Southern Illinois Family Magazine - August 2012

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August 2012

Looking for something fun to do in Southern Illinois? Check out our

Family Events Calendar p. 34

Is the internet safe for your child? Keeping kids away from online predators

The next top model

Back to School How to get your kids motivated for another year and help them do their best

How to break your child into the glamorous world of fashion

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Legally Speaking ... with Jay J. Zanton

How does one modify child support?

Pursuant to Illinois Law, child support can only be modified by filing a Petition to Modify Child Support in the appropriate Circuit Clerk’s office. By so doing, the petitioning party may request that the modification be made retroactive to the date the Petition to Modify was filed. Whether the parties reach an agreement modifying support or the Court is required to rule on evidence and determine whether support should be modified, and Order should be entered reflecting the agreement of the parties or the Court’s ruling. An order can be enforced by the Court, but an agreement of the parties cannot. Oral arguments need to be followed by a Court Order.

How can child support payments be guaranteed? Illinois law requires that an Order for Withholding be served upon the payor’s employer to withhold child support from his or her pay. The employer, pursuant to the Withholding Order, will withhold support from the payor’s paycheck and send the support monies to the custodial parent. State Disbursement Unit who, in turn, disburses the support monies to the custodial parent. The State Disbursement Unit (SDU) maintains a record of payments and disburses payments, but is not a collection agency.

This column is provided for information only and does not constitute legal advice. Contact an attorney for advice on any legal issue. Opinions expressed are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of this magazine.

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Contents 8

Back to School Helping your children get the best start for the new year possible

12 A Voice of Generation I

Xavier Ludwig talks about what it means to him to be an American

14 Johnny Goose A look at an ever-present character from

16 Raising tobacco-free kids More kids are not starting smoking, but

numbers on the rise in African-American community

18 Growing up Potter What it means to one father and son now

that the trips to Hogwarts have ended

one man’s youth and how it shaped him


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Contents 20 Predator's playground? How to keep your children safe from

internet predators

26 Baby clubs

For parents looking to save some cash, the internet can be your best friend

23 Build a website as a family Family fun on the internet can be easy

31 Is your kid the next top model? If you think your kid has the talent, here

and free

are ways to get them into the fashion world

Monthly Features 6

A note from the publisher

22 A message from the managing editor 27 City Hope Church with Seth Baltzell

28 Daddy's Cookbook 32 Parenting 101 34 Family events calendar 47 Aunt Sophie Says Don’t forget to find us on the Web!


Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ as well! SI Family • Page 5










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A message from the publisher... Welcome to the inaugural issue of Southern Illinois Family Magazine! This is a new magazine for you: the parents, grandparents, and anyone else involved in raising children in the Southern Illinois area. I first thought of this magazine when I was making hours worth of calls to set up summer camps for my 12 year old son for basketball, band and everything else to keep him busy during the summer months. When I lived in Nashville, Tennessee we had a similar magazine that included everything you could think of for the family, but most importantly a calendar of daily events for the upcoming month to plan my schedule with my son. I thought this was desperately needed in Southern Illinois, so here it goes. Please visit our website and Facebook page to give us your feedback about S.I. Family. What you would like to see included, what you found informational in past issues, and please tell us of upcoming events we may put into the calendar. S.I. Family wants to tell you of events

before it happens, not report on it afterthe-fact. Remember, this is for you! Our intention is to keep the information flowing and first and foremost, free. S.I. Family will be totally ad-supported, and we will be looking for places to distribute the magazine to you. As a single parent I know how hard it is to raise a child, especially in an economically challenged area like Southern Illinois. Our children are our future, and I believe that with the right guidance the future definitely can look bright in the hands of our children. Please help us at S.I. Family rejoice in the greatest gift we could possibly receive, our children. I would like to thank those of you who have helped in making S.I. Family come into fruition: April Brenton Cline, Nicole Albert Brooks, Jason Cass, Cherie Lynn, and of course my son and family for painstakingly editing my many mistakes and for the limitless advise to make this dream come true. Enjoy, and I hope to see you at the newsstands…

Robert Ludwig Publisher Southern Illinois Family Magazine

School days, school days ... The things you need to know to help your kids be successful in their education


By Leigh Williams

Summer won't officially come to a close until Sept. 21, but for millions of children across the country the season ends when the school bell rings.

According to the U.S. Department of Education, about 50 million students will return to the classroom for the 20122013 school year in both private and public school settings. For a large percentage of those students the transition will be smooth, but for others, the lazy days of summer can have a tendency to linger into the school year and for those entering the school setting for the first time, the transition SI Family • Page 8

from home to a structured setting can be even more daunting. Expert Robert Pianta, professor of Clinical and School Psychology at the University of Virginia, principal investigator on the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development and senior investigator with the National Center for Early Development and Learning, has published reference

material dealing with providing your child with a smooth transition into kindergarten. Pianta, according to educationworld. com, has proposed a series of five guidelines for effective transition to kindergarten. 1. Foster relationships as resources The development of positive, supportive relationships between schools and families enables the transition to kinder-

garten to occur more smoothly. 2. Promote continuity from preschool to kindergarten When parents and /or teachers from children’s services and kindergarten teachers talk to each other and work collaboratively, they are more likely to develop programs that are consistent and build the strengths and abilities of children. 3. Focus on family strengths Families feel encouraged when the school acknowledges their strengths and values their role as parent and first teacher. 4. Tailor practices to individual needs Schools tailor their transition to school programs and initiatives to suit the specific needs of the local community. 5. Form collaborative relationships Collaboration among stakeholders in the transition process is fundamental in developing and implementing successful transition practices. Stakeholders may include school staff, children’s services’ staff, support workers and families. Throughout his publisher works, Pianta encourages parental involvement beginning before your child enters the classroom. "We must stress that it's very much worth persisting in contacting the school and staying in touch as a child makes a transition. A family's sense of connection to the school is going to undergo a shift. What once felt welcoming and inviting might become more scheduled and less individual. Also, parents should know the school is an environment that is more likely to be in touch with them or invite them to be in contact after concerns have been raised, rather than before. Elementary schools approach things differently than early childhood programs.

Teachers have many more kids to deal with in a given classroom and there are fewer professionals whose job it is to specifically focus on families. Parents' efforts to do things like take their child on a visit before schools starts are likely to help break down barriers and help them and the child feel

more comfortable in the school," Pianta states in the Harvard Family Research Project. For the older children returning to school or making the transition from middle to high school, the fundamentals remain the same while the student becomes more involved in the process. "There's a fair amount of informa-

tion on the transition from elementary to middle school. One of the big differences is that children have a lot more responsibility for managing that transition in middle school to high school than they do in entering kindergarten. But the same issues prevail. That is, how do we manage to transmit information and relationships across these institutional barriers? That is the fundamental question in transition," Pianta says. Many schools are moving beyond the traditional "open houses," and utilizing both technology and the postal service to give parents the opportunity for involvement. A team of school principal's from across the country known as the "Principal Files" for Education World, share the ways in which they greet parents in an effort to build a bond and ease the transition of the student. A personal letter, according to some principals, is a personal way to start the school year. Principal Lolli Haws sends a personal letter to each child during the first week of August. "I write the letter in a newsy, personal way," explains Haws. "The letter tells about changes around the building, what new things students might expect to see, and, of course, I use the letter to give the old push to start reading, writing, and reviewing math facts Larry Davis uses both the internet and a letter at Doctor's Inlet Elementary School, according to Education World. Parents receive letters from the school's parent organization and the school. The SI Family • Page 9

school's Web site also carries welcoming information and continuous updates about upcoming events. "Students look forward to the letter," Haws says. "The letter is personally addressed to them. That way, it starts to build excitement about going back to school. In that letter, I also ask parents to write a letter to their child's teacher," she added. "That gives parents a chance to tell their child's new teacher everything they want him or her to know; they should feel confident that the teacher will read that letter and 'know' their child when school starts. It helps anxious parents feel better, which always helps the kids be less anxious and more excited about a new year." At Cedar Heights Junior High, teachers send welcoming letters to each of their students. In those letters, teachers explain the focus of their classes and their behavior expectations, said Patricia Green. The website for South Anna Elementary includes a slide presentation of highlights from the previous school year, says principal Doug Fiore. The website for Alexandria (Louisiana) Magnet Middle School for Math and Science shares an up-to-date agenda for the upcoming school sessions and includes information about supplies students should have, orientation dates, SI Family • Page 10

open house, and new employees. "It's like a newsletter, only it's on the Web," said principal Marguerite McNeely. Beyond transitioning to a new school, some students need a little help getting back into the groove of early morning alarms and structured classrooms after a few months of summer vacation. By planning ahead, parents can make gearing up for the start of the school year a fun experience that eases the transition while boosting enthusiasm. Consider the six ideas below to help position students for success before heading back to the classroom: 1. Set a schedule now New teachers, classmates, homework and other challenges may create some apprehension and nervousness during the first couple weeks of school. Stay positive and explain that some anxiety is normal and that everyone needs time to adjust to new things. Help reduce stress by creating a daily routine before school. Checklists and charts allow children to be organized and get into a schedule. For instance, a set time for homework, snack time, free time and bed time are good things to have on a schedule. 2. Shop for school supplies together Seeing all the new trends and designs that stores have to offer for back-to-school supplies can be really exciting for children. Allow them

to personalize their supplies and feel excited about using them. A few new outfits also provide kids with a boost of encouragement and confidence for the new school year. 3. Hold a family celebration Start an annual tradition that celebrates the start of the school year. For example, have a family cookout with hotdogs and s'mores the weekend before school starts. This helps build excitement for the new school year, but also gives them a relaxed setting to talk about any back-to-school anxiety they may be feeling. 4. Set up a homework area This area should be organized, quiet and well-lit. You should also allow your child to personalize this space to make it more appealing and fun, without providing distractions. Some items you might want to incorporate in this area are a dictionary, atlas, calculator, art supplies, paper and pencils. Make sure to have plenty of snacks ready for homework time to avoid the distraction of a grumbling belly. Choosing a snack that offers protein, such as cheese and crackers or an apple with peanut butter will keep them satisfied until dinner. 5. Stock up on sensible snacks After a long day at school, kids are hungry and need snacks that satisfy them through all their homework assignments

Sleep smarts: Sleep is an important part of back-to-school preparation (ARA) — Does your list of school supplies include sleep? Studies say it should, especially for teens. Only 8 percent of American teenagers are getting the required nine or more hours of sleep needed, according to the National Sleep Foundation. In fact, a recent study published in the "Journal of Adolescent Health" found that more than 60 percent of high school students get less than seven hours of sleep per night. The situation does not improve in college, either. A 2010 study conducted at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota revealed, not surprisingly, that 70 percent of college students get less than the 8 recommended hours of sleep. While most people have, at times, battled sleep issues, poor sleep habits plague college campuses. Let's face it - most college kids do not place a premium on a good night's rest. In addition to sleep falling low on the priority list, most students are sleeping on cheap dorm mattresses and worn out pillows - which can affect sleep quality. Perhaps reminding your student that there is a proven relationship between healthy sleep habits and academic success might help encourage healthier habits. In 2010, a University of Minnesota study found a significant positive correlation between the amount of sleep per night and GPA. Additionally, as the average number of days per week a student got less than five hours of sleep increased, GPA decreased. Once a pattern of bad sleep has developed, is it possible for teens and college students to "reset" their internal clocks? Researchers at the American Academy of Sleep Medicine say it is. Suggest that your students try following these tips, a little bit at a time, over several weeks: • Try your best to avoid caffeine, smoking, alcohol, heavy exercise and heavy snacking (pizza included) at least three hours before bedtime. • Don't pull all-nighters or cram for exams late at night. Specifically schedule studying for when you're most alert so your performance won't be affected. • Be as consistent as possible with your sleep habits, ideally aiming to go to bed at the same time each evening and get at least eight hours of sleep per night. • Wake up at the same time every morning and head outside. Sunlight helps reset circadian rhythms, the body's internal biological process that rotates around a 24-hour schedule. • Turn off your cell phone and laptop at night. Besides being a distraction, exposure to light can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that aids sleep. • Make sure your bedroom is set up for sleep. If you are a light sleeper or your dorm is noisy, try wearing earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones. Keep the room cool and dark. Make your bed as comfortable as possible. Consider investing in a foam mattress pad and a quality pillow. For example, for around $100, you can purchase a mattress topper and a waterbase pillow, both of which greatly improve head, neck and back support while you sleep.

and other after-school activities. Stock up on a variety of wholesome, non-perishable snacks that you can keep on hand yearround. For example, Lance now offers more than 20 varieties of sandwich crackers, including whole grain, granola and all-natural varieties. All Lance Sandwich Crackers are made with real peanut butter or cheese fillings, and contain no preservatives, no high-fructose corn syrup and zero grams of trans fat. 6. Review what the school requires Don't forget the basics. Review all medical documents that pertain to annual physicals and immunizations and get the information to the school for your child's file. Also, make the teacher and school nurse aware of any conditions your child may have such as allergies, chronic medical conditions or special learning accommodations. Doing this ahead of time helps ease back-to-school stress for Mom and Dad, too. Portions of this article were used by permission of ARAContent.

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A Voice of Generation ‘I’

By Xavier Ludwig

Generation I. That is what they call our generation, those of us born after 1994 that have been raised in the iPad, iPhone, and Internet age. What the “I” in Generation I should stand for is the “me, myself and I” Generation. We have become a global society who no longer cares about anything or anyone outside of our little digital world. Within the words of this column, I hope to change that… Before my father and I moved to Illinois we lived in a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee and I went to a school with children from many different countries and cultures. One of the first lessons we learned was to accept and love one another, that we were all people who had feelings that could be hurt by cruel words and intentions. We were taught that we were blessed to live in a country and society that was made up of many different people, and each was free to speak, live and worship as we wished: for this was the reason why the Pilgrims first travelled to America in search of a place they could worship their God in their way, far from the persecution of England. For one of my best friends I learned that this did not apply to him and his family… My friend’s name was Alaz, we called him Al, and he was born in the United States just a week before me. His family was Kurdish Muslims that escaped the tyranny of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. In Iraq, Al’s family suffered chemical attacks, executions and things that Al and his family could not speak of. They loved America, worked hard and the day his parents took the oath to become citizens was the proudest day of their lives; that was until they had Al, the first American born citizen in their family. They were living the American Dream. And then 9/11 came… Al and I were only toddlers when that terrible day happened, and yet Al and his family and other Muslim-Americans have paid the price for it since. This became more apparent when his family and 250 more Muslim families of Murfreesboro, Tennessee wanted to build a mosque, a place of worship for Muslims. Al’s family took my father and I to the place where the mosque was to be built, only to be attacked by protesters as soon as we drove up. The protesters were screaming, cursing and held signs that I did not fully understand then, but unfortunately do now. Signs that read, “To support Islam is to support terrorism,” and “This is not your country!” I will always remember the look of disgust that my father gave to the protesters, and in a second the look changed to one of sorrow and shame as he turned back to Al and his family as he spoke over the protester’s shouts of hatred and said, “I’m sorry.” That weekend the pastor of my church came out in support of the protesters stating that his main concern was that our freedom as American citizens were being threatened by the building of the mosque and we should do everything we could to stop it. What about the freedom of Al and his family or the 2.6 million of Muslims who are here in America? Does the First Amendment of the Constitution of Freedom of Religion not apply to them as well? Is this the country that my father and his father before him fought for in the Marines? Is this the country that my mother escaped the war-torn country of Vietnam and survived almost two years in a refugee camp in Thailand until my family’s lottery number SI Family • Page 12

Marie Cooper/Dayfancy Photography

came up to bring them to the United States to live out the American Dream themselves? Even here in Southern Illinois mosques have had bomb threats and hateful graffiti written on them. I do not and cannot understand the hatred towards a whole people for practicing a belief that may be different than our own. Isn’t this what this country was based on, the freedom to practice whatever religion you choose? Or does that only apply to those of the Christian faith? Generation I. We are the future of this country, and it is up to us to set this right. Do not fall into the same hatred and bigotry that comes before us. We are a global world, a global country, made up of people with many different cultures, religions and beliefs. We must as a country embrace this once again, and accept those that are different, and celebrate that it is these differences that set us apart from other countries. We may be falling behind other countries in Science and Math, but we can still lead the world in the diversity that we celebrate, and no longer be tolerant of intolerance. This, as a member of Generation I, I do pledge.

Everything I needed to know in life I learned from ...

Johnny Goose

By Robert Ludwig

Most families have heirlooms they pass down from generation to generation, something precious to hold dear so they can remember those who came before them. My family had Johnny Goose, and I can honestly say that everything I truly needed to know in life I learned from him. Johnny Goose was a little over 6 feet tall (at least he looked so to me when I was growing up), and lived in the old huge oak tree outside of my Grandma Evelyn’s house with his sister Jenny and Grandma Grey. He talked like everyone else, but sometimes spoke words much too big for me to understand and for him to pronounce correctly. He was always the life of the party, except when we brought friends over to meet him, and then he would never

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All pictures of Johnny Goose were a creation of Miriam Meyers of Irvington, many years ago.

come out of his birdhouse to prove that insanity was not running rampant in our family. Johnny Goose was one of those wild geese, different from all of the rest. He did not follow the rest of his brethren south for the winter in that perfect flying V; instead, he remained up in that big oak tree at Grandma Evelyn’s house, keeping a vigilant eye on us kids when an adult could not. But what Johnny was good for was getting in trouble, or I should say, getting us in trouble. Somehow, Grandma Evelyn always knew when we had done something wrong. It couldn’t have been the tear on our new school clothes, or the new bruise over my brother’s eye, or the three-car pile-up outside of her house that gave us away. No, we knew that Johnny had told her our wrong-doings,

but somehow he always hid whenever we got scolded. That was Johnny Goose, always starting the mischief but never around when the consequences came. But the one thing that Johnny Goose undeniably was, he was a friend. A friend that generations of kids in my family what it meant to be happy in life, and how to deal with life when it wasn’t all rainbows and lollipops. There were lessons in life that Johnny told us that we must endure if we were to live life to its fullest, and that the road travelled most isn’t always the easiest. As I see my own son grow up to face trials that we could never have possibly imagined growing up, I remind him of the 6-foot goose that once lived in Grandma Evelyn’s big oak tree and the words of wisdom that only Johnny

Goose could have implanted in our lives… • There are many different types of birds in this world: some big and those that are small, birds that are considered beautiful and those who shine from the inside. Just remember that it is not the fine feathers that make fine birds, but what’s inside that truly makes a bird beautiful. • Birds of a feather do not always have to flock together. • A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song. • Use whatever talent you possess. The woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those who sang the best. • Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them? • One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses. • The early bird always gets the worm. • Do not kill the goose that lays the golden egg. • What is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

• A goose quill is more dangerous than a lion’s claw. • Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings. • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. • Accept that some days you are a pigeon and some days you are a statue.

• Be like the bird in flight ... pausing a while on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, yet sings knowing yet, that she has wings. • God gives every bird its food, but he does not throw it into the nest. • Even when a bird walks, one feels it has wings • Sticking feathers up your butt doesn’t make you a goose. But the greatest gift that Johnny Goose and Grandma Evelyn gave us was that, with just a little bit of imagination, we can soar the skies like eagles, and go to far-off places and meet wondrous people along the way. Through imagination we can create unimaginable things and build a future full of wonderment for generations to come. And with imagination we can escape, if just for a little while, away from the harsh world and lay in the folds of the wings of a 6-foot talking goose. Grandma Evelyn passed a few years ago, at the young age of 91, and the big oak tree has been cut down, but I know that Johnny Goose has flown on to the next family to instruct them of his words of wisdom and to teach them that through imagination anything is possible, especially a 6-foot goose that rides a bicycle backwards and has dinner with the Easter Bunny. I truly hope that every little child and every family in the world has a Grandma Evelyn and a Johnny Goose to teach them such things. For those who do not, search your hearts, search your imagination, for Johnny Goose may be tapping on your windowsill right now looking for a warm place to spend this winter.

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Tobacco f

the way more kids A survey by the CDC shows slow declines in youth cigarette smoking, but also a troubling increase in cigar smoking by African-American teens Matthew L. Myers

President, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

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Like other recent surveys, the 2011 National Youth Tobacco Survey released on Aug.. 9 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the U.S. continues to slowly make progress in reducing youth cigarette smoking, with smoking rates falling to new lows of 15.8 percent among high school students and 4.3 percent among middle school students in 2011. Since peaking in the mid-1990s, youth smoking rates have been cut by more than half. These youth smoking declines are good news for our nation’s health and powerful evidence that we know how to win the fight against tobacco by implementing scientifically proven strategies. These include higher tobacco taxes, wellfunded tobacco prevention and cessation programs that include mass media campaigns, strong smoke-free laws, and effective regulation of tobacco products and marketing. However, the new survey also raises two clear warning flags. First, like other surveys, it shows that smoking declines have slowed in recent years, underscoring that elected officials cannot be complacent and must step up implementation of the strategies we know work. Second, the survey shows that there was a significant increase in cigar smoking among African-American high school students from 2009 to 2011 (from 7.1 percent to 11.7 percent). The survey also found high rates of cigar smoking and smokeless tobacco use among high school boys, with 15.7 percent smoking cigars and 12.9 percent using smokeless tobacco. Among all high school students, rates of cigar smoking and smokeless tobacco use have stayed steady even as cigarette smoking has declined. These troubling trends come as tobacco companies have countered declines in cigarette smoking by marketing a variety of new cigar and smokeless tobacco products, many with sweet flavors and colorful packaging that attract kids. In particular, some cigar manufacturers have exploited tax and regulatory loopholes to market cheap, sweet-flavored cigars that

o free ...

kids prefer to be look and are smoked just like cigarettes. To evade higher tax rates on small cigars, manufacturers have increased the weight of Sweet-flavored, colorfully some small cigars to qualify for the lower tax packaged cigar products are sold rate on large cigars, keeping them cheap in kid-friendly flavors that include and affordable for kids. In addition, because chocolate, strawberry, grape, cigars are not yet regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, tobacco companies peach, watermelon, sour apple, have been able to circumvent a ban on canmango and banana. These proddy and fruit-flavored cigarettes by ucts also are often more affordable marketing similarly flavored to kids because they are sold cheap cigars. individually or in small packs, Congress and whereas cigarettes must be sold in the FDA must packs of 20. take action to close these l o o p holes and stop the tobacco industry’s latest strategies to target our kids. Congress and the states should increase tax rates on all tobacco products to the same rate as cigarettes to prevent tobacco companies from evading taxes and marketing cheaper products that entice kids. The FDA should use the authority it received under a 2009 law to assert jurisdiction over cigars and all other tobacco products, as it promised to do in December 2010. Until the FDA does so, tobacco companies will continue to find ways around existing regulations aimed at protecting kids and public health. It is also imperative that Congress reject pending legislation (H.R. 1639 and S. 1461) to exempt some cigars from regulation, which would help tobacco companies continue marketing cheap, sweet-flavored cigars to kids. Today’s survey shows that we have made tremendous progress in the fight against tobacco use, the nation’s number one cause of preventable death. But it is also a timely reminder that the battle against tobacco is far from over and tobacco companies remain as ruthless as ever in targeting our kids, the replacement smokers they need for the more than 400,000 Americans killed by tobacco use each year. Elected officials and the FDA must be equally aggressive in taking action to protect our children. The CDC survey can found at: PRNewswire-USNewswire SI Family • Page 17

Growing Up Potter: The Magic Ends

No one could have imagined that the last decade of family lives would be consumed by a small bespectacled boy and a Dark Wizard. As I waited in line with my twelve-year-old son to await the final midnight showing of the last Harry Potter sensation, I realized that an era in our lives would soon be over. A decade of magical wonder that seemed to come and go as if it was produced by the Elder Wand itself. As the world watched Harry grow and come into his own, so too have I watched my son start to become a young man with a world of possibilities ahead of him. It was then that I realized that the countless hours spent waiting in line for the midnight showings, for the midnight release of the new J.K. Rowling saga, and the book signings were all just a prelude for the inevitable. I realized that soon that my son would no longer look at this world as some place magical, or look at me in the same way he did at two-years-old when this trek with Harry first began. The Harry Potter books were the first of many that my son and I read together, many times over and over. An hour a night reserved for just us and Harry, a legacy that continues. Afterwards I would kiss him good-night, and SI Family • Page 18

today, I believe that children have lost some of the mysticism that we embraced when we were children ourselves. Books are no longer read, they are scanned through with the help of Kindle and other ebook readers. Children no longer have to read a book or newspaper to find out about a certain topic, a search query will do it much quicker and with a lot less work. But have we given up the wonderful ability to use our imagination and dream of places afar, of heroes that defy all odds and fight to bring this wonderment into our bedrooms at night with just you and a flashlight? Whatever one may say about Harry Potter, you cannot deny the impact he had on a generation of youth by bringing this wonderful world of words back into their lives. as Harry Potter brought families back toI shut t h e gether for their nightly readings, and yes, door behind me I would catch a glimpse even their seven hour wait in line for the of his flashlight under the covers as he midnight showing. My son and I owe a returned to the book to read long after his lot to Harry Potter, for he brought about bedtime. We spent hours together in the a bond between us that may or may not car reciting the text and learning the impor- have been there without him. And for us, tance of not only reading, but the wonderful I hope, the magic will continue beyond world that books can allow us to journey to. Harry... With the digital age we have come upon Robert Ludwig

Lessons of Harry 1. We all possess light, and darkness. Even those of us who try to be the best person that we can be, we have a side of ourselves that we keep hidden from those around us; that is less willing to come out into the light. 2. We all need to believe in our own ability to make magic. Even Harry cannot create magic unless he truly believes in his own power to do so. We all carry within us the power to make our dreams happen, to bring magic into our own lives. The key is to believe in it. 3. We all are much more brave than we realize we are at times. Even when facing off against death, the characters in the movie fight fully and bravely. I know so many people in my life, who would see themselves as ordinary, yet their bravery is nothing less than extraordinary. 4. Trust Those You Care About Most. Real friends will help you get through the darkest days, and allow you to soar on the brightest of days. 5. Love Yourself. You may be different. You may be insulted. You may be discouraged. But only you can determine the value of your life. 6. Follow Your Own Dreams. You may fail. Try anyway. You may get hurt. Love anyway. You may be ridiculed. Speak your mind anyway. You may be told that you can't be who you want to be. Succeed anyway. 7. Feel The Fear...and do it anyway. Don't be afraid of the future. Embrace it with open arms. 8. Confide in Someone. There are always people who can lend an open ear. 9. The Past...does not determine your future. Live your life! You've only got one. Go out into the world.

Explore ... Discover ... Succeed!

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What’s your name?

Hey, you’re cute

Send me a pic

RU Single?

Where do you live?

Wanna meet up?

Don’t tell anyone


By Robert Ludwig

Almost every teen and preteen in the area has a Facebook page. Either your child talked you into allowing them to do so or did so themselves. Either way, there they are, on the world wide web for everyone to see who they are, what they do and where they are to the exact minute and location. Imagine this scenario: Your thirteen year old daughter gets a friend request from a cute boy who is friends with some of her friends. This boy goes to a school in a neighboring town, she doesn’t know him, but he is cute and he must be cool because he knows some of her friends. Once they are friends, this boy is able to see what school your daughter goes to, who her friends are, and where your daughter hangs out. He joins some of the same groups she belongs to, and soon they are chatting late night through the messenger on Facebook. Like most teens, your daughter also posts were she is going that day, whether at the pool with friends, or shopSI Family • Page 20


Facebook Facts

Our social networking statistics show that Facebook penetration in United States is 51.26% compared to the country's population and 66.47% in relation to number of Internet users. The total number of FB users in United States is reaching 159029740 and grew by more than 3327960 in the last 6 months. — As of March 2011, teens made up approximately 20 percent of the U.S. Facebook population. A November 2011 survey of more than 1,000 parents found that many kids under the age of 13 - the Facebook magic number - have Facebook accounts anyway with 55 percent of 12-years olds, 32 percent of 11-year-olds and 19 percent of 10-year-olds having accounts compared to 78 percent of 14-year-olds and 69 percent of 13-year-olds. — Inside Facebook, 2011

ping at the mall. She also posts on the Places button of Facebook where she is by checking into the wifi connection. So now this boy knows exactly where she is at the exact moment. Also, like most teens your daughter probably has her cell phone number or address on her Facebook page, something that has

been there since she signed up. After talking to this cute boy, they decide to meet. Some place quiet, away from friends or parents, where they can meet and talk about the feelings that most teenage girls struggle with. Now imagine that this cute boy is a 39 year old man who preys on young girls

• Total number of Facebook users worldwide:

• Total amount hours spent on YouTube per month:

1.2 billion

2.9 billion

• Total percentage of 18-24 year olds who already use social media: • Total amount of articles hosted by Wikipedia:


• Total percentage of people on Earth who use Facebook:


17 million

• Average pictures uploaded to Flickr per minute:


• Total amount of minutes people spend on Facebook every month: • Total amount of pictures hosted by Flickr:

700 billion

5 billion

• Average amount of time a person uses Facebook per month:

• Average amount of tweets per day:

• Total amount of people who access Facebook with phone:

• Percent of teenagers who log on to Facebook over 10 times per day:

15 hours, 33 minutes 250 million

• Total amount of websites that have integrated with Facebook:

190 million 22%

2.5 million

• Percent of Facebook users under the age of 10:

70 billion

• Percent of teens that view social networks as unsafe:

490 million

• Percent of Americans who aren’t confident in their ability to use privacy settings:

• Total pieces of content shared on Facebook each month: • Total amount of unique YouTube users per month: • Total amount of YouTube page views per month:

92 billion

like your daughter on the internet. Marion County State’s Attorney Matt Wilzbach warns parents to communicate with their children about the dangers of not knowing who is on the other side of communications via the internet and websites like Facebook and Twitter. As a parent and one who has prosecuted online predators, Wilzbach sees an open line of communication between parent and child imperative to make sure to make the internet a safe place from those who prey upon our children. “Facebook can be great,” explains Wilzbach, “but we have to be smart in not putting too much information out there for the world to see. Do not give information over the internet that you would not want the world to see. You never know who will see this information and you truly do not know who is on the other end of the conversation when speaking to someone on Facebook and other sites.” Within Marion County alone, Wilzbach has prosecuted over a dozen cases from online predators and online bullying that resulted in harm of minor. The most notorious was a female juvenile that was taken to another state by an adult male. The two met on Facebook. Pre-teen and teen years are hard for every child to cope with. The feelings and emotions that sometimes make puberty almost unbearable for a lot of today’s youth are no different than what every generation has coped with

25% 59% 24%


throughout the years. The only differhis district, mostly regarding parent who ence is that within the internet world, found inappropriate messages and picsome see complete tures on cell phones strangers as an in regards to an Online Predators outlet to vent and adult having sexual Stats parents should know: pour their feelings contact with a child. out with chat rooms. “Two convictions • More than 500,000 predaWilzbach warns last year alone tors are online everyday Kids 12 that it is these years was prosecuted to 15 are susceptible to being that parents must because of the due groomed and manipulated by ofkeep an open line diligence of parents fenders online of communication checking their chil• FBI stats show that more than with our children dren’s cell phones 50 percent of victims of online to keep them safe, and found that sexual exploitation are 12-15 as well as monitheir children were years old tor every step that being victimized • 89 percent of all sexual adyour child does in by adults. Don’t be vances toward our children take every avenue of the offended to look at place in internet chat rooms and internet age. your child’s phone, through instant messaging “Even when your we owe it to them. • In (27 percent) of exploitation child screams of The world they live incidents, predators asked kids privacy, as a parent in now is different to for sexual photographs of themyou have the right the world we grew selves. and responsibility to up in.” • 4 percent of kids get “aggresmonitor your child’s Wilzbach also sive” sexual solicitations that every action via the warns that what is included attempts to contact the internet. Know your said on Facebook kids offline child’s passwords and Twitter can Statistics taken from an FBI to email, Facebook be used against article: Child Predators – The and other sites, as you or your child Online Threat Continues to Grow well as checking in a court of law as their text messages evidence. Cases on a regular basis,” of bullying and hastated Wilzbach. rassment have been proven with posts Clinton County State’s Attorney John from Facebook and other internet sites, Hudspeth has seen cases as well within as well as text messaging. SI Family • Page 21

Welcome to our inaugural issue Welcome to our first issue of Southern Illinois Family Magazine. When I was asked to be a part of SI Family the first thing that crossed my mind was, "What an amazing idea!" and as our first issue rolls off the presses I stand firm in that belief and am proud to watch that idea turn into the glossy, color pages laid out before you today. Any journalist will tell you that in our world, we can easily become jaded after daily doses of covering murder trials, standing on the sidelines with camera in hand as someone's home burns to the ground or filing in behind emergency personnel responding to fatal accidents. The view from our computer screen is not always pleasant but it is well balanced when those stories of overcoming adversity, triumph and heartfelt kindness come across our desk. Being able to work on this magazine and see it grow and become a guide to parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, children and blended families allows that balance in my life to lean more toward the positives of our world. Each issue of SI Family will bring you insight on anything that can and will impact your family. We make no effort to define family but instead embrace the core unit that gives the children of our world and our community the foundation to grow into the leaders of tomorrow. I have not been blessed with children of my own but believe that family extends beyond being a parent. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, niece and cousin to the wonderful individuals that make up my family. Although our magazine will offer advice for parents, it is certainly not at the exclusion of all other family members and all other family combinations. This month we focus on getting kids back in school, the pitfalls of social media and recognizing whether or not a child has what it takes to be the next top model as well as an extensive calendar of events filled with family-friendly activities. In the coming months we will bring you in-depth stories and information in addition to some elements of the lighter side in our efforts to put family first in the only publication in Southern Illinois that puts the focus on families. Please enjoy our first issue and look forward to many more to come. I hope you enjoy SI Family as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to you.

Leigh Williams

Managing Editor

SI Family • Page 22


Creating a website with your kids can be fun, easy, educational ... and FREE! By Robert Ludwig

There are so many great educational websites out there it is hard to try and keep them organized for easy access for you and your children. Why not create a website specifically for your child to help them with homework, stay in touch with friends, and share with family? It is fun and easy and can be great quality time for the whole family as you continually update the site as your child gets older. Here are some fun free web hosting sites specifically made for children. The numerous templates will have you and your child up on the web in no time: • Angelfire was one of the first sites that allowed free webhosting on the internet. The web-making tools are so simple that children of most ages can easily navigate through the templates to create exciting web pages that they will want to return to time and time again. • This easy drag-anddrop site builder is filled with templates that make it so easy for kids to add their

own unique taste to the website. • If you are looking for your child to be a little more creative, Piczo is great for the future blogger and photographer. Its amazing interface allows your child to share their life story with their friends and family, as well as being able to update the blog as easily updating their status on Facebook. • This is an awesome site that allows flash, and has incredible templates for free. There is an option to upgrade so that there are not any ads, but it is not needed. OK, now that you have found a free web hosting site, what content should be on your kid’s site? First, have more than one page on the site. It will help with download speeds and also teach younger children how to navigate through the web. You can have a personal page with your child’s pictures and blog, a fun page with online games, and a reference page with links to all the great websites out there geared towards helping them in school.

Please monitor what your kids place on their sites. Make sure the pictures are age appropriate and that they are not giving out too much information about themselves. There are too many predators out there that will use that type of information to their advantage. Stay away from times and places your child may frequent, you do not want a map handed to someone who may do them harm. Have fun with the content on the site, you want your child to want to go to their own website Make it colorful and exciting and packed with fun filled sites that make your child want to learn and explore. Share the site with friends and family so that they may post comments and share in the child’s life and excitement. Lastly, make your child’s website their Start-page whenever they open up their web browser. There is nothing more exciting for a child to turn on the computer and see something they have created themselves! SI Family • Page 23

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SI Family • Page 25

Bringing Up Baby Getting free products from companies for your child is as easy as visiting these websites

Having a new addition to the family can be daunting, and financially challenging. For those of you who are having your first child, you have no idea of the challenges that await you. Thankfully, there are companies out there that our vying for your future business and willing to sacrifice great coupons and products in order to attain it. For any parent who is expecting, or has a newborn or toddler, the time spent to sign up for baby clubs is well worth it. In no time, you will receive free products like formula, diapers, and coupons that are age specific to your child. Good luck from Southern Illinois Families… • Gerber: You can sign up for their baby club and start receiving great coupons every month. Also ask at the hospital you deliver your baby in to get the free Gerber New Mom Backpack filled with free samples and coupons… • Huggies: Sign up for their baby club and the coupons will start pouring in, via email and regular mail. If you sign up before your child is born, chances are you will get plenty of sample products before her arrival… • Enfamil: The Enfamil program sends you free formula samples and up to $60 in formula checks along with other goodies. Coupons will come monthly to be age specific to your child. These savings are huge! • Pampers: Pampers is similar to Huggies and will periodically send great coupons in the mail for toms of money off. If you sign up before the due date, you will also get free samples. After the birth you can put in codes from Pamper packages to redeem points for more added savings. • Babies R Us: www.rewardsrus. com Sign up for their loyalty card or their Rewards R Us to get great free coupons in the mail. • Baby to Bee: This program gives you health advice, baby tips, free baby diaper samples & coupons, free subscriptions to top baby magazines. • Johnsons baby Products: www. and www.Johnsonsbaby. com Johnson’s gives you free baby care guides & special offers from Johnson & Johnson. They also SI Family • Page 26

have great coupons for Johnson’s products. • Save a Lot Food Stores: http:// Sign up for coupons snail mail on diapers, formula, and other baby products. • Sam’s Club Member’s Mark Formula: Sam’s Club formula will send you a free sample and coupons afterwards of their formula. • Also check your local grocery store and supermarkets for baby clubs and

coupons specific to your new addition… There are tons of other great baby clubs that I will place in every issue, but a Google search will bring the results you will need also. Remember, there are plenty of clubs and organizations that will help you with your child: from newsletters with advice from parents who have gone through what you are going through, to samples of great products, to great coupons that will come pouring in if you take the time to sign up for all the great promotional baby clubs out there.

Winning as a parent By Seth Baltzell Pastor, City Hope Church, Centralia As a parent there are some times when I don’t feel like I am doing it good enough. Let me retract that, there are MOST times when I don’t feel like I am doing it good enough. I have a three year old read headed monster son named Malakai (Kai), and have recently discovered my wife, Karis, and I have a baby girl, Avonlea, due at the end of December. Between fights over pottytraining, fights over pacifiers, fights over Netflix, and fights over why it is a bad idea to take all your clothes off in yard and run around like a superhero (yeah, that happened), it can feel like I am in a losing battle as a parent. I hope you can identify with this, that way I don’t feel so crazy! This week though, I had an experience that made me feel like a win-

ner as a parent. While we were in the doctor’s office a few nights ago looking at the ultrasound, and discovering that our prayers were being answered, and God was giving us a baby girl, my son did something pretty amazing. He sang to us. And he wasn’t just singing to us, he broke out at the top of his lungs one of our worship songs from church about how powerful God is! At the time I didn’t think much of it, and actually was a little embarrassed that while we were staring at pictures of this miracle happening in my wife’s body my son was interrupting with his yelling, off pitch rendition of the song. Looking back now, I couldn’t be more proud. It was like in the moment as we all tried to express with all our words how amazing and beautiful and wonderful this child

growing in the womb was, all Kai knew to do was sing about how great God is. If all else fails as a parent, and if he’s in diapers till he is able to vote and if he will always embarrass us in a restaurant, the fact that he knows God is the giver of life and the one to worship and give thanks to, I’ve won as a parent. Having faith woven into the fabric of our lives is the most important thing I can do as a parent. It is not because I am a pastor, it is because I am a parent that sees my dependency for God, and am desperate to instill that in my child as well. By talking with my son about our faith, involving him in church, and surrounding him with people that will set an example of living a faith filled life in Christ, I can’t fail. My invitation to you is the same, be winning as a parent!

SI Family • Page 27

Daddy’s Cookbook

Publisher’s Note: I knew I was in trouble when I took my son to test for the local Montessori School in Nashville, Tennessee when he was three and the teacher asked him to point to the picture of the object that Daddy cooks on. He had gotten everything right so far, but was at a loss for the first time in the testing. Finally the teacher pointed to the picture of the stove and asked him if he knew what it was. He looked up at her and said as a matter-offactly that he did, but Daddy only cooked in the microwave and never the stove. It was from that point on that I knew that I had to change our McDonald's and Domino's Pizza lifestyle and actually have to learn how to be a single parent. As a single father I realized that my childhood was spent with sports, cars, and dinner magically appeared on the table when I returned home. I never knew the hours of labor that my

Using the Kitchen as a Classroom

Forget the misconception of the kitchen being an unsafe place for your children. The image of sharp-knife wielding, food covered kids and floors can be prevented with the right amount of safety preparation to make the kitchen a fun place to spend some quality family time. The kitchen can also become the best classroom in the house for kids of any age. Colors, shapes, and numbers are all there waiting to challenge your child each step of the way. Babies will pass up their fancy toys every time for a chance to match up pots and lids or stack plastic containers. Toddlers love to "sort" silverware and fold napkins into triangles. Next time you need 60 marshmallows for Rice Krispie treats, have your preschooler count out 6 groups of 10 marshmallows each and teach fractions with sticks of butter. SI Family • Page 28

mother put into making sure that my brothers, sisters, and I had a healthy well-balanced meal on the table every meal. At college, meals were prepared in the dining hall and the local pizza place always delivered at all hours. It wasn’t until real life happened that I had to learn to navigate my way around a kitchen, by that point it was not only me that I had to learn to cook for, but a beautiful, fast growing toddler that depended on me for our lifestyle to change. We were alone, two states away from the nearest family member, and we learned together how rewarding to our family bond our meals actually were. For all the fathers out there, whether you are only a weekend warrior or full-time dad, this is for you and your family. — Robert Ludwig

Cooking is Quality Family Time

When we are competing with sports, Xbox, and 500 channels on the television, quality time with our children is limited and we must take advantage of the time we do have with them. Not only is the preparation of meals a great time to talk to our children about their lives, but the sitting down and eating with them at a prepared table is also treasurable. Ask them how their day at school went, or what they learned in science class that day. This is also a good time to find out if they are having problems with certain subjects or socially. Tell them about your day, and get them involved in your life as well. But first and foremost, talk. Studies have proven that a family that has meal times together benefits their children in so many ways. Conversations can increase a child's vocabulary,and help their self esteem. Learn about a different culture by having Asian night, or Mexican night by not only cooking an ethnic meal but also dressing the part and learning different trivia facts about that country. Trying new things like chopsticks with fried rice can be informative and entertaining as well! Most of all, make it fun for you and the kids!

How to make your own pizza

Ingredients: • All-purpose flour (At least 5 cups worth) • 1 jar basic pasta sauce • 1 bag of mozzarella cheese • Pepperoni • Sausage • Onions • Various toppings • Packet of yeast • Parchment paper • Olive oil Directions: Measure 1 1/2 cups of warm water, add packet of yeast. Stir and set aside. Mix 4 cups flour, 1 spoonful of salt, 1 spoonful of sugar and a little bit of olive oil in big bowl. Add water/yeast mixture. Mix with fork until mainly combined. Knead by folding over and pushing

down repeatedly for 10 minutes. If sticky add more flour. Once nice and doughy throughout (see video) put back in bowl, cover with paper towels and set aside. Let rise for 30 minutes if you used regular yeast, 15 minutes if you used quick rise yeast. Make pizza buffet by putting cheese, sauce, and toppings in little bowls and in a line down counter. Heat oven to 450 degrees. Put some parchment paper down on a cookie sheet. Cut off a fistful of dough from risen dough. Roll out in a semi round shape. Sprinkle with some salt. Add light layer of sauce, light layer of cheese, any desired toppings, drizzle with olive oil. Cook for 7 minutes or until cheese starts to brown. Cut and serve. — From SI Family • Page 29

Is your child the next How to get your child into the fashion business

By Robert Ludwig

that is not to discourage you and your models. These are rare circumstances, child from seeking the dream. Xavier but if we believe we can market a talYou have watched all the new reality Ludwig, 13, from Centralia was discovent, we will sign them outside of our television shows, “America’s Next Top ered eating at a Chinese restaurant in St normal guidelines,” stated Hubbard. “In Model” and “Remodeled”, and thought to addition to this, we look for personalyourself that your child could possibly be Louis during the production of a major television show and signed the next ity! This is perhaps the most important the next Cindy Crawford or Kate Moss. day to a modeling contract. Others from part of what makes a model who fits all After all, how hard can it be? Your child Southern Illinois have made a career the other criteria truly successful. It is is definitely cuter than any girl they have out of modeling and television as well important to be yourself and be confion the show, and all they have to do is like Logan McNeil of Salem who has dent!” stand in front of a camera and smile. travelled the world modeling for the past Stewart Talent represents a myriad of Right? eight years. talent, from voiceovers to actors to high Well, before you start planning the exFirst to know is that there are all fashion models. Gardner explains, “With otic vacations or paying for your child’s different types of modeling, from High print work, we are not too specific on college at the age of twelve from all of Fashion to Catalogue Print, each requirheight and weight. When we are doing a the money you are going to make from print ad that only shows the their modeling career there waist up, it does not matter if are a few things that you the model is 5’6 or 5’9. What must know first. First, it is a matters is the personality of tough industry to get into. As the child and how well they explained by Fairlight Hubreact to the camera.” bard, co-owner of Eye Model As any industry, the modelManagement of Nashville, ing industry has changed Tennessee, “There is a differas well throughout the ence between being a model years. Where the Vanilla and being a working model.” All-American look used to Hubbard, a former Ford be in demand in years past, Model, goes on to explain furthe more unique ethnically ther, “Many people aspire to ambiguous look that now repmodel, but there is a smaller resents the country is high in percentage of people who demand. “We are looking for actually do model and make Fairlight Hubbard, Eye Model Management that unique face. The days money.” of the same ole same ole is Like any profession, crackover, not only does the model ing into the modeling world have be representative of can be hard and tedious and everybody but also is unique there are no guarantees that ing different looks and personalities. and stands out in a crowd,” says Maria your child will make it even after all of With High Fashion there are specific Cooper, Partner and Casting Director of the hard work they have put in. “You qualifications that must be met for the Toni’s International Models of St Louis. have to get use to rejection,” adds Kathi industry since the every model must fit “That is why looks like Xavier [Ludwig] is Gardner, of Stewart Talent of Chicago. the exact piece of clothing, not the other great. He represents the melting pot of “You can go on twenty or more casting way around. According to Hubbard, “We America.” calls before you get a job, or you may scout for high fashion models, and the But there are still needs for all types of not get a job period. There are no guarcriteria are very strict. We sometimes looks, explains Gardner. “There are still antees in this business, and kids along with their parents have to realize that be- make exceptions if a model is young and clients that want that blonde haired, blue growing, but must believe they will reach eyed look for their advertisements. It all fore they try and get into this business.” the criteria by the time they are 15-16 comes down to what the client sees that Throughout the world there are thouyears of age.” will best represent their product.” sands of models who flock to the major “On occasion we will represent exSo what is the first step to making market cities like New York and Los ceptional talent that are younger who your child’s dream come true? Do Angeles to make it, with very few actushow potential and also plus fashion not spend tons of money on photogally making a living off of modeling. But

“We look for personality! This is perhaps the most important part of what makes a model who fits all the other criteria truly successful. It is important to be yourself and be confident!”

SI Family • Page 30

Top Model?

Female fashion requirements: Age — 13-21 Height — 5'9” to 6’ Bust — 35” or below Waist — 24” or below Hips — 35” or below

raphers; most agencies want to see what your child looks like without the glamour and make-up. Just a few simple Polaroids could get you into the door at most agencies. Each agency has their own criteria as to how they will see their potential models. Do your homework and check out each agency before you sign away your first born and hand them over to the agency. Check the Better Business Bureau, and ask other models that have been in the industry about the reputation of certain agencies. There are too many agencies that are in it to just exploit the models for their money

and are not interested in getting the models work. Go onto various agencies websites and check out how to submit your child for consideration. Some agencies have casting calls, while others require electronic or snail mail submissions. It is crucial to follow each step carefully and complete or your child’s chance could be filed away or disregarded along with the many who are also seeking representation. But the one thing to remember is to let your child be a child first and foremost. Doing school plays and musicals, as well as sports, helps the child to come out

Male fashion requirements: ­Age — 13-25 Height — 5'11” to 6’2” Jacket — 42” or below Pant — 34” or below of their shell and perform in front of an audience, which in turn will translate in front of the camera. It must be the child, and not the parent, who has to have the dream of modeling. Unfortunately, in the modeling world a parent is nothing but a vehicle to get the child from one destination to the other if your child is lucky enough to land a job or two. Good luck! As a parent of a model I know the frustrations and jubilations that comes with the territory of the industry. But there is nothing more rewarding than seeing your child’s picture on the cover of a magazine and ultimately succeed in something that he loves! SI Family • Page 31

Parenting 101 Potty seats, dances and regression, oh my!

By Lilly Gordon

Potty training is the moment we as parents dream about. It is the milestone that will take us from diaper duty to a modicum of freedom. Sure, we still have clean up little spills, wipe bums and do laundry twice a day until the little gaffer gets the hang of things; yet we clamor towards that small light at the end of the diaper genie that seems to signify a tiny morsel of freedom. There are so many tidbits, articles, methods and products related to potty training that parents can get easily overwhelmed and confused. What is the best potty seat? When is it time? Why won’t he/she stop having accidents? Potty training time can be scary for parents and children, but there are some basics to get you on the way to kissing those dirty diapers good-bye for good (not literally of course).

Ready, set, go!

Knowing your child is ready to start potty training is the start of your journey. The general rule of thumb is if your child is between 18-24 months old, they have the basic motor skills to start. That doesn’t mean they’re ready, however. Every child’s maturity level is different in this area and kids do not like to be rushed! Here are some signs to look for: • A general bathroom schedule – SI Family • Page 32

regular bowel movements and diaper changes are a good start; • Is anxious or excited to use the toilet; • The ability to get their own pants on and off; • The desire to wear underwear; • Your child knows what “poop” and “pee” are; • A general dislike of dirty diapers, feeling dirty and wet, etc. • Dry periods of several hours at a time – nap time is a good indicator If your tyke is showing any of these signs, he or she may be ready to try the potty.

Tools to help your tyke

Potty Paraphernalia: As is true with the baby product industry on a whole; there are dozens of different pottyrelated products to help your child through this monumental task of saying good bye to the nappies once and for all! Potty Dolls: These dolls can help your child learn the basics of potty training while at the same time give him or her the chance to show the doll how to do it. This may give your child the little smidge of responsibility that is necessary to get them doing it on their own. Potty Seats and Potties: There are several different kinds out there: cham-

ber pot style, potties that turn into stepping stools, potties that congratulate kids when they’re through, and simple potty seats that fit over a regular toilet. Heck, they even make travel potty seats for those on the go! The best potty seats and potties are: comfortable, easy to use and easy to clean. Beyond that, if your kid will sit on it you’ve won a small part of the battle. Potty Books and Computer Games: Yes, they even have computer games that feature popular kids’ characters talking about “potty time”, as well as books for your child to read up on your new favorite subject. Potty Etiquette: Everyone has their own best way to potty train in mind when they start. Some people have smooth sailing while some start to see the good side of diapers. The biggest virtue of potty training is patience. Your child will get the gist of it when he or she is ready to do it. Reward systems are popular, but the best reward is for your little one to receive a big hug and a celebratory kiss or yes the fabled potty dance, so they can see how important it is that they learn this skill. Negative, frustrating or angry reactions or punishments are a natural response to accidents but they will NOT help your child achieve his or goal. It is normal for kids to have accidents for about 6 months after they start. Most baby stores sell products that can take the edge off of “oopsies.” Training pants: cotton lined waterproof underwear that hold in the wetness and remind kids they have to go. Crib and Bed pads: for nap and night time bed protection, until they get the hang of things. Dry Seats: an insert you can place in their car seats and strollers for travel protection. If your child is having a rough time and constant accidents, it is time to put the training on hold. This is a hard thing for moms and dads to do, but necessary. Some kids don’t want to use the potty until they are around 4 years old, and although this is frustrating for parents, every child develops at their own rate. (Never compare your child’s learning to anyone else’s.) Getting into a power struggle with a toddler over bathroom habits never did anyone any good. The bottom line is your child’s happiness and developmental well-being. Whether you choose to reward, dance or just let them run around naked for a few weeks, your child will get the hang of it. Hang in there and remember, your little one will not be wearing diapers to high school … They’ll get it, eventually!

Four ways of keeping your baby healthy By Edward Davidson

I am sure being a new parent you have heard all type of advice on how to take care of your baby, some wanted and some not. Everyone has advice on what to do whenever your child is well, but here are some ways to keep baby from getting sick. As new parent you ought to be prepared to take your baby to pediatrician frequently. Many doctors want to see the baby monthly for the first six months and then once every 8 weeks until the baby is a year old. This allows the doctor to monitor the baby's growth and one of the best ways to keep your baby healthy. During these visits vaccines could be given. It is important that you keep the doctors schedule of appointments. These visits will significantly help to keep your baby healthy for a lifetime. Keeping your baby's environment as clean as possible is the second thing you can do to keep your baby healthy. Observe a baby for some time and you will see that they're always rubbing their eyes and nose, and in addition they put their hands in their mouths frequently. So it is very important that before anyone touches the baby their hands need to be clean. Dust can take the time a baby's delicate lungs, so you should keep the baby's room as clean and as dust free as possible. You should also be mindful with what you clean the nursery. Some household products may be harmful to baby's lungs. In the event you still can smell the cleanser once you are done cleaning, that is a good indication that you should not use that in the nursery. There are various steam cleaners that allow you to clean and eliminate bacteria but not use chemicals that could be harmful to baby. Something else to keep in mind is that stuffed toys are cute, but they also accumulate a lot of dust. Therefore keep plush toys to a minimum and keep them washed and clean. Day care is a must for many babies and toddlers, so ensure that you ask about the centers cleaning and sick policies. Some questions you might ask might be – how frequently are the toys cleaned, is there diaper changing stations, and do employees wash their hands immediately after changing each diaper. Additionally, you will want to find out the policy about sick children. It really is difficult to miss work, but you do not want to bring a unwell child to daycare and expose the rest of the children to the illness. One of the best ways to continue to keep baby healthy is feed him properly. Breast milk is packed with nutrients to help improve your baby's immune system. But don't worry if you're formula feeding, just seek out formula that is DHA and ARA fortified. When baby moves to solid, plant based foods provide nutrients that guide improve the immune system. You also need to include protein in baby's eating plan. Keep away from giving little ones snacks which are full of sugar since they can break down the baby's immune system. And the final thing you can do to assist baby's immune system is to reduce baby's stress. Yes babies have stress. It's stressful to a baby when they are hungry, when their diaper needs changed or just daily learning and growing. Little ones cry to inform you they need something and crying is stressful for a baby, just as it is when you cry. Picking up baby to comfort him and discover what's wrong is a good thing. Don't get worried about spoiling him if you pick him up whenever he cries. Babies also detect your stress. I realize that it's impossible to get rid of all the stress of everyday life. However you are able to change how you handle that stress. Find a way to eliminate the stress before spending some time with your infant. Both you and he will be more healthy for your effort.

SI Family • Page 33

Southern Illinois Family Events


August 1

Bizarre and Unique Holidays of August

the next show at the Muny. Writer Nell seven children of Captain von Trapp has Benjamin, arranger and orchestrator John become one of the most popular family McDaniel and director Gordon Greenberg entertainments of all time. have revised the 1879 hit with modern audiences in mind. Art Show

Admit You're Happy Month; Family Fun Month; National Catfish Month; National Eye Exam Month; National Golf Month; August 2 Peach Month; Romance Awareness 4-H Junior Fair, Bond County Fair, GateMonth; Water Quality Month; National way East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show Picnic Month & Sale, Marion County Fair, 'Pirates! (or, Children’s Church in the Attucks Gilbert & Sullivan Plunder'd), (See Aug. 1 for descriptions)


Where: Carbondale Attucks Park 6pm - 7pm

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

We are hosting all summer long a children’s church program at Attucks Park in National Ice Cream Sandwich Day is a Carbondale every Wed. Night starting at time to enjoy a cold sandwich ... an ice 6pm. There is games, prizes, food, and cream sandwich. In July and August, we fun. Website: find many special days for one kind of ice cream or another. The ice cream sandwich is so popular, and tastes so good, Kids in the Kitchen Cooking that it earns its own special day ... today. Class Ice cream sandwiches have been around Where: Custom Design Studio Kitchen, 472 Mason St., Breese • (618) 910-0964 since the early 1900s. Vanilla, chocolate 7pm - 8pm and a combination of the two, are the most The kids will learn basic cooking skills, popular. You can make homemade sandnutrition information, how to read a recipe, wiches. Just put some ice cream between table manners, table etiquette. The kids a couple wafers, and ... voila! Don't have will learn to be creative, that cooking is wafers? That's okay. Put some ice cream fun, to enjoy food and the people at the between two of your favorite cookies. We table. The class is open to children ages hope that you have a great National Ice 7-14. Aug. 1 at 7-8 pm – Sammy’s burg- Cream Sandwich Day. ers. Fee: $5 per class. Call Sharon at 618910-0964. Sound of Music

'Pirates! (or, Gilbert & Sullivan Plunder'd)’

Where: Kirkwood Community Center: Robert G Reim Theater, Kirkwood, MO 8pm - 10:30pm

Where: Cedarhurst Center for the Arts, Mt. Vernon • 618-242-1236

Thursday Night Live: Cedarhurst Center for the Arts, Mount Vernon; exhibits, programs and activities; each Thursday, through Aug. 30; art-related programs for a variety of interests and age groups; open until 8 p.m.;

Benton's Farmers’ Market Where: Benton Community Park 3pm - 6pm

Benton Farmers’ Market is every Thursday, May through October, from 3-6 pm at the Benton Community Park, 114 W. Huddleson St. Locally grown fruits and vegetables, home baked pies, cakes, cookies, breads, beef, pork, farm fresh eggs and handmade crafts.

Carlyle Courthouse Square Farmers' Market

Where: East side of the Clinton County Courthouse, 8th Street, between Franklin and Fairfax, Carlyle 4pm - 7pm

The Farmers' Market will return for its fourth year in 2012! The Market is an extremely popular, weekly event where people can purchase locally grown/made fruits, vegetables, and other items. Begins every Thursday at 4 p.m. and closes at 7 p.m.

The hills are alive at STAGES ST. LOUIS as Rodgers and Hammerstein’s beloved The Wedding Singer musical masterpiece The Sound of MuWhere: North Side Park Outdoor Stage, Breese Think of W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sul8pm - 10:30pm livan’s “The Pirates of Penzance.”Think sic returns to vibrant life. The magical of Johnny Depp’s “Pirates of the Carib- and heartwarming true-life story of Ma- Clinton County Showcase invites you bean” movies. Try to think of both of them ria, a spirited young woman who leaves and your family to spend a fun-filled eveat the same time, and you’re on track for the convent to become governess to the ning with The Wedding Singer. This “ToWhere: St Louis, Muny 8pm - 10:30pm

SI Family • Page 34

Family Events tally Awesome 80’s Musical” is based on the film by the same name. It’s 1985 and rock-star wannabe Robbie Hart is New Jersey’s favorite wedding singer. He’s the life of the party, until his own fiancé leaves him at the altar. Shot through the heart, Robbie makes every wedding as disastrous as his own. Love is a battlefield but Robbie may just find the greatest love of all. Slip on your parachute pants and grab your Atari, the ‘80s are back and better than ever.

August 3

4-H Junior Fair, Bond County Fair, East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale, Marion County Fair, 'Pirates! (or, Gilbert & Sullivan Plunder'd), Sound of Music, The Wedding Singer (see Aug. 1 for descriptions)

National Watermelon Day

and crazy watermelon fan. Please don't limit your consumption of watermelon to just this month. Stores carry watermelon twelve months of the year.

Night Fair provides a place to learn about the businesses, organizations and people of Carbondale. Have fun, eat good food, be entertained and support locally grown produce and environmentally conscious products and services. Learn about loMascoutah Homecoming & cal products, services and organizations. Augustfest Explore volunteer, community and job Where: Main Street & Scheve Park, Mascoutah (618) 566-2964 opportunities. Purchase a variety of loAug. 3- Aug. 4 cal products including handmade crafts Rides, games, food, beer, exhibitions, and local produce. Enjoy fresh food and shows, music and St. Clair County 4-H live entertainment. Meet local farmers Farm exhibits all weekend. Parade Sat- and growers. If interested, you can even urday & Sunday. Admission: Free Admis- participate as a vendor in the Green Fair! sion The Carbondale Community Friday Night Fair is brought to you by the Carbondale Friday Morning Story Time: Fair Coalition to promote the Carbondale Community, network local businesses and Skippy Jon Jones Where: Cedarhurst Center for the Arts, organizations, and foster the purchase of Mt. Vernon • (618) 242-1236 local goods and services. The fair is also 10am - 11am sponsored by Carbondale Main Street, a Story Time is held in the Beck Family non-profit organization that strives to proCenter. For more information call (618) mote and improve the down town district 242-1236 or visit of Carbondale.

This big fruit deserves its own big day. And, so we give pause to celebrate watermelons on National Watermelon Day. First on 9th Street Sweet and tasty watermelons are one of Where: Downtown Mt Vernon summer's favorite fruit. It's standard fare 5:30pm - 9pm at picnics. While watermelon is over 90% Spontaneous outdoor artistic event with water, it sure tastes good. And what picnic music and artist's booths. Free admission. would be complete without a seed spit- For more information call (618) 242-6866. ting contest? Our research was unable to establish this day a a true national day Carbondale Community Friday (which requires an act of congress). We Night Fair also have not uncovered the origin of this Where: Carbondale Town Square Pavilion day. We suspect it originated by an ag6pm - 9pm ricultural organization, or perhaps a wild The Carbondale Community Friday

Cobden Peach Festival

Where: Downtown Cobden, (618) 893-2425 Aug. 3- Aug. 5

Cobden Peach Festival For more than 70 years, the Cobden Lions Club has sponsored this eagerly anticipated annual festival, celebrating the area peach harvest. Enjoy fresh peaches from local orchards, carnival rides and games. The crowning of the “Miss Peach Queen” Contest

Family Events highlights the event. Homemade peach cobbler and pies, showcase the delicious peaches grown in local orchards. On Saturday, a 5K run/walk and the parade through downtown Cobden round out the festivities. Free admission.

Paint Clinton County Purple Where: Carlyle 6pm - 9pm

Relay for Life, 6 p.m. at Central High School. Guest speaker Dr. Judy Davie. Watch teams participate in competition for the coveted Pink Flamingo Spirit trophy, enjoy food and beverages made by our own Relay For Life teams, and have your kids enjoy playing games sponsored by area daycares and much more!!

August 4

4-H Junior Fair, Bond County Fair, Marion County Fair, Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale, 'Pirates! (or, Gilbert & Sullivan Plunder'd) Sound of Music, The Wedding Singer, Annual Hydroplane Boat Races, Bond County Fair (see Aug. 1 for details) Cobden Peach Festival, Mascoutah Homecoming & Augustfest (see Aug. 3 for details)

you put your all into the spirit of Friendship Day, you will have a great, great day. Happy Friendship Day to people all over the world!

AKC Dog Show

Where: The Pavilion, Marion 8:30am - 3:30pm

AKC Dog Shows: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4 and 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. SunAnnual Hydroplane Boat Races day, Aug. 5, The Pavilion, Marion; around Where: Raccoon Lake Boat Docks, Country Club 600 dogs entered with over 100 breeds represented; ring times, www.onofrio. Road, Centralia • (618)532-1160 Aug. 4- Aug. 5 com; microchip, hearing and eye clinics, Two days of exciting high speed power Saturday; $5; www.craborchardkennelboat racing. Concessions available. Ad-; president@craborchardkennelmission: $1.

Lupus WolfRide GranFondo Where: Bolm-Schuhkraft Park, Columbia (314) 644-2222 Aug. 4 - Aug. 5

The Lupus WolfRide GranFondo is a 56- or 112-mile bike ride.

Land of Goshen Community Market

Where: Corner of North Main and St. Louis Streets, Edwardsville 8am - 12pm

Hummingbird Fest

Where: Trail of Tears State Forest, Jonesboro Aug. 4 - Aug. 5

Hummingbird Fest At Trail of Tears State Forest off Hwy. 127,Jonesboro,IL. 9am to noon at the main pavilion. Banding hummingbirds and programs on attracting hummingbirds and activities for kids. Banded hummingbirds can be “adopted” with the five dollar fee going to the land acquisition fund to preserve vital habitat for plants and animals. (618) 564-2079

Come experience the Land of Goshen Community Market! The Market is your Youth Triathlon best source for locally grown farm prodWhere: 2005 Lindenthal, Highland ucts, tasty baked goods, and wonderful (618) 651-1385 art and gift ideas. The selection changes 8:30am - 2pm weekly so plan to visit more than once to This triathlon for children ages 8-13 infully appreciate the wide selection avail- cludes swimming, biking and running. AdFriendship Day Friendship Day is a day to nurture rela- able. Live entertainment and free demon- mission:$20 Per Child tionships, new and old. It's a really easy strations add to the festive atmosphere. and fun day to celebrate. Start the day Free admission. For more information call Stained Glass Class Where: Glass Haunt, 218 N McLeansboro St., by getting in touch with some old friends. (618) 307-6045 or visit www.goshenmarBenton • (618) 439-9481 Start early. Chances are, they know it's 9am - 8pm Friendship Day. You want to beat them to We teach to a very high standard allowing the punch, and contact Them first. Phone Murphysboro City Wide Yard each student to progress at their own pace calls, emails, Ecards, are great tools. See Sale on their own time table. At the Glass Haunt it if you can make plans for lunch today, or Where: Murphysboro is come as you want, leave when you want, 8am - 4pm some other day (soon). Then, catch up to The 2nd Annual City Wide Yard Sale lo- build what you want. If you have wanted to some of your current pals and buddies. Make sure to do some interesting things cated at the Murphysboro Youth and Rec. learn stained glass now is your chance. The with them before the day is through. As Center in Murphysboro. The event will most relaxed and best way to learn. Come you go through the day, be ever vigilant to be from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. The cost for a play with us Wednesday and Saturdays 9 spot an opportunity to make a new friend. space is $10. For questions, please con- a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Website: www.glasshaunt. com. Cost $6 per hour. Contact Bill Rosado Finding new friends today is a real feather tact Ms. Oueida Kelley at 684-2087. at in your cap. One thing is for certain ... if SI Family • Page 36

Family Events Cahokia Mounds Archeology Day Where: Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site Collinsville • (618) 346-5160 10am - 4pm

This is the site's largest annual event and features specialists demonstrating ancient crafts such as pottery making, flint knapping, gourd carving, making tools and ornaments, bow and arrow making, and more. Food and drinks available. Free. For more information call (618) 3465160.

Annual Street Art Festival Where: Highland 11am - 8pm

Jefferson County Historical Village and Museum Where: 1411 N. 27th Street, Mt. Vernon (618) 246-0033 10am - 4pm

'Pirates! (or, Gilbert & Sullivan Plunder'd), Sound of Music, The Wedding Singer

Sisters Day

Sisters Day celebrates being or having a sister. That means a lot of fun will celebrate this special day. Sisters are truly special and unique. Sure, we may argue and fight. But, when it comes right down to it, sisters are the best, the very best. Celebrate Sister's Day by spending time with your sister. Make it a special day in some way for you, and for her.

Teen Games

Work Like a Dog Day

Open to ages 12 to 19. Website: http://

Fahrrad Tour & Augustfest Bicycle Ride

Where: Scheve Park, 6th & Harnett streets, Mascoutah • (314) 436-1324

Registration: 7:30 - 9 a.m. Route: 16, 29, 41 or 53 miles. Terrain: Flat with some small hills. Features: This is a pleasant pedal through the German-settled countryside. After the ride, enjoy the food, drinks, games and displays that are part of Mascoutah's annual German Heritage Festival. Admission: Fees: $8 per member, $13 per non-member, $3 per child.

National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, 442 De Mazenod Drive, Belleville • (618) 667-6937

Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday Music at Metter 1-4 p.m. Authentic log cabins and muse- Where: Metter Park, 211 E. Cherry St., Columbia um containing Jefferson County memora(618) 281-7144 bilia. Free admission. For more informa- Featuring the Heritage Band. Outdoor tion call (618) 246-0033. concert at the park. Grilled brats and hot dogs, ice cold beer and soft drinks available for purchase. Bring a lawn chair or August 5 Mascoutah Homecoming & Augustfest, blanket! Admission: Free Admission

Historic Downtown Square Visitors can stroll the streets watching artists create masterpieces right on the pavement using chalks and. There is also a Creative Kids Corner with lots of activities for young, aspiring artists! An Arts Expo featuring several local artists and there will be live music and enjoying great food. Free For more information call (618) 654-3721 Where: Marion Carnegie Library, 206 S. Market, Marion • (618) 993-5935 1pm - 4:30pm

Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale

Work Like a Dog Day honors and recognizes the hardest working among us. Some people skate by, doing as little as possible. Others, do only what they have to. Others still work like a dog. While work is to be done, they dig in relentlessly. They seldom take a break until the task is completed. We want to make sure to differentiate between "Work-A-Holics" and those who "Work Like a Dog". Work-A-Holics are always working, even though they may not be working hard. Those who work like a dog, work very hard while they are working. But, they do not work all of the time. Today is a day to show appreciation for those who carry more than their load, and work like a dog. You can also honor them by working like a dog today.

Jefferson County Historical Village and Museum Where: 1411 N. 27th Street, Mt Vernon (618) 246-0033 1pm - 4pm

Open Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 - 4 p.m. Authentic log cabins and museum containing Jefferson County memorabilia. Free admission. For more information call (618) 246-0033.

The Harry Kinley's Celebration of Life Benefit Where: Herrin Civic Center, 101 South 16th Street, Herrin 2pm - 10pm

We have nine bands and a acoustic act (Brian Masters) with music ranging from country, blues, and rock ... Egyptian Combo, Shakey Jake, Triple Schott and BloodStone Fury are just a few that will take the stage in honor of Harry. There will also be a All Star Jam to end the event. A $10 donation will also include food, silent auction, 50/50 drawing and also a cash bar. All proceeds will go to the Kinley family, so come out and show your support and enjoy a great time.

August 6

Bond County Fair, Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale, Sound of Music SI Family • Page 37

Family Events Wiggle Your Toes Day

ingly endless supply of zucchini. A small Wiggle Your Toes Day encourages you row of zucchini has the potential to end to give your little piggy toes some exer- world hunger. By the time August arrives, cise. Those 10 extremities at the ends of gardeners are reaping far more zucchini your feet, are crying out for a little free- than they can possibly use. They use it dom. Cramped up inside a pair of shoes daily in an untold number of recipes, from or sneakers all day long, your stinky toes soups and stews, to breads and dips. Still, just don't get the chance to move about the fruit matures on the vine faster than freely, as they would like to do. Celebrate anyone can even pick it. Zucchini growWiggle Your Toes Day by airing out your ers become desperate, as they try to give toes, and wiggling them around for all to zucchini away to family, friends and everyone they encounter. By August, even see. non-gardeners have had enough. Everyone avoids you, with your arms laden Lego Club with giveaway fruit. Desperate times calls Where: Marion Carnegie Library, 206 S. Market, Marion • (618) 993-5935 for desperate measure.It's time to sneak 6pm - 7:30pm over, under the cover of darkness, to your A fun-filled evening of Legos. Website: neighbors porch, and unload some This is a chini. Today is that day. This may solve free event. Contact Stacey Vinson at svin- your problem for today. But, what will you do with the harvest tomorrow!?!

August 7

Bond County Fair, Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale, Sound of Music

Games Group

Where: Marion Carnegie Library, 206 S. Market, Marion • (618) 993-5935 4pm - 7:30pm

Open to teens of all skill levels. Website:

August 8

Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale, Sound of Music, Stained Glass Class

Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day

Express Drive, Marion, and 403 E. Park, Benton. These walk-in clinics will be held EVERY Wednesday in June, July and August from 8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. No appointments are needed. All children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and an up-todate immunization record is required to obtain immunizations. Bi-County Health accepts the Illinois Public Aid medical card, cash, check, and credit/debit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Discover) for immunization services. For questions please call Bi-County Health at (618) 993-8111 or (618) 439-0951. Website:

Marion Carnegie Library Story Time

Where: Marion Carnegie Library, 206 S. Market, Marion • (618) 993-5935 10am - 11am

Stories, snacks and activities for preschool age children. Website: www.mariWhere: 300 & 400 Blocks of Market Street, Mount Carmel • (618) 262-5116 This is a free event. Aug. 8 - Aug. 12 Contact Stacey Vinson at svinson@mariThis four-day festival will have amuse- ment rides, stage entertainment nightly, free parking, all kinds of food and the infaBrown Bag Lunch Concert mous "Lemonade Shake-Up Stand." Web Where: Carbondale Town Square site: 12pm - 1pm Marty’s Band will perform at the Carbondale Town Square. Bring a lawn chair and St. Clair County Fair Where: Belle Clair Fairgrounds & Expo Center, enjoy their music. Website: http://carbon200 South Belt East, Belleville • (618)233-0052

Ag Days Festival

Aug. 8- Aug. 9

There will be traditional agricultural exAugust 9 hibits, livestock barns, carnival, arena Ag Days Festival, Gateway East Artists' events, free entertainment, fair food, comGuild Annual Art Show & Sale, St. Clair mercial exhibits and more! Fair, Benton's Farmer's Market, Carlyle Courthouse Square Farmers' Market, Walk-In Immunization Clinics Sound of Music Where: Franklin-Williamson Bi-County Health

Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your NeighDepartment, 8160 Express Drive, Marion bor's Porch Day. Now that's nasty! But 8:30am - 3:30pm Book Lovers Day hey, what are you going to do with an endFranklin-Williamson Bi-County Health Aug. 9-10 less supply of zucchini fruit? Experienced Department will be offering walk-in im- Book Lovers Day encourages you to find gardeners know that zucchini is one of the munization clinics for children of all ages a place in the shade to relax with a good most prolific plants in all of the gardening at both health department locations, 8160 book. Book reading is a great hobby. It's world. A single plant produces a seemSI Family • Page 38

Family Events an important one, too. Employers look for it on resumes. Reading is educational, informative, and relaxing. It makes us both smarter, and happier people. Book Lovers Day is a great day to celebrate. Just grab an interesting book, find a quiet, cozy place, and crack open the cover .Celebrating Book Lovers Day in August is pleasurable on the deck, under a shady tree, poolside, or in a cozy hammock. If you fall asleep while reading, that's okay. It's all part of the relaxing benefits of being a book lover.

National S'mores Day

S'mores are a favorite campsite treat for young and old kids. If you're at a campfire, chances are, there's S'mores. Sticky and gooey, and loaded with sugar and carbs, S'mores are nothing short of delicious. Who was the first person to create S'mores? We don't know. But, we're all sure glad they did! National S'mores Day celebrates this tasty summer treat. It's appropriately placed in August...campfire primetime. But, don't limit your consumption of S'ores to the campfire. They are popular with kids year round, and can be baked in the oven or microwave. Art Show Where: Cedarhurst Center for the Arts, Mt. The origin of S'mores dates back to the Vernon 1920's. It's believed the recipe was cre9am - 8pm ated by the Campfire Girls. Girl Scouts Thursday Night Live: Cedarhurst Cen- soon discovered it, and found it to be ter for the Arts, Mount Vernon; exhibits, choclatey delicious. Before ling, S'mores programs and activities; each Thursday, became a campfire staple for everyone. through Aug. 30; art-related programs S'more folklore suggests that S'mores for a variety of interests and age groups; got its name right by the campfire. After open until 8 p.m.;; eating one, young kids chanted "gimme (618) 242-1236. some more!" While much is written about National S'mores Day, our research has been unable to verify that thisis an offiAugust 10 Ag Days Festival, Gateway East Artists' cially recognized national day (which reGuild Annual Art Show & Sale, St. Clair quires an act of Congress). Don't let that County Fair, Carbondale Community Fri- stop you from celebrating this day with a few S'mores. day Night Fair, Sound of Music,

Lazy Day

Lazy Day is your chance to goof off, and definitely not work. And, it definitely comes at a good time. Hot, muggy weather makes it easy to kick back and be lazy for a day. If summer chores are not done by now, they can just wait one more day. It is best spent on a hammock, along with your favorite summer beverage. Whoever said "There's no lazy days...just lazy people." Well, we respectfully disagree. Today is proof positive. It is indeed a Lazy Day. And, we consider that a good thing. If you enjoy the intent of today, you will also look forward to Relaxation Day. It is coming up soon.

Cruisin' the Dam Where: Carlyle

Cruisin' the Dam is a car show held annually on the grounds of the conference center at the Mariner's Village Hotel in Carlyle. Free to attend, the show provides food, entertainment, and tons of vintage ,custom, and performance cars and trucks. Start time TBA. Carl Huels: (618) 765-2199.

Fairview Heights Homecoming

Where: Moody Park at Longacre, 525 S. Ruby Lane, Fairview Heights • (618) 397-4428

40th Annual Homecoming features a prince and princess contest, a parade on Saturday, bands, food, rides, vendors,

crafters and more! Admission: Free.

NatsuCon Anime Convention Where: Gateway Center, 1 Gateway Drive, Collinsville • (800) 289-2388

NatsuCon is a St. Louis Metro-Area based anime convention possessing the sole desire of expanding the appreciation, understanding and acceptance of Japanese pop-culture in America. By the use of media ranging from art to music to visual screenings. NatsuCon strives to present attendees with an accepting, friendly environment allowing guests of all ages to meet and express similar interests. www.

The Gateway Dulcimer Music Festival

Where: Our Lady of the Snows, 442 S. DeMazenod Drive, Belleville

Troy Family Summer of Fun Back to School Night

Where: Tri Township Park, 409 Collinsville Road, Troy • (618) 667-8759

Enjoy an evening in Troy. There will be plenty of free family fun with "Toys 3" being shown too! Admission: Free Admission

St. George Parish Picnic

Where: St. George Catholic Church, 200 N. 3rd St., New Baden 3pm - 12am

Friday, Aug. 10, 4:30 p.m. - midnight — Food: Fish plates and sandwiches, brats, hamburgers, beer, wine, soda. Opens at 4:30 p.m. Music: German Waterloo Band, 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Whiskey Dixon, 8:30 p.m. - 11 p.m. Mouse Roulette, Texas Poker, Over and Under. Saturday, Aug. 11, 3 p.m. - midnight — Food: Chicken dinner: fried chicken, pork roast, homemade dressing, mashed potatoes, desserts and all the fixin's, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Adults: $8.50, Kids (5-11): $4, Kids under 5 free; carry outs available Bingo — 6:30 p.m.; handmade quilts; raffle at 5:45 p.m. Polka Mass at 4 p.m., second Mass at 5:30 p.m. SI Family • Page 39

Family Events The Blackwood Quartet

tunity in their life to see these joys born Where: Sesser Opera House and raised happily, and successfully. To7pm - 9pm day is a great day to spend with your son The BLACKWOOD QUARTET will be and daughter. It's not a day of gift giving ... in concert at the Sesser Opera House except for the gift of time. If your son and in Sesser at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10. For daughter are still young and live at home more information, call (618) 780-2676 or with you, be ever aware that time goes by (618) 744-0583. quickly. So, spend as much of today and everyday in their company.

Moonlight Madness Bike Ride & Swim Where: Salem 9pm - 11pm

Bring your friends and family to join us on this enjoyable opportunity to ride your bike by the light of the silvery moon! You'll be led by a member of the Salem's Department of Emergency Management on a safe ride through the community. This event is geared towards participants of all ages. Children 17 years of age and younger MUST be accompanied by a responsible person, 21 years of age or older. Register on ride night from 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. at Shelter 7, just south of the Salem Family Aquatic Center parking lot. Moonlight Madness Swim (following the bike ride) at Salem Family Aquatic Center Aug. 10, 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. $3 per person to enter, free to those completing the Moonlight Madness Bike Ride.

August 11

Ag Days Festival, Fairview Heights Homecoming, Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale, NatsuCon Anime Convention, St. Clair County Fair, The Gateway Dulcimer Music Festival, Land of Goshen Community Market, Stained Glass Class, Teen Games, St. George Parish Picnic - New Baden, Sound of Music

Son and Daughter Day

Son and Daughter Day is a day to spend with your children. After all, your son and daughter are the joy of your life. We hope that everyone reading this has the opporSI Family • Page 40

End of Summer Bash

Where: Lanterman Park, 252 Park St., Bridgeport • (618)943-3516

End of Summer Bash at Lanterman Park, all day event with church softball tournament, fun for kids, concessions, cake walks, raffles and a big bingo night to finish the evening with several door prizes to win. Admission: Free.

Ice Cream Social at the Jefferson County Historical Village

Party is Aug. 11 from noon - 4 p.m. Everyone is invited! Tons of inflatables, loads of prizes, free hot dog, chips and water, free snow cone or cotton candy! Prizes will include bicycles, games, gift cards and much more! Prize drawings will be held throughout the day. Register for prizes at the BIG tent as soon as you arrive. Laser Tag is from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. for youths ages 12 and up.

Movies in the Park: Carlyle Where: The Park, Carlyle 7:30pm - 9:30pm

The third night of Movies in the Park brings a presentation of "Cars 2." All movies begin at dusk and concessions will be available. Admission goes for the low, low price of FREE! City Park: (618) 594-5205

August 12

Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale, NatsuCon Anime Convention, St. Clair County Fair, The Gateway Ice cream, cake, and drink with enter- Dulcimer Music Festival, Sound of Music, tainment. $5 admission. For more inforMiddle Child's Day mation call (618) 246-0033. Middle Child's Day gives a little well deserved recognition to the wonderful and Massac Marines War special middle child in the family. For Reenactment parents of three children, you likely know Where: Fort Massac, 1308 E. 5th St., Metropolis the "Middle Child Syndrome" all too well. (618) 524-4712 If you grew up the middle child with both 10am - 4pm Garrison for the Massac Marines on Sat- older and younger siblings, you know the urday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the fort at feeling from a very personal perspective. Fort Massac State Park, Metropolis. The The first child is the first child. Beyond a French and Indian War period living his- doubt, the first born is a very special occatorians will present displays and interpre- sion. And he, or she, has all of mom and tive programs on mending, cleaning, and dad for a while before the second child fixing at the French fort. Come see how comes along. The final child is and always muskets were cleaned and maintained, will be the baby of the family. This author tools repaired, clothes mended, and knows what its like to be a middle child. We won't go into a dissertation about what things were fixed or used in a new way. Middle Child Syndrome is. Rather, we will focus upon one aspect. Older and youngBlock Party & Laser Tag er children tend to be more outgoing, or Where: Apostolic Church of Salem, Salem 12pm - 9pm extroverted. The middle Child tends to be The Apostolic Church of Salem Block more introverted, quieter, perhaps a bit of Where: 1411 N. 27th Street, Mt. Vernon (618) 246-0033 10am - 4pm

Family Events a loner. It is very fair and fitting that we celebrate, and place into the limelight, the middle child today. Go out and enjoy this day to the fullest. Tell the world about it. Be a little outspoken, and let the world know how great it is to be the middle child. You truly are a wonderful, talented, and special person! Happy Middle Child's Day to all of my fellow middle children!

Ellis Grove Fire Department Mustang & Corvette Car Show Where: 501 Eggemeyer Plaza, Ellis Grove (618) 459-3473

Third Annual Ellis Grove Fire Department Mustang & Corvette Car Show featuring Mustangs and Corvettes only. Fire Department serving fried chicken and barbecue plates and sandwiches. Admission: Free.

Pulaski County Fair

Where: Pulaski County Fairgrounds Aug. 12-Aug. 18


Where: Courthouse Square, 100 S. Main St., Waterloo

Crafts and merchant booths, music, food and drinks, country pumpkin games for kids and much more.

I Scream for Ice Cream Ride Where: Edwardsville 7:30am - 9am

The Cyclery and Fitness Center, 2472 Troy Road (IL-159) This beautiful ride through the country makes a stop at Annie’s Frozen Custard. The routes are on roads and portions of Madison County Transit Trails .Fees: $8 Trailnet Member, $13 Non-member, $3 Children under 13. For more visit

August 13

Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale, Sound of Music, Pulaski County Fair

They say everyone was born right handed, and only the greatest overcome it. (he, Left Handers Day If you are a Leftie, then Left Handers he, he) It is believed that all polar bears Day is just for you! Left Handers, also are left handed. Also see Polar Bear Day. commonly referred to as Southpaws, There is a rumor that octopuses have but are the brunt of more than their share of one right hand. Scientists are diligently jokes all year long. How do I know? Yup, studying this issue. Think about it: Everyyou guessed it! It ain't easy being a leftie. one is a Left Hander in Left Hand, West But those of us who are, would have it Virginia. Lefthander's Slogan: "Everyone no other way. Lefties are proud of it. The is born right-handed. Only the greatest world is built for right handers. Examples overcome it". ...Brilliant Author unknown are everywhere. For example: In school, have you ever seen a left handed desk? August 14 They don't exist. Many left handed items Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art cost more. Novelty coffee mugs are made Show & Sale, Games Group, Sound of with the picture or text for a right handed Music, Pulaski County Fair pick-up. Scissors for right handers. Only a lefty would understand this. The comAugust 15 puter mouse you are using as you read Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art this is designed for right handers. Did you Know? Right handed people operate in Show & Sale, Walk-In Immunization Clinthe left side of the brain. Left handed peo- ics, Stained Glass Class, Marion Carnple use the right side. Therefore, only left egie Library Story Time, Sound of Music, handed people are in their right mind. Left Pulaski County Fair Handers certainly earned the right to have Relaxation Day a day dedicated to them. And, August 13th Relaxation Day is a day to kick back and is that day. So take a minute to appreciate your left handed friends and loved ones. do nothing. Ahhhh! What a great day. The Don't forget to send them a Left Handed stresses, the hustle and bustle seemingly Day Ecard to show your respect. Remem- consumes us, every day of the year. Even ber today and everyday: "Lefties have Sundays are no longer days of rest and rights!" As left handers, we never do any- relaxation. There never seems to be a day thing right! Left Handed Facts and Trivia: to just kick back and relax. For those us Sinistrophobia is the fear of left-hand- with a hectic lifestyle, Relaxation Day is a edness or things on the left side. While day to look forward to. It provides a break many people are left handed, very few are from the madness of your busy work and 100% left handed. For example, many left personal schedule. Today is the day to handers golf and bat right handed. On the enjoy either doing absolutely nothing, or other hand, there is a high percentage of partaking in your favorite relaxation activrighties who are 100% right-handed. Left- ity. Avoiding stressful activities today is ies are also called "southpaws". The term the rule. For example, if golf is your fawas coined in baseball to describe a left vorite hobby, yet it can cause you stress, handed pitcher. Tuesdays are Lefties luck then make plans to play golf another day. day. Only about 10% of the population is Spending the day in a hammock is a far left handed. During the 1600's people, more appropriate activity. Top Ten ideas thought left handers were witches and to enjoy on Relaxation Day: Do nothwarlocks. International Left Hander's Day ing today Go to a Spa Go fishing Play a was first celebrated on August 13, 1976. It round of golf (caution: not always relaxwas started by Lefthander's International. ing) Lounge around in a hammock Take a SI Family • Page 41

Family Events bubble bath Spend the day at the beach Go to the movies Do a little gardening (no heavy duty work, though) Have a picnic in the park.

Show, Benton's Farmer's Market, Car- mantown's German heritage. lyle Courthouse Square Farmers' Market, American Thresherman Show, Sound of Balloon Fest Music, Pulaski County Fair Where: Centralia Foundation Park Aug. 17-19

Balloon Fest 23rd Annual Hot Air Balloon Festival featuring 40 hot air balloons, Where: St Louis, Fox Theatre Let's get serious now. We are not kidAug. 15- End of Month ding. Today is National Tell a Joke Day. races, glows, tethered balloon rides, main Experience the phenomenon of Disney’s We hope your day is filled with chuckles stage entertainment, craft fair, free chilTHE LION KING. Marvel at the breathtak- and laughs. No doubt about it. Today, will dren’s activity area and games, cardboard ing spectacle of animals brought to life be a fun-filled day, with lots of laughter. boat races, car show, fireworks and much by award-winning director Julie Taymor, To fully participate and enjoy this day, just more. For more info, call (618) 532-6789. whose visual images for this show you’ll tell some jokes. You can do it in person, remember forever. Thrill to the pulsating or pass along a few humorous e-mails. Friends Book Sale rhythms of the African Pride lands and an That's easy enough to do. The more jokes Where: Marion Carnegie Library, 206 S. Market, Marion • (618) 993-5935 unforgettable score including Elton John you tell, the more fun this day will be. 9am - 4:30pm and Tim Rice’s Oscar winning song Can We also encourage you to listen to many Friends Book Sale: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. FriYou Feel The Love Tonight and Circle of jokes today. Everybody is getting into the day-Saturday, Aug.. 17-18, Marion CarnLife. Let your imagination run wild at the act, and in order to "tell a joke", someone egie Library; books, DVDs, videotapes, Tony Award®-winning Broadwa ysensa- has to be present to "listen to a joke." CDs, puzzles; $1 to 25 cents; (618) 993tion Newsweek calls “a landmark event 5935. in entertainment.” St.Louis’ most eagerly August 17 awaited return will leap onto the Fox TheGateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Movie in the Park - "Happy Feet atre stage in August 2012! Everyone must Show & Sale, Pulaski County Fair, The have a ticket, regardless of age. Two" Lion King Musical, American ThresherWhere: Mt Vernon, Veterans Park man Show, Carbondale Community Fri8pm - 10pm American Thresherman Show day Night Fair, Sound of Music, Watch the movie on the outdoor big Where: Perry County Fairgrounds, Pinckneyville screen. For more information call (618) (618) 654-9474 6pm - 10pm 242-6890. Free admission. Columbia Daze The evening events for this four day Where: Metter Park, 211 E. Cherry, Columbia (618) 281-5393 steam and antique tractor show will feaAugust 18 Aug. 17-19 ture a horse pull, antique tractor pull and, Balloon Fest, Columbia Daze, Gateon Friday and Saturday nights, Illinois Summer festival - music, food, drinks, way East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show Tractor Pulling Associating pulls. Thurs- amusement rides, and games .Columbia & Sale, Freeburg Homecoming & Craft day night, head uptown for the big parade. Daze Parade on Saturday 5 p.m. Fair, Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual The day events include Plowing with horsFreeburg Homecoming & Craft Art Show & Sale, Spassfest, The Lion es, steam engine and tractors and a pedal King Musical, Land of Goshen Commutractor pull. There will also be demonstraFair nity Market, Stained Glass Class, Teen tions on sawmills, veneer mills, shingle Where: 300 E. Hill St., Freeburg • (618) 539-5613 Games, American Thresherman Show, Aug. 17-19 mills and blacksmiths. There will be six Carnival rides, food, parade on Satur- Sound of Music, to eight steam engines at the show. You can even take a ride on a 15 GA Crown day night, tractor pull Friday, music both Annual Blue Army Bull Bash Steam Train for $1. Website: www.ameri- nights, truck pull Saturday. Admission: 2nd Where: Monroe County Fairgrounds, 4177 State Free Admission Route 156, Waterloo • (618) 340- 5164

The Lion King Musical

National Tell a Joke Day

August 16


Gateway East Artists' Guild Annual Art Show & Sale, The Lion King Musical, Art SI Family • Page 42

Aug. 18-Aug. 19

Tuff Hedeman's CBR (Championship Bull Riding) Horizon Tour. 35 of the CBR's 45th Annual festival celebrating Ger- greatest cowboys will do battle against Where: Germantown • (618) 523-4202 Aug. 17-19

Family Events the toughest 2,000 pounds, four-legged Grillers must sign up at John Brown's on bovine athletes in the country. Show will the Square in advance start at 7:30 p.m. with gates opening at 5:00 p.m. The Avery Hill Band will provide Flavorful Cajun Boil at music afterwards for the after event party Cedarhurst Center for the Arts and autograph session. Admission: $15 in Where: Cedarhurst Center for the Arts advance, $20 at the gate. 7pm - 9pm Enjoy a charming evening in Creole Country. A savory shrimp boil served in Belle Clair Flea Market Where: Belle Clair Fairgrounds & Expo a traditional southern manner will satisfy Center, 200 S. Belt East, Belleville your appetite while down-home hospitality (618)233-0052 puts you at ease. Cool down after dinner There are over 600 tables and 300-400 with a sundae bar featuring homemade vendors selling antiques, collectibles and ice cream. For more information call (618) merchandise old and new. Indoor/Out- 242-1236 or visit door year-round!

Carlyle Wine and Art Festival

Where: Bretz Wildlife Lodge & Winery, Carlyle (618)594-8830 Aug. 18- Aug. 19

A two-day festival featuring Illinois Wineries (Bretz Wildlife Lodge & Winery, Alto Vineyards, Hidden Lake Winery, Lincoln Heritage Winery and Vahling Winery), Artists, vendors and music.

Cruise Night & Car Show - 26th Annual White Squirrel Cruisers Car Club Event

Where: Olney City Park, Olney • (618) 392-0708

Sci-Fi Movie at C.E. Brehm Memorial Library

Where: Mt. Vernon, C.E. Brehm Memorial Library 1pm - 3pm

This is the first in the trilogy. Licensing agreements prohibit the use of the name for promotion. Movie starts at 1 p.m. Kids must be accompanied by an adult. For more information call (618) 242-6322.

Grills’ Night Out

Where: Carbondale Town Square 6pm - 10pm

What is Grills’ Night Out? It’s a block party in the street with 10 grillers Grill in food that they are going to give away to you! It’s free, it’s fun and it’s outside! Get there!

riculture exhibits, rodeos, horseracing and tractor pulls, Queen contest on Mon. night, demolition derby on Friday night. Website:

August 20

Girl Scout Flag Run, The Lion King Musical, Union County Fair, Lego Club,

August 21

Girl Scout Flag Run, The Lion King Musical, Union County Fair, Games Group

August 22

Girl Scout Flag Run, The Lion King Musical, Union County Fair, Walk-In ImmunizaAugust 19 Balloon Fest, Belle Clair Flea Market, tion Clinics, Stained Glass Class, Marion Carlyle Wine and Art Festival, Cruise Carnegie Library Story Time, Brown Bag Night & Car Show - 26th Annual White Lunch, Squirrel Cruisers Car Club Event, Spassfest, The Lion King Musical, American Be an Angel Day Thresherman Show, Sound of Music, Be an Angel Day encourages us to do acts of kindness, and to help others. This special day has strong religious roots. Girl Scout Flag Run Where: Jefferson County Jayne Howard Feldman, the creator of The Girl Scout flag will travel week by this day, says she was inspired by angels week through all 40 1/2 counties that the to create this day on August 22. The objecGirl Scouts of Southern Illinois serves. It tive of this day is to be like an angel, and is due to visit Jefferson County the week do something good or kind for someone. of August 19- 25, 2012. While the flag is It encourages us to be God's servant in in Jefferson County, approximately 300 doing good things for others. It is intended girls and 60 volunteers will take it on a to do something nice or kind for someone whirlwind tour of the most historic and who is in need of help. The type of angelic well known sites and have photo shoots help you can offer is not defined or limited. at each of the locales, including Lincoln It can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. Statue/Appellate Court House, Cedar- Be an Angel Day is for both the giver and hurst Center for the Arts, Granada Center the receiver. If you are the receiver, make for the Performing Arts, Jefferson County certain to express openly your appreciaHistorical Village, Hall of Honor for US tion. And, recognize the angel in your life Veterans, Fire Museum of Southern Illi- as being sent from God. nois, and Rend Lake College. For more information call (618) 316-3853. National Tooth Fairy Day National Tooth Fairy Day celebrates Union County Fair one of childhood's favorite visitors. The Where: Union County Fairgrounds, Anna Tooth Fairy is an American tradition with (800) 248-4373 European and superstitious roots. LosAug. 19 - Aug. 25 ing baby teeth is a sometimes traumatic Carnival games, rides, farm and agSI Family • Page 43

Family Events experience for young children. Enter the world of the friendly, smiling and soothing Tooth Fairy. As a young child's first baby tooth becomes lose, the child often fears losing it. The promise of a visit from the tooth fairy and a gift, turns the occasion into something to look forward to. When the tooth finally falls out, mom cleans it off. It is often put it into a "tooth box". At bedtime, the child puts the tooth under his pillow. The tooth fairy comes after the child falls asleep .She takes the tooth and leaves a small gift, usually money. The tooth fairy leaves a gift every time the child loses a tooth. Never fear: If the tooth is literally lost in some way, don't worry. The Tooth Fairy always knows, and will still leave a gift. She magically knows each time a baby tooth falls out, and will arrive that night , even if the child is away at grandmas, or on vacation. Male or female? There is ongoing debate whether the Tooth Fairy is a male or a female. But, it's pretty obvious. "She" is most definitely a female.

known as the Queen of Heaven) had seven beautiful, young daughters. The seven daughters came down to earth. They decided to bathe in a pristine river, leaving their clothes on the shore. Along came a cow herder (the herd were actually ox) named "Niu Lang". He took their clothes to see what they would do. The daughters decided that the youngest, and most beautiful, named Zhi Nü should go out of the water and recover their clothes. Because Niu Lang saw her naked, they had to get married. They fell madly in love, and shared several years of marital bliss. Finally, her mother became irritated by her absence from Heaven, and ordered her to return. Seeing how much Zhi Nü missed her husband, the Jade Emperor of Heaven brought the couple back together. Ultimately, Zhi Nü was allowed to visit her husband, Niu Lang just once a year. The annual reunion occurs on the 7th day of the 7th month of the Lunar Calendar.

Drive | Collinsville, IL 62234 |(800)289-2388

Craft fair dealing with ceramics.

DuQuoin State Fair Where: DuQuoin Aug. 24- Sep 3

Du Quoin , IL | 618-542-1515 The impressive Midway brings families together, livestock competitions for beef and dairy cattle along with 4-H and FFA entries, a full-fledged Big Top with circus animals and acts, and grandstand entertainment are just a few of the offerings At the Fair.

Rusty Wallace Racing Experience

Where: Gateway Motorsports Park, 700 Raceway Blvd., Madison • (618) 215-8888

Waterloo Homecoming

Where: Courthouse Square, Waterloo (618) 939-8600 Aug. 24- Aug. 25

The Waterloo Homecoming is held annually on the Courthouse Square. The event Meet Me On Main Street features live music, carnival rides, games, Where: Carbondale and plenty of food and drink offered by loFor more information, visit http://www. August 23 cal organizations. A parade is featured on Girl Scout Flag Run, The Lion King Musi- Saturday with floats, marching bands, and cal, Union County Fair, Art Show, Benton's Main.html other items of interest. Farmer's Market, Carlyle Courthouse Kid Galahad Square Farmers' Market Midwest All Ford Nationals

Chinese Valentine Day/ Daughter's Festival

Where: Marion Carnegie Library, 206 S. Market, Marion • (618) 993-5935 2pm - 4pm

Elvis Presley and Gig Young star in this Celebrate love ....Chinese style. Today is 1962 dramatic musical set in the world Chinese Valentine Day. It is also known of boxing. This film is appropriate for all as the Daughter's Festival and several ages. Website: www.marioncarnegieliother names (see below). It is celebrated on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. This holiday is one August 24 of love. Its romantic (and lovely)that this Girl Scout Flag Run, The Lion King Musiholiday evolved from an ancient love story cal, Union County Fair, Carbondale Comfrom Chinese folklore. As a result of be- munity Friday Night Fair, Family Movie ing handed down from generation to gen- Night at CE Brehm Memorial Library, eration over thousands of years, there are several versions of the story. Here Ceramic Show is one of the most popular versions of Where: Collinsville Gateway Center | 1 Gateway the story: The Goddess of Heaven (also SI Family • Page 44

Where: Vandalia Lake, Vandalia • (618) 283-4458 8am - 5pm

Car Show and Swap Meet. First-Third Place awards. Car Corral Fords only Aug. 24 and 25. Open to all makes on 8/26. Food, music, entertainment, and more. $25 entry fee per car, early entry $20; $5 per person entry fee, kids 12 and under free. Free parking. Event hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Midwest Salute to the Arts

Where: Longacre Park, Fairview Heights 7pm - 10pm

Since 1988, Fairview Heights has been host to the Midwest Salute to the Arts, rated the 40th best fine arts show in the

Family Events nation. This prestigious event attracts people from across the Midwest and features some of the best sculptors, painters and creators of decorative and wearable art in the United States. Free For more information visit

August 25

DuQuoin State Fair, Girl Scout Flag Run, Rusty Wallace Racing Experience, The Lion King Musical, Land of Goshen Community Market, Midwest All Ford Nationals, Stained Glass Class, Midwest Salute to the Arts, Teen Games, DuQuoin State Fair,

Harvest Thyme Festival

Where: Carlyle Park, Carlyle • (618) 594-8551

Come for a fun weekend of crafts, kids activities, inflatables and food.

Little Pig Cookoff

Where: BCDC Park, Murray Street, Beckemeyer (618) 227-8331

Porksteak cook-off, live music from noon - midnight (8 bands), waffle ball tourney, washer tourney, kids activities and more.

St Paul's Kitchen Fest

Where: St. Paul Catholic Church, 1412 9th St., | Highland • (618) 654-2339 Aug. 25-Aug. 26

The largest of its kind throughout the region, this two-day "Kirchenfest" (German for church festival) offers something for everyone — food (including Bavarian skillet dish prepared by a 500 pound skillet and a sit-down chicken dinner), live music, games, live auction, flea market, a competitive run, bike ride and much more!

Annual Art, Crafts & Yard Sale Where: Arena Parking Lot – U.S. 51 South, Southern Illinois University Carbondale 8am - 2pm

& Yard Sale is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Carbondale-Breakfast. For further information regarding the event or for registration information visit or call (618) 5233307 or (618) 549-6953.

homelessness and abuse. It's an opportunity for us to recognize and appreciate the value and importance of dogs in our lives. This day is intended to honor dogs for all that they do for us. In addition to giving love and companionship, dogs help us out in countless ways. Coach Kill Cancer Fund Poker They are watchdogs for our safety. They lead the blind. Dogs aid in search and Run rescue, and they seek out bombs and Where: Du Quoin State Fairgrounds 9am - 10am drugs. The second goal of National Dog Big K poker run: Registration now open Day is to rescue dogs in need. On ocfor event to raise money for the Coach casion, dogs need us to save them from Kill Cancer Fund; poker run starts 9 a.m. homelessness and abuse. The goal of Saturday, Aug.. 25, DuQuoin State Fair- the National Dog Day foundation is to ground; dinner follows ride; early regis- rescue 10,000 dogs a year. Lend a hand tration, $20per rider; online registration to help a dog in need today, or any day. deadline, Aug.. 20; day of registration,$25 per rider; Women's Equality Day Women's Equality Day commemorates 25 Cold-blooded Creatures of the the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote.. In Cache Where: Cache River Wetlands Center, 8885 1971, after much work, and at the urgRoute 37, Cypress • (618) 657-2064 ing of U.S. Representative Bella Abzug 1pm - 4pm (D-NY),Congress designated August 26 How can you tell a male box turtle from each year as “Women’s Equality Day.” a female? If you step on a cottonmouth This day was selected to commemorate snake will it bite? How can you tell a ven- the passage of the 19th Amendment to omous copperhead from a harmless prai- the Constitution on August 26, 1920. rie king snake? What kind of skink has This amendment granted women the a blue tipped tail? Discover some of the right to vote. This was the culmination unique characteristics and have the op- of decades of effort by women suffragportunity to experience an up close and ettes and other groups. Their efforts personal interaction with reptiles native dated back to first women’s rights conto the southernmost Illinois region! The vention in 1848 at Seneca Falls, New program concludes with a hike to look for York. Celebrate this day in a number cold-blooded creatures at Heron Pond. of ways. First, stop and celebrate the accomplishments made in gaining the right to vote, and towards equality for August 26 Harvest Thyme Festival, Rusty Wal- women. Women's rights groups suggest lace Racing Experience, St Paul's Kitchen you continue to be involved in pursuing Fest, The Lion King Musical, Midwest All full and equal rights for women in all arFord Nationals, Midwest Salute to the eas and in all issues. Arts,

August 27 Come join the fun, check out the wonNational Dog Day DuQuoin State Fair, The Lion King Musiderful crafts – do some shopping. Mark National Dog Day has two goals: to cal your calendars for this annual event, times: 8am – 2pm This annual Art, Crafts honor dogs, and to rescue dogs from

SI Family • Page 45

Family Events Bluegrass Shack Fiddle, Banjo and Flattop Contest Where: Community Hall, 406 Chester St., New Athens • (618) 475-3678

Contestants pay $2 entry fee per event. Admission: $8 General; $5 60 years and older.

August 28

DuQuoin State Fair, The Lion King Musical, Games Group,

Race Your Mouse Day

Race Your Mouse Day is today. So, rev up your mouse, and let the race begin. But, wait a second... what kind of mouse are we talking about? Is it the computer mouse, and we're supposed to race it around the mousepad? Well, the folks at, who created this day, want you to race your mouse around the icons on your screen. They suggest you do so while waiting for "whatever it is you're waiting for to come up on the screen." Let the race begin. Happy Race Your Mouse Day!

Grayville Days

Where: Downtown Grayville

Grayville Days celebration will have live band entertainment, lots of food and craft vendors, big parade, activities for all ages, spectacular fireworks show and more! For more info, call (618) 375-7158. Website:

August 29

National Marshmallow Toasting Day

During eleven out of the twelve months of the year, we enjoy a wide range of holidays. When we get to August, there is a major shortage of big holidays to celebrate. Perhaps that is why many Europeans take the month of August off for vacation. Perhaps it as just as well that there are no big holidays to compete with National Marshmallow Toasting Day .After all, how could any holiday compare with this day!?! Enjoy today or tonight by a campfire or bonfire, toasting a big, soft, sticky and sweet marshmallow, or two, or three, or….. Summer would not be the same without a campfire and this great campfire treat. Summer is short .Summer is good. So enjoy it while it is still here. Toast a marshmallow and forget about everything else. And don't forget to make a few S'mores. The recipe is below. S'mores Recipe: Ingredients: Chocolate candy bar Honey Graham Crackers Marshmallows Instructions: Break off a square of Graham cracker Add a piece of Chocolate. Toast a big marshmallow over the campfire. Add the hot marshmallow. Top it with another graham Cracker. Eat , savor and enjoy!

high energy, tasty treat for the trail or snacks. You can buy packages of trail mix at a store. Or, you can make up your own, using the ingredients you like best. When you head out to a campout, a hike or to go biking, take the Trail Mix along with you. It provides the extra energy boost to keep you from tiring along the way, and allows you to reach your destination full of pep. Don't limit trail mix to the trail. It is also good at campouts. Here is a fun way that the Boy Scouts make Trail Mix: Ask each hiker or camper to bring a box or bag of their favorite cereal, nuts, pretzels, raisins, dried fruit, M&Ms, etc. For younger hikers or new members of the group, it's best to provide them with a list of the types of food that can go into trail mix. That way, the inexperienced hiker won't bring something that can not be easily carried. At the campout or before the hike, bring the group together and mix all the food in abig, big bowl. Put the mix into sealable baggies and pass them out to each hiker. Tips: When making your own trail mix, avoid messy items that leave your hands sticky. Also avoid too many salty items. For example, unsalted nuts is better than salted ones. Happy trails to you!

August 31

Shawnee Hills Wine Festival

DuQuoin State Fair, Grayville Days, The Lion King Musical, Carbondale Community Friday Night Fair,

Midwest Wingfest DuQuoin State Fair, Grayville Days, The Where: St. Clair Square Mall, Fairview Heights Lion King Musical, Stained Glass Class, (618) 397-3127 Marion Carnegie Library Story Time, Music and food are center stage at this Brown Bag Lunch, Benton's Farmer's event. Taste the wings prepared by cooks Market, Carlyle Courthouse Square Farm- from around the region. Sign up for the ers' Market Wing Eating Contest and dance the night away to local bands.

August 30

DuQuoin State Fair, Grayville Days, The Lion King Musical, Art Show, SI Family • Page 46

National Trail Mix Day

National Trail Mix Day features a

Where: Downtown Cobden Aug. 31-Sep 1

Food and wine, rain or shine! Join all twelve Shawnee Hills Wine Trail wineries for fine wines, live music, a grape stomp, dunk tank, great food, local artisan, paintings, wine bottle art, jewelry and more! Bring a chair or a blanket and enjoy award-winning southern Illinois wines on a beautiful afternoon and evening, from 2 to 8 p.m. Browse the shops and small town atmosphere of Cobden. For more info, call (618) 8934898. Website: www.shawneewinetrail. com.

Aunt Sophie Says... The husband she trained

Through the course of a marriage there are many words exchanged that should never be spoken. In my marriage the majority of those words have fallen straight out of my husband’s mouth. Uncle Sophie and I have been married, as I’ve said many times, more years than I can count so we have gotten used to each others quirks, sarcasm and the ever changing rhythm of our married life. We know what buttons to push, when to push them, when to hold back and when it’s safe to crush those buttons into a fine powder in the name of making a point. (Okay, that last one is pretty much just me but I’ve mastered the art of finding a way to blame him for most everything.) My husband is a very laid back guy, so much so that I often find myself trying to see if the light from the television is reflecting off his eyes just to make sure he’s not sleeping. He’s one of those guys that remains calm for an extraordinary amount of time then, in an instance, speaks three sentences and all my kids are either crying in puddles, painting the house or running to the store for him to get Red Bull. For the most part, I am immune to his occasional rants because, let’s face it, I trained the man and he generally reserves his ramblings to the younger folk in the house. As part of his training, he knows that I respect his opinion, advice and wishes on every aspect of our lives. I completely ignore most of it, but I do respect it. As a well trained husband, he knows the right things to say in any given situation even if he must lie to say them. You see, I often don’t want to hear to the truth. Do I look fat in these jeans? No. Was dinner good? Yes. Am I acting like my mother? Good God no. And, you get the picture. After all these years, I truly believed that the training phase of my marriage had come to a conclusion and I could sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor. What was I thinking? After a particularly long week “at the office” for Uncle Sophie, he informed me he wasn’t moving from his chair all weekend along. I wondered how that would make this weekend any different than the last 208 weekends but, what the heck, I’ll play his silly games. I went on about the business of running a household, made sure the kids didn’t have anything flammable and were where

they were supposed to be and walked through the living room, in front of Uncle Sophie’s line of sight to the television. Big mistake. Huge! “Sophie!” he screamed. “You’re getting as big as a cow. I can’t even see the tv around you.” Oh - no - he - did - nt! My perfectly trained husband had suddenly forgotten everything he had ever been taught and was spewing filthy, vile words in my direction. Me fat? And coming from the donut king of Illinois? Honey, please! I spun toward him with fire in my eyes and, although I know he continued to talk, after immediately realizing he had gone too far, all I could hear was the word “cow” followed by a high pitched hum. I exploded. In an instant I reminded him of every wrong he had ever done, every hour of labor I endured to bring him children, every meal I cooked, shirt I washed, car pool I drove, back hair I shaved and stray toenail I picked up off the floor. I didn’t care if he was having a bad day, week or life and I let him know it. He became an avalanche of apologies and after a few minutes, I slowly watched his training kick in as he was appropriately overwhelmed with guilt and I could see him mulling over the proper present in his mind which would buy his way back to my good side. The fight soon settled but I refused to accept his apology and decided that I would make him pay for his bad mood and even worse blunder for the remainder of the weekend. I turned to walk away pouting and angry at the exchange and perfectly prepared to ruin his plans for a relaxing weekend. I would cut the cable to the tv, hide the Cheetos, rearrange his standard and metric sockets and let my youngest use his screwdrivers to dig in the backyard. Just as the next evil deed entered my mind, I passed by the bathroom door where my mother stared back at me from the mirror. I was becoming my mother! This is exactly how she would react - with vengeance and spite. I ran back to the living room where Uncle Sophie was still reeling from the words he never meant to speak and I asked him, “Am I acting like my mother?” “Good God, no,” he said quickly. Now, that’s the husband I trained. SI Family • Page 47

Autumn is Just Around the Corner...

Look for our next edition of SI Family, full of information on the things you want to know about. From parenting tips to recipes to our events calendar, there’s something in these pages for everyone in your family!

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