E astern
A frica :
E thiopia
Eastern Africa: Ethiopia Overview Ethiopia has a GDP of USD $94 billion and a population of 109 million in 2020.265,266 It has approximately 800,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 1.2 million jobs.267,268,269,270 The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) initial estimates (post-COVID-19), expect Ethiopia’s economy to grow at a rate of 4.3% in 2021, an adjustment of -3.1% from pre-COVID-19 estimates.271 This study estimates that in 2020 there are 27,900 social enterprises in Ethiopia, employing possibly 42,700 people directly.272 The population is expected to grow by 2.6% annually, leading to a working age population (15-64) of 86.8 million people in 2030. There are expected to be approximately 55,600 direct jobs in social enterprises in Ethiopia by 2030, and it is projected that approximately 12,900 could be added between 2020 and 2030. As discussed further below, government and private support, increased demand for housing, and expansion of the financial sector are expected to drive these jobs. In addition, social enterprises in the agricultural sector are also expected to provide significant additional income opportunities by 2030, driven by technical support offered by the government. Figure 25 shows the total number of direct jobs that could be in social enterprises in 2020 and 2030. 60 K
50 K
55,593 42,715
40 K
30 K
20 K
10 K
Number of jobs 2020
Number of jobs 2030
Figure 25: Estimated direct jobs in social enterprises in Ethiopia, 2020-2030