Digital Signs Vs. Traditional Signs

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Digital Signs vs. Traditional Signs Every business, large or small, needs to be able to adapt to and use new technology. It is equally important that the business be able to apply the technology that is right for it and not just follow the pack and adopt something new, even if it offers no benefits. In fact, the wrong application of technology can have serious negative consequences. This is especially true in the case of business signage where both traditional signage and digital signs have roles to play. Understanding the pros and cons of both will help in making the right signage decisions.

Traditional Signs Pros: ·

The initial cost of these signs is low.


Once put in place, they require almost no maintenance.


There are no running costs in the form of electricity.

· Signs can be of any shape and size and are not limited to the square or rectangular shapes of digital signs. ·

Since no wiring or electronics are involved, these signs are long-lasting and easy to install.

Cons: · Once a sign is made, it is difficult to change – reprinting or repainting is required and the results are often not very good. · Although the initial cost is low, the need to change signs to meet new business needs can cost a considerable amount over a period of time. ·

They are, with a few exceptions, not as eye-catching or as memorable as digital signs.

Digital Signs Pros: ·

Because they are bright and the words and images move, they attract a lot of attention.

· The attraction also makes them more memorable, so the viewer remembers the message or information displayed on them for a longer time. ·

The message can easily be changed, as often as required, to meet changing business needs.

· Since these signs can be connected to the internet, they can carry real-time updates of news and social media inputs, so there is always something new for the viewer, each time he or she passes the sign. · Although the initial cost of these signs may be high, the flexibility that they offer means that a single sign may be used for several different purposes such as sales promotion, brand development, product information, and general interest messages and so on. Hence there is always something new to see. Cons: ·

The initial cost is higher than that for traditional signs.

· Unlike traditional signs, digital ones are complex and there is a lot that could go wrong resulting in downtime and repair costs. · If not used sensibly, they could convey a bit too much, resulting in confusion among the viewers. ·

Since they use electricity, there will be utility bills to be paid.

Get Expert Advice Both traditional and digital signs have their own roles to play in the business environment. Making the right decisions on which ones to use and where, involves taking into consideration a number of variables such as the object/focus of the sign, the location, the other signs in the area, the budget (a few digital signs or more number of traditional ones), etc. A professional signage company will be able to give clients valuable advice on the types of signs that are best for different applications and will help in maximizing the returns a business gets for its investment in signage.

Sign My Signs 3507 Ryder Street, Santa Clara, CA, 95051 408-899-2889

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