Siemens Portable GH180 Perfect Harmony Cell Tester (PCT) (PN 469939.00) A1A469939.00

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Siemens GH180 Portable Harmony Cell Tester

Siemens can supply the necessary equipment to perform on-site cell testing at a customer’s site. This test is essentially a duplication of the cell test done at the factory prior to installation into the Cell Cabinet. Since each cell operates independently within the Perfect Harmony system, it is possible to fully test the performance of each cell and thus verify the proper performance of the cell system without having to actually apply rated voltage to the motor. The following equipment is required for on-site cell testing: • Portable Harmony Cell Tester (PCT) (P/N 469939.00) • IBM compatible computer (286 or greater with Centronics port and EGA capability) • 480 VAC, 30 A variable auto transformer variable voltage source (STACO type 6020-3 or equivalent) • Load reactor (refer to Table 7-9). • DVM capable of measuring 500 VAC (Beckman 3030A or equal). • Clamp on ammeter (Beckman CT-232 or equal). Specifications: Facility: Portable Harmony Cell Tester (PCT) P/N: 469939.00 Accessories: USB2.0 cable 1pcs, Fiber cable(2M) 1pcs, 220V power cable 1pcs Software: 1cell.exe Cell Tester Instruction: 1pcs Table 7-9. Load Reactor Information * Requires small cooling fans that are not included.

The portable cell tester (PCT) comes equipped with cables and software required to interface the PCT with the cell’s optical communications port and the PC. The individual tests are menu driven with go and no go features. The load reactors will allow each cell to attain full rated current with a minimal input service requirement to the variable voltage source. The clamp-on ammeters and voltmeters will allow evaluation of the proper output voltages and cell currents during the test. To test an installed cell: 1. If possible, switch off the source of the medium voltage power at the switchgear. Make sure the drive's medium voltage input switch is open, and lock it out. Rack out any output contactors in the system and lock them out. Take any other necessary steps to release the interlock key that allows access to the cell cabinet. Keep the transformer cabinet and power input cabinet closed and locked. Be sure the cooling system pump is operational. 2. Isolate the cell to be tested by removing the series links from the output at T1 and T2. 3. Unplug the fiber optic cable from this cell at the Fiber Optic Interface Board and plug it into the PCT. Connect the PCT to the parallel printer port of the computer. Turn on the power to the portable cell tester. 4. Disconnect the 3-phase input from the cell and connect the 3-phase output of the variable voltage source to the input of the cell. Connect the input of the variable voltage source to the load side of the 460 VAC control breaker (CB1). 5. Execute the 1CELL.EXE program on the computer. From the Main Menu (5) choose #1. The preliminary test will go through a step-by-step go/no go procedure. This will verify that the communications are working and the transistors are blocking (not shorted). Cell Size Reactor P/N Reactor Configuration NBH 70 161661.13 1 Unit with Series windings L=8mH NBH100 161661.13 1 Unit with Series windings L=8mH NBH 140 161661.13 1 Unit with Series windings L=8mH NBH 200 161661.13 1 Unit with single windings L=4mH NBH 260 161661.13* 1 Unit with parallel windings L=2mH 3I 161661.13* 1 Unit with single winding L=4mH 360H 161661.13* 1 Unit with parallel windings L=2mH 4I (300H) 161661.13* 1 Unit with parallel windings L =2mH 4B 161661.13* 1 Unit with parallel windings L=2mH 5C 161661.13* 1 Unit with parallel windings L=2mH 5B 161661.13* 2 Units in parallel with series windings L= 1mH Attention! At this point of the test, the functionality of the IGBTs has been determined. When prompted to use a resistor, the operator should cancel the program by following the instructions on the screen. Perfect Harmony Startup and Advanced Topics Troubleshooting and Maintenance 902232:Version 3.0 7-477 6. Turn off the variable voltage source. Connect the load reactor to output connections T1 and T2 of the cell. If the cell is operated externally from the cabinet, a separate water supply is required.

7. From the Main Menu [5] choose #2 Burn-in Test Menu. Make sure that the pot on the tester is turned fully in the counter-clockwise direction. From the Burn-in Test Menu start the burn-in. The bottom of the screen will indicate that the cell is running. LED’s Q1-Q4 on the cell should be illuminated. This verifies that all four transistors are firing. Connect an ammeter to T1 or T2. Turn the pot on the tester clockwise and note that the output current increases. Continue until output current reaches the rated current of the cell. Run the cell for 1 hour. Turn the pot fully in the counter-clockwise direction. Stop the burn-in test and exit to the Main Menu. 8. If faults occur while the cell is running, the PC will display all faults detected. 9. Install the cell in the Cell Cabinet and reconnect all power cables, hoses and fiber optic cables. The portable power cell tester enables you to repair single power cells and test them before installing them into the Siemens Robicon SINAMICS PERFECT HARMONY GH180 MV VFDs. These load stands and testers can accommodate the changes in the Siemens MV VFD brand family. Siemens have a Portable Harmony Cell Tester (PCT) (P/N 469939.00). This allows you to operate the power cells on the bench outside of the drive. You can connect up a reactor to the power cell output and load test the power cell. With the PCT you can read back all the alarms and faults and cell temperature. The software used is called "1cell". As a minimum you need a Siemens Portable Harmony Cell Tester (PCT) (P/N 469939.00) or equivalent and a 700VAC power supply. This will allow you to operate the power cells on the bench outside of the drive. Without the portable cell tester there is not much you can do apart from send the cells out for test or repair. If you have any needs, please contact us:

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