Handbook Of Transdisciplinary Research

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Handbook Of Transdisciplinary Research


Foreword.-Acknowledgements.-List of Contributors.-Introduction: Idea of the Handbook-The Emergence of Transdisciplinarity as a Form of Research.-Problem Identification and Problem Structuring: From Local Projects in the Alps to Global Change Programmes in the Mountains of the World: Milestones in Transdisciplinary Research.-Sustainable River Basin Management in Kenya: Balancing Needs and Requirements.-Designing the Urban: Linking Physiology and Morphology.-CITY:mobil: A Model for Integration in Sustainability Research.-Shepherds, Sheep and Forest Fires: A Reconception of Grazingland Management.-Fischnetz: Involving Anglers, Authorities, Scientists and the Chemical Industry to Understand Declining Fish Yields.-Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies: Bridging Gaps through Constructive Technology Assessment.-Chimeras and other Human-animal Mixtures in Relation to the Swiss Constitution: A Case for Regulatory Action.-Problem Analysis: The Development of Multilateral Environmental Agreements on Toxic Chemicals: Integrating the Work of Scientists and Policy Makers.-Climate Protection vs. Economic Growth as a False Trade off: Restructuring Global Warming Mitigation.-Policy Analysis and Design in Local Public Management: A System Dynamics Approach.-Constructing Regional Development Strategies: A Case Study Approach for Integrated Planning and Synthesis.-Evaluating Landscape Governance: A Tool for Legal-Ecological Assessments.-Children and Divorce: Investigating Current Legal Practices and their Impact on Family Transitions.-Bringing Results to Fruition: Towards Integrated and Adapted Health Services for Nomadic

Pastoralists and their Animals: A North-South Partnership.-Sustainable Prevention of Water Associated Infection Risks: An Awareness Campaign Using Visual Media.-Behavioural Sciences in the Health Field: Integrating Natural and Social Sciences.-Sustainable Coexistence of Ungulates and Trees: A Stakeholder Platform for Resource Use Negotiations.-Retrofitting Postwar Suburbs: A Collaborative Design Process.-Cross-cutting Issues: Participation.-Values and Uncertainties.-Learning from Case Studies.-Management. Education.-Integration.-Summary and Outlook:Core Terms in Transdisciplinary Research.-Enhancing Transdisciplinary Research: A Synthesis in Fifteen Propositions.-Index. EAN/ISBN : 9781402066993 Publisher(s): Springer Netherlands Discussed keywords: Integration Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Hadorn, Gertrude Hirsch - Hoffmann-Riem, Holger - Biber-Klemm, Susette


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