N orthern
A frica :
M orocco
Northern Africa: Morocco Overview Morocco had a GDP of USD $121.3 billion in 2019 and a population of 36.9 million in 2020.71,72,73 It has approximately 1,410,000 small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) providing 4.58 million jobs, of which 49% are formal employment.74,75,76 The International Monetary Fund’s initial estimates (post-COVID-19) expect Morocco’s economy to grow at a rate of 4.8% in 2021, an adjustment of +1.9% from pre-COVID-19 estimates.77 The government’s fiscal stimulus packages of USD $3.3 billion and monetary measures are expected to not only mitigate the impact of COVID-19 but also propel the country’s economy to higher GDP growth.78 This study has estimated that 49,000 social enterprises are operating in Morocco as of 2020, offering direct employment of 155,000.79 Morocco’s population is expected to grow by 1.1% annually, leading to a working age population (15-64) of 26.7 million people in 2030. This study projects there will be approximately 170,000 direct jobs in social enterprises in Morocco by 2030, an addition of 14,700 jobs from 2020. This growth will be supported by tax incentives, operational and financial support from the government, and financing from international development organizations, such as the World Bank, as discussed further below. Social enterprises in the financial inclusion sector are expected to provide the most additional income-generating opportunities driven by operational and financial support from the government and the World Bank, among other international development organizations. Figure 7 shows the estimated number of direct jobs in social enterprises in 2020 and 2030. 200 K
170,021 155,296
150 K
100 K
50 K
Number of jobs 2020
Number of jobs 2030
Figure 7: Estimated direct jobs in social enterprises in Morocco 2020-2030