Few Businesses Will Survive Without Good Signage Businesses, many services and organizations rely on the power of advertising and signage to help them create the best presence in order to be visible, or to compete, for example. The moment your target market knows about you, and your profile is constantly reinforced., there is every chance that you may enjoy more success than without the help of signage. There are many examples of signage that we see all around us every day. Some of these have been used for many years while others are more recent additions. One of the oldest is the A-frame that is seen everywhere, for instance at shop entrances, on pavements and walkways, inside buildings, outside where passers-by may notice it. Part of the popularity of this sign is the fact that it can be used by almost every business to display information that may prompt passers-by to stop, to come in. These signs are used all over the world, not only in developed countries and cities such as Brighton, CO, or Los Angeles, Toronto or Berlin, but even in small African villages. The power of advertising to create an awareness for your target market, or for the visitor to your store or building, cannot be denied. There are so many good examples today of good advertising and relevant signage and the way these are used to ensure an impression is made. Look, also, at channel letter signage which is used all over the world – in every big city and every small village. The channel letters are normally made of metal or plastic and put up on buildings, and very often also inside buildings, such as in shopping malls or in corridors. At times they are produced without, but very often with light since lit signs make a stronger impression. To ensure you get a good quality channel letter signage product, make sure to browse the internet for the details of companies in your region that produce these – and many others –when you feel that your business can benefit from the use of this type of sign. In addition to their great visibility, the channel letter as an example of signage lends itself to different
options whether your channel letter design uses letters, numbers or other characters such as those displayed in your logo, for example. A good company and their designers will be able to come up with a great design. The designer can make the letter to meet the requirements of the client, and he/she pays attention to all aspects of the sign, such as the face, the back and the lighting to be used. The most appropriate material to ensure a good sign, is used after discussions with the client or business that needs it. Decisions will also be made as to whether LED or neon lighting will work best in individual cases. A decision as to whether the illumination is to be used as a front-lit option – or at the back – is also made by the client and company, with the designer’s input an important part. Front-lit illumination is still the most widely used and popular, but when the need dictates, then backlit illumination is the answer. And of course there are also combinations of the two options as well. A good signage company can take care of these issues. The A-frame, the channel letter, different banners to be put up outside buildings or hung in an appropriate position to attract attention, all help to promote a business or cause. In the case of banners, for example, it is mentioned too that these days an array of retractable banners custom made to the client’s requirements is a great way to advertise. Add to these many other examples such as, say, road, street and route signs, a host of signs to be used at trade shows, sports meets, and it becomes clear that signage is important in every sphere, right from business to entertainment. Few businesses and organizations will probably survive without good signage. About Us At Signarama Colorado we are a dedicated team that strives to bring all our valued clients the best in terms of the quality of the signage, art and graphics we provide. It is our passion to create designs that stand out above the others and to make sure our creations draw attention. We understand the world of advertising and offer every client a bespoke service to reach their market. We are well placed to assist any business with regard to signage, whether they need ADA signs, promotional material, banners and posters or custom signage for vehicles, for
example. We also have great experience in terms of the displays clients need