The Preferred Prison Entertainment Magazine
Published Since 2007
Featuring In Every Issue: 15 Minutes of Fame Prisonworld Marketplace The Vent Prisonworld Blogtalk Author Spotlight Prisonworld Parole Resource Directory Puzzletime Prisonworld FREEZONE Puzzletime/ Trivia Twist Prisonworld Future Entreprenuer Network Writers Resources Don’t Miss An Issue! WWW.PRISONWORLDMAGAZINE.COM
AVAILABLE @ AMAZON. COM or ORDER ONLINE Pg 1 JulyAug 2012.indd 1
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Editor-in-Chief- Rufus L. Triplett, Jr. Editor-in-Chief- Jenny Triplett Feature Story Writer- Aishah Al-Amin
In This Issue 3 CREDITS/Letters to the Editors/Writers Resources 4 Letter from the Editors/Prisonworld Future Entreprenuer Network 5 What’s Going On...?/Prisonworld Blogtalk/RESOURCES/FREEZONE 6 Puzzletime /Trivia Twist/Throwback Corner 7 Islam 101/Hadith Central 8-9 Feature Story-Education vs Incarceration 10 Freeworld Pen Pal Opportunities 11 Information/Order Forms/ The Vent/Parole Resource Directory 12 Prisonworld Marketplace 13 15 Minutes of FAME 14 Classifieds 15 VIP’s/PLATINUM MEMBERS
Our Company
We are a family owned and operated multimedia company that encompasses various forms of media that includes print, audio, blogging, video blogging, marketing merchandise, social media marketing and charitable efforts. We have over 20 years experience in marketing, promotions, production and advertising. We have been based in Atlanta, Georgia for over 18 years with nationwide clientèle. Our services are for the freedom challenged and anyone that services them such as attorneys, activists, non-profit organizations, providers of inmate services, etc. Our reach is unlimited and we do network with hundreds of “free world” people.
Our Brand
Our Prisonworld brand started as a simple idea of thinking of how the word prison can be a vice to most. We decided to turn it around and make it curious and thought provoking. It is such an eye-catching and ear-catching word that it draws the attention of the majority who sees or hears it. It started with a magazine and has grown to include a radio show, record label, blog, radio network, entrepreneur network and You Tube Channel.
Our Missions
Volume 6, Numbers 1- Prisonworld Magazine (ISSN 1940-4220) is published on a six issue basis and direct mailed through the Powder Springs Post Office. Copyright© 2007-2012 with all rights reserved. Reproduction or use, of any part or portion written or otherwise contained in Prisonworld Magazine is strictly prohibited – subject to criminal prosecution according to the US Copyright Laws. This magazine is published for prisoners about prisoners. Opinions expressed in letters to the editors and columns are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Prisonworld Magazine. Prisonworld Magazine is privately owned and operated soley by Rufus and Jenny Triplett. www. STAMP DONATIONS– We are always in need of stamps for mailings to those who do not provide SASE, cannot provide a SASE and to send out FREE magazines. Find it in your heart to DONATE, no amount to big or too small, it is greatly appreciated. Helping others is charity that we have yet to know the true reward. Published By - Dawah International, LLC PO Box 380 Powder Springs, GA 30127 (678) 233-8286 @Prisonworld on Twitter
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We do not do horoscopes, artwork, or funnies.
Our primary mission is to inform and educate those behind the wall and their families. We offer various resources to help with dealing with incarceration and re-entry. Our magazine is an outlet, an escape if you must, from the daily grinds of the prison system. We teach inmates how to use their time wisely and empower themselves with skills that they can use upon release.
Letters to the Editors
Hello, Congratulations on being named “Couple of the Year!” The two of you should be very proud and honored. You have a great magazine and provide a greater service to inmates all over the country. Respectfully, Malcolm Campbell 135847 Oshkosh Correctional Institution PO Box 3310 Oshkosh, WI 54903-3310 EDITOR’s NOTE: Thank you. We were blindsided with that honor and are humbled and blessed to be recognized. We have gotten so busy but are do our very best to stay connected to what we started. Dear Mr. Triplett, Thank you for the ongoing subscription to Prisonworld Magazine. Your professionally-produced publication is an excellent source of information and ideas. Thanks you for your time, patience and generosity. Best regards, Mike Napier, Teacher Supervisor MCCX, State of Tennessee EDITOR’s NOTE: Thanks for the compliment. It is such a gracious feeling to know that inmates across the country are enjoying our magazine. We understand it is very popular on your compound. Maybe even for the officers as well since it ends up “missing.”
Writers Resources
A great job for the currently incarcerated or those who were formerly incarcerated and now are in need of some extra funds, is writing. Here are all kinds of avenues in which a person can make money with freelance writing. Inmates have lots of stories and a flare for telling them. Be sure to check out the following sites for more information how to get started: Some popular article sites are: • • www.goarticles. com • •• www.articlebiz. com WRITER’s NEEDED – Voice of Detroit, VODEditor@hotmail. com - Fax – 313-557-1576 Couch potatoes sit up and take note — you can now be paid for watching television.You can sit in your cellor inthe day room and watch your favorite program and it’s called work.It’s a new concept called the Viggle application available on iPhones and iPads. It’s cool to earn rewards for watching TV,You’ve heard of pay-perview. This is more like “get paid to view.Here’s how Viggle works — download the free Viggle app, you hold up your smartphone or iPad and Viggle registers whatever program you’re watching. Viggle is able to identify the show you’re watching and it logs you in and you get points for that,The points then earn you gift cards to Starbucks, fast food restaurants, department stores, movie tickets; or you can elect to donate to a favorite charity. It’s a very simple reward program.
Our secondary mission is to reach out to those who are interested in hearing and participating in something new, different, and definitely unique. We are not limited to correctional facilities. We invite the “free world” to participate in our magazine and all other ventures as well. We do not discriminate in participation due to age, gender, nationality, crime or religion. We are not a non-profit organization or prison ministry but we donate the majority of our profits to prison outreach programs. We strive to be universal and have something to offer to everyone. Pg 3 8/13/2012 11:18:02 PM
Letter From The Editor Bismillaallahir-Rahmaanir-Rahiim, In the Name of GOD, most gracious most merciful… Hey everyone, as you can see, things have changed. Lots of things have changed and it is for the best. Take a moment to let it all sink in. Trust us, we had to as well. To see Prisonworld Magazine in a glossy print is a beautiful thing. You guys have no idea. We are celebrating FIVE YEARS of a vision that we didn’t know was going to ride or die. We are most humbled that God has seen fit to keep us around to bring education, motivation and entertainment to those behind the wall. To all of our new readers you are probably wondering what this means. You can get back issues of Prisonworld Magazine online. To those who received our last issue, you saw the Ebony Magazine “Couple of the Year” article reprinted. Unfortunately with our new layout we do not have room to print it again. Thanks for all of the compliments and feedback concerning it. We have found ourselves to be busier than ever but still want to provide you all with the magazine and other services. Several sections of the magazine have been moved to our FREE Monthly online Newsletter. Please log onto and click on the FREE NEWSLETTER tab and download it. That is where you will find Jailhouse Lawyer, Poetic Justice, HOW TO TIPS, Health & Wellness for inmates, & PRISONWORLD INTERNS. Online exposure is really what is happening these days. Technology has made us step up our game. Our weekly FREE newsletter through CORRLINKS/TRULINCS has thousands of subscribers. We have experienced a tremendous amount of growth within the last six months. With growth comes patience. We do have a wealth of information to share and do not mind doing so. Federal inmates may join – We also do an email newsletter for the FREE WORLD. If you have a FREEWORLD email, have your friends and family join our list on our website. We do not take JPAY requests. The Prisonworld Radio Hour is on hiatus until October 1 but still streamed on The Prisonworld Radio Network 24/7 –, and syndicated to iTunes and archived on our website – There are advertising and sponsorship opportunities available for when we return in October. Have you had your friends and families join our FACEBOOK FAN PAGE? We giveaway great prizes, such as 3day/2night vacations, movie passes, iTunes gift cards, FREE MERCHANDISE (Swag), free magazines, etc. Have them log onto and start winning prizes today! Be sure to check out our Feature Story EDUCATION vs INCARCERATION which was set to run in the May/June Issue. It is a must read. It is edited for space but still strong in meaning. There are several changes to our magazine including the fact that we no longer offer VIP & PLATINUM Ads. The ones that you see will be phasing themselves out through the remainder of the year. Feel free to seek out our website for FREE pen pal opportunities – www. No application necessary. We hope to offer you more information, education, motivation and entertainment. That is why we are here. Take it all in once, twice or three times. Reading is fundamental. We have reduced the page count but it is till jam packed FULL of information. Enjoy. Check out the SHOUTS OUT to all inmates from Vivica Fox. We talked on Twitter. She has been supplying you all with autographed pics. Other celebrities that have joined us on Twitter are Pam Grier, Stacy Lattisaw, Ricki Lake, DL Hughley, Roseanne Barr and a few more. It’s crazy yall. Folk’s think we are celebrities. Stay on your grind and respect the hustle. From ALLAH we came and to him we will return. Ramadan Mubarak, have a blessed and peaceful fast and a Wonderful Eid Celebration! Remember ALLAH. Thank ALLAH. Worship ALLAH.
Order Free Credit Report – Provide your Name, SSN, Addresses for the last 7 years and any known credit accounts. Write to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, PO Box 105283, Atlanta, GA 30348 Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave , SE, Washington, DC 20540 - Write to request copyright forms needed for books, screenplays, music, etc. Write for a FREE “Animals Belong in the Jungle” Coloring Book Peta 501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510, 757-622-PETA (7382) To request information on how to quit smoking write to: American Heart Association National Center, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
RESOURCES Women needing transitional housing or a place to parole: 770-2258500, they can send mail to us at Baitul Salaam Network, Inc., 675 Village Square, Stone Mountain, GA 30021. They can email: CAIR Headquarters - Council on American Islamic Relations - 453 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC, 20003 - 202.488.8787, National Action Network- Al Sharpton -Crisis Department - To seek our assistance in a crisis please send a letter three pages or less printed or typed, include your name, address and a contact number addressed to: National Action Network - Crisis Department, 106 W. 145th Street, Harlem, NY, 10039. 212.690.3070 or 877.NAN.HOJ1 Islamic Ahlul Bayt Association , 12460 Los Indios Trail , Austin, TX 78729 AIM-Assisting Incarcerated Muslims, Board of Directors, PO Box 460, Clayton, LA 71326 318-757-0557 Muslims for Humanity, 12346 McDougall Street, Suite 200, Detroit, MI 48212, 313-279-5378,, A resource for emergency services. Muslim Legal Fund of America, 2701 W. 15th Street, #640, Plano, TX, 75075, 972-633-5888, 866-MLFA-USA,, : Helps with civil rights violations. Alavi Foundation, 500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2320 ,New York, NY 10110, 212-944-8333. Write for information on how to get FREE Qurans and Islamic literature. Conveying Islamic Message Society, PO Box 834, Alexandria Egypt American Civil Liberties Union,125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10004
Rufus & Jenny Triplett Editors-in-Chief
Islamic Circle of North America, 166-26 89th Ave, Jamaica, NY, 11432-9442 - Provides Islamic materials and guidance for those who are seeking the truth.
Writing Campaigns - For those of you who like to write, let’s put the pen to the paper for our good cause. Write to our local news organizations and let them know what Prisonworld is doing or has done for you and request that they do a story on us. WXIA-TV/11Alive, One Monroe Place NE, Atlanta, GA., 30324 CBS Atlanta, 425 14th Street NW, Atlanta, GA. 30318 Fox 5 Atlanta, 1551 Briarcliff Rd, NE, Atlanta, GA, 30306, WSB-TV, Channel 2 1601 West Peachtree Street N.E. Atlanta, Georgia, 30309, or e-mail us at Atlanta Journal Constitution, 223 Perimeter Center Pkwy NE, Atlanta, GA, newstip@ajc. com
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What’s Going On
Is Chris Brown out of Second Chances? (Back in the News)
Singing and dancing is the claim to fame for some of the biggest superstars. The key word here is superstar. No matter how you slice it, Chris Brown is a superstar, from a small town in VA, who made his way on the scene as a singing and dancing Michael Jackson clone. Teenage girls and boys had found a new heartthrob with beats and melodies that made him more than the flavor of the month. The next big thing had arrived and Generation Y was more than obliged to reward him with record sales. Contrary to popular belief, selling records is his job and the way he makes a living. The Prisonworld Radio Hour is one of the most unique hours of information and entertainment on the airwaves today. Within the last three years, co-hosts Rufus and Jenny Triplett have tackled some of the grittiest issues involving celebrities and their improprieties. The situation between Chris Brown and Rhianna is one that will be discussed from time to time due to the domestic violence connection and the fact that Chris Brown is a convicted felon. “The very interesting aspect of all of this is that Rhianna has forgiven him and moved on. Why is everyone else standing in judgment? If they can be cordial enough to have a business relationship, why does anyone else think that their opinion is going to matter? Chris Brown took the anger management classes, did the community service that the judge ordered him to do. Why is Robert Downy, Jr. and Charlie Sheen more forgivable than Chris Brown?” says Jenny Triplett, co-host and co-producer. Here is an “unofficial” excerpt from the police report: Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, ‘I’m going to beat the sh– out of you when we get home! You wait and see!’ The detective said “Robyn F.” then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, ‘I’m on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.’ After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, ‘You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I’m really going to kill you!’ Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.’s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown’s body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.’s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order. “Where does the second chance part come in? When you do the crime and do the time when does the forgiveness start? We in no way condone the beatings of females, but it has to be a certain point where this case is examined for what it is. Has he done it again? Is it a pattern of behavior? Why is he being crucified and why can’t people move on? These are the questions we need to be asking is how we can help the situation and not continue to stand in judgment.” says Rufus Triplett, Jr., co-host and coproducer. Fund Inc. 99 Hudson St. 16th Fl. New York NY 10013 V: 212-965-2200,, Non-profit law firm which deals only with cases of obvious race discrimination, handles small # of death penalty & life w/o parole cases. UPDATED! Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)--National Office, 634 S. Spring St., 11th floor Los Angeles, CA 90014, V: 213-629-2512,, Has regional offices in GA, IL, TX, CA, and DC. Write for more info. Provides referrals. COLLEGE AND CAREER RESOURCES Ohio University, College Program for the Incarcerated, Hanning Hall 222, Athens, OH, 45701-2979
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P u z z l e T i m e
TRIVIA TWIST 1. At what fast food chain can you “have it your way?” 2. How many keys does a piano have? 3. If you were standing in Red Square, where would you be? 4. Who won the NBA Championship in the year 2000? 5. When is Fajr time?
THROWBACK CORNER Olympic Champions
TRIVIA TWIST ANSWERS for March/April 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pharaoh Sociology Neil Armstrong 206 Jonah (Yunus)
There are no prizes for winers in this issue. Please do not send in your repsonses.The Winners Cirlce will return in a future issue.
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Islam 101
Hadith Central
Ramadhan comes, for a short month it’s here
Subject: O’ Allah save us from the hell fire !!
Will I ever meet the Ramadan next year?Allah Oh Allah, help me guide my heart through For only You know, if I’ve devoted enough to You.” -excerpts of the poem “Not done enough this Ramadan” by Udiana JamalludinRamadan, as usual, has flown by. Despite planning beforehand, many of us may have gotten caught up in a routine after accustoming ourselves to the change in schedule the blessed month brings. This may have affected our initial plans to increase our worship, contemplation and to seek Allah’s Forgiveness and Mercy with greater fervor. But the last ten days and nights of Ramadan are still ahead for us to benefit from. Ask yourself these questions and see what you can do to make the most of what’s left of Ramadan this year, Insha Allah.
Hell Fire has different names in Islamic texts. Each name gives a separate description. Some of its names are:
1. Have I kept pace with the amount of Quran I wanted to read, or have I fallen behind? 2. If so, how much do I have to read on a daily basis the rest of Ramadan to catch up? 3. Have I tried to attend Tarawih regularly, or did I use weak excuses to get out of it? 4. Did I ever pray the night prayer? 5. Did I try praying my five daily prayers with more sincerity, concentration, and focus than usual? 6. Did I invite anyone over for Iftar (breaking the fast)? 7. Did I help any needy person, even a panhandler or beggar, when I was fasting? 8. Did I regularly seek Allah’s Forgiveness and Mercy with sincerity, fear and hope? 9. Did I encourage my family to fast or participate in regular opportunities for more rewards that come with Ramadan (i.e. good deeds in general, but also Tarawih, more reading of the Quran, etc.). 10. Did I memorize any more Quran than what I knew before Ramadan started? 11. Did I try to be more patient in Ramadan than I normally am? 12. Did I try to control my anger, especially while fasting? 13. Did I try harder to avoid backbiting and slander? 14. Did I constantly check my intentions, to make sure that my good deeds were for the sake of Allah alone, not to impress others, gain their favor, or to show off? 15. Was there even an atom of pride in my heart? 16. Was I quieter and more contemplative? 17. Did I cry in my prayers? 18. Did I read more Islamic literature apart from the Quran? 19. Did I make sincere repentance to Allah, really feeling sorry for my sins? 20. Did I forgive those who hurt me? 21. Did I avoid hurting anyone with my attitude, words, intentions or actions? 22. Did I give any more Sadaqah (charity) than I normally give? 23. Did I share the message of Ramadan and Islam with a non-Muslim? 24. Did I share the message of Ramadan and Islam with a non-practicing Muslim family member or friend? 25. Did I feel annoyed at being hungry while fasting or did I rejoice?
Torah: I am the first, and I am the last and besides me there is no God. (Isaiah 44:6) Bible: The Lord our God is one Lord (Mark 12:29) Quran: He is God, the One and Only (112:1) From the Cradle to the Grave ...
Jaheem – fire - because of its blazing fire. Jahannam - Hell - because of the depth of its pit. Ladthaa - blazing fire - because of its flames. Sa’eer - blazing flame - because it is kindled and ignited. Saqar - because of the intensity of its heat. Hatamah - broken pieces or debris - because it breaks and crushes everything that is thrown into it. Haawiyah - chasm or abyss - because the one who is thrown into it is thrown from top to bottom ITS SIZE AND IMMENSITY : Hell is huge and immensely deep. Following verses and hadiths give us the idea of hell’s vastness and hugeness “On the Day when We will say to Hell: ‘Are you filled?’ It will say, ‘Are there any more (to come)?’” (Quran 50:30) “If a stone as big as seven pregnant camels was thrown from the edge of Hell, it would fly through it for seventy years, and yet it would not reach the bottom.” [Sahi Al-jami] “And Hell will be brought near that Day…” (Quran 89:23) The Prophet said: “Hell will be brought forth that Day by means of seventy thousand ropes, each of which will be held by seventy thousand angels.” [Sahi Muslim] LEVELS OF HELL : Hell has various levels of heat and punishment, each is reserved according to the extent of their disbelief and sins of those being punished. Allah says: “Surely, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire.” (Quran 4:145) The lower the level of Hell, the greater is the intensity of heat. Since the hypocrites will suffer the worst punishment, so will they be in the lowest part of Hell. Allah refers to the levels of Hell in the Quran: “For all will be (ranked) by degrees according to what they did.” (Quran 6:132) “Is one who seeks the good pleasure of Allah then like the one who draws on himself the wrath of Allah? His abode is Hell – and worst, indeed, is that destination! They are in varying grades with Allah, and Allah is All-Seer of what they do.” (Quran 3:162-163) FUEL OF THE HELL : Stones and stubborn unbelievers make the fuel of Hell as Allah says: “O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones...” (Quran 66:6) “…then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.” (Quran 2:24)
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EDUCATION vs I N C A R C E R AT I O N The idea of incarcerating individuals for non-violent crimes and warehousing them into facilities away from society is backward thinking. The United States has, for instance, 2.4 million criminals behind bars, more than any other nation, according to data maintained by the International Center for Prison Studies at King’s College London. China, which is four times more populous than the United States, is a distant second, with 1.6 million people in prison. (That number excludes hundreds of thousands of people held in administrative detention, most of them in China’s extrajudicial system of re-education through labor, which often singles out political activists who have not committed crimes.) The European Union, a political entity of 370 million,8 has a prison population, including violent and nonviolent offenders, of roughly 300,000. This is one-third the number of prisoners which America, a country of 274 million, has chosen to incarcerate for just nonviolent offenses. What is most disturbing about the prison population explosion is that the people being sent to prison are not the Ted Bundies, Charlie Mansons, and Timothy McVeighs - or even less sensationalized robbers, rapists, and murders - that the public imagines them to be. Most are defendants who have been found guilty of nonviolent and not particularly serious crimes that do not involve any features that agitate high levels of concern in the minds of the public. Too often, they are imprisoned under harsh mandatory sentencing schemes which were ostensibly aimed at the worst of the worse.
gone in their thinking is non-productive. California has the largest prison populaThis tradeoff between education and incarceration is particularly acute at the community level. In many urban neighborhoods and poverty areas of countries where millions of dollars are spent to lock up residents, the education infrastructure is crippled. As the prison population skyrocketed in the past three decades, researchers began to notice that high concentrations of inmates were coming from a few select neighborhoods -- primarily poor communities of color -- in major cities. These were dubbed “million -- dollar blocks” to reflect that spending on incarceration was the predominant public -sector investment in these neighborhoods.
tion in the country, with more than 170,000 individuals behind bars. In Los Angeles, more than half of current parolees live in neighborhoods that are home to less than 20 percent of the city’s adult residents. More than a billion dollars are spent every year to incarcerate people from these communities. At the same time, as of spring 2010, the Los Angeles Unified School District was projecting a deficit of $640 million in the 2010-11 academic year. As a result, district officials were planning to raise class sizes and lay off thousands of teachers and other school-based staff. Canada, a country with about as many people as the state of California, has about one quarter as many people behind bars, and provides a good contrast for judging the crime control value of mass incarceration. The answer is simple. Use funds for edcuation not incarceration.
NAACP research shows that matching zip codes to high rates of incarceration also reveals where low-performing schools, as measured by math proficiency, tend to cluster. The lowest-performing schools tend to be in the areas where incarceration rates are the highest. The following examples are instructive.
While working with inmates on a daily basis for over seven years and continuously hearing the problems of inhumane treatment and abuses behind the wall is enough to make any civil minded person very angry and resentful. The very thought of rehabilitation within the prison system is just that – a thought. I propose education centers for those who have been convicted of non-violent crimes as an alternative sentencing. Educating a misguided mind can work wonders. Being a product of your environment is a well-known fact for those who have lived their lives in housing projects, the slums of India or the villages of Africa. Teaching someone a different way to think and live is teaching them survival skills. Incarcerating them with subjects that have committed far worse crimes and are far Pg 8 JulyAug 2012.indd 8
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If you received an intrastate telephone call from an inmate in a Washington State Department of Corrections facility between June 20, 1996 and December 31, 2000, you may be a member of a class in an action against AT&T. A court in King County, Washington, has certified a class action against AT&T. The case alleges that AT&T violated the Washington State Consumer Protection Act by failing to provide information, including rate information, during collect calls originating from inmates at Washington Department of Corrections (“DOC”) facilities between June 20, 1996 through December 31, 2000. If you are a member of the class, you have the right to opt out of the class action lawsuit. This notice explains how to do so. It also explains how to receive more case information.
Who’s Included? You may be a member of the class if you accepted a long-distance, intrastate, collect call from an inmate at a Washington DOC facility between June 20, 1996 through December 31, 2000 that was carried by AT&T. Most, but not all, Washington DOC facilities are covered. A list of covered facilities and types of covered telephone calls are detailed at
What’s This About? In this lawsuit, recipients of collect telephone calls from inmates at Washington DOC facilities allege that AT&T failed to provide certain information, including a rate disclosure, required by law. They allege that for each call that did not contain the required information, Washington law requires AT&T to pay the recipient $200 plus the cost of the call. They also allege that the court should triple any award under the Washington Consumer Protection Act, and award interest, costs and attorney fees.
AT&T denies that it did anything wrong. The Court has not decided who is right. By establishing the Class and authorizing this Notice, the Court is not suggesting who will win or lose the case. The Class must prove their claims at trial. The trial date is October 29, 2012.
What Are My Rights? If you are a member of the class, you have the right to opt-out, or exclude, yourself from the class. If you do so, then you will receive no benefit from the action, but you will have the right to file a separate lawsuit. If you remain in the class, then you will be entitled to your share of any recovery, if any, but you will also be bound by the decision in the case, win or lose. To ask to be excluded, you must fill out and return an opt-out form by August 31, 2012. The form is available at, or by calling (877) 457-4246. If you believe you may be a member of the class and you did not receive a notice in the mail, then you should register your name and address at, or by calling (877) 457-4246, so you may be notified of future developments in the case.
How Can I Get More Information? You may receive more information at www.ratedisclosure. com, or by calling (877) 457-4246. The class action case is titled Judd, et. al. v. AT&T, et. al., King County Cause No. 00-2-17565-5 SEA.
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Celebrity Inmate Addresses The following celebrity inmates may or may not respond to your letter but just know that they are in a place where your letter will go directly to them and not a bodyguard, manager or lawyer. So write with the thought in mind that they are probably not going to write you back but that you did establish contact.
Corey Miller 556633 (C-Murder) Camp J- BUSS Louisiana State Prison Angola, LA 70712 Wesley Snipes 43355018 FCI Mckean PO Box 8000 Bradford, PA 16701 Orenthal Simpson 1027820 Lovelock CC 1200 Prison Rd Lovelock, NV 89419 Torrence Hatch (Lil Boosie) 560699 LSP Angola, LA 70712
We do the best we can in getting you the most recent address. Celebrities may change contact information just as much as an inmate may be transferred. If you receive a returned letter, please let us know so that we can find another address for our database. We have just found out that several people are returning letters from inmates without even opening them. Please do not forget
Chi Ali Griffith Fishkill CF 271 Matteawan Road P.O. Box 1245 Beacon, New York 12508-0307
White Male, 44 years young, 6ft tall, seeks tall, short, amazon, muscular, full figured, slim, sexy black females to be my pen pal. IMATES OK! Please include your name and address at the end of your letter for assured reply! Roy Padgett, Jr., PO Box 452, Lyons, GA, 30436
Phillip Spector G63408 SATF-CSP PO Box 5248 Corcoran, CA 93212
Single, black man, 42, 6’2”, nice physique, in good shape, disease & drug free. Seeking women on lockdown who are looking for a good friend. Sir Charles Helms, PO Box 67, Purcellville, VA 20134 or email BigCeeRd@
Jeff Atkins 11R2024 Oneida CF PO Box 4580 Rome, NY 13442-4580 Reminisce (Remy) Smith 08G0485 Bedford Hills Correctional 248 Harris Road Bedford Hills, NY 10507 Bernard Madoff 61727-054 FCI BUTNER MED I P.O. BOX 1000 BUTNER, NC 27509 Kareem Burke 64045054 (co-owner of Roca-Fella) USP Lewisburg PO Box 1000 Lewisburg, PA 17837
that there is a stereotype associated with being an inmate and everyone is not open minded--celebrity or not. We are receiving an abundance of requests and will try to fill them in upcoming issues. We do not do Porn Stars and Reality Show stars addresses are limited. We definitely do not give home addresses. FYI: It may take up to 3 months or longer to receive a response so please be patient
Apollonia Apollonia Platform PR 2133 Holly Drive Los Angeles, CA 90068 Danica Patrick Racing, 125.
4000 W. 106th St., Ste 106 Carmel, IN 46032-7730 Kat Von D High Voltage Tattoo, Inc. 1259 N. La Brea Avenue West Hollywood, CA 90038 Vivica Fox Foxy Brown Productions P.O. Box 3538 Granada Hills, CA 913940538
To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.
Matthew Morgan, 339 E Thompson ln, Nashvile, TN, 37211,free world pen pal for females looking for a friend.
White Female, Age 45, WRITES INMATES! Seeking open minded adults from every country. Like adult pen pals, camping, animals, reading and anything outdoors. Sherry King, 3649 S. Nebraska St., Marion, IN, 46953, USA FEMALE, Age 31, Seeks adult pen pals! Will reply to adults. INMATES OK! Betsy Baker, 99 Union St., Apt B, Winooski, VT, 05404, USA FEAMLE PEN PALS WANTED! I’m looking for female penpals any age and from any place! Please end photo with letter to: Mr. Thomas MacRae, 1 Woodland Ave., Haverhill, MA, 01835 INMATES OK! French Lady, looking for a few good friends. Age 40. Friendship only! NO romance, religion or beggars. Like long letters about human rights, history, world peace, geography, and more. Looking for true, lasting friendships only. Claire Sauvaet, 31bis, rue de Breast, 29000 Quimper, Bretagne France Female, age 34, INMATES MAY WRITE ME if they are honest, and from USA, Canada, or England. My hobby is collecting worldwide postcards and snail mail pen friends worldwide. Meagan Mcphee, PO Box 258, Campbelltown, South Austrailia 5098, Australia. Q Why do you print celebrity addresses when they do not write us back? A Celebrity addresses are in high demand. They are about hope and possibility of hearing from someone you admire. Who can personally say who is going to write you back and who is not going to write you back? Sometimes all you have is hope. It’s all a crap shoot just like going to trial. Welcome to our new site where as a friend or family member you can add your freedom challenged loved one’s wish for outside communication. It’s quick and easy. Here’s what you do: • Log onto • Write what your loved one wants to say - please be sure to include release date (ads are subject to editing) • And that’s it We will review the ads and get them posted to the page in a timely manner. Ads are indefinite and will only be removed upon request or release. To add a picture, please see the rules below. Rules on Pictures: • They can be in a JPEG, GIF or PDF format • You can email them to dawahinternationalllc@ • We do not post vulgar, nude or 1/2 nude pictures (no bikinis or low cut shirts for women) • Men must have on clothes - no wife beaters ( tank tops) Picture Packages are as follows: • 1 Picture - $15 • 2 Pictures - $25 You can send in a check or money order to Prisonworld, PO BOX 380, Powder Springs, GA, 30127. Please forward any and all questions to Please remember that even though the money is mailed in, a friend or family member must go to www.myprisonworld. com and place the ad.
LONELY STREET These ads are special ones that were pulled from our mail pile. We get so many of them that they are hard to ignore. This space is FOR WOMEN ONLY! Fellas do not ask to be placed here. Note that these are inmates and probably cannot receive mail directly. Sonia Jones 658385, Hobby Unit, 742 FM 712, Marlin, TX 76661 Angela Williams 1251480, Murray Unit, 1916 N Hwy 36 Bypass, Gatesville, TX, 76596 Valarie Heaton WA4626, CCWF 526-173L, PO Box 1508, Chowchilla, CA, 93601 Cynthia White 694433, Arrendale State Prison, PO Box 709, Alto, GA 30510-0709 -I have done 20+ years of a LIFE sentence and Iam looking to go home. Need help getting back on my feet. Will answer all letters. Juahl Ganaway 1082677, Pulaski State Prison, PO Box 839, Hawkinsville, GA 31036 - Looking For A Good, FREE, Muslim Man - Muslimah serving a LIFE sentence looking to get back into court. Seeking a good Muslim man of any nationality. Please send a letter of detail about your self. You will keep it clean and respectful if you are true to your din. Shannon Smith #685285, Arrendale State Prison, PO Box 709, Alto, GA 30510-0709 – I have served a lot of years and looking for someone who can hold a conversation. I’m too mature for inmate games. Do not write if you have time to play because I don’t. Prison is what it is but I am looking for that exception to the rule.
A pretty young woman of 33, single, never been married, hardworking nurse, honest, sincere, kind loving, romantic, open-minded, understanding and have a good sense of humor. I am seeking a good man to build a long term relationship and that can lead to something more. Write soon with full contact details and your phone number, I will respond quickly. Thank you – Leslie Riley, PO Box 16421, Augusta, GA, 30919-2421. SWM, age 35 looking for friendship, maybe more from women only. Hobbies include: working out, writing letters and more.Interested? Write me: Wade Myers, 3701 W Roosevelt, Little Rock, AR, 72204 USA Polish, 25 year old. Hobbies are money, music, banknotes and tourism. Hope to hear from you soon. GAPONIK JADWIGA, 4A-800 Zabrze-A, Box 47, Polska
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PUBLISHERS NOTE: Every advertiser is published in good faith. We don’t publish any doubtful/fraudulent advertiser knowingly. Every advertiser is fully responsible for their own ads. We do have the right to edit/stop any advertiser without notice and due to complaints from customers.
I’m writing to inform you about a company that’s being advertised in Prisonworld Magazine. In September I sent money and a research request to E.M.AGINE IT RESEARCH SERVICE. I sent a follow up in November and still no response. I waited until the beginning of December to send the next status request cause I understand that there might be a delay with a large amount of orders. Never the less 2011 is here and still no respsonse. I just wanted to make your company aware and bring that to your attention. Editor’s Note: Thank you for your letter and customer service information regarding this company. If you all don’t tell us how you are treated we do not know. This company did not renew their ad and we have a couple of new companies that does searches for inmates. I would like you to know that I wrote to several of the pen pal addresses and received no response. One was returned with a move, no forwarding address. I am just giving you this information since the majority of my letters did not come back it could just be, maybe I don’t write as good as I believe I do. It’s just that I don’t understand why you would request your name to be in a pen pal listing if you are not going to write. I think the Sapphire – New York as is some kind of scam. - Robin Elliott
PUBLICITY PACKAGES – Are you a Self Published Author looking to get the word out about your book or do you have a business or service you would like to advertise to the rest of the prison population? We now offer publicity packages for inmates – REASONABLE RATES! We can also get the word out to our social network on Twitter, Facebook, YOUTUBE etc. Send SASE or a stamp in lieu of for more information.
LIMITED TIME ONLY! Advertise your book on the sidebar of our website for just $10 per month! (three month commitment) We need your book cover (to approve it) and the link to where it can be purchased. Limited space available. First come, first served. BACK ISSUES of PRISONWORLD MAGAZINE are available online for only $1. Friends & Family can log onto our website & get a digital download for only $1.
Now Available $4.00 or 12 stamps (Magazine $3.00 - S&H $1.00) 50 stamps for a 1 year subscription - ***Friends and Family Special*** If your friend
or family member buys a 1 year subscription for their incarcerated loved one, you will receive an additional issue FREE. That’s 8 issues for $20. We appreciate friends and family.
Editor’s Note: Robin, we so feel you. We get good addresses from the people themselves looking for pen pals. We never know what happens to people in life. We could only think that everyone has good intentions. We are changing out the majority of the ads for 2011. We have fresh ads and people ready to write, anyone, anywhere. We have to keep an eye on this because we do not wish for anyone to waste their monies. Hang in there. You will find someone soon. Also, anything going overseas needs to have correct postage.
Prisonworld Parole Resource Directory Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants, An international Effort by People in Prison, those formerly in Prison, their families and Other Concerned Citizens to Reduce Crime Through Criminal Justice Reform, PO Box 2310, Washington, DC, 2013. 202.789.2126 cure@curena- www. curenational. org Conquest Offender Reintegration Ministries, PO Box 73873, Washington, DC 200563873 (202) 723-2014. Federal prisoners who want to be released to DC, write for an application for transitional housing. Transition of Prisoners, Inc., PO Box 02938, Detroit, MI 48202-2119. Resources & Support. Fortune Society, 53 West 23rd Street,
8th floor, New York, NY 10010, 212691-7554 Prisoner reentry, advocacy for prisoners on behalf of their families, HIV counseling, and support groups. Publishes “Fortune News.” Northern California Service League, 28 Boardman Place, San Francisco, CA 94103 415-863-2323, http://www. NCSL provides job placement assistance to parolees. Palladia (For-
merly Project Return), 10 Astor Place, 7th floor, NY, NY 10003-6935 212-979-8800, Helps parolees with employment readiness, job placement, individual and family counseling, as well as recreational and community service alternatives. Aphesis House, Inc., 1124 4th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37210, 615742-3463 http://www. aphesishouse. org, Bilingual, HEY YOU! I thought you said you weren’t interested in Prisonworld Magazine? Then why are you reading it??? Stop stealing it & get your OWN! Order NOW!
is NOT Accepting Any Submissions at this time. We get alot of mail. We are currently overrun with submissions Stay tuned to Prisonworld Magazine as we will announce when we are open to receiving submissions. Pg 11
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Prisonworld Marketplace
100 WEALTHY WOMEN Names, Addresses & Phone #’s $10 or 23 first class tamps. Specify: peel & stick – paper – CD Superior Enterprises Dept JK 1247 Pondview Ave Akron, OH 44305-3340 Car Show Models Premium Non-Nude Prison Safe Photosof Real Girls at Car Shows Send $3 or 10 stamps for our catalog Send Check or Money Order to:Villa Entertainment Company Inc, Dept. PW-0612 14173 NW Freeway, Ste. 203 Houston, TX 77040
LAWYER ACCEPTING NEW CASES. Lawyer licensed in Georgia and Louisiana currently accepting 1983, civil rights and criminal appeals. Great rates and payment plans available. “I’ll fight to make it right”
Become a SecuredPartyCreditor/Sovereign Political Power Holder send $400 a copy of your s.s.card/# birth certificate/# to: Double Crown Judgment Recovery 1461 San Mateo Ave Suite #4-15499 South San Francisco,CA 94080
Lemons, Lemonade & Life When the going gets tough, the tough … make lemonade At least that’s what author Janet Thomas did. She had her share of life’s lemons, from sexual abuse to clinical depression to obesity and beyond. To order the book - $16.95 + $6.95 S&H - Janet D. Thomas c/o Healing Soldier Publishing, 13351-D Riverside Drive #518, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 INMATES IN WAITING PenPal site & BARE EXPRESSIONS stationary supplies. Mail self addressed, stamped envelope to PO Box 1043, Mathis, TX 78368. AWSOME DEAL 7 photo pk + free cat For $7.50 or 20 stamps For cat Only send $2.75 Or 9 stamps to : Picture Entertainment, PO Box 54806, LA, CA, 90054 We also buy stamps at .31 each JUST BEYOND THE CURVE - Larry Huddleston (incarcerated author) Available on - dp/B007EC5EMG
The Law Office of Charmel Gaulden PO Box 820322 New Orleans, LA 70182 504-708-5925 charmel@charmelgaulden. com
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15 Minutes of Fame
Is one of the fastest rising “Keeping It Real” female comedians on the Laff circuit today. Her appeal is universal due to the everyday life experiences she talks about; whether it’s male/female relationships, love, lust, motherhood, or just surviving in the “New Millennium.” Her thought provoking political and spiritual commentary keeps audiences on the edge of their seats thirsting for more. Hope has been in the business for over 20 years and has produced weekly showcases that helped launch the careers of many successful comedians from Jamie Foxx to Chris Tucker. She’s also been featured in the best selling comedy book and album entitled “SNAPS,” and has headlined some of the most well known comedy clubs in the world. After years of being on the road Hope relocated to Dallas, TX to try her talent on radio, (after being handpicked by BJ Murphy the top morning show DJ in Charlotte), as a side kick on his show called, “BJ IN THE MORNING on 105.7 KRNB.” Appearances on “RUSSELL SIMMON’S, HBO ALL STAR DEF COMEDY JAM,” ten seasons of “BET’S COMICVIEW,” where she won her own one hour “Grandstand Comedy Jam Special.” Hope was later picked as one of BET’S 39 most favorite comics. “COMEDY CENTRAL’S COMIC GROOVE” hosted by Tracey Morgan, the late night series “COMIC’S UNLEASHED” with Byron Allen and was one of only two female comedians in the country picked for the 2009 season of “MARTIN LAWRENCE PRESENTS: THE 1ST AMENDMENT STAND-UP”. Even though HOPE is a rising star, she will never allow success to prevent her from reaching back.“A NICKEL OF HOPE INC.” is her own non-profit organization which features “HOPE’S GIRLZ CLUB” an after-school mentoring program for at-risk girls in the inner city.
Hope Flood 1201 N. LaBrea Ave #15 Englewood, CA 90302
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Discover What Makes People Successful, By HM Newman, PHD, Send order - $18.95 to: ME Books, Box 69, Berryville, AR, 72616 SOON – contains the answers to many of life’s problems such as worry, fear, and loneliness. FREE COPIES – SOON, Wilmington, Derby DE65 6BN, England or by email to: JUNK ZINE: Ads, contacts, zine reviews, letters, opinion, rants, poetry & art. Free to prisoners, but a couple stamps appreciated if you can. : James N. Dawson, P.O. Box 292, Malden, WA 99149
GET PUBLISHED NOW! Unbeatable prices! Contact Murpheus Publishing, 28 E. Jackson Bldg, Suite 1020 #M85, Chicago, IL, 606042340, morpheuspublishing@yahoo. com **NEW ELITE BMC PEN PAL MAGAZINE** Collectors, hobbyists, swappers, etc.!! Contests for cash and prizes, writing opportunities, gifts, etc., included with each issue!!Please send $5 US Money Order, Institutional Check, etc. to: Folanda James, PO Box 871, Peoria, IL, 61605
100 INCOME GENERATING SOURCES!!! ELIMINATE 90% of ALL POSTAGE! MORE: Contact D. Thompson Ent., 28 E. Jackson Bldg, Suite 1020 #M85, Chicago, IL, 60604-2340, dtenterprises001@gmail. com
Editor’s Note: We send out FREE ISSUES at random. If you just happen to receive a magazine it is because you have written us a letter, not necessarily requesting a FREE magazine, but have reached out to us in some sort of way. The best way to never miss an issue is to get your own subscription. To all of the poker, spade, domino and fantasy football players – we do take stamps. CALIFORNIA LIFER NEWSLETTER CLN: A comprehensive newsletter mailed every 6-8 weeks. State and federal cases, parole board news, statistics, legislation and articles on prison, parole and correctional issues of interest to inmates and their families. CLN also provides services such as copying and forwarding federal and state cases, articles and news and materials available on the Internet. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Prisoners: $25 (or 80 stamps) per year (6 issues minimum). Free persons: $90. CLN, Box 687, Walnut, CA 91788
StreetSeen Magazine Covering Car Show Culture lowriders, miniTrucks, and hot models! To order a sample copy and a subscription form Send $2 +$2 S&H or 14 stamps to: Villa Entertainment Company Inc, Dept. PW-0612 14173 NW Freeway, Ste. 203 Houston, TX 77040
Tennessee Sci-fi fans G.W and Cathy Brown are proud to announce the creation of a new scifi magazine COSMIC CUPID Get a FREE copy of the current issue of COSMIC CUPID may do so by sending their address and three stamps to COSMIC CUPID, PO Box 383, Cookeville, TN, 38503 CASH 4 USED STAMPS” – ALL 3 REPORTS ONLY $10.00!
Recycle the used stamps on your mail into CASH money! Profit report lists those paying $$$ cash for your used stamps! Plus, 2 Bonus Reports: Soaking Used Stamps for Profit & Mail-Order Stamp Profits.
Send check or money order to: Mr. Johnathon Page, 809 S. Walnut St., South Bend, IN, 46619-3838
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VIP & PLATINUM MEMBERS These Ads are No Longer Available
Purcell Bronson AF8163, 301 Morea Rd, Frackville, PA, 17932: There is no need to look any further. Your search is over because I can do the J.O.B. Now all you have to do is…just do it! That’s right, write me! I’m confined (but not mentally) innovative business orientated season man seeking a serious mindedindividual as a friend, partner, lover? NO games, you gain. Break that old routine and dare to explore something new and unique…me. All you have to lose with me is your flustrations and boredom. Raymond Taylor 89004, Ely State Prison, PO Box 1989, Ely Nevada, 89301: I’m 42, 6’2”, 205lbs, into winning and not fond of losing. I’m not interested in civilians and I don’t particularly care for squares. I’m actually on the job and in search of a star. Write me back if you feel this but keep it moving if you don’t as not to waste your time or cheat my attention. “Thank you kindly” 59 Ways to Progress and succeed. Author: “Mr. Eusi” at your service. PLATINUM MEMBER Michael McDade 637974, 200 Spur 113, Teague, TX, 75860 – Looking for pen pals PLATINUM MEMBER Clyde Williams 022193, Columbia Correctional Institution, PO Box 900, HU-6, Room #46, Portage, WI, 53901-0900 – I am looking for a lawyer to send me a payment plan for helping me get my case on the docket in the US. Supreme Court. PLATINUM MEMBER Charles Waldon B-65685, RJDCF, Fac A, Bldg 3, Cell 119 Low, San Diego, CA, 92179 – Hate: being the waste of time effort and energy that it is: I do not partake. I have myself been misjudged, why would I judge others? I am in truth a killer. I killed to save my physical life. I have never murdered anyone, nor would I. I revere our Creator. Religion in my opinion, a finite interpretation (by man) of an infinite creator. Let us expand to ingest our Creator – NOT seek to reduce the source of all: so as to fit into our (to) limited comprehension. If a strong, intelligent, athletic, poetic, light skinned, green eyed Black man is not offensive or a turn off to you. Write me. 5’10”, 220 (muscular) pounds, healthy and open to all.
PLATINUM MEMBER Mark A. Nixon GC5892, PO Box 9999, LaBelle, PA, 15450 – Confident, loyal, real and full of life. I’m a 33 year-old, African-American Male with a release date of 2013. Approaches everything in life with great passion and never conveniently quits anything. I’ve got common sense. I’m sincere and a loving father. I’m a business-minded man who has written several urban fiction novels yet to be published. I write R&B hip hop and rap song lyrics, create poetry, am into real estate and wish to venture into it upon my release. I also have a love for animals. I’m searching for a friend (females only) who are business minded with the spirit of a hustler. The woman I seek respects who she is and takes care of herself, both emotionally, spiritually and physically, someone who can see beauty in every day even when the day isn’t so bright. I hope to find a friend who is looking for what I am – a lifetime friend. Someone who knows that LOYALTY isn’t everything –it’s the ONLY thing. Is that friend you? Sincere responses only from WOMEN NOT GIRLS, just be you. PLATINUM MEMBER
PLATINUM MEMBER Shane Matherly 34209-037, FCI Butner I, PO Box 1000, Butner, NC, 27509-1000 – I am a 35 YO White male, 6’, 225lbs and I am looking for female pen pals for friendship only. I am being held past my release date for 5+ years as of November 22, 2006. I try very hard to stay active by playing soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball, and handball. I work out daily and try to walk 3-5 every day. Basically, I am looking for new people to correspond with and make new friends. PLATINUM MEMBER Prince Backman 93A7536, Sullivan Correctional Facility, PO Box 116, Falls, NY, 12733-0116 – Dear Ladies, I am a 38 year old Black Male, 5’5”, with interests to meet a sincere lady friend to whom I can correspond and get to know each other better. Also, you can feel free to listen to the rap song I made at the age of 14, in 1987 on YOUTUBE by searching K.D. Nice – Get Up. Furthermore I am seeking legal help and publicity regarding my illegal judgment of conviction which was rendered without subject matter jurisdiction, whereas the indictment fail to charge a legislated crime and I was tried for crimes and elements not expressed within the scope of the indictment. Ladies, lawyers and anyone with wit on these matters please do feel free to write. Take care and thank you. PLATINUM MEMBER Charles Chatman P99062, HDSP, Bed: D2-132, PO Box 3030, Susanville, CA, 96127 – Looking for pen pals
Jeffrey Pendleton II 224154, MCF-Stillwater, 5329 Osgood Ave N, Stillwater, MN, 55082 – Looking for pen pals.
PLATINUM MEMBER No Photo Sanders E. Brown, Jr. MOCC #27110, One Mountainside Way, Mt. Olive, WV, 25185: Seeking correspondence with others that have knowledge of microchipImplant Technology inmates are complaining about all over the United States penal system. also my dream girl is still out there, i’m waiting for your letter. Have you ever read the Owlism & Sobo Comics? DOD Implanted Microchip Inside Me – Apr 22, 2010 Georgia – You debate an odd bill, you hear some odd testimony. But this… The Georgia House Judiciary Committee took up a bill last week that would “prohibit requiring a person to be implanted with a microchip, “ & would make violating the ban a misdemeanor. According to a report in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, one exchange from the hearing could have been ripped right from Dr. Strangelove. The Journal-Constitution, one exchange from the hearing could have been ripped right from Dr. Strangelove. The Journal-Constitution reports that things getting weird when a woman who described herself as a resident of Dekalb County told the committee: “I’m also one of the people in Georgia who has a microchip.” Apparently no lawmaker took this as a warning sign, & she was allowed to continue her testimony. “Microchips are like little beepers,” the woman told the committee. “Just imagine if you will having a beeper in your rectum or genital area, the most sensitive are of your body. And your beeper numbers displayed on billboards throughout the city. All done without your permission.” “Ma’am, did you say you have a microchip?” state rep Tom Weldon ® asked the woman. “Yes, I do. This microchip was put in my vaginal-rectum area,” she replied. No one laughed. State Rep. Wendell Willard®, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, asked her who had implanted the chip. “The Department of Defense” she said. Willard thanked the woman for her input, & the committee later approved the bill.
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