Dream Codes Magazine 1st Issue July 2013

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July 2013

#1 Issue





SPIRITS OR SLEEP PARALYSIS? By Tim McGovern ave you ever awoken to the feeling of being completely paralyzed? Did you feel that there was something or someone in the room when you did? Were you unable to speak or scream for help? You might have experienced what is called sleep paralysis. Or you might have experienced something that was of a spiritual nature of being visited by a dark spirit. Scientists have studied sleep paralysis and the feelings that people have had when they experience it, for several years. Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experience an inability to move. This could extend even to the ability to speak, or cry out. Scientists have attributed this to muscle atonia (muscle weakness) and consciously waking before your body has fully awakened. Often times, people experience terrifying visions of some kind of intruder but are unable to react due to the paralysis. It is believed a result of disrupted REM sleep, which 3

is normally characterized by complete muscle atonia that prevents individuals from acting out their dreams. In many cases, scientists state that the reason why these visions occur is because our brain goes into a defensive state of not being able to move, and the increase of adrenaline (fight or flight mode) causes people to see things, searching for a reason for the paralysis. The most common of these types of incidents last only about a minute to a few minutes, maximum. It is viewed as a form of narcolepsy and can be treated as such from a doctor. If it is true sleep paralysis, and not something spiritual that one is experiencing, there are other ways to

help prevent this from happening. Sleeping in the supine position (on your back, face up) has been a particular instigator in any kind of sleep paralysis. In this position your soft palate is obstructed and causes your lungs to work harder as there is more pressure on the lungs due to gravity. Some other instigators can be stress, overuse of stimulants, physical

fatigue, eating greasy foods before sleep, not having a regular sleeping pattern, or certain medications that are used to treat ADHD. As mentioned, scientists have identified many similar stories of visions of intruders. Before the research and technology that we have today, it was commonly known that one was visited by a mare. We can go back as early as the 13th century in German folklore and other cultures 4

where a “mare” is described as an evil spirit or goblin that rode on a person's chest bringing bad dreams. It is where the term nightmare originated from. This subject is of particular interest to me, because I have experienced this long before any of this knowledge was known to me. In my situation, I believe and still do to this day, that what I experienced was something spiritual. I opened the door to the situation; it happened more than once; and eventually, I closed the door to the situation by using my faith (instead of fear) to overcome it. After the last time it happened, I called out to God for his help to rebuke the evil spirit, and it never happened again after that. This is my story. I lived in Mexico for about a year when I was younger. During that time I slept in one of the creakiest beds known to man. One move would make the bed creak or the springs on the bed creak. One night, as I was getting ready for bed, I was talking to my cousin who I spent a lot of time with and also taught me Spanish. I was lying down and then realized I had my wallet in my pocket. She got startled and told me to take it out and lay it on the nightstand. When I asked her why, she said if I slept with my money, the “Bultos” would come. I laughed and said, "Let them come." I was never the type to be easily scared. So against her pleadings, I purposely slept with my wallet and my money in my pocket to attempt to prove her wrong. Sometime during the night, I woke up. I was able to move at this point. I simply started to go back to sleep when I remembered about what my cousin had said and the money in

my pocket. I was lying on my stomach and was dozing off wondering if what she said had any merit, when I heard the dogs in the other yard start barking. The place I lived in Mexico was a very small town. It was completely dead silent during the night. So to hear the dogs in the other yard start barking so suddenly and loudly was a bit surprising. As I lay there wondering what caused the dogs to go crazy for a minute, I heard what sounded like the bass of a car with a loud speaker system. Then the same sound again, this time a bit closer. It sounded almost like huge footsteps, but in the form of a loud bass sounding sound. It seemed to get closer and louder with each step, but still I stayed laying there on my stomach just listening. Then it stopped outside the wall and window of where I was sleeping. It was so quiet I almost stopped breathing to see if I heard any other sounds; then I heard one. The bed creaked as if someone was lying next to me. I was facing the other direction so I didn't see anyone, but I stayed still. As the bed creaked with the movement of whatever was next to me, it followed the sound of what I felt next. It felt as if someone rolled right on top of my back, and was lying right on top of me. Only, it wasn't just a physical thing. I couldn't move at all, I couldn't speak or scream, and almost felt as if I couldn't breathe. My other cousin was sleeping on the couch not too far away in the same room and I tried to scream as loud as I could; only


no sound came out. I'm sure it was only about a minute long, but it seemed like forever! Then, whatever was on top of me rolled off of me. I heard the creaking of the bed again, as if someone rolled off of me. Then the loud bass sounds, as if huge footsteps were being taken. The dogs went crazy for a minute again. Then, nothing. I jumped up and woke up my sleeping cousin and made him sleep in the bed with me. After I told him what happened, he also was terrified! Researchers say that 40% of the human population will experience at one time in their life an event that is similar to the one that I described. Some believe through these experiences are where tales of vampires, demons, fairies, shadow people and many more were developed. Throughout the years, the more common names of these intruders in the night are known as the Hag, Succubus, or Incubus (the male counterpart of the Succubus). My experience was almost 19 years ago, but I still remember like it was yesterday. After studying sleep paralysis I have found that some of the things I felt were common to many people experiencing sleep paralysis. While I do not think my case was something scientific, but spiritual, it will be up to you to judge if you are impacted by something spiritual (like I was) or scientific—simply sleep paralysis.

By Leon Titus 6

lthough I have changed for the good, it certainly didn’t happen overnight. Coming from a family that wasn’t always making the wisest decisions, I got off to a bad start in life. My dad ended up being married several times, and my mom married a man that was always getting into and causing trouble. I left the house when I was young and pretty much had to learn by my own mistakes. Fortunately, I was in the prayers of a lot of people. As the years went on, I started getting it together. I learned to observe people and see what made them well liked and successful. I had a little church background and developed a thirst for spiritual knowledge. So as I read the bible and all sorts of other spiritual books, I started to make wiser decisions and learned how to be a good and caring person. Now I devote my whole life to helping others get their life together. I’ve learned to be patient with people, and come to realize that everyone has a past, and people don’t change overnight. However, that wasn’t always the case. As I started cleaning up my own life, I was unable to comprehend how others couldn’t see their own mess-ups. To me it was so obvious they were making mistakes, and in my opinion, there was no way they couldn’t see the dumb things they were doing. I come to the conclusion



that they simply didn’t want to change. Although that may be the case for some, I now see that I was often times wrong on my judgments and that people don’t always see their mistakes. Several years ago I was reminded of something that happened to me in Junior High. I learned to play guitar when I was only nine years old, so I usually had two or three instruments setting around. A friend of mine from school had a guitar that she no longer wanted, so she gave it to me. The neck was bowed, leaving it unplayable. I just happened to know what the problem was and knew how to fix it. There was a rod down the middle of the guitar-neck. If you turn it clockwise, it straightens the neck. I took the guitar home, found the Allen-wrench and started cranking on it. As I kept turning the wrench, I heard a (POP); the rod in the neck snapped. Now the guitar was useless. Although I knew what the problem was and how to fix it, I failed to realize something. It took years for that guitar-neck to get into the condition it was in, and I tried to change it in five minutes. That lesson stuck with me for the rest of my life. It showed me that even though I may clearly see the problem with someone’s life and even know how to fix it, trying to straighten someone out too fast could cause them to snap. It

took them years to get into the condition they’re in, and they can’t straighten out overnight. Although there are no secret ingredients for success, chances are increased with a normal balanced family life. However, often times a balanced start to life doesn’t happen. It took me many years to change from the uncaring, mistake making person I was. I’ve had a lot of people try to help me throughout my life with advice, money, and guidance, but often times I simply wasn’t ready to receive it. Until a person is ready to change, it simply won’t happen. Yet even when they’re

ready, it won’t happen overnight. Be patient with others that don’t seem to understand or can’t see their mistakes. My mom tried to give me guidance, but I didn’t listen. Now I find myself doing the same things with my children, and just like me, they do what they want. Now I look back and think about how many problems I could have avoided if I would have listened. Sometimes when we try to help others, it may appear as though they’re not hearing our words, yet they may be storing up the info for a later date. Don’t give up on others, just try to be patient and remember people don’t change overnight.




hadow and Spirit Totems By Tim McGovern


ll of us have these, but these are the totems that are a little harder to identify than our power totem or our birth totem. They are shadow totems and spirit totems. Both of these animals have to deal with fear. One is an internal fear that we might have developed simply by our own thoughts, or perceptions. The other is an external fear that is developed by an actual experience we might have had in our life. We may have been bitten by this particular animal, or even attacked by one or more of this particular animal.

Shadow Totems In Shamanic circles, shadow totems are known to be a particular totem that one feared. This fear is internal. It could be just the way it looks, something that we know about the animal, or something we just can’t explain. We just don’t like it! This is a very important lesson to learn. Remember when we conquer fear it becomes a power. Many Shamans believe that fear will take the shape of an animal that we need to confront without fear. If we are successful these animals become powerful shadow totems. Once we conquer the fear, then we can


really explore the message that the particular animal has for our life. When we fear animal, at first glance, our fear takes over and this creates a wall for the message that we may need to learn. For example, my shadow totem is snake. It is the only animal I have ever feared because certain venom from snakes can kill humans. I used to live in an area in California where there were snakes in the hills, and my cousin and I would go hiking quite a bit. As I got older and learned more about the snake, I learned not to fear it. The snake has a powerful message of transformation. Now if I happen to see a snake, I am able to listen to the message of the snake, instead of being obsessed with my fear of them.

Spirit Totems Many people use the term “Spirit Totem� loosely to mean your "totem" animal in general, or your power animal. However, Spirit Totems do have their own special message in our life. Have you ever been attacked or bitten by an animal? If you survive the attack of an animal, that animal becomes your spirit totem. Many times, this animal can provide healing to you in a way that you may not have thought about. For example, the snake is said to provide healing. A bite from the snake can be fatal, but it can also provide the healing necessary to live through it. A spirit totem does not have to be a huge animal, like a shark or a tiger. It can even be a domesticated animal or very small! Many animals have been known to attack humans as small as rats, and as big as elephants! The bee also is an animal that many people are afraid of, for its stinger. 11

However, the bee is a symbol of healing, especially around the heart chakra. As the honeycomb is the shape of a pentagon, the shape of a heart, it is said to provide healing around the heart chakra. It also teaches us to extract the sweetness of life, and be happy with whatever we sink our feet into, as bees feel with their legs. As you might have guessed, the bee is my spirit totem. There was a bee hive living in the ductwork of my sister’s room, and I was stung while in her room, and had to go to the hospital. Luckily, I am not allergic to bees. I was afraid of bees at one time. Now, when I see one, I am not and I am positive that it is a sign that some healing is going on. It is a strange thing I know, but when I see a bee, a smile usually comes across my face. I conquered the fear that I had of them, even though I was attacked and stung by one. So when you think about the animals that you fear, first think about whether or not it is an internal fear (one that you

developed on your own), or an external fear due to something the animal initiated (an attack or a bite). Now look past the fear. Look up some of the characteristics of that particular animal. Do some of the characteristics that the animal represents relate to something else that you may fear in waking life? For example, if snake is your shadow totem, are you fearful of change or transformation in your life? Once you recognize the fear for what it is, it is easier to overcome. And when it no longer controls or paralyzes you, you are much more able to conquer it. Once you can conquer this fear, it can become a power in your life!


Picture credit: PICTURE 1: http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/viewimage.php?image=33659&picture=horse PICTURE 2: (From Google Public Domain) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_mmBw3uzPnJI/T MGFYTrZZFI/AAAAAAABsgE/k2-u6ycnkc/s1600/animals_attacking_cars_03.jpg Picture 3: (From Google Public Domain) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_mmBw3uzPnJI/T MGEfkuGvI/AAAAAAABsek/IZDA683ej9c/s16 00/animals_attacking_cars_15.jpg


The Difference Between Soul, Ghost, and Spirit By Leon Titus


lthough the words soul, ghost and spirit are often times used to describe the same thing, sometimes they are not used correctly. Even though at times these three words could mean the same thing, at other times they are not always interchangeable. So why is it incorrect when someone uses the word spirit in place of the word ghost, or the word soul in place of spirit? In the paranormal world, these three words are usually used to describe the same thing, a ghost. However, although we may pick one of these three words to describe a ghost, only two actually apply. Let’s take a look at each of these words and see the difference in their meanings and why they can’t always be used in place of each other. Soul In the bible when it talks about us being created in the image of God, it is not referring to our looks; it is referring to our soul. The soul is that part of you created in the image of God, and is the individual/real you. It has the power to create and destroy, and is the spiritual 14

part of you that detects, receives and transmits spiritual things. Because you have a soul, you are like a miniature God. Your soul is energy, power, and most of all, complete. Because of free will, over time your soul has become weak, forgetful and confused about whom and what you really are. Jesus knew the truth about whom and what he was and therefore chose and created correctly. Your soul is the power that moves your

life in a direction and creates your future. Your mind is what dictates how and when the creative energy is released. Your mind is both flesh and spirit. We have a brain that moves the body while here on earth, yet at death it is no longer needed. Your

influence; so what he chose to create (food and healing) was instant. He of course had the mind of Christ (all truth). The scriptures tell us that we also have the mind of Christ, yet because of free will, bad choices and sin, we have forgotten the truth about who and what we really are. Your soul needs to be fed the right spiritual food in order to be healthy. However, we can all see by the mess this world is in, that we’ve chosen junk-food. Ghost

soul mind is eternal and never dies. We are given the allusion of time and space in order to experience limitations here on earth. Jesus knew this, and therefore bypassed the fleshly limitations and 15

The word ghost is not nearly as hard or lengthy to describe as the word soul. The word ghost simply refers to something left behind. We see this for example, when talking about a ghost-town. Although there may not actually be a ghost in an old western town, the memories and realization of the things that happened there causes us to refer to it as a ghost town. In the bible, depending on what version you’re reading, it sometimes refers to the Holy Spirit as the Holy Ghost. Because it was sent by Jesus once he got to Heaven, the word Holy Ghost is incorrect. The spirit was sent, not the ghost. The word ghost is mostly used to describe a person’s soul that gets left behind at the time of death; this is the correct interpretation. However, this is one of those times when soul and ghost could

actually mean the same thing. When a person’s soul gets left behind at the time of death and remains here on earth, it becomes a ghost.

Spirit of sadness or happiness. Spirit is in and around everything. Nothing exists that doesn’t have spirit. Spirit does not go away and it is life itself.


Although there is much that could be said and written about Soul, Ghost, and Spirit, I’m sure you can see the differences, yet similarities between the three. There are times that these three words can be used together, like the spirit of a soul left behind as a Ghost. In order to understand spiritual things, we must first understand who and what we are. Not only is it true that many Paranormal Investigators have no clue of the difference between Soul, Ghost, and Spirit, but many preachers and spiritual leaders also have a hard time distinguishing the difference between the three.

Out of the words Soul, Ghost and Spirit, Spirit almost stands alone. Spirit refers to the life of something or someone. The Bible refers to God as a Spirit, not a Ghost or Soul. Without spirit, not even the soul would be alive. Spirit is compared to electricity, it being the power that keeps everything going. We as humans give and create spirit. We have created the Spirit of Christmas and the Spirit of Thanksgiving. These spirits were created by feelings and conjoined effort of the multitudes all agreeing on the same thing, therefore giving life to it. Each individual has a Spirit about themselves. This is also true about families, city blocks, towns, states, and so on. The Spirit in one country is very different than the spirit in another country. The spirit of a person is the combined effort of choices, mental and physical condition of an individual, as well as the environment in which the person lives and was raised in. Actually, spirit is everything that ever touched a person’s life. Spirit is what radiates from a person or area, and is felt by the people in that place or around that person. Who hasn’t walked into a building that has a strange feeling about it? It may not be haunted, yet from the feelings radiated and created by others in the past; it has a certain feel and spirit about it. We’ve all seen and experienced the 16

I’m pretty sure that I have forgotten or left out a few points that may also shed some light on this subject, but you’ve got enough spiritual food to chew on for now. Knowledge is power, and all truth is within; but we must first get past self in order to see and hear that truth. Learning about yourself and what gives you life is one of the smartest things you can do. We are spirit first. Once your old body is gone, you will be spirit again. So plan your spiritual future now. You don’t want to end up as a lost soul, left behind after death as a Ghost with a troubled spirit. Heads up.

https://www.facebook.com/HauntingAtFarrar?ref=br_rs 17



hen we sleep at night, our physical body gets rest, but something else also happens when we dream. Our subconscious mind may be sending messages to us that we should pay attention to in our waking life. Many times these dreams are not literal, in other words they don’t mean exactly what happened in the dream will actually happen. For example, if you dream of being stabbed to death, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will happen, but there could still be an important message there for you to decode. Also, many dreams are exaggerated to catch our attention, which is usually the reason why we remember them. Colors, places, people, and things that are over exemplified all can play an important part of decoding your dreams. Each month, we will share a few actual dreams, with their interpretations, to help teach the meanings behind some of these important symbols we all might experience. Below are a few dreams from actual members of our Dream Codes group, found on Facebook. At Dream Codes, people can share their dreams and get interpretations from the various interpreters we have in our group. If you haven’t joined already, please send a request to join our group. If you are knowledgeable in interpreting or simply want to share your own personal dream, we welcome you. *(Dreams shared in Signs Magazine are with the permission of the dreamer who has shared their dream on Dream Codes) *************************************** Janis G. I had a dream the other night I was drawing a picture and the picture I was drawing was an old style bird cage, the door was open and the dove was flying away. Tim: Because this dream has to do with freedom, and letting go... it reminds me of the saying, "If you allow the bird out of the cage and they come back to you, it’s yours forever. If you open the cage and the bird flies away 18

and never comes back, it was never yours to begin with." Or something to that effect... Since you were peaceful, and doves represent love, peace, and wellbeing, it sounds like you are in balance, and are getting a breath of fresh air, respecting freedom of others as well as yourself Janis: Thank you :) *************************************** Ann D. I dreamt that I was standing outside my kitchen door on our small black patio, it was summer and I spotted a swallowtail butterfly in the grass; it was black with blue and red spots at the tip of the wings lining down to the bottom. I went down the steps from the patio into the grass to pick up the butterfly. It rested in my right hand and I took it into the house, it crawled up and climbed onto my shoulder under my long hair. I showed it to my mother and went outside with it to set it free. ... Suddenly the seasons started changing rapidly fall came first, then winter. I sat the suddenly weakened butterfly on a block on our patio; ice crystals covered its body as it drew up. I felt sorrow as it slowly was dying and curling up; I felt the insect was somehow mourning as well. Snow covered the ground, the sky was grey, then the sun broke, the trees bloomed, the snow melted, the grass regained its color. After noticing this I reached down for the butterfly and the ice crystals melted and it came back to life gradually, it remained weak, but alive in the spring. In a way, it followed the changing of the seasons like that of a plant, however I felt a attachment or representation by this insect. I'd appreciate any interpretations if you have one. Tim: I see lots of symbolism of transformation. Butterfly is an animal of transformation, as it goes through the cycle of basically dying as one creature to emerge as another entirely different and beautiful... The seasons also point to that... Winter, dying, and spring, rebirth... I believe this transformation is happening within you, your subconscious, there is the black color, back door to the patio (back of mind—subconscious), through your kitchen (kitchen represents emotions) all point to a significant transformation of self and the subconscious. Leon: My thoughts are the butterfly remained the same through all the changes. It was affected by things, yet remained the same, just a little weaker. So this may reflect your faith or how you have hung in there. You may be a little weaker, but remained steadfast and did not waver. Ann: Thank you guys! *************************************** 19

Sharon T I dreamed I was walking through a door way, just a plain door and on the side I was on, it was just grey and brown and there was hard pavement. I was dressed in normal today clothes: pants, polo shirt and slip on shoes; but as soon as I stepped over the into the other side my shoes where gone, I was bare foot and had an old fashion, off white, flowing gown like you see on a ghost. I stepped onto brilliant green moss ground, surrounded by trees, flowers and nature and it was like the moss came up and patted my feet and I could feel it talking to me and vibrating with life; and the flowers and the trees also reached out to touch my hands and legs like we were old friends, saying hello. As I walked through the forest to an open field of moss and like golden glittery sunshine, I see a brown owl that looked like it was perched but it was floating in the air its head facing left but eyes fixed on mine. The owl was holding an old fashion parchment that said "You are Magic" but the word magic was spelled different and then I noticed I still had the gown on but now a hooded cape too and both where moving in the slow breeze. It was a beautiful dream -- the woods kind of looked like the photo I put up on my FB and a stranger posted an owl just like the one in my dream and that was the first thing I saw this morning on FB. Tim: I think the key word here is “opportunity!” You are debating whether or not to explore the more mystical side of you, magical side of you… once you step through the door, you are barefoot, so there is still some insecurity about the situation, and there will be a change in your grounding, and foundation. The OWL is a totem of magic and seen in many magical circles as the bird of Hecate, and also the messenger bird of Apollo… The message of the owl is also about stealth and working silently towards your goals, trusting no one until the time is right; keep your ears and eyes open for the opportunity… Having a hood at the end of the dream would also point to working in stealth mode. The forest is about a time of testing and learning, but I don’t think it will be necessarily bad, you will enjoy this learning as you felt so comfortable in your dream with the elements of Earth… Also the brown color of the bird indicates grounding, and looking left, but eyes on you, you are still debating if this is the “right” thing to do… Don’t doubt yourself… explore! There is a plain side of you, but once you walk through that door, and make the decision to start exploring this side of you, I think you will be pleasantly surprised and find a whole different world... Dennis: Transformation....seeing through the vales of things...beyond the exterior presentation....seeking harmony within/without....... *************************************** Katrina R. Really strange dream last night, but I dreamed that there was an itch in my tooth, yes and itch in my tooth, weird I know, but I pulled out what I thought would be food or something, (gross, yes I know), but it was tiny bug. I put it on the floor thinking it was a microscopic bug, and when it started to move away I gasped realizing it truly was. What on earth does this mean? 20

Leon: I believe that you're itching to say things about what bugs you. Holding back. Dennis: Agree...Be mindful of your words....could also relate to something that someone else has said to you that is bothering you....but, since it came out of your mouth, I would think that it pertains more to you..... Katrina: Well, I am being cautious right now choosing my words carefully, and trying to bring an end to a dead end. Dennis: Good...you are removing irritations...no need to harbor them any longer. *************************************** Emma J. I probably should of wrote this when it was fresher in my mind, but all I remember is being outside in a moody dark sky and I think I might have been standing in a field with other people when this bomb/huge explosion happened, like something hit the whole planet not just a particular area. Then I just have this feeling of big trouble... I’m not sure what I thought maybe aliens something bad. What is the translation for that? Thanks in advance x Jennifer: I do notice there's been a strong energy in the air, almost feels as if something's on the horizon. Do you have any current things going on right now? Legal matters? Family issues that you feel may be erupting soon? If nothing in your personal life than perhaps this was a premonition? Emma J: Hi Jennifer, no, not any legal matters. Hmmm, what like relationship issues? I remembered another part to the dream- after the large bang etc. i was in my house and i remember looking out the window and seeing many odd shaped crafts, i presume alien and I called out to my partner to look out the window at them. And that’s all I can remember. I know it felt scary... like I felt some urgency. Tim: When we dream of water, it represents emotion; likewise when we dream of the sky, it is indicative of logic and our thoughts... The moody dark sky is indicative of your thoughts, and it could be the explosion is a result of that type of thinking. What you focus on expands, so if you keep having dark thoughts, maybe they WILL in fact manifest into something bad... I am sensing elements of fear, not being accepted, negative thoughts in regards to others.... do not let fear control you. Focus on perfect love and perfect trust... even if it is aimed only at you. Love and trust yourself, trust your gut instinct on matters, but don't live in fear. Fear of invasion… like Jennifer said... Emma: That’s really helpful to hear thank you Tim! Tim: Anytime! :)


Dennis: You may be feeling that things are falling apart in your world...blowing up...emotional stress....... Emma: Yeah I do. Why does the subconscious (excuse my spelling) mind not make it clearer what we are feeling etc? As it uses symbols instead? Thanks Dennis, was hoping u would answer. Cheers Dennis: We are all evolving....does not mean, necessarily, in a forward direction....the soul is already there....and time does not mater....we may be receiving guidance from other parts of ourselves, and we may have forgotten how to listen.......One may need to be startled or shaken in order to begin to get the gist ...an attention grabber.......one sees the flower blooming, but, may really be seeking the health of the root. *************************************** Juan G Strange dream last night, I dreamt it was winter and I saw my great aunts home which is half of a double on fire yet I only saw the fire coming out of the attic Leon: I believe this represents your Aunts mind/attic/ at the present time. Being purified/reflecting and repenting. Tim: I agree with Leon, wintertime is a time of death, coldness... hence the purification and letting something die, and however, the fire could represent some fiery thoughts that are consuming her... Is your great aunt still alive? Juan: Yes she is still alive Tim: I think the main symbols in this dream are winter, your aunt’s home, attic, and the fire... Some repressed memories could be coming to the surface which are causing anger, passion, but she is trying to let them go and die and move on to new life (spring) ... but one could say that she is in the middle of some kind of transformation and experiencing the "death" stage.... not literal death, but when something dies, something else is reborn. Juan: Thank You Tim I appreciate that!



by Tim McGovern & Leon Titus


ith hundreds of different Christian religions out there, how do I know which one is right? I mean, I feel a need to get closer to God and start learning the truth about how I should live and what he expects from me. However, I see Baptist over here, Catholics over there, Pentecostals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Lutherans, and a plethora of religion choices. Which one is right? I’m confused and I want to know the truth. Good luck, my friend. This is a question being asked by many people these days. Finding the truth about God has become very confusing. Man has taken his own beliefs and developed all sorts of different concepts, ideas, and religions of what God is about, what God expects, and the truth about the Bible. Although most Christian religions agree that the Bible is the inspired word of God, they simply can’t agree on what it says, therefore giving us many different beliefs and religions. The one scripture most Christians do agree on is, “God is not the author of confusion,” (1 Corinthians 14:33) so then why the confusion? As we look at the church world, we clearly see mistakes. I’m not talking about the occasional minister that gets caught doing something he shouldn’t. I’m talking about the bad example many Christians set. Being raised in church, I had the opportunity to watch believers live their Christian lives. I also spent years singing 24

and preaching in different churches, which allowed me to experience different beliefs and religions. Although I have met some great believers, I also have had the opportunity to see some bad examples of what Christianity is about and what it represents. As a believer in God, it’s easy for me to understand that temptations come along and mistakes happen; but to the unbeliever, or the person that is looking for answers and truth, it can appear as though the believer is either fake or not normal. Even worse, when a believer has put their faith in a pastor or preacher, thinking that he is the shepherd of the flock (the church) and will always protect it from harm, their faith can be destroyed when he IS caught doing something wrong, such as adultery. Sometimes it isn't that serious, sometimes it is something as simple as gossip, but when a person feels unprotected by their shepherd; they end up leaving the church and blaming God. First of all, the pastor is the messenger, and overseer of the flock, but Jesus is the real shepherd. Our eyes should go past the man behind the pulpit to the higher being that truly will protect us from harm and evil. It is most evident in the Catholic religion that priests and popes are put on pedestals; however, priests, preachers, popes, pastors, etc. are still men just like us, with faults and flaws.

If people would do their homework before getting involved in a religion, confusion would be greatly reduced. However, when people are beaten down, at a low point, and needing help or answers, they may be inclined to accept or believe anything. Pretty much any pastor of any church can show you in the Bible why their church believes and teaches the things it does. If you don’t know your bible, you may be inclined to believe what’s revealed by a member or pastor. Because of the differences in, and the confusion over religion, many individuals are starting to take a different approach to truth. Is it God's will that this happens? No. The Bible says in Luke 4:16 says, "He (Jesus) went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom." Jesus was found every Sabbath in the synagogue meeting with other believers and it was his "custom." He set the example and demonstrated that meeting with other believers and learning from them is a great thing! Iron can sharpeneth iron. However, the church should not be what you call a relationship with God. A church is a relationship with other believers, and each person should still have their OWN relationship with God. Although many churches and religions are still going strong, others have become a laughingstock, not trusted or believed, or just downright shunned because of their odd actions and ways. I won’t go into all the different Christian beliefs and why the followers do what they do, but I will say this, most Christian 25

religions have only been around for less than 300 years and are split-offs from other beliefs, namely the Catholic religion. In my opinion, ANY church claiming to be the authority figure on God is a church to stay away from. Although most religions mean well, many are quick to send people to hell, putting the fear of God, instead of the love of God, into people's mind. When people have fear, they can be controlled by and won’t go against the church. It becomes about power, not love. In the Book of Revelations, Jesus talks about seven churches. If you pay attention, every church in the world can fall into one of these seven types of churches. Here's the list: Ephesus - The Active Church (Sound in doctrine, but deficient in Love.) Smyrna - The Poor but Rich Church (Lacks material resources, but rich spiritually) Pergamos - The Heretical Church (False doctrine) Thyatira - Church of the False Prophets (Lots of good works, but dead on the inside) Sardi s- The dying church (Were strong once, but have waivered and becoming lukewarm) Philadelphia - The Loyal Church (The only church encouraged to keep doing what they are doing) Laodicea - The lukewarm church. (Selfsatisfying, comfortable church, neither hot nor cold)

The problem is that EVERY church seems to THINK that THEY are the Church of Philadelphia, and every other church is the church of Pergamos. Unfortunately it seems that no church is willing to be the church of Smyrna, and many churches end up being the Church of Thyatira because everyone is confused and lost on which direction to go. So what can a person do while searching for spiritual answers, truth, and help? The answer is simple; be wise, be careful, and don’t believe everything you hear. One of the big reasons people are starting to consider the so-called New Age approach is because it doesn’t put God into a spiritual box. In fact, the New Age movement is older than most religions. People are starting to return to their spiritual roots and put away the old, more religious self, and embracing the fact that God is much more than judgment and fear. Religions love fear because it gives them power, but once they are found out, the power goes away and the truth sets you free. This is nothing new. Churches have been troubled since the beginning. Like I said in another article, if Jesus would have preached and taught what the churches did in his day, we would still be lost. Every person's path is unique because WE are all unique. So if you’re a person needing spiritual guidance and direction and are asking, “What church would be best to attend on a Saturday or Sunday morning?” Truthfully, there is no perfect answer to that question. It really depends on the needs and desires of the individual looking for help. Some churches are very active, while others are very laidback. Some revolve around music, and some 26

have no music at all. Other churches are made up of mostly elderly people, while others are full of youth programs. Churches are only meant to be a foundation in which to build your Christian life; they are not supposed to be your whole life. The plan should be to go to church in order to learn some history about the Bible, to be comforted and to comfort other believers, but most of all, to improve your life by being introduced to possible truths. Improving lives should be the focus of any church, not controlling lives. Many people laugh at or condemn Christianity just because there are problems with religions. The problems arise when people simply believe what they’re told about God and Christ instead of checking things out for themselves first, this causes the confusion and tainted religions. If you have been disillusioned with church and have given up on church, also keep in mind that the problem may not be "church in general" but rather the types of churches that you have attended. That is why all of these points are so important to consider in this article. I have barely scratched the surface when it comes to the confused church. Church CAN be wonderful. I’ve been a part of some churches that really cared about me and did whatever they could to improve my life. If you choose to be part of any religion or church, be careful and wise. Remember, you see what you see. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. When in doubt, don’t. It all depends on your needs and wants. Needs and wants are two different things. Soul searching is needed now. It’s time to figure things out. IS CHURCH FOR YOU?


The Number 23 Enigma By Tim McGovern



here are many times throughout life that something stands out to us more than others. It is at these times we sometimes may shrug it off and think of it simply as a coincidence or ironic. Then there are those times when 28

we tell ourselves it is definitely a sign from the universe. Something about what we saw is just too strange to ignore. Some people will go to the extreme and think that everything is a sign! Is it

actually a sign? Or is it selective perception? Many have seen the movie "The Number 23" with Jim Carey, which is a fictional story of one man obsessed with the number 23 and how it correlates to his life. He experienced the 23 Enigma. While it is not a true story, at one time this enigma was actually studied to be true by many, and there is still much information about the subject on the internet. The theory itself is that everything reduces down to the number 23. Why is that important? The number 23 Enigma is a corollary law of the Law of Fives (since 2+3=5) and states that all things happen in fives. In the Bible, the number 23 is referred to as the number of death. Psalm 23 is the psalm that is most read at funerals than any other psalm in the Bible. Here are some other things you may find on the internet about this number: 2/3= .666 The perfect terrorist plan (which ended up being exactly as what happened 09/11/2001) was created in 1976 (again 1+9+7+6=23) WTC (The World Trade Center): W=23rd letter of the alphabet, T=20th letter of the alphabet, C=3rd letter of the alphabet, therefore- W=23, and T+C=23. 9/11/2001= 9+11+2+0+0+1=23. Julius Cesar was stabbed 23 times There are 23 letters in the Latin alphabet. Titanic sunk on 04/15/1912 There are 23 characters on each American Coin. 29

On a keyboard, the letter W is the 23rd letter and above it are the numbers 2 and 3. The average lifespan of a human being on the planet Earth is 63 years, roughly 23,000 days Oklahoma City bombing, Battle of Lexington and the Waco incident were all on April 19th (4+19=23) Hiroshima bomb was dropped on Japan at 8:15. (8+15=23) The human biorhythm is generally 23 days. Each parent passes on 23 chromosomes to its child. The Earth's axis is approximately 23 degrees. U2, U is the 21st letter in the alphabet. 21+2=23 The Mayans said the end of the world would be 2012 (20+1+2=23) Hitler killed himself April of 1945 (4+1+9+4+5=23) Germans declared war on December 11th, (12+11=23) And the list goes on... Now to the common eye, and seeing that there is found the number 23 in all of these, it is easy to say YES there is a correlation. What studies have concluded is that the Number 23 Enigma is an apophenia, selection bias, and confirmation bias. Apophenia is the ability to see patterns and connections of

things that are meaningful in otherwise meaningless information. I myself am able to see patterns that most people cannot see or understand. So I do know this exists; it is very real for me. Let me be clear that I do not believe that everything reduces down to the number 23, and being able to see patterns very easily in my life, I see many inconsistencies with the information above, which I will explain in further detail. Today, it has been concluded that the number 23 Enigma is in fact what is called "Selective Perception." Many people know what selective hearing is (only hearing what you want), well, selective perception works the same way but is a little bit more in depth. The reason being is because people's perception of things is usually their truth. It doesn't mean that it is actually true, but for them it is. Perception is reality for most. I do not believe in coincidences. I believe that there are reasons for everything in our lives, but our conscious mind is unable to process the meaning for everything that comes our way, so it does discard much information. Sometimes a message is so strong that even if our conscious mind discards it, our subconscious mind does not. This is when we will usually have a dream about a particular situation that our mind is trying to tell us to pay attention to or remember. Dreams are when our subconscious mind tries to talk to our conscious mind. Dreams can sometimes be over exaggerated, usually to get our attention so we will remember it. Also dreams are many times metaphoric, not literal, so all these things can affect how we understand the message. Signs are


real. They are around us all the time. However what determines if it is a Sign, or maybe just Selective Perception? Let me go back just a bit and return to the Number 23 Enigma. As I mentioned, scientists have now ruled this particular enigma as selective perception, also known as selection bias, or confirmation bias. What those terms mean is that basically we can create our own truths if we look for them hard enough. The power of the mind to create a truth as one perceives it to be truth is very powerful. The Illuminati’s have become very clever to demonstrate how numerological truths can be found if anyone is clever enough. Let's take the examples above of all the numbers and dates that are mentioned. To the regular observer, it may seem to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt. It's clearly there, right? To the keen observer, it is found that there is a different rule applied for almost every example that is shown to "fit" it into the number 23. In some cases, the day, month, and year are added together... in other cases, just the month and year, in another case just the month and day, in a couple cases the month and day as a two digit number, and others the month and day broken up into single digits. In numerology, the law is that each number is broken down into one single digit. For example, 09/11/2001 should be 9+1+1+2+0+0+1= which equals 14. It is a 5 number, because 1+4=5, but it is not 23 unless you add the 11 up with all the numbers. This is a perfect example of selective perception. You are being selective with what you see, instead of looking at it from a logical and rational viewpoint.

So how do you know if something that you see is really a sign from above, or selective perception? Many people ask for a sign from above to get the answers to our problems. The Bible says that we should not do this. We should not tempt the Lord, our God, for He has nothing to prove to us (Deuteronomy 6:16 and Luke 4:16). The truth is there are signs all around us all the time, every day. What we should pray for is for God open our minds and hearts to be able to receive the messages that may be waiting for us to know. We all have a free will and can learn to shut these messages out. This can be particularly true if, like many, you were taught not to pay attention to your dreams, ghosts don't exist, it was just a coincidence, and many other "logical" ways of thinking that our parents, and society has taught us growing up. To receive the messages that the universe has for us, WE have to open our hearts once again and be ready to receive them. Another verse in the Bible tells us to "test and try the spirits."(1 John 4:1) Here we have an obligation to test and try OTHER spirits... NOT God, but other spirits, to know which ones are good and which ones are bad. We should not believe EVERY spirit, as the verse teaches. In conclusion, the only real way to know if something is a sign or not, is this: there is no way. Only you can truly know by trusting your inner gut instinct if you are being directed by the universe, or if you are being directed by your own ego to WANT to create a truth in your head. You 31

must test and try things, spirits, and truths. Lies on the surface seem just as real as truths, but only truth can stand up to the tests and still stand. I sometimes see things that stand out to me, and I may say to myself, hmmm, that is interesting. However, I also don't go through life thinking that EVERYTHING that comes my way is a SIGN. Signs are gifts from the universe that should not be taken lightly. Now if that particular sign repeats itself again, or maybe even a third time, then I will definitely look into it and see what kind of message the universe may have for me.

You have to develop a somewhat skeptical view of many things so that you can learn to discern the truth from the lies out there. Before you conclude that something is in fact a sign, ask yourself, "Am I having selective perception? Or is this truly a sign?" The answer lies within. Trust your inner gut instinct.



My friends dream A friend of mine had a dream. In his dream he saw Jesus. Beside Jesus was a long gold cord that went on until it could no longer be seen. About every two feet there was a white box built around the gold cord. These also went on until they were out of sight. My friend asked Jesus what this meant. Jesus said, “The gold cord is the cord of truth which goes on for eternity, and the white boxes are those religions and beliefs man has built around the truth. Although they are all separate, they are still connected and they all have the cord of truth in



hether you’re using a Ouija board, going to an all-night ghost hunt, or even visiting a psychic medium, you’d better be careful when talking to, or interacting with spirits. Even trying to cast out bad spirits in Jesus' name could end up being dangerous. When it comes to interacting with those individuals that have passed on, or communicating with the spirit world, 34

wisdom and caution are very much recommended. In the classic movie Beetlejuice, starring Michael Keaton, the summoned spirit caused nothing but confusion, and wreaked havoc on everything and everyone he came in contact with. Although the movie may have been funny and entertaining, any ghost hunter that’s been

followed home by a spirit after an investigation will tell you that there’s nothing funny about it at all.

floating around. Yet, it only takes one unsettled soul to interfere with your life and make you miserable.

We may encounter good, bad, very nice, or very mean people in our daily life, and it’s also like that in the spirit world. Even when someone is carried off to heaven after death, that doesn’t make them instantly nice or enlightened, but at least they have someone on the other side helping them to adjust. However, if someone misses the boat and stays around for a while as a ghost, they may become as frustrated, confused, and malevolent as Beetlejuice. Imagine how a ghost might feel, trying to get people’s attention day after day, and year after year, yet no one even knows they’re around. Even worse, if the person that’s left behind was a mean, pushy, or borderline evil person when they were alive, we may end up with a real Beetlejuice after they have passed on.

By saying the word Beetlejuice three times in a row, the unsettled soul would appear ready and willing to help the living; problem was, he had a personality, an attitude, and wanted to do things his way. By being in-tune and studying a vast array of spiritual things for most of my life, not only do ghosts love attention, but sometimes even those who have gone on to the light, still seek to influence the living. The veil between the living and the dead is much thinner than most people are willing to believe. Your uncle who is now in Heaven, or has gone to the light, may have loved you very much while he was alive, but if he was a pushy or opinionated person while he was alive, chances are he will still have those aspects of his personality. Having some of those traits on the other side may lead to tough feelings that could be empathically felt if he tries to influence you now that he has passed over. Often times, our dead relatives or friends are given the job as helpers to us from the other side after their death; and so you may feel their presence and influence. This means that your uncle may try to push you in the direction he believes is best for you, rather than the direction that may be in your best interest. The idea of this, is to teach both of you about love, truth, and emotions; eventually you will both benefit from this connection. Perhaps your uncle needs to stop being so pushy and

Although there is a big difference between being wrong, bad, or evil, a confused, angry spirit can cause big problems. So what can an ordinary spirit do to mess with your life and affect your surroundings? Well, because they are more or less invisible, most of the time you will simply have no idea they’re even around. You may feel their energy but will be unable see them. Being a spirit, they can affect our own spirit with feelings of anger, depression, sadness, or pretty much any emotion we are able to feel. Of course we are talking about a small number of spirits in comparison to how many souls may be 35

opinionated, and by observing your attitude and personality, you may help him. It could be that you’re too passive or quiet and need to be a little more assertive, so his spiritual input may give you that boost you need to be stronger. There may be lessons to be learned by both of you. Most people are oblivious to the fact that we have spiritual influences coming to us from all sorts of directions. We have Angels, Demons, Ghost, Spirit Guides, and all sorts of human energy affecting us all the time, along with other possible spiritual influence that would take a whole other article to explain. Just because you may feel a bad or strange feeling in a location, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s haunted. Likewise, a place with good energy can suddenly feel weird if a ghost shows up. So how can we avoid, or protect ourselves, from possible negative spiritual contact and interference? The answer is, study and be in-tune. Read up on spiritual things, not just religious material. Reading about life after death, ghost, religions, dreams, and the supernatural, is very helpful when it comes to understanding and comprehending what lost spirits are capable of. Also, any paranormal investigator will tell you that the best tool they have for detecting the presence of spirits, is their own body. When a person is in-tune plus educated about spiritual things,


you will not only feel an entity's presence, but you may also be able to pin-point what kind of energy it is and how to keep it at bay. Who hasn’t walked into a building and felt strange or odd feelings? It could be a spirit left behind, or left over energy from something not so good that happened in the past. So your own body is your best detector. In my opinion, other than our Spirit Guides, Angels and heavenly forces, I wouldn’t call out or summon any spirit, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Ghosts are ghosts because they missed something, not because they went the right direction. So obviously you don’t need their input. Although you may mean well by trying to help them, be careful that they don’t latch on to you and cause you problems. With all the new technology in the paranormal field, lost souls are being found. Yet it appears once again that technology has surpassed spirituality. Now we can detect the spirit world, but we fall short when it comes to interacting with the other side. So the moral of the story is, before you go messing around with the spirit world, get in-tune and educate yourself about spiritual things; or you may unleash a real Beetlejuice that will mess with you the rest of your life!



onnects is not your everyday spooky story. Yes, there is an element of scary to this seedy story based on a true haunting and possession with nuggets of fiction, to keep you the reader guessing what's real and what is not. Connects is also the spiritual journey of a woman who connects to the afterlife, sees into the future and the past, has the 37

ability to Astral project and maneuver within her lucid dreams. This is her story she discovered after moving into what she thought was her dream home, except it turned out to be more than her dream home, it turned out to be the burial grounds for many souls, and because of her intuition she is able to pick up on these souls and help to solve their

murders, or at least, how she believes they have been murdered based on the connections to these souls, dreams, and what others are saying about the lost and forgotten. Twenty-one is a common and unique thread throughout this ghostly tale. And there is a reason why the author has chosen 21 chapters to represent what really happened to the ghosts lost and forgotten. You'll need to read why this is a connection between Abigail the main character and the spirits she feels connected to. You see, this book has scary elements, but it's much more personal than the hair on your arms standing straight up. It is the authors hope that you connect with life through death. It is her wish for you to connect with not only your inner child, but also with the souls in limbo crying out to be heard. What would you do if you bought a house built on historical land with a seedy past starting with a drug dealer selling to cops shortly after his wife is found dead on the railroad tracks, and the suspicious overdose on his driveway? Except no one told you about what went down on your property nineteen years ago including the Realtor, and being the outsider moving into this rural town you didn't think that maybe they were covering up the sins of the past. I believe most 38

people would probably put up a for-sale sign, or consider suing. Maybe this is exactly what I should have thought about doing, but instead I decided to write about the dreams I started having about the spirits who had been wronged. With each new dream the spirits trapped within the walls of my country house left clues why they are here. For some reason there are many spirits, and some people think I'm making it up as I go when it twists and turns, almost unbelievably. Sometimes the most unbelievable should be believed, especially when the ghost-murder story begins to stack up from newspaper articles, and what town folk are recalling after nineteen years of silence. Instead of being afraid or threatened I let my guard down allowing one of them to possess me, until I discovered which one is inside of me. My name is Abigail Morrison and my story is fiction which means that I've changed the names, places, and dates, but I believe my ghosts to be real when I moved into my dream home, but some might say I have substance issues just like my ghosts, and I'm only being delusional. I guess, you'll need to read to find out what you think about what I believed happened to me the spring-summer of 2002.

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