Chelsea Savannah Bryant Hannah Nunez Dianiielly Padilla
Publisher’s Letter
Publisher Jorge A. Resendiz Director Maria Luisa Resendiz Design & Production Oralia Delgado Maritza Leal Writer Paty Elizalde Photographers Alejandro Bastida Edgar Montemayor Arnoldo Rodriguez Sales Managers / Public Relations Gaby Chavez Martha Chavez Special Thanks to Carla Goodner Alejandro Bastida Chelsea Savannah Bryant Hannah Nunez Daniielly Padilla TV Host Orlando Lazo
Valley Signature Collections is the magazine for celebrating in style. We’re a whole new breed apart from the usual wedding-specific media, because although brides are our readers, so is everyone else. Valley Signature Collections Magazine is serious about bringing our readers all things event related with a sweet scoop of style on the side. We report on event-planning related content that is fresh and fashionable, filled with great ideas, new to the scene and the personal favorites of our Publisher, Jorge Resendiz & our hand-selected collection of contributors. We feature real events from Sweet 16, Quinceaneras, mitzvahs, birthday parties, charity galas, corporate events, launch parties, pageants, and anniversary parties too.
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I am proud to bring you Valley Signature Collections M a g a z i n e ,” t h e Magazine to Celebrate in Style.” I am honored to have in our pages a select group of people sharing some life lessons throughout personal anecdotes. When making this issue, my main focus was to bring inspiration to others thru the biographies of people from different backgrounds. It is fascinating to meet people whose lives are so different, and but so passionate. I invite you to read their life stories and share it with your family and friends, I am confident that they will also be inspired. I would like to take this opportunity to show my gratitude to all my customers who have giving me the opportunity to plan your amazing events. Remember you are now part of Collections. I also want to thank all of our followers who keep up with Collections and share our publication with friends, co-workers, and family members every time a new edition comes out...and remember to “Celebrate in Style”.
Call us at 956-312-2726 to feature your event in our next issue or e-mail us at Find us on
Davina Bauman, McAllen High School, Dress by: Occassions Formal
Brooke Williamson, Sharyland High, Dress by: Occassions Formal
Jessica Mariana Lozano, Mcallen High School, Dress by: Occassions Formal
Jennifer Villarreal, Memorial High, Dress by: Occassions Formal
Ambrosia Jimenez, Donna High School, Dress by: Occassions Formal
Natalie Salazar, Economedes High, Dress by: Occassions Formal
Victoria Sanchez, Edinburg High, Dress by: Occassions Formal
Victoria de Leon, Edinburg High, Dress by: Occassions Formal
What does it take to operate a successful ophthalmology practices, with four locations, over fifty employees, three medical doctors and a doctor of optometry? Meet Nora Shah, Chief Operating Officer of the Shah Eye Center. Nora’s business demeanor is warm, inviting and confident. Her expectations and goals for herself and those around her are considerable, but she finds a way to balance the two. Simply stated, she gives excellence and expects excellence in return and she is quick to let you know that Shah Eye Center was founded on a vision of excellence. “It’s everyone’s mission at the eye center to make sure that patients receive care that differentiate Shah Eye Center from the others. Our goal is to make our patients feel comfortable and to know they are receiving specialized personal care.” Nora considers each team member of the Shah Eye Center vital to the patient experience. She places a high value on the skill level and performance of the Shah team members. Nora has fostered the success of the Shah Eye Center with her husband Dr. Pankaj Shah. “Pankaj takes care of the medical side and I the business side. It’s a collaborative partnership.” As an executive, Nora operates from a position of leadership. In working with experts and vendors outside the Shah Eye Center, she is very open to acquiring more knowledge and information. In addition to her normal functions as COO, Nora specializes in the inner workings of ophthalmology and optometry, which means she must stay well versed in HIPPA regulations, the Texas Medical Board Guidelines and the regulations set forth by the Federal Trade Commission. She is also versed in new technology and systems and the required
An Extraordinary Woman certifications for Shah’s technicians. “To stay abreast of the advancements in eye care requires that I study new material, collaborate with our doctors and technicians and meet with industry representatives. Pankaj and our doctors are the decision makers on technology and equipment. Specializing in LASIK, Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma and comprehensive vision care means I must be able to integrate new technology and equipment into the dayto-day flow of our four offices. It is important that our technicians are trained and prepared to assist our doctors.” Working with the optical aspect
nora Shah
of Shah Eye Center, Nora is the final word on inventory, which includes 25 designer frames in many different styles and colors for glasses and sunglasses. She firmly believes in brand integrity and consistency. But above all, she believes in truth and accuracy. “We must always be able to deliver on the brand promise. The Shah Eye Center reputation is based on professionalism and specialization. For instance, only Board Certified Doctors, Certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology, are allowed to perform LASIK, cataract surgery and are certified to implant intraocular
lens associated with vision loss due to cataracts. “I believe in people and creating the right environment for our patients. I believe that a friendly smile is priceless and professionalism is expected. We treat each day as an opportunity to help someone see better, feel better and resolve vision problems and disorders. What we do is very rewarding. Sight is precious and caring for an individual’s sight is a responsibility we gladly accept.” Nora Shah is an achiever, an innovator and a talented executive driven by the desire to achieve her vision of excellence.
La Historia de una Mujer que Sabe que de la Vida hay que Tomar lo Mejor Por: Paty Elizalde Fotografia: Alejandro Bastida
Desde mi llegada a la tienda de Carla Goodner pareciera que vas conociendo parte de el glamour de diferentes lugares del mundo, las pelucas, los lentes, los sombreros y el sin fin de accesorios con los que te encuentras en su tienda hacen que tus ojos se llenen de tendencias casi sin imaginarlo, pero aún más lo que te permite tener la necesidad de quedarte conociendo el arte de Carla Goodner es su sonrisa, que fue esa precisamente la que hizo que del tiempo que tenia previsto permanecer en su tienda se con-
virtieran en tres horas y fue asi como poco a poco fui conociendo a quien hiciera maravillas con la ropa y los accesorios de quien busca vestirse cuando visita su negocio. Carla Jackeline Goodner nació en Matamoros Tamaulipas el 17 de agosto y nos comenta en exclusiva para COLLECTIONS MAGAZINE que hace 6 anos fue que dio inicio con la travesia de hacerse cargo de la tienda que fuera de su mama por muchos anos “justo por eso me hice comerciante, me hice vendedora desde que estaba en primaria a mis 10 anos,cuando vendí mi primer paleta de ropa”. Goodner nos habló de su negocio, dice que lo abrió hace seis años y que aún y cuando ella se encontraba en Houston tomo la determinación de tomar las riendas
del negocio que por muchos años había sido de su mamá para ahora atenderlo ella. La satisfacción mas grande de Carla es su hija Alexandra de 10 años ella es mi motor porque con ella se que me tengo que esforzar para darle un techo y una comida, mismo que se se da gracias a mi segundo bebe que es mi negocio, a Alexandra la estoy preparando para que sea una mujer fuerte de mente y de corazón. Es por eso que Carla orgullosamente nos habló de su familia y de su esposo Alejandro que son parte esencial en su vida. Hoy en dia Carla Goodner esta colaborando para la película “A NIGHT IN OLD MEXICO” una película que tiene locaciones en Brownsville, y con orgullo comento que el Director Emilio
Aragon le externo su satisfacción por el trabajo que ella realiza en esta película que trata de la cultura Mexicana. “Mi proyecto de vida externo Goodner es seguir evolucionando y no quedarme estancada en una rutina” y seguramente lo conseguira porque en la Mirada y en el rostro de una mujer como Carla no se puede observar otra cosa que no sea perseverancia y exito. Bien decia Gabriel Garcia Marquez que, la memoria del Corazon elimina los malos recuerdos y magnifica los Buenos, y que gracias a eso logramos sobrellevar el pasado, la muestra viviente de eso se llama Carla Goodner, una mujer que despues de darnos la entrevista nos dejo como escencia su mirada, su respeto, su lealtad pero mas que eso….. su humildad.
Brownsville Chamber of Commerce On Thursday, July 26, 2012 the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce celebrated its history in a grand way at the 75th Anniversary Celebration Dinner. More than 400 people attended the event with 22 of the Chamber’s Past Presidents’ and Chairmen in attendance to include longtime Chamber employee Rachel Torres who worked at the Chamber for 38 years. State Representative Eddie Lucio,
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III provided remarks and presented Senate Proclamation No. 906 on behalf of Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. while Mayor Tony Martinez and Commissioners presented a City of Brownsville Proclamation. Additionally, 2011 outgoing directors and committee chairmen were recognized for their leadership and commitment. As a component of the celebration the Cham-
ber unveiled and distributed a special “Anniversary Keepsake” publication written by Mr. Carl S. Chilton, Jr. and designed by Celebrity Group Magazine. Moreover, guests ate a delicious steak dinner catered by Chef Sandra Quezada of Tunnel Bistro and was served a five layer anniversary cake made especially for the event by Monique’s Cake Company.
D r . E mma E sther S alazar Z amudio A vision for Creating Beautiful Smiles
Born in the beautiful port of Tampico Tamaulipas, attended the Facultad de Odontologia de la Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas. Her husband is Florentino Castilo Jr. She has worked in different fields but her passion is her career as an Odontologist. With the support of her family and husband she started her practice in Reynosa Tamps 16 years ago. “Dios me ha bendecido con mis pacientes,” “God has blessed me with my patients,” she states, and has enjoyed what she has accomplished by always providing
the best customer service experience. She is a stubborn and determined woman; that is why she loves this phrase, “ Los Limites de los suenos estan en la mente,” “The limits of our dreams are in our minds,” “El poder alcanzarlos esta en el corazon,” “the way we can accomplish them lies in our hearts. Her inner strength without a doubt is her son, and the support that her husband gives her, together with her family blessings and friends. Dr. Emma, always had a goal in mind, which now has become a reality “una clinica dental con atencion personalizada y profesional, rodeada de un gran equipo de trabajo, colegas excepcionales, como son el Dr. Bonifacio Hernandez, Dra. Adriana Garcia, Dra. Alline Garza, Dra. Fabiola Solis. She thanks her fellow colleagues and all the staff of CAFSA Dental for her success; without them nothing could be possible. CAFSA DENTAL accepts U.S. Insurances, such as Cigna, Health Smart, Met Life, Guardia, Aetna, and many more. These companies have relied on CAFSA DENTAL to provide Dental Services to their clients and
part of her accomplishments have been thru client referrals from previous clients. CAFSA DENTAL provides services such as teeth cleanings, to whitening, to veneers provided by the best team of Dentists from the region. Dr. Salazar has no doubt to have been blessed by God, and thru the help of two angels which are her parents Alberto Salazar and Esther Zamudio. Her next project is to introduce a great product, a discount membership card CAFSA, which the main objective is to support and benefit the community by offering loyalty discounts. Dr. Emma Salazar continues to inspire others to make a difference and due to her tenacity and compassion she is now part of Collections.
Natalie Renay lerma - Quincea単era
Natalie Renay Lerma was born on May 5, 1997 in the beautiful city of Harlingen Texas. Her Parents are Rolando Lerma Jr and Josie Lerma. Natalie, has three brothers, Eric K. Reasonover, Rolando Lerma III, and Nicholas Lerma. Her sister is Abigail L. Saldivar. Her great-grandparents are Lydia Lerma, Lucas Lerma(+), and her grandparents are Rolando and Maria Del Pilar Lerma, and Jose
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Mario Castillo and Isabel Castillo. She currently attends Harlingen High School where she will be a Varsity Cheerleader next year. She is also an active member of the Palm Valley Gymnastics and Dance Academy where she has learned how to dance Ballet, Tap, Jazz, and Lyrical Dances. She is also a member of the Elite All Star Cheerleaders. Natalie, is an all around student, and a devoted child. She
is a member of Our Lady of Assumption in Harlingen, where she actively participates in the choir playing the clarinet. At school, she holds a 3.6 GPA, and when she graduates, she plans to attend Texas Tech University and pursue a biology degree. Her parents are very proud of her accomplishments and support her in all her extracurricular activities that will her in the future.
Maria De Jesus Cisneros - Quinceañera On June 16, 2012, Lorena Calderon, and Elias Ibarra threw their daughter a fantastic “Magical” themed Quinceanera unlike anything McAllen had seen before! With the help of a very well known planner, the venue looked amazing. “I wanted to give my daughter the best Quince ever,” Lorena
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commented, “and I acomplished it, It was exactly how I envisioned it.” “The evening of Maria De Jesus Quince was beautiful,” she explained and guests like her grandmother Aurora Camarillo from Ciudad Victoria Tamps, enjoyed the celebration. Maria De Jesus Cisneros was joined by her brothers
and sister, Elias Ibarra, Victor Salinas and Lorieli Ibarra. “It was a night to remember,” they stated. Maria De Jesus currently attends IDEA Academy in San Juan Texas, loves to play the Guitar and plans to pursue a career in education.
Katherine’s Friends
Katherine Dancing with Friends and Family
Katherine & Mommy
Zeke & Grandma Olga
Mommy & Daddy sneak in a dance
Katherine with her classmate Lupita
Aunt Debbie and Aunt Donna with Grandpa Schmidt
katherine Marita schmidt - Quinceañera Katherine Marita Schmidt was born in Brownsville, Texas April 2, 1997. A low birth weight baby, she fought her way to health over her first 24 days of life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Valley Regional Medical Center. Katherine’s proud parents took turns waking up (and many times staying awake) during her first months of life giving
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her medications and making sure she was recovered from the seizures she had endured while in the hospital. Soon after she was born, Katherine moved home to Edinburg and was spoiled by her Grandmother, aunts, and uncles as the first grandchild. Delayed because of her early health problems, she began a life-long se-
ries of seeing doctors and receiving therapy. Katherine has always proved the naysayers wrong: she learned to speak and later write despite the dire prediction of her first Neurologist. Katherine started school as a special needs child. She continued to learn and grow, exceeding the expectations of everyone while
Daddy’s Little Girl
Katherine is taking it all in
Aunt Debbie, Aunt Donna, and Cousin Austin
Katherine loves her BIG SURPRISE!
Ice Cream for Everyone
Make a wish Katherine
Schmidt Family
Katherine with her Choir Friends
Katherine with Mariaches Azusana’s
Zeke with Grandpa Schmidt
developing an interest in music and the computer. It was through computer games and music that Katherine really began to open up her world to others. She memorized every song, learned her way around the keyboard and operating system of her first computer, and began to sing to herself, as well as to God in church. In 2003, Katherine accompanied her parents to Pinehurst and called Circle Lake Retreat Center, a family retreat owned and
operated by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, home for the next three and a half years. While in Pinehurst, Katherine had the opportunity to do therapeutic horseback riding in the SIRE program, receive aquatic therapy in the Magnolia ISD, and participate on a Teeball team for children with special needs in the Magnolia Little League. But what Katherine seemed to enjoy most about her time at Circle Lake was making friends with the many neighbors on the
Katherine’s Friends
Dancing with Daddy
Herrera Family
Grandma & Grandpa Zierath
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property: geese, swans, peacocks, armadillos, raccoons, birds, and her favorite: butterflies. She also participated in Camp Barnabas: a week-long camp for children with special needs that Circle Lake hosted each of the last two years Katherine lived in Pinehurst. On November 16, 2005, Katherine became a big sister to Robert Ezekiel (Zeke), whom she cherishes. One of the benefits of living in Houston was close access to
Shriners Hospitals for Children, where Katherine was accepted for care shortly before the move to Houston. Under the care of Dr. Phillips and the wonderful staff at Shriners, Katherine was fitted and refitted with braces, and her cerebral palsy monitored by some of the best orthopaedic staff in the country. Returning to Edinburg in the fall of 2007, Katherine’s love of music began to flourish. Upon
Dancing is so much fun!
finishing elementary school , she joined the choir at South Middle School, and was loved by classmates and teachers alike. Katherine continued to receive therapy and her strength, courage, and the faith of family and friends got her through two planned and one unplanned major surgery. Though slowed by braces, wheelchair, and walker, Katherine never stopped smiling, never complained, and was always stronger than her parents. The 2011-2012 school year has seen Katherine receive a superior rating at the UIL solo music competition (giving a performance so stirring it made the judge cry), and perform in competition with her choir for the first time. She continues to enjoy her computer and her music, as well Event Planner: Jorge Resendiz Cake: Jessica’s Cupcakes and More
Tia Sophia, Tia Hermelinda, Tia Eudelia, Tia Dora
Katherine warming up to sing with choir friends
as going to therapy, eating (especially at Wendy’s, Chili’s, and Whataburger), and watching the butterflies, hummingbirds, kiskadees, and other wildlife in her backyard. Katherine’s favorite movies are Tangled, Rio, and The Sound of Music (which she always watches from start to finish every Christmas). Katherine loves smooth jazz music, dance music (especially ABBA and oldies), and treasures her books (the aforementioned Tangled, Rio, as well as her collections of Dora the Explorer, Thomas the Tank Engine, and other children’s books. Her favorite color is pink, and her favorite food is ice cream. Katherine is beloved by all for her simple innocence, love of the simple things in life, and infectious smile. Music: Mariachi Azucenas
Martinis with a The Gibson A gin based dry martini garnished with a pearl onion. Dirty martini What makes it dirty? A bit of olive brine (that’s olive juice from the olive jar), it can be used instead or with the vermouth. Smoky martini Gin with a splash of scotch whisky, stirred and garnished with a lemon twist. Dirty Pickle Replacing the olive brine in a dirty martini with pickle juice, and garnished with a mini pickle. This is called a “Dirty Pickle” or “Pickle Martini”.
The martini is probably the most famous cocktail in the world, it goes way back to the 19th century and it hasn’t lost it’s popularity yet. The classic martini is based on gin or vodka, mixed with a bit of dry vermouth and garnished with an olive or a lemon twist. The classic portions say 5 parts gin or vodka to 1 part of vermouth. The martini has to be made perfect. It’s very easy to make but also very easy to ruin. It’s all in the quality of the ingredients and the correct preparation steps. The one who made this drink so popular and famous is of course 007 - James Bond, who drink’s his martinis shaken, not stirred. 007 asks for a martini
most important tips for the
Perfect Martini:
1. Use a martini glass - That’s what the glass is for! 2. Chill the glass - Before preparing the drink, put ice and water in the glass, you can also put in the fridge or freezer, but this will take time... We chill the glass because the majority of martini cocktails are without ice, and most drinks taste awful if they are not cold! 3. Stir the delicate ones - When we shake, the ice melts much more than when we stir, delicate cocktails like the cosmopolitan or the dry martini should be
stirred, complexed cocktails with many juices and ingredients should be shaken. 4. Double Strain the cocktail For a super clear cocktail without the smallest chip of ice or fruit pulp, all you need to do is double strain! 5. Always Garnish - A lime wedge on the rim, a lemon twist, salt or sugar, a skewer of fruit pieces, any simple garnish makes a whole difference, a drink that looks good - already tastes good...
cocktail on almost each of his films, so there is of course a James Bond Martini. Today the martini has so many variations, there is almost a martini for every taste and flavor out there! There are so many ways of making these martinis. Vodka is the easiest ingredient to mix with because it mixes well with almost anything; gin on the other side is much harder to mix and some people have a problem with it’s taste. In the garnish area there are always new ideas. The old simple olive or lemon twist are being replaced by capers, stuffed olives, litchi, melon and so much more.
victorian tea party On April 21, 2012, Hector Guerra hosted an unforgettable 1st birthday party for his granddaughter, Adelina. The Victorian Tea Party theme was held at his private residence outside his manicured garden. With the the help of Executive Event planner Jorge Resendiz, Hector organized a variety of activities for the children and delicious food and
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cocktails for the adults. Inspired by the Victorian Era, the children enjoyed playing with a life-size chess set, and a face painting station. They also had a blast decorating their own gourmet cookies at the cookie station provided by a Royal Celebration. Meanwhile, the adults nibbled on catering provided by the Garden room, and sipped on cocktails
and champagne from Hector’s exclusive collection. Sweet and Tasty Cake Shop provided the life size doll birthday cake which was designed by Jorge Resendiz. The guests also enjoyed listening to classical music played by a string quartet and enjoyed mingling with the Victorian-Era ladies.
Jackie Robinson World Series 2012 The Jackie Robinson World Series took place on Saturday Aug 4, 2012 at the Brownsville Sports Park. More than 8 Junior leagues under the age of 9 participated. Teams from Mexico, and Puerto Rico participated against teams from U.S. Collections Magazine is proud to support our little leagues and Congratulates the winner, The South Texas
Thunder League under the direction of coach Rene Sanchez. The series was supported by the American Amateur Baseball Congress, and was organized by the Wild Pitch League under the direction of its President Juan Carlos Alvarado. Photography by: Arnoldo Rodriguez
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