Importance of emission quantification models and data collection
The effectiveness of any transport decarbonization strategy depends on the availability of reliable data. The ‘Advancing Transport Climate Strategies’ (TraCS) project helps policymakers in developing countries and emerging economies to align their mobility and transport sector action plans with their climate plans, the so-called Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). These contributions are essential components of the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and key to global efforts to limit global warming to 1.5-2.0 degree C above pre-industrialized levels. TraCS focuses on fostering systems of collecting, evaluating and monitoring data which can then be used to assess the impact of different policies and
measures in defining the next round of NDCs. Different emission quantification models, including the TrIGGER (Transport Inventory and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting) tool are used in the project based on additionally collected data. TrIGGER is an open tool easily adaptable to any country‘s needs; it calculates transport total fuel consumption and estimates the corresponding tank-to-wheel emissions for CO₂, CH₄ and N₂O for a given country and year. Local emission factors for road transport are measured in grams of carbon dioxide equivalents (gCO₂e) per vehiclekm travelled and differ depending on vehicle type and size (e.g. cars, trucks, motorcycles), as well as the driving