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For years, brothers of SAE have rallied around the spirit of service and volunteerism for their communities in one of the most recognized service initiatives known as the True Gentleman Day of Service. Successful TG Days of Service can be some of the most memorable moments of your chapter’s year and can lead to years of tradition and enjoyment. Ultimately, TG Days of Service are a way to give back to your community and make a lasting impact in the lives of brothers and others.
To engage chapters and their community in the spirit of service and volunteerism.
The True Gentleman Day of Service began in 2004. For many years, Sigma Alpha Epsilon hosted a realm-wide day/ weekend of service in conjunction with the National Youth Service Day, which is typically at the end of April. All collegiate chapters and alumni associations were encouraged to plan or participate in community service at some point over that weekend and registered their event with the Fraternity Service Center in order to officially brand it as a TG Day of Service. Then during the event, chapters and alumni associations were encouraged to take a few pictures and have fun! After the event, they sent a brief write-up about the day and a few pictures that captured their experience to the Fraternity Service Center to be featured in the next issue of The Record.
To give collegiate chapters and alumni associations more flexibility, there is no longer one set date for a TG Day of Service. Collegiate chapters and alumni associations are encouraged to host and participate in community service projects year-round and to use the True Gentleman Day of Service branding for all their service initiatives. This allows you to have a TG Day of Service at any time throughout the year and at the best time for your group or community partner.