2 minute read
Drumeco D. L. Archer
LEADERSHIP IS A GIFT. It is the ability to strengthen and empower others while stripping oneself of “self” and giving all that you have for the benefit of others. Leadership is accountability, honesty, selflessness, and the maximum test of hard work. Leadership is about what we are able to do together that changes the culture of the place where we live. It’s about speaking positively each day and encouraging athletes and piers in good and in bad times. For 20 years of the history of Bahamian track and field, David and Laura Charlton (excuse me…Laura Pratt-Charlton) have “behind the scene” as well as “in front of the scene” contributed to the leadership of our sport.
Twenty years of Star Trackers Club existence equate to a contribution of 30% of the life of this Federation. Dave and Laura, together with the entire Star Trackers organization have produced some of the heroes of Bahamian track and field. Even more, the Star Trackers organization has assisted in securing scholarship opportunities for hundreds of Bahamian athletes across the United States, attending some of the best learning institutions in the world. Given the opportunity to speak on this club’s behalf, I would say that their greatest achievement is not the work that this organization on the track, but the work that they have done to change the culture of our sport by focusing on making the lives of people all around them better! The team’s demand and quest to continue setting the bar higher has translated to the improvement of the lives of their spiritual, track and professional communities. I have witnessed the products of their successes each day in the coaches who show up daily, many of whom were once athletes who “spiked up”, and today now making the untold sacrifices to the young student athletes and future Bahamian stewards.
The professionalism and the efficiency of this wonderful and dynamic team has changed the way we see and deliver our sport today. I can always expect a pronouncement from Dave at the start of all of his track meets… he would say “we will be done before 5 o’clock”. Then he would come back to me and say “the meet is over and its only 4:45pm” with a wide, proud smile.
Dave and Laura, together with the Star Trackers Coaching and Administrative staff have been game changers in our sport, and they have attempted to change the game not by themselves but, providing a service to other clubs in assisting them in the delivery of their meets. The mission to help without being seen and to be unapologetic about their demand for excellence is true leadership!
As the Star Trackers Track & Field Club celebrate 20 years of legendary work and 18 years of hosting The Star Performers Track and Field Classic, each year we look forward to something bigger, better and more amazing. In these times of Covid-19, we must reimagine a sport that has changed so dramatically in over these 18 crazy months. Still, it is my fervent belief that we in track and field will be stronger and our athletes will be better. I pray that the Lord will bless this organization and that HE will grant them continued success abundantly.
To all of our Bahamian athletes and to the leaders of this organization, I say “yours is the earth and all that is in it…” On this monumental occasion, I say do well my friends.