Biomechanical basis of human movement (2)

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Joseph Hamill, PhD Professor, Department of Kinesiology University of Massachusetts at Amherst Amherst, Massachusetts

Kathleen M. Knutzen, PhD Professor, Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology Dean, School of Social Sciences and Education California State University Bakersfield, California

Timothy R. Derrick, PhD 1

Professor, Department of Kinesiology Iowa State University Ames, Iowa : Wolters Kluwer Health

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Preface vii Acknowledgements ix SECTION I

Basic Terminology Skeletal Considerations for Movement Muscular Considerations for Movement Neurologic Considerations for Movement




8 9 10 11 APPENDIX



Glossary Index

Foundations of Human Movement


3 25 59 99

Functional Anatomy


Functional Anatomy of the Upper Extremity Functional Anatomy of the Lower Extremity Functional Anatomy of the Trunk

131 172 241

Mechanical Analysis of Human Motion


Linear Kinematics Angular Kinematics Linear Kinetics Angular Kinetics

283 318 346 391

The Metric System and SI Units Trigonometric Functions Sample Kinematic and Kinetic Data Numerical Example for Calculating Projectile

441 445 449 457

459 473


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