorcycle
Multi - Policy Discount • Allstate • Progressive • State Auto 3 1 8 M a i n , Te a g u e ( 25 4 ) 7 39 - 26 5 2
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$200.00 to $1,258.00* Telephone applications welcome. Low Monthly Payments! Tax Preparation! Apply By Phone! It’s Easy & It’s Fast! 203 E Milam St Mexia TX 76667 (254) 562-3933
Meredith Lindsey
LI-7914 Fairfield, Texas • (903) 388-4318 • (903) 389-4725 mblindsey49@yahoo.com • www.Lindseyandsonlandscape.com
Fruit Trees Direct Farm Prices Pear, Apple, Peach, Nectarine, Plum Fig, Grape and Blueberry Larger Oak Trees and Crepe Myrtles Available
MC LANDSCAPE TREES Located at Big Cedar County Club Teague, Texas • (254) 739-3775
Let us create breathtaking landscapes to compliment your home... Sprinkler Systems Residential or Commercial Installed or Repaired Parts and Service -Hydromulching -
Tri-County Irrigation David Beil • License #8139 & BP949 (254) 562-6317 • Cell: (254) 625-1891
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*All loans are subject to our liberal credit policy and credit limitations, if any, and require verifiable ability to repay.
$15 per $100 on Title Loans Pay Day Advances Call for details Ask for Wendy or Cathy 254-472-0473
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Reach th e H i sp a ni c Market w i th L a Car a, Bi - S to ne' s S p ani s h Lang u age Pu bl i cati o n!
We mean business.
Serving Fairfield and Freestone County since 1876 Bringing The News To You Since 1876
75 cents
Three times a week, every week, we reach more potential customers, more often for your business than any other advertisting medium. Call us now so we can help grow your business together.
Thursday, August 9, 2012 voL. 137, Issue 32
Texas Rangers investigate Freestone County jail fund
By MICHAEL DILLIN and APRIL WALKER The Fairfield Recorder The Texas Rangers and a retired FBI agent have been called in to investigate why an internal account of the Freestone County Jail was almost $23,000 overdrawn.
County Attorney Chris sible theft.” investigated, and declined of jail employees are coopMartin disclosed the Martin said his office to name names of any erating, but at least one investigation this week in was notified of the nega- potential suspect in the jail has invoked Fifth a report to the Freestone tive account balance by division of the Sheriff’s Amendment rights not to County Commissioners’ Community National Office. testify, as well as refusing Court. Bank, the local bank the He said Sheriff Ralph a request to take a lie “It was not a bookkeep- county uses for its Billings had ordered detector test. ing error, it was not a com- accounts.” “mandatory cooperation.” Martin said the funds puter error,” Martin said. He did not say if anyThe Fairfield Recorder in question involves inter“We’re looking at it as pos- one at the bank was being has learned that a number nal jail funds, including
Thunder and lightning...
Eagles star running backs Larry Rose (left), aka :ightning,” and Andre Welch “Thunder”, hydrate during the first practice of the year at Eagles Field. Even in morning, temps quickly reached the 90s. Phoot, upper right: Assistant Coach Kevin Chase gives instructions to Rose. . Michael Dillin photos
Alcohol petitioners near magic number to get on ballot By MICHAEL DILLIN The Fairfield Recorder A group seeking to permit the sale of beer and wine has collected enough signatures to place the question on the November ballot in Freestone County. If, and it’s a big if, the signatures are from qualified, registered voters in
Bi-weekly newspaper, 100% in Spanish! Advertise & Promote Your Business With US!
(254) 237-2177
money paid when some one arrested posts bond. “For now, we’ve turne over the responsibility fo the account to the Count Treasurer, Kay Taylor,” h said. Continued on Page 4 See JAIL FUND
Eagles begin football practice for 2012 season
By MICHAEL DILLIN The Fairfield Recorder After more than eight months, the wait is about over. The 2012 football campaign began in earnest at 6 a.m. Monday, as the Fairfield Eagles took to the practice field, readying themselves to defend last year’s undefeated, regular season record of 10-0. “Everyone that we wanted to show up ... did,” said first year Head Coach John Bachtel, who succeed four-year veteran Head Coach Darrell Piske who took the job at Tyler’s Lee High School. “We’re getting on it the first day. “Our attitude is that we want to be good, (really) bad.” In between the two-aday practices, Bachtel pointed to the depth chart on the wall of his office.
“It’s a depth chart, but the players know it means nothing unless they show that it does,” Bachtel said. “They know if the guy behind them works harder and produces more, it’ll be their job (at the top of the chart). Fairfield is backed with explosive talent returning from last year -- loaded with explosive talent in the running game. Loaded, as in “Thunder and Lightning,” returning tailbacks Andre Welch and Larry Rose. Bachtel calls a “mauler,” who defensive lines learned last year that he can almost singlehandedly bulldoze them back into their own secondary. Welch was named Class 3A, District 20, Offensive Player of the Year as a junior. He gained 1,200 yards. His brute power will be
complemented by, yes, th lightning like speed of tai back Larry Rose. Rose didn’t play unt district play kicked in mid way through the season But he responded with 600 yards in the second half. It leaves one to wonder
The Mexia News
254-562-2868 advertising@themexianews.com
- not what if -- but when each will go over the 1,00 yard mark. “Rose is fast, but let m tell you, he hits hard too Bachtel said. “Everybody know we’re a running team (the ran 75-80 percent of th time the past two seasons) and we will run. But we’r going to pass more than i the past. Players on the team di their share of throwing an catching in the offseason Go to Page 6 See FOOTBALL
turned in every week. To have the question placed on the ballot requires 1,744 valid signatures.
The Fairfield Recorder While there are 11,152 registered voters countywide, and the law requires 35 percent of voters to place a referendum on the ballot -- it is not 35 percent
! g, Everett Hewett Good mornin
Now merging with
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Air Conditi oning
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(254) 562-3232 (254) 472-0817 Must mention ad #TACLA27770C
903-389-3334 www.thefairfieldrecorder.com
Blackcats scrimmage vs. Teague
See Page 6
Weather 87/67
afterskies. A stray Mostly cloudy is possible. noon thunderstorm High 87F.
Wed 8/22
of the Bi-Stone
Tuesday, August 21,
2012 — Mexia, Texas
12 Pages - 50 Cents
“but it al times,” Beaver said, needs said. “That’s dozen the county judge roa Judge Daniel BurkeenThere it is,” he doesn’t say and decide which what the law requires. the go out here need repair. am interested in said, indicating where he wrote “The only thing I a white we fix.” Burkeen sai By Roxanne McKnight of that priority road section of the law at issue on “I don’t decide,” the is getting my part Staff Writer ers court decides.” the courtroom during people in my precinct,” “this commission on it every time ers Court money for the “If we leave this board in Aug. 13 regular “Well, you vote said. Last week’s Commission court’s Monday, against it another heated dis- Beaver it’s going to be said. “You vote meeting included priority road funds, $300,000 in there, past two years. meeting. you don’t Beaverprecinct 2 or 3.” “You keep claiming at t I it’s in like it has for the cussion on cutting based on looking time ner Morris Beaver spent 2 and 3 are going to get very, know what it is. It’s on the board;be vote “I Commissio with to think money in that fund Precinct y’all. It’s required Burkeen said. “Every of that money. I don’t again suggesting to pass it out to the needs of the coun- roads,” you never ev ately among very little I think we need based on comes up, you claim roads.” be divided proportion that’s right, and at the divided up by fund and put spent ers. ty at whole, notof need. We spend go out and look county commission commissio ner change that special road out and look funds.” “I said I don’t go Currently, each if said. in it in the regular road the cows come precinct regardless roads,” Beaver needs to be spent; amount of money it other until certain where a now these money “From receives for on fixing roads need to stop taking AGE 2 I will never apologize we don’t, then we Period.” their budget to spend CONTINUED ON P precincts at their home, the money where it needs to it from the taxpayer. SEE COUNTY in their respective of spending me a to arbithat up amount it larger “You’ve explained discretion . The however, goes to be spent and not dividing County for people to spend,” county road money, fund, and the court trarily the priority road which roads most votes as a body on
Library summer programs end
Area Since 1899
es budget fight continu County road money Serving the People
Vol. 113 No. 100
See Page 7
The Mexia New
a sundae Flagging down
Mexia High Schoolʼs color guard shows some of its moves at the Blackcat ice cream social last Thursday at Blackcat Field. To see more photos from the ice cream social, turn to Page 12. R
Nursing & Rehabilitation
A life lived for others is a life worthwhile – it's been the foundational principle of Wortham Rehabilitation Center since their inception. It's what has made them an outstanding provider of skilled care services in the state of Texas. They strive every day to enhance the quality of life for the seniors in their care facilities. This extra service grants you the comfort in knowing that they will go the extra mile to care of you or your loved one. We believe that caring for the elderly is a high honor. Our resident-respect approach to caring is what continues to be the driving force in the core strategy of our company. We will continue to treat our residents as we wish to be treated. Our love for our residents is best measured by the respect, dignity and compassion we extend to them on a daily basis.
Wortham Rehabilitation Center 117 Twin Circle • Wortham, Texas, 76693 (254) 765-3377
Nursing & Rehabilitation Quality Care Services
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Mexia LTC Nursing & Rehabilitation offers the highest quality nursing & rehabilitative services. The main objective of the facility’s staff is to provide each resident with a personalized and comprehensive plan of care while allowing for the highest practical level of functioning. Administrator - Martha Saling Director of Nursing - Yvonne Fortson Business Office Manager - Eva Price Housekeeping Supervisor - Jackie Smith 601 Terrace Lane N. • Mexia, Texas 76667 254-562-5400 • 254-562-9145 - FAX www.mexialtc.com
V o t e d b e s t N i g h t cl u b i n t h e B i - S t o n e A r e a !
Falcon Club
701 N. Hwy 14 • Mexia • (254) 562-6644
We mean business. Three times a week, every week, we reach more potential customers, more often for your business than any other advertisting medium. Call us now so we can help grow your business together.
The Mexia News
254-562-2868 advertising@themexianews.com
Office Supply
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Office Supplies Office Equipment Office Furniture School Supplies
Print Copy Fax UPS
All the pieces you need... Oil & Gas
254-562-3843 flattstationers.com
BROWN OIL & GAS Mexia, Texas
Outdoor Decor 1403 Hwy 84 W Mexia At R&D Trailer
Barbara Strickland
254-562-6400 (ph) 254-562-7765 (f)
Yard Art • Concrete Statues & Bird Baths • Wrought Iron Gas & Diesel Generators • Tools • Garden Hoses • Wagon Wheels • Tarps • Clocks • Pitchers & Vases • Purses • Jewelry
608 E. Milam P.O. Box 486 Mexia, Texas 76667
James Anderson, J.r. Office: (254) 562-6565
Pamper your pet by allowing us to pick them up in the newest additon to Lena’s! Lena’s van is in the Mexia area every Wednesday for grooming pick up and surrounding areas as needed!
Lena’s Groom & Board Resort Call us Today!
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Trying to reach the Fairfield and Freestone County market?
The Fairfield Recorder (903) 389-3334
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6 0 1 E . M i l a m • M e x i a , Te x a s 7 6 6 6 7 506 W. Milam • Mexia, Texas (254) 562-2874 Saturday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday 10a.m. - 10 p.m.
Rotary Club of Mexia 315 E Commerce St. Mexia, TX 76667 254-562-7893
Service Above Self
Tank Manufacturer
LIDE Industries 1618 W. Hwy 84 Mexia, Texas 254-562-0233
Premier Hometown Store
909 E. Milam • US Hwy 84E • Mexia • (254) 562-9555
Becky & Bobby McDonald & Staff
New ownership: Haskell and Lucinda Farris
1335 E. Milam Suite E • (254) 562-5555
• Indoor & Outdoor Signage • Vehicle Lettering • Special Event Signs • Banners ~ Locally own ed ~ State of the art computer graphic s and de sign ~ Quality & Experienc e ~
207 E. Milam Mexia, Texas 76667
• Brakes • Computerized Alignment • State Inspection
Voted 2012 Best Tire C o mp a n y
Alan’s Tire and Service
819 W. Milam Mexia, Texas 76667
M-F: 7:30-5:00 Bus. (254) 562-9399
Title Company
Best selection of cigarettes and Premium Cigars in town.
• Roll your own tobacco and products • Fresh tea and coffee • Fountain drinks • Variety of Snacks • And much much more
We accept all manufacturer coupons. (not computer generated)
Mon. - Fri. 7:30 - 6:30 p.m. Sat 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. 1307 E. Milam St. • Mexia, Texas (254) 562-2300
Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.
Western Wear
254-562-5321 1666 W. Hwy. 84 • Mexia
108 S. Dr, J.B Riggs Dr. Groesbeck 254-729-7960 Title & Escrow Company
Rusty’s Boots 1349 E. Milam 254-562-7767
Voted Best Sandwich in the 2012 Bi-Stone Best of the Best
(254) 562-9393 • subway.com 1202 E. Milam • Mexia, TX 76667