Using Monument Signs to attract Customers
In a recessionary economy, marketing departments are under constant pressure to conserve capital and justify marketing spend . Advertising budgets suffer cuts and cost-effective ideas of increasing visibility are in demand. Thankfully, there are plenty of options of cost-efficient promotional tools. Outdoor advertising and more specifically high-quality signage is one such option. It can create subtle magic that can draw customers to your business. Monument signs are the most popular of signage choices. What are monument signs? A monument sign is a freestanding, outdoor, ground signage of about 5 feet, positioned at your eye level; it has a huge advantage in that it can attract the most significant category of prospects – people driving or walking by. That is why they are very popular with shopping malls, real estate agencies, community centres, restaurants, pubs, cafes, bistros, libraries and theme parks. The name comes from the fact they are large enough, and are fixed firmly on to the ground. They are made from a wide variety of durable materials such as block/brick, polystyrene or aluminum. They are mounted on a base of concrete, wood, brick or stone with side pillars or on side posts. Being low on the ground, they are a lot more noticeable than billboards and pole-mounted displays. Monument signs are designed to be weather-resistant and have a life span of a minimum 10 years. They show resilience in the face of rain, snow, sandstorms and even hurricane-force winds, the strongest of winds; that is why they are so popular all over the world and not just the US.
Trends and variations in monument signs A monument sign has two main components – the signage and the structure. Businesses can play with both these elements to create a wide range of styles of monument signs. Structures could be made of a block with stone or brick veneer, fabricated steel cage with stone or brick veneer, or expanded polystyrene. Another option is electronic paper sign (EPS) that can be used for both the structure and signage, and can replicate stone or masonry look. When it comes to the signage, they could be illuminated sign cabinets, dimensional letters, channel letters or LED message boards. Thus, one can create multiple combinations of structure and signage; however, the most popular ones are:
High Density Urethane (HDU) foam monument and signage with raised metal letters: Here the monument is built from a solid EPS foam core. It is then sealed in a thick polyurethane hard coat that makes it durable and pest-resistant. Metal letters are then partially embedded into the base and partially projected out.
Fabricated aluminium monument signs: Here, the structure is a fabricated aluminium box that can be painted in your logo colours. Signage letters are of raised cut metal, either illuminated with LEDs or non-illuminated. The base is generally a concrete pad.
Lettering made of cut metal or fabricated stainless steel: Stainless steel letters are popular as they are low on maintenance. Other equally popular metals are copper, brass and bronze. Metal letters can be easily installed on stone, masonry and concrete structure. Backlit lettering: LED backlighting for metal letters creates a halo effect that can be dramatic and breathtaking.
Monument signs with an aesthetic landscaping backdrop can be a very cost-effective way of generating buzz for your business. It would be best to engage a competent signage agency that would create excellent monument signs for your venture.
Sign my Signs 3507 Ryder Street, Santa Clara, CA 95051 408-988-9988