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Isabelle, Izzy, Aunt Izzy, Tom, Aunt Tom, Nurse, Nurse Pratt, Nurse Johnson-Pratt, Goddie A Life well lived in service to God, Family and Country
Isabelle Marita Johnson-Pratt daughter of Emily Deveaux and Oscar and Clothilda Johnson, twin to Rosabelle, spouse of Ancel mother of Laura, grandmother of Lauren, Devynne, Anthaya and great-grandmother of Noelle and Celeste, was born in Port Howe Cat Island, during the time of the Great Depression. At an early age in the care of her paternal grandmother, Victoria “Mon” Johnson with whom she and her twin, would spend their formative years, Isabelle relocated to the Pond, in New Providence. Later they would move to Mason’s Addition.
In the early to mid-twentieth century, opportunities to pursue professional endevours were limited for the average Bahamian, whose formal education ended at fourteen, which today would be at the level of the junior secondary school. Paths that were available included teaching and nursing. Having a nurturing, caring personality and a deep concern for others, Izzy was determined to enter the Nursing Profession. Coming from a generation and a family for whom it was natural to put service above self she embraced the opportunity to practice her profession in settings considered as hardship areas but areas that allowed her to reach the underserved.
Firm in the belief that access to healthcare is the right of every citizen, she served the Long Island community for more than a decade at a time when the nurse was the only health professional in many of the out islands where infrastructure including electricity, water and roads that is considered normal today was unavailable. Having completed her sojourn in Long Island she returned to New Providence to serve a special needs group through her posting at the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre. On her retirement from active nursing duties, Isabelle attached herself to the department of Social Services where she took on the role of weekend foster mother.
A caring concerned and loving wife to Ancel, the dapper Long Islander with whom she was joined in marriage on 28th July, 1958. A doting mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, with a great respect for education she made available every opportunity for her daughter and subsequently her granddaughters to attain a good education that would enable them to pursue their professional endeavours. Her pride in Laura’s accomplishments was to say the least effervescent equaled only by the joy she felt at Devynne’s successes at the 2020 Olympics and other international track and field meetings. Her son-in-law’s involvement in track and field was the conduit through which she saw the world. As a coach of many successful athletes, Dave and his family would travel to host cities wherever international events were being held. In this way, Nurse Pratt would visit such countries/cities as Australia, United States, Caribbean and China. She loved and cared for all the athletes of Star Trackers as if they were her own children and got much pleasure cheering for them at meets. We will forever cherish her memories and remain grateful for her unconditional love.