Energy and Resource Management in Games

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Energy and Resource Management in Games Julie Tollund Kristian Emil West Signe Harring Hansen Theis Heldt Kamper Thomas Bro Pedersen Bachelor student of Bachelor student of Bachelor student of Bachelor student of Bachelor student of Digital Media and Design Digital Media and Design Digital Media and Design Digital Media and Design Digital Media and Design IT-University of IT-University of IT-University of IT-University of IT-University of Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen Copenhagen +45 22 92 91 82 +45 31 44 13 37 +45 25 13 38 01 +45 27 47 25 73 +45 26 14 95 21


The goal is to investigate and understand how users perceive, react to, interact with and experience resource management in serious games and how it may differentiate from the way they do so in entertainment games. It is important for us to keep the question open for us to actually let the research teach us something new. Therefore, we chose to work with this fairly open research question to keep the study explorative, and to make sure we did not miss something relevant to our focus. We believe that users in general think that entertainment games are more fun than serious games, and that people will play games for the sake of having fun, and not because of some underlying purpose; e.g. learning.

This paper documents a research study of the serious game EnerCities and the entertainment game Plants vs. Zombies (PvZ) with focus on energy awareness and resource management. In order to gather knowledge about player behavior, a focus group was assembled consisting of a mixture of more experienced gamers and less experienced gamers. By observations and group discussion we acquired knowledge about the participants’ experiences. We found that there are significant differences in how less experienced and more experienced gamers perceive these games; more experienced gamers do not seem to be influenced by any underlying message or meaning. However, the less experienced gamers find simulations in serious games interesting as long as they do not get too complicated.

1.1 Introduction to the Games For our comparison and game analysis we have looked at two different game genres, both chosen because they deal with energy and resource management. Both games have different purposes; PvZ is an entertainment game, and EnerCities is a serious game. With their relatively easy approaches, we were able to work with them in depth within our time limit.

KEYWORDS Serious games; entertaining games; metaphors; simulations; resource management; energy awareness.

1. INTRODUCTION “Because we are now running out of gas and oil, we must prepare quickly for a third change, to strict conservation and to the use of coal and permanent renewable energy sources, like solar power.” [9] - Jimmy Carter, televised speech, 1977. In this research paper we are focusing on ‘energy consumption’ and the fact that the world needs to save energy resources. For that to happen, people need to be aware of this fact, and everyone must do their part in the global energy savings. There are several different initiatives working towards this goal; one of them are serious games[18]. Serious games have in recent time been released in great numbers. The idea behind serious games is to use games to teach people something[18]. Different positions exist within this research area; one is that learning will be fun because it is fun to play games[19]; another is that it is unrealistic to make a serious game fun[17]. This research paper does not intend to evaluate these two poles, but instead take a closer look at a narrower subject within game research; resource management and energy awareness. The purpose of this research study is to discover how users experience management of resources and energy in serious and entertainment games.

Figure 1: PvZ screenshot PvZ is a game about saving your house from being overrun by zombies, representing a classical tower defense game in the sense that the player has to tactically place defenses to survive as long as possible against incoming threats. The player takes the role of a housekeeper who has to stop the zombies from overrunning the house while occasionally getting advice from the neighbor Crazy Dave on how to do this most successfully. For defenses the player has to plant plants with different abilities to stop the zombies from getting across your yard. The first plant introduced is the sunflower. The sunflower represents the energy source, producing suns for which you need to built the plants including the sunflower itself. The game is then about tactically managing your resources and

This leads to our research question; how do users deal with resource management in serious games compared to entertainment games?



juggling between building plants against the zombies, and planting sunflowers to increase your energy resources. The only goal is to survive the zombie attacks, however, changing conditions such as day and night and zombies with different abilities, allows for different tactics and challenges throughout the game.

We chose a focus group as method to be able to differentiate and compare some of the key aspects that affect computer gaming and learning. We wanted to explore how the users deal with these kinds of games, but we also wanted to see if there are any differences in the experience for gamers with diverse gaming backgrounds. Therefore, we decided to mix the focus group with less experienced gamers and more experienced gamers to learn more about differences and similarities in people’s line of thought when playing the games. We defined the two groups by whether their understanding of games is deep or sparse, and by their time spent playing games. We chose that a less experienced player will play under one hour a week, and an experienced player will play fifteen hours or more a week. Our participants were the following: Peter: 25, student – has been playing video games for as long as he can remember, and sees himself as a hardcore gamer.

Figure 2: EnerCities screenshot

Mie: 23, student – the only games she has played is mobile games here and there, for example to kill spare time in the metro.

EnerCities is a game about building the most well functioning city until the point where the city reaches 200 inhabitants. To do this, the player has to manage the energy balance, cash reserve, natural resources and population. It is a game stuffed with variable resources, and they are not easy to manage. The key mechanic is the fossil fuels; oil. The task is to balance your economy and energy without running dry of oil. You start with 900 and that is it. There is no way to generate new oil. The player has to create a healthy environment the most cost efficient way to make the inhabitants happy. It is a strategic game like PvZ. The player is evaluated by an overall high score, which is reflected through an economy score, an environmental score and a well-being score.

Robert: 24, IT engineer – is a very experienced gamer; been playing competitively for a long time. Tim: 22, student - experienced gamer; wants to work in the game design business. Bjørn: 28, student - same as Tim. Emilie: 23, student – she never really played computer games at all. The focus group was divided into two parts. In the first part the participants, after a short introduction to the two games, played each game for 20 minutes. The second part was a group discussion, where we conducted the interview according to Yakonich, Cannon and Ternan[20], whom discuss how to conduct interviews about games concerning people with different prerequisites.

2. THEORY With theory about games and game research[3, 6, 16] we have been able to understand how a game is structured and the functions within it. Inspired by theory about serious games[8, 15, 18, 19] we can relate the use of game mechanics[5], simulations[13, 14] and metaphors[11] in entertainment games to how they are used in serious games. Björk and Lundgren define game mechanics like this: “A game mechanic is simply any part of the rule system of the game that covers one, and only one, possible kind of interaction that takes place during the game, be it general or specific”[5]. We will use this definition throughout the paper when referring to mechanics. Some of the mechanics that have a major role in our research are the concepts of simulations and metaphors. There are some fundamental differences in the use of simulations and the use of metaphors. Frasca defines simulations like this: "to simulate is to model a (source) system through a different system which maintains (for somebody) some of the behaviors of the original system"[13]. An important point about simulations in games is that they create an environment for experimentation – not only representation[13]. We chose PvZ as our example of metaphors in games, since the energy metaphors here are not intended for the user to experiment with. However, that is the case with EnerCities, which is a good example on the use of experimental simulations.

4. FINDINGS Simple vs. Complicated PvZ is a mechanically simple game that is easy to understand from the beginning, whereas EnerCities is much more complicated because of the many variables and rules that play an important role in the mechanics from the beginning of the game. Because of this, there was a split in opinion of preferred game. The more experienced gamers preferred the harder game EnerCities, while the less experienced preferred PvZ. “I thought Plants vs. Zombies were very cute and funny, but also very slow and easy, so much that I found myself making endless amount of sunflowers just to have something to do” - Peter, more experienced gamer [12] PvZ was totally perceived as a fun game, a time-waster, and nothing more. Though, the management of the sun resource was extremely easy to understand, it was too simple to create any deeper meaning. However, even though they thought EnerCities tried to simulate something real, and they acted according to real life, there were still too many variables for them to focus on the energy.

We applied Konzack’s[16] method for analyzing computer games, to understand the deeper meaning of the games before doing any further research. Konzack’s method consists of seven layers to dissect video games, which are: Hardware, Program code, Functionality, Gameplay, Meaning, Referentiality and Socio culture[16]. We applied Konzack’s seven-layer method to our games to find both similarities and differences. The full analysis is available online[2].

“I tried to create a good fundament for a good city with 200 citizens, since that was the goal. Suddenly the oil started blinking and I completely lost focus - I hadn’t even realized there was oil to consider.” - Emilie, less experienced gamer [12] Different Strategies A clear issue was that the more experienced gamers were focusing more on the objects, goals and core mechanics of the game and not so much on the visuals and deeper meaning. We asked the 2

participants how they build their strategy in PvZ, and the answers were as follows:

is it simply a question about the player’s level of experience? On one side it is possible to argue that the impression of a game is dependent on how it is structured. However, the experience of the player can affect this a lot. Seen in an ontological perspective every person has an individual perception of a game. One person might try to get achievements or high scores in non-competitive single player games, which Bartle defines as the achiever type in his theory about the four different player types[4]. Other people with little or no game experience might instead focus on the story and characters in competitive games, though the main goal of the game is to win. From our findings, the reason for this seems to be that less experienced gamers try to refer to their personal experiences. For example, how they would like their city to look when playing EnerCities. In contrast, more experienced gamers mainly focus on how the game is represented through mechanics and how these can be used most efficiently, unless the narrative elements influence the mechanics directly.

“That picture you see out in the nature, the more sun, the more the flowers can grow, they only missed the rain, but that is what I think, you take your experience from real life and use it in the game.” Mie, less experienced gamer [12] “For me, I only see it as a game, and not really any sort of metaphor like Mie, I have played strategy games before, and there it is natural to build a robust economy from start” - Tim, more experienced gamer [12] An interesting finding here is the different phrasings the different informants use. Mie (the less experienced gamer) used her real life experience to make sense of the game and build her strategy according to this. Tim (the more experienced gamer) considered it only as a game. He used standardized gaming words like economy to explain his strategy. This indicates that he does not consider what the economy actually is (sun) - it is just an economy.

Our research is an interesting contribution to the discussion between ludologists and narratologists[7]. This is a discussion about whether or not games can be defined as a narrative (a story and its discourse). Ludologists argue that games are based on rules, and that elements like story and visuals should be ignored[7]. Narratologists argue the opposite; that a game can include stories by having a lot of narrative elements[1]. The point that experienced gamers tend to ignore deeper meanings and visuals, and that less experienced gamers take personal experiences, and use these to enhance their gameplay, is interesting according to this discussion. It seems that the more experience, the more focused the players are on rules and mechanics, and how it is possible to use these to achieve the best possible outcome. When having less experience the players had a more relaxed approach to the rules. One of the participants with no experience even exploited the rules by continuously using money without having anymore left[12]. This is a clear example of how the amount of experience affects the approach to the rules. The less experienced player used her knowledge of economy in real life to challenge the rules in the game by borrowing money. Thereby, she got a better score[12] than the experienced players who were more focused on the rules and not on the bond between the game and real life.

Meaning vs. Mechanics For the experienced gamers the meaning and metaphors were less important than the object of completing the goal. Both in PvZ and EnerCities the more experienced gamers made no mental connection with real world issues or problems regarding energy. They primarily saw the game as a collection of variables and goals to complete. However, our less experienced gamers meant that EnerCities definitely had more energy awareness than PvZ - mostly because it was kind of realistic and they saw the meaning of it. “I thought about the citizens. I collected the entire industry one place, where it looked ugly, and then I collected the city and the green stuff down where there was more space. Then I put the windmills close to the water and then I put the other energy resources a bit in the country, but away from the city. The industry took a lot, but I tried to focus on green energy, so that the citizens might be happy to live there. Then I thought that they might need some transportation and stuff - so I acted kind of realistic.” - Mie, less experienced gamer [12]

This finding contributes to the discussion, since it shows that the amount of narratological elements they obtain depends on the gamer’s experience. Although, we believe we have found something fairly interesting in this research, we did have some obstacles within our methodology that we would like to accommodate in this discussion. We set out to compare resource management in serious and entertainment games. We purposely did not work with any clearly defined variables to compare these two things with, since we wanted our focus group participants to do the comparison. We sought out to explore possible differences and/or similarities for us to analyze afterwards.

5. DISCUSSION Some of our interesting findings are relevant to how more experienced and less experienced player perceive games differently. It seems to be the case that when you have played games for a certain amount of time, which will put you in the ‘more experienced’ gamer group, patterns like story and visual aspect becomes repetitive. For example, when you play a strategy game, you already know the basic story elements; the story is about war and the visuals are either futuristic or from the World War II era. The same goes for platforms, where you know you are the hero. Then the story will be about saving the girl and there will probably be some evil man, who threatens to destroy the world. When you get to a point, where you as an experienced gamer can predict these outcomes before playing, you get the satisfaction from games by completing the goals, instead of focusing on the games’ story and visuals. For less experienced gamers it is different. You take in everything the game has to offer, based on the fact that you cannot predict the course of the games. Therefore, the motivation will also be driven by visuals, story, characters and other narrative elements[1]. By narrative elements, we both mean the elements that form the story, for example characters, events and objects but also the way these elements are represented, the narration and graphics.

Besides this methodological consideration, we also need to discuss our findings in relation to our focus group. We assembled one focus group, which consisted of six people. We cannot conclude any definite results on these conditions. However, our findings matter, nonetheless. It is a unique point to take into account in further research.

6. CONCLUSION Throughout this research paper we have sought out to investigate how two different kinds of users deal with resource management in serious- and entertainment games. One of our two user groups is the experienced gamers. Generally, these gamers tend to focus less on the meaning of a game and more on the goals and mechanics. Therefore, it is difficult to determine whether these gamers deal differently with games resource

Now, we can ask ourselves what the game experience actually depends on. Is it a question about how the games are structured or 3

[8] Botte, B., Matera, C. and Sponsiello, M. 2009. Serious Games between simulation and game. A proposal of taxonomy. URL:

management in serious compared to entertainment games. The other user group was the less experienced gamers. Since these users are not used to playing games like these, they focus a lot on the meaning of the game. As discussed earlier, they experienced the metaphors in the entertainment game as very easy to understand, but the game seemed too simple. However, in the serious game, they found the mechanics too difficult and almost distracting from the meaning of the simulations. Although, they found it very difficult, they still thought the meaning and message in the serious game was understandable. The factor of being a less experienced gamer vs. a more experienced gamer has an impact on how you perceive these games. As mentioned before, experienced gamers mostly ignore the meaning of the game and focus on the game’s objectives and goals, where the less experienced gamers tend to take in the whole picture when playing these games. Based on this, it can be assumed that these games have a bigger potential to impact inexperienced gamers, as they are more open to the message than the experienced gamers, who often ignore the message to instead pursue the goals of the game. However, more research must be done in this area to fully understand the potential. What is actually the purpose of gaming, and can we use this knowledge to explore other ways to combine entertainment and education? Does our research mean that edutainment games have hard odds to succeed?

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7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank the people who made it possible for us to do this research. Susana Tosca who worked as an expert on the topic, guiding us the right way, and of course the participants of our focus group who were willing to sacrifice a whole afternoon for this project.

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