w w w . H o r i z o n t a l N e t . c o m
Fall 2012, Edition 002
Vivian Clark
Kaaya Bond Bond--Nunn - Nunn
Executive Vice President
Veronica Cunningham
Spiritual Liaison / Resource Director
LaTosha Hamilton
Carol Lawson
Contract Negotiating
Kimberly Midgett
Senior Executive Assistant
Natasha Whiteman
Executive Assistant
Ossie Jackson
Bridget Taylor
Marketing Director
Sharon A. Scott
Development Director
Anita Jackson
Chief Editor
Louis Lewis
Design & Layout
0 6 - O r d i n a r y P e o p l e D o i n g Extraordinary Things 1 4 - K i d M a t t e r s - W e i g h t L e s s N o w . . . Worries Less Later
2 6 - S p o r t R e d u c t i o n --(( i s i t spot or sport) 3 5 - I C h o s e T o L i v e 4 9 - T h e B e n e f i t s o f F i t n e s s Start With You
1 2 - P e r f e c t P e a c e
1 8 - B e a u t y T i p s F o r F a l l 2 0 1 2
2 4 - A r e Y o u S a v e d 3 4 - W i l l Y o u S t i l l L o v e M e 3 6 - F r o m A g e n d a T o P u rp o s e 3 9 - F o u n d a t i o n s o f F a i t h (Introduction)
2 1 --F F r e e B a c k t o S c h o o l C o m - munity / Health Fair
´0HWDEROLF 6\QGURPHµ 1 8 - W h a t D o Y o u K n o w About Heart Disease & Hypertension?
1 4 - W e i g h t L e s s N o w 4 0 - T o p F a s h i o n C o u r t 4 1 - S h a t t e r e d B u t N o t B ro k e n
´)RRG )RU 7KRXJKWµ 2 0 - F i r s t A f r i c a n American Library
´&ODZGLDµ 37
´6WRS 3OD\LQJµ 2 6 - S p o r t R e d u c t i o n (Is It Sport or Spot?) (Comic Strip)
¶7UXH 5RPDQFH· 3 4 - W i l l Y o u S t i l l L o v e Me ´&ODZGLDµ 37
V i v i a n C l a r k --C CE O Mailing Address: P.O. Box 542703 Dallas TX. 75354 214 4--2 4--3 - 2 7 4 - 3 4 1 3 Vivian@SimplyMeMagazine.com www.SimplyMeMagazine.com
1 6 - H e G e t s W h a t H e W a n t s 1 9 - F r o m T h e P e n o f C J 2 0 - F i r s t A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n
(Comic Strip)
´)RXQGDWLRQV RI )DLWKµ 3 9 - I n t r o d u c t i o n
Ad & Article submissions:
0 8 - T e x a s S i z e L e a d e r s h i p With Solutions
Library 4 3 - A S i m p l y M e P r o f i l e o f The Fifty, Fit and Fabulous 4 5 - P r e p a r i n g F o r W h a t Happens 4 6 - : K L W Q H \ + R X V W R Q · V Wall of Remembrance
Ordinary People
Doing Extraordinary Things Editorial - CEO Vivian Clark
God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Funny, as I say these words I can see the people who were ordinary and God using them in extraordinary ways. For I have learned, without God it is impossible but all things are made pos- sible through Him. Really, there is nothing we can ac- complish in life without God. God took an ordinary boy from the south whose mother taught him the value of edu- cation by teaching him to read before he started school. His father, a strong black man, lead by example by helping blacks get jobs in a segregated society. He finished college and went on to receive his doctorate in Theology from Boston University. He had decided at a young age he was going to make a difference in the world. After having many job offers, he chose to become a minister. Deciding not to preach with his father, he took a Pastoral position in Montgomery, Alabama with other black leaders and formed the
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Southern Christian Leadership Conference to discuss civil rights, Jim Crow laws, voting rights, and preaching to the black race to meet violence with non non--violence. -violence. God used Martin Luther King in an extraordinary way by giving him a dream that one day we will all live in a nation where ZH ZRQ·W EH MXGJHG E\ WKH color of our skin, but by the content of our character. God gave Martin Luther King the extraordinary courage to form the march on Washington D.C. supported by 200,000 people both black and white in protest of inequality. That historic day, they all were encouraged as WKH\ VDQJ WRJHWKHU ´:H 6KDOO 2YHUFRPH 2QH 'D\ µ God use an ordinary girl who came up in the south and face racial discrimination at an early age. She saw that the KKK had no problem with lynching or burning houses. Under Jim Crow law, blacks and whites were separated in every area, especially transportation. Not sepa- rated trains or buses but
separate seating. She walked daily to a one room school for education, while the school bus, took the white students to school. Later, she works as a secretary, seamstress, and soon took a position with the NAACP. It was not her plan to refuse to give up her seat, it just happened. The seating laws was that blacks had to pay their fare and reenter the bus by the back door. This was a way of life for a woman named Rose Parks. On this day when the white passengers needed a seat and the bus driver asked Rosa , to move she refused and was put in jail for not giving up her seat. God, did an extraordinary thing ,with Rosa as He took this opportunity to open the eyes of America .The unjust conditions for black people in America and that all people were created equal and in His image. It took the civil rights movement to boycott the Montgomery, Alabama bus company to change the law that blacks and whites can sit anywhere they please. YES, we have come a long way and have a long way to go, but one thing we know - God uses Ordinary people to do Extraordinary things!
Texas Size Leadership With Solutions WG Garland Interview -Â Louis Lewis
Is your name a reflection of a time period?
education will help save our young generation>
Yes it is, to a certain extent. My full name, as it is on birth my certificate is W. G. Âł Garland Jr. I was named after my father.
7KDW¡V DQ LQWHUHVWLQJ question. I definitely have an opinion on that. Fathering, mentoring, and educating defi- nitely has its place. That proc- ess is usually done in very pri- YDWH VHWWLQJV VR LW GRHVQ¡W HI fect the overall system. Its not a systematic approach. What we need to do is continue to do the personal one on one. We also need to be more visible to WKH WKLQJV ZH GRQ¡W OLNH DERXW WKH V\VWHP ,W¡V D IDFW WKDW RXU African American males are not doing well. We need to bring awareness that the system needs to change and become a systemic solution.
Did you grow grow-Â-Âup -Âup in one place? I grew up in Dallas, Texas RQ +DWFKHU 6WUHHW :H GLGQ¡W move around. My Father was a custodian with Dallas Independent School District (DISD). My mother was a first grade teacher with DISD. I went to Lincoln High my sopho- more year. I graduated from Madison my junior and senior year and was I valedictorian of Madison class of 1969.
Do you see yourself, as Sim-Â ply Me Magazine sees you, as an ordinary person who has done, is doing, and continues to do ex-Â traordinary things? Definitely I see myself as an ordinary person. My parents never taught me to egotistical. They never taught me to think I was better than anybody. But what they did teach me was to do the best that I could with what I had.
,Q WKH ¡V DQG ¡V WKH\ march and did sit sit-Â-Âin. -Âin. Do you think Fathering , Mentoring and Page 8
As more male figures begin their leadership roles. Do you see females following and standing by to support the men ? Absolutely, when we look through the history of African Americans, through slavery, through reconstruction. We see the black female as an extremely strong foundation in supporting the African American male.
Has any family, friends, or co co-Â-Âworkers -Âworkers ever try to keep you from succeeding in life ? Regretfully, yes. When we talk about human nature, we really
talking about the nature of the beast. In many situations many people see you as advancing as their detriment or their downfall. Yes, throughout the years I have had people tell me , FRXOGQ¡W GR WKLQJV , OLVWHQHG with respect but I maintained my direction as I was taught by my parent. parent.  Â
This may sound old fashion, but I ORYH P\ IDPLO\ <RX VHH ,¡P ROG school, I have no problem admitting to it, I love spending time with my wife Cara and my two ORYLQJ VRQV -¡4XD\ DQG -RUGDQ , ZDQW WR EH WKH EHVW GDG VR ,¡P YHU\ DFWLYH LQ P\ VRQ¡V OLYHV 0\ family is top priority and, I make sure we spend quality time together.. We go camping, to the movies and plenty of one on one time. I grew up here in Dallas, raised by my mother Sherry and P\ GDG -HZHO 7KRPSVRQ ,¡P WKH oldest of four, I have a set of fraternal twins brothers Jermaine and Jarreau and the youngest is Jeremy. I own a recording studio; named D.W.P. studio which stands for Diamond Work Productions. We are the musicians for Little Flock Baptist Church, in Forney , Texas. I went to W.T. White High School in Dallas, Texas and graduated in 1996.
I enjoy entertaining my family and friends. I love PXVLF LW¡V EHHQ DURXQG me my whole life. I guess you can call it my ´6HFRQG /RYH¾ 0\ GDG plays a big part in my life when it comes to listening to music. My dad would get lost in music, everyday he would play his Reel to Reel or his Record Player from Marvin *D\H WR WKH ´0LJKW\ &ORXGV RI -R\¾ , NQHZ HYHU\ VRQJV DQG some. Lol. Music was in me as a kid I was infatuated with playing. 0DQ\ SHRSOH GRQ¡W NQRZ WKLV but I was taught to play the drums by younger brother Jarreau. I wanted to play the double pedals but he would tell me anything you can do with two you can do it with one. You ask do Shivery still exis- WHQFH ZHOO \HV ,¡P ROG VFKRRO , love pulling out a chair and RSHQLQJ FDU GRRUV 7KDW¡V MXVW JRRG ROH UHVSHFW DQG ´$LQ¡W QRWKLQJ ZURQJ ZLWK UHVSHFW ¾ , was born in Dallas, Texas in the KDUYHVW WLPH RI 1RYHPEHU ,¡P not married but I am currently in a relationship. What do I like in a ODG\" , OLNH D ODG\ ZKR¡V VPDUW DQG RXW JRLQJ :KDW¡V DUH P\ hobbies? I love music, I have a great compassion for it. I love the sound it brings so I install
So I made it a point to practice with one pedal and be the best I could be. I met Greg Clark of the group G-code . Greg taught me patience and how to develop a good ear for music. I call him P\ ´%LJ %URWKHU ¾ , HQMR\ P\ OLIH ,¡P MXVW DQ 2UGLQDU\ SHUVRQ GRLQJ something Extraordinary things with my life.. Sound system in cars. It started out with putting stereo in my friends and family cars. The de- mand grew, so in 2000, I went in business for myself. I had the ex- SHULHQFH , ZRUN IRU 3URWpJp¡ VLQFH 1997. I opened up Sound Right Car Improvement..LLC. The name came from my Clients they would VD\ ´PDNH VXUH WKH VWHUHR VRXQGV ULJKW ¾ , DOVR ORYH WR FRRN ´VKXFNV¾ KDG P\ RQ FDWHULQJ FRP pany at one time. Life is good and LW JRLQJ WR JHW EHWWHU ,¡P MXVW DQ ordinary person doing some Extraordinary things with my life. V
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Ordinary or Extraordinary You Choose! c o m mu n i ty -Â L a i l a M o n et
Tell me about Laila. (Who is she, where was she born?) My name is Laila Monet. I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. I am a professional full figured model/motivational speaker residing in Dallas, TX due to hurricane Katrina. Did obesity run in her family, was she born obese or was this over her life time. Yes, obesity does run in my family and as I grew older the obese disease became worst. As a child, kids say the worst things. Do you remember anything that sticks out that they may have said that still rings in the back of your mind? Oh yes I do. I have heard HYHU\WKLQJ IURP ´IDW¾ WR ´\RXU uniform skirt can be used as D WDEOH FORWK ¾ Were you even pick, on as a child because of your weight? Yes, I was picked on especially by peers. I was FRQVLGHUHG WKH ´RXWFDVW¾ EHFDXVH , GLGQ¡W ´ORRN OLNH WKHP¾ RU ´ILW WKH PROH ¾ Did you attend dances, or the proms? Who was the one guy who broke your heart due to
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your weight or did he look pass the weight and like you for being who you were? Yes. I did attend dances and proms with dates, but for my senior prom I decided to go alone. Due to me having low self -Â-Âesteem esteem at that time, I was a ball of emotions. There was one guy who broke my heart due to me being overweight. He broke up with me because he was embarrassed to be seen with me due to his friends were going to make fun of him if he was seen ZLWK D ´)DW *LUO Âľ Have you ever been discriminated against because of your weight? Yes. I was interested in this guy, and a girlfriend of mine told him how pretty I was. He was very interested, so we exchanged numbers and started talking on the phone. When we finally met, KH ZDV YHU\ QRQFKDODQW GLGQ¡W show me any interest at all. When I tried to call him, he never answered or returned my calls. That really made me feel unwanted and ugly. I thought I was the problem.
tors.) My son was born at 27 weeks due to my obesity. I de- veloped preeclampsia and hy- pertension because of it. During my pregnancy I gained over 50 pounds. It was when I saw my son do his first crawl to someone other than me. I FRXOGQ¡W JHW RQ WKH IORRU DQG play with him, because it would be very hard for me to get up. That was when I said enough is enough!! I have to do something about my weight! My son was and still is my motivation. What was the biggest challenge mentally and physically you faced? My biggest challenge mentally was the way I saw myself. I always wanted to look like someone else; I was never pleased or satisfied with who God made me to be. Physically, I faced health challenges where I had trouble with my knees, diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea due to my obesity.
What was the breaking point for you, what made you decide to take off the weight?
How has your life changed since you lost the weight? If you could, would you do it over again? Can you please attach a before and after picture of you and if you want to write anything addition-Â ally, please feel free to do so.
It was when I got pregnant and my son had a 75 percent chance to live (according to the doc-Â
Since I lost the weight and started seeing myself as God sees me, I feel GREAT!! Through
all of this, I overcame depression, low self self-Â-Âesteem, -Âesteem, and a lack of confi-Â dence. I asked God to show me what He sees in me and that is just what He did. Before I lost the weight, I had to start loving myself just the way I was before the trans-Â formation began! All you have to do is change the way you think of your-Â self, start speaking things as though they are; saying good things about yourself. You have to BELIEVE that you can do it! That is KEY! Just BE-Â LIEVE!! How much weight did you lose? I lost 142 pounds. I was 332 pounds. I read that you had the Gastric Bypass surgery, is this something that you would do over again?
SMM On Fresh Wind TV Interview
<HV 0D¡DP , VXUH ZRXOG GR LW DOO over again!! This surgery changed my LIFE. My surgery was medically necessary due to me having diabetes and severe hypertension. Gastric Bypass surgery is only a ´WRRO¾ WR KHOS \RX ORVH WKH ZHLJKW Now, it is up to you to maintain it and NHHS WKH ZHLJKW RII ,W¡V DOO DERXW living a healthy lifestyle. Do you recommend it to anyone wanting to lose weight? If anyone is interested, I would say, please do your research, this surgery is very invasive and I would encourage the individual to seriously, find the right surgeon who has your best interest at heart and not just in it for the money.
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Beauty Tips for Spring 2012
Perfect Peace
Beauty -Â In g r i d C o l e m a n Â
Spring 2012 is here and there is no better reason to want a change of style to transition us from the Winter months. Why not recommend new make make-Â-Âup -Âup to brighten up your look? This year, the trend of pastels, bright lilacs, gold will definitely be on the scene. The natural look with a pop of bright make make-Â-Âup -Âup color can be the trend with women of all ages who are looking for a fun youthful look. For a radiant glow use colors with a shimmery finish ranging from pumpkins to rose. To add dimension to the eyes, cheeks, and lips try mixing dark and light colors together for a puckered look that pops. If you DUH ZDQWLQJ D ´EUHH]\ EHDFK IHHOÂľ WU\ VRIW VHDVLGH KXHV WKDW consist of pastel pink, coral, violet and blue. Also intermix with heavier grays and greens with velvety tones to create a warm spring/summer look. A perfect set of arched brows will always be the look from the runway to the workplace. You can enhance them by brushing through a creamy eye shadow, which will blend in easier than a waxy brow pencil. Also keep in mind,
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an eyebrow shape can change the shape of your face. Knowing your face shape is the first step to creating you most beautiful look.
´<RX >*RG@ ZLOO NHHS KLP in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, EHFDXVH KH WUXVWV LQ <RX ¾ Isaiah 26:3, NKJV
To highlight your look, sweep an atmospheric pale silver eye shadow on the arc of your lids and above the crease, this trick can give you a refreshed look that opens the entire face. For an extra boost, press a tiny bit of the shadow on the uppermost ridges of the cheekbones to catch the light and cast a soft sheen on the skin. This same technique can apply to gold blushes and/or bronzers.
Perfect Peace is defined
A bright, gorgeous color can transform your lips and your day! Have fun with pinks and oranges on both lips and nails a spirited color color-Â-Âblocking -Âblocking on the runway. Keep the lip matte and your nails, short and square. Try: Covergirl Lip Perfection Lipcolor from pinks and roses to lilacs and burgundies. Ladies, have fun this Spring and work your new look with style and confidence. $OZD\V UHPHPEHUÂŤQR PDWWHU the trend, nothing is more in style than inner beauty! V
DV ´FRPSOHWHQHVV wholeness, having nothing missing or broken in your life: tranquility, justice, sufficient food, clothing, housing, Divine health, an absence of: disorder, lack, violence, pain, suffering, and DOO RWKHU QHJDWLYH IRUFHV ¾ Living in Perfect Peace is a supernatural way of life that everyone can experience because of the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ. St. John 10:10 $03 VD\V WKDW -HVXV ´
came that they [you] may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows ¾ 7KDW¡V
Perfect Peace Peace,, and it can be \RXU ZD\ RI OLIH QRZ ´7KDW sounds like an impossible life to live . . . especially in WRGD\¡V ZRUOG ¾ \RX PD\ VD\ It may sound impossible, but LW¡V QRW EHFDXVH ´with God
nothing is ever impossibleÂľ /XNH
AMP). So keep reading and find out how you can live in Perfect Peace Peace.. According to Isaiah 26:3, God is the One Who will keep you in Perfect Peace Peace.. But God can only keep in Perfect Peace those that are
Spiritual -Â Pastor Veronica Cunningham Â
reconnected to Him through Jesus Christ. Jesus said of +LPVHOI LQ 6W -RKQ ´
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me ¾ 1 John 2:23 (NLT) says, ´Anyone who denies the Son
>-HVXV &KULVW@ GRHVQ¡W KDYH the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son [Jesus Christ] has the Father also ¾ When you
confess Jesus as your Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you have acknowledged the Son, and the Father will be yours also (Romans 10:9). Consequently, you will be saved, reconnected to God, and given all spiritual blessings blessings-Â- -Â-Âall -Â-Âall of which qualify you for Perfect Peace (Ephesians 1:3). All that remains for you to do to live in Perfect Peace is . . . trust in God, and keep your mind stayed on God. Psalm 34:8 (NKJV) says, ´O taste and see that the
LORD is good: blessed is the man who trusts in Him Âľ Do
you trust in God? Have you committed yourself to Him? Do you lean on, hope confidently in, and have confidence in His integrity, honesty, ability, and reliability? If you answered ´\HV¾ WR DOO RI WKRVH TXHV tions, you trust in God. But if \RX DQVZHUHG ´QR¾ to even one of those questions, you
do not trust in God. The SHRSOH WKDW DQVZHUHG ´\HV¾ to all of the questions above are doing what it takes to have an ongoing relationship of trust with God. They are continually spending time with God in prayer and in His Word, and they are doers of the Word and not hearers only (Luke 18:1; James 1:22; I Peter 2:2). You must do the same if you want to have an ongoing relationship of trust with God. Once you reach that place of trusting in God, then you will be able to keep your mind stayed on God, which is key to living in Perfect Peace Peace.. Keeping your mind stayed on God is done primarily by keeping your mind stayed on *RG¡V :RUG EHFDXVH *RG and His Word are one. St. John 1:1 says, ´In the
beginning was the Word . . . and the Word was God ¾ 6R when you keep your mind VWD\HG RQ *RG¡V :RUG \RX are keeping your mind stayed on God. Keeping \RXU PLQG VWD\HG RQ *RG¡V Word means that you are keeping your thoughts fixed RU VHW RQ *RG¡V :RUG \RX are steadfast, unmovable, and established in your beliefs based on the Word of God; and you are resting in *RG¡V :RUG EHOLHYLQJ WKDW God will do what He has said (Numbers 23:19). In short, keeping your mind stayed on *RG¡V :RUG PHDQV WKDW WKH
Word of God is final authority in your life. Now, \RX¡UH QRW JRLQJ WR JHW WR this place of keeping your PLQG VWD\HG RQ *RG¡V :RUG overnight. There is a process you must go through, which will require you doing what God told Joshua to do in Joshua 1:8 1/7 ´Study this Book of
,QVWUXFWLRQ >*RG¡V :RUG@ continually. Meditate [ponder, mutter to oneself (confess), imagine, give deep thought] on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do ¾ $V \RX FRQWLQXDOO\
VWXG\ DQG PHGLWDWH *RG¡V Word, you will eventually be able to keep your mind VWD\HG RQ *RG¡V :RUG DQG when you do keep your PLQG VWD\HG RQ *RG¡V :RUG DQG REH\ *RG¡V :RUG \RX will prosper and succeed in all you do, and live in Perfect Peace Peace.. Everything it takes to live in Perfect Peace is doable . . ZLWK *RG¡V KHOS RI FRXUVH When you reconnect to God through Jesus Christ, trust in God, continually study DQG PHGLWDWH *RG¡V :RUG VR that you can keep your mind VWD\HG RQ *RG¡V :RUG DQG REH\ *RG¡V :RUG \RX will live in Perfect Peace Peace.. V
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Kid Matters -Â Editors Choice
From the First Lady, Michelle Obama at the national level, to our very own Texas Department of Health**, the alarming trend toward the marked increase in childhood obesity has garnered a lot of well deserved attention. Even in the genre of art imitating life, from the Hollywood big screen, LQ WKH PRYLH œ0RQVWHU¡V %DOO¡ ZH VHH +DOOH %HUU\¡V PDWHUQDO character struggling with and lamenting the well casted state of obesity in her young African American son; and the young ODG¡V SHUVRQDO VWUXJJOHV ZLWK overeating as a maladaptive fix IRU OLIH¡V VWUHVVRUV Are you worried about your child being overweight? This worry is well placed. Consider the following realities for your overweight child: *very possible problems such as Metabolic Syndrome: diabetes, high blood pressure/ heart disease, high cholesterol; *low self esteem manifested as not feeling good about himself/ herself as a person; *social awkwardness making it difficult to attain and retain friendships; *tendency to be withdrawn, avoiding play with other kids or engaging in physical exercise;
Weight Less Now . . . Worries Less Late Laterr E d i t o r s C h o i c e -Â
UHWHQWLRQ RI œEDE\ IDW¡ LQWR DGXOWKRRGDQG DOO WKH DERYH problems along for the ride as excess baggage.
Turn off the TV, hide the remote, put on your sneakers and some sun screen, take your FKLOG E\ WKH KDQG DQG JRÂŤ
Guilty of role modeling poor eating habits? Welcome to the FOXE :H¡YH DOO EHHQ hoodwinked and bamboozled into the fast, faster, fastest food generation by corporate $PHULFD :KDW¡V QHHGHG LV WKDW old sixties counter culture PRYHPHQW SKLORVRSK\ ´IUHH \RXU mind and your you know what ZLOO IROORZ ¾ &RQVLGHU WKHVH approaches:
*walking for 1.5 to 2 miles (or for at least 30 minutes) three (3) or more times per week;
*set a good example and teach E\ GRLQJÂŤOLWWOH SLWFKHUV KDYH ELJ ears and eyes too;
*swimming for 30 to 45 minutes several times a week at your nearest pool;
NHHS IRRG LQ LWV SURSHU SODFHÂŤ not as rewards or bribes. Hugs, kisses, toys, quality time with play or story reading are far bet-Â ter motivators;
Experiencing frustration about how to help your child? +HUH¡V KRZ WR VXEOLPDWH WKDW wasted emotional energy into something proactive and progressive:
*biking along designated paths at your local nature preserve; *running 3 3-Â-Â4 -Â4 times around your local school track several times a week; *jumping rope to a good old ÂśGR]HQV¡ VRQJ ´0DU\ 0DFN GUHVVHG LQ EODFNÂŤÂľ *playing just about any kind of ball game that gets you out the house and onto a field or court; VKDNLQJ WKDW ÂśJURRYH WKDQJ¡ LQ Zumba or Line dancing for a good 15 minutes regularly; *or just going to a large safe SDUN DQG SOD\LQJ ÂśKLGH DQG VHHN¡ with a base located at least 50
*quench little thirst with water, water and more water (up to 8 glasses a day)! But allow 1 or 2 cups of milk, and no more than 6 ounces of juice per day. *structure food offerings into 5-Â-Â6 6 feedings (small meals with fruit and vegetable snacks 1 1-Â-Â1.5 -Â1.5 hours in between settings) *stay away from the junk food DLVOHV ZKHQ VKRSSLQJÂŤMXQN LQ the house, junk in the child. :KDW DUH ´KHDOWK\ IRRGVÂľ LQ this economy? The same in any economy: *two or less servings of low fat or
Kenneth L. Johnson, BSN, RN skim milk (not whole) a day; SRWDWRHVRQO\ LI EDNHG RU ERLOHGDQG ORWV RI SODLQ FRRNHG or raw veggies; *low fat milk or yogurt puddings RQO\QL[ WKH LFH FUHDP *toast, unsweetened cereal, whole grain crackers, pretzels, popcorn (without butter) as snacks; *fresh summer fruits and fruit juices are less expensive than calorie laden processed foods. What can I do for my overweight child daily? Love him or her unconditionally! Make it clear: even if he/she ZHLJKV D œWRQ¡ \RXU ORYH ZLOO never, never fail. 3OD\ LV WKH œZRUN¡ RI FKLOGUHQ ,QYHVW LQ KHOSLQJ WKHP œHDUQ WKHLU NHHS¡ E\ EXUQLQJ FDORULHV *Remember: Junk in, junk out. Only give healthy foods and snacks; *Rescue your child from œ7HOHYLVLRQ /DQG¡ /LPLW 79 WLPH to less than two hours per day; *Consider: Every plate does not have to be licked clean! Chil- GUHQ NQRZ ZKHQ WKH\ DUH œIXOO¡ Childhood obesity can be beat through love and good team work. Blessings and Favor. **TDH WIC Program pamphlet with emphasis by Kenneth L. Johnson, BSN, RN V
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The last time we spoke to Lynda J, the outstanding Playwright and Author, we talked about real life, infidelity and “Who’s Loving Who” TED: Your last play took a head-on approach to dealing with infidelity in the church. In doing so, you chose to spotlight infidelity on behalf of the pastor. In light of what is happening with Bishop Long, do you feel like you should have done that type of play? LJ: Absolutely. When I write, I deal with real life. In no way did I know what was going on with Bishop Long. Actually, we still don’t know what went on with that situation. As I understand it, the court documents have been sealed. That may be the best thing.
On Bishop Eddie Long TED: Are you saying that the church should look the other way in the Bishop Long situation? As I recall you did write about infidelity in the church. Lynda J Playwright / Author
He Gets What He Wants The last time we spoke to Lynda J, the outstanding play write and author, we talked about real life, infidelity and “Who’s Loving Who,” her shocking and revealing stage play that tackled the tough issues of infidelity in the church. This time I caught up with her to discuss the love of her life, and apparently “He Gets What He Wants.” TED: The last time we spoke, you were about to take our stage play on the road to Baton Rouge Louisiana. How did the premier go? LJ: It was simply marvelous. As I admitted to you the last time we spoke, I was little afraid – scratch that. I wasn’t afraid, but it made me feel very nervous and anxious to tell that type of story to people who may, or may not, know me and where I come from. On the other hand, this is the challenge that I’ve taken on, and these are the stories that I have to tell. So I guess these are the types of risks I have to take when moving forward into new territory.
LJ: No, that is not what I am saying. It is not my intent to point the finger at no single person. My personal challenge is to master my own destiny and be accountable for me, not someone else. As a writer and storyteller, I deal with the issues and not the people. I deal with societal ills that people have to address and overcome for themselves. When it comes to the Bishop Long situation, I do not know enough about that situation to draw a conclusion, or make any comments. TED: Based on what you do know, what is the message you would put into a play? LJ: At the core of the message that I would put into a play is this: Only the person who is without sin should throw the first stone. At the end of the day, the core message would be about the forgiveness in God, through Jesus Christ. I am saying that anyone who wants that forgiveness, if they are in fact guilty of anything, can get that forgiveness.
“He Gets What He Wants”
Getting What He Wants TED: Okay. Let’s talk about the true Love of your life. LJ: Yes. Let’s do that. TED: In your new play, “He Gets What He Want” you focus on a character, David, who appears to be a “Mama’s Boy,” but the story is actually about God getting what He wants. LJ: (Laughing) Yes. I have learned, as I am sure many other people have, no matter how we try to proceed in life, if we do not do it God’s way there will be unnecessary obstacle. Not only is the Lord the Love of my life, we are the Apple’s of His eye. In this play the audience will be taken on a different kind of journey. TED: How would you classify this play? LJ: This play has a little bit of everything in it. It is part drama, part comedy and has a little bit of suspense in it.
Who Is TED: Nobody really knows. Ted is an acronym for The Eyes of Texas, but no one knows the journalist. We only know TED is a freelance writer, who reports on the arts, entertainment and city “hot spots.”
“What’s funny about my journey is that I had no inclination to do anything with writing or putting on stage plays.” – Ms. Lynda J Lynda J. Thompson Dodd is a native Texas. She adapted “Lynda J.” from a friend, who during a low point in her life, called to remind her that “you are your own person, Lynda J.” Needless to say, she heard him and it caught on. Lynda J., was born in Dallas, December 5, 1968, and is the fourth of five children. The daughter of a well respected pastor, she is also the mother of two vibrant and talented teenagers. Some of her other works include, “Who’s Loving Who,” “The Stripper (It’s not what you think),” “Passing It On,” and “If I Don’t Pray for Them.” In addition, Lynda has written various skits, short stories and poetry to suit any occasion. Silenced No More Productions is a company representing voices that have been silenced through tragedy or misfortunate events. When fear arises in a person, it can cause them to shut down and become withdrawn; even being lost within themselves. SNMP want to share our stories abroad and be that audible voice that has been unjustly hushed. “Unspoken words will kill you, but speaking out will heal you. Don’t be a victim to your own silence. Speak up, speak out, and speak LOUD! Your words are only as strong as the force you put behind them.” – Linda J.
The latest performance, HE GETS WHAT HE WANTS, debuts July 29, 2012. For ticket and tour information visit www.MSLYNDAJ.com .
What Do You Know About ² Heart Disease and Hypertension? M e t abol i c  S y ndr o me  -Â-   K  K e nn e t h  L .  J oh ns o n,  B S N ,  R N Â
Did you know that Heart Disease (HD) is the #1 killer of ZRPHQÂŤDQG PHQ"
Yes. It is true. Moreover, it is a marked truism for African Americans who are highly susceptible to Metabolic Syndrome (MS).
In the Spring 2012 edition of this publication consideration was given to understanding MS as a group of five (5) risk factors that include High Blood Pressure (Essential Hypertension or HTN), High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia or Type 1 and 2 Diabetes), High Cholesterol Levels (Hypercholesterolemia), Increased Abdominal (mid (mid-Â-Âsection) -Âsection) Girth (e.g. fat deposition) and Increased Body Mass Indexing (BMI) or being RYHUZHLJKW IRU RQH¡V KHLJKW
On this occasion the focus will center on the MS risk and role of HTN (as an element of Heart Disease (Cardiovascular 'LVHDVH )LUVW OHW¡V understand that blood pressure (B/P) is a reflection of the amount of hemodynamic pressure being exerted on the ZDOOV RI \RXU ERG\¡V DUWHULHV (e.g. those vessels which bring fresh oxygen rich blood from Page 18
the heart to the rest of the body).
B/P is measured in terms of pressure generated by the heart actively pushing blood through the arterial system (the systolic pressure or upper number), and the pressure that exist as the heart relaxes after active pumping (the diastolic pressure or bottom number). As a matter of course then, a QRUPDO UHDGLQJ RI ´ ¾ RU less reflects a non threatening level of pressure in the cardiovascular system.
Conversely, a measured B/P starting to rise above 135/85 is becoming problematical. And, over time, if unmanaged, and observed through repeated measurements to go up to 140/90 and above, blood pressure then has reached a level where intervention is imperative. And when this condition, which places more strain on the heart, weakens vital heart and brain vessels gets compounded by other MS risk factors, personal health will suffer and eventually fail if proper medical attention and healthcare are not obtained.
typical excessive heat and increased activity), likely many of us (if lifestyles are the same and MS risk factors still prevail), have already edged much closer to being at further risk for heart attack and stroke related to uncontrolled or poorly controlled HTN. This is HVSHFLDOO\ RI FRQFHUQ LI ZH¡YH discarded or discontinued WKRVH 1HZ <HDU¡V UHVROXWLRQV to actualize better lifestyle choices through diet and exercise.
Moreover, for mild or modest cases of HTN, those lifestyle choices are very significant. Factually, one may shave anywhere from 5 5-Â-Â15 -Â15 points off both the Systolic and Diastolic pressure readings through diet and exercise. How does this work? Well one of the pathophysiologic elements of HTN is an over abundance of vascular fluid volume that is principally associated with daily Sodium (salt) intake. Consequently, it is reasonable to anticipate a reduction in pressure when salt is modulated or removed from the diet. And in tandem with this aspect of good management of HTN, it is well recognized that both vascular and heart muscle resistance from sclerotic tissue
responses (collection of cholesterol) is improved through the action of regular aerobic exercises (e.g. Zumba, dancing, walking, jogging, running in and out of the gym).
Now for more advanced states of HTN with or without HD, one has little recourse than to attain and continue proper medical and healthcare supervision using targeted medications in conjunction with therapeutic diet and doctor approved exercise to effectively lower the blood pressure and lessen the risk of heart attack and/or stroke.
The desire for being vibrant and healthy as we age is innate for us. However, taking proactive action to reach these goals is often hampered by a personal lack of energy, excessive stress or high blood pressure, various physical discomforts like backaches and joint aches. We can all agree that once we gain mastery over the 'excuses' that block us from proper exercise and healthy eating habits, we then have an excellent chance at moving on to productive lifestyle behaviors. Yet, how do we gain this mastery? Well, stay tuned to this column, for that indeed is another story. V
From The Pen of CJ C o mmu n i t y   -Â-  -  C  C JJ  Â
Hello to all my sistas with a OLO¡ VRPHWKLQJ H[WUD I wanted to share some WKRXJKWV ZLWK \RX EXW , KDGQ¡W quite figured out in what direc- WLRQ , ZDQWHG WR JR  EXW WKH Father guides us in whatever area of our lives we choose to let Him in. I was driving along the IUHHZD\ UHFHQWO\ RQH ´VXQQ\¾ morning just thinking how ´EHDXWLIXO ´ WKH GD\ KDG WXUQHG out to be when just hours before we were under all kinds of weather alerts and these thoughts came to PH I was channel surfing for something to listen to on the radio ( I needed something to match the good YLEHV , ZDV IHHOLQ¡ IURP DOO WKLV beauty God had created for me to take in ) I settled in for an oldie EXW JRRGLH VWDWLRQ WKDW ,¡YH EHHQ listening to ever since I moved to Dallas. The artist was Johnny Taylor aka the Wailer in these parts and he was singing one of KLV FODVVLFV WKDW ,¡YH SUREDEO\ heard a 100 times before but this time it struck a chord within me. , WKRXJKW RI ´DOO XV VLVWDV ZLWK D OLO¡ VRPHWKLQJ H[WUD¾ DQG LW ´EOHZ P\ PLQG¾ I think the name of the VRQJ LV VRPHWKLQJ OLNH ´,¡P GRLQJ P\ RZQ 7KDQJ¾ GRQ¡W TXRWH PH on that, but there were a couple RI OLQHV KH VDLG LQ WKH VRQJ ´%LJ Fat Sally with the hot pants on,
you say she ought to be ZKLSSHG IR¡ HYHU OHDYLQ¡ KRPH but then J.T. says Leave her DORQH VKH DLQ¡W ERWKHULQ¡ 1R ERG\ ´6+(¡6 -867 '2,1* +(5 2:1 7+$1*Âľ DQG WKDW¡V ZKHQ LW KLW PHÂŤÂŤÂŤÂŤ , VDLG WKDW¡V OLNH P\ VLVWDV DQG , ZH¡UH DOO MXVW GRLQ¡ RXU RZQ WKDQJ :H¡UH QRW 6XSHU 0RGHO Run Way Size Double Zero but We Can Rock Own Style on Our Own Run Ways. Without Fear, Shame or Condemnation from a society of people who tell us ZKDW ZH FDQ¡W EH DWWUDFWLYH LI wear anything over a size 12. We live in such a diverse society today and there is no particular standard for what we DOO VKRXOG ZHDU 6DOO\ DQG ´KHU PDQÂľ PLJKW OLNH WKH ZD\ VKH ORRNV LQ KHU ´KRW SDQWVÂľ , PLJKW like my sundress and flats and Jane might want to rock a pr. of jeans and a T T-Â-ÂVKLUW FX] ´:H¡UH -ÂVKLUW FX] ´:H¡UH MXVW GRLQ¡ RXU RZQ 7KDQJÂľ /HW¡V QRW NQRFN XV VLVWDV ZLWK D OLO¡ something Extra we are all a 'HVLJQHU¡V RULJLQDO /LIH LV fleeting, find joy in whatever you GR GRQ¡W KXUW QRERG\ HVSHFLDOO\ QRW \RXUVHOI DQG ´'2 <285 2:1 7+$1*Âľ 3 6 :KHQ \RX¡UH ´GRLQJ \RXÂľ OHW¡V UHPHPEHU WR EH &ODVV\ Tasteful and Original when you go out because you are after all UHSUHVHQWLQJ ´6,67$6 :,7+ $ /,/¡ 620(7+,1* (;75$¾ /RYLQ¡ *RG Me and You. V
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The First African American Library ´ ) R R G ) R U 7 K R X J K W ¾ - D r . W r i g h t L . L a s s i t e r J r .
2QH RI WKH QDWLRQ¡V first public libraries was launched on February 20, 1833, with the founding of the Philadelphia Library Company of Colored Persons. The founders advanced a tradition of African reading and writing over two thousand years old. When African nations were conquered during the enslavement period, scholars and those entrusted with the keys of knowledge were among the first people killed. The oral historians ´JULRWV¾ ZKR VXUYLYHG ZHUH able to decode the ghostly writings on surfaces that the conquerors had not destroyed ³ pyramid walls, sealed temples, caves, and ancient tablets. These an- cient writings revealed that the tradition of African libraries dates back to that RI (J\SW¡V .LQJ 2V\PDQG\V circa 1240 BC. Much of what LV NQRZQ DV ´*UHHN SKLORVRSK\¾ LV GHULYHG IURP the ancient religious systems NQRZQ DV ´(J\SWLDQ P\VWHULHV ¾ The first African American library founded in Philadelphia empowered the African American through knowledge and in the words
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of an Egyptian inscription ³ ´.12: 7+<6(/) ¾ Selected Related Quotations
´(GXFDWLRQ LV ZKDW \RX JHW when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get ZKHQ \RX GRQ¡W ¾ (Janis Weatherall Clark)
´1HYHU OHW SULGH EH \RXU guiding principle. Let your accomplishments speak for WKHPVHOYHV ¾ (Morgan Freeman)
´6XFFHVV LVQ¡W PHDVXUHG E\ the position you reach in life; LW¡V PHDVXUHG E\ WKH REVWDFOHV \RX RYHUFRPH ¾ (Booker T. Washington)
´$ PDQ ZLWKRXW NQRZOHGJH RI himself and his heritage is like D WUHH ZLWKRXW URRWV ¾ (Dick Gregory)
´:H FUHDWH RXU RZQ GHVWLQ\ E\ the way we do things. We have to take advantage of opportunities and be UHVSRQVLEOH IRU RXU FKRLFHV ¾ (Benjamin Carson, M.D.)
´:H PXVW WXUQ WR HDFK RWKHU and not on each other. Let
nobody and nothing break your spirit. Never surrender \RXU GUHDPV Âľ (Rev. Jesse Jackson)
´,I D PDQ LV WR EH FDOOHG D street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to VD\ œ+HUH OLYHG D JUHDW VWUHHW VZHHSHU ZKR GLG KLV MRE ZHOO ¡ ¾ 'U 0DUWLQ /XWKHU .LQJ -U
´3UREDEO\ RQH RI WKH PRVW VHUL ous psychological handicaps young people have today is the QRWLRQ WKDW LW LV ÂśFRRO¡ WR EH D non non-Â-ÂDFKLHYHU WKDW LW LV ÂśKLS¡ WR -ÂDFKLHYHU WKDW LW LV ÂśKLS¡ WR put down hard work in VFKRRO Âľ (Bill Cosby)
´7KHUH¡V D ORW RI WDON DERXW VHOI -Â-Âesteem esteem these days. It seems pretty basic to me. If you want to feel good about yourself, \RX¡YH JRW WR GR WKLQJV WKDW \RX FDQ EH SURXG RI Âľ (Oseola McCarty)
Simply Me Magazine Present: A Free Community Back to School/ Health Fair 2012 J.W Ray Elementary School
We would like to thank each and everyone that made this event a success . Thanks to Professor Derrick Payne and Omega Psi PhiAlpha Theta Chapter for all the School Supplies you donate. Thank you Principle Brown the location was awesome. Thank to all the Health Vendors for sharing your time and products. Simply keeping it Healthy. From Simply Me Magazine.
Are You Saved?  S pi r i t u al   -Â-  -  P  P as t or  Ve r o ni c a  C u n ni ng ha m Â
"The jailer asked for torches and rushed into the jail. He was trembling as he knelt in front of Paul and Si-Â las. Then he took Paul and Silas outside and asked, 'Sirs, what do I have to do to be saved?'" Acts 16:29 16:29-Â-Â30, -Â30, GW Did you know that it is God's will for everyone to be saved? 1 Timothy 2:4 (GW) says that "He [God] wants all people to
be saved and to learn the truth." The word saved in this
verse of scripture means "deliver." What does God want all people delivered from? To fully understand the answer to that TXHVWLRQ OHW¡V WDNH D WULS EDFN in time to when God created the first man and woman woman-Â- -Â-Âaccording -Â-Âaccording to the Bible.
In the beginning, "God cre-Â ated human beings; He created them godlike, reflecting God's nature, He cre-Â ated them male and fe-Â male" (Genesis 1:27, MSG). Man was created innocent innocent-Â-Â -Â-Âwithout -Â-Âwithout sin; God's Spirit lived in his spirit; he was created with a free will; and he was created to live forever (Genesis 1:26 1:26-Â-Â27, -Â27, 2:7). God gave man dominion dominion-Â-Â -Â-Ârulership -Â-Ârulership-Â-Â rulership-Â-Âover -Â-Âover the earth and all of creation with the intention of setting up His kingdom on earth earth-Â-Â -Â-Âthrough man-Â-Â -Â-Âas -Â-Âthrough man -Â-Âas it is in Heaven (Genesis 1:26). God blessed man to have every good and perfect gift (Genesis 1:28, 2:8 2:8-Â-Â 12; James 1:17). There was no evil in the earth earth-Â-Â -Â-Âno -Â-Âno sin, sick-Â ness, poverty, or death. Gene-Â sis 1:31(MSG) says that "God Page 24
looked over everything He had made; it was so good, so very good! . . .
." Then something happened that changed everything. Genesis 2:16 2:16-Â-Â17 -Â17 (GW) says that "The Lord God com-Â
manded the man. He said, 'You are free to eat from any tree in the garden. But you must never eat from the tree of the knowl-Â edge of good and evil because when you eat from it, you will certainly die.'" Then the serpent serpent-Â-Â -Â-Âpossessed Satan-Â-Â -Â-Â -Â-Âpossessed by Satan deceived Eve into eating fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and "she took
of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her hus-Â band with her; and he did eat" (Genesis 3:6; I Timothy 2:14).
Following are some of the devastating consequences Adam and Eve experienced because of their disobedi-Â ence: they were separated from God God-Â-Â -Â-Âwhich -Â-Âwhich is spiritual death; God's Spirit departed from their spirit, and they became mortal and began to die physically (physical death came because of spiritual death); they were no longer godlike, but became like the fallen angel they had obeyed obeyed-Â-Â -Â-ÂSatan; -Â-ÂSatan; God's nature of righteousness righteousness-Â-Â -Â-Âwhich -Â-Âwhich was in their spirit spirit-Â-Â -Â-Âwas -Â-Âwas re-Â placed with Satan's nature of death (which is the root of sin); Satan became their god and father (John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 4:4); they became the servants of Satan and sin (Romans 6:16 6:16-Â-Â 17, 20); they lost their dominion over the earth and all of crea-Â
tion to Satan (Luke 4:5 4:5-Â-Â6); -Â6); the curse of disobedience came upon them them-Â-Â -Â-Âsickness, -Â-Âsickness, poverty, spiritual and physical death (Deuteronomy 28:15 28:15-Â-Â68; -Â68; Romans 5:12); and they were damned damned-Â-Â -Â-Âdestined -Â-Âdestined to spend eternity in hell (Luke 16:19 16:19-Â-Â26). -Â26). This was disastrous, not only for Adam and Eve, but for all of humanity. You see, in the mind of God, all of humanity sinned against Him when Adam and Eve sinned, because all of humanity was within Adam when he sinned (Romans 3:23, 5:18 5:18-Â-Â19). -Â19). Now, all of creation and all of humanity suffer the terrible consequences of Adam and Eve's disobedience disobedience-Â-Â -Â-Â none of which we could deliver ourselves from (Romans 8:22 8:22-Â-Â23). -Â23). Humanity, "having
no hope and without God in the world,"
was helpless. We needed someone outside of humanity to come and rescue us from the horrible predicament we were in (Ephesians 2:12). But who? Who would come and rescue us from sin, Satan, the curse, and eternal dam-Â nation, and restore us back to who we were before Adam and Eve sinned? Who loved us enough to come and take the punishment for our sins upon Himself and pay the price for our eternal deliverance? Only one person person-Â-Â -Â-ÂLove Himself-Â-Â -Â-Âin -Â-ÂLove Himself -Â-Âin the person of Jesus Christ (I John 4:8). St. John 3:16 (NLT) says, "For God loved the
world so much that He gave
His one and only Son [Jesus], so that everyone who be- lieves in Him [Jesus] will not perish but have eternal life." God, Who "was made visible in human flesh" in the person of Jesus Christ, came to this earth to rescue humanity from the consequences of their sins (2 Corinthians 5:19; I Timothy 3:16, AMP). Galatians 1:4 (NLT) says that "Jesus gave His life for our
sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live." Jesus "bare our sins in His own body on the tree" and took upon
Himself the punishment for our sins (Philippians 2:5 2:5--8; -8; I Peter 2:21 2:21--24). 53:4--5 -24). Isaiah 53:4 -5 (NLT) says, " . . . And we
thought His [Jesus] troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for His own sins! But He [Jesus] was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He [Jesus] was beaten so we could be whole. He [Jesus] was whipped so we could be healed." Jesus died for us and went to hell for us and stayed there three days and three nights; after which time, God the Father raised Him from the dead, and now
He is "alive forevermore" (Matthew 12:40; Acts 2:22 2:22--32; -32; Revelation 1:18). Thank You Jesus!
condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!"
Now you will understand the answer to the question . . . what does God want all people delivered from? God wants all people delivered from the consequences of their sins; and this deliver- ance has been provided for everyone through the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Therefore, "If
If you are not saved, don't put it off any longer. Stop playing Russian roulette with your life, and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord now! If you die without accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you will spend eternity with the devil in "the lake of fire" (Revelation 20:10 20:10--15). -15). Why spend eternity with the devil, when you could spend eternity with God in Heaven? God tells you what to choose in Deuteronomy 30:19 (NLT): "Today I have
you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved" (Romans 10:9 10:9--10, -10, NLT).
Once you are saved, then you can experience the reality of your deliverance from the consequences of your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (AMP) says that the person who is in Christ (saved) ". . .
is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual
given you the choice between life [Heaven] and death [Hell], between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make . . . choose life [Heaven] . . . !
[Emphasis added.]"
Pastor Veronica Cunningham ³ Biography Founder and pastor of Celebration Of Life In Christ Ministry. She is also the founder of Celebration Of Life In Christ Christian Library which freely provides materials to aid Christians in their spiritual growth. She is dedicated to preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so as to prepare and equip the saints for the work of the ministry and for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ministry information: 972 972--709 - 709- 709 -9775 - 9775 Email: CelebrateLifeInChrist@yahoo.com
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Sport Reduction (is it spot or sport) Hello everyone, Big C KHUH DJDLQ EDFN ZLWK WKH ´6WRS Playing "section! You know, ,¡YH EHHQ GRLQJ D ORW RI research on a subject called Spot Reduction. First of all let me define what Spot Reduction means. Spot Re- duction is simply the idea that if you work a certain muscle hard enough, you think you will decrease the amount of fat in that area. For example, a person focuses on their abs exercises in an effort to lose weight in their stomach area RU PDNH LW VPDOOHU ,¡P KHUH WR let you know in reality there is no such thing as Spot 5HGXFWLRQ DQG \RX¡OO QHYHU JHW that flat stomach you want. Because on top and around your abs you have a layer of fat covering them so when you WU\ WR 6SRW 5HGXFH \RX¡UH trying to shrink the fat cells in your body. Which is LPSRVVLEOH WR GR ,W¡V MXVW QRW going to happen. Cause no one can shrink fat cells in the body. Sit Sit-Â-Âups, -Âups, for example, will definitely strengthen your abs muscles but sit sit-Â-Âups -Âups alone will not get rid of the layer of fat that is covering the muscles. To lose fat anywhere on your body you need to burn
calories, by following a program that involves both cardiovascular training and weight training. In doing this you will decrease fat stored throughout your entire body including in your problem areas. Do you notice that you sometimes lose fat in some areas more quickly than in other areas? This is simply due to a genetic selective pattern rather than any particular type RI H[HUFLVH ,W¡V D ZHOO RI H[HUFLVH ,W¡V D ZHOO-Â-Âknown -Âknown fact that men tend to gain weight in their abdominal area, where as women tend to gain weight in their buttock area. But if that fat was mobilized or used near the exercising muscles then both men and women will be losing weight in the same area even while following a similar training program. Exercising will strengthen and even increase the size of your muscles. However these muscles do not have any direct control over WKH IDW DURXQG WKHP ,I \RX¡UH D women you are highly associated with a pear or hour glass figure where your fat is primarily deposited in your chest, hips, thighs and buttock area. But once you are premenopausal and as you
´6WRS 3OD\LQJÂľ ´6WRS 3OD\LQJÂľ -Â- Curtis Clark
SDVV WKURXJK \RXU ¡V GXH WR a combination of hormonal fluctuation and life style habits, you get a more apple shape appearance. Men were born with more fat cells in the belly area and more active fat storage enzymes in this area. Therefore all of your life men are prone to gaining and shedding fat in this area. But once men reach 40, the male hormone testosterone begins to decline and that makes it easier to pack on the girth of expanding pounds that are so hard to get rid of. Ok to get started follow these three steps. 1. Consider your gender and age then create a goal for your fitness journey. 2. Take a moment to look at yourself in a full length mirror and just observe what your body looks like. 3. Then prepare a good nutrition & physical activity program. Ok, I gotta go! Good luck, work hard and Stop Playing Playing!! V
Installing  security,  energy  management,  and  comfort  for  the  Small  Office/Home  Office  (SO/HO)  &  small  church  with  audio,  video,  voice,  data,  VoIP.  video,  voice,  data,  VoIP.     Using  today's  technology  on  a  scalable  platform,  allowing  growth  without  buying  a  whole  new  system  growth  without  buying  a  whole  new  system    as  you  grow.  as  you  grow.   Â
H OR I Z ON T A L  C AB LE  P U L LI N G     w w w . Ho r iz o nt a lN et .c om om  Â
Lynette Bryant from Tulsa, Oklahoma, loves her kids. Hobbies: modeling and being adventurous and enjoying
Tonya Dorsey Dorsey-足-足Dews -足 Dews Born in Dallas, Texas. Married and a mother of two. A legal assistant, paralegal for a Law firm. Hobbies; modeling and shopping
Cindy loves her family and hanging out with the grand kids. Hobbies: loves shopping and modeling and mentoring young ladies with makeup tips.
L o t a s h a , f r o m I n d i a n a p o l i s , I n d i -足 ana. Loves sitting in a quite place to compose poetry.
Larry 36, owner of Sound Right Improvement, loves sports and enjoying life.
Dorothy Lowery born in Dallas, Texas. Married and a mother of three. Hobbies: modeling, traveling and hanging out with family and
Angela McAfee loves to live life to it's fullest by spending time with her children and spoiling her grandchildren. Hobbies: fishing, shopping, reading, and being a mind challenger.
Will You Still Love Me? Brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one DQRWKHU¡V EXUGHQV DQG VR IXOILOO the law of Christ. Galatians 6:1 6:1-Â-Â2 -Â2 If you see that I have been overtaken in a fault That may cause me to stumble and fall Will you turn and walk away Or will you restore me in meekness for PHUF\¡V VDNH Will you bear my burdens as Christ did on Calvary? As my friend will you lay down your life for me? Will you still love me always as you love me today? I need to NQRZ :H¡YH EHHQ IULHQGV I need to know Will you still love me tomorrow? Thank you Jesus for lov- ing me always always-Â- yesterday today and WRPRUURZ , SURPLVH ,¡OO always love you I SURPLVH ,¡OO QHYHU OHW \RX JR <RX¡UH P\ VRXUFH P\ strength in you I will grow I love you Jesus I love you Jesus more than riches of this world I love you Jesus forever I will love you Jesus always always-Â- today and tomorrow
Chapter 1 ´:LVKLQJ KRSLQJ ZDLWLQJ and praying are all waste of time. The only way to get any-Â
S p i r i t u a l -Â K e r n y c e K a r e n K i n d r e d
thing and get anywhere in this OLIH LV WR WDNH LW \RXUVHOI Âľ Elisabeth said, sharply. ´8QFOH *HRUJH VD\V ZH should always be willing to JLYH WR RWKHUV Âľ UHSOLHG $VKOH\ ´+XPSK Âľ VQRUWHG (OL]DEHWK ´:HOO DIWHU , ILQLVK WDNLQJ , PLJKW JLYH VRPHWKLQJ LI WKHUH¡V DQ\WKLQJ OHIW Âľ ´(YHQ P\ WHDFKHU DW VFKRRO VD\V LW¡V QLFH WR WKLQN DERXW RWKHUV Âľ $VKOH\ VDLG ´6KH VDLG there are some that are less IRUWXQDWH WKDQ XV Âľ ´%HWWHU ZDWFK RXW IRU WKHP RU WKH\¡OO WU\ WR WDNH \RXU VWXII Everybody is on the take. Nobody is going to give you DQ\WKLQJ Âľ Elisabeth was still bitter. Not only did she not get the promo- tion she felt she deserved, the company had let her go. I VKRXOG¡YH JRWWHQ WKDW SURPR WLRQ ,¡P WKH EHVW HPSOR\HH WKDW company has ever had, she told herself. She was the assistant vice president at Wide West Fi- nancial Services; one of the most profitable mortgage and finance companies in the na- tion ;based out of Dallas. It was as if someone pulled the rug out overnight. Everything began to crumble. Unemployed for nearly eight months, so far she had been able to hold everything to-Â
gether without involving the girls. She had two daughters. Natalie 14, a quiet gentle girl, who could hold her own if she had to. She loved school. her favorite subjects were math and science. She loves chil- dren; sometime after school she would read to them. Ashley, 8, was very sociable and had never met a stranger. She too loves school; and loves to read and write. Always think- ing of others, she tried to visit the nursing home at least two times a month. She made cards and crafts for the residents. Now the savings were almost gone, and next week is the final week of unemployment benefits. The mortgage was due soon, something told me not to get that home equity line of credit with a variable rate. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. :K\ GLGQ¡W , OLVWHQ WR P\ RZQ mind? I took the girls to Disney World, and I really wanted a new car. It had to have all the bells and whistles. What was I thinking or was I even thinking at all, she thought to herself. Instead of taking the girls to school that Friday, Elisabeth decided they would take an unexpected trip to visit her fam- ily in Merriam, Kansas. Merriam was a nine nine-Â-Âhour -Âhour
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Will You Still Love Me? drive from Wiley, Texas, where they lived, but Merriam was home. Her parents had died five years ago of carbon monoxide poisoning in their sleep. What a painless way to go. Her mom always said she would wake up one day in heaven. Her older brother and sister still lived in Merriam. Thomas, the oldest, was a doctor with an established family practice. He married Cynthia, his high high--school -school sweetheart. They have two children Tanya, 18, and Cory, 10. Cynthia was a stay --at at- at-home -home mom - Thomas was adamant about his wife not having to work. She kept busy with the PTA and vol-
unteering at the youth center. Her sister Linda was three years younger than Thomas and was married to the pastor of Home Missionary Baptist Church. She ran into her future husband - she ran a red light right into the SDVVHQJHU VLGH RI *HRUJH· FDU +H ZDVQ·W D SDVWRU WKHQ +H ZDV just in town for some kind of church meeting. After a yearlong courtship, they married and had three children: Andrew, or Drew, 17, and twins Jason and Jessica, 12. Linda was the principal of an elementary school, the same school her twins attended when they were younger. When they were old enough for middle school, Jason and Jessica were overcome with such jubilation that you would have thought they were being released from a dark
dungeon - finally paroled for good behavior. Elisabeth was the youngest of the three children. Spring break was coming up in a couple of weeks in Wiley. She hated that the girls would miss almost two weeks of school, but she felt the time to go was now. The plan was to take the girls to Merriam and let them stay with her family, which would let her get back on her feet without causing to much havoc in their lives. She had not told them the real reason for this trip, only that she needed to visit her family. But she knew the visit could very well become permanent.
I Chose To Live Health -Â Cynthia Wright Â
My name is Cynthia Wright, as a consultant my goal is to promote healthy living and good eating habits. I have lost 85lb as of today and loving every moment of it. Prior to my weight loss I would tell everyone that I was happy with my size and being D ELJ EHDXWLIXO ZRPDQ ´,W LV what it is. Then my mother became ill the doctors diagnosed her with colon cancer and several months later she passed away. The doctor told the family when a family member has been diagnosed with cancer/colon cancer everyone in the family should get check. When my sister and brother went for their check up everything was fine so I just knew I would be fine. I went for my colonoscopy and during the examination the doctor found and removed five polyps. At my follow up visit the doctor informed me that if I had not had the colonoscopy the polyps would have become cancerous, he went on to say I must change my eating habits and lose weight because I had several health problems e.g. high blood pressure, pre pre-Â-Âdiabetic, -Âdiabetic, joint pain and other ailments. I began to research colon cancer and found this
form of cancer came from unhealthy eating habits, and not drinking enough water. The research stressed drinking water because food deposits toxins and the water flushes the WR[LQV IURP ERG\ Âľ 2K GRQ¡W JHW me wrong I did want to lose ZHLJKW EXW , GLGQ¡W ZDQW JDVWULF bypass. Then one of my co co-Â-Âworkers -Âworkers showed me an article on weight loss so I went to the meeting and joined the biggest loser contest. I thought this would be an exercise program. I told the lady doing the challenge I will do this for WKLUW\ GD\ DQG LI , GRQ¡W VHH DQ\ change I am done. The first week I lost 8lbs second week I lost 7lbs and the third week I was so excited I wanted to learn more. The more I lost the more I learned, the more wanted to be healthy and I knew I had to change what I ate and how I thought about food. When you come from a large family, that love to cook and eat the process has been a challenge, because some people say I have lost too much, other ask when am I going to stop, but for me the weight loss has change my life.
her friends would say I looked younger than she did. Well, that did sit well with her and one day my daughter asked me to show her what I was doing and teach her Wow! My daughter wanted to learn something from me!!Today, I am the smallest I have ever been I have gone from a size 22 to size 8 8-Â-Â10, -Â10, I enjoy shopping in the misses and junior section. Most people do not be-Â lieve that I was that size, but I was. As for me I am happy, healthy and feel great, weight loss is a lifestyle change and I love the changes I have made in my life. I look forward to meeting you in the Misses and junior section!
During my weight lose my 26 year old daughter, would introduce me to her friends and they were asking her if I was her mother; she would say yes and Page 35
From Agenda to Purpose /HW¡V VWDUW E\ OD\LQJ D basic foundation for this enlightenment. Sometimes the easiest way to understand a thing is to know its meaning or SXUSRVH 6R ,¡OO VWDUW E\ defining agenda and purpose since these words are our talking points.
lot further than that, much further. Our purpose is our aim
An agenda is a basic overview of intentions of things to be done. Purpose reaches a
An agenda lays out the plan or program and are not designed to give much detail. It
Spiritual -Â Rev. Terri Ford
RQO\ VKDGRZV ZKDW¡V FRPLQJ ,W¡V D ´VQHDN SUHYLHZÂľ LQWR ZKDW or goal and if we work towards lies ahead and sets the our purpose using our agenda expectations for the purpose. as a guide then we will have the ,W¡V DQ DSSHWL]HU QRW WKH PHDO desired results we set our Purpose is your meal. But if you KRSHV RQ 0DQ\ WLPHV ZKDW ,¡YH over indulge on the appetizer found in life is that we get stuck you will have neither room nor in ´ agenda Âľ and never move desire for the main course. The our lives toward ´ purpose purposeÂľ Âľ real deal is the main meal and if By definition agenda We get weighed down with you are not careful it will set VLPSO\ PHDQV ´ SRRU H[FXVHV VXFK DV ´, ZDV VLPSO\ PHDQV ´something something to you up for a takeout! You'll end be done planning on, or I was hoping to, up bringing the main course doneÂľ %\ GHILQLWLRQ Âľ %\ GHILQLWLRQ purpose means ´ the reason or my intentions were, etc. home and we all know that for which something exists This is why we are coming up leftovers are good but not as or is done short when we really should be doneÂľ $OUHDG\ WKH OLJKW Âľ $OUHDG\ WKH OLJKW good as the first go around. If bulb should be going off in our OLYLQJ OLIH ´PRUH DEXQGDQWO\Âľ the agenda is laid out properly KHDGV , ZRQ¡W ERUH \RX ZLWK D it can ignite excitement and set lot of jargon and rhetoric so In the Bible there was a the expectation and will lead OHW¡V JHW ULJKW GRZQ WR WKH SRLQW rich tax collector named you to your purpose. Far too long we have set the Zacchaeus who laid aside his course of our lives by pride and status quo and :H¡YH SODFHG RXU attempting to build dreams and climbed a tree to see Jesus purpose on the backburner and a future based on an agenda who was passing through. are stuck in agenda mode. rather than our purpose. Often He had heard many great If we want to change the course times finding the purpose for things about Jesus and desired of our lives and pick up our lives can be a life to know who He was so Jesus life-Â-Âlong -Âlong momentum then we should get adventure that requires a lot of invited him down out of the tree out of agenda mode, shift into ´PHQWDO PDQ SRZHUÂľ VR ZH WHQG and dined with him for the rest purpose mode and watch to get lazy or discouraged and RI WKH GD\ =DFFKDHXV¡ DJHQGD things happen. The results are abandon our pursuit for led him to great wealth and nothing short of miraculous. happiness, meaning, and fame but he was void of success. purpose. After dining with So here are some tidbits Jesus for the remainder of the to help you move from agenda An agenda is easy to lay day Zacchaeus discovered the to purpose: Regain focus, out however a purpose is not. reason for such great success reset priorities and limit the Purpose requires a deep soul and began living his life agenda to only an overview search - one that looks for according to his purpose. He otherwise we are not living life self was generous in charitable self-Â-Âpassion, God-Â-Âgiven -Âpassion, God -Âgiven gifts to the fullest. Our purpose is to and talents which add real deeds to his local community live life through PURPOSE and meaning and value to our lives. from that point on. Jesus nothing short of it. Purpose $Q DJHQGD GRHVQ¡W UHTXLUH D ORW interrupted his agenda, took moves us toward our destiny. of thought at all why you can him out of his comfort zone and Purpose defines who we are. just scratch the surface when moved him to purpose which And purpose provides for us. building an agenda but purpose added value and gave meaning UHTXLUHV D ´GHHS GLYHÂľ to the kingdom of God. 'RQ¡W JHW WUDSSHG LQ \RXU
Page 36
agenda. Purpose has more to offer.
They say that beauty is only VNLQ GHHS :HOO LI WKDW路V true then why is it so hard for me to be me and you to be you. Only, I can determine the value of me. It is not determined by worldly possessions or money. It is not determined by the places, I may go or the people I meet. It is determined by me.
Beauty Lotasha Hamilton
Page 38
Foundations  of  Faith  ( I nt ro d uct i on on))  S pi r i t u al   -Â-  -  K  K . L e o n i d e s J e w e l s o n
Faith has become a very hot topic in these times that have grown to be so trying of the hearts of men, women, boys and girls. Indeed, with such an abundance of anguish, bereavement, calamity and death, the issues of the heart for this generation of man are profoundly weighty. Over the past decade, since 9/11/01, our world has drifted a pace toward what perhaps the collective psyche perceives as a future of more of the same misery and pain experienced in almost literal wave after wave of catastrophic failures of safety and security. From one seemingly apocalyptic event to another, our times, contrasted with an ironic retrospective blithe blithe-Â-Âlike -Âlike view of the era of Cold War threat of nuclear destruction, have evolved into a never ending story of killing, stealing and destroying 2XU HQHP\¡V scheme, meant to rob our very souls of Christ courage) And beneath the weight of the fears and trepidations by which it
seems our very lives are being ravaged, we sometimes have occasion to nearly spiritually faint from doubtful hopelessness mixed with frustrated angst. In the inimical, yet poignant words of the sixties era prophet, Malcolm X, it would indeed seem that "the chickens (really) have come home to roost" for this nation founded on the simple, but powerful underpinnings of 'faith': confidence and trust (in God). Moreover, this provocative insight might firmly stand, unchallengeable, but for one graceful gift of God: faith truly born of His Spirit. That faith we UHDOL]H DV *RG¡V :RUG describes in Hebrews 10:35 10:35-Â-Â11:1: -Â11:1: ´You were sure of \RXUVHOYHV WKHQ ,W¡V VWLOO D VXUH thing! But you need to stick it RXW VWD\LQJ ZLWK *RG¡V SODQ VR \RX¡OO EH WKHUH IRU WKH SURPLVHG completion. (As scripture says)
,W ZRQ¡W EH ORQJ QRZ KH¡V RQ WKH ZD\ KH¡OO VKRZ XS PRVW DQ\ minute. But anyone who is right with me thrives on loyal
trust; if he cuts and runs, , ZRQ¡W EH YHU\ KDSS\ The
fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes OLIH ZRUWK OLYLQJ ,W¡V RXU KDQGOH RQ ZKDW ZH FDQ¡W see. see.¾¾ {The Message}. And so, it is with this concept LQ PLQG WKDW œZKDW RXU H\HV see may indeed frighten us; but, nonetheless, what our hearts believe will surely GHOLYHU XV¡ ZH ZLOO IRUJH DKHDG with an examination of faith and how it must be used to ´HQGXUH WR WKH HQG¾ ^0DWWKHZ 24:13}. We will consider the pathway connections recognized in 1. Listening to God; 2. Following Jesus; 3.Serving Jesus; 4. Loving Jesus; 5. Suffering with Jesus; 6. Confessing Jesus; and /LYLQJ -HVXV¡ :D\ 7UXWK and Life. Prayerfully we ask for His blessings and favor to accompany us on this journey. Please join us. V
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Top Fashion Court is a fashion blog that provides readers with the best fashion news in the industry, reviews the hottest collections and provides evidence of what makes that collection great. The name Top Fashion Court derives from my love of fashion, more specifically high fashion; my objective to take luxury designer collections as well as mainstream collections to trial and provide evidence of what makes the collection hot, and because my name is COURTney, its only befitting. Lets face it; all of us do not walk around with bodies the size of models seen on the runway. In fact the average size of women in the US is a 14,
however the majority of GHVLJQHUV GRQ¡W WDNH LQWR consideration that not everyone looks like the models that walk their runway shows. Full figured women seek fashionable clothing too, they GRQ¡W ZDQW WR EH VXEMHFW WR RQO\ basic lines of clothing that do nothing to flatter their assets and in most cases cover them in frumpy frocks. Top Fashion Court provides our plus size fashionistas with the seasons hottest trends/clothing that work with their body type, and have dedicated, Curvy, Sexy & &RQILGHQW :HGQHVGD\¡V WR doing just that. Why :HGQHVGD\¡V" %HFDXVH ZHUH dedicated to helping you get over that hump on runway
when it comes to finding great IDVKLRQV 1RZ GRQ¡W WKLQN WKDW Wednesday is the only day on Top Fashion Court that our plus size fashionistas can find information that pertains to them, as our blog provides fash- ion news, collection reviews and trend spotting throughout the remainder of the week that our plus size fashion- istas can utilize. ´7UXH IDVKLRQ LVQ¡W DERXW abandoning your individual style IRU D WUHQG (YHU\ JDUPHQW LVQ¡W for every gal/guy. Showcase what fits your SHUVRQDOLW\ ´ a&RXUWQH\ Visit Top Fashion Court now www.TopFashionCourt.com Â
Our professional recordings with 2, 3 or 4 video cameras for all kinds of events, activities and musical shows. Our specialty is making the most of your limited resources to create a thoroughly professional final product.
Our experience and creativity ensures that your message is communicated in a unique and memorable way, without breaking your budget. Call Danny: (972) 762 -Â 6236 Page 38
An extraordinary true story about how ´/29(Âľ GRHVQ¡W KXUW ,Q this story, you will dis- cover how those three ZRUGV ´, /RYH <RXÂľ OHDG to being shot multiple times at gunpoint and left for dead. The purpose for this book is to relate to men and women, young and old, concerning the seri- ousness of domestic violence. An act of domestic violence can happen to anyone. Statistics show that domestic violence is rapid and most times silent. Many people have lost their lives by the very hand that fed them. Please, let this not be you. You will unfold many warning signs as you read my book. It is my prayer that you will take heed and control! Love is powerful and is the very force that connects us. In addition, ´/RYHÂľ GRHVQ¡W KXUW LQ IDFW LW QXUWXUHV SURWHFWV EHOLHYHV endures, hopeth, and most of all never fails! Introduction and cover of the book book-Â- Shattered But Not Broken by Katheryn Lena Mims
A Simply Simply-Â-ÂMe -Â Me Profile of the Fifty, Fit & Fabulous C o m m u n i t y -Â Ch e r y l D e n i s e M o o r e
Saginaw, Michigan native and much recognized community minded public school teacher Cheryl Denise Moore offers insight into what it takes to be Fifty, Fit and definitely Fabulous to Simple Me readers. Here is her humble yet revealing profile in twenty Simple Me questions.
SM: What advice would offer other striving to define their style?
SM: How would you define your style?
CDM: My style simply reflects my lifestyle. As a church going woman (Can I give a shout out to Mt. Olivet Institutional Baptist Church in Saginaw), I am known for my exciting and vivid colors tailored Sunday suits suits-Â- -Â-Âgeared -Â-Âgeared for the season, of course. And if I am singing in the FKRLU &KHU\O¡V D VRSUDQR , EOHQG LQ ZLWK WKH choir robe. The rest of the weekend or after ZRUN , DP YHU\ FDVXDO LW¡V MRJJLQJ VXLWV DQG MHDQV IRU PH 'XULQJ WKH VFKRRO ZHHN \RX¡OO find me in tailored suits, but much more conservative in tone with skirts or pants and matching shoes. Dressed down days, I opt for a denim pant and jacket suit.
60 :KDW LV ´WDFN\¾ WR \RX"
SM: How do you maintain your style? &'0 , DP D VKRSSHU 7KDW¡V KRZ , NHHS XS RQ the latest [trend]. Then too, I am constantly going through my closet and giving away items that are just no longer me. It is simply an endless, yet wonderful cycle. SM: What is the greatest compliment you have ever received on your style? CDM: There is really no compliment that comes to mind. Maybe, my friends would be best suited to answer this question. I was taught to VD\ VLPSOH ÂśWKDQN VD\ VLPSOH ÂśWKDQN-Â-Â\RX¡ DQG WKHQ PRYH RQ 1R -Â\RX¡ DQG WKHQ PRYH RQ 1R time to linger, I believe my style is just simply me.
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&'0 , VLPSO\ VD\ œ:HDU ZKDW \RX OLNH &'0 , VLPSO\ VD\ œ:HDU ZKDW \RX OLNH³ ³know ZKDW FRPSOLPHQWV \RXU ERG\ ¡ SM: What color is definitely Cheryl? &'0 2K LW LV  SM: Then too, we must ask, what color is definitely not Cheryl?
CDM: Exposing too much of oneself oneselfÂł Âłnot leaving anything to the imagination. SM: Any fashion faux paux? CDM: Short dresses! Or pants are simply a no, QR IRU PH ,W¡V QRW P\ VW\OH 60 +RZ GR \RX PDLQWDLQ \RXU ÂśFRQVHUYDWLYH WDLORUHG VXLW¡ VW\OH DV D NLQGHUJDUWHQ WHDFKHU" CDM: Quite simple, we use the team teaching approach at my school. There is a physical education instructor and an art teacher. So I am spared all the sweat and mess. Seriously, my suits suitsÂł ÂłI am prepared prepared-Â- -Â- allow me to address all situations without worry. SM: What is your greatest accomplishment? CDM: Letting the Lord lead and guide me as I pursued my teaching degrees and working full full-Â-Âtime -Âtime while preparing my son to enter college as well. SM: How do you spend your leisure time? CDM: Shopping! And spending time with friends who shop! SM: Worst Vacation? CDM: Never had a worst vacation.
SM: Best vacation? CDM: Time spent in San Juan, Puerto Rico. SM: Favorite meal? CDM: Fried chicken and soulfully prepared collard greens. SM: How do maintain you Fifty, Fit and Fabulous image? CDM: I stay fit by exercising. I am not so much concerned about what I eat. I let everyone else watch my weight... Zuumba, walking, hoola hoola-Â-Âhoop, -Âhoop, other exercise DVDs DVDs-Â-Â -Â-ÂI -Â-ÂI believe variety so important in staying motivated. SM: Favorite holiday? CDM: For the longest time it was Christmas. Now it is Thanksgiving because I prepare dinner for my students and their family. There is so much joy that comes to my heart as each my little kindergarten student can something to be thankful for. Even the little babies know that they are blessed. Joy also comes from all the good food and fellowship. SM: This year will mark the beginning of your 11th year as a teacher. Your tenure in the classroom, however, has not gone unnoticed by her peers, the community and of course
of your students. In your fifth year of teaching, Cheryl, you were nominated by one of your students and were subsequently awarded the Saginaw News Crystal Apple Award for teaching. The IROORZLQJ \HDU \RX¡UH recognized as one of the Wal Wal-Â-ÂMart -ÂMart Corporation teacher of the year. What is your greatest reward from teaching? CDM: My greatest reward, no doubt, is witnessing the successes of my students as they progress through the grades and ultimately in life. The students that we are responsible for teaching and motivating are beset with so many other challenges. For instance, many our students bring the weight of home and community concerns with them to school every day. I have learned that there is no way I could ignore [those concerns] and still be an effective teacher. In sum, I believe if a teacher truly makes the students a priority, the recognition will come. , KDYHQ¡W DQG QHYHU ZLOO VHHN recognition for myself myselfÂł Âłit has to be the students first. With
my students as a priority, I have been blessed to recognize and address the challenges of teaching SM: Describe yourself in a word? CDM: Simply blessed. Oh you only asked for a word... Blessed. SM: A song that inspires you? &'0 ,W LV GHILQLWHO\ ´,I , &DQ +HOS 6RPHERG\ Âľ 7KHUH DUH many recordings of it, but the 0DKDOLD -DFNVRQ¡V YHUVLRQ inspires me most. SM: What scripture guides you most? CDM: My favorite scripture comes from Philippians 4:13. ´ I can do all things through Christ which strengthened PH Âľ SM: You came to teaching later than most; it appears a lot of thought went into the decision to return back to school while still working full full-Â-Âtime -Âtime and equally full time responsibilities as a single mother. Any a advice dvice to others? CDM: It is quite simple. Do not take no for an answer. Find a way to make it happen if you truly believe that is your dream. Do not consider the boundaries of age, station in life or whatever. I truly hold true to my favorite scripture.
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Rhythm & Blues Hip Hop Ban d G - C o d e i s t h a t s o l u t i o n For that unique, one-of-a-kind, custom song and/or theme Business commercials, openings, events, as a gift, for yourself.
www.GCodeBand.com G - C o d e c a n c r e a t e a s o n g o r t h e m e f o r y o u r w e d d i n g w i t h y o u r v o w s . S o u n d s g r e a t i n t h e b a c k g r o u n d o f y o u r w e d d i n g ' s v i d e o a n d / o r s l i d e s h o w .
Preparing for What Happens: Prepared?
Nobody ever wants to talk about death; however just as we were born there will be a time for us to depart our earthly home. Like other occurrences when a loved one has passed passed³ ³ especially in an unexpected death, it can be a very stressful period. Often we are faced with what to do now. There are a number of things that one can do to make things easier for their loved ones. One thing an individual can do is to prepare a Will. A Will allows an individual to tell the world who should receive which of their assets after their death. It also allows one to name guardians for any dependent children, if applicable. There is the chance that without a will, the courts system can decide what happens to your assets and determine who will become responsible for the children that are under the age of 18. Wills do have some limitations. The beneficiary designations on financial accounts, insurance policies and other assets can take precedence over wills, so it is imperative to make sure that beneficiary designations are up to date and reflect one wishes. A will also allows one to name an executor, the person who will be in charge of your estate. Before a selector is designated as an executor,
Are You
C o m m u n i t y - T o n y a D o r s e y --D Dews
make sure that the person understand the tasks he/she will need to perform, which does include the distribution of property, filing tax returns as well as processing claims from creditors. The executor should be someone that can be trusted completely. Dying without a will - is known as dying intestate. Dying intestate means that the individual has no say over who receives their assets, and their heirs and the court system will have the complex and costly job of deciding over who should get what. An individual assets will go into probate. Probate is an expensive and lengthy legal process which determines who inherits an individual estate. This process can take anywhere from a few months to a few years, depending on how complicated the estate is. Generally, one dies and leave a spouse and kids, their assets will be split between their surviving mate and children. If they are single with no children, then their estate is likely to be divided amongst their blood relatives. Please note: This article is for information purposes only. The writer is not an attorney nor does the individual have the authority to give advice on legal matters.
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:KLWQH\ +RXVWRQ·V :DOO RI ´5HPHPEUDQFHµ C o m m u n i t y - J ' Q u a y T h o m p s o n
Michael Hossack, a drummer for the rock band The Doobie Brothers, died at age 65 on March 12, 2012 after battling cancer. The group confirmed the news on its website, saying that Hossack passed away at his home in Dubois, Wyoming.
http://www.doobiebrothers.net/2012/03/13/michael http://www.doobiebrothers.net/2012/03/13/michael--hossack -hossack- hossack-1946 -1946- 1946-2012/ -2012/
He was born in Paterson, New Jersey on October 17, 1946, his website bio reads, adding that he was 'a real baby boomer.' He began playing the drums when he was 12. Hossack, who was known to friends as 'Big Mike,' is survived by his son, Mike Jr. and daughter Eric Rose Oliver, The Lake Country News reported.
Robert Sherman, the composer behind the theme from the 'It's a Small World' ride and the 'Marry Poppins' tune 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, died in London at age 86 on March 5, according to the Associated Press. Sherman was half of a sibling partnership with his brother Richard. Together the two composed scores for films including 'The Jungle Book,' 'The Aristocats,' 'Mary Poppins' and 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.' Page 46 Page 46
They also wrote the most most-足-足played -足played tune on Earth, 'It's a Small World (After All).' Sherman's agent said on March 6 Tuesday that Sherman died peacefully in London on Monday. Whitney Houston has died at age 48, her publicist confirmed to the Associated Press on Saturday, February 10. Publicist Kristen Foster said Saturday that the singer had died, but the cause and the location of her death were unclear. In May, Houston, who has struggled with drug and alcohol abuse for years, relapsed and returned to rehab. Houston, known for her songs in her 1992 film "The Bodyguard," including her cover of "I Will Always Love You," underwent treatment for substance abuse in 2004 and in 2005. Cesaria Evora, known as the 'Barefoot Diva' died on Dec. 17, 2011 at age 70, after battling health problems. Evora started singing as a teenager in the bayside bars of Cape Verde Islands off West Africa, a former Portuguese colony. She mostly sang in the local version of Creole and gained fame later in life with her 1988 album, 'La Diva Aux Pieds Nus' ('Barefoot Diva'). Her 2005 album, 'Cesaria' earned the singer her first Grammy nomination and a national tour. Evora won a Grammy Award in 2003 in the World Music category for her album, 'Voz D'Amor.' After decades of smoking, Evora was diagnosed with heart problems in 2005 and suffered strokes in 2008 and 2011, when she announced her retirement. Evora had a son and a daughter, with different fathers, but never |married.
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The Benefits of Fitness Start With You Inside Story Headline
Health - Brian Reddic Reddick k
Many people when they talk about fitness, they get quiet, like when parents ask RQH RI WKHLU NLGV ´:KR EURNH WKH YDVH"¾ ,QVWHDG WKH\ VKRXOG see fitness for what it is is³ ³a life benefit, not a life sentence. The most common things that most people do is strength training and cardiovascular fitness. Strength training includes weights, stretch bands, and dumbbells. Nearly all the men love it and some women are afraid that it will make them bulk up and look manly. I am here to tell that is a myth and I will tell you as you read. Cardiovascular fitness includes activities like walking, jogging, and jump roping. So QRZ \RX DVN ´+RZ FDQ LW KHOS and why it should start with PH"¾ Strength training is something that many people associate strength training, with athletics, and bodybuilders. Did you know that all you need is 45 to 50 minutes 3 to 4 times a week of strength? Now, ladies I can prove to you that strength training will not bulk you up. This is really simple:
all you have to do is use less weight, strength bands, and do more repetition. The only thing this will do is keep your body tone and looking your best. Besides you need strength training to release stress, make you look better, and more energized. You put less strain on joints and connective tissue when lifting or exerting, DQG WKDW¡V DZIXOO\ LPSRUWDQW both for treating and preventing arthritis. Cardiovascular fitness benefits are much more than just strengthening the heart. It also has a number of psychological benefits. It will make you feel happy and energetic as well. It increases the blood flow in your body which in turn also increases red blood cells that are responsible for transporting oxygen out of your body. One of the most important benefits is that the chances of getting any diseases related to your heart or cardiovascular system are reduced to a great extent. There are a lots of ways in which you can start up your cardiovascular program, all you need is at least 30
minutes to 60 minutes a day. Your session should be fun and enjoyable, so that you can stay on your exercise routine. You can use equipment like treadmills, elliptical trainers, exercise bikes, or just make it really simple by going for a nice walk. When you get into a nice cardio routine you will have the benefit of a healthier and happier heart, which once again benefits you. So you JX\V GRQ¡W EH DIUDLG WR JHW RQ the treadmill. Just walk up to it and tell yourself I am doing this for my heart. Trust me your heart will thank for it in ORQJ UXQ /HW¡V PDNH LW D KDELW and let it merge into your lifestyle keeping you fit for life. Now I just gave a basic introduction to why both strength training and cardiovascular fitness is important. I know many of you are probably asking how I can get started. First thing is by getting up off your couch and start walking and getting active. You also can do boot camps, small group trainings, have personal trainer, or just go to your local gym.
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Walter Edwards Jr. 34, hobbies: fishing, cooking, movies, and writing Poetry Latosha Hamilton from the inner city of Indianapolis, Indiana. love writing poetry and work with individual with mental disability.
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