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Innovation with a purpose
from Sustainability Report 2020
by Sigma
We offer a diverse product portfolio to satisfy the taste and nutritional needs of our consumers.
Improved nutritional profiles
To understand and incorporate their taste and preferences in our product portfolio, we listen to our consumers and work in close contact with them. Throughout our different Business Units and iconic brands, we offer product lines with low sodium, fat, and sugar content.
We have research and development initiatives focused on the continuous improvement of the nutritional profile of our products. These efforts are aligned with our commitment to satisfy the nutritional requirements of our consumers. In this task, we are guided by our Innovation and Product Development policies to work as one Sigma across the regions we operate in.
In Sigma, we collaborate with academic institutions around the world to boost our research efforts. The institutions we work with include the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Oklahoma State University, Ghent University, Burgos University, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), as well as technological centers such as Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt), Danish Meat Research Institute, Technological Center CARTIF, Engineering and Industrial Development Center (CIDESI), among others.
In 2020 we launched new presentations for some of our most popular products to address consumer needs during the pandemic.
450+ products Since 2018, we have launched more than 450 products with improved nutritional profiles.
Additionally 290+ productos In Mexico, more than 290 products with improved nutritional profiles during 2020.
double zero In Mexico we launched a sugarless and zero fat Yoplait yogurt.