Sid Sidebottom MP
… for a fair go in Braddon
Media Release
May 18, 2009
Hall of Fame to recognise C.H. champions The Australian Government will put $825,000 into a major project to recognise the champions of sport and the community in Circular Head, says Sid Sidebottom MP. Mr Sidebottom announced today that Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development and Northern Australia, Gary Gray, had signed off on the $825,000 in funding under the Better Regions program. He said the project was part of the second stage to construction of the multi‐ function recreation and community centre. “Circular Head has a rich history of champions in many sporting fields and this is a perfect way to recognise them into the future,” Mr Sidebottom said. The centre will recognise not only sporting achievers, but also community members who have made significant contributions to building the fabric of the region. “This source of community pride is extremely important to isolated regional communities,” he said. “The new centre has already been a great community initiative, and this is a chance to extend its benefit to the region.” Stage two of the CRC also includes an extension to external viewing areas and additional public amenities. The Circular Head Community Recreation Centre project forms part of the Australian Government’s election commitment to provide $9.2 million funding to nine projects in Braddon, and $176 million across the country. “Better Regions will provide regional Australia with much‐needed community facilities and services and honour a range of regional infrastructure election commitments which were identified by local communities as priorities for their regions.” For more information: Luke Sayer
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