“Side By Side: A newspaper promoting integration and diversity in Malta.”
A project co-financed through the European Fund for the Integration of ThirdCountry Nationals
“Side by Side” Call for Design, Printing and Distribution of Newspaper TERMS OF REFERENCE
General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows (2007 – 2013) This project is part-financed by the European Union European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (IF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management & Migration Flows
Section A: Specifications 1. DETAILS OF THE CALL FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST SOS Malta (VO/0033), responsible for the implementation of the Side by Side project, welcomes offers for the provision of the design, printing and distribution of three issues of the newspaper for the duration of the project ending in June 2014. Each issue will include at least 15,000 copies. Interested service providers are to complete and submit Section B of this document by noon on Friday 23rd August 2013. The maximum cost allocated for this service is EUR 16,932 (exc. VAT). The newspaper must not include any commercial advertisements. Offers exceeding the above mentioned maximum allocated cost will be ineligible. The cost of these services will be part-financed by the European Union under the European Integration Fund, IF 2012-04. 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION SOS Malta (VO/0033) is implementing the project ‘Side by Side: A newspaper promoting integration and diversity in Malta” co-financed through the European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals IF 2012-04. Side by Side is a one-year project aimed at promoting integration and awareness-raising about different cultures in Malta through the production of a pilot printed and e-newspaper. The objective is to promote understanding of positive aspects of interculturalism and cultural diversity and the richness that TCNs living in Malta can bring to the Maltese islands. The project has brought together a team of journalists and contributors, both TCNs and Maltese who will be involved in the production of three issues of a printed and online newspaper. The main theme of the newspaper will be ‘What does interculturalism and cultural diversity mean to you?’ The newspaper will provide means of an informative exchange between the Maltese population and different TCN populations promoting understanding, tolerance and integration. The newspaper will carry stories related to experiences, cultures, lives of TCNs and the Maltese. The electronic version will be made available enabling people to access content online. The project will begin with a survey, directed at TCN and Maltese, to ask about what kind of content
General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows (2007 – 2013) This project is part-financed by the European Union European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (IF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management & Migration Flows
they would find of interest and what their ideas about cultural diversity are. The newspaper will consists of three issues of 15,000 copies to be distributed with a national newspaper. The project will end with a roundtable workshop during diversity week in which contributors, TCNs and other stakeholders will come together to discuss cultural diversity in Malta. These activities will result in a recommendations report regarding how to move forward with a cultural diversity newspaper as a tool for increased integration. Definition of third-country nationals for the purpose of the newspaper: A third-country national is a person who is not a citizen of the home or host country. In the context of Malta, TCNs are those persons who are legally residing in Malta but are not nationals of Malta or any other Member State of the European Union. In addition, asylum seekers, refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection do not fall within the scope of the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals within which the Side by Side Project is being implemented and thus do not fall within the scope of this special edition magazine. 3. GUIDELINES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THE NEWSPAPER As an integral activity linked to the concept behind the newspaper, SOS Malta is calling for offers for the provision of Design Printing Distribution for the supply of not less than three issues of the newspaper Side by Side dedicated to the theme of Third Country National integration and diversity, issued in November 2013, January and April 2014, covering a minimum of 15,000 copies per issue distributed with a national newspaper. The chosen service provider will be expected to maintain regular contact with Side by Side’s Project Leader who will be the service provider’s key reference point throughout the project. The Project Leader will also provide the service provider with information that will assist in the provision of this service including a description of the project. The content and editing together with proof reading will be provided by SOS Malta. Due to the nature of the project, the service-provider is not able to include any commercial advertisement within the newspaper. The service-provider will also be required to include all the requisite logos and to supply or purchase any original quality images if so needed
General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows (2007 – 2013) This project is part-financed by the European Union European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (IF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management & Migration Flows
giving due acknowledgements thus adhering to the correct visibility requirements of the Side by Side project and The European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. The service provider is also expected to provide a PDF version of the publication. 4. SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE NEWSPAPER
Number of pages: 16 Size including white border all round: – 288mm x 408mm (per page) or nearest. Size of print area (artwork): 245mm x 380mm (per page) or nearest. Printing: Full colour Type of paper: (45gsm) Newsprint Supply and purchasing of original photographic foreign library visuals as needed Distribution: minimum print run of 15,000 copies per issue including distribution costs with a mainstream national newspaper.
5. SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Interested Service Providers are to fill-in and submit Section B below in order to provide:
A complete quotation with separate prices for individual item as set out above; All prices must quote VAT separately and in full (as indicated in the form herewith).
Please note that: An invoice will be required after each issue is completed and issued including all details of specifications involved; A fiscal receipt will need to be issued to SOS Malta after payment has been made with specific reference to the Side by Side Malta; Breakdown of exact distribution to be submitted with each invoice. Expressions of Interest must include a breakdown of charging rates for the service being offered including:
Design and artwork Printing in line with the specifications mentioned in Section 4 Distribution charges (distributed as part of a national newspaper).
Although we are looking for a cost effective, quality service and product from bidders, we are nonetheless bound by EU funding and the rules that bind all concerned, including General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows (2007 – 2013) This project is part-financed by the European Union European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (IF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management & Migration Flows
bidders. The maximum budget of EUR 16,932 (not inclusive of VAT) is therefore available for the finalization of this whole project and any amounts beyond this amount will automatically disqualify the bidder. Expressions of Interest must also include: A detailed company and/or personal profile/s indicating the relevant experience of personnel and the company to be involved with the project; A proposal indicating design, artwork and distribution envisaged for the publications and how the service provider plans to design, produce, publish and distribute the newspaper being requested in line with what is indicated within these Terms of Reference. In this case, the winning bidder would be expected to submit a detailed Schedule of Works timetable to ensure that expected publication deadlines are reached and frequency of publication ensured. Evaluation of Expressions of Interest Evaluation of the submitted Expressions of interest will take place on Friday 23rd August 2013 at 12 noon at SOS Malta offices. Bidders will be notified by e-mail of the results of the evaluation. It is important to note that submission of quotations will only be accepted directly from service providers and not through intermediaries. Clarifications and any further information are to be sought through the following e-mail address: emma.zammit@sosmalta.org (up to 3 days prior the closing date; answers to all requests will be circulated to all those bidders who will have shown their interest in this project by asking for/collecting these Terms of Reference): Emma Zammit – Side by Side Project Leader Address: SOS Malta, 10, Triq il-Ward, Santa Venera, SVR 1640, Tel: 21244123.
General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows (2007 – 2013) This project is part-financed by the European Union European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (IF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management & Migration Flows
Section B: To be filled in by interested Service Providers Quotation Date: ___________________ Service: Side by Side Project Newspaper.
Service Provider’s details Company’s Name: Contact Person’s Name and Surname: Company’s Address: Telephone Number: Mobile Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address:
General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows (2007 – 2013) This project is part-financed by the European Union European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (IF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management & Migration Flows
Quotation Details Item
Design, layout and artwork
Number of Unit Price exc. VAT Units € 3 issues
(All content, editing and proof-reading will be provided by SOS Malta)
Size: Newspaper size (including white border all round) – 288mm x 408mm (per page) or nearest. - Size of printed artwork: 245mm x 380mm (per page) or nearest. - Printing: Full colour - Type of paper – 45gsm Newsprint - Purchasing of quality library visuals (quote of a maximum of 10 pictures per issue (10x3)) Minimum 15,000 copies, to be distributed as part of a national newspaper
3 issues of 15, 000 copies each
45,000 copies
Total quote for services excluding VAT: Company Rubber Stamp: Signature:
Name and Surname: ___________________________________ Position______________________________________________
General Programme Solidarity & Management of Migration Flows (2007 – 2013) This project is part-financed by the European Union European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Nationals (IF) Co-financing rate: 75% EU Fund; 25% Beneficiary Funds Sustainable Management & Migration Flows
Net Price €
Total Price inc. VAT €