Sibani Lomga /Architecture portfolio

Page 1

S i bani L omga Phul ugur i ,Maz bat, As s s am Pi n784507 s i bani l omga@gmai l . com 7002259517 8598967196


Cont ent


I nf i l ldevel opmentof ol dBhubaneswar

Gat edCommuni t y



Rai l por t( Tr anspar ence) Hi ghwayameni t ycent r e



Resi dence

Wor ki ngDr awi ng

07 Mi scel l aneouswor ks

Mot el 04

Conc ept The f or m oft he bui l di ngi si ns pi r edby t hei nf i ni t ys i gnt hat denot est hec i r c l eof l i f e.

For m Dev el opment

Sk yc or r i dor

Thef ac adeoft he mot el hasbr i ght y el l owandbl ue c ol our s. Agl az eds k yc or r i dor j oi nst het wouni t s .

Fac i l i t i est obepr ov i ded wer e 1.Mot el 2.Res t aur ant 3.Dhaba 4.Pet r ol pump


Fr ontel ev at i on


Gr oundFl oorPl an

Sec t i onAA’ A’


Fi r s tFl oorPl an

Res i denc e


Wor k i ngDr awi ng 06

Wor k i ngDr awi ng

El ec t r i c all ay out Fl oorpl an

Mi s c el l aneouswor k


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