Bangkok Adver-sing Presenta-on 2011 – Bangkok Business Brief
Bangkok Business Brief – the comprehensive Bangkok monthly news publica4on
How and why Bangkok Business Brief was given life…
It became apparent to us at Siam GazeGe that Bangkok lacks an en4ty, in either print or online, that aggregates Bangkok’s business news comprehensively in one readable or searchable loca4on. As well, business adver4sers have been a=emp4ng to reach the local Expat and Thai business communi4es for some 4me but with li=le or no sustained success. We discussed these problems while mee4ng with prospec4ve adver4sers, and we resolved what our next publishing offering should be… the Bangkok Business Brief. Through experience and local market knowledge, Siam GazeGe will sa4sfy adver4sers by offering this much sought aEer visibility.
Print or Web…? As you will read below, this really shouldn t be the ques-on… Bangkok Business Brief – A partnership between print & online media. Almost two thirds (64%) of readers report that they enjoy reading magazine adverts, and almost a half (46%) read magazines for informa4on about new brands & companies.
Respondents agree that adverts (57%) and ar4cles (59%) in magazines drive them to visit a company's website. Source: The ConversaLon conducted on behalf of Hearst by Russell Research 2010.
Source: Affinity s VISTA Service 2011. Magazines perform best overall at influencing clients to start a search online.
Source: BIGresearch Simultaneous Media Usage Study, Dec. 2008.
Magazines rank No.1 at influencing readers to start a search online – higher than newer media op4ons. Source: BIGresearch, Simultaneous Media Usage Study, June 2009.
86% of iPad owners would be willing to see an advert in return for free access to content, including from magazines & newspapers.
Magazines best complement the Web in reaching social networkers.
Source: iPADS: A First Look, Knowledge Networks, Inc., 2010.
Source: MRI, 2009.
An analysis by Marke4ng Evolu4on showed more than a 40% liE in web traffic occurred aEer consumers were exposed to magazine adver4sements.
Source: MarkeLng EvoluLon & 2010.
Magazines deliver more advert impressions than TV or Web in a 30 minute period. Source: McPheters & Company, 2009 for Condé Nast PublicaLons & CBS-‐TV 2009.
Unique Selling Points
• Monthly English language business news publica4on • Guaranteed circula4on of 10,000 copies • Targeted to the expat business community and upper income Thai business people through the Chambers of Commerce (5,000) • In addi4on, 300 loca4ons (5,000), including • Condominium Buildings • Office Buildings • Business Centers • ExecuSve Lounges • 5* Hotels • Hospitals • Serviced Apartments • Newsstands
• Online news version updated daily • Smart use of short URLs and QR codes • Seamless links between print and online edi4ons
Print & Website News Categories 1.
Finance/Investment – (Insurance, Investments, Markets and Monetary News).
Real Estate – (Commercial, ResidenLal and Land).
Tourism – (Hospitality, DesLnaLons, TAT).
I.T/Comms. – (CompuLng, Fixed & Mobile Telecoms and New Technology).
Infrastructure/LogisScs – (Public Works, Roads, Rail, Air and Sea).
Government – (ElecLons, Policy, News).
Health – (Healthcare, Medial Advances & Health Warnings etc).
Business OrganizaSons – (ASEAN, Chambers of Commerce etc).
ProducSon – (Manufacturing, Energy and Agriculture).
Retail/Services – (Retail, Restaurants and Business Service Providers).
Environment/CSR – (Environmental Issues, Programs, CSR Events+).
General Interest – (Not categorized, other news of interest).
Our ‘smart links’ between Bangkok Business Brief magazine and our daily website content Google Short URL
QR Code
The short codes, which all news categories will be represented by in the magazine, will allow our readership to use their computers & mobile phones to make the transi4on from our story summaries in print to our full online news content effortlessly. The QR codes, which all news categories and adver4sements will display, will allow our print readership using smartphones to make the transi4on easily to our online news content or adver4sers’ company websites.
Adver4sing Specifica4ons & Special Products Inside Page Specifica4ons S pecial Products – Premium Posi4ons – Cover Adver4sing Front Cover Full Page 222mm x 314mm Inside Front Cover 1 Inside Front Cover 2 Inside Back Cover Half Page 222mm x 156mm
Back Cover The benefits of using our premium covers: • High exposure virtually guarantees your advert is seen each and every 4me a poten4al client browses the magazine.
Quarter Page 109.25mm x 156mm
• Grab visibility and exclusivity. • Cover posi4ons generate the highest exposure, reaching more customers. • Guaranteed exclusivity – your company will be the only adver4ser in this highly visible posi4on. • Your message has the poten4al to be viewed every 4me someone handles the magazine, acquiring presence and repeat messaging.
What’s in it for you? If you feel your business needs assistance in one of the following areas: Magazines are proven to: 1. Reach audiences of scale as well as targeted audiences
• Brand awareness
2. Provide an audience that values and trusts adver4sing… and is therefore more likely to engage with it
• Gaining sales
3. Provide an adver4sing space that forms an essen4al part of the overall reading experience 4. Capture the mood of their readers 5. Reach influenced readers who will act on what they see
• Gaining new clients • Improving website traffic • New product / service promo-on
6. Work efficiently in genera4ng brand awareness 7. Increase word of mouth
Then contact:
8. Offer a cost effec4ve marke4ng medium
Andy Hyde – Business Development Manager
9. Drive sales
Bangkok Business Brief
10. Strengthen online connec4on and engagement with the consumer Source: PPA Research 2009 & Magazines Canada, Magazines + Online: More to Love..., 2010.
Tel: +66 8 0814 9080 Email: Skype: andy.ath