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Journey Comes To A Close

Although Joanna Agatha traveled the World extensively over her 75 years of life, from The Far East to New Zealand, London to Rome, Canada to North America, South America to The Caribbean, and many Countries in Africa, Europe and in between, her journey in this life was now coming to a close.

Death, an inevitable outcome of life, struck on Saturday, with the family ultimately experiencing physical separation from Joanna Agatha Russell Newton, 75, on Saturday, March 11th at 12:00am when she peacefully and serenely passed away at the Rand Memorial Hospital, Freeport, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas.

Joanna Agatha’s iconic life is one of grace, grit, generosity and grandeur. She was the epitome of integrity and inclusiveness, character and courage.

Eternal rest grant unto Joanna Agatha, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace. Amen.

In closing:

Hello my dear,

So many memories I hold close but mostly your strength and tenacity is what remains with me. You lived your life intentionally with your faith intact and a legacy none can compare.

My respect for you is paramount, you’ve served the church and your family with dignity and pride. I thank you for the example of what it means not to be distracted and stay on course.

As we honor you, the emotions we can not deny but the memories and lessons will forever be in our hearts.

With love, hugs & kisses, Your Anya

What Mother’s FAITH, FEARLESSNESS & FORTITUDE taught us:

How to pray.

To place our burdens at the foot of the Cross.

God bless the child that has its own.

Proper planning prevents poor performance. Pay for what you need. Save.

Travel. Experience the World.

How to cook, clean and entertain. P.S. Drink from a glass.

How to be a good human being.

To speak proper English always.

How to drive.

How to botch a haircut (Psst…Let Cleon tell you the story)

“When you is woman” (Psst…Let Caline tell you the story)

How to remain graceful and kind in cruel situations.

How to have courage even if you stand alone.

Honor your Father and your Mother.

How to hold on to faith before there is nothing else left.

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