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Feedback Feedback from screening a rough cut of our horror trailer. The feedback was given by a group which would be the main target audience. Positives:   

Very Conventional. Shots are so good! – Especially the underwater shots. Love the way the happy birthday audio works with the narrative.

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Really nice cuts against the sound effects; underwater, head being hit, etc. Scary!! Good beginning shot to establish film genre.

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Good shots. Bath shots are very nice. Good change in speed.

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Good range of shots. Good storyline. V scary.

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Music. Suspense. Pacing. Storyline.

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Good acting. Good use of pacing. Good variety of shots cut to beat.

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Good use of music. Good speed of shots. Under water shot worked well.

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Liked the hit head on table. The underwater shot. The fact that it doesn’t give too much away. Good storyline – doesn’t give too much away.

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Great shots and camera angles. Sound is effective!

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The sound effects fir in really well. I like how it switches between the happy and horror scenes.

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Good narrative build up. Good use of music. Wonderful shots e.g. dripping blood and underwater shot.

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Really good sound effects. The shot in the bath is really good. Filmed well and lovely location.


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Maybe establish a bit more about who the killer is? Include titles? End with a scarier jump scare?

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More sense of narrative – who is hurting them and why Titles

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Sound could do with some improving. Bit confused about narrative. Remove the time/ stamp on the water shots.

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Good range of shots. Good storyline. Very scary.

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Sound effects. More jump scares. Shorter shots at the beginning.

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Audio? More jumps. Shorter shots?

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Goes from a pub to an attic really quickly, only one shot between them. Titles.

Jump scare.

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Bigger jump scare to end on. More intertitles and then ass the name of your horror film.

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The plot could be explained a bit more. The ending could be scarier.

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Need a better jump scare. Add some more sound effects. Needs that final shot once you’ve built up the tension.

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Stronger jump scare at the end. Add titles. The first bit needs more of a storyline.

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