2 minute read
Evolving Digital Involvement
Acquiring digital sign work at your shop.
When it comes to the roles sign makers take on when it comes to digital signage projects, most times, their work is going to encompass electrical and/or installation (and for savvy shops, even sales). But what are the best ways for sign professionals to get noticed for these types of jobs?
Acquainting yourself with manufacturers is a good first step. Some admit they already feel under-utilized by shops when it comes to the sales process.
Deacon Wardlow, continuous improvement manager at Vantage LED in Ontario, California, advises, “Don’t look for vendors. Instead look for partners. The market is flooded with companies selling digital solutions. It’s easy to get a price and ‘what you need,’ but it’s also just as easy to end up with something the client will be unhappy
Sign Builder Illustrated Magazine ( Print ISSN 895-0555, Digital ISSN 21614709) (USPS#0015-805) (Canada Post Cust. #7204564; Agreement #40612608; IMEX Po Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2, Canada) is published monthly by Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation, 1809 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, NE 68102. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Omaha, NE., and additional mailing offices.
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“Digital signage is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution. Ideally a DS program delivers on client need and answers that need effectively, while allowing room to grow to answer needs that end-users might not be aware of now.”
Paul Hughes, national sales manager at ThinkSIGN, believes a majority of digital signage project opportunities for sign shops arrive via local networking and customer relationships. “Increasingly, though, leads are being shared from manufacturers,” he says.
Roxanna McCoy, director of Operations at ThinkSIGN, adds, “Many times, access relies on architects or other key employees (facilities maintenance, marketing solutions director, etc.) to pave the way for the signage on specifications. However, when a client company is searching to update their signage or in the process of resurrect- for in U.S. funds only. Prices are subject to change. ing their first signage, word of mouth and community involvement move the directional needle more than anything.
COPYRIGHT © Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation 2023. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced without permission. For reprint information, contact: Gary Lynch, Publisher (212) 620-7247 or glynch@sbpub.com.
For Subscriptions, & address changes, Please call (402) 346-4740, Fax (847) 291-4816, e-mail signbuilder@omeda.com, or write to: Sign Builder Illustrated, Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation, PO Box 239, Lincolnshire IL 60069-0239 USA.
“When someone has a great experience, they share it with others in need of the same outcome. When someone is in the market to make a substantial financial decision for their company, they check in with others to see how the same model has served them.”
In getting small- and medium-sized businesses to commit to digital signage from you, Hughes says that before-andafter pictures of your previous work, testimonials, references, and referrals are fundamental necessities. But shops need persistence.
“Too often, we call to follow up on a project quoted, only to hear they haven’t followed up to ask. Or we hear, ‘Oh yeah, I should call them,’” he says. “Lack of following up or following a process to close the cycle is definitely a common mistake.”
Failure to demo hardware and software is also detrimental to the endusers’ understanding of what’s being proposed. “Everyone needs to be shown what is possible,” says McCoy. “Show them the possibility of communicating with the world—sending new messages daily and unlimited updates. Who would choose any less than that?”
To read more about this topic, visit www.signshop.com
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