A-Z Moods

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Maggie Ge Advanced Design II

My thesis is a restoration project that focuses on the natural methods of healing. This will be done through research in herbs, flowers, and natural remedies that are used for aromatic, medicinal, and health purposes. The deliverables will comprise of a brand identity, packaging, prints, and a lookbook of the products. Inspired by crystal work, cleansing rituals, and the energies our bodies possess (seven chakras), I aim to produce a healing store and environment for people who want to improve their health by positive thinking and vibration-raising awareness. What you will find in this store is a personalized collection of hand-crafted, lifestyle healing luxury products. From body scrubs and essential oils to prints; items will be lovingly made by blending art, health, and spirituality.



anxious Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

CITRUS ESSENTIAL OILS Citrus oils can boost your mood and bring back the joy in your life. Orange, lemon, lime, bergamot, and tangerine are great scents for bringing peace and happiness to the mind and body; relieving nervousness, anger, and irritation; and evoking a sense of calm.

SCHISANDRA If you hold a dried schisandra (schisandra chinensis) berry in your mouth for a few minutes, you will quickly realize that different parts of the fruit have different flavors. The peel is sweet, sour, and a little salty, but when you bite into the seeds you will unleash the bitter and pungent tastes. Although schisandra is generally considered a calming adaptogen, it actually has a double effect on the nervous system. Besides being calming and helping to soothe anxious feelings, it also enhances reflexes and concentration. It’s one of my favorite adaptogens for mental focus.

ASHWAGANDHA This adaptogen has a reputation for being a soothing nervine, and as such it can be well-suited for someone who doesn’t want or need a stimulating adaptogen. Nervous system health challenges such as anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia from stress are all good reasons to consider ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).

JIAOUGLAN Jiaouglan (gynostemma pentaphyllum) and ginseng share some of the same properties thanks to similarities in chemical makeup, but jiaogulan tends to have a more calming, focusing influence on the nervous system and be less directly stimulating. It can be a nice choice if your difficulty focusing is accompanied by stress-related headaches or anxiety.

BERGAMOT ESSENTIAL OIL Calming; relieves mild anxiety



blue Sad; unhappy

CEDARWOOD Cedarwood (juniperus virginiana) essential oil’s woody, sweet aroma instills strength and stability. The oil comes from the sturdy wood of cedar trees and thus helps impart a similar sense of grounding and steadfastness.




Laurel (laurus nobilis) has a spicy, dynamic scent that encourages confidence and stimulates action.

Provides relief from emotional pain and grief

Cheery; helps to improve downward spiraling moods



cold A common viral infection where the mucous membrane of the nose and throat becomes inflamed, typically causing running at the nose, sneezing, a sore throat, and other similar symptoms.

CLOVES Cloves are a powerful antimicrobial (perfect for squashing that sickness) that have been used for thousands of years in ancient remedies. The spice also has potent antioxidant properties to stabilize and eliminate free radicals in your body, which can build up from everyday things like exposure to pollution, stress, and secondhand smoke.



Nasya oil is oil for your nostrils. The nose is the gateway to the brain and consciousness and allows prana, or “life force energy,” to enter the body through our breath. When excess fluids in the nasal passageway, sinuses, head or throat block this delivery, it can result in mental or physical illness. Nasya oil is a great remedy to help clear up congestion in the nasal passages resulting from sinus infections, colds and allergies. With daily use, it can also help to prevent these conditions, as well as alleviate tension in the mind, reducing stress.

Eucalyptus is a common ingredient



Although it sounds like a grain, buckwheat is actually a seed—and it’s gluten-free! Buckwheat honey has been shown to help with cough symptoms and improve quality of sleep. Honey also has natural antimicrobial properties to fight whatever bug is making you feel less than great. We’re big fans of Maty’s cough syrup (an all-natural option) that relies on buckwheat honey as one of its main coldfighting ingredients. Bonus: It has 10 whole-food immune-boosting ingredients to get you over your cold and feeling better in no time.

Cayenne pepper is not the first thing that comes to mind to help fight off a cold. However, capsacin, a key ingredient in cayenne pepper, increases the temperature of your body and increases circulation (that’s why you often sweat while eating something spicy). An increased body temperature will help you fight off lingering bacteria, while increased circulation can help to loosen and get rid of mucus.

in many common OTC cold and cough treatments. Maty’s uses it in their All Natural Vapor Rub to help loosen phlegm and decrease congestion. For a unique way of using their vapor rub, try placing a dime-size amount of rub on your feet and covering them with socks. It’s an incredibly soothing way to fall asleep when you’re under the weather. Alternatively, try diffusing some eucalyptus essential oil in the room while you sleep or put a few drops in the tub during a hot shower.



distracted Unable to concentrate because one’s mind is preoccupied.



Tulsi is an Ayurvedic tonic herb that has seen around 3,000 years of traditional use and is considered one of India’s most powerful herbs. Modern herbalists employ tulsi for the nervous system where there is mental fog, to support memory, to support recovery from head trauma, and for supporting a positive mood.

Peppermint is good for a quick boost of energy during afternoon slumps or long drives. Rosemary is great for memory and learning new concepts. When diffused together, these two oils can enhance focus and memory.



Rhodiola is part of the official Russian pharmacopoeia as an antidepressant and nerve tonic. Traditionally, this herb was used to increase mental stamina and physical endurance, to boost the immune system during winter, and as a fertility and endocrine tonic for men and women. This herb also appears to increase sleep quality, which can be beneficial for mental focus.

Jiaouglan (gynostemma pentaphyllum) and ginseng share some of the same properties thanks to similarities in chemical makeup, but jiaogulan tends to have a more calming, focusing influence on the nervous system and be less directly stimulating. It can be a nice choice if your difficulty focusing is accompanied by stress-related headaches or anxiety.

LAVENDER, SCHISANDRA SYRUP, AND SODA With a little seltzer, this easy syrup recipe makes an unusual lemony soda that’s great when you are feeling too frazzled to concentrate. Lavender is a calming nervine, and schisandra is also calming to the nervous system. Schisandra supports focus and concentration, though, and with a bit of lemony zip to it, this soda will keep you feeling energized without the crash of regular soda.

SHATAVARI This adaptogen and traditional tonic from India

has been used for centuries to enhance memory and cognitive function while promoting youthfulness. It also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac for both men and women! It’s a useful tonic when there is fatigue and poor appetite.

FRANKINCENSE, ROSE, NEROLI, SANDALWOOD Try placing frankincense, rose, neroli or sandalwood on the crown of your head...for a jolt of inspiration

LEMON FLOWER Lemon flower is for clarity and helps sharpen focus and clear mental fog.



exhausted Drained of one’s physical or mental resources; very tired.

DANG SHEN In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dang shen is often used as a less

expensive, milder alternative to ginseng. Ginseng can be overstimulating for some individuals, so in this case being milder is a good thing! It can be an ideal adaptogen when there is a foggy mental feeling that goes along with being run down and fatigued.



This adaptogen has a reputation for being a soothing nervine, and as such it can be well-suited for someone who doesn’t want or need a stimulating adaptogen. Nervous system health challenges such as anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia from stress are all good reasons to consider ashwagandha (withania somnifera).

This adaptogen and traditional

tonic from India has been used for centuries to enhance memory and cognitive function while promoting youthfulness. It also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac for both men and women! It’s a useful tonic when there is fatigue and poor appetite.



furious Extremely angry

CITRUS ESSENTIAL OILS Citrus oils can boost your mood and bring back the joy in your life. Orange, lemon, lime, bergamot, and tangerine are great scents for bringing peace and happiness to the mind and body; relieving nervousness, anger, and irritation; and evoking a sense of calm.

VETIVER Restores a sense of absolute grounding and cools those hot emotions



grumpy Bad-tempered and sulky

LAVENDER, PEPPERMINT AND CAMOMILE ESSENTIAL OILS Blend this and apply to the temples (these oils have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties). Additionally, black pepper oil helps with headaches by dilating blood vessels, thereby relieving tension and allowing blood to flow freely (for headache relief).



Cedarwood (juniperus virginiana) essential oil’s woody, sweet aroma instills strength and stability. The oil comes from the sturdy wood of cedar trees and thus helps impart a similar sense of grounding and steadfastness.

Laurel (laurus nobilis) has a spicy, dynamic scent that encourages confidence and stimulates action.



hurt To suffer pain or grief

CINNAMON Its sweetness invites you to love what you do for work

GERANIUM Cheery; helps to improve downward spiraling moods

MARJORAM Provides relief from emotional pain and grief



indecisive Not settling an issue

LAVENDER AND SCHISANDRA SYRUP AND SODA With a little seltzer, this easy syrup recipe makes an unusual

lemony soda that’s great when you are feeling too frazzled to concentrate. Lavender is a calming nervine, and schisandra is also calming to the nervous system. Schisandra supports focus and concentration, though, and with a bit of lemony zip to it, this soda will keep you feeling energized without the crash of regular soda.

ROSEMARY AND PEPPERMINT Peppermint is good for a quick boost of energy during afternoon slumps or long drives. Rosemary is great for memory and learning new concepts. When diffused together, these two oils can enhance focus and memory.

FRANKINCENSE, ROSE, SANDALWOOD, AND NEROLI Try placing frankincense, rose, sandalwood, or neroli on the crown of your head...for a jolt of inspiration



jittery Nervous or unable to relax.

RHODIOLA Rhodiola is part of the official Russian pharmacopoeia as an antidepressant and nerve tonic. Traditionally, this herb was used to increase mental stamina and physical endurance, to boost the immune system during winter, and as a fertility and endocrine tonic for men and women. This herb also appears to increase sleep quality, which can be beneficial for mental focus.

CHAMOMILE Chamomile has the ability to relax

the entire body, prepare your body for a restful sleep, and is a natural antispasmodic, which relieves tension in the neck, shoulders, and even the gut.


EUCALYPTUS Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in many common OTC cold and cough treatments. Maty’s uses it in their All Natural Vapor Rub to help loosen phlegm and decrease congestion. For a unique way of using their vapor rub, try placing a dime-size amount of rub on your feet and covering them with socks. It’s an incredibly soothing way to fall asleep when you’re under the weather. Alternatively, try diffusing some eucalyptus essential oil in the room while you sleep or put a few drops in the tub during a hot shower.



knocked down To strike to the ground with or as if with a sharp blow

DANG SHEN In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dang shen is

often used as a less expensive, milder alternative to ginseng. Ginseng can be overstimulating for some individuals, so in this case being milder is a good thing! It can be an ideal adaptogen when there is a foggy mental feeling that goes along with being run down and fatigued.

TREE ESSENTIAL OILS Tree essential oils like frankincense, cypress, spruce, sandalwood, and cedarwood are known for their grounding effects. Frankincense and hinoki are used in religious services to facilitate meditation. Feeling off balance and need some emotional stability? These oils will do the trick.



lazy Unwilling to work or use energy

DANG SHEN In Traditional Chinese Medicine, dang shen is often used as a less

expensive, milder alternative to ginseng. Ginseng can be overstimulating for some individuals, so in this case being milder is a good thing! It can be an ideal adaptogen when there is a foggy mental feeling that goes along with being run down and fatigued.

FRANKINCENSE, ROSE, NEROLI, SANDALWOOD Try placing frankincense, rose, neroli or sandalwood on the crown of your head...for a jolt of inspiration



miserable Wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable

TULSI Tulsi is an Ayurvedic tonic herb that has seen around 3,000 years of traditional use and is considered one of India’s most powerful herbs. Modern herbalists employ tulsi for the nervous system where there is mental fog, to support memory, to support recovery from head trauma, and for supporting a positive mood.

FRANKINCENSE, ROSE, NEROLI, SANDALWOOD Try placing frankincense, rose, neroli or sandalwood on the crown of your head...for a jolt of inspiration




Provides relief from emotional pain and grief

Cheery; helps to improve downward spiraling moods

Its sweetness invites you to love what you do for work



negative Lacking positive qualities

TAKE A BATH IN EPSOM OR HIMALYAN SALTS Taking a bath in Epsom or Himalayan salts for 20 minutes whenever you start to feel the heaviness creeping back in your body, can keep good energy flowing.

CRYSTALS High vibe crystals have their own healing properties and can help give your energy field a boost




Smudging or burning

Cheery; helps to improve downward spiraling moods

Its sweetness invites you to love what you do for work

sage around you clears negativity from your aura



old No longer young

SHATAVARI This adaptogen and traditional tonic from India has been

used for centuries to enhance memory and cognitive function while promoting youthfulness. It also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac for both men and women! It’s a useful tonic when there is fatigue and poor appetite.

AYURVEDIC OILS The perfect skin superfood.

When we ingest chemicals or synthetic additives through food, our digestive system is able to filter out some of the toxic substances before they reach our bloodstream and cells. But when we put chemicals on our skin, there’s really no opportunity to filter them out and so they’re absorbed into our blood, organs, tissues, and cells. The excess dead waste can accumulate in the liver, contributing to health problems over time. If we started thinking about skin care as skin food, as a way to feed your body the essential fatty acids it craves, there would be no need for conventional, toxic, chemical-filled cosmetics. Instead, we’d all be using plant-based oils packed with antioxidants, omega-3 fats, vitamins, minerals, and living enzymes.



paralyzed (of a person or part of the body) partly or wholly incapable of movement; powerless

EUCALYPTUS Eucalyptus is a common ingredient

in many common OTC cold and cough treatments. Maty’s uses it in their All Natural Vapor Rub to help loosen phlegm and decrease congestion. For a unique way of using their vapor rub, try placing a dime-size amount of rub on your feet and covering them with socks. It’s an incredibly soothing way to fall asleep when you’re under the weather. Alternatively, try diffusing some eucalyptus essential oil in the room while you sleep or put a few drops in the tub during a hot shower.

ROSEMARY AND PEPPERMINT Peppermint is good for a quick boost of energy during afternoon slumps or long drives. Rosemary is great for memory and learning new concepts. When diffused together, these two oils can enhance focus and memory.

BUCKWHEAT HONEY Although it sounds like a grain, buckwheat is actually a seed—and it’s gluten-free! Buckwheat honey has been shown to help with cough symptoms and improve quality of sleep. Honey also has natural antimicrobial properties to fight whatever bug is making you feel less than great. We’re big fans of Maty’s cough syrup (an all-natural option) that relies on buckwheat honey as one of its main cold-fighting ingredients. Bonus: It has 10 whole-food immune-boosting ingredients to get you over your cold and feeling better in no time.



restless (of a person or animal) unable to rest or relax as a result of anxiety or boredom

CHAMOMILE Chamomile has the ability to relax

the entire body, prepare your body for a restful sleep, and is a natural antispasmodic, which relieves tension in the neck, shoulders, and even the gut.



This adaptogen and traditional

Eucalyptus is a common ingredient

tonic from India has been used for centuries to enhance memory and cognitive function while promoting youthfulness. It also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac for both men and women! It’s a useful tonic when there is fatigue and poor appetite.


this easy syrup recipe makes an unusual lemony soda that’s great when you are feeling too frazzled to concentrate. Lavender is a calming nervine, and schisandra is also calming to the nervous system. Schisandra supports focus and concentration, though, and with a bit of lemony zip to it, this soda will keep you feeling energized without the crash of regular soda.

in many common OTC cold and cough treatments. Maty’s uses it in their All Natural Vapor Rub to help loosen phlegm and decrease congestion. For a unique way of using their vapor rub, try placing a dime-size amount of rub on your feet and covering them with socks. It’s an incredibly soothing way to fall asleep when you’re under the weather. Alternatively, try diffusing some eucalyptus essential oil in the room while you sleep or put a few drops in the tub during a hot shower.



stressed Subject to pressure or tension

ROSE The queen of oils to help with all stress issues

GRAPE HYACINTH This for relief and eases

stress related to physical or emotional trauma.

CITRUS ESSENTIAL OILS Citrus oils can boost your mood and bring back the joy in your life. Orange, lemon, lime, bergamot, and tangerine are great scents for bringing peace and happiness to the mind and body; relieving nervousness, anger, and irritation; and evoking a sense of calm.

JIAOUGLAN Jiaouglan (gynostemma pentaphyllum) and ginseng share some of the same properties thanks to similarities in chemical makeup, but jiaogulan tends to have a more calming, focusing influence on the nervous system and be less directly stimulating. It can be a nice choice if your difficulty focusing is accompanied by stress-related headaches or anxiety.

ASHWAGANDHA This adaptogen has a reputation for being a soothing nervine, and as such it can be well-suited for someone who doesn’t want or need a stimulating adaptogen. Nervous system health challenges such as anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia from stress are all good reasons to consider ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).

SCHISANDRA If you hold a dried schisandra (schisandra chinensis) berry in your mouth for a few minutes, you will quickly realize that different parts of the fruit have different flavors. The peel is sweet, sour, and a little salty, but when you bite into the seeds you will unleash the bitter and pungent tastes. Although schisandra is generally considered a calming adaptogen, it actually has a double effect on the nervous system. Besides being calming and helping to soothe anxious feelings, it also enhances reflexes and concentration. It’s one of my favorite adaptogens for mental focus.



tired In need of sleep or rest; weary

ROSEMARY AND PEPPERMINT Peppermint is good for a quick boost of energy during afternoon slumps or long drives. Rosemary is great for memory and learning new concepts. When diffused together, these two oils can enhance focus and memory.

FRANKINCENSE, ROSE, NEROLI, SANDALWOOD Try placing frankincense, rose, neroli or sandalwood on the crown of your head for a jolt of inspiration.



This adaptogen has a reputation for being a soothing nervine, and as such it can be well-suited for someone who doesn’t want or need a stimulating adaptogen. Nervous system health challenges such as anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia from stress are all good reasons to consider ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).

In Traditional Chinese Medicine,

dang shen is often used as a less expensive, milder alternative to ginseng. Ginseng can be overstimulating for some individuals, so in this case being milder is a good thing! It can be an ideal adaptogen when there is a foggy mental feeling that goes along with being run down and fatigued.



unhappy Not happy; sad

HIBISCUS Hibiscus is for passion and stimulates sexual and reproductive energy by supporting the root and sacral chakras.

CITRUS ESSENTIAL OILS Citrus oils can boost your mood and bring back the joy in your life. Orange, lemon, lime, bergamot, and tangerine are great scents for bringing peace and happiness to the mind and body; relieving nervousness, anger, and irritation; and evoking a sense of calm.

MARJORAM Provides relief from emotional pain and grief

GERANIUM Cheery; helps to improve downward spiraling moods

TULSI Tulsi is an Ayurvedic tonic herb that has seen around 3,000 years of traditional use and is considered one of India’s most powerful herbs. Modern herbalists employ tulsi for the nervous system where there is mental fog, to support memory, to support recovery from head trauma, and for supporting a positive mood.



violent (especially of an emotion or unpleasant or destructive natural force) very strong or powerful

CITRUS ESSENTIAL OILS Citrus oils can boost your mood and bring back the joy in your life. Orange, lemon, lime, bergamot, and tangerine are great scents for bringing peace and happiness to the mind and body; relieving nervousness, anger, and irritation; and evoking a sense of calm.

VETIVER Restores a sense of absolute grounding and cools those hot emotions



weak Lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength and energy

HONEY AND GINGER If you’re already feeling congested, mix up this herbal paste that will

help to break up congestion: one-third teaspoon ground ginger and one tablespoon raw honey or manuka honey. Take two to three times per day. For a cough, substitute the ginger for one-quarter teaspoon ground cloves.

ROSEMARY AND PEPPERMINT Peppermint is good for a quick

boost of energy during afternoon slumps or long drives. Rosemary is great for memory and learning new concepts. When diffused together, these two oils can enhance focus and memory.

TREE ESSENTIAL OILS Tree essential oils like frankincense, cypress, spruce, sandalwood, and cedarwood are known for their grounding effects. Frankincense and hinoki are used in religious services to facilitate meditation. Feeling off balance and need some emotional stability? These oils will do the trick.

CHYAWANPRASH Chyawanprash, an herbal jam, has over 35 different herbs, spices, and botanicals that help boost immunity, restore balance, and strengthen the body.

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