P e rs o n a l I d e n t it y E x p l o r at i o n S i e r r a M oo n
f o n t e x p l o r at i o n s
sierra moon
sierra moon
sierra moon
sierra moon sierra moon sierra moon
sierra moon sierra moon sierra moon sierra moon
sierra starting font: bodoni twelve ITC
l og o d e at i l va r i at i o n
c o l o r st u dy
c o l o r st u dy
u p c l o s e d eta i l
Sierra Moon Graphic Designer
designermoon.com sierra@designermoon.com 404 825 0779
Public Relations Coordinator Residence Hall Association/ECV
2013–present Design all promotional items for organization
Manage and promote events on social media accounts Collaborate with other executive members of the board to plan programs
Peer Financial Aid Counselor Office of Student Financial Aid
2013–present Expected to maintain extensive knowledge in
federal and state aid policies
Responsible for effectively communicating with parentsand fellow peers via phone, email and in person
Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Windows Office
Operating Systems
Mac OS X and Windows 10
Corporate Identity/Branding, Typography, Layout, Environmental Design, Stop Motion Photography, DSLR
Vince Dooley Scholarship for the Arts Awarded by the graphic design faculty at Lamar Dodd
Zell Miller Scholarship
Awarded based on merit
American Institute for Graphic Arts UGA Graphic Design Club National Council for Negro Women National Council of Collegiate Scholars Abeneefoo Kuo Honor Society
Available upon request
The University of Georgia Lamar Dodd School of Art
BFA in Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design expected graduation summer 2016
f ro n t
bac k
business cards
f ro n t
bac k
f ro n t
bac k
c ov e r l et t e r
BrandFever Inc. Vicky Jones 342 Marietta St NW Atlanta GA 30313
December 5, 2015 Dear Ms. Jones, The Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia has provided me with the skills to effectively communicate the elements of design. With my ongoing passion to spread creativity while exploring every aspect of the design world, I am particularly intrigued in the branding realm. Although I am a young designer I know I have the intelligence to develop strategies that are built on the steps towards creativity. With my willingness to take on new professional design strategies to build a brand, I am the perfect candidate for a junior design intern. If BrandFever is ever considering taking on design interns I would be very interested in any possibility that would allow me to push the boundaries towards creating engaging experiences. I am thrilled to one day have the opportunity to interview with you for an opening position. I have attached a resume further detailing my skills and qualifications. I will contact you within the next two weeks to follow up. I look forward to speaking with you. Sincerely,
Sierra Moon 3898 Sautee Trail Conley GA 30288 404 825 0779