Signs of the Times – part 1 To whom there should be concern: Quote of the times: “The essence of all slavery consists in taking the product of another’s labour by force. It is immaterial whether this force be founded upon ownership of the slave or ownership of the money that he must get to live.” Leo Tolstoy. Reluctantly, but at the same time compelled, I feel I have to share with you what is about to come upon the world - to the surprise of most and the despair of many. But before we get into the future we must deal with the present. Those of you how have an interest in the Bible will be aware that the Book of Revelation speaks about an end time power called Babylon - (to which God appeals to His people to come out of). Many of you will know that this power called Babylon is both a religious and a political power. But recent events should also have made biblically orientated people aware, that Babylon is also an economic power. The Biblical description of Babylon clearly points to its economic power (and its economic downfall). We find this description in Revelation chapter 18. Please pay particular attention to the end of verse 13, where it is stated that Babylon trades in "slaves and souls of men." The Bible is constructed in such a way that large amounts of information are packed into terse pithy statements. It requires a bit of effort to think about what this terse pithy statement means. Gold miners do not end up with gold without a lot of effort. The Bible contains gold (information that we need if we are going to survive what is coming upon us). So what does "slaves and souls of men" mean? The “souls of men” reference is relatively easy - elsewhere we are told that Babylon makes the inhabitants of the world "drunk with the wine of her fornication." This is not literally drunk but spiritually drunk - so that we cannot think straight - in other words Babylon owns our minds (this is the religious and political control). So what does it mean to be a slave of Babylon? History helps us to understand this question: what it means to be a slave of Babylon? Under the old feudal system people were not free. The land was owned by the Lord of the Manor and the people, who lived on the land, were his indentured servants or serfs. The feudal system was rigidly organized. If the people were going to live on the land they had to give half of their labour to the Lord of the Manor and the other half they were allowed to work for themselves. In addition, there were all sorts of restrictions, for example the serfs could not leave the land without the Lord's permission. This system prevailed in Europe for hundreds of years (those years are now called the Dark Ages). However, the darkness prevails. Today we live under a different economic system but the result is the same. In order to pay all our taxes and our mortgages/rent, it takes at least half our working time. The other half of our working hours is for us. However, this is just a small part of the economic control that Babylon has over us. The primary control method is through control over the issuing of money and credit. In the Babylonian system money and credit, can only be issued into circulation if somebody borrows it. If the economy is going to grow, then more money needs to be put into circulation. Money is like blood in the body - not enough blood in the body - you get a sick body. Not enough money in the economy - you get a sick economy. However, if Babylon requires that money and credit can only be issued by borrowing (with interest payments attached, of course) - this means that the level of debt will inevitably rise exponentially, to levels that are unsustainable. My friends, we have reached that time. This is
why the world is in economic chaos - and it will only get worse. Humpty dumpty has fallen off the wall - and all the kings horses and all the kings men cannot put Humpty Dumpty back on the wall again - although they are trying - but soon they will run out of band aids and confidence in the system will collapse. So what to do next? Well there is one more band aid the band aid of last resort - and that band aid is WAR. Have you heard the war drums recently - or have you noticed the sabre rattling - Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya - Syria will be next. Historically, war has always been the solution to insoluble economic problems - and this time it will be no different - only this time it will be much larger and much more destructive - it will be WWIII. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer,
Signs of the Times – part 2 Quote of the day: “No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always economic.” A. J. P. Taylor, British Historian. Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Grand Chess Board Continuing my explanation as to why WWIII is inevitable, I would like to first state that I am currently in Norway, and being in Norway at this time is partly the reason why I feel I need to send out this series of newsletters. But before we can address the recent Norwegian terror attacks we need to place them in their context - we need to understand the bigger picture – or what Zbigniew Brzezinski calls “The Grand Chessboard.” Zbigniew Brzezinski – a short history: he works closely with David Rockefeller. Together they set up the Trilateral Commission (which co-ordinates action between North America, Europe and Japan). He was the head of the National Security Agency during the Carter Administration. He is a “heavy hitter” – “power behind the throne” – “ultimate insider” – sort of person. To illustrate his influence over American and world affairs, one only need to note what happened during the last presidential elections in America. Brzezinski has two sons, Mark and Ian. The two candidates for president were Senator Obama and Senator McCain. Mark Brzezinski was Obama’s foreign policy advisor, and Ian Brzezinski was McCain’s foreign policy advisor. So it did not matter who American voters voted for, they ended up with father Zbigniew doing his usual thing, from behind the scenes. The other thing that we need to note about Zbigniew is that he is not a pleasant person. He recently said in a speech before an audience (and he actually premised this remark with a warning he said: “you may want to walk out of the room”). Then he said this: “it used to be more difficult to kill a million people than to control a million people – now it is easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.” Go figure for yourself. More importantly, Zbigniew Brzezinski is also a Marxist. In 1970, he wrote a book entitled, “Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era.” Just a few extracts from the book clearly reveals his commitment to Marxist ideology. In the book he explains “why
Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision.” He lauds Marxism as, “a victory of reason over belief. . . . To a greater extent than any previous mode of political thinking, Marxism puts a premium on the systematic and rigorous examination of material reality and on guides to action derived from that examination.” In other words, Marxism is a better system than any offered by republicanism or democracy. This puts Brzezinski at odds with the American Constitution. He actually says that, Marxism examines material reality and recommends action better than does the U.S. Constitution. Further, he says, Marxism “represented a major advance in man’s ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world.” It carries “an essentially ethical message.” It “was derived from a totally rational method of inquiry.” Marxism “provided a unique intellectual tool for understanding and harnessing the fundamental forces of our time. . . . [I]t supplied the best available insight into contemporary reality; it infused political action with strong ethical elements . . . .” etc. etc. So if the main string puller in the white house is a Marxist - if the power behind the throne is a Marxist - what does that make the America President? Most people do not understand Brzezinski’s commitment to Marxism, because he has a well-known intense dislike for Russia. Therefore, people reason that he cannot be a Marxist – but this is only because Brzezinski believes that the Russians perverted the true ideology of Marx under the Soviet Union. He thinks that he can do Marxism better – and he plans too. In spite of Brzezinski’s morals when he speaks he is worth listening to. When he writes he is even more revealing. In his book “The Grand Chessboard” it is all laid out what the plan is. When you put his book together with others, such as the books by ex-Jesuit priest Malachi Martin - especially his book “The Keys of this Blood.” Plus a few others such as “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” and “Empire of Debt,” they all tell the same story, each providing more details. But the book that I prefer, that also tells the same story, is the Bible. And the Bible does not need hundreds of pages to tell it – it tells it in a simple sublime manner, just a few phrases is all it needs. The context is what happens in the last days of this world’s history. Here it is: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear…” Luke 21:25,26. It is the word “perplexity” that we need to focus on. What sort of perplexity will this be? The word in the original Greek is “aporia” – so what does “aporia” mean? Turning to “Vines Expository Dictionary of Greek Words”, we find that “aporia” means the following: “at a loss for a way… finding no solution to their embarrassments (the nations)… being at one’s wits end… at a loss how to proceed, without resources.” Yes it means all that. [Greek is a very sophisticated nuanced language, that’s why Bible translators have so much fun with it]. So what sort of perplexity will the nations be in, at the end of this world’s history? ECONOMIC PERPLEXITY. Specifically a lack of resources to deal with the problems they are faced with. For example, most people know that the national debt in America is hovering above 14 Trillion dollars. The last time I looked at the debt clock on the internet (showing the increasing debt in real time) the national debt was increasing by about 1 million dollars every 40 seconds. But this is just small change compared to “the unfunded liabilities.” What are unfunded liabilities?
Unfunded liabilities are the debts that are coming due to the American government over the next few years. Unfunded liabilities are what worries professor Laurence J. Kotlikokk (Boston University economics professor and a former senior economist on President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers). Professor Kotlikokk was recently interviewed by David Greene for the weekend TV show All Things Considered. On the show he said that the national debt, which the U.S. Treasury has accounted at about $14 trillion, is just the tip of the iceberg. “We have all these unofficial debts that are massive compared to the official debt - we’re focused just on the official debt, so we’re trying to balance the wrong books.” He explained further: if you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defence expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference is $211 trillion. That’s the fiscal gap,” he said. “That’s our true indebtedness.” And this is the situation that prevails in most nations. Just as the Bible predicted, they are running out of resources to cope with just ordinary expenditure – let alone extraordinary expenditure – such as will be required to deal with emergency situations such as natural disasters (which the Bible also predicts). However, there is one nation in the Western Alliance that is not in this situation. That nation is Norway. Norway is not running out of resources. Quite the opposite, Norway has an embarrassment of riches. What is it that makes Norway so different? To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 3 Quotes of the day: “If you want to control nations you have to control oil – if you want to control people you have to control food.” Henry Kissinger. “Oil is far too important a commodity, to be left in the hands of the Arabs.” Henry Kissinger. Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger are like Siamese twins. They both share the same ideology and the same ruthless methods for achieving the agenda that they are following. It would appear that they took turns at being “the power behind the throne.” After Carter was tipped out of office, Kissinger took over for eight years with the Reagan Administration. Now Brzezinski is behind the curtains again. We find the agenda they are following spelt out clearly in Brzezinski’s book “The Grand Chess Board. These are the main points: 1. If you want to control the world, you have to control Eurasia (the continents of Asia and Europe combined - (because this is where the bulk of the world’s population and the bulk of the world’s resources are located). 2. If you want to control Eurasia you have to control the centre of Eurasia. 3. If you want to control the centre of Eurasia, you have to control an ellipses shaped piece of territory that starts in the north with the Caspian Sea basin and extends to the south to include Saudi Arabia (this is because, this vast territory contains 70% of the world’s proven oil reserves).
This is the plan, and this is why America and its allies are currently in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc., and soon to be in Syria which is the next stop on the road to Iran and the Third World War. At this point we need to back off a bit, and consider some further background information to make this more understandable. You see all of this is inevitable. It is inevitable because of the fatal flaw in the Babylonian economic system. And the fatal flaw is that, the Babylonian economic system requires constant growth and an inexhaustible supply of resources. If these conditions are met, then the system will function albeit in a dysfunctional manner (boom – bust – boom – bust – boom – bust – bust –boom – I think you get the general idea). The Babylonian system has been around for hundreds - even several thousand years. But for simplicities sake, we can say that it kicked into high gear with the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 (which was a private bank masquerading as the bank of the nation – just like the Federal Reserve in America today). It was this bank and the finance that it provided to the government and businesses that largely contributed to the rapid rise to power of England and the founding of the British Empire. But the other side of the coin is this: the British where compelled to expand and grow, they were compelled to establish an empire because the economic system that they were now under forced them to do it – not that they were complaining – they of course enjoyed the fruits of empire and living standards for most generally rose. Everything worked out fine as long as there were new lands to discover, full of resources to exploit, and excess population to move to these new lands and establish new nations. All of this growth required money and there were eager hands willing to borrow it into existence (that’s how money is created) and willing and able to pay the interest. As long as there is endless growth, expansion and limitless resources the Babylonian system will work. But obviously it cannot work forever, because the world is a finite place. America has now taken over the British role in the world and it is operating under the same economic system with the same flaws. This is why America, in order to survive has to expand and grow in the same manner that Britain did. But the world is a much more dangerous place now - full of weapons of mass destruction. When Britain was doing her thing, she only had to put up with spears and a few arrows. So empire building today is done differently – it is done with debt. Debt has become a weapon of mass destruction. When a business falls into bankruptcy the receivers are called in to sort out the mess (which is just a local law and accounting firm specializing in restructuring debt). When nations go bankrupt the receivers are also called in, but this time it is not the local law firm it is the International Monetary Fund (IMF). When the IMF is called in to “restructure” a nation this is in effect, the point where that nation joins the “empire” (unless they rebel such as Peru – which is an interesting unfinished story). So, shifting back to the main story, we can perhaps get a glimpse of the economic forces that are propelling America and her allies towards risky adventures in Eurasia and the Third World War. It is appropriate at this point to repeat Taylor’s analysis of the cause of war: “No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always economic.” A. J. P. Taylor, British Historian. To be continued...
Extra Note: It is relatively easy to fix the systemic flaws in the Babylonian economic system. All that needs to be done is to introduce money and credit into circulation without debt.
Governments simply need to take the right to issue money and credit away from private banks and give it to themselves. They can then issue money into circulation to pay for their own expenses (thus alleviating the tax burden on the people). Can it be so simple, you ask? Yes it is so simple. The cat has been out of the bag before - both American presidents Lincoln and Kennedy did it. They both authorised their governments to issue money in the name of the government. So they both side lined the banks and deprived the banks of their profits – what else do Lincoln and Kennedy have in common? God Bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 4 Quotes of the day: “My People are destroyed for lack of knowledge” - Hosea 4:6. “A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it” Proverbs. 22:3. “I know no other way of knowing the future, except by the past” – Paul Henry, American Statesman. The German philosopher Hegel identified how history works. He called it a process of thesis (current situation), antithesis (which means against the thesis) and synthesis (the result of conflict between the thesis and antithesis). A short explanation of Hegel’s system will help us to understand the world we live in today. So, as Paul Henry said, if we want to know what is coming upon us, we need to understand what has happened in the past. Another way of saying same the same thing is: “if we don’t know where we come from, we won’t know where we are going.” A simple explanation of Hegel’s system would be to imagine a family that grows and develops and expands (this is the thesis). Growth and expansion does not occur in a vacuum. This family’s expansion will provoke the rise of an antithesis (another family, or several families – who organize themselves to counter the influence of the first family – or thesis). Now, all we have to do is broaden this process. If a tribe grows and expands (the thesis) it will provoke the rise of their neighbor tribe or tribes (who feel threatened – into forming the antithesis). If a nation has expansionary policies (the thesis), then these expansionary policies, will provoke neighboring nations, to form the antithesis (because they feel threatened). This process can also be seen, working inside societies. An example would be, the rise of the power of capital (the thesis), provoking the organizing of the working class, into labor unions (the antithesis). The next step is the synthesis. As friction (and the ultimate friction is war) occurs between the thesis and the antithesis, the result is a synthesis. The conflict between the thesis and the antitheses creates a new reality – which is a synthesis of what previously existed. The best way to understand this process is to look at our recent history. Prior to WW1, because of expansionary policies on all sides, the European nations were divided into thesis and antithesis – the triple entente verses the triple alliance. [The triple entente constituted
Britain, France and Russia. The triple alliance originally constituted, Germany, the AustroHungarian Empire and Italy, but at the outbreak of war, Italy joined the other side]. The resulting synthesis, at the aftermath of WWI was the formation of something new – the League of Nations (a forerunner to the United Nations). However, the League of Nations was ineffective (often attributed to the fact that the United States of America never joined it). The world soon broke up into competing thesis and antithesis again [the Axis powers verses the Allies] – and again for the same reasons – expansionary policies. Hitler wanted “lebensraum” (living room) for the German people. And Japan having little natural resources of its own wanted access to oil and coal, and markets for its goods [at this time Japan was being boycotted for its expansionary wars in China by the western nations. It only had two month’s supply of oil in its reserves, when it attacked America at Pearl Harbour]. The Second World War was a war for the control of limited resources, just as the First World War was. “No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always economic.” A. J. P. Taylor, British Historian. The synthesis at the end of WWII was again an attempt at a world regulatory body – the United Nations. But again, the hopes and the aspirations for world peace dissolved into two competing blocks – the Soviet Union (and allies) verses America (and allies) - communism verses capitalism – East verses West – known as the Cold War. The strategic policy of America and its allies in this Cold War was one of containment (containing the spread of communism). Thus military bases were built all over the world in strategic places to mitigate threat and to counteract thrusts by the enemy to break through the containment wall. Periodically, the cold war would go hot – such as Korea and Vietnam. But what was, constant throughout this period was wars by proxy. These occurred when one side would back an insurgency and the other would back the opposition to the insurgency. For example Cuba, which the Soviets won, and Afghanistan which America won (when Russia was ejected out of Afghanistan not the present situation). During the cold war all nations were put under intense pressure to join one side or the other. This is why some third-world countries felt they had to form an alliance of their own called the Alliance of non-Aligned Nations. Not only nations, but individuals were also under pressure to accept one version of the “Truth” (essentially it was a battle over beliefs) or the other. With the demise of communism the world soon faced a new synthesis. We are supposedly now living in the era of a single super-power. But that does not mean that the super-power is invulnerable to attack, or is without effective enemies. An antithesis soon arose and dramatically announced its presence on 9/11, 2001. As a result the world is again dividing into two blocks. Who can forget the declaration by George W. Bush, “you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists.” So now we have the war on terror. And the war on terror is matching the world inexorably towards WWIII. Think of it in terms of the showdown at the OK corral. The local community was divided into thesis and antithesis. The Clantons verses the Earps. There were many incidents between these two, before the most famous gunfight in Wild West history occurred. The same scenario is being played out in the world today. We are witnessing the “many incidents” before the most famous gunfight in world history – which must soon take place in
the Middle East. Before it happens “the prudent must seek a refuge” - but for the vast majority there will be no refuge on this planet – true refuge must be sought elsewhere. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Please note: there are many threads to this story, and they all need to be woven in, before the story can be complete (and understandable). Be patient, and we will end up with the latest atrocity in the story, the attacks in Norway.
Signs of the Times – part 5 Quote of the Day: “The rich rule over the poor, and a borrower is a slave to the lender” Proverbs 22:7. Those of you who have heard David Gates speak, may remember him telling about one of his enduring childhood memories. In 1971, his father was listening to the radio, and he called out in an urgent voice, saying: “David, David come and listen! - the United States has just gone bankrupt!” To understand what happened to the U.S. economy (and the world economy) in 1971, we need to go back to 1944, to a place called Bretton Woods in the state of New Hampshire, in the U.S. By 1944 it was clear (at least to the Allies) that they were going to win WWII. So they assembled at Bretton Woods to decide what sort of economic system would prevail after the war. Prior to the war most countries had some kind of link between their national currencies and gold. In other words, it was gold that gave their paper money value. This changed at Bretton Woods. For the purposes of our story the most important decisions made at Bretton Woods were: 1. The allied nations (the Western Alliance) would go off the gold standard (except America). In other words, the currencies of each nation (except America) would no longer have to be backed by reserves of gold. 2. Instead of being linked to gold for their value, the currencies of the Western Alliance would be linked to the American Dollar for their value. 3. The American Dollar would be the only currency that would remain on the gold standard. In other words, the American Dollar “would be as good as gold.” 4. This did not mean that ordinary citizens could trade in their American dollars for gold. However, the arrangement was that, the nations of the earth, could exchange their American dollars for gold. In other words, America guaranteed that it would settle its debts with gold. This system prevailed until 1971, when President Nixon, announced that America was “shutting the gold window.” Which was a euphemistic way of saying, “we’ve run out of gold” - or - “we still have some gold, but you’re not getting it.” Either way, when someone says they are not going to pay their debts (for whatever reason) we normally call that bankruptcy. And so it was in this case. The rest of the financial world swallowed hard and accepted it – because this was the height of the Cold War and America was the only nation able to stand up to the
communist threat. The immediate effect of this decision was to introduce great instability into the financial system –instability that has increased over time and it has a direct link with the situation we find ourselves in today. [When the history books are written we may find that President Nixon’s announcement to “shut the gold window” will be one of the most momentous decisions of the 20th Century]. So America started paying its debts with paper money. However, a problem soon arose – the American dollar began to lose its value. It began to lose its value because of a natural economic law. Every new banknote that is issued into circulation will devalue all the existing notes in circulation – it is a simple equation of supply and demand. The more there is of any particular item in the marketplace – the less valuable it will be. If something is scarce in the marketplace the more valuable it will be. And there were too many American dollars in the marketplace therefore the American dollar lost its value. The proper solution to the problem would be to withdraw some of the American dollars from circulation. The only institution able to do that is the institution that issued the dollars in the first place – the American Government (technically the Federal Reserve – the privately owned American central bank). However, every dollar coming back to America represented a debt that America had to pay. And as we have already learned America was unwilling to pay its debts. [The reason why the world was awash with American dollars at this time was because America was printing dollars to pay for the Vietnam War – does this sound familiar?]. So another solution had to be found to lift the value of the American dollar. The solution was a stroke of genius - it is a revelation into how creative and inventive the current economic system is, when it is focused on preserving its power. However, it had to be kept a secret, so the people behind the scheme never got the recognition they deserved (or the infamy). Seeking to bolster the value of the American Dollar, the American Government went to the Saudi Arabians (the most important exporting oil country) and made them an offer “they could not refuse.” The offer was: “we will guarantee your national security, and in return you will only ever accept American dollars for oil.” There was an additional caveat, the Saudi Arabians had to agree to persuade their OPEC colleagues (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) to do the same. The Saudis agreed and the deal was done. This was in the early 1970’s. Do those of you who are old enough, remember what happened to oil supplies and oil prices starting in 1973/74? Oil prices increased fourfold [this increase was exacerbated by the Israeli/Arab, Yom Kippur War – the Arab nations used restrictions on oil production as a retaliatory weapon against America, for American support of Israel]. Since oil was priced in American dollars, and since there was a huge fourfold rise in the price of oil, this meant that there was a fourfold increase in the demand for U.S. dollars, this meant that there was a fourfold increase in the value of American dollars. Prior to the Yom Kippur War a barrel of oil cost a lowly US$3 – after the war a barrel of oil cost US$12 [and prices kept rising peaking in 1979, before dropping again]. So, the world was not just competing for oil, it was competing for American dollars to purchase the oil. The decline in the value of the American dollar was over (temporarily). Thus the “petro-dollar” phenomena, was born. Petro-dollars was the term coined for the vast amount of dollars that flowed into the coffers of all oil exporting countries – especially Middle East nations - and especially Saudi Arabia – the largest exporter of them all. This vast flow of American dollars caused a problem. The economies of these countries could not absorb all this new found wealth. So, looking for investment opportunities, much of this
money was simply deposited in American banks. Completing the petro-dollar cycle, because, basically this is where the money originally came from. So, now the banks have a problem. They are awash in large amounts of new deposits and they are expected to return a profit to those who deposited them. How do you get someone or something to borrow not just millions of dollars but billions? The answer was: lend to the nations of the world – South American and Third World nations where considered especially ripe for “plucking.” So these nations were inundated with “economic hitmen” offering loans to corrupt regimes that were only too willing to take them – after all they needed the American money firstly to buy oil, and secondly to salt away in secret bank accounts for their own private use, while the people of the nation got stuck with the bills. When most of these nations were unable to pay the interest on these loans let alone the principle, the debt was simply “rolled over” [financial jargon for, give them more money to cover the debt that they cannot pay – as long as it looks like its paid on our books –everything is sweet]. This resulted is a series of crises throughout the 1980s and 1990s as country after country defaulted on their debts [probably the most severe case being Argentina – with the largest sovereign debt default in history (to date), US$93 billion in 2002– and Argentina is still suffering today]. [Technically, Greece and the other nations in similar trouble today have not defaulted yet – when they do they will surpass Argentina by many billions]. Thus, the “Empire of Debt” was created. And because all this debt was denominated in American dollars, this meant that American dollars had to be earned, in order to pay off the debt. This of course created further demand for American dollars, which in turn creates more value for the American dollar. Thus, America finds itself in the happy situation of simply having to create American dollars [which it produces out of nothing, costing nothing, backed by nothing], and the rest of the world produces real goods and services in order to earn American dollars. And Americans seem surprised that everyone wants to live in America – even if they live there illegally. At the height of the Roman Empire everyone wanted to live in Rome too – that’s where everyone got free bread and free circuses - now we have McDonalds and Television. I am well aware that there all sorts of modifying and extenuating circumstances that people could seize upon and use as an objection to the above scenario. For example, someone might say: “That’s not right! America doesn’t just produce dollars, it produces goods and services too - in fact, it, still has the largest economy in the world.” And this extenuating circumstance voiced as an objection, is absolutely correct. But this still does not remove the fundamental relationship that America has with the rest of the world. Yes, America does have a large economy – but in addition to the world’s largest economy it also has this “captive economy” which has been captured by the dominance of the American dollar in world trade– especially trade in oil. Of course this system could not continue forever. Remember, when a thesis expands and grows an antithesis would rise to counteract the threat. The person who tried to fulfill that role, the person who became the fly in the ointment was Saddam Hussein. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 6 Quotes of the Day: One of the dirty little secrets of today's international order is that the rest of the globe could topple the United States from its hegemonic status whenever they so choose with a concerted abandonment of the dollar standard. This is America's preeminent, inescapable Achilles Heel for now and the foreseeable future. Richard Benson, President, Specialty Finance Group The Federal Reserve's greatest nightmare is that OPEC will switch its international transactions from a dollar standard to a euro standard. Iraq actually made this switch in Nov. 2000 (when the euro was worth around 82 cents), and has actually made off like a bandit considering the dollar's steady depreciation against the euro. (Note: the dollar declined 17% against the euro in 2002.) Oil and gas are not the ultimate aims of the US [in Iraq]. It's about control. If the US controls the sources of energy of its rivals — Europe, Japan, China, and other nations aspiring to be more independent — they win. Pepe Escobar, Asia Times, January 20, 2002. To understand how Saddam Hussein and Iraq fit into our story, we need to go back to the early 1950’s and begin with Iran. In 1951 Mohammed Mossadegh was elected Prime Minister of Iran. Mossadegh was an Iranian nationalist and he nationalized the Iranian oil industry taking control (and profits) away from the American and British oil companies. The CIA quickly engineered a coup against Mossadegh and installed Reza Pahlavi as the Shah of Iran, in his place. [Even Time Magazine attests to the fact that a democratically elected leader was removed by the CIA. In Time Magazine’s, Feb 3, 2002 edition, in the leading article entitled “The CIAs Secret Army,” it says: “In operation Ajax, CIA officers in Iran engineer a coup against Premier Mohammed Mossadegh, restoring Shah Reza Pahlavi to the throne. The agency’s role soon becomes widely known.” The excuse for the coup, of course, was the fear of communism. Mossadegh was labeled a closet communist and because the Soviet Union bordered oil rich Iran, it threatened the security of the Western Alliance – so it had to be done. The Iranian people are now enraged. They turn against western democratic ideals and turn to religious fundamentalism. Soon the Shah of Iran is fleeing and the Islamic revolutionary, the Ayatollah Khomeini takes over. During the takeover period, the Iranians fearing another CIA coup, storm the American Embassy and take the inhabitants hostage. America launches a rescue of the hostages but the rescue mission fails, with the loss of American lives. President Carter is reduced to begging the Iranians to let the hostages go. Now it is the American people who are enraged. It is never wise to humiliate a super power. Living next door to Iran at this time was a gentleman who had just recently come to power in Iraq, by the name of Saddam Hussein. Iran suddenly finds itself attacked by Saddam Hussein, and the war carries on for eight years. Henry Kissinger’s comment at the time was: “I hope they slaughter each other.” And just to make sure they did slaughter each other, America supplied arms to both sides. Yes they did! It was all exposed in Congressional hearings in Washington D.C. and became known as the Iran-Contra Affair. As far as arms supply went, America of course favored Iraq, so Saddam was also given WMD (weapons of mass destruction –poisons gas etc), which he used against the Iranians and also Kurdish rebels in his own country. When the war was finally over, Saddam Hussein wanted his reward for being a “good boy.” His understanding was that he was going to get Kuwait. [Many Middle Eastern borders were
originally established by colonial powers - therefore there are still some disputes about borders in the region, and Iraq has always claimed Kuwait as being a part of Iraq]. Saddam got the green light to go into Kuwait when the American ambassador (April Glaspie, July 25, 1990), officially said to him: “we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.” So in 1990, Saddam marched into Kuwait, and America changed its mind, and kicked him out again. America could have marched on to Baghdad and finished him off, but Colin Powell [the American General on the ground and soon to be Secretary of State], later said: “We still needed Saddam” – he was still needed because the real threat was (and still is Iran), and Saddam might be needed again to counter the Iranian threat. So, Saddam was left to fester in Baghdad, nursing his grievances and suffering from severe economic sanctions from the rest of the world, against his regime. So in 2002, he decides to retaliate. On September 24, 2002, Saddam announced to the world that he would soon be changing from the dollar (which he called “the currency of the enemy”) to the euro, for the sale of Iraq’s oil. [Unfortunately, not all the people of the world heard his announcement. Only a short news story about Iraq’s change, was announced on the website of Radio Liberty (run by the U.S. State Dept.) on Nov. 1st, 2002. And CNN News had a reference on its website for just 24hrs on Oct 30th 2002]. It was never again mentioned in the American media, or by the American Government, in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq the following year. Instead, the war drums were beating the constant refrain that: “Saddam has weapons of mass destruction – therefore we have to invade Iraq and find these weapons before he gives them to al-Qaeda.” But after the Second Gulf War, and after Iraq was searched from top to bottom, no WMD was found (probably because Saddam had used it all). Of course the real reason that Saddam had to be removed was because of his challenge to American hegemony. [The all-encompassing control that America has over the world at large, through the status of the American dollar as the world currency of exchange]. This could not be tolerated because it might encourage other nations to do the same. [In which case the whole house of cards that was being built to maintain control would have collapsed]. It was this action that sealed Saddam’s fate. Just as the removal of Mossedegh in Iran was something that had to be done, for the security of the Western alliance, the same logic applied to Saddam. And all those who try to “buck the system” will receive the same treatment. [Including members of the Western Alliance who don’t behave themselves]. Unfortunately, this is how the world works –it is not a pleasant place – never was and never will be. God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 7 Quotes of the Day: “We’re in the early stages of what I would describe as the third World War…” Newt Gingrich, former Republican leader of the US House of Representatives. “During the Cold War, the concept of ‘mutual assured destruction’ (MAD) was put forth. An understanding of the devastating consequences of nuclear war largely contributed to avoiding the outbreak of war between the US and the Soviet Union. Today, in the post-Cold war era,
no such understanding prevails. The specter of a nuclear holocaust, which haunted the world for half a century has been relegated to the status of "collateral damage" Michel Chossudovsky, professor of economics (emeritus), University of Ottawa. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Albert Einstein. The World is preparing for WWIII. In former times when nations were maneuvering for war, it was important to seize control of the ”high ground” – this is because the high ground would dominate the battlefield. In this modern era, the high ground is no longer control over physical height, it is control over resources. All the nations of the world have recently become obsessed with accumulating and controlling resources. China for example has a vociferous appetite for resources. Some countries are doing very well out of the demand – in Australia for example, they cannot dig the country up fast enough and ship it off to China. But access to resources is not the primary concern - it is control over resources the nations are competing for. Again China has been very active, it has managed to secure 90% control over all the rare minerals and metals in the world, and it recently announced that it was placing restrictions on releasing them into the marketplace. China has also replaced the Western Alliance as the donor of choice for most African nations. This is because China does not attach conditions when it negotiates aid and trade agreements with third world countries, such as improving human rights. [For example China has no qualms about dealing with Robert Mugabe’s regime in Zimbabwe]. Therefore China has been welcomed in Africa. And China is not only securing control over oil and other resources, but it also buying land for food production. They have Chinese ”boots on the ground” all over Africa. I myself was recently in Uganda and I witnessed the Chinese building a road through difficult terrain into the Congo. It is naive to think that this was being done simply for altruistic aid. The Congo is one of the richest prizes in Africa as far as resources go, and the Chinese will use the road to bring the resources out and ship them to China. Another necessary preparation for war is to have secure lines of supply. So, after China has secured control, how does it plan to transport the resources home? In order to accomplish this China has been building what the American Department of Defense calls a ”string of pearls.” These are strategic spots on the sea route from Hong Kong to the coast of the Sudan in Africa. The most important of these pearls is the Pakistani port of Gwadar. This is because China is building into its supply route a back-up plan. China is well aware that the American navy rules the seas – so when it comes to the most vitsl resource of all, oil, China is planning to build an oil pipeline from the port of Gwadar, through Pakistan, to China. Which is where the story gets interesting because this same port used to be the key to America’s plans as well. One of the sub-plots (maybe even the main plot) to the American intervention in Afghanistan was to build an oil pipeline from the oil rich central Asia area, through Afghanistan to the port of Gwadar. The company that was going to build this pipeline was Unocal [Hamid Karzai, the man who was installed as president of Afghanistan, was a former high level executive at Unocal]. If you look at a map of where this pipeline was to be built, you will find that this is also where most of the American military bases have been built - [in order to protect the pipeline – are we surprised that the military is used to protect big business? – we should not be – have you ever heard of the military/industrial complex?]. Unfortunately, for America, as the road to WWIII is trod, Pakistan will go with China. Pakistan and China are natural allies because of their mutual hostility to India. The Arabs
have a proverb that says: ”the enemy of my enemy is my friend” – and this is what pushes Pakistan and China together. In fact, Pakistan has become so vital to China, that after the ”we finally found Osama bin Laden hiding in Pakistan – and we killed him” episode – China formally warned America that meddling in Pakistan’s internal affairs was tantamount to declaring war on China. The problem is, Pakistan has nuclear weapons, and they have to be”neutralized” preferably before WWIII starts. [Interesting note: a helicopter was recently shot down in Afghanistan with large American casualties– the Navy Seal team, that led the operation in Pakistan, against Osama bin Laden, were all on that helicopter and they all died. This is contrary to their own internal rules and regulations – they are such valuable special forces that they are never supposed to travel together as a group, in order to avoid the very thing that happened to them]. So what is the Western Alliance doing to counteract Chinese expansionism? They are doing plenty. The policy they are following is similar to the same policy that they followed during the cold war – containment. But this time it is ”containment plus.” We can illustrate by looking at two African countries which have been much in the news recently – Sudan and Libya. What do Sudan and Libya have in common? Answer: they are both oil producing countries, they are both Muslim and they are both very important to China. In Sudan China, has invested billions in the oil industry, including a 40% stake in the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Co., and in pipelines that take the oil to the coast, for shipment to China. However, as soon as China became active in Sudan, the country basically blew itself to pieces. All sorts of internal strife was exacerbated and increased dramatically, and new conflicts started. The end result is that, in the Sudan, where there was once one nation, there are now two. And it just so happens that most of the Sudanese oil is now located inside the newly established borders of the new nation of South Sudan –effectively shut off from Chinese control – access to the oil yes – but control? No! The same scenario is being played out in Libya. Here are some little known facts about Libya: Libya has a sovereign fund of over US$50 billion. After Libya lost its pariah status (because of Gaddafi’s support for terrorism) and Libya was accepted back into the community of nations in 2006, the money in this fund was largely invested overseas. The Libyan dictator, Colonel Gaddafi, recently proposed to give most of the profits from this fund and other oil revenues directly to the Libyan people [the reason for this was because he was sick of the corruption of the officials in his own regime – he actually proposed sacking his whole government and replacing the officials]. Now that Gaddafi is about to go – who gets the money? Answer: whoever is powerful enough to seize it. My guess, is that NATO will hand the new Libyan regime a bill of US$50 billion, for bombs and other services, and the $50 billion will disappear into hands that desperately need it. [The only difference between the poor and the super rich in the Babylonian system is this: the poor people worry about where their next $50 is coming from and the super rich worry about where thier next $50 billion is coming from. Well in this case it will be coming from Libya – but it will not last them very long – soon they will have to look elsewhere – because the appetite of the ”beast” is insatiable]. Another interesting fact about Libya is that some years ago Libya found massive reserves of fresh, pure water, under the Sahara desert. Since then equally massive infrastructure has been built to bring the water to the coastal areas of Libya [this is truly one of the greatest engineering feats of modern times – they are constructing ”man made rivers”]. In the coastal areas equally massive food production was being planned, and had in fact already begun. The desert was about to bloom and Libya was poised to become a much
bigger player on the international scene [because water is also becoming a scarce resource – especially in that part of the world]. Guess who has been helping Libya with all this development? China has approximately 50 different development projects in Libya worth about US$20 billion dollars. China was forced to organiize a massive evacuation of over 34,000 Chinese company workers from Libya. So, once again with the latest developments in Libya, as in the Sudan, China loses - this is ”containment plus.” The problems facing both Sudan and Libya, are obviously complex with many interweaving causes. But these problems have been manipulated and used to ”role back” Chinese influence in Africa and prevent China from gaining control of resources. The strategy behind Zbigniew Brzezinski's Grand Chess Board is not just applicable to Asia but also Africa. Both the situation in Sudan and Libya, have worked out to the Western Alliance advantage and to the detriment of China. I guess this is why the Western Alliance has been bombing Libya and not China. To be continued... God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 8 Quote of the Day: “So I’ve told people that, if you’re interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them [Iranians] from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon.” President, George W. Bush, Press Conference, Oct. 17, 2007. On December 7, 2007, Reuters New Agency, reported that Iran had stopped selling its oil exports for US dollars. In other words, Iran had decided to attack the “Achilles heel” of America, just as Saddam Hussein had done. Shortly thereafter, Iran went one step further, on Feb. 17, 2008, the Kish Bourse (oil trading market, named after an island in the Persian Gulf) was officially opened using an internet video conference. [During the launch the whole Persian Gulf region experienced abnormal internet problems]. This was a further challenge to the Western Alliances control over the trade in oil. However, there was also an element of caution in Iran’s challenge. The Iranian oil minister Gholamhossein Nozari explained that the Bourse would only trade in oil derived products (i.e. not crude oil). Nevertheless, the oil minister went on to say, that a second phase would be rolled out in the future, which would include trading in crude oil, depending on whether the recently established Bourse experienced “no trouble in its starting up phase.” Translation: “depending on what America and its allies do in response to our provocative actions.” Since then the oil minister has gotten his answer. There is a short road to Tehran and a long road. First the short road was tried. You may remember the “green revolution” in 2009 that looked as though it might topple the Iranian regime, but it failed. So now the long road to Tehran is being trodden. This road goes through the Sudan, through Libya, and through Syria, (and possibly a small diversion into Yemen), before the final destination, Iran itself.
The policy the Western Alliance is implementing, on this road to Tehran is the usual “containing and restraining” policy that they used in the cold war. The goal is to isolate the enemy. So, in order to achieve this goal, the Western Alliance is removing all of Iran’s allies, one by one. They have started with the weakest and moving towards the strongest (in this case Syria). Syria is the most important ally that Iran has. Syria and Iran share common goals, namely the destruction of Israel. To this end, they both support the most radical, the most aggressive, and at the same time the most effective Arab anti-Israeli organisation called Hezbollah – which is entrenched in Lebanon. [Israel had a mini-war with Hezbollah in 2006 – which Israel did not win – (which is considered a victory for the Arabs) – since then Hezbollah has been supplied with thousands of rockets by Iran and Syria, which they threaten to “rain down” upon Israel, in any future conflict]. Thus intervention In Syria (in the name of democracy) will not only remove another ally of Iran but it will also cut off support to Hezbollah leading to their ultimate demise as well. And intervention in Syria is already under way. The same “noises” that were made against Gadhafi and his regime are being made against Assad and his regime. All new wars enable the testing of newly created weapons, and the war in Libya has revealed the latest weapon in the arsenal. It is called, “Responsibility to Protect”- or - “Responsibility to Act.” In yesteryear, a nation’s sovereignty was considered sacrosanct. It used to be a fundamental pillar of international law that each nation would respect the others sovereignty and would not interfere in each other’s internal affairs. That understanding is now gone. In his address to the nation in April (to explain why the Western Alliance was intervening in Libya), President Obama cited “Responsibility to Protect” as the justification for bombing Libya. He reasoned that sovereignty is not a privilege but a responsibility that can be revoked if a country is accused of ‘war crimes’ - ‘genocide’ – ‘crimes against humanity’ – or – ‘ethnic cleansing.’ And this is what Assad, in Syria is/will be accused of – therefore the good and decent folk in the Western Alliance will have a moral duty to go into Syria and remove him. [This is the same scenario that has just played out in Libya]. This is a major departure, from the normal relations that governed the affairs of nations, for hundreds of years in the past. It is akin to your neighbours, taking offence to your behaviour in your own home. Therefore, they invade your home, and beat you senseless, until you behave yourself (according to a standard of conduct and behaviour that they determine, not you). Of course no one really cares, until it happens to them. And it will. Iran has clear ambitions to be the regional super power in the Gulf area. Mr. Gholamhossein Nozari, the Iranian oil minister, revealed some of the Iranian agenda when he said that if the Iranian Bourse was a success it might eventually establish a “Caspian Sea - Oil Benchmark.” To understand what this means, it is necessary to understand, that what passes for communication in political and diplomatic arenas, is often done obliquely. That is to say, it is done in a form of code, so that basically, only those who are supposed to get the message actually “get it.” These words, from the oil minister, are even more of a challenge to the American led Western Alliance, than the selling of oil for other currencies and the establishment of the oil trading bourse. What the oil minister is saying here is this: “we know you have your eyes on the Caspian Sea oil – we know you are trying to get control of it – but we are going to beat you to it – we are going to control it – it is going to become a new benchmark in international oil trading and we will set the price of oil, not you.” This is not just attacking the Achilles heel of America – this risky venture on the part of Iran is much more ambitious – it is more like a blow designed to “cut off at the knees.” Please remember, he who seizes control of the ever increasingly scarce resources of the world, especially oil, is king of the world.
Of course Iran sees the development of nuclear weapons as essential to its strategy of keeping the Western Alliance at bay, and out of its back yard. And in spite of constant denials it is obvious they are trying to develop such weapons. If the Iranians manage to develop nuclear weapons - they win – the Western Alliance loses. This is why Iranian nuclear scientists are being assassinated in Iran, and there have been crippling cyber-attacks launched against computer systems running the Iranian nuclear programme. So something has to be done before Iran achieves nuclear capability – whatever that something proves to be, it will prove to be the trigger of WWIII. In the meantime the preparations continue. Listen! - can you hear the war drums beating for intervention in Syria. To be continued… God bless, Bruce Telfer
Signs of the Times – part 9 Quote of the day: “Willing or not, ready or not, we are all involved in an all-out, no-holds-barred, three way global competition. Most of us are not competitors however. We are the stakes. For the competition is about who will establish the first one-world system of government that has ever existed in the society of nations… Those of us who are under seventy will see at least the basic structures of the new world government installed. Those of us under forty will surely live under its legislative, executive and judiciary authority and control. Indeed the three rivals themselves – and many people besides – speak about this new world order not as something around a distant corner of time, but something that is imminent.” Malachi Martin, The Keys of this Blood, p. 15,16. 1990. Warning: This email comes with a warning – it has potential to make you angry. If you do become angry, please ask yourself this question: “is what is written here true or not?” If it is true, then why are you getting angry? The Truth remains the Truth regardless of what people may think about it. The Truth is uncompromising – it never yields to error – it is not adjustable- and it never apologises, because it is the Truth, and it has nothing to be ashamed of. And, therefore, it is altogether pointless getting angry at it. The Truth can never be “tweaked” or “spun” to teach error. It never bows to “political correctness” and it stands firm in that market place, known as “public opinion.” It is we who need to change – not the truth. Error is always dangerous – and ignorance is no advantage. The Truth is the only thing that we can trust – therefore we should respect and cherish it – we should love honour and obey it. Here endeth the warning – please proceed with caution and pray for discernment. Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion states: “to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.” What Newton found to be true in science - Hegel found was also true, of history, and the affairs of men. So, as the noose tightens around Iran, the expansionary policies of the Western Alliance will provoke a reaction. Nations that might have had
differences in the past will now put these differences aside. Nations that might have had little in common in the past, now have a common enemy in the present. All these nations will be drawn together because they will feel threatened – and thus they will form the antithesis, in opposition to the thesis. As this plays out on our 6 o’clock TV news, the Western Alliance [The NATO powers, plus Israel, Australia and New Zealand], fulfil the role of the thesis. The antithesis will be a combination of Eurasian nations. The main players in the Eurasian Alliance will be Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran. The battle ground will be the Middle East and the Caspian Sea basin - because it is this area that Zbigniew Brzezinski, has so conveniently pointed out to us, that is the great prize on the Grand Chess Board. Indeed the pre-war skirmishes have already begun. One such skirmish was the war between Georgia and Russia, in 2008. All armies prior to battle, probe the other side for strengths and weaknesses. They deliberately provoke one another, in order to study how the other side reacts. This is how they refine and improve strategy and tactics for the real thing – it is a game which both sides understand. But the complete story of the Georgia/Russian war can only be understand within the context of the rivalry for the control of the Caspian Sea oil, and the wider context of rivalry for the control of the Eurasian continent. As already mentioned, American plans, to tap into the oil rich central Asia region, with a pipeline through Afghanistan failed, because of the unresolved and on-going security issues there. America’s next option was a pipeline (which was already under construction by 2003) beginning on the Caspian Sea coast in Azerbaijan, through Georgia to the southern coast of Turkey. It is called the Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan pipeline (BTC pipeline), and oil began to flow through this pipeline in 2006. This pipeline reconfigured the whole strategic importance of the territory and the nations through which this pipeline passed. Unfortunately, the pipeline passed just a little too close to a Russian protectorate called South Ossetia, which was territorially a part of Georgia, but was now claiming secession rights from Georgia and looking to Russia for protection. [One war had already been fought and peacekeepers were stationed to keep the warring factions apart]. But Georgia launched an attack on South Ossetia in August, 2008. The goal was to retake the rebel area and push the Russians away from the pipeline. In this conflict Georgia was extensively armed and supported by American and Israel. It was a carefully planned thrust into Russia’s backyard to see how it would react. Russia reacted ferociously– the war was over within two weeks. Russia was just as eager to send a message back, and the message was: “we shall not be trifled with, and be warned, your pipeline is vulnerable and will remain vulnerable – we can destroy it whenever we want to.” But there was more involved– much more! On August 10th, 2008, David Sackur of the BBC programme “Hardtalk,” conducted an interview about the war with David Bakradze, the chairman of the Georgian Parliament. Towards the end of the interview David Bakradze said: “What is going on now in Georgia is a test case. This is about the Russian view of the New World Order versus the West view of the New World Order. If Russia wins it will validate the Russian view of the New World Order." [I personally watched this BBC show and when I heard David Bakradze’s comment I thought to myself “that was quite an admission and a revelation.” So I made a point of watching it again (these programmes are repeated several times). When I watched it again,
Badradze’s comments about the competition for a New World Order were deleted – so much for the vaunted reputation of the BBC’s impartiality and objectivity]. Which brings us to the subject matter, of the quote, taken from Malachi Martin’s book, “The Keys of this Blood,”at the beginning of this email. Malachi Martin is a well-respected observer and commentator of Roman Catholic and Vatican affairs. In his book he postulates that there are three competitors for the supremacy of the world (euphemistically referred to us the New World Order). The three competitors are: The United States of America (and its allies), Russia (and its allies) and the Roman Catholic Church. And the winner will be? Malachi Martin states, in his book, that the Roman Catholic Church will be the winner – (but then he might be biased because he himself is Roman Catholic and an ex-Jesuit priest). But he does give convincing reasons for his assessments. [When he originally wrote, Russia was the Soviet Union and communism was still in power, therefore he identified communism as one of three players. But essentially the same scenario will be played out. China will put its differences with Russia aside and they will form an alliance – thus creating the combination of nations that Malachi Martin originally identified as one of the three players]. It may sound incongruous to some – that a church should rule the world. But one needs to realize two things; firstly, the Roman Catholic Church is not just a church it is also a sovereign political state – maybe a small state geographically – but nevertheless one with great power and influence in the world today. Secondly, this religious/political power (the Roman Catholic Church), used to rule the world in the past (through its control over the nations of Europe) for hundreds of years – and it is no secret, that it wants that control and supremacy back. Just as Zbigniew Brzezinski has conveniently shown us what the road map for American supremacy looks like, so too, has Malachi Martin shown us what the road map for Roman Catholic supremacy looks like. And the astounding thing is – both roads travel the same path. Martin provides us with a list of “obstacles” that need to be removed (in modern terms a “hit list”) - before Roman Catholic supremacy can be achieved. And who do you think is at the top of the list? Well ask yourself an interesting question. The long road to Tehran takes us through many countries – what do all these countries have in common? Yes that’s right, they all have oil – good answer! What else do they have in common? Yes that’s right, they are all Muslim! - they are all followers of Islam! Is this just a coincidence? You be the judge. The Catholic Church has many religious rivals, but their greatest rival in numerical and geopolitical terms is Islam. So Islam is the first on the Vatican hit list. This is why the Western Alliance and the Vatican are traveling the same road, through the same countries. Together they make formidable adversaries, but the heavy lifting is all done by the Western Alliance, and the Vatican is content to wait in the wings, so that its hand is not revealed. There is more than one agenda being played out here. Perhaps the simplest way to describe it is to say, that the Western Alliance’s agenda is to seize control of the physical assets of the world, and the Vatican agenda is to seize control of the spiritual assets of the world. This is basically how it was, during the period of papal supremacy in Europe – this is basically how it will be in the future. The papal power is content with the nations having control over the physical assets, as long as the papal power has control over the nations. At the moment the Catholic agenda is getting a free ride on the coat tails of America. But events will demonstrate that America is actually being manipulated and deceived and the
Catholic Church will emerge as the victor – just as Malachi Martin foretold! And there is another source of information more accurate and more ancient than Malachi Martin’s, which tells the same story in even more detail -that source is the Bible. The Bible is full of prophecy and one of the main focuses of Bible prophecy is the end of the world. Bible prophecy foretold nearly two thousand years ago that the two main players that will create a one world government (The New World Order) will be the Roman Catholic Church and America. If you are a Bible believer and yet you cannot see it – that does not mean that it is not there – it is there –and we are seeing the days of its fulfilment. The strategy to defeat Russia is the same strategy that has always been used – “contain and restrain.” Just as the road to Tehran removes all of Iran’s allies – the same road extends all the way to Moscow. As the Western Alliance removes the allies of Iran they are also removing the allies of Russia (and China). And at the same time they are denying the Eurasian Alliance access to resources and markets. As the noose tightens around Iran, so too, does the noose tighten around Russia and China. It might be that Russia and China will allow one more ally to fall – Syria. But they will not allow Iran to fall – Iran is too important to both of them. When the road reaches Tehran it will herald the beginning of the greatest crises in modern history – and the last movements will be rapid ones. To be continued… God Bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 10 Quotes of the Day: ”Take heed that no man deceives you” - Jesus Christ. Matt. 24:4. ”And many false prophets shall arise and deceive many” - Jesus Christ. Matt. 24:11. “What is one to do when, in order to rule men, it is necessary to deceive them?” - Helena Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society and New Age prophetess. "In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies" Winston Churchill. ”By deception thou shalt do war” - Mossad (Israeli Intelligence Agency) motto - according to ex Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky. “Oh, what a wicked world we weave - when first we practice to deceive” - sounds like Scots poet, Robbie Burns - but it is not. Everybody believes in conspiracy theories – absolutely everyone – there are no exceptions. It is just that personal preferrence will prefer one theory above another. For example, the official dogma is that 9/11 was a conspiracy theory, cooked up in a cave in Afghanistan. Of course we all know that there are other theories out there about 9/11 that are not official
dogma. One would think that we would know which theory is true, by simply looking at the facts. Sherlock Holmes (the famous fictional detective) used to solve his crime cases by the use of two principles. The first was: ”who benefits from the crime?” And secondly: “when the impossible is eliminated – whatever remains – must be the truth.” But, unfortunately this is not how it works, facts are not important, what rules in these instances is emotion. Emotions such as patriotism [have you ever heard of: ”my country right or wrong?”]. Emotion of course is not in itself a bad thing. But emotion without reason leads to spiritual blindness [have you ever heard of: ”love is blind?”]. This is why emotion has always been the best friend of demogues like Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin - where the appeal to the people is always in terms of emotion and not logic – and thus deception thrives. Even Jesus Christ belived in conspiracy theories, he said to the Jewish leaders: ”Why are you planning to kill me” (Jn. 7:19). The death of Christ was a great conspiracy involving church leaders, government officials, and one his own disciples. And, even Time Magazine on its front cover for Feb. 24, 1992, admitted that conspiracy theories, are actually conspiracy fact. The Time cover stated that President Reagan and the John Paul II ”conspired” together to bring about the fall of communism. But this of course is a ”good” conspiracy so it does not really qualify as a conspiracy theory, because we have all been taught that all conspiracy is bad, but what Reagan and the pope accomplished was ”good” therefore it cannot have been a conspiracy – such is the logic employed by the anticonspiracy lobby. In fact conspiracy is everywhere and people do conspire together, to make things happen – if something happens we can be sure that someone, somewhere wanted it to happen (except for geniune accidents). We are taught that history is just a random sequence of events – this is utter nonsense – if you think it logically through this means that all of us as individuals live our lives making random decisions and we therefore must be living lives, as a series of random meaningless events. Conspiracy has been the modus operandi in the affairs of mankind for thousands of years. Even the Roman Catholic Church boasts of their accomplishments in the area of conspiracy. In the Time article about how Reagan and the pope conspired together, they quote the former Vatican ambasador to the United States, Archbishop Pio Laghi giving this advice to Vernon Walters [President Reagan’s ambassador at large]: “Listen to the Holy Father. We have 2000 years’ experience at this” Time, Feb. 24, 1992. [Remember: the article is about how these powers conspired together to deceive someone else – so the Archbishop (soon to be cardinal) was admitting to a history of conspiracy by the Roman Catholic Church. Conspiracy theory is constantly ridiculed, by pointing at the many and varied “over the top” and “off the wall” conspiracy theories that are out there in the marketplace. And because of these irrational and implausible theories, all explanations of events that involve an element of conspiracy are dismissed not just as conspiracy theory, but ‘crackpot theory’ as well. Using the same logic, we could argue that just because there are some members of mankind that are mentally ill – then it must follow that all members of mankind are mentally ill. In spite of what people think, conspiracy is the norm not the abnormal. By their very nature conspiracies are secretive and deceptive. So let’s think for a moment who are holding secrets in society? What about secret societies? Do they have secrets? Let’s see what they have to say for themselves, and about themselves. Morals and Dogma is a book for the elite, upper
echelons of Freemasonry, written by Albert Pike, one of freemasonry’s gurus. It is very illuminating what he reveals about secret society methods, for example he wrote: “The Blue Degrees [which are the first three degrees of Freemasonry] are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine that he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the princes of Masonry… There must always be a common place interpretation for the mass of Initiates, of the symbols that are eloquent to the Adepts.” Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, pp. 104,105. In other words, the higher degrees of Freemasonry deliberately deceive the lower levels. If they deceive their own members – what are the great unwashed masses to expect from freemasonry and the many other secret societies that follow the same path and use the same methods? We will let Albert Pike answer: ”Masonry, like all the religions all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misrepresentations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. So Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray.” Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, pp. 104,105. History is full of examples of conspiracy emanating from secret societies. For example, a history of the French Revolution is a false history, if the activities of secret societies are not included. Another, even more obvious example, is the origins of the Nazi Party in Germany. Most historians know that the Nazi Party was conceived in secret societies - nurtured by secret societies – and taught secret society doctrine (although they do not like to emphasis this). It is from this murky malignance, where shadows mingle with mirrors that Anders Brevik – the self-proclaimed crusader - hails from. The one who single handily blew up a part of the Norwegian Government, then ambled down the road and shot a further 70 Norwegians on an island, all because he was angry at Muslims. So this is really logical, it makes complete sense - he hates Muslims, so he shoots his own people. Oh yes, we know all about the cover story – now let’s look at the real reasons, why Norway was attacked and why the governing Labour Party was singled out for special attention. These atrocities took place because Norway has “been sleeping with the enemy” - and not just one enemy but two. Norway has been “unfaithful” to the Western Alliance. Ever since the end of the WWII, Norway has been a part of the Western Alliance. And on behalf of NATO, Norway has been responsible for 10% of the bombs dropped on Libya. This does not sit well with many Norwegians and the Norwegian Government notified NATO command that they wanted to withdraw their support. Norway is well known for wanting to charter a milder, more independent course on the international scene. Wealth and selfsustainability breeds its own delusions and Norway has deluded itself into thinking that it can play an independent game on the Grand Chess Board. However, as irksome as Norway’s independent stance on Libya was – this is not the main reason it was attacked. The first “wrong partner” that Norway has had “illicit relations” with is Russia. Norway has broken ranks with the Western Alliance and has been conducting an independent relationship with Russia. Please remember: the game is about who can seize the resources of the world (and the territory they are in). One of the last great untapped territories for resources is the Arctic. It is estimated that the Arctic region could hold up to 15% of the world’s oil reserves -
therefore it is a prize to be fought for. America has been leading the charge for a hard-nosed collective negotiating stance with Russia, over who will control the Arctic – hoping of course to secure the lions share for the Western Alliance. Unfortunately, Norway broke ranks and recently concluded a separate deal with the enemy, thus weakening the collective bargaining stance – and encouraging others to follow Norway’s example. Perhaps this “betrayal” on the part of Norway could have, and would have been forgiven, if it was not for the second enemy that Norway got into bed with. Norway is widely considered in international circles as being pro-Palestinian. But the Western Alliance is pro-Israeli. For the Western Alliance, Israel is the beachhead into the Muslim world. It is crucial to Western Alliance plans. It is so crucial, it is impossible for any politician in the Western Alliance to be anti-Israeli – they would never survive if they were. To even dare to criticize Israel, means he/she is dropped from the Christmas party invitation list – and ultimately it means political suicide. Many politicians have witnessed this happening to their colleagues, so they soon learn to fall into line. [Playing out their own small role on the Grand Chess Board]. The same policy applies to nations. Norway’s pro-Palestinian policy has been growing and strengthening - to the point where elements within the ruling Labour Party, felt that the Norwegian public was ready to actively support a ‘boycott Israel campaign’. For example, just two days before the attacks, Eskil Pederson (leader of the Labour Party’s youth wing) gave an interview to the second largest Norwegian daily newspaper. In the interview he said: “The peace process goes nowhere, and though the whole world expects Israel to comply, they do not. We in Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side.” Dagbladet, July 20, 2011. The ‘boycott Israel campaign’ took the Labour Youth to an island called Utøya (which is owned and operated by the Labour Youth department, where they have camping facilities). During the camp meeting the Norwegian foreign minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, came to visit (he actually advised that a boycott was not the best way forward for peace in the Middle East – click on the attached photo for better viewing). Two days later the attacks took place. Norway was stunned – nothing like this had ever happened in peaceful Norway before - but Norway had never tried to organize a boycott against Israel before either. This is why Norwegians were attacked - this is why the Labour Party was specifically attacked - because the impetus for the boycott was coming from the Labour Party. And this is why Muslims were not attacked. Terror attacks are designed to send a message. This was not a message for Muslims. This was a message for Norwegians and this was a message for the Labour Party. And it was a message for all who might be tempted to act in the same way. The Norwegian government understood the message. The Norwegian government will certainly hesitate to act independently again. Before two weeks were over the Norwegian Foreign Minister, was standing in front of the international media, standing beside Hilary Clinton as she read out the Western Alliance’s latest warning to Bashir al-Assad and Syria. The Syrians would have got the message too, and the message was this: “we want you standing alongside Hilary Clinton next, as we read out our next warning to Iran – if you do not, what happened in Norway is coming to you too.” [It does not necessarily follow that the American government or the CIA was behind the attacks. All politicians and governments are protected, by what is known in the trade as ‘plausible deniability’ – in other words, they have to be able to say with plausibility that they know nothing, they see nothing and they hear
nothing – the real nasty business is ‘out sourced’ – secret societies are so useful – they know how to keep secrets]. It is not necessary to have all the evidence that would stand up in a court of law, to know, who recruited, trained and supported Anders Brevik. All we need to do, is to be our own Sherlock Holmes - i.e. remove what is impossible (for example, could he have pulled this off on his own) and secondly ask ourselves who benefited from the attacks? Then you will know the answer for yourself. This is the world we live in – it is not going to change - it is time to look for a better world. “And ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free” Jesus Christ. Jn.8:32. God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 11 Originally posted Oct. 7, 2011.
In previous emails in this series, it has been explained that the expansionary policies of the Western Alliance (the thesis) will provoke a response from the nations that feel threatened by this expansion, which will provoke them to form an anti-thesis. We now have official confirmation that the process for the formation of this anti-thesis is underway. On October 4th Vladimir Putin (currently the Russian Prime Minister) announced his intention to create the Eurasian Union - in an article that was published in the Russian newspaper Izvestia (an unusual thing for Putin to do). Putin had recently indicated his intention to run again for the presidency of the Russian Federation (elections to be held in March – which Putin will win), and the article clearly indicates that a Eurasian Union will be a major foreign policy goal for Russia. In the article, Putin said that the future Eurasian Union will, "create real conditions to change the geo-political and geo-economic configurations of the entire continent and have an undoubtedly positive global effect." Yes Mr. Putin! Positive for Russia – but not necessarily for the rest of the world. Such a union will be positive for Russia because Russia will dominate this union (as Germany dominates the European Union). Russia actually benefits from the pressure being exerted by the Western Alliance, because Putin will be able to use the fear generated by this Western Alliance expansion, to persuade the other nations in the region, to join his Eurasian Union. With the creation of a Eurasian Union, impetus will be created for additional regional power blocks in the rest of the world. This is because all of these actions create equal and opposite reactions (according to Newton’s and Hegel’s laws of science and laws of human behaviour). Each of these power blocks, creates opportunities and benefits for the members of the power block – but the formation of such power blocks, also creates disadvantages and generates fear among those who are not members of this block, and are not organized in another block. Therefore, the outcome will be the creation of more regional blocks. Soon we will be hearing about calls for the African Union, the South American Union and the North American Union.
This is a natural and inevitable result of the first such union – the European Union. So Putin has many reasons (and many justifiable arguments) for his Eurasian Union – and in turn he will provide many reasons (and justifiable arguments) for the rest of the world to do the same thing. For those of us who are watching these things unfold in the light of biblical prophecy – we are perhaps watching the formation of the “10 kings” (10 political powers) mentioned in Revelation chapter 17. The prophecy says that these 10 kings are yet future, but that they will appear in the last days and reign for a short time with the “beast” - giving their political power to the support of the beast. Interesting note: The Club of Rome (a Globalist think tank), has for many years advocated the formation of regional power blocks and in the 1960’s they published their vision of a better reorganized world – which included a list of precisely 10 such regional political unions. In other news, preparations are thoroughly underway for WWIII in the Middle East. A Sept. 23rd report by Newsweek journalist Eli Lake reveals that Barack Obama secretly approved the transfer of 55 high-tech bunker busting bombs to Israel during the early days of his administration. The bombs identified by Lake are GBU-28 hard target penetrators— deadly projectiles that can be launched from Israel’s F-15 fighter jets and are capable of destroying heavily fortified targets beneath 100 feet of earth or 20 feet of concrete. However, it is widely thought that Iran having anticipated being the recipient of these bombs, has moved its uranium enrichment program under mountains that are beyond the capacity of GBU-28’s to reach. Developments in the Syrian situation include the following: On October 4th a vote was taken by the UN Security Council on whether the UN would approve economic sanctions and military action against Syria. The proposal was defeated because Russia and China used their veto power against the proposal (the US ambassador stormed out of the meeting). On the military front Russia has been supplying Syria with sophisticated missiles. Therefore, when the Turkish Foreign Minister appeared in Damascus recently with the latest warning from NATO, the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad’s response was, “If a crazy measure is taken against Damascus, I will need not more than six hours to transfer hundreds of rockets and missiles to the Golan Heights to fire them at Tel Aviv.” He also said that Syria would call on Hezbollah to do the same. In addition, according to Iranian sources, Assad also said, “All these events will happen in three hours, but in the second three hours, Iran will attack the U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf and the U.S. and European interests will be targeted simultaneously.” Assad also made the comment that he will set the Middle East on fire if NATO attacks Syria. In the meantime, Syrian government officials claim that NATO forces are training in Turkey to do precisely that – attack God bless, Bruce Telfer.
The Signs of the Times – part 12 Originally posted, Nov. 28, 2011.
Quotes of the day: “We seem to have entered the last days of the euro as we currently know it. That doesn’t make a break-up very likely, but it does mean some extraordinary things will almost certainly need to happen – probably by mid-January – to prevent the progressive closure of all the euro zone sovereign bond markets, potentially accompanied by escalating runs on even the strongest banks.” Credit Suisse’s Fixed Income Research Unit. “Time is running out fast. I think we have maybe a few months — it could be weeks, it could be days — before there is a material risk of a fundamentally unnecessary default by a country like Spain or Italy which would be a financial catastrophe dragging the European banking system and North America with it.” William Buiter, chief economist at Citigroup.. We have not seen a military operation telegraphed quite like this since “Operation Desert Storm…” George Ure, quoting a military source. p=4499 “…the need for a decent-sized war has almost never been greater…” George Ure. “Depart immediately while commercial transportation is still available.” Message from American Embassy in Damascus to US citizens in Syria. CBS News, Nov. 23, 2011. Normally all economic and political commentators talk up the economy, and express nothing but supreme confidence in the present and future prospects of the economic system. They talk confidence because the Babylonian economic system has no other foundation than confidence itself. When people start losing confidence the system begins to crumble - and there is no safety net – there is no real foundation to the system. All the king’s men can do, is to try and talk up a good story and try to restore confidence. Unfortunately, even the king’s men now realize that the Titanic has already hit the iceberg and she is slowly sinking. Of course as the Titanic slowly sank, the band kept playing to try and keep those who were about to go under calm – and to restore an illusion of confidence. Those who refused to listen to the music headed for the lifeboats. One such lifeboat escapee and former kings “man” is Ann Barnhardt, of Barnhardt Capital Management - she is rapidly rowing as far away from the Titanic that she can. She has taken the extraordinary step of closing down her brokerage company, not because she has gone bankrupt, but in order to prevent losses to her clients, in what she says is a system that “is no longer functioning with integrity and is suicidality risk laden.” Desperate times breed desperate measures – and economic chaos invariably breeds attempts at military solutions. The obvious choice for a military confrontation is the Middle East (and surrounding area). Preparations for war include the following: America has moved the H.W.Bush Aircraft Carrier Strike Group (normally parked off the Iranian coast to protect the straits of Hormuz), into the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Syria. 2. Russia has moved six warships to their Syrian naval base of Tartus. According to a Nov. 24 report in the London-based Arabic language Al Quds-Al Arabi, the ships 1.
3. 4.
7. 8.
9. 10.
were carrying the Russian S-300 air defence system and Russian personal to install and operate it. On Nov 12, the Arab League suspended Syria from membership and imposed sanctions against it (completing its isolation in the Arab world). American citizens have been told to leave Syria immediately. And Turkey has told its citizens not to travel through Syria, on their way home from religious festivals in Mecca. On Nov. 2, Israel tested a ballistic missile. Although the type of missile was not revealed, the informed speculation is that it was a Jericho 3, capable of carrying nuclear warheads. This was a clear case of “sabre rattling” at Iran. The test was successful. Iran has been blamed for the murder of a Saudi Arabian diplomat in Pakistan, and the attempted assassination of the Saudi Arabian ambassador in the United States. [This means that Saudi Arabia will turn a blind eye when Israeli warplanes fly across its territory to attack Iran]. On Oct 13, a mystery explosion on an Iranian army base killed 17 military personal, including Brigadier General Hassan Moqaddam (Iran’s air defense expert). On Nov. 24, the Guardian (British Newspaper) reported that Iran had arrested 12 CIA agents. Reports from Lebanon claim that similar CIA/Mossed arrests were made there, by the Iranian backed para-military organization Hezbollah. America has moved warships into the Black Sea, supposedly to intercept missiles from Iran – but the location also enables interception of Russian missiles. America is vigorously building a missile defence system in Eastern Europe, once again supposedly to intercept missiles from Iran – but really aimed at containing Russia. Russia has become extremely agitated. On Oct. 23, the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, in a televised broadcast to the nation, said that talks on nuclear disarmament with the US had broken down. As a consequence Russia would put its own nuclear arms on combat alert and it would target the system being built in Eastern Europe. America is continuing its policy of containing China by announcing the building of a new military base in Northern Australia.
Unfortunately, there are relatively unknown forces at work that make this apocalyptic scenario in the Middle East even more volatile, and gives it an inescapable, other worldly, aura of inevitability. What needs to be recognized, is that all of the major players involved are under the delusions that they are all fulfilling their own version of divine destiny – they are all eager for confrontation, fortified by the “God is on our side” syndrome. They are all convinced that they are all part of prophetic fulfilment – therefore they must prepare and press ahead in the sure knowledge that this will result in a devastating war, because war is prophesied and therefore it must be God’s will – and what an honour it is to be a part of fulfilling God’s will – and how exciting it is to see the fulfilment of prophecy in one’s own lifetime.
For example, the Iranians, being Shia Muslims, believe that an apocalypse must occur to usher in the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (the Guided One). There are different views within Mohammadism about Al-Mahdi. He is either the Messiah or he is the herald of the Messiah (a type of John the Baptist). And he is either Jesus or he is the herald, who announces the arrival of Jesus (Yes! Many Muslims are expecting the return of Jesus). All of this occurs during a time of trouble and results in the worldwide triumph of Islam. So the Iranians, being enthusiastic exponents of their version of Islam are not averse to a major war in the Middle East – they see it as an inevitable part of the triumph of their revolution. Christianity has its own version of the same story. When the early Protestants called the Pope the antichrist, the Jesuits (The Society of Jesus – a Catholic order) where given the job of diverting attention away from the Pope. They came up with two ideas. The antichrist has already come and gone – therefore he cannot be the Pope (and their chosen candidate for this particular honour was the Roman Emperor Nero – you might remember he persecuted the Christians). Or if you don’t like that explanation, try this one: the antichrist has not yet come – he is yet future – therefore once again he cannot be the Pope (and the candidate for this honour is generally thought to be a Jew from the Middle East). This second antichrist diversion has spread like a virus throughout Christianity – it is especially virulent in the United States of America. Of course, just like the Islamists, the appearance of the antichrist can only take place during or after a time of tribulation. But the “true believers” need not worry because they will be raptured away to heaven. So only the ungodly will suffer during WWIII – but not to worry, this is all necessary because the war and tribulation is necessary to convince the ungodly that they need to turn to God, and they too will have a chance to be “saved.” So, the coming war is “good” and “necessary” and is part of “God’s will” – and Jesus can only come after the apocalypse – so we may as well have it now rather than later. This has been the steady religious diet for Americans (and many others) for decades. And you don’t have to go to church or watch the TV evangelists to get this fast food – you just need to go to your book store or DVD outlet and purchase the Left Behind series and other such similar propaganda. So, just like the Iranians, religious Americans, anxious for the end of the world and the appearance of Jesus, are also not averse to a war in the Middle East – they see it as an inevitable event for the realization of their hopes. And believe it or not the Jews have messianic expectations along the same lines. According to the Israel National News there is a piece of rabbinic literature known as the Yalkot Shimoni, and according to the Yalkot Shimoni, before the Jewish Messiah can come back the following scenario must take place: “In the year which the Messiah-king appears, all the nations of the world are provoking each other. The King of Persia (ancient name for Iran) provokes an Arab king and the Arab king turns to Aram (ancient name for Syria) for advice.” [These rabbinical opinions are based on prophecies found in the Book of Isaiah]. So, the Jews are also expecting the fulfilment of their expectations, but only after the apocalypse. The point is that there is little incentive for restraint or willingness to compromise for the sake of peace. All the protagonists are like eager punters who have been
slipped “guaranteed inside information” from an “impeccable source” – all they have to do is throw the dice and they are certain winners. Tragically, we will all suffer. It is a shame they don’t give attention to other prophecies readily available to all. There is a woman called “Mystery Babylon” in the Bible and she has a cup from which all nations drink. And after imbibing of her intoxicating brew the people of the nation’s become “spiritually drunk” – which means they can’t think straight. This is not God’s fault. God allows it to happen because the people have no respect for the Truth and they have no desire to know it – “And for this reason God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” 2 Thess. 2:11,12. We all need to decide whether we will seek the Truth – and be made free – or whether we will keep drinking out of the Babylonian cup. God bless, Bruce Telfer. Extra Note: all major religions, such as the Hindus, the Buddhists and the New Age Movement have similar beliefs about a messianic figure (often called the Maitreya) that will come - and he can only come during or after some sort of apocalypse.
Signs of the Times – part 13 Originally posted Dec. 8, 2011.
Quotes of the day: “War with Iran is already here” – Headline in the world news section of the Sunday Star Times (New Zealand Sunday newspaper), Dec. 4, 2011. “When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. Then they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. Then they came for the trade unionists, I did not protest; I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, I did not speak out; I was not a Jew.
When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.” Martin Niemöller, German anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor, poem written whilst incarcerated in a Nazi concentration camp. “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” – Edmund Burke, Irish/British political philosopher and statesman. In the not too distant future everyone’s conscience is going to be violated – it is just a matter of time. For many people around the world this experience has already happened to them. You see, it takes a violated conscience to march in the streets, and stand unarmed confronting armed security forces and know that you could lose your life at any moment. It is not just courage that motivates such determination - it also requires a violated and outraged conscience. A violated outraged conscience is the conviction that things have gone too far - something needs to change - and I personally, need to do something about it. People are popping up all over this planet, they are marching in the streets, they are occupying territory, and they are being harassed, beaten and murdered. Why do they do it? - Because their consciences have been violated. This conviction will come to all of us – but sadly just as in Martin Niemöller’s case – it will come to most of us too late. Before Hitler could launch WWII, he had to imprison or kill his domestic opposition (Martin Niemöller, being just one of many). The same process is occurring in “plain sight” in America today, before it too, can launch WWIII. Just recently the US government executed one of its own citizens, without an arrest warrant, without a trial, and without a conviction, and there were only a few muffled objections. Why was there not an outpouring of outrage to this clear violation of due process and violation of the United States of America’s constitution? There was little objection because the executed US citizen had an Arabic name, and he was a member of Al-Qaeda – so that made it completely OK. Anwar al-Awlaki (killed by targeted drone attack) was clearly not a nice person - there will not be many mourning his demise. But if all it takes, to be executed by your own government is not to be “nice” – how many of us would survive? With the execution of al-Awaki a line was crossed, and the US Government will never be able to step back across the line – a precedent has now been established. In addition, the US Government has just learned a valuable lesson. They learned that they can execute one of their own citizens and get away
with it. In legal terms it is called a “precedent” – it means a new benchmark has been established – a new step has been approved – a new model has been found – this can now be developed, improved, expanded, increased, implemented, enforced and multiplied. Therefore, it will not be long before other US citizens will have drones hovering over their heads, and more summary executions taking place. And it won’t help, when they come for you, and all you can say, in a bewildered tone is - “but I’m not a member of Al-Qaeda.” The process is an incremental one. They take out the unpopular minorities first. The first step is to demonise (create hatred of/for) the target group. Hitler’s first target group was the Communists. The second step is to find some “terrorists” – Hitler couldn’t find any terrorists, so he had to create his own – he burnt down the German parliament/congress building, and blamed it on the Communists. Now Hitler is free to attack, imprison and eliminate the Communists. And no one cared because no one liked them anyway. “Next please! Yes! The Jews will do nicely! - Goebbels! - crank up the media! This time it’s the Jews. And get started on the Slavs as well - they’re next.” In this incremental process, they first take out the leaders of the target group, then, they come for the rank and file. They work on the smaller opposition targets and work towards the largest. Those who are left will subdue their violated consciences, with rationalizations of “the leaders know best” – “it is my duty to follow orders” – “it is better to have security than freedom” etc. etc. Lastly, all those who oppose the government (for whatever reason) are labelled traitors and terrorists (this is especially easy to do, during wartime – so let’s throw in a war to help the process along). And thus all domestic opposition is eliminated – dictatorship is established – and the way forward for military adventures overseas resulting in WWIII is established. This was the dreary path trodden by Germany under the Nazis – it looks increasingly likely that the same fate awaits America, because the same path is being trodden in America. Instant demonization occurred after 9/11 (in spite of efforts to prevent it). The second target group after Muslims is/will be “fundamentalist Christians” – this was already happening before 9/11 – Timothy McVeigh (the Oklahoma bomber) was portrayed as a patriot and Christian fundamentalist. Truly George Santayana (Spanish philosopher) was correct when he said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The most admired constitution in the world is already dead – and those who have sworn to defend it, are those who have killed it. It died after 9/11 with the passing of the Patriot Act.
It was not necessary to rescind, alter or amend it – all that was necessary to destroy it - was to ignore it. When it was pointed out to Nancy Pelosi that Obama’s healthcare plan (Obama Care) was unconstitutional her response was, “Are you serious?” All kinds of laws are being passed in America today, that are totally contrary to the statutes and the principles of the US constitution - and the American people are allowing it to happen (just like Nazi Germany) – “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.” The latest nail in the coffin of the constitution has been the passing of the National Defence Authorization Act. With the passage of this draconian piece of legislation the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) had their collective conscience violated – and finally a real objection was heard. The ACLU pointed out that the US Government now had the right (legally) to arrest their own citizens - to detain them indefinitely without charge - and to interrogated and torture them! Yes! I repeat, the legislation says that: “advanced interrogation techniques” (legal jargon for torture) may now legally be used against American citizens. Guantanamo Bay has just moved to the homeland – courtesy of Homeland Security. If American’s (and their friends) do not have their conscience’s violated by these developments – then only God can help them – because when they come for you – no man will lift a finger to help you. At the close of the Constitution Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was leaving Independence Hall when he was asked: “Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin replied: “A republic, if you can keep it!” Franklin understood that every generation, has to fight to preserve freedoms that, previous generations spilled their blood to gain. And if people do not understand this principle, they will be enslaved yet again. Franklin also said, on another occasion: “Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one!” It is a big responsibility to be an American citizen today. The world wants to see the return of: - “The home of the brave and the land of the free!” God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 14 Originally posted Jan. 5, 2012.
Welcome to 2012. It’s going to be worse than 2011. [According to Chancellor Angela Merkel and Philip Sarkozy – in their New Year addresses to their respective nations]. This time we can have some confidence in the words of the politicians - Welcome to 2012 Europe. Barack Obama took time out from his holiday in Hawaii, to sign the “National Defence Authorization Act” H.R. 1540, into law – signed on Dec. 31, 2011. During the signing Obama said, “I have serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists.” Really!!! Do you mean that arbitrary arrest, indefinite detention without charge, and grievous bodily harm (torture) at the hands of law enforcement, caused you to have “serious reservations” Mr Obama??? These are “weasel words” from the President. If Obama was serious about his “serious reservations” he should/could have sent this evil legislation back to Congress - he could have vetoed the Bill and it would have gone back to Congress to have the offending and objectionable elements removed. This piece of legislation (NDAA) is a nightmare New Year’s gift to the American people and the world, and it will guarantee that 2012 (and every other year) will be worse than 2011. As a result of this legislation many Americans will be wishing for the “good o’l days” of 2011 – when they used to have laws that actually protected them - Welcome to 2012 America. The National Defence Authorisation Act was not the only new piece of legislation that Obama signed on the last day of 2011. He also signed into law tough new sanctions against Iran. The sanctions require foreign firms to make a choice between doing business with Tehran’s oil and financial sectors, or the American economy and financial sector. If they choose Iran they will not be able to do business in America. The Iranian government has already called this “an act of war” – and the results have been immediate – on the Monday of the New Year, the Iranian currency suffered a drop in value of 10% - Welcome to 2012 Iran. This is the same tactic that launched America into WWII. They ratcheted up economic sanctions against Japan, until Japan felt it had no choice but to attack America. When Japan attacked America at Pearl Harbour (December 7, 1941), it only had two months of oil supply left in its reserves. Iran has no lack of oil – but it does need to sell what it has. In Japan’s case the trick was to deny access to sellers – in Iran’s case the trick is to deny access to buyers. In both cases the object was to provoke the target nation into retaliation – Welcome to 2012 Iran, the ball is in your court. Please do not retaliate – look what happened to Japan. [Iran has been threatening, repeatedly, to close the Straits of Hormuz – through which 60% of the world’s water borne oil exports currently flow. It has only just finished a large naval exercise, to demonstrate to the world, its capability to close the Strait]. If it closes the Strait, the mayhem will begin. In other developments the “war” against liberty continues with a recently released Department of Homeland Security video which has been making its way around the Internet; it tells people in no mixed terms that “paying cash is suspicious and weird.” The narrator tells viewers that, “if a patron appears nervous or anxious, or insists on paying cash, contact security personnel. This is suspicious behaviour.” Those with a basic interest in Bible prophecy will have their “ears on” when they here this, because the Book of Revelation tells us that the time will come when the ability to “buy and sell” will be taken away from the
“terrorists” – as a punishment for their opposition to government policy (see Rev. 13:16,17). You can view the video here: The cashless society is coming – because only “terrorists” use cash. We truly live in a warped world. God bless and welcome to 2012, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 15 Originally posted Jan. 25, 2012.
Quotes of the Day: “If Washington did not want war with Iran it would not have provided the necessary weapons to Israel. It would not have deployed thousands of US troops to Israel.” Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. “If the war gets out of hand, and if Russia and China intervene or nukes start flying, Washington wants the blame to rest on Israel, and Israel seems willing to accept the blame.” Craig Roberts. “Great Britain does as it is told, subservient and occupied Germany, bankrupt France, Italy occupied with US air bases with a government infiltrated by the CIA, bankrupt Spain and Greece will all, in hopes of an outpouring of US dollars and devoid of any dignity or honor, support the new war that could end life on earth.” Craig Roberts. "On occasion, scientists working on the nuclear program in Iran turn up dead. I think that's a wonderful thing, candidly." Rick Santorum, Republican presidential candidate, addressing an election campaign in Greenville, South Carolina. All carefully planned wars begin with economic sanctions. On New Year’s Eve America imposed new sanctions on Iran [To take effect in six months time]. And it is putting pressure on the rest of the world to do the same – initially with varying degrees of success. However, on Jan 23, the European Union leaders decided to join the party, and announced they would cease all new oil deals immediately, and ban all imports by June of this year. With this decision the EU will deprive Iran of 20% of its oil export market. Iran has already responded by repeating its often voiced threat to close the Straits of Hormuz. If action follows the rhetoric, and it actually does attempt to close the Straits, Iran will provide the Western Alliance with the pretext it needs to attack, and the current war by stealth will be upgraded to war by any means possible. In the war by stealth phase, one thing that has slipped under the radar is the fact that, America was responding and not initiating the latest round of tit-for-tat sanctions. Iran finally took the plunge (albeit a small plunge), and threw sand in the face of America (albeit a small handful) – but it definitely got America’s attention. For many years, Iran has been threatening to go down the same road that got both Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi unhorsed, dethroned and demised, namely, to stop accepting American dollars as payment in international trade. Although Iran is far more cautious than either
Saddam or Gaddafi, and their un-American action is an arrangement only between itself and Russia. [And because it is only with Russia it will not affect trades in oil, because Russia does not need to import oil]. Therefore, it is only a small handful of sand in the eyes of America. However, the Americans are wise enough to know that Iran is simply “testing the waters” they know that if they do not respond to this Iranian provocation they will expand their un-American trades with other nations and the global trade monopoly that America enjoys will be under threat. [There are indications already that India is negotiating with Iran to pay for Iranian imports of oil with the Indian currency – rupees.] As explained previously, the monopoly trade (using American dollars) that America has in the international market brings immense benefit to the American economy, but it is also America’s Achilles Heel. It is one of those “elephant in the room” phenomena that no one wants to talk about – and it is never mentioned as a reason for anything that America does. But if we had a chance to discuss the matter with people like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi, it would probably be an enlightening experience. America cannot afford to lose its monopoly trading advantage - it cannot afford to have the dollar “dumped.” With all the economic indicators sliding downhill this would be a disaster for America. The Iranians clearly understand these issues and they know the risks. They wanted to paint just a little bull’s eye on their backs and see what would happen. Well now they know. The American response has been: “If you’re not going to accept American dollars for your trades, then you won’t be making any trades at all” (at least not in your most important commodity – oil). Iran has to respond - will it provide an even greater bull’s eye by closing the Strait? On Jan. 9, the Iranians sentenced an American to death for spying. Two days later an Iranian nuclear scientist was assassinated on the streets of Tehran (making this the fourth such assassination, out of five attempts). No one is claiming responsibility for anything and everyone is denying everything. Although one Israeli General made the helpful comment that: “Iran should be expecting more unnatural events in 2012” (Lt-General Benny Gantz. Israeli Defense Forces’ Chief of Staff). As the sanctions are ratcheted up, so are the military preparations. Not all of them are going so well. America was supposed to deploy 9,000 troops to Israel for military exercises with the Israelis called “Operation Austere Challenge 12.” These war games were suddenly canceled or postponed, under mysterious circumstances - the official reason being that there was not enough money to pay for it. The insider speculation is that, there are major disagreements between the Americans and the Israelis, about how to proceed with Iran. The Israelis are pushing for Iran to be attacked before yesterday, and preferably before lunchtime. However, since it will be mostly American lives on the line, the Americans are much more cautious. Nevertheless, American preparations continue – 15,0000 troops have recently been deployed to Kuwait (just across the Persian Gulf from Iran). Another aircraft carrier battle group has sailed through the Straits of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf (including French and British ships) to join the existing battle group already there. And in Georgia (just a hop, step and a jump from Iran) military installations are being built. Preparation in Georgia includes a brand new city, which will be a “United States military town” (according to opposition Georgian sources). In addition 30 military hospitals, have already been built with plans for 100 more (each hospital has a capacity for 20 patients). Why Georgia? Well, it is closer to
Russia than Iran - the final destination on the road is not Tehran, not even Beijing, but Moscow. God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 16 Originally posted March 1, 2012
Quotes of the Times: “About ten days after 9/11 I went to the Pentagon… One of the Generals called me in, he said, ‘Sir you have to come in and talk to me a minute… we’ve made the decision, we’re going to war with Iraq.’ This was on or about the 20 of September. I said, ‘We’re going to war with Iraq, why?’ He said, ‘I don’t know, I guess they don’t know what else to do…’ I came back a few weeks later I said to him, ‘Are we still going to war with Iraq?’ He said, ‘Oh it’s worse than that.’ He reached for a piece of paper, he said, ‘this is a memo that has just come down from upstairs, it describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off with Iran.’” General Wesley Clark (retired). v=5uswDmTjLog&feature=related “The consequences (of a military attack on Iran) will be extremely grave. It’s not going to be an easy walk. It will trigger a chain re-action, and I don’t know where it will stop.” Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, Press Conference, Jan. 18, 2012. On March 5, Benjamin Netanyahu (Israeli Prime Minister) and Barack Obama (American President) will be meeting in Washington D.C. – they will have much to talk about. Maybe Lebanon will be on the agenda. After all, Netanyahu said on Feb 23, that there “would be no Lebanon in the new world map.” Maybe Obama would like a clarification – maybe he has not heard of the “new world map” that does not include Lebanon. Maybe the government and people of Lebanon have not heard of it either – maybe they would like a clarification too. Perhaps Obama will be too distracted to give much attention to Lebanon. Maybe the discussion will go something like this: Obama: “Benjamin, do you realize that we persuaded our European allies to stop importing Iranian oil by June this year – and what do those Iranians do? – they stop exporting to Europe immediately!” Netanyahu: “Yes, Barack, but not all of Europe, only a few of them, right?” Obama: “It doesn’t matter, they are all bleating at me, about security of supply, higher oil prices, economic recovery etc. etc., – now we have to scramble and find them alternative supplies – it’s just a hassle I don’t need right now.” Netanyahu: “Forget Europe, can we talk about something serious now?” Obama:
“Yeah, yeah I know what that means, you want to talk about the Iranian bomb, but if you want to talk about serious issues, there is something much more serious than Iranian nuclear weapons going on.” Netanyahu: “Do you mean the situation in Syria?” Obama: “No, no, no… much more serious than that! But it is those Iranians again - they have just escalated things to a new level. They have announced that they are going to refuse American dollars as payment for their oil, starting in 15 days-time, the 20 of this month – that’s the issue that we’re really concerned about.” Netanyahu: “I see, so they have finally played the ‘Saddam Hussein card’ – it didn’t work out so well for Saddam. So, are you going to apply the ‘Saddam solution’?” Obama: “Well you’re concerned about the bomb, and we’re concerned about the dollar – maybe it’s time to bring in our military guys to broaden the discussion a bit here…” God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 17 Originally posted March 20, 2012.
Quotes of the Times: “Protecting the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market is one of Africom’s guiding principles.” Vice Admiral Moeller, speaking at Africa Command Conference (Africom), Fort McNair, Feb. 18, 2008. "Through Africom, the United States is seeking a foothold in the incredibly resource rich central African block a a further manoeuvre to aggregate regional hegemony over China. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is one of the world's largest regions without an effectively functioning government. It contains vast deposits of diamonds, cobalt, copper, uranium, magnesium, and tin while producing over $1 billion in gold each year. It is entirely feasible that the US can considerably increase its presence in the DRC under the pretext of capturing Joseph Kony." Nile Bowie, Merchandising and Branding support for US Intervention in Central Africa, March 14, 2012. We are living in the era of social media. We saw the power of social media in the so called “Arab Spring” - now the Empire is striking back – it’s a case of “if they can do it, we can do it too.” If you have not heard of “Kony 2012,” then you are probably of the older generation and not readily familiar with social media. But don’t be too alarmed, because the younger generation had never heard of Joseph Kony either. That is, until recently, when a video about Joseph Kony was let loose on the internet and it immediately went “viral” (i.e. got into every corner of the internet – and viewed by millions). Just a few days ago, the only people who knew Joseph Kony well, were the people of Central Africa, especially the people of Uganda, and especially the people of Northern Uganda. For
more than twenty years Joseph Kony and his “Lord’s Resistance Army” terrorised Northern Uganda, forcing young boys to become child soldiers and forcing young girls to become sex slaves. Joseph Kony was/is a particularly brutal and nasty individual, but he was allowed to function and even to flourish without serious interference or active opposition - he was just another of many warlords in that part of the world – and even warlords like Joseph Kony can be useful to those who seek power, or those who want to preserve power. Eventually, Joseph and his thuggish, ill-named army were driven out of Northern Uganda and into the Congo, and apparently he now resides in the Republic of Central Africa [in a reduced and weakened circumstance, in other words, he is not much of a threat any longer]. Which makes the next chapter in the life of Joseph Kony somewhat incongruous, namely, why would the American Government offer the Government of Uganda military assistance to track down Joseph and either kill him or capture him, if he is no longer a threat to Uganda, and is not even in Uganda? The first contingent of US troops arrived in Uganda in October 2011 – and everyone knows he is not even in Uganda. The answer is because Uganda has just recently discovered oil. In addition to oil, the whole Central African region is a well-known treasure chest of mineral resources. China is already there investing in the area and building infrastructure to exploit the resources. America is not happy to have rivals in the area. We have already observed the Chinese losing out to the Western Alliance in Southern Sudan and Libya [China had to evacuate over 30,000 workers from Libya and leave behind over US$20 billion in investments when the Western Alliance took over in Libya]. Something similar is about to happen in Central Africa. In 2007, the US Government set up a new military command called Africom, to direct this process in Africa. The purpose of Africom, in the words of its commander, is to protect “the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market.” Translation: “We are here to seize the resources.” The Kony video is, a not so subtle ploy, to galvanize public opinion, so that the objectives of Africom can be achieved. The situation is full of irony: US public opinion is decidedly in favour of pulling troops out of Afghanistan, Iraq and other theatres of war – whereas the Kony video is trying to get the public to demand troops be sent to Uganda and elsewhere in Africa. The Kony video is not about the suffering of Africa - the agenda behind the video is not to help Africans. Recently, there was a public viewing of the video in Uganda, attended by several thousands (many of them victims of Kony’s atrocities), which nearly resulted in a riot. What astounded the people was the call to wear T-shirts with Kony’s face (to publicise the anti-Kony campaign). To the Ugandans this would be like asking Americans to wear T-shirts printed with the face of Osama bin Laden after 9/11. There are at least three main objectives behind the video: 1. To galvanize American and world-wide support for American military intervention in
Central Africa.
2. When American military boots are on the ground the Chinese (who are already there)
will be compelled to leave – as they were in Southern Sudan and Libya – “thanks for building the road into the Congo we’ll be using it now.” 3. To ensure the re-election of Barack Obama. It is no accident that this video appears in an election year. The similarities between the Kony 2012 campaign and Obama’s 2008 election campaign are quite striking – the message is: “if you want Kony gone, you need to re-elect Obama.” [This will become more evident. The anti-Konyites are asked to register on social media sites (and even to contribute money) as they register they will be fed additional propaganda and the Kony campaign will be linked to the Obama campaign]. On the Iranian crises front: Israeli news agencies are reporting on a speech made by Benjamin Netanyahu in the Israeli Knesset on March 15. Some of Netanyahu’s colleagues reportedly said that it sounded “like a preparation speech for attack.” What makes this assessment even more realistic and relevant is the fact that these same news services reported that for the first time Netanyahu had achieved a cabinet majority of eight to six for an attack on Iran, without prior American approval. In other words, prior to March 15, the Israeli Government would only attack Iran if America approved (and presumably participated – not something the Americans want to do in an election year). However, that has now changed, now Netanyahu has the approval of his government colleagues to make a unilateral strike. The Iranian crisis has just ratcheted up another notch, and the Middle East has just become a much more dangerous place. God bless, Bruce Telfer. For more information on “Kony 2012,” a useful video to watch is at:
Signs of the Times – part 18 Originally posted 17 April, 2012.
Quotes of the Times: “I believe that Plato’s political programme, far from being morally superior to totalitarianism, is fundamentally identical with it.” Leonard Verduin, The Anatomy of a Hybrid, p. 87. "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes." Leona Helmsley, billionaire, nicknamed “the Queen of Mean” (New York Times, July 12, 1989). If we were to consult standard reference works (such as the Encyclopaedia Britannica), on the subject matter of ancient Greek philosophers (such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle), we
would be informed that these gentlemen are generally considered to be “the fathers of western civilization.” Since these wise men, have achieved such lofty attainments and are accorded such illustrious reputations, it should be profitable, indeed essential, to understand the basics of their teaching, especially for those living under their direct influence today, i.e. those living under the umbrella of “western civilization.” Of the three aforementioned philosophers, Plato is the most interesting and the most influential. But this is only because he was the pupil of Socrates. Socrates never wrote anything down. Plato took the “wisdom” of Socrates and put his own spin on it and taught it to others, including Aristotle. All of these gentlemen were born in Athens or were educated in the Greek city state of Athens. Athens at the time was a functioning democracy. But according to our wise philosophers Athens was more dysfunctional than functional. Socrates got so far offside with his fellow Athenians that the rulers of the day condemned him to death. The charge they brought against him was: “corrupting the youth of Athens” – and he was executed by being ordered to drink a cup containing the poison hemlock (not the usual method of execution). We are not told what Socrates was saying or doing that constituted “corruption of the youth” – however it is relatively easy to conclude, that whatever it was, it was considered “poison” by the Athenian authorities. It is also relatively easy to conclude that the “poison” being delivered to the youth of Athens was, in essence, anti-democratic. We know it must have been anti-democratic because Plato wrote down his master’s philosophy and Plato was rabidly anti-democratic. Plato’s ideal society was made up of the “wise philosophers” at the top - the rude, uneducated masses at the bottom - and the military/security/police, to protect the state, but also, just as importantly, to keep the “lumpen proletariat” (derogatory term coined by Karl Marx to describe un-cooperative workers - i.e. those who did not agree with him) under control and in their place. He went on to elaborate, as to what would make the ideal cohesive and harmonious society. Everyone would have to worship the same gods. No one was to show any individual initiative (follow instructions and orders at all times please). Nothing and no one would be allowed to change anything. And lastly but not least, if anyone exhibited dislike for the aforementioned arrangements, then the state must put the rebellious individual to death. In this modern age, we have words that describe this kind of society: Fascism, Nazism and Communism spring to mind [all forms of totalitarianism – i.e. total control over society]. You may well ask, so what! What has this to do with me? What has this to do with our modern social models based on democracy, republicanism and/or constitutional monarchies [all the political/social models that make up western civilization]. The answer is that, Plato has everything to do with us and our present day situation, predicaments and problems. The first thing we need to note is that the political/social model as advocated by Plato is not what we generally find in “western civilization” today. However, the next point we need to make is that, for hundreds and even thousands of years, the Plato model was the norm for “western civilization.” Socrates and Plato lived, worked and taught in the 4th century BC. From that time onwards Platonism gradually worked its way into the preferred model for political and
social organization. Platonism received its greatest trajectory when the Roman Empire became Christian. It was at this time that Platonism and Christianity merged giving birth to the Roman Catholic Church in the religious sphere and the aristocracy in the political sphere – this constituted “western civilization” (founded on platonic ideals) and it existed in this form for over a 1000 years. This union of church and state, sown together by Platonism, existed until it was challenged by three things: the Enlightenment, the French Revolution and the American Revolution. The principles enshrined in the American Constitution, for example, are diametrically opposed to Platonism. The American constitution upholds the virtues of individuality, individual initiative and freedom of conscience and action - these are all anti-platonic principles. Based on these anti-platonic principles the young nation of the United States of America went on to become the most robust, diverse, wealthiest and most attractive nation on earth – and inevitably the strongest. That’s why, in order for Platonism to make a comeback, America has to be destroyed! American ideals of democracy (supervised by republicanism), the rights of individuals, freedom of conscience and the separation of church and state have, since the American Revolution, spread around the world. But in historical terms this is all relatively new. The American system has only been around for less than 300 years – it is just a baby compared to the platonic system. In order for the American system to work, it requires a well-informed, politically astute and virtuous citizenry – so that the citizenry can make the right choices for the right reasons, in any given situation. The platonic system despises and fears a wellinformed, politically astute and virtuous citizenry, and does everything in its power to deny the emergence of such a class of people. The platonic system only requires the citizenry to follow orders and denies them the luxury of thinking for themselves. The best way to achieve this is to debase, debauch and demoralize (take away morals) the people. Therefore, no real Christianity please! False Christianity is acceptable. It should be obvious to all that there is no room for a middle class in the platonic system. This is because it is precisely this class of people that first, have the means (wealth, in the form of disposable income) and secondly, the leisure time, to develop into a well-informed, politically astute citizenry. Therefore, if the American system is to be destroyed, the destruction has to begin with the middle class. Platonism has never died. It has made several spectacular comebacks already. Wherever, Communism (Neo-Platonism) established itself, the middle class was eliminated. In Russia, they examined people’s hands – if they were calloused and worn, they lived – if they were soft and smooth, they died. In China, they first killed 70 million, then they terrorised the rest of the middle class into submission through continuous “cultural revolutions.” In Pol Pot’s Cambodia, they led all the urban dwellers (the middle class) out into the country and murdered more than 2 million people in “the killing fields.”
Fascism and Nazism are just another face of the platonic totalitarian system. Here too, the middle class is targeted for elimination. Fascism and Nazism are a union of government and big business, whereby the wealth of the nation gravitates to, and accumulates at the top. All the business of the nation is amalgamated into enormous corporations, and leaves no independent business activity that would sustain a middle class. Thus any existing middle class would be reduced to being mere salaried workers for the corporations (this is what has happened to Japan where virtually everyone is a “salary-man” for a corporation). The same process is well under way in America (and wherever the American system has been adopted). Platonism is roaring back into life. Everyone knows that they are poorer than they used to be. Everyone knows that the rich are richer than they used to be. This is not accidental, this is being done on purpose – this is Platonism in action. One of the most effective methods of achieving the platonic dream is to shut down industry at home (in the targeted countries) and export it overseas, thereby denying the industry at home, that sustains the middle class. Economic and political theory is invented to persuade all and sundry that this is beneficial to all concerned (this is why a well-informed, politically astute citizenry is so essential). One such delusive theory is the doctrine of “free trade.” It should be recognized for what it is – “destructive trade.” Free trade is used like a weapon of mass destruction - wherever it goes it destroys the middle class of the targeted nations. Unfair taxation regimes are another method used to destroy the middle class: “we don’t pay taxes, only the little people (the middle classes) pay taxes” – the middle class have always borne the greatest tax burden because legal systems are designed to favour corporations and the rich – after all, “the wise philosophers” deserve more, because of their intellectual superiority and the “heavy burdens” they have to bear, ruling over the “lumpen proletariat.” God bless, Bruce Telfer. Extra note: Plato believed in the golden age of Atlantis which supposedly existed in the mythological past (but a reality for Plato). Therefore, for Plato, the way forward was to go backwards – back to the perfect ideal of Atlantis. Therefore, for Plato, all change was unnecessary and indeed dangerous if it was not directed backwards. Therefore, the platonic system has a built in anti-progressive bias. This anti-progressive bias is alive and well in various political philosophies and/or political parties today. It serves the platonic goals well in that it stifles initiative and cripples the growth of the middle class. Additional note: Plato’s Atlantis was ruled by 10 kings – “the wise philosophers.” It might be of interest to those who are students of Bible prophecy, that the woman riding the beast in Revelation 17, is supported in her work by 10 kings. Maybe, in the not so distant future, the resurrection of the platonic goals and ideals, will include the “New Atlantis” coming to a neighbourhood near you.
Signs of the Times – part 19 Originally posted June 13, 2012.
As the world economy continues its slow slide off the cliff, and as the road to WWIII has reached as far as Damascus (we did say Syria would be next, did we not?), it is time for something more controversial. In times of plenty and la bonne vie, people do not want to hear anything controversial. But when the signs of the times are looking perilous, people are more open towards possibilities and explanations that formerly would not have been countenanced. Therefore, at the risk of suffering the worst epithets, sobriquets and calumnious slander, it is time to bring to the fore, the infamous “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” - possibly the most infamous document in world history. The ‘learned opinion’ is that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a forgery. But the tricky question is: who is responsible for the forgery? And furthermore what was/is the purpose of the forgery? The document itself is supposedly the blueprint for the Jewish takeover of the world. It is supposedly the record of a meeting, or meetings, of Jewish leaders where they plot and plan the establishment of a one world government, for the benefit of the Jews and for the enslavement of the ‘goyim’ (Yiddish for non-Jew - the word literally means ‘cattle’). The document originally surfaced in Tsarist Russia and it has been particularly useful in the service of all anti-Jewish causes ever since. Hitler made good use of it during his anti-Jewish campaign, as do the Arabs today, in their on-going struggle against Israel (Henry Ford even printed a half million copies for distribution in America). And it is partly because of the unsavoury use to which the Protocols have been put, that the ‘learned opinion’ is that, it has to be a forgery. And this would appear to be a reasonable conclusion (that it is a forgery), except for one major problem – almost all the plans, predictions and plots outlined in the document have come true. And as time goes by it is becoming more and more obvious that someone, something or some organisation is exactly following the blueprint outlined in the Protocols. One only needs to take the document and begin to read, and with the assistance of a marker pen, one can tick off all the plans that have been achieved and put into effect - and marvel at all the predictions that have come true. The blueprint has been followed and implemented for more than one hundred years, but it is only now in these last few years that this has become more and more obvious – the one world government is just a cliff slide away. There are three things that stand out in the Protocols. Firstly, the authors of the document state that they are going to use the mass media to corrupt the morality of the goyim (which makes them more pliable and apathetic). When one considers what is on offer from the movie and television industries, one would have to say that this goal has been pretty much achieved. [In addition, great moral hazards are just a mouse click way on the internet]. Secondly, the document states that they will place business on “a speculative basis” – this has become glaringly obvious even to those who are supporters of the current economic system. Most media business and finance commentators talk about business practice as if they are talking about the operational practices of a casino. Recently, the great Goldman Sachs lost more than two billion dollars (and counting). All the media commentary was about Goldman Sachs making the wrong ‘bets’ – yes business has been put on ‘a speculative basis.’ We constantly hear about the power of the ‘speculators’ in the ‘free’ market place today. George
Soros the grand-daddy of all speculators once walked off with a cool one billion of US dollars ‘betting’ against the Bank of England – “we will put business on a speculative basis” – mission accomplished. Thirdly, the document states that the authors will control all terrorist groups and organisations, with which they will “torment the nations” until the nation-states succumb to their plans and purposes. Are the nations of the earth being tormented by terrorists at this point in time? How are the nations responding to these attacks? Are the nations being pushed into passing laws that support the growth of a one world government? Or are they still standing firmly for national and individual rights? Unfortunately, the whole world is looking increasingly like – mission accomplished for the ‘Elders of Zion’ (whoever they might be). To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 20 Originally posted 3 July, 2012.
Quote of the Times: “For there is nothing covereth, that shall not be revealed; neither hid that shall not be known.” Luke 12:2. Because ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, supposedly first surfaced in Tsarist Russia, many have assumed that this forgery was perpetrated by the Russian secret police, to counteract Jewish revolutionaries in Russia. However, Dr L. A. Lehman (ex-Catholic priest) believes there is an easy and compelling way to identify the true forgers of ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.’ Dr Lehman writes: Authorship of an anonymous document is best discovered from the document itself – by the cause it favours and by the enemies it depicts. These will appear even if placed in reverse. A clear sample of this can be seen from such an analysis of a part of these Protocols of Zion which I have before me. It is a reprint from the Catholic Gazette of February, 1936, a monthly publication of the catholic Missionary Society of London, England. Space limits permit the quotation of only parts of this nefarious document. Dr. L. A. Leman, Behind the Dictators, p. 8. Dr. Leman using his method of “an anonymous document is best discovered from the document itself - by the cause it favours…” convincingly demonstrates that this “nefarious document” must have been forged by the Catholics, and specifically by the ‘special forces order’ within Catholicism – the Jesuits.
Dr. Lehman is able to demonstrate that the forgers must be the Jesuits (on behalf of the Catholic Church) by quoting the numerous references within the document that exalt the Catholic Church and the Jesuits as the only hope of the world, in the face of this evil conspiracy perpetrated by the Jews. Some of the many examples include the following (where the Jewish conspirators are supposedly speaking): “We have still a long way to go before we can overthrow our main opponent, the Catholic Church…” “We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings, will always keep her children in such a state of mind as to make them to too selfrespecting to yield to our domination and to bow before our future king of Israel…” “That is why we have been striving to discover the best way of shaking the Catholic Church to her very foundations…” “The Jesuits are the only ones to compare with us. But we have succeeded in discrediting them… for they are a visible organization, whereas we are safely hidden under cover of our secret societies…” “We are the Fathers of all Revolutions – even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation.” “Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success.” “France, with her Masonic government, is under our thumb. England, in her dependence upon our finance, is under our heel; and in her Protestantism is the hope for the destruction of the Catholic Church.” Such statements lionizing the Catholic Church and demonising all its enemies proliferate throughout the Protocols. When all these statements are placed in reverse, the following results appear: 1. The Catholic Church is the only upholder of morality, the social order, faith,
patriotism, and dignity. 2. The Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will always stand, in the way of anti-Christ.
3. The Catholic Church is the great exemplar of methodical work, edifying and moral
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
teachings; she always keeps her children self-respecting, and will never bow to satanic allurements. Only when Catholics lose faith in their own church and refuse to obey and honour it, will the spread of revolt and revolution (the Jewish conspiracy) succeed. The Catholic Church has been blackened by the most ignominious slander, her history has been stained, and her noblest activities disgraced. Being a faithful Catholic is not out of date or a waste of time. Freemasonry is allied with Satan against the Catholic Church. Not all Catholic priests are to be trusted; liberal Catholic priests only serve the work of the devil. The Reformation was the work of evil Jewish conspirators; Calvin and Luther were financed by them to overthrow the Catholic Church, and Protestantism is just a tool in the hands of the Jewish conspiracy to overthrow the Catholic Church. The Jesuits are not an underhand, suspect organisation. Everything the Jesuits do is openly transparent and for the good of the world. The Jesuits are the only organisation that can save the world from the Jewish conspiracy.
Therefore, the only conclusions the reader of the Protocols can come to (if he believes the document) is one of the following: 1. If he is already a Catholic, he must steadfastly maintain his faith in the church and
continue to give his allegiance to the pope and the priesthood - but only the conservative priesthood (i.e. the Jesuits). 2. If he is not a Catholic, then he should consider converting to Catholicism, because Catholicism is the only hope of the world against the conspiracy. If he is not willing to convert then he should at least cease believing in the lies and criticism of the Catholic Church, and should support the Catholic Church in its battle against the Jewish conspiracy (Glen Beck, an American media commentator recently advocated point 2 in a recent TV broadcast). 3. If he is a Protestant, then he is a part of the problem and not part of the solution. The Protestant reader will have his faith undermined and incline his allegiance towards the Popes and the Jesuits. Dr Lehman points out that the Jesuits are also exposing their hand, by trying ‘to kill two birds with one stone’ - the Protocols are a recycled scam. There was a time in France that the Jesuits had a great battle with an anti-Jesuit movement within the Catholic Church (yes! even Catholics intensely dislike and oppose the Jesuits), called Jansenism. In order to discredit their Jansenist opponents, the Jesuits produced ‘The Secrets of the Elders of Bourg-Fontaine’ which is supposedly an account of a secret meeting held by the leaders of the Jansenism Movement in the forest of Bourg-Fontaine. ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ is simply a new version of the old scam originally directed at the Jansenists. The Protocols are simply an updated and re-directed version of the Bourg-Fontaine Secrets. Change the name of the
‘devils’ from Jansenists to Jews, and they are able to kill two birds with one stone - which unfortunately is standard practice for the Catholic Church – one of their ‘traditions.’ The Catholic Church has a long sordid history of attempting to bolster its image and assert its authority through the use of forgeries. This prevalence of forgery is something that even the Catholic Church itself, admits to. The Catholic Encyclopaedia, vol. 6, p. 136, has the following entry: Substitution of false documents and tampering with genuine ones was quite a trade in the Middle Ages. Innocent III (1198) points out nine species of forgery [of ecclesiastical records] which had come under his notice. It is now known that documents such as; ‘The Apostolic Constitutions’, ‘The Donation of Constantine’, ‘The Liber Pontificals’ (Biographical book of the popes), and ‘The Decretals of Pseudo-Isidore,’ are forgeries [The Catholic Church relies on these documents for its authenticity and authority – and all of this emanates from a church that claims it has never made a mistake]. The point being is that, resorting to forgery is as much a part of the modus operandi of the Catholic Church, as the pope himself is certainly Catholic. Forgeries were an easy thing to get away with in former times when only priests and monks could read and write – today it is not so easy – but it would appear that the habit is hard to break – after all the results are often spectacular. However, what do you do when you get caught? Well, like any common criminal you try and remove the evidence of your crime - or at least try to muddy the waters. In the case of the ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ – the Jesuits have clearly recognised that they have overplayed their hand. They are obviously aware of Dr Leman’s method of identifying the true authors of the forgery. Therefore, they have to try and remove the evidence. This is why all later editions of the Protocols have had the incriminating evidence edited out of them. Almost all references to the Jesuits and the Catholic Church, being the saviours of the world, have been removed from modern editions. Thus the Jesuits are caught once again, in their own web of deception. When their deception is exposed, they attempt to remove the evidence of their crime - which only incriminates them even further, because the absence of the evidence is just as incriminating as the presence [because the removal of the evidence naturally raises the question of, who removed it? – Why was it removed? – To whose advantage is it to have it removed? etc. etc.]. In the final analysis, all the evidence points to the Jesuits as the authors of the forgery. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Note – Dr Leman’s book, ‘Behind the Dictators’ is an account of the Catholic Church’s support for the fascist dictators during WWII (in which the Protocols played an important part). For those who are interested, a reprint of the book is available from: Patriotic Christian Distributors, P.O. Box 4110, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Signs of the Times – part 21 Originally posted July 30, 2012.
Quote of the Times: Secret societies have existed among all peoples, savage and civilized, since the beginning of recorded history...It is beyond question that the secret societies of all ages have exercised a considerable degree of political influence... Manley P. Hall, Occultist and Freemason Historian. Since terrorism and the ‘war on terror’ are such a distinctive part of the Signs of the Times, it is imperative that we examine the origins, methods and goals of modern day terrorism. In order to do this, we have to go back in history to the time of ‘the Assassins’. The world’s first terrorists are generally considered to be the Assassins [at least they were the first to use terror, as deliberately planned policy, to achieve specific goals]. We know a lot about the Assassins, because they were eventually destroyed by the Mongols, and much of their documentation (including one whole library) was captured for future study. The Assassins originated from the Ismaili faction within Mohammadism. The Ismailis are a breakaway or offshoot of the larger Shi’a faction within Mohammadism. And the Shi’a are themselves a breakaway or offshoot of the even larger faction within Mohammadism, the Sunni [and because the Sunni are the majority faction within Mohammadism they are generally considered the orthodox faction and the Shi’a and the Ismailis are generally considered the heretics] – [The disputes between these factions, all revolve around the succession to the founder of the religion – Mohammad]. The Ismailis therefore, found themselves as small fish in a very big pond. Nevertheless, the Ismailis did very well. The Ismaili point of view prevailed over the whole of North Africa (including Egypt) from 909 AD to 1171 AD. This was known as the Fatimid Empire or Dynasty. It was during the reign of the Fatimids, that yet another succession dispute took place, which resulted in yet another breakaway sect from within the Ismailis, called the Nizari. The Nizari therefore, found themselves as even smaller fish in an even bigger pond. How do you defend yourself in such a situation? How do you promote your point of view and achieve your goals? Their solution was terrorism! Around the year 1080 (just before the first Crusade) an Ismaili of the Nizari sect, by the name of Hasan-i-Sabbah managed to get himself smuggled into the mountain fortress of Alamut in Northern Persia. Hasan-i-Sabbah was a remarkable man. He quickly converted the soldiers garrisoned there to his Nizari cause, after which, he revealed himself, to the startled
commandant, informing him that he, Hasan, was now the new commander of the fortress. Hasan gave the former commandant a gift of gold and sent him on his way – Hasan had captured the first of many such fortresses and the Assassins were now seriously in business. [The English word Assassin is directly derived from the achievements of Hasan-i-Sabbah – one opinion is that the name is derived from the Arabic word for hashish (which was used extensively by the sect) – a more probable explanation is because, Hasan called his disciples Asasiyun, meaning people who are faithful to the Asās, which means foundation, i.e. of the faith]. Hasan’s new sect was based on the principles, and methods of secret societies, which have a long history going back to the Tower of Babel. But what makes the Assassins especially interesting, for this modern age of terrorism, is that almost all subsequent secret societies, including those that exist today, are modeled on this secret society that Hasan-i-Sabbah built. One of the fundamental principles of secret societies is (yes! it needs to be said, even if it is so obvious) one of the fundamental principles of secret societies is – SECRECY! So, how is secrecy going to be achieved? Simple, you erect a smoke screen between yourself and the general public. You hide behind a respectable (but deceptive) façade. Thus, it was with the Assassins. To all intents and purposes they appeared as just another faction, of the many that existed within Mohammadism – they were simply devout Muslims with a particular emphasis, peculiar to themselves. The second fundamental principle of secret societies is that, they not only conceal their true purpose and goals from the general public, but they also conceal their true purpose and goals from their own members - this is achieved by the structure within the secret society (which all secret societies follow). All secret societies have lower orders and higher orders (or levels). The lower orders only know about the façade – and if the members of the lower orders are deemed unworthy or unfit for progress into the higher orders, they will only ever know the façade. All members are carefully watched and vetted. If they are considered suitable material then they are advanced into the higher orders - where they finally learn, the true nature of the society that they have joined. The ‘suitable material’ are those who can be manipulated and corrupted – these are people who have low moral standards but high ambitions - sociopaths and psychopaths are most welcome. The third fundamental principle of secret societies is; total obedience of the lower orders to the higher orders – a conscious (that still small voice that advises on right and wrong) is not something that is welcome in secret societies. In order to stifle that still small voice, and in order to promote obedience, Hasan-i-Sabbah, resorted to an ingenious (but not unique or new) system, whereby he deceived the lower orders. To promote a fanatical, unquestioning devotion to his authority, his doctrine, and his orders, Hasan selected disciples who would then go through a process of mind control using hallucinogen drugs (hashish was extensively used). When these disciples were suitably stupefied, they were placed in a specially created garden, where all the carnal delights and sensual fantasies a man could dream of, were dispensed, as one desired. The disciples were then drugged again and removed from the garden. When they awoke, and normality was restored, they were told that they had been to
paradise/heaven, and that what they had just experienced, would be their eternal reward, if they obeyed Hasan-i-Sabbah in everything, and faithfully carried out his orders. [The women employed in these gardens where called in Arabic, ‘houri’ from which is derived the English word ‘whore’] – (see the extra note below). Jihad (holy war) was a prominent part of Hasan-i-Sabbah’s creed. But Hasan’s holy war was not the assembling of large armies – he assembled a small army of fanatically devoted and expertly trained assassins. Part of their notorious expertise, was their ability to disguise themselves (in order to get close to their victims). Their victims included rulers, kings and the wealthy – and many would pay them tribute in order to escape being their next victims. Some political leaders would even form alliances with them and employ them to dispatch their own enemies. In this manner, they became very wealthy, which further increased their power and influence. One such political power that entered into intrigue with them was the Knights Templars. The Knights Templars were an order of Roman Catholic warrior monks, which were very influential in Europe and the Middle East, during the time of the Crusades. During a visit to the ‘Old Man of the Mountain’ (the Syrian branch of the Assassins – located in an impregnable mountain fortress), the Knights Templars witnessed the power of the Assassin leaders over their disciples. In order to impress his quests (which was no doubt a ploy to help with negotiations) the Old Man of the Mountain ordered two of his assassins to leap off the side of the mountain to their deaths on the rocks below – and they obeyed without hesitation – exhibiting much joy and shouting praises to Allah as they went - expecting to enter promptly into ‘paradise.’ The Knights Templars were very impressed. This dramatic display of religious devotion combined with military disciple and obedience, definitely aroused their interest, because they were essentially in the same business. The Knights Templars and the Assassins were both religious and military orders. They were both orders of religious warriors - but the Assassins were much better at it. The Knights Templars wanted what the Assassins had – and even though the Assassins (as an organized terror network would eventually be destroyed) their legacy continues to live on, even to this day, largely through their contacts with the Knights Templars. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Note: the influence of the Assassins is not restricted to the Knights Templars. Their legacy has touched the whole world. For example, when the British took over India in the 18th Century, they found a religious cult there called the Thuggee (from which is derived the English word ‘Thug’). The Thuggee functioned almost identically to the Assassins. The Japanese Ninja are also comparable to the Assassins, as are many other cults and political revolutionaries, throughout history, since the time of the Assassins. Even today, the same
type of deception is being practiced on naïve young Muslim men. Today, Muslim suicide bombers are told, that, when they die in the cause of Allah, they will go straight to paradise, where 72 beautiful virgins are waiting to satisfy their every whim. The Assassins are still with us today. Extra note: it may seem preposterous that people could be fooled by the experience in the gardens provided by the ‘houris’ but something equally and even more preposterous is taking place in this modern age – and on a grander scale – affecting the whole world. The ‘houris’ dispensed literal hallucinogen drugs to make their victims literally drunk and therefore more pliable and prone to deception. There is a ‘woman’ called the ‘great whore’ doing the same thing today – only she is dispensing spiritual or symbolic hallucinogenic drugs, which makes people spiritually drunk (so that they cannot think straight) - and for the same purpose - to make people pliable and prone to deception. We find this ‘great whore’ in the Bible (Revelation chapter 17). She is riding a scarlet colored beast with seven heads and ten horns (these are a symbolic representation of her helpers and collaborators). This great whore is holding out a cup, out of which, we are told, the nations of the earth drink. It is the same deceptive trick, only this time practiced on a world-wide scale. It is important to note that this is not something unique to the Assassins. The Assassins were only perpetuating something that goes all the way back to the original Babylonian religion. The Babylonians employed the same deceptive methods (ancient artwork depicting the Babylonian religion, have women holding out cups, from which the devotees were expected to drink). This is just one of the many reasons why the woman riding the beast in Revelation is called MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. The Assassins were just one manifestation of her many abominations – there are many more.
Signs of the Times – part 22 Originally posted Sept. 1, 2012.
Quote of the Times: “Eventually this secret agenda (world government) became a truly formidable reality, in the form of a rich and corrupt religious order (the Knights Templars). This order had no respect for legitimate government and threatened the whole world with an immense revolution. The Templars, whose history is so imperfectly known, were those terrible conspirators…” Albert Pike, (Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite’s Southern Jurisdiction), Morals and Dogma, p. 815. [Morals and Dogma was meant to be read only by the highest degree of Freemasonry, for example, it says, that the high degrees deliberately deceive the lower degrees]. Continuing our study into the origins of terrorism, we need to note that, after the Assassins, the next step in our story is the role played by the Knights Templars.
The Poor fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (or Knights Templars), were a Roman Catholic order of religious monks who were also holy warriors – in today’s terms they would be called “Christian mujahidin” – they could also be described as the special forces or commandos of the medieval world. Ostensibly their purpose was to secure the Holy Lands (after the first crusade) and to protect pilgrims as they took the long journey from Europe to Jerusalem. Their name is derived from the fact that their Jerusalem headquarters was located on the foundation of the ruined Jewish temple. During their more than 200 years presence in the region several things happened: 1. They became the darlings of Christendom. [In today’s terms they were the super heroes]. 2. They became the world’s first international bankers. [In order to assist the pilgrims they established a banking system that would allow people to deposit money in one part of the world and draw it out in another]. 3. In spite of their vows of poverty they became extremely wealthy. 4. They had dealings with the Assassins and adopted many of their principles and methods. And they became the conduit for Assassin principles and methods into Europe. 5. In the east the Templars also encountered a gnostic/secret society called Johannism. They became converts to Johannism (only revealed to the top leadership). [Johannism was a rival to the Roman Catholic papal system. The Catholic papal system claims to be descended from the apostle Peter. Johannism claims to be the true church descended from the apostle John. The Johannites believed that they would eventually replace the Roman Catholic Papacy and establish their own. 6. As a result of all of the above, the Knights Templars became arrogant and ambitious, and also the greatest custodians, of the age old plan to control and govern the whole world. 7. Therefore, ostensibly practicing orthodox Roman Catholicism on the outside (the deceptive façade), inwardly the Knights Templars were anti-Catholic with an agenda of their own – which was played out in secret, and only known to the upper echelons of the order. Note: this descent into anti-Catholicism and secret society agenda was not part of the original Knights Templar organisation – it was a gradual corruption of originally good intentions. The fateful day arrived on October13, 1307, when the Pope and the King of France conspired together to arrest all the Knights Templars, and began an investigation into the order that “threatened the whole world with an immense revolution.” Albert Pike tells us what the reaction was: “Never was a Coup d’Etat accomplished with a more formidable concert of action. The whole world was struck with stupor, and eagerly waited for the strange revelations of a process that was to echo through so many ages.” Morals and Dogma, p. 820. In today’s terms, the action against the Templars would be the equivalent of the governments of the western alliance, working in concert, to arrest all their intelligence and special military forces, accusing them of subversion (and perversion) and putting them on trial. The result was the execution of the Templar leaders and the suppression of the Order. Pike continues: "The end of the drama is well known, and how Jacques de Molai and his fellows
perished in the flames. But before his execution, the Chief of the doomed Order organized and instituted what afterward came to be called the Occult, Hermetic, or Scottish Masonry.” Ibid, p. 820. For the purposes of our story it is important to recognize why the highest echelons of Freemasonry are called ‘Scottish Masonry’ or the Scottish Rite’. It is because many of the remnants of the Templars fled to Scotland and found a refuge there. The Templars were welcomed in Scotland for two reasons. Firstly, because the king of Scotland, Robert the Bruce had committed murder on his way to the throne (therefore, he had many internal enemies and needed all the friends he could find). Secondly, he had a formidable external enemy in the form of English ambitions to conquer all of the British Isles. At the time of the Templar’s suppression, Scotland was fighting desperately for its independence against England, so the Scots welcomed these experienced and well trained warriors. [In fact, it was the sudden arrival of the Templars on the battlefield at Bannockburn, in 1314, that threw the English into disarray and secured Scottish victory and Scottish independence]. As a result of these successes the Templars were even more welcome in Scotland. They laid the foundations of what we now call Freemasonry. [Freemasonry likes to envelope itself in mysticism, and claim ancient and obscure origins – but essentially it is just neo-Templarism, hiding behind a semi-Christian façade]. Leaving Templar-Freemasonry to entrench itself in Scotland, we need to move on a few hundred years to the year 1601. This is the year that England ran out of Kings and Queens. The solution was to import a king from Scotland. [This is how the separate nations became the United Kingdom – and this is how King James the sixth of Scotland became King James the first of England - this is the king that gives his name to the King James Bible]. And this is how Freemasonry now establishes itself in England. When King James moved south – Scottish Freemasonry went with him. From England it moved to France and the rest of Europe and to the Americas. Basically, wherever the British Empire went, so too, did Freemasonry. Freemasonry was especially popular in France. This is because the Scottish line of kings (the Stuarts) lost the British Throne (and Charles I lost his head) and they went into exile in France - from where they plotted and planned their return and their revenge. Naturally, their weapon of choice for this enterprise was Freemasonry (remember Freemasonry has always been linked to the Scottish throne since the time of Robert the Bruce and the Battle of Bannockburn). The Stuart cause was known as ‘Jacobinism’ and ‘Jacobite Clubs’ were opened all over France (Freemasonry in disguise). The Stuart cause eventually failed, but the politicised ‘Jacobite Clubs’ remained – they were looking for a new political cause to embrace. This was the mid-1700s – the French Revolution was about to begin. The Stuarts were not able to get their revenge – but the Templars would be able to get theirs. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Intriguing historical note: for those of you who noticed Dan Brown’s 15 minutes of fame, with the book and the movie entitled ‘The Da Vinci Code’ – perhaps you would have noticed that in the quest for the solution to the riddle, the plot went all over Europe (stumbling into and out of various former Knights Templar locations), but ultimately ending up in Scotland,
and specifically at Rosslyn Chapel (just outside Edinburgh), where the mystery was solved. Rosslyn Chapel is a most intriguing place, perhaps the most intriguing of all, is that it is adorned with carvings of plants that originally were only found in North America (such as maize). So what is remarkable about that? It is remarkable because the building of Rosslyn Chapel started in the year 1446 and was completed before Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ America in 1492. So how did these unknown plants end up in Rosslyn Chapel? Some historians have noted that when the Templars were suppressed in 1307, they were actually in possession of a sizable navy. All of these ships (and presumably their crews), escaped the fate of their land based comrades. These ships sailed away and they were never seen again – they simply vanished [what is also significant is that the fabulous wealth of the Templars also vanished – when the King of France raided their treasury he found very little]. Therefore, it is speculated that the Templars, (perhaps already aware of the existence of North America), went there to lick their wounds and to regroup, taking their wealth with them. One last piece of intriguing history is the fact that, when Columbus sailed to ‘discover’ America all his ships had huge red crosses emblazoned on the sails of his ships – this was/is the distinctive emblem of the Knights Templars.
The Signs of the Times – part 23 Originally posted, Sept. 19, 2012.
Quotes of the Times: "The study of secret organizations in their political application is worthy of most serious consideration and of grave discussion and is absolutely essential to the intelligent understanding of the events of the eighteenth century." Edinburgh Review, Illuminism and the French Revolution, July 1906, p. 53.
“The appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult, but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculated organisation. The managers remain studiously concealed and masked; but there is no doubt about their presence from the first.” Lord Acton, Lectures on the French Revolution, p. 97. “In many of the nations of Europe the powers that ruled in Church and State had for centuries had been controlled by Satan, through the medium of the papacy. But here (in the French Revolution) is brought to view a new manifestation of satanic power.” E. G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 269.
“…an institution absolutely unique in history” (The Jesuits). Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 13, 9th Edition, p. 646.
“The old Roman Senate itself did not lay schemes for world domination with greater certainty of success” (referring to the schemes of the Jesuits). Malachi Martin, The Jesuits, p. 27.
During the second half of the eighteenth century, the Templars were not the only aggrieved party seeking revenge against the French Monarchy and the Roman Catholic Church, so too, were the Jesuits. The Society of Jesus (Jesuits), are a Roman Catholic Order, established in 1534, (officially approved 1540) dedicated to the task of countering the Protestant Reformation. They were very good at their job. The trouble was, they operated under the motto, ‘the end justifies the means’ which meant that, they resorted to assassination; all kinds of political, social and economic intrigue; and they were the instigators of much trouble and strife, including major wars. As a result, during their turbulent history they have been expelled over 80 times, from different countries (mostly Catholic nations). By the year 1767, the Jesuits had been suppressed and banned from Portugal, France, Spain and parts of Italy. The banishment from France was particularly ‘galling’ for the Jesuits. This is because of a lawsuit against them that ended up in the French Parliament, where much that was formerly secret was laid bare before a horrified nation. The Jesuits being equally horrified that their secrets were revealed swore vengeance (as they always do against those who oppose them, whether they be individuals or nations). These Catholic nations were so infuriated against the Jesuits that they not only suppressed and banishment them from their own borders, but they also demanded that the Roman Catholic Church abolish them - never to be a part of the Roman Catholic establishment again. Sufficient political pressure was brought to bear, but Pope Clement XIII died after receiving the suppression demands from the French ambassador (reportedly he died of shock). Therefore, it was left to his successor, Pope Clement XIV, to carry out the wishes of the Papacy’s political allies. As Clement XIV signed the decree abolishing the Jesuit Order he said, “I have just signed my death warrant.” Within nine months he was dead. [Most contemporaries considered his death a case of poisoning, and most suspected the Jesuits were responsible]. The Jesuits were abolished by papal decree in the year 1773. Just three years later the Order of the Perfectibilists (commonly called ‘the Illuminati’ – ‘the enlightened ones’), was established by a man called Adam Weishaupt, in Ingolstadt, Bavaria (the southern state of Germany). This development was the beginning of the Jesuit’s counter-attack. The Encyclopaedia Britannica tells us: “In 1542 the Jesuits were established in Bavaria” (vol. 19, p. 434). In other words, Bavaria was a Jesuit stronghold, and nothing would have happened in Bavaria that was not permitted, planned or perpetuated without the Jesuits’ permission. As we look deeper into the foundation of the Illuminati, it becomes even more obvious that the Illuminati is just another Jesuit front, just another façade, to conceal their hand. If Bavaria was a Jesuit stronghold, then the city of Ingolstadt was the capital city of that stronghold – it was in Ingolstadt that the Jesuit University was located – and in that University Adam Weishaupt held the position of professor of canon law (church law). Weishaupt is repeatedly passed off as an ‘ex-Jesuit’ – lol. There is no such thing as an ex-Jesuit. The only way a Jesuit can become an ex-Jesuit, is to become a dead Jesuit. Catholic priests often boast: “give
me a child until he is seven years old, and he will remain a Catholic all his life.” This principle of indoctrination applies even more so to Jesuits. Jesuits are trained in such a way (for example, by the use of the fabled ‘spiritual exercises’), and they are controlled in such a way (for example, they spy on each other), that being ‘ex’ simply does not happen – once they are in it – they are in it for life. Due to a bolt of lightning we know a lot about Weishaupt and his schemes. In 1784, one of Weishaupt’s couriers was riding through the German town of Ratisbon (now called Regensburg). The courier was carrying instructions to Weishaupt’s co-conspirators in France, when he was struck by lightning. The papers carried by the courier fell into the hands of the police - an investigation was launched – raids on the homes of the leaders of the Illuminati were carried out – more Illuminati documents were seized, and plans and plots were discovered. As a result of the investigation the Bavarian Government issued a warning to all the governments of Europe that a new secret society was planning a revolution in France. The warnings were ignored. [The same applies today – all warnings are ignored]. The Illuminati/Jesuit agenda is generally considered so fantastic, that it becomes unbelievable for most people. One would think that after being told in advance, a revolution in France was being planned, and then a revolution happened exactly as foretold, that this would be convincing evidence – but apparently not! The French Revolution was accomplished when this new Illuminati/Jesuit monster managed to amalgamate itself with the previously existing Templar/Freemasonic monster – thus a metamorphosis took place, creating a new beast – a formidable power that had never been seen before. This amalgamation and metamorphosis took place at the Freemasonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad in 1782. The French Revolution was now only seven years away. The authoritative Iluminist/Freemason leader, Albert Pike, picks up the story. In his account of the French Revolution he tells us that the ‘force’ of the people needed to be guided and directed by ‘intellect’ (i.e. ‘the illuminated ones’). He tells us that there were two primary goals: the destruction of the French Monarchy and the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church (accomplishing the revenge of the Templars and the Jesuits). He tells us that during the revolution, there was a time when it appeared that the revolutionary mob would tear the French king, Louis XVI, to pieces, but that they (the Jacobin/Freemason/Illuminists) stepped in to ‘save’ him. The reason they saved Louis was because they wanted a public trial and a public execution, Pike explains: The Templars compromitted [Pike’s spelling] the King; they saved him from the rage of the People, to exasperate that rage and bring on the catastrophe prepared for centuries; it was a scaffold that the vengeance of the Templars demanded. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, pp. 823,824. After the execution of the King, Pike tells us that half the work of the Revolution was accomplished, their attention now turned to the Papacy:
When Louis XVI was executed half the work was done and henceforward the Army of the Temple was to direct all its efforts against the Pope. Ibid. p. 824. The attack against the Papacy was accomplished during the Napoleonic phase of the Revolution in 1798. The French general, Berthier, marched into the Vatican, took the Pope prisoner (he died in captivity in France) and declared the Papacy (the office held by the Pope) abolished. Thus a ‘deadly wound’ was inflicted upon the Roman Catholic Church and just as the world was ‘stuck with stupor’ at the demise of the Templars, so to, was the world ‘struck with stupor’ at the demise of the Papacy. To be continued… the consequences, especially for the United States of America.
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Additional information for references, evidence and clarification: 1. When the Jesuits were abolished they found refuge in two unlikely places; the Kingdom of Prussia, under Frederick the Great, and the Empire of Russia under the Empress Catherine. It is not entirely clear why Russia would welcome them (perhaps because they were considered the best educationalists in Europe), but in the case of Frederick the Great, the reason is clear. Frederick was one of the chief leaders of Freemasonry at this time in Europe. He also needed a weak France in order to create modern Germany. Therefore, he was interested and active in all plots against France. 2. The Congress of Wilhelmsbad was attended by all the different lodges of Freemasonry in Europe, representing three million members all over the world. Albert Mackey, (Freemasonic historian) called the Congress "the most important Masonic Congress of the eighteenth century." 3. It was at this congress that Jews were admitted as members of Freemasonry for the first time. Wilhelmsbad was the personal estate of Meyer Amschel Rothschild (the founder of the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty). Thus this grand amalgamation included what would become the greatest banking and finance business ever created. Therefore, the Revolution (or future plots and schemes) was not going to lack finance. 4. One attendee at the congress called the Comte de Virieu, was profoundly shocked about what was revealed there. His biographer, M. Costa de Beauregard, has told us that he returned from the congress saying: "I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for Monarchy and the Church to escape from it" - The Comte de Virieu thereafter “could only speak of Freemasonry with horror.” 5. John Robison, a Scottish physicist and mathematician. And professor of philosophy at the University of Edinburgh, and practicing Freemason. Conducted his own investigation on continental Europe. As a result he published a book in 1797, called: ‘Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies.’ Robison abandoned Freemasonry and became an ardent monarchist. 6. There is only one monument of a Southern Confederate Army Officer in Washington D.C. – that belonging to Albert Pike. Albert Pike was a general in the Confederate Army – he was also a war criminal. He was a part of the atrocities committed during the American Civil War using native Indians. His military career included being arrested for treason (not by the Federal North but by his own Confederate Government). Therefore, it is not because of any
illustrious military career that he has a statue in Washington. He has a statue honoring his life because he was the leader of the Illuminati/Freemasonic forces in America. He was not just a leader in the administrative sense, he was (and still is) considered one of the great Illuminati/Freemasonic leaders in a ‘spiritual’ sense. He functioned like a high priest. This is what makes his book ‘Morals and Dogma’ one of the most definitive and authoritative books about the Illuminati/Freemasonic conspiracy. 7. When a candidate went through the initiation rites for the grade of priest in the Illuminist system, part of the ceremony included confessing all his sins (this is a Catholic practice). At the end of these imitation rites, the candidate appeared before an altar with a crucifix (Catholic symbol), where he was first tonsured (Catholic practice of shaving the head). Then he was dressed in sacerdotal robes (Catholic practice). Finally he is given the red Phrygian cap, with these words: “Wear this cap; it means more than the crown of kings.” It is this red Phrygian cap that was the distinctive headgear worn by the conspirators during the French Revolution – wearing this cap was the means by which they identified one another. [In later revolutions, it proved more practical to use the red star]. 8. When Jesuit involvement in the French Revolution is pointed out, the objection is often raised, that many Catholic priests lost their lives during the Revolution. This objection is based on the assumption that Jesuits would not kill fellow Catholics. The facts are: when the Jesuits were suppressed their vast possessions in nations like France were largely given to a rival Catholic Order, the Dominicans. There has always been great rivalry between the different Catholic Orders. Of all the different Catholic Orders the Jesuits have always been considered the most extreme – the most fanatical. Their goal was not just to punish the Papacy for suppressing them, but to take over the Papacy so that they could never be suppressed again. They used the Revolution to destroy their opposition in the Catholic Church’s hierarchy - only Catholic priests who opposed the Jesuits lost their lives during the Revolution – the Dominicans were especially singled out for destruction. 9. It is not easy to understand the Conspiracy without understanding the philosophy behind it. The original name of ‘Perfectibilists’ given by Weishaupt to his creation gives us a major clue to what they were/are trying to achieve. They are trying to achieve ‘the Perfect Man.’ They believe that man has been ‘contaminated’ by civilization, and that the greatest contamination of all is Christianity. Therefore, they have no problem with violence and destruction, because the old has to be destroyed so that the new can come forth – ‘out of chaos comes order.’ Man will eventually perfect his evolutionary journey. He will be a perfect man - this perfect man will build paradise on earth – and he will become his own god. We have heard this before – long ago in a garden it was said: “you shall be as gods.”
The Signs of the Times – part 24 Quotes of the Times: “Sieyes, Emmanuel Joseph, (1748-1836), one of the chief political thinkers and writers of the period of the French Revolution and the first empire… He was destined for the Church, was educated by the Jesuits, became a licentiate of the Canon law…” Encyclopedia Britannica, New American Supplement, 9th Edition, 1903, vol. XXII, p.45. “The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the
world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…” Napoleon Bonaparte. Most historians consider the French Revolution to be a watershed in world history. This is because the worldwide impact of the French Revolution is still being felt today. For example, the French Revolution was the beginning of Communism. [Before the fall of the Berlin wall, there used to be a museum of communism in East Berlin – the first exhibit in the museum, was the French Revolution]. In addition, one could argue that the French Revolution never really ceased. The final defeat of French armies in the field at Waterloo, in 1815, did not stop the march of revolutionary ideals. Numerous revolutions continued to rock the European establishment, throughout the nineteenth century. The year 1848 was especially violent. In 1848 revolutions broke out in many major cities, simultaneously all over Europe. It does not require much ‘rocket science’ to conclude that simultaneous revolutions required; planning, recruiting, funding, preparation and co-ordination – in other words, some power was behind them. All these revolutions (and others in later years) ultimately failed. But in the year 1917, the revolutionary power scoured its first success in Russia, and communism went on to conquer approximately 40% of the planet. However, the French Revolution was equally important for another reason – it returned the Jesuits to power. Even greater power than they had before. The French Revolution caused the ruling elite of Europe (the aristocracy), to tremble – after all, the revolutionaries were cutting their heads off (in the Russian Revolution they simply shot them). However, after the ‘beheading phase’ of the French Revolution was over, Napoleon and his armies caused even more concern. This is because wherever the victorious French armies went, they set up republican style governments which severely diminished the power of the aristocracy. This was all done under the guidance of the Weishaupt conspirators and the Jesuits. Napoleon Bonaparte seized power over the Revolution in 1799. After seizing power he was initially called the First Consul of the Republic. The Second Consul (Napoleon’s deputy/right hand man) was Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès (commonly called Abbe Sieyès). Abbe Sieyès was one of the architects of the Revolution and he was a Jesuit. The following quotation is from his biography: “Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès got his primary education from the Jesuits in his hometown and continued into advanced study in theology.” His position in the French Government, nominally just under Napoleon, is typical of how the Jesuits operate (being the power behind the throne). Napoleon and Sieyès, working together conquered most of Europe. Everywhere they went the aristocracy fled before them. This was exactly what the Jesuits wanted – they wanted to cause the aristocracy to tremble so that they could offer them the solution to their problem. This is typical Jesuit methodology: first they create the problem (usually by destructive
means, such as wars), then they offer the solution – and the solution is always to the Jesuits advantage, and is another step towards their ultimate goal – world domination. When Napoleon had done enough damage, it was time to bring him to heel. So he was packed off to exile on the island of Elba, from where he ‘escaped’ for one last hurrah that ended badly at Waterloo. In exile again on the island of St. Helena, Napoleon had time to reflect on his ‘career’ as a Jesuit accessory, and just in case he said too much, he was poisoned. He wrote in his will: “I die prematurely, murdered by the English oligarchy and its hired assassin.” [The cause of Napoleon’s death is still disputed. What is not disputed is that toxicology tests have shown that the amount of arsenic in his body is five times the safe limit]. [The Jesuits are trained in the arts of assassination, in the tradition of the original assassins, see:]. In the meantime, at the Council of Vienna (the council called by the nations of Europe to restore the ‘ancien regime’) the Jesuits were reaping the benefits of their latest nefarious deeds. The Council of Vienna was called to implement measures that would ensure: that the aristocracy would never lose their heads again. The aristocracy were back in business - the question that now concerned them was: how do we stay in business, without losing our heads again? The Jesuits had all the answers. The French Revolution taught the aristocracy that the people were dangerous and that they needed to be controlled. In order to achieve control, religion was essential (in the form of state churches, ie. churches serving the interests of the state), therefore the Catholic Church needed to be reinstated. Secondly, the anti-aristocratic ideas of human rights in the form of political and religious liberty, expressed as republicanism and democracy were abroad in the land – how was this to be counteracted? Simple! The Jesuits had to be reinstated too - after all the Jesuits were the acknowledged experts at counter-revolution. It was the Jesuits that halted the Reformation in its tracks and even turned the Reformation back, reclaiming lost territory. Therefore Pope Pius VII, revoked the original suppression orders of Clement XIV and restored the Jesuits, with the words “…if any should again attempt to abolish it (the Society of Jesus) he would incur the indignation of Almighty God and of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.” Bull of Restoration, quoted by, Ian Paisley, The Jesuits, Puritan Printing Co., Belfast, 1968), pp.9,10. The Jesuits were back – they now carried with them the hopes of all the reactionary forces of the world. At this time in history, which nation was carrying the hopes and dreams of the oppressed, the downtrodden and the destitute? Which nation was the embodiment of republican and democratic ideals? Which nation was prospering and growing stronger because of its ideals of freedom and equal opportunity? It is that nation that would the embodiment of everything the Jesuits despised. It is that nation that would be the greatest danger to the Jesuits goals – it is that nation that would have to be destroyed – and the Jesuits were only too willing to take on the task. That nation of course was/is the United States of America. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Extra Note: in order to understand Jesuit methods (their modus operandi) one need to understand what is called the ‘Hegelian dialectic’ (after the German philosopher, Georg Hegel). Basically, Hegel identified what propels history forward. His theory is that one force (any political, economic or social force) would be counteracted by another force. [Hegel identified in the affairs of men, something similar to what we find in physics. For example, Isaac Newton’s third law of motion states: ‘Any action has an equal and opposite reaction’]. Therefore, in order to control history and propel forward an agenda, all one needs to do is to control both sides of a conflict – the outcome can then be determined. In the Hegelian system this process of problem, conflict and solution is called Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis. The Jesuits have admitted that this is precisely how they work. In their ‘Protocols of Zion’ forgery they state that: ‘all terrorist organisations will be under our control.’ They also state that: ‘we will create our own opposition.’ And the Russian Communist leader Lenin said: “the best way to control the opposition is to lead it.”
Signs of the Times - part 25 Originally Posted, Nov. 26, 2012.
Quotes of the Times: “Our form of government is one based wholly on the will of the people… the state is free from all control of the churches… all these principles have been formally condemned by Rome.” The Independent, New York, June 12, 1913. “What the world had not seen for ages; a church without a pope, and a state without a king.” Hon. J. A. Bingham, member House of Representatives, 1850’s. “If the liberties of the American people are ever destroyed, they will fall by the hands of the Romish [Catholic] clergy.” Marquis de La Fayette (known as Lafayette), French General who fought for America in the Revolutionary War. “A conspiracy against the liberties of this Republic is now in full action, under the direction of the wily Prince Metternich of Austria, who knowing the impossibility of obliterating this troublesome example of a great and free nation by force of arms, is attempting to accomplish his object through the agency of an army of Jesuits.” Samuel B. Morse (inventor of Morse Code). The United States of America was a state without a pope and a state without a king - this is what made it dangerous to all states that were ruled by popes and kings. The United States was a nation that dared to create a ‘Government of the people, by the people, for the people’ – and if it was allowed to continue (in its original form) it would ultimately mean the destruction of all autocratic powers. This is why the popes and kings of the earth were determined to destroy America before it destroyed them. At the Congress of Vienna (1814, 1815), the task of destroying America was given to the Jesuits. Some Americans were quick to see the danger. When the Jesuits were restored in
1814, one of the first to alert the Americans of their plight was Samuel Morse. He hurriedly produced his own book about the Jesuits, and in a letter he wrote: “My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, is very particular and very horrible. Their restoration is indeed a step towards darkness, cruelty, perfidy, despotism, death… I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola’s.” J. E. C. Shepherd, The Babington Plot, Wittenburg Publications, Toronto, 1987), p.18, quoting Morse’s letter, dated May 5, 1816.
One hundred years later, America was still being warned about what the true purposes of the Congress of Vienna were. In 1916 Senator Robert L. Owen, caused the following statement to be placed in in the Congressional Record of April 25th which shows clearly he thought the primary target of the ‘Holy Alliance’ (the ‘united nations’ participating at the Congress of Vienna), was the United States: “The Holy Alliance having destroyed popular government in Spain, and in Italy, had well-laid plans also to destroy popular government in the American Colonies which had revolted from Spain and Portugal in Central and South America under the influence of the successful example of the United States.” Originally, America was alert and aware of the danger. An early attempt to mitigate the influence of Jesuit power, and the autocratic powers that backed them, was the Munro Doctrine - proclaimed by President Munro in 1827. Basically, the Munro doctrine said to the world at large: “You stay in your back yard and we will stay in ours.” In other words, America was saying to the European colonial powers and the Jesuits, if you come over here (to the Western Hemisphere), it will mean war. America was drawing a line in the sand, it was proclaiming that it would defend its constitution and its way of life, and that it was willing (and able) to extend its protection to the whole western hemisphere. The Munro doctrine was a direct challenge to the interests, aspirations and to the very existence of the European autocratic powers. [They could not allow republican and democratic principles to spread to Central and Southern America – it would have been a death sentence for their own political systems]. Therefore, from their point of view, it was even more imperative that America should be destroyed. Few people recognize the American Civil War for what it really was. Most people think it was a war about slavery – and it was – but that is not the true cause of the war. A deeper analysis turns up the issue of state’s rights, [the right of each state in the union to govern themselves, with the minimum interference from the Federal Government]. The issue of state’s rights was also a major cause of the war - but it too is not the root cause of the worst war in American history. The real origin of the Civil War lies in the hostility of the European
autocratic powers and their ‘attack dogs’ the Jesuits. They used the issues of state’s rights and slavery in an attempt to destroy America. The Plan was to break the United States into two separate and two antagonistic nations [thereby being able to play one off against the other]. This effort to divide the nation into two was the classic ploy of ‘divide and conquer’ – this has been the policy used for centuries by all tyrannical and empirical powers to defeat their enemies and extend their conquests. [Still used today of course – how convenient it is that the Moslem world is divided into Sunni and Shia factions]. Abraham Lincoln was well aware of the true nature and the true causes of the American Civil War, he said: “We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons…” Quoted by, Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years In The Church of Rome, originally pub. 1886, p. 296. Lincoln was Charles Chiniquy’s lawyer (before he became president). Chiniquy was a Catholic priest who ran afoul of the Jesuits. The Jesuits framed Chiniquy and tried to destroy him. Lincoln defended Chiniquy in court and succeeded in exposing the Jesuits. Lincoln and Chiniquy became fast friends – and the Jesuits became Lincoln’s ruthless enemies. When Lincoln was assassinated Chiniquy wrote: “I come fearlessly today before the American people to say and prove that the President Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated by the priests and Jesuits of Rome.” Ibid, p. 512. Chiniquy lamented the fact that the Catholic orchestration of Lincoln’s death was concealed from the American public. For example, all the main perpetrators were Catholic, known for their regular meetings with Catholic priests. It is well known that John Wilkes Booth pulled the trigger, but what is not well known is that John Surratt was the leader of the plot. John Surratt escaped to Canada, where he was sheltered by the Catholic Church. Surratt eventually escaped all the way to the Vatican in Rome, where he became a soldier in the papal army. [At this point in time the Catholic Church still possessed the Papal States, and the Pope had an army to protect his territory]. Surratt eventually returned to the United States and he was put on trial for his role in the murder of Lincoln, but he was acquitted. [Another thing that Chiniquy lamented was the fact that even in his own time, fear of the Jesuits had already permeated the corridors of power in Washington D.C., he wrote: “I saw with a profound distress, that the influence of Rome was almost supreme in Washington. I could not find a single statesman who would dare to face the nefarious influence and fight it down.” Ibid. p. 517]. Whilst America was embroiled in the civil war, the European powers were conspiring to break up the Union, by intervening on the side of the Confederate States. The French invaded Mexico and set up a European style monarchy there [complete with imported royalty from Austria]. The plan was for the French to invade the United States [on the side of the Confederacy], and for the British to do the same from Canada. The Pope was willing to help too. He wrote a letter to Jefferson Davis, the Confederate President, indicating openly which side he supported. As a result of this letter, 100,000 Catholic soldiers deserted the Union and joined the Southern Confederacy.
Lincoln did two things to counteract the great danger that he found himself in. The first thing he did was to free the slaves. [Lincoln never wanted to free the slaves during the war because that would only have exacerbated the Confederate resistance]. The reason he freed the slaves during the war was because this action (the Proclamation of Emancipation), made it virtually impossible for the European powers to intervene. [Slavery was very unpopular in Europe – popular pressure had only recently won abolition there – it was a huge political issue]. “The conversion of the struggle into a crusade against slavery made intervention (by Britain and France) impossible.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Art. United States of America, vol. 22, p. 767. The second thing that Lincoln did was to write a letter to the Tsar of Russia. When the American ambassador presented the letter to the Tsar, without even opening the letter the Tsar said: “whatever is in this letter, we grant.” As a result of the letter, the Russians sent naval forces to the east and west coasts of America. As a result the belligerent European powers, now realized that intervention in America would mean war, not just with the Union but with Russia as well. Both of these actions by Lincoln were enough, to force the Europeans to back down. The Union was saved - the Jesuits had failed. However, the Jesuits do not do failure. If something does not work, they simply change tactics. If the quick remedy (the Civil War) did not work, then they will change tactics and use the long term remedy. And the long term remedy was/is education. The Jesuits already had a reputation for being the best educationalists: “They quickly became and for two centuries remained the schoolmasters par excellence of Catholic Europe.” Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 19, 1963, p. 434. Building on this reputation they quickly established themselves as the ‘schoolmasters par excellence’ in America as well. The Jesuits now have an extensive network of schools in America, specializing in tertiary education. These schools are having a profound effect on the Catholicization of America. For example, the prestigious University of Georgetown (founded 1789) in Washington D.C. is ‘the place to go’ for all those with aspirations for high government service, especially in the diplomatic corps – Georgetown is a Jesuit school - (Bill Clinton is a graduate). Apart from owning and operating prestigious educational institutions the Jesuits have infiltrated the whole educational system. As early as the beginning of the twentieth century, they were firmly at the center of education in America. In 1928, Senator Thomas E. Watson, was one of the few to spot the danger and issue a warning: “In the public schools the Catholics have stealthily introduced textbooks written by Jesuits; and your children are being taught that the Roman church was misunderstood in the past; that it’s doctrines are not fatal to humanity and gospel religion; that its record is not saturated with the blood of innocent millions, murdered by Papal persecutors, and that there never was such a monstrosity as the alleged sale of papal pardons of sins.” Roman Catholics in America Falsifying History and Poisoning the Minds of Protestant School Children, p. 5. Senator Thomas E. Watson.
At this point we have only given an extremely brief outline of Jesuit influence in America (brevity requires it so). Unfortunately, in addition to education, other areas of American life such as business and finance, government and politics, the military and intelligence agencies – these have all been infiltrated by the Jesuits and are heavily influenced by them. If there is one individual person in the American system, who would be best positioned and best qualified to understand and ‘feel’ their influence, it would be the President of the United States. Therefore, the words of President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921), are especially relevant, and equally chilling: “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Historical Note: One of the main reasons why the Tsar of Russia was so willing to assist Lincoln and America, during the Civil War, was because his predecessor was the only leader at the Congress of Vienna, who recognized what the Jesuits were up to, and he would not co-operate with them. When the Civil War was over, the Russians sold Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million (about 2c an acre). In the America of 1867, it was considered a very bad deal - it was called ‘Seward’s folly’ (after the then Secretary of State who negotiated the treaty). In reality it had a geo-political, anti-British purpose behind it, but the ‘favourable terms’ towards Russia was also a ‘thank you’ arrangement between America and Russia, for the Russian naval assistance during the war. Ultimately, the constant Russian opposition to Jesuitism cost it dearly - it resulted in the destruction of Tsarist Russia and in particular the elimination of the Romanov family (the Tsarist family), in the Communist Revolution of 1917. Communist theory dictated that the Communist Revolution would always begin with the most developed industrial nations. But Russia was the least developed of the industrial nations. So why did the Communist Revolution begin in Russia? It began in Russia, because the Jesuits were eliminating one of their greatest opponents. Such is the fate of all who are not ‘team players.’ Extra Note: There are a total of 28 Jesuit colleges and universities, and 2 Jesuit theological schools in the United States. They are all organized under an umbrella organization called, ‘The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.’
The Signs of the Times – part 26 Originally posted, Jan. 8, 2013.
Quotes of the Times: “And this is good old Boston. The home of bean and cod Where the Lowells talk only to Cabots, And the Cabots talk only to God.” ‘The Boston Toast’ by John Collins Bossidy. “When we sold the Heathen nations rum and opium in roll, And the Missionaries went along to save their souls”. ‘The Old Clipper Days’ by Julian S. Cutler. "If the trade (in opium) is ever legalized, it will cease to be profitable from that time. The more difficulties that attend it, the better for you and us." Directors of Jardine-Matheson, (Hong Kong, Trading Company). “A New England ancestry than which one more distinguished could hardly be named.” Rev. E.S. Lines (bishop of diocese of Newark, and president of the Newark Historical Society), referring to the ancestry of William Huntingdon Russell. In the attempt to take over and destroy America, the Jesuits have, for a long time, had powerful allies within America. In order to understand who these allies are and why they would work together with the Jesuits, we need to go back to the establishment of the American colonies, which were originally part of the British Empire. When Princess Diana gave birth to two sons, for the British royal family, it was said partially in jest, that she had done her duty and produced “an heir and a spare.” All aristocratic families were/are obsessed with the necessity of creating a male heir to carry on the family name and preserving the family fortune. [Do you remember Henry VIII and his six wives – all for the sake of producing that vital male heir]. Since infant mortality was high in former times, as many ‘spares’ as possible were also welcome in case of the death of the first-born. However, it was always a problem to know what to do with all the ‘spares’ – the usual custom was for the younger sons to become officers in the army or navy or alternatively to join the church as priests. However, as the British Empire expanded several other attractive alternatives became possible. For example, there was a growing demand for colonial administrators - but the greatest opportunities were in the area of trade and commerce. The ‘spares’ were provided with capital and sent off into the world to seek their fortunes (and the fortunes of their families) - the most popular destinations were India and America. Great fortunes were made by these people, and the creation of great family dynasties were nurtured and preserved by the accumulation of wealth. When the American colonies revolted against the Empire, the loyalty of the ‘spares’ and their descendants, were firmly on the side of the Empire - when the Empire lost the struggle, it is assumed that most of these people all fled to Canada - but many also remained. One of the areas that became a bastion for these pro-British Americans, was that part of New England that constitutes the states of Connecticut and Massachusetts in general, and in particular the city of Boston. Even today Boston is well-known for its dynastical families such as the Lowells and the Cabots (and many more). Locally, they are known as the ‘Boston Brahmins’ (after the highest class in the Hindu caste system – they even have their own distinctive accent). Nationally, they are known as the ‘Eastern Establishment’ and the ‘Untitled
Aristocracy.’ Internationally, they are known as the ruling class in America. What is not known (or rather what has been forgotten), is that these people have never been republicans (i.e. they have never been supporters of the American constitution or the American political system). Their first loyalty is not to the Republic of the United States of America. Their first loyalty is to their own families (including their aristocratic connections in England). And their instincts are aristocratic, not democratic – they despise everything to do with democratic forms of government. Like all those who are aristocratically inclined they believe they are ‘born to rule.’ These people make natural allies for the Jesuits – they share the same philosophical outlook, they share the same goals, and they share the same hatred for the Republic of the United States of America. [Their treasonous inclinations were on evidence during the war of 1812 (against Britain) when the ‘Essex Junto’ (named after a county in Massachusetts) advocated the succession of New England from the Union, in favour of Britain. The ‘Essex Junto’ was made up of the ‘untitled New England aristocracy’ – they were never prosecuted for their treason]. If we examine just one of these ‘untitled New England’ families, we will be able to understand the profound influence these pro-British (and anti-American) families have had, and continue to have, over the entire spectrum of American society. The family we will choose to study is the Russell family. The family with, “a New England ancestry than which one more distinguished could hardly be named.” The Russells were originally ‘de Roussel’ from Normandy, in France. They won their aristocratic spurs when they crossed the English Channel with William the Conquer in 1066. After the Norman Conquest, Hugue (Hugh) de Roussel was appointed Marshall of England, (the office of Marshall was to manage the horses and to protect the Monarch). This is the beginning of the Russell aristocratic line – and if their New England ancestry was distinguished, their close connection to the English crown was even more distinguished. In order to come down to modern times, we must jump several centuries to 1842, when we find Samuel Russell in possession of what Wikipedia calls “the largest and most important American trading house in China…” called Russell and Company. Samuel Russell was a drug smuggler. He made his fortune by trading goods in Turkey for opium, and then trading the opium into China for the much sort after China tea, silk and porcelain. Samuel would have made even more money if he could have bought his opium in India and then went to China. But unfortunately for Samuel (and all the other American traders and drug smugglers) India was a part of the British Empire and the British had a monopoly on Indian opium and they were the main players, in the opium for Chinese tea, silk and porcelain trade. It is worth digressing here to examine the China trade in more detail. The wealth of the British Empire rested on its ability to transport the trade of the world in British ships – legislation was passed in Britain and around the Empire to insure a near monopoly on international trade. [The wealth of the present American Empire is dependent on the same arrangement – the only difference being that international trade is ‘carried’ by the American dollar]. The British system had several key hubs. The first hub was the cotton producing southern states of America. Cotton was a key ingredient in the industrial revolution. The cotton was shipped to England, where it was made into textiles. The textiles were shipped all over the world, but especially to India, which had a huge population and was hence a huge market. [Before India became a part of the British Empire it had a vibrant textile industry of its own, but the British destroyed it by imposing high taxes and tariffs on the industry. The British then encouraged the production of opium in India for smuggling/trading into China]. The reason the British (and Americans) became drug dealers is because there was a huge demand (worldwide) for Chinese products, but the Chinese (having a long tradition of
insularity and disdain for foreigners), did not want anything to do with the ‘barbarian’ Europeans, and they were not interested in importing British or American industrial or manufactured goods. The Chinese were willing to trade for gold and silver (and sometimes the Americans were willing to use gold and silver), but the British were not willing to pay for Chinese products with gold and silver and they forced the Chinese to take opium. When the Chinese became aware of the nefarious effects of opium addiction they made the opium trade illegal. The British responded by using their navy to bombard the coastal Chinese cities until the Chinese relented. The Chinese tried a second time to ban opium and to free themselves from the dominance of the drug dealers, but again the British responded by destroying Chinese cities. Historically, these opium fueled confrontations between China and Britain are called ‘The Opium Wars’ (The First Opium War 1839-1842 – the Second 18561860). The British Empire was, in large part, being funded by drug dealing. At this point in history, opium was the single most traded commodity in international trade – it occupied the position then, what oil occupies now – just as we have oil wars now – they had opium wars then. This imposed imperial ‘trading’ arrangement which was so lucrative, naturally attracted competitors. The most successful competitors were American ships sailing out of the cities of Boston and Salem, in the state of Massachusetts. [These port cities have had a long history of trading with China and it is known locally as ‘The Old China Trade’]. The first American trading ship arrived in China in 1784 (one year after American independence). Samuel Russell arrived in Canton, China in 1819. Initially, he started trading on behalf of another company called Edward Carrington & Company and again according to Wikipedia Samuel traded in “various goods and products including opium, an extremely profitable activity despite being outlawed-yet protected by foreign forces.” Samuel Russell was a drug dealer – but so was everyone else – and the armies and navies of various European nations (but especially Britain) were there to ensure the trade in opium continued uninterrupted. But Samuel did not do it all on his own, there were other ‘Boston Brahmins’ in China as well (including the Cabots and the Lowells). John Perkins Cushing was in China even before Samuel Russell, arriving there in 1803. John Cushing’s mother was a Perkins (another Boston Brahmin family), and John Cushing went to China to manage the Perkins Company (which was already established there). This company (Perkins and Company) later merged with the Samuel Russell run company, of Russell and Company, making Russell and Company the dominant American Company in China. [Thus we see that the Boston Brahmins are very much inter-related both through business links and family ties – and because of these intimate links, all of their fabulously fabled fortunes originated with the opium drug trade]. Drug smuggling Samuel Russell had a cousin called William Huntington Russell. William was an academic. He spent two years studying in Germany (1831, 32), attending various German universities (the home of the Jesuit inspired Illuminati). Upon his return to America in 1832, he immediately founded the secret society of ‘The Order of Skull and Bones’ at Yale University. [Yale has been intimately entwined with the Russell Family - Noadiah Russell being one of the founding trustees of the university]. [The name of the University comes from one of its greatest benefactors, Elihu Yale. Elihu worked for the East Indian Company rising to the position of Governor of Madras. His fortune, some of which he gave to Yale University, came from the opium drug trade]. [The legal entity that administers Skull and Bones and owns the society’s assets is called The Russell Trust Association]. [Harvard
University, being that other elite school for ‘the untitled aristocracy’, was also endowed with money from the opium drug trade]. The influence of Skull and Bones over American affairs can be demonstrated by pointing out what was foisted on the American people during the 2004 Presidential Elections – both candidates were from ‘the untitled New England aristocracy’ and both of them were members of Skull and Bones. [George W. Bush wrote in his autobiography: “In my senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society; so secret, I can’t say anything more.” When both John Kerry and George Bush were asked by a TV show host what it meant for the American people, that both presidential candidates were members of Skull and Bones Kerry replied: “Not much because it’s a secret”]. Meet the Press, August 31, 2003. It surely is a ‘Sign of the Times’ that presidential candidates (and other political candidates) can stand for elections in a republican/democratic society (where everything is supposed to be transparent and open), and yet they openly confess membership in a secret shadowy world, that, the voting public is not allowed to know anything about. It should be obvious that membership in such an exclusive and elitist secret society such as Skull and Bones does not fall under the category of “not much” – when it comes to consequences for the American people and the world at large. Republican and democratic principles are meant to be about legitimate choice – in the 2004 election there was no genuine choice – if you voted for tweedledum or tweedledee – you ended up with the same thing – Skull and Bones. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. For further information go to: Extra Note: The Russell penchant (and expertise) for creating secret societies is evident in the creation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Charles Taze Russell founded the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Watchtower (the proprietary organisation than owns and administers the JW sect) in 1881. From the beginning of the movement there has been much speculation about the origins of the JWs and especially whether C. T. Russell was a freemason or not. The fact that C.T. Russell was buried in the Rosemont United Cemetery (just outside Pittsburgh), with a pyramid adjacent his headstone, and on the pyramid Masonic symbols – perhaps this should be enough evidence to conclude, that he was involved with occult secret societies. [The Watchtower publications often feature occult symbolism – the purpose of which is to alert the ‘adepts’ or the ‘initiates’ (those high ranking secret society members) of the true nature of the organisation]. Extra Note: It would be naïve to believe that the ‘powers that be’ should abandon something as lucrative as the drug trade. After all, it is not only lucrative from a purely monetary point of view – but it can also be used as a form of warfare by another means, as is demonstrated by what happened to China. [The whole social fabric of China was weakened by the opium drug trade – and deliberately so, because it enabled the ‘powers that be’ to control China]. That the ‘powers that be’ have not relinquished control over the drug trade is evident with what has recently happened with ‘The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) - the largest of all the European Banks. First some more history: the British involvement in India was originally in the hands of a private company called the ‘East India Company’ – this company was in India purely for profit. It was this company that was behind the opium drug trade into China (it is this company that was so powerful that they could call upon the British Imperial war machine to back their plans and goals – such as the two Opium Wars against China). It was during the first Opium War that Britain annexed the island of Hong Kong and used it as a trading post into China (still its role today). The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) was established in 1865 to facilitate trade between China and England – which was of course
largely trade in opium. Did the HSBC ever cease to be involved in the drug trade – NO! [The same tactics (the use of drugs) that were used to destabilize China are now being used to destabilise America. The only difference is that the drug of choice is no longer opium, but its more powerful derivative heroin, along with cocaine and its derivatives. (Other countries are also severely hurt in the process, such as Colombia and Mexico – but they are just ‘collateral damage’ – the real target is America)]. The HSBC has recently been found guilty of ‘laundering’ the profits of the illegal drug industry. After an extensive investigation by the American Government, the bank has been fined $1.2 billion - but nobody is going to jail. The latest development is that the bank and the government have done a deal. The deal is called a ‘deferred prosecution agreement’ (DPA). What this ‘agreement’ means is that not one of the guilty executives at the bank will be prosecuted – no one will be held accountable. The New York Times informs us, that state and federal officials “decided against indicting HSBC in a money-laundering case over concerns that criminal charges could jeopardize one of the world’s largest banks and ultimately destabilize the global financial system.” NYT Dec. 10, 2012. Which means that, the ‘too big to fail banks’ are also ‘too big to prosecute.’ But wait, the executives did get one punishment – they are going to have their bonuses delayed! – not denied – just delayed]. [The shareholders will be paying the fine – but they probably won’t mind, after all the bank’s profits for the previous year were $22 billion]. However, other commentators are not so generous with their assessment of the ‘slap on the hand’ as The New York Times. Matt Taibbi, financial journalist at Rolling Stone wrote a representative piece expressing the outrage many feel (please excuse the colourful language, some of it is deleted): “Wow. So the executives who spent a decade laundering billions of dollars will have to partially defer their bonuses during the five-year deferred prosecution agreement? Are you ******* kidding me? That’s the punishment? The government’s negotiators couldn’t hold firm on forcing HSBC officials to completely wait to receive their illgotten bonuses? They had to settle on making them ‘partially’ wait? Every honest prosecutor in America has to be puking his guts out at such bargaining tactics. What was the Justice Department’s opening offer–asking executives to restrict their Caribbean vacation time to nine weeks a year?... What’s the appropriate penalty for a bank in HSBC’s position? Exactly how much money should one extract from a firm that has been shamelessly profiting from business with criminals for years and years? Remember, we’re talking about a company that has admitted to a smorgasbord of serious banking crimes. If you’re the prosecutor, you’ve got this bank by the *****. So how much money should you take? How about all of it? How about every last dollar the bank has made since it started its illegal activity? How about you dive into every bank account of every single executive involved in this mess and take every last bonus dollar they’ve ever earned? Then take their houses, their cars, the paintings they bought at Sotheby’s auctions, the clothes in their closets, the loose change in the jars on their kitchen counters, every last freaking thing. Take it all and don’t think twice. And then throw them in jail.” Rolling Stone, Dec. 13, 2012.
Signs of the Times – part 27
Originally posted, March 5, 2013.
On Feb. 11th 2013, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI announced that he would resign as head of the papacy - to take effect on Feb 28th. Since that time there has been much speculation about the reasons behind his dramatic announcement, which is unprecedented in modern times (no pope has resigned for the last 600 years). The official reason for the resignation is, of course, that standard excuse given for most sudden and unexpected resignations – health reasons (Benedict could not use the other standard excuse for resignations - wanting to spend more time with his family). The health excuse, for the resignation, is almost certainly a cover story, for the following reasons: firstly, there have been no recent reports about health problems affecting the Pope. On the contrary, for an 85 year old his health has been remarkably good. In fact, following the day of the announcement, a Vatican spokesman said: “Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to resign is not due to ill health but the inevitable frailty that comes with aging.” He added, “His general health was normal for a man nearing 86 years of age.” Fr. Federico Lombardi, Director of the Holy See Press Office, Feb. 12, 2013. Therefore, what we can glean so far is that, the pope is in good health, but he has fears for the future. Secondly, there is a very good reason why popes do not have pension plans (it is, or at least was, always expected that they would stay in office until death). The reason is: it is very dangerous for the Catholic Church to have more than one Pope alive (even if one is not officially reigning) at the same time. This is because disgruntled elements (all churches have them) within the church could easily claim that Benedict is still the legitimate pope, giving them grounds to refuse allegiance to the new pope. [This has happened before in Catholic history – there was a time when there were three popes – known as the Great Schism 13781417 - (also called the Western or Papal Schism)]. Therefore, to ensure the integrity of his office and the security of the Church, it was Benedict’s duty to stay in office until he left office at the end of his natural life - thus leaving the papacy unencumbered for his successor. Therefore, there must be some very compelling reason to force his retirement – the official story is simply unconvincing. So what is the real reason for Benedict’s resignation? If we indulge in a little speculation (and at this point all anybody can do is speculate – until further information is forthcoming) it would appear that Benedict’s health is a crucial factor - but not because he is in bad health – but precisely because, he is still in relative good health. To explain why Benedict should take the extraordinary step of resigning, while he still has enough of his health intact (and thus ensure obedience to his commands), we need to understand that there is definitely something strange (some would say nefarious, immoral and reprehensible) going on at the Vatican. The Vatican has always been a place of intrigue and mystery - and lately we need to add scandal, criminality and cover up - [financial criminality involving the Vatican Bank, and a myriad of sexual abuse cases]. These problems have exacerbated the perennial struggle for power between the various factions in the Catholic Church. Georg Ratzinger, (Benedict’s bother, also a Catholic priest) has shed some light by offering his comments (during a press interview), on the resignation: “Within the church a lot of things happened, which brought up troubles, for example the relationship to the Pius Brotherhood (one of the disgruntled factions) or the irregularities with the Vatican, where the butler had let known indiscretions.” Thank you brother George, for pointing us in a very interesting direction – the recent case of ‘Vatileaks’ – due to Benedict’s butler (Paolo Gabriele) leaking sensitive Vatican documents to Italian journalists. The butler was sentenced to a prison term of 18 months (he served less
than 3 months because Benedict forgave him). At his trial the butler revealed his reasons for leaking the documents, he said, that he was trying to protect the Pope from what he called “evil” and “corrupt” elements in the Vatican. Some of the documents that he leaked, dealt with corrupt practises regarding Vatican contracts and taxes, and they also revealed the bitter disputes within the Vatican over how to deal with an investigation (by the Italian government) into money laundering by the Vatican Bank. One document sensationally alleged that there was a plot (within the Vatican) to murder Benedict. This document mentioned by name, Tarcisio Bertone, the Holy See’s (the political wing of the Church) secretary of state and the Vatican’s second most senior figure. [All of this might seem far-fetched if it were not for the fact that this has happened before. Many pundits, commentators and researchers believe that Pope John Paul I (who reigned for only 33 days) was murdered because he was personally investigating the Vatican Bank’s role in the Banco Ambrosiano scandal – which involved links to the infamous masonic P2 lodge, the Mafia, and several suspicious deaths and at least one proven murder (the death of the president of the Ambrosiano Bank, Roberto Calvi, nicknamed ‘God’s Banker’, was originally declared a suicide, but later up-graded to murder)]. So here we have an aging Pope, still in good health, but approaching that time in life when he, in all probability, is about to lose his faculties. At the same time there are powerful forces within the Vatican that are trying to manipulate events so that they are not charged with criminal conspiracy (and perhaps worse, even murder). [Of course, those trying to frustrate the investigation argue that: if all was revealed the image of the Church would suffer irredeemable damage – which of course it would – and not just its image]. So the stakes in this battle are very high. So what are the Popes options? He really only has one option, he has to resign. If he stays in office and he continues to weaken to the point where he cannot function both physically and mentally, then the papal office is open to whoever is strong enough to seize it, and use it to their own advantage. The person most likely to operate in this fashion (becoming the power behind the throne) would be the second-in- command, the secretary of state, Tarcisio Bertone - the man who was allegedly involved in a plot to murder the Pope. This limbo-like situation (with someone or some faction in the background manipulating a dysfunctional pope) could go on for several years. Alternatively, Benedict, while still mentally alert, could resign, and hand the papacy to a younger and stronger individual - someone who presumably could and would stand up to the “evil” and “corrupt” factions in the Vatican. Indeed in his interview with the press the pope’s brother Georg stated that this was precisely Benedict’s reason for resigning, Georg said: "And he thinks that with a reduced workload he couldn't carry on this great responsibility, that a younger person is needed to capture the problems of today's time and who has the power to do what has to be done.” The Huffington Post, 02/12/2013. So resigning in favor of a younger and stronger (and therefore more able) pope is the obvious solution to the Pope’s dilemma. In addition, while he is still alive and while he is mentally alert, he can influence the selection of the new pope - the new pope will almost certainly be appointed with Benedict’s blessing. More than likely, the new pope will have as much success with the “evil” and the “corruption” in the Vatican that all previous popes have. History reveals that the popes either participate in it themselves and/or turn a blind eye to it, or they die prematurely. Benedict has chosen a new path to deal with the problem – resignation – let someone else deal with it. As for the rest of us, we should heed the warning, “Come out of Babylon my people” (Rev. 18:4).
Signs of the Times – part 28 Originally Posted, March 22, 2013.
“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.” Lord Acton, 1834–1902, English Historian and Politician. “The Botching of the Cyprus Bailout: Worse Than Lehman Brothers.” Headline, Forbes Magazine, March 17, 2013. “Wow! Call the cops, they’re robbing the banks.” Have you heard of ‘insider trading?’ Well now we have a new crime - it’s called: ‘insider bank robbery.’ Last week a tremor went through the world (especially the financial and political world). This is because a new line was crossed; a precedent was set, a new benchmark was put in place – the bankers are taking our money because they need it more than we do. Did they ask our permission? No! Are they going to compensate us? No! They are simply going to take it – with or without our consent. This is what we usually call theft. But down the rabbit hole, in this Alice in Wonderland world that we live in, this is the new normal. How would you feel if you had to give 10% of your savings to the bankers? This was the demand that suddenly faced bank customers in the small island nation of Cyprus last week. The people were outraged – their trust in the banks was gone – they tried to withdraw all their money. Why would those who have the ability to create money out of thin air, want a portion of ordinary people’s savings accounts? What is going on? Several things are going on: 1. This is a ‘Sign of the Times’ – it is a sign about how desperate the organ grinders are, to keep the monkeys dancing – the music must keep playing, the soothing lullaby needs to continue to be sung - otherwise people might wake up. Trust me - they are wide awake in Cyprus. As the Titanic was sinking, it is alleged, that the management locked the lower classes in the lower decks of the ship (because there were lot enough lifeboats). This time as the ‘ship of state’ goes down, the management are first going to rob the people and then lock them up. If they succeed in Cyprus you and I will be next. 2. The reason they are looking for new sources of finance is because the debt burden (worldwide, except in China), is so huge that, they have to look under every stone (bank account, pension fund, investment fund etc.), to see what they can plunder next. For example, in the United States alone the total debt burden (national and private) is approximately 56 trillion dollars. However, there is only approximately 9 trillion dollars in circulation in the total American economy. So if the debt is to paid off, every American bank account would have to be emptied, then an additional 47 Trillion Dollars would have to be found from somewhere – “has anybody thought of giving ‘La La Land’ a call yet?” Obviously, these huge sums of money cannot be paid back. Nevertheless, the interest payments have to continue to be paid – as soon as there is serious defaulting on the debt payments – the
whole house of cards comes down – no more time to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic – the music stops – all the monkeys stop dancing. 3. This is an experiment. The Cypriot problem is just small change to the European Union, it could easily be fixed. So why the insistence on a policy that is not only unfair but also very dangerous to the very banking industry that they are trying to save (this is very much a selfimposed wound that they are insisting upon – like shooting yourself in the foot). Many pundits and commentators are aghast at this Cypriot proposal. They are all talking about the danger to the banking industry, of sparking a bank run (already happening in Cyprus), but the greater danger is having the fear spreading to larger economies. This risk is very real. So why would the powers that be take such a gamble? The answer is because it is an experiment – they are watching to see how the people affected will react – if everything goes to plan they will do it elsewhere. So it does not really matter whether the Cypriot Government approves the 10% haircut plan or not. [It is possible that another solution for the Cypriot problem will be found]. And it is no accident that this new precedent has been first proposed in a very small nation like Cyprus. [Just imagine, what would happen, if this was first tried in America?]. It is being trialed in Cyprus because if anything seriously goes wrong it can be easily contained – and lessons can be learned for future reference. 4. British historian, A.J.P. Taylor said, “No matter what reasons for war are given, the real reason is always an economic one.” The economic crashes of the early 20th Century resulted in the First World War. The economic crash (known as the Great Depression), resulted in the Second World War. It is only due to criminal wizardry that we have survived as long as we have since the last great crash and World War II. But once they start stealing the contents of our bank accounts to keep the ship afloat, surely, that must be the beginning of the end. Is World War III inevitable? – Heaven help us! Don’t call the cops – they won’t come – call the people. God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 29 Originally posted April 8, 2013.
Quotes of the Times: “Free government exalts an armed people, but oligarchies and tyrants ‘mistrust the people and therefore deprive them of their arms.” Aristotle, ancient Greek Philosopher.
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." Adolf Hitler, dinner talk on April 11, 1942, quoted in Hitler's Table
Talk 1941-44: His Private Conversations, Second Edition (1973), Pg. 425-426. Translated by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens.
"I have as many guns as I need, but I don't have as many guns as I want." Phil Graham, United States Senator, (Texas). “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” Attributed to, Admiral Isoroko Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy, during WWII. “You can have my gun when you pry it from cold dead hands.” Charlton Heston, former chairman of the National Rifle Association. “The beauty of the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.” Thomas Jefferson, United States founding father. It is a great irony that the freedoms of the rest of the world rely on the American people being armed - this is because tyranny seldom prospers when faced with a loaded gun. Unfortunately, in this imperfect world, it would appear that an armed population is one of the last deterrents to keep the ‘would be Hitlers’ of this world at bay. If the American people lose their weapons, their freedoms will soon follow – and what does that mean for the rest of us? Well we all know: “what is fashionable in America today – is fashionable in the rest of the world tomorrow.” All would be, despotic and tyrannical powers begin with demonizing the possession of weapons. Then they move on to the restriction of access to weapons. The next step is to penalize the possession of weapons. Finally, they are able to confiscate the weapons. Once the population is disarmed then the killing/culling, can begin. History is a great teacher – and it is worth remembering that history has not been kind to those who gave up their weapons - some recent examples from history are: In 1911 the Turkish government disarmed the people. The result was genocide against the Armenian people, and 1.5 million were murdered. The Bolsheviks (Communists) disarmed the Russian people in 1929. The helpless population was then subject to endless purges/culling which resulted in the murder of 20 million people. Hitler disarmed the German people in 1938. His regime was then free to murder his domestic opposition before moving on to Jews and other ‘undesirables.’ It is estimated his regime was responsible for the murder of 13 million people (not including the war dead). China established gun control in 1935. In the years 1948 – 1952, 20 million (conservative estimate) political opponents to the Mao Tse-tung regime were murdered.
Guatemala disarmed its population in 1964. In the years 1964 – 1981, 100,000 of the indigenous Mayan Indian population were murdered. Disarmament in Cambodia began in 1956. When the Khmer Rouge seized power in 1975, over 2 million Cambodian’s died (out of a total population of only 7 million) in what became known as ‘the killing fields.’ Uganda has had government and UN sponsored disarmament policies since 1970. The infamous Idi Amin was the first to use the opportunity to eliminate his opposition. In the years 1971 – 1979, 300,000 Christians were murdered (Amin was a Muslim). Disarmament policies in Uganda are continuing to this day, and people are continuing to die (because they are resisting). This is particularly the case in the Karamoja region, of North-East Uganda. [The same thing is happening across the border in Kenya]. Of course the disarmament process has already been well underway in America for a long time. It has already moved well beyond the demonization stage. It is already beyond the restriction stage. At this point in time the penalization process is about to start. Right now the President of the United States is considering legal measures that will tax gun ownership. In the beginning these taxes will be small – so the opposition will be small (and the support from the anti-gun lobby will be great). However, once the precedent (an arms tax) is accepted, the tax rate will rapidly increase. People will find they can no longer afford to possess guns, and gun ownership will decline proportionately as the taxes rise. Fox news recently reported: If you can't ban 'em, tax 'em. Lawmakers looking to more tightly regulate firearms in the wake of the Newtown school shooting and other massacres are moving at the state and federal levels to introduce new taxes on firearms and ammunition. The proposals range from the modest -- a proposed 5 per cent tax in New Jersey -- to the steep -- a proposed 50 per cent ammo tax in Maryland. Fox News, March 11, 2013. Senator Ron Wyden, who has his ear close to the ground (because he sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee}, tells us that the Patriot Act is being manipulated to accomplish a secret agenda. On Feb 22, 2011, he posted on his own website: “I believe many members of congress who have voted on this issue (the Patriot Act) would be stunned to know how the Patriot Act is being interpreted and applied.” One application of the Patriot Act that, we do know about (which we also know is causing some stunned reaction), is that the Department of Homeland Security (and many other Federal Agencies) are purchasing weapons and ammunition on a mammoth scale: “Homeland Security aims to buy 1.6 billion rounds of ammo.” Associated Press Article, Denver Post, Feb. 15, 2013. And not just ammunition; but weapons, and bullet proof road blocking stations, and armoured cars for patrolling streets. In addition, police departments across the nation are up-scaling their weaponry to include heavy assault type weapons and vehicles.
So let’s just review here. The American citizenry are under great pressure from their government (and others) to surrender their arms - and that pressure is constantly intensifying. At the same time, as the pressure is applied to disarm the citizenry, the government is arming itself at a rapid rate and at a rate that would appear to be vastly disproportionately to its legitimate needs (unless the government is expecting something unusual to happen). Obviously, many people rely on guns for their personal security, but for those of us with an aversion for guns, there is another way. Jehoshaphat is our example. One day King Jehoshaphat was told that three enemy nations had conspired together, and were on their way to destroy him and his people. Jehoshaphat knew that there was no way that he could defeat these enemies. So he called a prayer meeting and appealed for protection from God. God replied, He said: “The battle is not yours it’s the Lord’s.” So Jehoshaphat and his army and all the people, left their assault rifles and their hand guns and their trust in their own ability, and they went out to meet the enemy totally defenseless (in worldly terms). Their actions that day, demonstrated that they had put their trust in what God had promised… You can read the rest of the story in the Bible - the 20th chapter of the Second Book of Chronicles. Therefore, before the jackboots arrive at your door, and it becomes only too obvious, as to why the citizenry has to be disarmed, and as to why the government is arming itself - we need to decide whether we are going trust in our own ability to defend ourselves, or whether we are going to follow the example of Jehoshaphat. God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 30 Originally posted, May 1, 2013.
Quotes of the Times : “My personal feeling is that understanding evolution led me to atheism.” Richard Dawkins, prominent atheist.
“Darwinism by itself did not produce the Holocaust, but without Darwinism... neither Hitler nor his Nazi followers would have had the necessary scientific underpinnings to convince themselves and their collaborators that one of the world’s greatest atrocities was really morally praiseworthy.” Richard Weikart, From Darwin to Hitler, Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany.
“We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.” Bill Hicks, comedian, social critic, satirist and musician.
“In the event that I am reincarnated I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to over population.” Prince Philip, Deutsche Press Agentur, Aug. 1988. “…and since the Christians love to sing about the blood, why not give them a little of it.” Gus Hall, former leader of Communist Party of America. “The time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” Jesus Christ, Jn. 16:2.
If you take a drive along the Hartwell Highway (route 77 – Georgia State, USA), you will find, between the towns of Hartwell and Elberton one of the most revealing ‘Signs of the Times.’ Placed on a rise just north of Elberton one finds the ‘Georgia Guide Stones’ (also known as ‘an American Stonehenge’ - because the standing stones are obviously modelled after the ancient English structure). The stones have been standing there since 1980. According to local council records, a man by the name of R. C. Christian is responsible for the erection of the stones – but nobody knows who R. C. Christian is (it is widely assumed that the name is a pseudonym). However, there is no mystery as to what the purpose of the stones is – they are a standing memorial to the goals and aims of the ‘New Age Movement.’ What is the New Age Movement? Everybody has their own definition. My definition is: “it is old age religion and philosophy in a new dress and re-packaged for consumption in this modern age.” New Age philosophy is everywhere; it is in the TV programmes and movies that we watch, it is in our schools, government departments and programmes are riddled with it, it is the primary fodder of popular movements such as environmentalism, it is even in our churches. It is not an exaggeration to say, that it is rapidly becoming the intellectual and philosophical foundation for much of what happens in our world today - this is because, what we believe becomes the foundation of all our actions. So what is it that the New Age Movement believes? And what is it trying to achieve? Some of you may remember the huge musical hit of the 1970’s called the ‘Age of Aquarius.’ Some of you may even remember the first words of the opening song: “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.” The musical was about the ‘paradigm shift’ (typical new age jargon) that mankind as a whole was about to go through. According to the occult philosophy that the New Age is based upon, humanity as a whole is on a journey. This journey has reached a critical point – a point where man is about to enter into a new age of development - physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual. We are leaving the Age of Pisces - the age of the fish (the age of Christianity) – and we are entering the Age of Aquarius (the age of water – the age of the new man – superman). Those who are unable to make the transition from one age to the next will be left behind. To put it more bluntly, they will have to be ‘eliminated.’ This is why the Georgia Guide Stones were erected, they contain (inscribed upon the stones in eight different languages) the new ten-commandments for the new age. [Yes! They are obviously a counterfeit and a parody of the original ten-commandments]. In keeping with the need to eliminate people the first commandment on the stones says: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” To understand this creepy ‘command’ we need to digress into history. We need to go back to the year 1859. To understand the repackaged product that the New Age is, we need to go back to Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. In 1859, Darwin published his book, ‘On the Origin of Species.’ [Darwin was not the first to postulate this theory, but he did resurrect it to new life]. And it is the phenomenal success of this theory that forms the
foundation of the New Age Movement. All those who believe in evolution, are by default, also members of the New Age Movement (whether they realise it or not). The theory of evolution immediately spawned a variety of off-shoots. Evolutionary enthusiasts immediately saw that if it is true, that life evolves from lower forms to higher forms, then, it would make perfect sense to give nature a hand. For example, this type of thinking is the rationale behind modern genetic manipulation in the form of genetic engineering and genetic modification. But it was not plants that the evolutionary enthusiasts were initially interested in – it was people. One of the first to promote and practise what later became known as ‘social Darwinism’ was a cousin of Charles Darwin, called Francis Galton. Galton called his scheme to evolve the human race upward, ‘Eugenics’ (the word is Greek for ‘well born’). Galton defined eugenics as, “the study of all agencies under human control which can improve or impair the racial quality of future generations." This idea of ‘racial quality’ comes straight out of Darwin’s theory of evolution (the full title of Darwin’s book was, ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life’. Mankind is now on a slippery slope that, in just a few short years leads directly to the horrors of Nazism, concentration camps and the murder of millions of people. Eugenics quickly became the new darling of the scientific and intellectual world. In the later part of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century it occupied the position that global warming currently occupies in our time. In other words, it was all the rage, the latest fad, the new kid on the block. It was in all the media, the scientific world, the halls of academia and governments around the world. Some well-known proponents and advocates for eugenics included Winston Churchill, H. G. Wells, Theodore Roosevelt, George Bernhard Shaw, John Maynard Keynes, Linus Pauling (two times Nobel prize winner), John Harvey Kellogg (yes him too, the famous doctor from the Battle Creek Sanatorium). And let’s not forget Hitler and the Nazis. In practical terms what did eugenics mean for the average member of humanity? The Wikipedia article on Eugenics provides us with an understated summary: “As a social movement, eugenics reached its greatest popularity in the early decades of the 20th century. At this point in time, eugenics was practiced around the world and was promoted by governments, and influential individuals and institutions. Many countries enacted various eugenics policies and programs, including: genetic screening, birth control promoting differential birth rates, marriage restrictions, segregation (both racial segregation and segregation of the mentally ill from the rest of the population), compulsory sterilization, forced abortions or forced pregnancies and genocide.” One country that embraced eugenics enthusiastically was the United States of America. This is because the wealthy Rockefeller Foundation (and many others) was vigorously promoting and paying for the movement. The Rockefeller Foundation not only promoted it in America, but also all over the world, particularly in Germany through the ‘Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics.’ This of course led directly to Nazi Germany’s racial policies and the attempt to create the ‘Aryan Superman.’ Because the Nazi’s took eugenics to its ultimate and logical conclusions, it has obviously developed a bad reputation and it is seldom mentioned in ‘polite circles’ anymore. Even so,
eugenics has not gone away - the Wikipedia article points out that eugenic policy only ceased in liberal Sweden in 1975. However, because of the Nazi connection, a makeover was necessary – a new image was required. Frederick Henry Osborn (the author of ‘The Future of Human Heredity’ 1968), tells us that: “Eugenic goals are most likely to be attained under another name than eugenics.” Therefore, names and programs such as ‘family planning’ – ‘birth control’ ‘social science’ – ‘health care’ – ‘population control’ etc. are often used today to hide ongoing eugenic policies. One of the biggest promoters of eugenic policies today is the United Nations (with the Rockefeller Foundation in the background – the Rockefeller Foundation donated the land in New York on which the United Nations headquarters stands). We can easily find this eugenic philosophy and practice in the United Nations if we examine just one man, the first director of the ‘United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’ (UNESCO) – Julian Huxley. Julian Huxley comes from a family line stepped in evolution and eugenics. Julian’s grandfather was called ‘Darwin’s Bulldog.’ Charles Darwin may have re-invented evolutionary theory, but it was Thomas Huxley who made it popular. Julian also had a famous brother - the author of the equally famous prophetic novel, ‘Brave New World’ Aldous Huxley. In this ‘brave new world’ eugenics features prominently – where man becomes de-humanized for the sake of ‘scientific progress.’ Julian Huxley’s career was all about evolution and eugenics. He was a vice-president of the British Eugenics Society for many years - then president from 1959-62. He was the inventor of the term ‘Transhumanism’ which is the process whereby man could improve himself, or evolve, through applying science and technology. Some of Julian Huxley’s endearing statements include these gems: “No-one doubts the wisdom of managing the germ-plasm of agricultural stocks, so why not apply the same concept to human stocks?” "The lowest strata are reproducing too fast. Therefore… they must not have too easy access to relief or hospital treatment lest the removal of the last check on natural selection should make it too easy for children to be produced or to survive; long unemployment should be a ground for sterilisation." "Thus, even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy of controlled human breeding will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable." “Whether he likes it or not, he (man) is responsible for the whole further evolution of our planet.” Julian eventually became Sir Julian – the British establishment obviously appreciated his contributions to saving the planet - which is very much an obsession with the British royal family. Julian Huxley is not alone in his quest to upgrade humanity in the image of himself – it is also the passion of the elite of this world – and it is the very core of the new age movement. Many others (with the power and ability to shape people’s attitudes) have the same goals,
such as George Bernard Shaw, (the British playwright and member of the Fabian Society of social manipulators), who thought: “The only fundamental and possible socialism is the socialisation of the selective breeding of man." As ‘twilight zone’ as it may seem, it is a fact that the elite of this world believe they are on a different evolutionary path than the rest of humanity. They are going up – the rest of us are going down (or left behind). Bertrand Russell, English philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, social critic and Nobel Prize winner, states it plainly: “Gradually by selective breeding the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species.” Bertrand Russell. ‘The Impact of Science on Society, p.28. The original lie was that “ye shall be as gods” Gen. 3:5. And it needs to be repeated and emphasised, this is exactly what the elite/powers of this world believe. They believe that they are becoming little gods through the mechanism of evolution. And not just ordinary age old evolution, but rapid, man manipulated evolution. This is not a Hollywood fantasy – they truly believe it – and they truly believe that they can achieve it through their own mastery over science and technology – it even has a name ‘Transhumanism’ - the process whereby man could improve himself, or evolve, through applying science and technology (the term was invented by Julian Huxley). Because of their obvious superiority (only obvious to themselves), the elite of this earth believe that they have the right to rule over the rest of us. [They have names for the ‘rest of us’ such as ‘plebs’ and ‘untermenschen’ and ‘useless eaters’]. And not only do they believe that they have the right to rule – if they think they have the right to rule it naturally follows that they think they have the right to regulate – and if they have the right to regulate it naturally follows that they have the right to police or enforce – and if they have all these rights then it naturally follows that they can do whatever they want. And what they want is clearly spelt out on the Georgia Guide Stones. How are they going to, “maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature,” if the present population of the earth is over 7 billion? Another relevant question is why would they want to do such a horrendous thing? The Guide Stones recommend half a billion because, those who are evolving into ‘gods’ have calculated that they need only 500,000,000 servants to take care of their needs and keep them in the lifestyle that they are accustomed to. And of course let’s not forget the cover story - to save mother earth (Gaia) from the human plague that she is infested with at present. I hear you say, “This is crazy, conspiratorial rubbish.” No sorry, this is official government and UN policy, you only need to read their own official documents, such as National Security Memorandum 200, 1974, authored by Henry Kissinger:
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the third world.” Prominent new agers have been saying the same thing for many years. They believe that they are going to have the responsibility to ‘cull’ the human race. The following are the words of prominent new-ager Barbara Marks Hubbard, president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution (as opposed to unconscious evolution – in other words, man-made evolution). She sounds as if she is relishing the ‘god given’ task ahead: “There have always been defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a natural death. We the elders have been patiently waiting… to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity… Fortunately you are not responsible for this process. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy, We are the riders of the pale horse. Death.” In case we are tempted to think that the plebs will never allow such a horrendous plan to transpire – the imperious Bertrand Russell tells us why the ‘plebs’ will never understand and why they will not revolt: “A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practise of eating mutton… Diet, injections and injunctions will combine from very early age to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable… and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society pp.28,50-51. And just in case the honorable Bertrand Russell is wrong, we have these words of wisdom/warning from one of the ultimate ‘insiders’ Zbigniew Brzezinski (Barack Obama’s ‘eminence grise’): “It used to be more difficult to kill a million people than to control a million people – now it is easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.” We cannot understand the policies that are put in place, we cannot fully comprehend the signs of the times, and we cannot adequately prepare for the future, unless we understand what the elitist agenda is. For example, is it any wonder that there is such a push to disarm the people of the world, if the intention is to ‘cull’ the world’s population? Is it any wonder that we are losing our rights, liberties and freedoms at an alarming rate, if the intention is to eliminate the ‘useless eaters’ and save the planet? No! There is no need to wonder about any of this, they have told us in advance why these things are happening. The reason why we are losing our freedoms and we are hurtling towards fascism is because the agenda on the Guide Stones cannot be accomplished in a democratic politically organised world. For this agenda to succeed, totalitarianism (total control over society) is required. Another ultimate ‘insider,’ Frank Neustien, President of the Rockefeller Population Council, member of American Eugenics Society, Theosophical Society and Council of Foreign Relations, and the Director of the UN Population Division 1946-48, has told us what is necessary:
“The price for this type of population control (zero growth) may well be the institution of a totalitarian regime.” The Problem with Population Control, (1969). I recognise that this is hard to believe and accept, but pause and reflect upon what has happened in the recent past. In the last century, tens of millions of people have been slaughtered in wars and conflicts of all kinds – all for political agendas. It has been the most horrendous century of death in the history of mankind. The political agenda’s that generated that kind of carnage are all still alive and well in this new century. Nothing has changed – the outlook is bleak, and the forecast is for dark stormy weather. But the promise is: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30:5. God bless, Bruce Telfer. Extra note: The Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess, founder of the ‘Deep Ecology’ school within the broader environmentalist movement, is advocating reducing the world’s population to just 100,000,000 (which is just over 1% of the world’s current population). The Shallow and the Deep, Long Range Ecology Movements: A Summery by Arne Naess.
Signs of the Times – part 31
Originally posted, May 23, 2013.
Quotes of the Times: “Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.” Adolph Hitler. “The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened.” Josef Stalin. “If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” James Madison, U.S. President. “The pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being.” Zbigniew Brzezinski. “Never waste a good crisis.” Rahm Emanuel, former White House Chief of Staff. “This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector.” Plato. The phrase ‘false flag’ has been bandied about much of late (mostly in the alternative media). So what is a false flag? It is a staged event designed to deceive – often used by aggressors to start a war. Wikipedia has as good a definition as any:
“False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities, groups or nations than those who actually planned and executed them.” The people, of most nations, are not aggressively inclined to war. In order to arouse aggressive inclinations, the people have to be propagandized, they have to be taught to fear an enemy, and then they have to be attacked by that enemy. If the enemy refuses to attack, then he has to be provoked into attack. If he still refuses to attack – then there is always the false flag option. False flags are popular for another reason. No nation wants to be thought of as an evil, warmongering, aggressor. Even the most evil regimes want to wrap themselves in sanctimonious, ‘we occupy the high moral ground’ propaganda, whenever they go to war. Therefore, when war is intentioned, they normally try and contrive it, so that the ‘enemy’ gets the blame for starting the conflict. Even Hitler thought it necessary to cloak his naked aggression in false flag fixing and flummery. False flag operations have been used for centuries. Some more recent examples are: 1898: The United States battleship ‘Maine’ mysteriously blows up in Havana Harbor (Cuba). The Spanish get the blame and the Spanish-American war starts. America acquires Cuba and the Philippines. 1915: President Wilson promises the American people that America will not get “entangled in European wars.” The cruise liner Lusitania is conveniently torpedoed by a German U-boat, with the loss of American lives. America enters WW I in 1917. While not technically an obvious false flag, it has always been suspected that the Lusitania was deliberately maneuvered into harm’s way by the British, who were anxious to get America into the war. 1933: Hitler burns down the German parliament building and blames it on the communists. He is then able to manipulate the resultant fear and anxiety to acquire emergency powers to deal with the ‘crises’ – the Nazi tyranny is now established on the foundation of a false flag terror attack. 1937: The Japanese blow up a section of railway in Manchuria and blame it on the Chinese (the Mukden Incident) – the Sino-Japanese War begins. 1937: The Japanese stage a ‘kidnapping’ of a Japanese soldier (the Marco Polo Bridge incident) to justify invading China proper. 1939: Would a government kill and harm its own people in order to create a false flag incident? Yes it would! The Russian Red Army shelled its own city of Mainila on the Finnish border. They blame Finland for the destruction – ‘the Winter War’ between Russia and Finland begins. 1939: Hitler and his henchmen also have no qualms about harming their own people, in order to advance their agenda. They want to invade Poland, so they dress up German convicts in Polish Army uniforms and shoot them on the Polish-German border (code named operation ‘Canned Goods’). They then invite the international media to take pictures of the ‘aggressive and belligerent Poles.’ The Second World War begins.
1941: Do only totalitarian tyrants and dictators use false flag incidents that allow harm to come to their own people? You be the judge of what happened at Pearl Harbor. President Franklin D. Roosevelt made the same promise that Wilson made: “Your boy’s will not have to go to war.” However, he knew that war was inevitable. He knew that war was inevitable because he was manipulating events that made war inevitable for the United States. Therefore, he needed an ‘incident’ to get America into WW II. The attack on Pearl Harbor was just what he needed. Although technically not a false flag, the Japanese attack on the American Military at Pearl Harbor was full of deceptive tactics on both sides. Firstly, the American oil embargo against Japan forced the Japanese into a corner, they felt they had no option other than to attack America (they only had two month’s supply of oil left). They tried to lull the Americans into a false sense of security by holding peace negotiations up to the last minute. Secondly, the peace negotiations were a charade on both sides. The Americans knew the Japanese were coming (they had broken the Japanese code) - but the government ‘failed’ to warn the military at Pearl Harbor (according to testimony given by Admiral Husband E. Kimmel the military commander at Pearl Harbor), giving them the pretext they needed for entering the war. [Roosevelt needed such an attack to ensure the American people would be suitably outraged. Isolationism was the dominant political climate in America at that time – and the isolationist spirit needed to be overcome in order to go to war]. Watch/hear Admiral Kimmel’s damning testimony here: 1953: The CIA has admitted that it hired criminals and thugs to carry out terrorist attacks in Iran. These terrorist attacks were then blamed on the communists - in order to overthrow the democratically elected Iran government led by the Iranian nationalist, prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh (he nationalized the Iranian oil industry – kicking out the British and American oil companies). This information comes from declassified CIA files available here: ‘All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of the Middle East Terror’ by Stephen Kinzer, (John Wiley and Sons, 2003). Journal of the American Intelligence Professional 48: 258. Retrieved 2007-02-04. 1954: The Israelis recruit Egyptian Jews to plant bombs in Egyptian targets owned by American and British interests – with the purpose of blaming the Muslim Brotherhood (thus gaining British and American support). One bomb goes off prematurely and the Israeli agents are arrested and put on trial. This false flag attack becomes known as the Lavon Affair (because the Israeli Defense Minister, Pinhas Lavon, was forced to resign). In 2006, Israel decorated the surviving members of this terror attack. 1962: Operation Northwoods was the US Military’s plan to take Cuba back from Fidel Castro and the communists. Operation Northwood was never meant to be made public, because it reveals a ruthless propensity for false flag incidents to incite and justify war. The Wikileaks page on ‘False Flags’ is worth quoting: “The planned, but never executed, 1962 Operation Northwoods by the U.S Department of Defense for a war with Cuba involved scenarios such as fabricating the hijacking or shooting down of passenger and military planes, sinking a U.S. ship in the vicinity of Cuba, burning crops, sinking a boat filled with Cuban refugees, attacks by alleged Cuban infiltrators inside the United States, and harassment of U.S. aircraft and shipping and the destruction of aerial drones by aircraft disguised as Cuban MiGs. These actions would be blamed on Cuba, and would be a pretext for an invasion of Cuba and the overthrow of Fidel Castro’s communist government. It was authored by
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but then rejected by President John F. Kennedy. The surprise discovery of the documents relating to Operation Northwoods was a result of the comprehensive search for records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the Assassination Records Review Board in the mid-1990s. Information about Operation Northwoods was later publicized by James Bamford.” 1964: America wanted to bomb North Vietnam (to prevent the North Vietnamese from supplying and supporting the war in the south). Two American Navy warships were sent into the North Vietnamese coastal region. The destroyer, the USS Maddox, was supposedly attacked by torpedo boats. This ‘attack’ became known as the ‘Gulf of Tonkin Incident.’ America now launches a massive air campaign against North Vietnam. Documents released in 2001 make it clear that the ‘attack’ on the Maddox never happened. The Secretary of Defense (at the time) Robert McNamara has gone on the record, to state, that the attack never happened. [Watch/hear McNamara’s confession here: v=HODxnUrFX6k]. 1967: The American spy ship, the USS Liberty, was attacked by Israeli jets and Israeli torpedo boats whilst in international waters – 34 Americans are killed and 171 are wounded. However, the Liberty refuses to sink. The Israelis were trying to sink the Liberty and blame it on the Egyptians – and thus draw America into their war with Egypt (the Six Day War). The Liberty ‘incident’ resulted in a massive cover up. Few Americans have ever heard of the Liberty and the murder of their fellow countrymen by the Israeli military. [Watch/hear the astonishing/shocking story here:]. 1980: The bombing of the railway station in Bologna, Italy, exposed what was long suspected: that there was a clandestine government and NATO sponsored secret army network operating in Europe. This network has subsequently been dubbed ‘Operation Gladio’ (after the name given to the Italian network). Originally, this network was set up to ‘stay behind’ in the eventuality of a Russian invasion - they were to engage the Russians in guerrilla warfare. However, as the focus changed from fear of invasion to fear of communist internal subversion, the secret army was used to commit terrorist attacks in Europe against their own citizens (the Bologna bombing killed 85 and wounded 200 people and was the worst of many such attacks). As usual these attacks were blamed on communists and leftwing organizations. These false flag terror attacks were to provide, ‘the strategy of tension.’ As one former participant, explained on a BBC documentary: “You had to attack civilians, people, women, children innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.” Watch the BBC documentary ‘Operation Gladio’ here: search_query=operation+gladio&oq=operation+gla&gs_l=youtube.1.0.0l10.55535865.55545 Then watch this: Gladio is alive and well and still functioning today: 1992: In the aftermath of the breakup of Yugoslavia, the country broke up into warring ethnic and religious factions. Galvanizing sympathy in the West for each faction was just as important as the actual fighting (because this was how Western support was gained). The Bosnian Muslim faction was the most successful at gaining Western sympathy and support. However they did it by often committing atrocities against their own people and then blaming it on the Serbs. Lord David Owen (who was initially anti-Serb), discovered this unpalatable
fact when he visited the besieged city of Sarajevo in 1992, as the European Union peace negotiator. When Owen asked why the UN letter of complaint to the Bosnian Government outlining their culpability was not made public the UN General Morillon replied: “We have to live here.” The Serbs continued to get the blame for all atrocities in the international media. Source here: timeline=western_support_for_islamic_militancy_tmln&western_support_for_islamic_milita ncy_tmln_alleged_false_flag_operations=islamic_militancy_balkans 2000: ‘The Project for the New American Century’ – a neo-conservative think tank and powerful Washington lobby group (now called The American Enterprise Institute) publish a report entitled: ‘Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century.’ In this document they state: "The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor.” One year later the ‘new Pearl Harbor’ arrives. 2001: Many people are waking up to the fact that there is something wrong with the official explanation of 9/11. The greatest skeptics of all are scientists (of all disciplines) who strenuously and vociferously maintain that the official explanation contradicts the laws of physics - and science in general. In addition, the official report just ignores the fact that a third building (building 7 of the WT complex) fell down, that same day, without a plane hitting it. What is the problem here? Could it be that there is no logical explanation here? “Oh! But, there was a fire in #7 – that’s why it fell down.” Sorry, that’s not logical – there have been many fires in steel framed skyscrapers (some of them burning for many hours, engulfing the whole building) – not one of them has ever fallen down. It would appear that the strategy is simply to ignore the facts, and hopefully, they’ll just go away? [Apparently, ‘the head in the sand tactic’ actually works – according to a Zogby poll in 2006, 43% of Americans, are not even aware, that WTC 7 fell down that fateful day. The owner of the WT complex, Larry Silverstein, is on record saying “we decided to ‘pull’ (demolition slang for ‘demolish’) it.” Excuse me Mr. Silverstein: “would you like to explain why building #7 was wired with explosives – and when was it, wired with explosives?”]. These are just some of the hundreds and hundreds of questions that are being asked around the world. The cover-up will probably persist until the perpetrators are dead – that’s usually how it works. When one understands the prevalence of governments to use ‘false flags’ to stampede their reluctant citizens in a particular direction – when we understand that the official story is shot full of holes – logically, we can only conclude that 9/11 was the most spectacular false flag ever. [Osama bin Laden has never appeared on the FBI’s 10 most wanted list. When this was queried, the FBI replied: “There is not sufficient proof to put him on the list”]. [This does not necessarily mean that it was official government policy to carry out such a plot – these events are always carried out by intelligence agencies that are divided into compartmentalized factions – so that very few know what is actually going on – or what the final goal is]. When dramatic events happen (the kind of events that have the power to alter people’s perceptions and ideas), then before ‘rushing to judgment’ it is always wise to ask the question: “who profits from this event?” Another useful question is: “why has it happened
now?” Yet another is: “how is this going to affect current events – how will this affect public opinion etc. etc.?” False flags will continue to be used - they are one of the most effective mechanisms to promote secretive and subversive agendas. They are one of the Signs of the Times. Don’t be fooled. Remember the words of Jesus: “Take heed that no man deceive you” Matt: 24:4. Let us end with the words of some of the finest practitioners of the art of deception – the Nazis: “Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” Hermann Goering. God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 32 Originally posted Aug. 8, 2013.
Quotes of the Times: “Fear is a fantastic marketing tool… Fear sells. Fear makes money. The countless companies and consultants in the business of protecting the fearful from whatever they may fear know it too well. The more fear, the better the sales .” Daniel Gardner, ‘The Science of Fear’.
“I care not that they hate me, as long as they fear me.” Caligula, Roman Emperor. “Social control is best managed through fear.” Michael Crichton, ‘State of Fear.’ “Mention UFOs and in the past you would be have been greeted with a chorus of derision, but today lots of people admit to having seen mysterious flying objects, and we are not talking the bewildered and the backwards – these are astronauts, pilots and defence officials. At the same time governments around the world, have started releasing their classified documents on UFO sightings and New Zealand is about to follow suit.” 60 minutes (TV news show) New Zealand edition, 2010.
“I became clearly convinced that there was substance to what was being reported in that we had ground visual, ground radar, airborne visual and airborne radar confirmation of
some of these sightings.” Lt. Col. Charles Brown, official US Air Force, UFO investigator, interviewed by 60 minutes, NZ.
Question: Are there people on this planet who possess more wealth and power than others? Answer: Yes! That is obvious. Question: How do these people who possess more wealth and power than others, protect their wealth and power, from the others? Answer: This time not so obvious. But nevertheless obvious after due consideration – they protect their already acquired and established wealth and power, by accumulating more wealth and power – wealth begets wealth and wealth begets power and power begets power. There are many statistical sources and references that can be quoted to prove that there is a rapid escalation of wealth and power into the hands of the few at the expense of the many. Here is one, regarding the situation in America: The super rich – the top 0.01% of the population own more of the natural wealth now than at any time since 1928, just before the Great Depression. And the richest 1% of the US population? They own a third of all US net worth… Now one in every seven Americans lives below the poverty line – that’s a record 42.2 million people, although it might actually be higher. The Guardian (UK Newspaper), Nov. 16, 2011. Thus is established a progressive, escalating cycle of wealth and power in the hands of a few - and a progressive, downward cycle for the many. That this cycle is approaching its apex, is becoming increasingly obvious to the many. The rise of movements such as ‘We are the 99%’ testifies that people are seeing this phenomena at work in their own lives Question: How then, do those bent on accumulation even more wealth and power, keep those who are losing wealth and power, from becoming aware that it is happening? Answer: diversion and distraction. And the best distraction of all is - FEAR. We can trace the ‘politics of fear’ back to the Italian Philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 – 1527). In medieval times, he wrote the manual for successful mediaeval rulers. His treatise was called ‘The Prince.’ Lesson 101 said: “Do not try and be popular – this will only be interpreted as weakness.” Lesson 102 said: “To establish authority and respect the people must fear the rulers.” The rest of the lessons dealt with practical lessons in brutality, duplicity and tactics. The ruling elite of the time enthusiastically embraced Machiavelli’s advice and history is replete with brutal kings, popes and all manner of tyrants who ruled their kingdoms through fear. [There have been occasional exceptions but in general the ‘politics of fear’ have been the rule].
However, when it comes to modern times, ‘the politics of fear’ do not work quite as well in modern democracies and republics, where politicians are elected by popular vote. In these political systems we are supposed to ‘love’ our leaders and our leaders are supposed to love us – otherwise why would we vote for them – no one is going to vote for someone that they fear. In the more democratic systems, we now have institutions where people are supposed to take a more inclusive part in the political process. However, ‘the politics of fear’ are still employed and used effectively to steer the political agenda of all nations. The only thing that has changed is the method. In the past common brutality was employed, today we are much more sophisticated and civilized. The fear is now delivered through the media, directly into the minds of the lumpen proletariat, in the form of ‘issues’ (although common brutality is still an option – how often have you heard the mantra ‘all options are on the table’). There are many fearful issues to choose from, the best ones are those that have a universal impact – those that affect the whole planet. As the worrying effect of one issue wears off, another is sought to take its place. For example, just a few years ago we were all going to die in a nuclear holocaust, and we had to be constantly on the alert for ‘reds under the bed.’ After the demise of the Soviet Union, we have been inundated with a succession of scary scenarios. There have been many public health scares, there was a time when we were all going to die of AIDS – and then we all going to die of cancer because of the hole in the ozone layer - and then there was ‘SARS’ (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) - and then Bird Flu - and then Swine Flu. They even invented a scary new word for the end of the world, called ‘pandemic’ (the fright factor used to be limited to ‘epidemics’ – but ‘pandemic’ has a nice world-wide ring to it). Some of these fright issues have been more successful than others. For the fashionably frightened, one of the more successful scary scenarios was/is ‘Man-Made (anthropomorphic) Global Warming.’ But here too, the results have not been as rewarding as hoped. The fright factor failed to deliver the necessary world-wide legislation at the Copenhagen Summit in 2009. Since then the fright factor attached to ‘Global Warming’ has fizzled into ‘Climate Change’ (indicating that the climate is changing – “ho hum, it always has” – “woe is us, the fright factor has departed”). However, we can always fall back on ‘the war on terror’ – which has huge fright factor built into it, because, it is progressively terrifying and it can go on for ever and ever and get closer and closer. For example, the terrorists used to live overseas and wear funny clothes - they were easy to identify and easy to kill. Now they are living in the same neighbourhood, soon they will be living right next door. They are no longer easy to identify, they wear the same
clothes as us, they even look like us – “Oh no! We are the terrorists now! How did that happen?” Unfortunately, the ‘war on terror’ does not come with ‘warm fuzzy feel good factor’ – it is a divisive factor between nations and peoples. The ideal scary scenario is one that unites the people of the earth in a common cause to defeat it (in this respect the global warming scare was almost perfect – it had ‘warm fuzzy feel good factor’ – the noble cause of saving the planet for future generations – what a buzz – what a shame it did not last!). So taking what we have learned about the universal appeal of global warming, where are we going to find our next ‘fright fix?’ One that will have ‘noble cause’ – ‘warm fuzzy feel good factor’ attached to it – one that will unite the planet and usher in a one world government to fight the fright. Let’s see, we need an enemy that is common to the whole of mankind - an enemy that threatens the whole planet – an enemy that we can all unite against. Of course! Why didn’t we think of it before! How about the UFO/Aliens phenomena???? Well, actually someone did think about that before, and he told it to all and anyone, who would listen, including the United Nations. That person was Ronald Reagan (maybe he watched too many Hollywood movies). After being the staple diet of many Hollywood movies and TV shows and after being covered for several decades by the alternative media, the UFO/Aliens phenomena, is slowly gaining the attention of the main stream media. Even the Catholic Church is coverings its bets. In the official Vatican newspaper (L’Osservatore Romano – May 13, 2008), the official Vatican astronomer Fr. Jose Gabriel Funes, SJ, gave an interview under the headline, ‘The Alien is my Brother.’ [The Jesuits have two observatories, one in Italy, one in California]. The question we have to ask ourselves is why? Why is the UFO/Alien phenomena becoming mainstream, when it always dwelt in the shadows, in the past? Why is it getting a facelift now? Is it possible that the UFO/Aliens phenomena, is going to be attached to someone’s political agenda? And thus become a Sign of the Times! In order to understand this, we need to look very briefly at what the UFO/Aliens phenomena is, and what it is not. In spite of all the ridicule and misinformation, UFOs and their alien hitchhikers, have been the subject of long and intense scrutiny, by reputable and competent investigators. After many years, some of them have come to the same conclusions (independent of each other): 1. What it is not: it is not visitors from outer space. 2. What it is: it is actually the deceptive work of supernatural entities. 3. Some go so far as to identify these entities as demons. 4. These demons are not friendly – they are hostile to mankind.
5. The only people, who are protected from this demonic activity, are committed
followers of Jesus Christ. 6. The UFO/Alien phenomena is hostile to Christianity. Some of these investigators, after beginning their journeys of discovery, as atheists and unbelievers, have ended their journey as committed followers of Jesus Christ themselves. These conversions to Christ are compelling evidence in, and of themselves, to the fact that, the UFO/Aliens phenomena, is exactly what these investigators say it is: – demonic. Now, demons are really good at scaring people. Ronald Reagan thought so. In a speech he gave, before the assembled dignitaries, at the United Nations, he said the following: “In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences world-wide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.” Sept. 21, 1987. Reagan liked to share this ‘idea’ with all and sundry, including the Secretary General of the Soviet Union in a speech at Fallston High School, Maryland; he commented on recent meetings that he had had with Mickail Gorbachev: “How easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in the universe. We’d forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries…” Dec. 4, 1985. Reagan has helped us to identify another reason for scary scenarios, with a high degree of fear factor. For many years, the powers that be, have been trying to create a one world government. They have been trying to sell us this new world order, using the fear factor. Global Warming almost did it for them. It almost succeeded because it was sold to us as a universal, global, world-wide problem – even those cute/cuddly polar bears were going to starve or drown. Unfortunately, those ignorant and selfish Chinese and Russians (and some other moral bankrupts) would not sign at Copenhagen. Nevertheless, lessons have been learned - it has been recognized that a good universal, global, world-wide scare can almost get them there. What evidence do we have that such a scare might be just around the corner (or in the sky)? At this point in time not a lot – however, we do have some prophetic indications. It is written that the time will come when: “Men’s hearts (will be) failing them for fear…“ (Luke 21:26). When is this fearful event going to happen? Well, it is also written: “For when they
begin to say peace and safety, sudden destruction comes upon them” (1 Thessalonians 5:3). ‘Hmm, I wonder what Homeland Security is all about… and all that other legislation… what’s the purpose of it…?’ Anyway, moving on, we’ve also been told that demons will be central stage in the ‘latter times’ – “But the (Holy) Spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in the latter times some will turn away from the faith, giving attention to deluding seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach” (1 Timothy 4:1. Amplified Bible). Paul penned this warning nearly 2000 years ago, therefore it is pretty much a certainty, that we have reached the ‘latter times’ – and at this time demons are going to be teaching us deluding doctrine – I wonder what that could be? And there is more: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine… And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Timothy. 3, 4). Surely, we sophisticated ‘end-timers’ don’t believe in fables do we? – fables are for children. In addition, in these ‘latter times’ there will be a ‘demonically assisted’ major power, on the earth, with the ability to do ‘great wonders’ - even - ‘bringing fire down from heaven.’ I wonder what nation that could be? It must be a powerful nation, with some very fancy technology, up its sleeve. But we don’t have to speculate about the purpose behind these miracles and wonders. The purpose is to scare the people of the earth into giving their allegiance to another power, known as the “first beast whose deadly wound was healed” (see The Book of Revelation, chapter 13). Moving on again, we find that demons are sent forth to organize the whole world for war (which necessitates some form of one world government, see Revelation 16:13, 14). Finally, this one world government comes to light in Revelation chapter 17 – here we find a woman sitting on a beast - it is also stated that she sits on waters and mountains (in other words she sits on everything and everyone – controlling and directing everything on the earth). This control is further empathically stated, by the fact that she “commits fornication (illicit union) with the kings of the earth’ - in return these kings ‘have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast’ (the woman is in control of the beast). And let’s not forget that other centre of global power – banking and finance. That too, is under the control of the woman and the beast - (see Revelation Chapter 18, especially verses 11-14, 23). If we have ears to hear and eyes to see, we will be aware of this structure being built right in front of us. It only needs a good scare to see this modern day Tower of Babel completed. So, if you get an excited phone call from friend or family, in the not too distant future, telling you to turn on your TV, don’t believe what you see… and don’t see what you believe. God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Note: Ronald Reagan was not the first to desire aliens running around the back yard in pursuit of world peace. Many others have promoted the same idea, and a long time before Reagan, here are two: “Someone remarked that the best way to unite all the nations on this globe would be an attack from some other planet. In the face of such an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of their unity of interest and purpose.” John Dewey, professor of philosophy, Columbia University, 1917.
“The next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.” General Douglas MacArthur, speaking to graduating class at West Point (prestigious US Military Officers School) 1955. The General gave this same speech, several times, elsewhere.
Extra Note: in 1938 Orson Welles (actor and radio host), adapted the H. G. Wells book ‘The War of the Worlds’ (about an alien invasion from Mars), for radio. The broadcast was mistaken for a real alien invasion by a large segment of the American public in the north east area of America. The result was wide spread panic - thousands of people fled their homes to escape ‘the Martians.’ It was an interesting event. It demonstrated that, even an unintentional and fictional account, of an alien invasion, can generate great fear. [H G. Wells’ book was recently made into a Hollywood movie]. Extra Question: why do the Jesuits (a religious order), think it is necessary to have their own observatories? What are they looking for?
The Signs of the Times – part 33 Originally posted Dec. 3, 2013, Quotes of the Times:
“This is an historic agreement” - President Barack Obama. “This is an historic mistake” - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “A war has been prevented” - Gideon Levy, prominent Israeli journalist In November 2011, the Obama Administration announced, what has come to be called, ‘the pivot to the Pacific’ [a refocusing of American Foreign and Military policy – giving priority to the Pacific and especially the East Asian portion of the Pacific]. This ‘refocusing’ caused some surprise and concern to many a friend and foe alike – the geopolitical landscape was
moving – the prevailing wind was shifting - “what was America up to?” It was surprising because there was still much ongoing and unfinished business in the Middle East. The Syrian civil war was just getting into gear, and Iran was still pushing ahead with its nuclear weapons program. Was America going to abandon the region and go play with the Chinese instead? We now know the answers to many of the puzzling questions that were asked at that time. Clarity has been established because of an ‘historic agreement’ that was signed in Geneva in the early hours of Nov, 24, 2013 (or the ‘historic mistake’ depending on who you talk to). The Israelis have been especially puzzled about American plans and policy for more than a year now. Prior to that Israel and America were ‘on the same page’ – now the Israelis think that America is reading a different book to them. The Israelis have been growing increasingly anxious over American reluctance to engage Iran head on and also to finish the ‘business’ in Syria. [Such as when, America was given a golden opportunity to bomb Syria after the recent poison gas attack incident – but America declined the offer]. In fact, the normal cosy relationship between Israel and America is in tatters. Obama and Netanyahu can barely speak to each other, the Israeli lobby in Washington DC are not having their calls returned, and the US Congress is being warned by the Obama Administration to tone down anti-Iranian rhetoric and action. Israel is no longer flavour of the month and the Israelis are angry – they are feeling vulnerable and isolated – they are acting like the spurned suitor – as America ‘pivots to the Pacific.’ Due to the ‘historic agreement’ we now know that America has been secretly negotiating with Iran, behind Israel’s back, for a long time. These negotiations have been going on almost certainly from the time that America pivoted to the Pacific. In order to understand the significance of this agreement it is necessary to understand some recent history. America’s overall chief concern is to maintain the dominance of the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency – the economic prosperity of America depends upon this ‘financial hegemony.’ All of America’s foreign and military policy is bent towards defending the tremendous advantage that ‘dollar dominance’ gives to America. For example, because the American dollar is necessary to facilitate world trade, all nations must earn and hold reserves of American dollars. This means that America can simply print dollars and receive the goods and services of the world, virtually at no cost to itself (it is estimated that ‘dollar dominance’ in international trade contributes to at least 25% to the American lifestyle). This is what Dick Cheney was referring to when he said: “The American lifestyle is not negotiable.” So, when Saddam Hussein was the first to break ranks and sell his oil for Euros instead of Dollars, then he had to go. Do you remember the non-existent weapons of mass destruction? No, it was the threat of ‘dollar destruction’ that caused the demise of Saddam. Do you remember ‘responsibility to protect’ in Libya. No, it was “we must protect the
dollar” that caused the demise of Gaddafi. He was about to do the same as Saddam – he was holding meetings with all of Africa to introduce a gold dinar to trade with – so he had to go too. The Iranians had been threatening to do the same for many years and in recent times they have been trading oil for gold with India. Iran is a different beast to Iraq or Libya. The military solution is no longer working – the military solution is struggling to even take out Iran’s ally, Syria. Therefore, it is necessary to get by persuasion what one cannot get by force. And in this ‘historic agreement’ America has gotten what it wants. The agreement contains a clause that stipulates that Iran will not sell its oil for anything else, other than American dollars. America is happy - and Iran is happy too – they got what they wanted. The agreement allows Iran to continue enriching uranium (an essential step in creating nuclear weapons). So, now than America has shored up the dollar in the Middle East, it is now free to pivot to the Pacific. And why does it want to pivot to the Pacific? It is because the Chinese are an even greater threat to the dominance of the dollar than the Iranians. The Chinese could destroy the dollar overnight if they wanted to. They hold more than three trillion US dollars in their reserves (far more than they need). However, the Chinese have a dilemma. They could destroy the dollar by dumping their dollar reserves on the international market (selling the lot all at once), but that would mean they would lose the value of the US dollars that they are holding. So what are the Chinese doing? – they are frantically buying up as much gold as they can (using their US dollars). Not only are they buying gold they are trying to buy every goldmine around the world that they can get their hands on. When it has accumulated a huge pile of gold (China is actually the world’s largest producer of gold), it will challenge the American dollars reserve currency status (with a gold backed currency). This is a much more serious challenge than a few dictators selling their oil for euros or gold – and this is the real reason for America’s pivot to the Pacific – the Chinese have announced in many subtle, and not so subtle ways, that they are ready to take on the American Empire. One unsubtle announcement occurred just a few days ago, on Nov 20th - the Chinese Central Bank said that it was no longer going to accumulate US dollars calling it “risky business.” In addition the Chinese have announced that part of their strategy to avoid the ‘risky business’ is that they have already established trading agreements, or they are seeking such agreements, with all their oil suppliers (China is now the biggest importer of oil in the world), that will allow them to trade with each other in their own national currencies (cutting out the American dollar). Having fired off these ‘financial weapons of mass destruction’ the Chinese then made a further declaration on Nov, 23 rd – they declared the establishment of an ‘Air Defence Identification Zone’ which includes islands that are currently in the media spotlight, because Japan thought it owned these islands, and Taiwan is claiming them too (both of whom are American allies). So this is a very aggressive stance on the part of China – and this time it is a military challenge.
America has been quick to take up the challenge. They flew two unarmed military planes through the disputed air corridor. The Chinese scrambled fighter jets but did not try to intercept the American planes. What will happen next is of course impossible to predict but these ‘signs of the times’ do not bode well for the future. China has recently publicly unveiled its secretive submarine fleet (with nuclear strike capacity) and publicly warned that it can strike all parts of America with nuclear weapons - prominent Chinese officials have been reported in the Chinese media saying that, “China must prepare for war with America.” God Bless, Bruce Telfer. Extra notes: The ‘historic agreement’ is for six months only, after which it must be renegotiated. What happens at the end of the six months? We cannot know for sure, but maybe the Iranians will say something like this: “Thanks for the six months we now have enough enriched uranium for a bomb – we don’t need any more agreements.” Which will mean that Obama’s ‘historic agreement’ will be his ‘Munich Moment’ (see pre-WWII history when British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain made an ‘historic agreement’ with Herr Hitler). There are many divisions and sects in the Muslim religion. The two dominant divisions are Shia (or Shite) and Sunni. Iran is the dominant Shia power in the Middle East and all the Sunni powers fear Iran (especially since the 1979 ‘Iranian revolution’ – when radicle Shite Muslims took over the country, with an active agenda to ‘export’ the revolution). Of course this fear of Iran is shared with Israel – which means that, as America ‘abandons’ the region and pivots to the Pacific, this results in some creative ‘pivoting’ in the Middle East as well. There is an Arabic proverb which says: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Therefore, because Israel and the Sunni Arab states share a common enemy, in Iran, Israel is now seeking a rapprochement with these Sunni states, in an anti-Iranian, anti-Syrian alliance. We can expect this alliance to try and sabotage the ‘historic agreement’ that America has achieved with Iran – and/or to prevent a renewal of the agreement in six months time. There is a great irony attached to current affairs. In order to preserve the illusion that the economic systems of the world are healthy and in recovery mode, it is necessary to make sure the price of gold remains low (relative to economic conditions). In order to keep the price low there has to be an adequate supply of gold on the market. Therefore, the central banks of the world are selling their gold in order to preserve their fiat currency system (a fiat currency system is a paper currency with nothing backing it). Because they are selling gold the price is kept low, which suits the Chinese (and all other Asian nations) fine. They get gold at a much cheaper price than it should be, and they know that eventually it will be worth much more. [The Western banking powers are also manipulating the market process in other ways to keep the price of gold low – all to the advantage of the Chinese]. Some
months ago Germany requested an inventory of its gold holdings in America (sent to America during the cold war with Russia for ‘safe keeping’) – the German request was refused – they were not allowed to inspect their own gold]. Germany is officially asking for its gold back. The Americans responded with the words: “it will take some time.”
Signs of the Times – part 34 Originally posted, Feb. 22, 2014.
Quotes of the times: “You are kidding yourself if you think World War II-style internment camps will never happen again.” Antonin Scalia, US Supreme Court Justice, Feb. 3, 2014. “There is a very large probability that the real end of the world will occur around March 4 th 2014.” Paul Volcker, ex-Federal Reserve Chairman, Washington Post, October 25, 2012.
What do you think? - if seven rock stars committed suicide in one month, or if seven movie stars committed suicide in one month, it would be all over the main media – right? There would be endless speculation about what this meant – most people would suspect that there was some connection between the ‘suicides’ – and everyone would be wondering if it was a sign of the times. Well, the facts are that within the last month, seven top and middle echelon bankers have committed ‘suicide’ in America, Europe and Hong Kong – but main stream media is ignoring the piling up of dead bankers. In addition, a prominent Wall Street reporter went for a walk a month ago and never came home (no trace of him has been found). Not even the suspicious manner of the banker’s ‘suicides’ can arouse the interest of the media. One of the bankers sent a text to his girlfriend saying he would be home for dinner soon, and then committed ‘suicide’ by jumping from his office building. Another banker committed ‘suicide’ by putting eight nails from a nail gun in himself. The media is not interested – why not? [But you can find it reported extensively on the internet – just google ‘dead bankers’]. Of course there is much speculation (on the internet) over what this means. Does it point to the fact that these dead bankers were about to divulge information that was just a little too ‘sensitive.’ [There are multiple fraud investigations for criminal activity, in the banking sector, being conducted at this time]. Or perhaps there is some substance to a very strange statement that Paul Volcker said in 2012, that: “The end of the world would occur around March 4th 2014.” No doubt Mr Volcker was not referring to the end of the literal world but
the end of the financial world (as we currently know it). Whatever the reason, seven dead bankers in one month is surely a sign of the times – something is amiss – the probability of large bonuses for the bankster boys, this 2014th year, has declined considerably. Hypothetically speaking, if there were people powerful enough to bring down the financial systems of the world, would they not do it at a time when they could exercise the maximum benefit for themselves? [It is possible to exploit a global financial collapse to earn massive amounts of money – even more than in an expanding growing economy]. Hypothetically speaking if there were such people powerful enough to do such a thing, would they not have to coordinate and cooperate and perhaps even set a date when they pull the plug? [All it would take would be for a few strategic and large payments (loans that are due) not to be made and the knock on/domino effect would bring the whole house of cards down]. Paul Volcker is a classic ‘insider’ – beware the Ides of March – hypothetically speaking. God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times – part 35 Originally posted. Feb. 27, 2014.
Quotes of the times: Only the world community’s acknowledgement of the neo-nazi nature of the putsch can stop the violence in Ukraine. Natalia Vitrenko, leader of the progressive socialist party of Ukraine, 18th Feb. 2014.
"If there is war in the Ukraine, Vienna is only 438 km away." Tweet from ‘Russian Markets’ semi-official Russian Government media outlet. (Because Vienna is the headquarters of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) – one of the agencies that the Russians believe is behind the troubles in the Ukraine).
“American sources are spending $20 million a week on financing the opposition and the insurgents, including for weapons. It has been reported that the guerrillas are briefed on the grounds of the U.S. Embassy, and that they are being armed.” Sergey Glasyev, advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Feb. 6, 2012.
“Ukraine has become the hostage of a global geopolitical game. The U.S. A. wants according to its theory of engineered chaos, to create chaos and stress at the Russian border… Still there are Ukrainians who think Maiden (Independence Square) is defending their interests. Naïve Ukrainians!” Oleh Tsaryov, Chairman of the Party of Regions (Ukraine’s ruling party).
“The likely outcome of the audacious strategic threat with which Washington is confronting Russia would be a thermonuclear one.” Paul Craig Roberts, (former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration), Foreign Policy Journal, Feb 15, 2014.
We all know that it is a dangerous thing to back a wild animal into a corner – whereas such an animal would normally avoid confrontation, it now realizes it has to fight. The same principle applies to nations – it is a dangerous thing to back nations into corners, especially those armed with thermonuclear weapons. We have seen such a scenario before. In 1962, Russia (the former Soviet Union), placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. Geographically Cuba is right on America’s front doorstep. Missiles on America’s front doorstep, gave the Soviet Union an immense advantage, in any up and coming nuclear war with America (thus backing America into a corner). America declared that this action by the Soviet Union was tantamount to a declaration of war. [We now know after the passage of time, and the release of official documents, that the world narrowly escaped ‘mutually assured destruction’ (MAD) over the ‘Cuban Crisis’ – it was only resolved when America agreed to withdraw its missiles from Turkey]. The world is faced with a similar crisis, with what is unfolding in the Ukraine. This time the roles are reversed – the Western Alliance (led by America) is backing Russia into a corner and it is guaranteed that Russia will come out fighting. [We only need to go back to 2008 for another historical precedent – do you remember what happened when the Western Alliance tried to detach Georgia from the Russian ‘sphere of influence’ and attach it to itself? How did Russia respond? And who won that round?]. When it comes to the Ukrainian crisis, we in the West have been fed a simplistic explanation of heroic demonstrators battling a tyrannical corrupt government – the ‘good guys’ verses the ‘bad guys.’ However, the reality is far from simplistic and the outcome of the conflict will affect us all – just as the Cuban Missile Crises had a worldwide impact. The recently unhorsed president of the Ukraine (Viktor Yanukovych), has been constantly saying that what was happing in his country was a neo-nazi coup (similar to what Hitler achieved in Germany). Is there any truth to his accusations or is this just propaganda? In order to answer this question we have to delve into Ukrainian religious and political history (as usual understanding the past is vital to understanding the present). For those of you who have followed the current situation in the Ukraine, you may have picked up on the fact that the nation is divided into east and west. The east (centred on the city of Kharkiv is pro-Russian and the west (centred on the city of Lviv is pro-US/EU). The west is the stronghold of a particular church unique to the Ukraine. It is called the Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church (UOGCC). [This church has a largely Greek Orthodox
appearance and worship style, but it acknowledges the supremacy of the Pope – and is therefore considered part of Roman Catholicism]. We can determine whether the western part of Ukraine (dominated by the UOGCC) is pro-Nazi, by examining a piece of history from WW II. The bulk of the western part of Ukraine has traditionally been known as Galicia (not to be confused with a region in Spain with the same name). When Hitler needed extra manpower to fight the Russians in the east, he approved the raising of extra divisions from the conquered territories of Europe. Fascists/Nazis from all nations joined the Nazi ‘crusade’ in the east. There was also a Ukrainian division formed. Guess where the vast bulk of the recruits (80,000 strong) came from. That’s correct, you guessed right – they came from Galicia. The newly formed division was called the 14th SS-Volunteer Division "Galician." [In 1944 the name was changed to: ‘14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Ukrainian)’]. Guess what religion theses soldiers were – yes, they were all Catholics. At the end of the war the Catholic Galician division was languishing in a prisoner of war camp in Italy. At that time the Allied policy regarding POWs was (because of an agreement with Stalin) that all captured soldiers from the eastern bloc countries would be sent back to where they came from (none would be allowed political asylum in the West – and the Allies carried out this policy meticulously – all anti-communists who fought for Hitler were sent home to endure Stalin’s wrath). However, not all suffered Stalin’s ‘warm embrace’ the Galician Division escaped – they escaped because they were Catholic – the pope (Pius XII) intervened on their behalf. It is important to note at this point that the official title of the Galician division is ‘SS’ this means that the Galician division was not part of the regular German army (the Wehrmacht), but part of the dedicated Nazi Party security forces known as the ‘ Schutzstaffel’ (SS) – to be a member of the SS one had to be a dedicated Nazi, dedicated to Nazi ideology and Nazi plans and practices a member of the SS had to be ‘a true believer.’ According to Wikipedia: “the SS was the lead branch in carrying out the killing, torture and enslavement of approximately 12 million people. Most victims were Jews or of Polish or other Slavic extraction.” In other words, the men from Galicia/Ukraine were war criminals. After the pope’s intervention all inquiries into war crimes ceased, and the ‘good Catholic war criminals’ were quietly allowed to resettle in England and Canada. Why is this short foray into Ukrainian wartime history necessary? It is because according to the American diplomat in charge of the current Ukrainian crisis (Victoria Nuland, US undersecretary of state for Europe and Eurasia), the demonstrators/insurgency are being led by three individuals known as the ‘big three.’ For the sake of brevity and relevancy we will only mention one of the big three namely: Oleh Tyahnybok. Mr. Tyahnybok is from the Western Ukraine from the city of Lviv and he is a member of the Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church. He is also the leader of the ‘All-Ukrainian Union "Svoboda" Party’ (Svoboda means ‘freedom’ – originally it was known as the ‘Social-National Party of Ukraine’ – the ‘social national’ part was dropped because it sounded too much like the original Hitlerite Nazi
Party). Is the Svoboda Party a Nazi party? Well, they carry around with them pictures of their ‘saint’ Stepan Bandera – and who was Stepan Bandera? – he was the leader of the ‘Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists’ during WWII – he oversaw the foundation of the SS Galician Division that fought so well for Hitler. A large portion of the demonstrators who man the barricades in independence square in Kiev (and elsewhere in the Ukraine), are the direct political/religious descendants of the Nazis who fought for Hitler. Viktor Yanukovych may be a corrupt (and incompetent) President, but when he claimed that the rioting in Kiev was part of an attempted neo-Nazi takeover, he was not embellishing the truth. [It was also a situation of ‘rent a rioter’ – many of the ‘demonstrators’ were receiving a daily allowance for turning up – who was paying them?]. So how does the struggle in the Ukraine affect the rest of the world? The Ukraine has always been a geo-political country because it has always functioned as ‘buffer zone’ between Russia and the rest of Europe (in the Russian language Ukraine means ‘frontier’). Historically, it has always been a part of the Russian ‘sphere of influence.’ However, ever since the Soviet system collapse at the end of the 20th century the Western Alliance has been trying to woo many eastern bloc nations away from the Russian sphere of influence. To this end, the European Union entered into negotiations with the Ukraine, but when the Ukrainians read the fine print the government said: “thanks but no thanks.” [By declining the ‘love’ from the EU everyone understood that the Ukrainian government would now do a deal with Russia]. Therefore, as soon as the EU was spurned all hell broke loose in the streets of Kiev (the capital city of the Ukraine). The purpose of the rioting, the destruction and the loss of life, was to force the government to resign and replace it with a regime that is willing to accept the marriage contract offered by the EU – which seems to have been accomplished, at least the first part, but it was not a resignation it was a rout. If subsequent events produce an anti-Russian regime in Kiev, then we are to expect serious consequence. Let us pose a question: what would happen if Mexico produced a seriously anti-American regime and looked for assistance from Russia, China and/or Iran? What would America do? What if Russia or China or Iran decided to place missiles in such a country right on America’s border? Would we be surprised if America did something emphatically about it? Some people are so anti-Russian that they applaud anything that tends to diminish Russian prestige or power in the world. But what such people do not understand is that peace in this world of ours is very much dependent on carefully understood demarcation lines and spheres of influence (or at least it used to be – but ‘the times they are a changing’). It used to be understood that the ‘great powers’ (those with nuclear weapons) would keep out of each other’s back and front yards (that was the understanding after the lessons learned during the Cuban Crisis). But that has now changed. The efforts by the Western Alliance to ring-fence (contain) Russia and China, have ended up with the Western Alliance snuggling
right up to the Russian border. If America is tempted to put missiles right on the Russian border, then we will have regressed more than fifty years right back to the Cuban missile crises, with all the anxiety that that produced. We can only hope that America and Russia will eventually do some sort of deal over the Ukraine – Russia is already moving its military forces up to the Ukrainian border – the chess pieces are in motion, on the chessboard. If they do not do a deal… we will not have the same outcome that we had in 1962. God bless, Bruce Telfer. Extra evidence: Victoria Nuland, (US under-secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia), tells us how the United States has ‘invested’ $5 billion, since 1991, in the Ukraine, watch the video here: (about 7.30 minutes into the video). For evidence that EU/US money is paying for ‘rent a rioter’ see here:
Signs of the Times – part 36 Originally posted April 30, 2014.
Quotes of the Times: "The idea that we can put a different form of pollution into the atmosphere to cancel out the effects of global warming pollution is utterly insane." Al Gore, Press Conference in South Africa, Jan. 15, 2014.
”We are already engaged in a planet-wide experiment with consequences.” Al Gore, Ibid. "Insane, utterly mad and delusional in the extreme." Al Gore, Ibid. “If geo-engineering does not stop, nothing else will matter.” Dane Wigington, Lead researcher and administrator, Geo-Engineering Watch.
Geo-engineering is a relatively new term, for an age old process. Mankind has always geoengineered the landscape/environment, in which he has found himself. For example, the Dutch say, “God created the world, but the Dutch created Holland” – in other words, the Dutch created Holland by geo-engineering the landscape/environment that the found themselves in. Dam building, draining swamps, canals and other such projects have largely been for the betterment of mankind in general.
However, it needs to be recognized that not all projects have been as successful as projected and some have had unforeseen and dire consequences. One example would be the Aswan dam in Egypt. The Aswan dam was a much heralded and hugely anticipated event, for the great benefits it would bestow, on the people of Egypt. Unfortunately, the huge dam interrupted the natural flow, of sediment, to the downstream Nile Delta. The farmers were dependent on this natural process to fertilize their fields – now they have to purchase artificial fertilizer. Therefore, the consequences of the Aswan dam resulted in higher food prices for the whole of Egypt (which also affected Egypt’s ability to export grain at a competitive price – thus increasing the price of grain worldwide). In the past geo-engineering projects have been limited to nation states (and sometimes their immediate neighbors). Generally, if a geo-engineering project went wrong it would only have a localized impact. However, that has now changed. With the technology that is available to mankind today – we now have the ability to put in place geo-engineering projects that affect the whole planet – and we are doing it. On March 8 2011, the Royal Society of New Zealand hosted a conference to discuss the scientific, technological and geo-political aspects of geo-engineering schemes and their implications for New Zealand. The purpose of the conference was to examine the options available to combat global warming and climate change. The main issue addressed at the conference was: what can be done to prevent the planet from heating up? Some of the options discussed included; erecting sun shades in space, cloud whitening, stratospheric aerosol spraying, tree planting, ocean fertilization, carbon capture, bio char (using charcoal) and painting roofs white. At the end of the conference, a vote was taken as to which of the schemes discussed would be the most effective at combating climate change. The attendees at the conference included a veritable who’s who of the scientific community in New Zealand and 61% of them voted for stratospheric aerosol spraying. They stated that in order to combat global warming, stratospheric aerosol spraying was the overall cheapest, safest and easiest option to implement. [The Royal Society’s website states that one of its main functions is to ‘advise’ the NZ Government – therefore, if NZ was to make a significant contribution to combatting global warming/climate change its own top scientists have ‘advised’ the NZ Government to spray toxic chemicals/particles into the atmosphere for all New Zealanders to breath]. In addition, the Royal Society conference discussed: what would be the best material to spray in the atmosphere to deflect the rays of the sun? - And they concluded that silver iodine would be the best. A similar conference was held in San Diego, California, in Feb 2010, by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and they too concluded that aerosol spraying in the atmosphere was the best option but that the preferred material to be prayed would be aluminum.
Of course ‘atmospheric aerosol spraying’ is popularly known as ‘chemtrails – and conspiracy theorists have been telling us that this is nothing new – this has been going on for many years. “What is the evidence?” you ask. Well, the evidence is now available. Chemtrails have long been a staple item in what is known as the ‘alternative media’ – it is now slowly making its debut on the main stream media and in other arenas (such as the United Nations). Whistleblowers and others are now coming forward to tell what they know. One such whistleblower is Kristen Meghan, her job in the US military was to ensure that the Air Force was complying with all the environmental regulations and laws implemented by the US Government. She was placed in a position whereby if there was stratospheric aerosol spraying going on, then it was inevitable that she would eventually find it (see below for links). Another woman, Dr. Rosalind Peterson, chairwoman of the Agriculture Defense Coalition, testified before the United Nations about the effects of ‘persistent jet contrails’ (the politically correct term for chemtrails), on agriculture and drinking water. Even Fox News has covered the topic and there is a clip on You Tube showing a commercial jet landing whilst continuing to spray (the pilot forgot to turn the system off). Ordinary citizens in America are organizing themselves to promote awareness - one such initiative started in Atlanta, April 2014, with the erection of billboards along the freeways bearing the message: “Look Up! God No Longer Controls the Weather.” Other citizens in other cities are planning to follow suit. The sceptics who insist that it is not happening are slowly being overwhelmed. They will soon belong to the same group that insists that governments never lie to us. Even Al Gore (the high priest of man-made global warming) recognizes that chemtrails are a reality – and he is alarmed. The question is not if it is happening the more important question is: why is it happening? What are they trying to do with all that toxic sludge (eg. barium, aluminum, sulphur strontium, lithium etc.) raining down upon us. The cover story (for those involved) is to combat the terrible danger of climate change (never mind the fact that the climate has always changed). However, the information that we have points us in another direction. The facts indicate that the main purpose is not to modify the weather but to control the weather, in other words, weather warfare. In the 1940’s and 1950’s and even into the 1960’s modifying and/or controlling the weather was a frequently discussed topic in the main stream media – even the possibility of using the weather as a weapon of war. Then came the Vietnam War and all talk of controlling the weather in the main stream media ceased - it is now common knowledge that America used weather warfare during the Vietnam War. [They tried to create so much rain water over the
Ho Chi Minh trail (the supply line from North Vietnam) that the trail would turn into a quagmire]. Weather warfare is an integral part of US military strategy – known as ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ (the strategy to dominate all technology that can be weaponized. Which of course includes the weather (other nations are actively pursuing the same goals especially the Chinese). [Do you remember the Chinese boasting about how they were going to modify the weather to make it more pleasant for the Beijing Olympic Games?]. Weather control used to be talked about openly (it was even thought in the 1960’s that geoengineering projects to warm the planet were a good idea). In 1966 NASA published a document entitled: “Present and Future Plans of Federal Agencies in Weather-Climate Modification.” Twenty years later another document was published entitled: “The Evolution of a Weather Modification R&D program Into a Military Weapons System” – where the authors lamented the fact that the military had taken over the weather modification initiative. Has the military ben successful at controlling the weather? – judge for yourself – a research paper was presented to the US Air Force in 1996 entitled: “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.” They cannot possibly know that they are going to ‘own the weather’ in 2025, without doing research and experiments in the here and now – chemtrails are therefore only a part of a much bigger agenda. The bigger agenda is to turn the weather into a weapon of war – and the military are doing what they always have done – they experiment on their own people – YES THEY DO! God bless, Bruce Telfer. Notes: ‘Persistent contrails’ presentation to UN: Kristen Meghan, whistleblower: Fox news report: Jet landing with spraying system still on: ‘Owning the weather’ research paper: ttp://
Signs of the Times – part 37 Originally posted July 25, 2014.
Quotes of the Times: "What is going on now in Georgia is a test case. This is about the Russian view of the New World Order versus the West view of the New World Order (world supremacy). If Russia wins it will validate the Russian view of the New World Order." David Bakradze, (chairman of the Georgian Parliament), interviewed by BBC (Hardtalk programme), Aug. 12, 2008, on
the reason for the Russian/Georgian war, 2008. [The current conflict in the Ukraine is simply a
continuation of the struggle for world supremacy as mentioned by David Bakradze – same conflict, different location]. “In order to control the nations (of the world), you have to control oil.” Henry Kissinger. Kissinger’s formula for world supremacy worked very well, for many years. As long as the world’s oil (and all international trade) was conducted in American dollars, then, this would allow America, not only to ensure its own economic prosperity, but also enable it to dominate the world politically. The American control over oil came to be known as the ‘petro dollar cycle’ (or just plain ‘petro dollar’). This petro dollar mechanism meant that the nations of the earth had to first earn American dollars before they could purchase oil (or most other traded products). America’s part in the cycle was to simply print the dollars. The petro dollar cycle always kept the price of oil unnaturally high – the higher the price of oil – the more demand there would be for American dollars. This system ensured that America flourished, because all it had to do was print dollars in order to import the world’s goods and services (essentially getting much of the world’s goods for free). Is it any wonder that America was prepared to go to war to protect the ‘petro dollar cycle’ – such as removing Saddam Hussain and Colonel Gaddafi? [In spite of all the media hype about freedom and democracy these two wars were about ensuring that oil continued to be traded in American dollars]. However, recent events have conspired to place this cosy petro dollar scam in jeopardy once more. Do you remember the Hegelian Principle? – [When one nation or alliance of nations becomes too powerful, then another nation or alliance of nations will organize themselves to oppose it]. Hegel called the first power ‘thesis’ and he called the second power ‘antithesis’ he called the aftermath of the conflict between the two powers the ‘synthesis.’ America has not been without allies in its bid for world hegemony (dominance). America is the leader of an alliance of nations called the ‘Western Alliance’ made up of the NATO countries (Western Europe) plus Israel, Australia and New Zealand. This alliance is the ‘thesis.’ The rest of the world has tolerated this ‘thesis’ for many years largely because of the Cold War (after WWII) and the world-wide sympathy that America garnered after 9/11 – but now they’ve had enough – the antithesis has arrived, and it is getting stronger and it is getting angrier. The ‘antithesis’ is manifesting itself in several ways. One organisation is called the Group of 77. But if you visit the organisation’s website you will find they actually have 131 nation state members [When it was originally formed there were 77 members, the others have subsequently joined]. A check of the membership
discloses that not one member of the Western Alliance is included. Therefore, the Group of 77 (131 nations) is the antithesis of the Western Alliance, and virtually represents the whole world in opposition to the Western Alliance. [The only prominent country not included is Russia – this is because the Group of 77’s original focus was as an advocacy group for developing counties – Russia considers itself already developed]. However, Russia has been actively working with the most prominent members of the Group of 77. Together they and known as the ‘BRICS’ (an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). The BRICS are considered to be the up and coming economic powerhouses of the future – between them they already represent 20% of the GDP of the world. These five nations have just recently created another ‘front’ in the battle against the dominance of the American dollar and American hegemony. A summit meeting between the BRICS was held 14-16th July, in Fortaleza, Brazil. After the meeting the BRICS announced the launching of the ‘New Development Bank’ with an initial capitalization of $100 billion. This bank is a direct challenge to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, both of whom have been prominent agencies in the rise of the American Empire and American hegemony. Following the Brazilian summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Argentina, telling an 18 July press conference that China and Argentina would collaborate for the “reform of the international economic and financial system.” The Argentine President, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, was singing from the same song sheet, when she said: “A world in which some dominate others, and exist at the expense of others, isn’t going to be possible. Cooperation and ‘win-to-win,’ in which we all win, must be the centerpiece of a new global model, and in this we are absolutely in agreement with the People’s Republic of China.” [Argentina is currently in a major dispute with the Western banks over billions in unpaid loans]. However, the most serious attack on American dominance has been through the rapid and large scale abandoning of the American dollar as the instrument of international trade. It is hard to keep up with the number of trade deals that are currently being done between individual nations that are denominated in currencies other than American dollars. Generally, each of these nations, have concluded trade deals that are done in their own national currencies. Nations that have already done this include Russia and China, Iran with India and China etc. But the most surprising of all are Australia and New Zealand who have recently concluded the same sort of arrangements with China. This is particularly significant because Australia has always been a staunch member of the Western Alliance (New Zealand also, but not as staunch as Australia). Is this a case of the rats leaving the ship before the looming disaster? Will there be unfortunate consequences for this ‘betrayal?’ Will other Western Alliance members be putting on their life jackets and attempting to abandon ship without permission from the captain?
These are portentous signs of the times. Almost all major wars begin with economic ‘skirmishing’ – the likes of which we are witnessing now – “All wars are economic wars” A. J. P. Taylor, (British historian). As this battle for the supremacy of the world develops and escalates, we can expect to see even more bizarre events occurring, than what we have already seen. [Such as, aircraft mysteriously disappearing and aircraft being blown out of the sky]. These bizarre events always further someone’s agenda (whether by accident or design). But please do not expect to be told the truth about these matters - Winston Churchill said it best when he said: “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times - #38 The Catholic Conquest of America (USA) – part 1 Originally posted, Aug. 19, 2014.
Quotes of the times:
Our work is to make America Catholic… and our hearts shall leap toward it with crusader enthusiasm. Bishop Ireland, Baltimore Catholic Council, 1890. Plato was, with Socrates and Aristotle, one of the three philosophers of ancient Greece who between them laid the philosophical foundations of Western culture. Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 14, art. Plato, p. 531.
If we consult most reference works (such as the one above) about the famous Greek Philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, they invariably state that these three individuals are the founders of Western Civilization. All three of them lived in Athens when Athens was a functioning democracy – but not one of them was a supporter of democracy. Socrates was condemned to death for ‘corrupting the youth of Athens.’ We do not know exactly, what Socrates taught the youth of Athens (because he wrote nothing down), but we do have the writings of Plato (who was Socrates’ disciple), and if the writings of Plato reflect the teaching of his master, Socrates, then it is clear, that Socrates was not teaching the youth of Athens to support and uphold democracy. In fact, there is nothing democratic in the philosophy of the so called ‘fathers of Western Civilization’ – indeed, it would not be exaggerating to call them the original Nazis. For the sake of brevity it is easier to quote a scholar of Greek Philosophy than to quote the philosophers themselves. The following is a good summery of Socratic/Platonic philosophy:
“I believe that Plato’s political programme, far from being morally superior to totalitarianism (fascism, nazism, communism) is fundamentally identical with it.” Leonard Verduin, The Anatomy of a Hybrid, (The Christian Hymnary Publishers}, p. 87.
An analysis of Plato’s writings reveals that he believed in a rigidly stratified society with a hierarchy of three classes - the ‘philosopher kings’ at the top, the military to defend and keep order, and the workers whose function was to provide for the needs of the rulers and the military. Plato condemned the notion of individuality and freedom of conscious. According to Plato the welfare of society as a whole, was the first and primary goal (Aristotle taught the same – he was Plato’s disciple). Therefore, all freedom of expression and individual rights had to be subordinated to ‘the common good’ (an expression that is very current today, along with its cousin ‘political correctness’). It gets worse – not only was everything and everyone, governed by the dogma of ‘common good’ all deviation from the ‘norm’ had to be suppressed and punished – Plato actually insisted that all dissent had to be punished with death. This ‘philosophy’ was to function at all levels and in every sector of society. Not only was everyone to do the same thing they also had to believe the same thing – the goal was uniformity (everyone the same, thinking/believing the same things – especially when it came to religion). We can call this system ‘sacralism’ (because these rigid rules were considered sacred). They were so sacred that anyone who tried to live differently was considered a threat to the ‘common good’ and a traitor to the community, and any such person who dared to express opinions or act contrary to the sacral system, was labelled a ‘heretic’ (the word heretic comes from the Greek word ‘hairein’ – which means: ‘to stand before alternatives and make a choice between them’). In a sacral society there are no choices to be made. It should be obvious to most, that this kind of society advocated by Plato, is totally alien and incompatible with the philosophy and ideals of the United States of America (as enshrined in the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights etc.). But what most people do not realize is that the United States of America, historically, is a relative newcomer on the world-wide stage. Prior, to the American revolution and the establishing of the independent nation state called the United States of America – all nations were sacral societies following the philosophy of the Greek philosophers (especially Plato). [They are after all, called the ‘fathers of Western Civilization’]. But they are not the fathers of the philosophy which governed the foundation of America. The political, social, and religious foundational principles, undergirding the United States of America, come from an entirely different source. The United States of America was/is a unique creation, never seen before in the history of the world. It is not of the sacral, totalitarian tradition of Plato, and it is based on principles
that are directly in opposition to the Platonic tradition. This made it a great threat to the ‘ancien regimes’ (those that still lived under the Platonic model). Therefore, the creation of America was a direct challenge to the ‘powers that be’ on the other side of the Atlantic – and that challenge was felt nowhere more severally than in Rome, by the Roman Catholic Church. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Note: Aristotle was Plato’s disciple, although not Athenian, he attended Plato’s school in Athens. He is more renowned for his contributions to empirical science, than politics.
The Signs of the Times - #39 The Catholic Conquest of America (USA) – part 2 Originally posted Aug. 24, 2014.
Quotes of the Times: “Aurelius Augustine… bishop, the dominant personality of the Western Church of his time (4/5th centuries), generally recognized as the greatest thinker of Christian antiquity. He fused the religion of the New Testament with the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy.” Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 1, art. Augustine, pp. 649,650.
Babylon deals in: “…slaves and souls of men” (Rev. 18:13). The reason why Plato and his contemporaries are considered to be the ‘fathers of western civilization’ is because Platonic philosophy became the dominate philosophy of the Roman Catholic Church, and the Roman Catholic Church was the dominate institution that shaped, formed and created the so-called western civilization. The Catholic Church reigned supreme in Western Europe for more than 1000 years (hence the term ‘western’ in western civilization). [In addition, Catholic dominance and western civilization spread to other parts of the world during this period, such as, Central and South America]. Needless to say, during the period of Catholic supremacy, the platonic system of governance prevailed in all Catholic dominated nations and societies. This was the time of the feudal system and it prevailed in Europe (and elsewhere) for hundreds of years. The feudal system is a typical example of a platonic/sacral society. At the top were ‘the Lords of the Manor’
(the aristocracy), each Lord kept a standing corps of soldiers to defend his domain (which he sometimes lent to the king), and at the bottom were the serfs (also called peasants), who were required to provide for the needs of the Lords and their soldiers. And at the very top of the ‘food chain’ sat the Roman Catholic Church - it was the Catholic Church that provided the ‘clue’ (doctrine/dogma) that kept all and sundry, locked into the rigid totalitarian system. This is classic Platonism, and this was ‘western civilization’ for centuries. Everything was governed by rigid rules. For example, the serfs were not allowed to leave the ‘service’ of the Lord of the Manor without his permission, and they were not even allowed to marry without his permission. By the same token, the Lords could only act and exercise their authority by permission of the king. And the king could only act and exercise his authority by permission of the pope. Anyone who disagreed - anyone who tried to live as an individual exercising individual rights was ultimately (and even immediately) executed. In these modern times we hear much about ‘freedom’ and democracy’ and these are the ideals that, we are all supposed to support and aspire to. In feudal times, the slogan was: "Une foi, un loi, un roi," (one faith, one law, one king). This was held up as the goal for all well-ordered nations and societies to aspire to, and most people believed it and supported it. So, where did the individual freedoms that we take so much for granted, today, come from? Who was it that was willing to challenge this totalitarian system at the risk of their lives? Who was it that, we, living in this modern age, are indebted to, for the courage and the sacrifices that they must have made in order to break free from this monolithic stultifying and intellectually crippling order? Most historians are divided, about the origins, of liberty of conscience and its derivatives; individual rights, religious and political freedoms; democracy and republicanism etc. etc. They point to many tributaries flowing together to create a mighty river, such as: the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution etc. etc. In all of the historical tomes that have been written, there are elements of the true story. However, the true story has seldom been adequately told and therefore, seldom adequately understood. The true story is not of a mighty river, overwhelming the monolith. The true story is of a barely flickering flame that was always in danger of going out, and yet, by the grace of God, it persisted through the darkness (the dark ages), until finally it was able to burn brightly once more. The tragedy is, because we do not cherish, nurture, and protect the flame, in this present age, it is in danger of going out again. The platonic practitioners were never defeated, they have regrouped, reequipped and rebranded. And they are rebuilding the monolithic edifice they once had. Today, this rebuilding is supposed to be the new
improved model - but is still the same platonic system of intellectual, mental, financial and spiritual slavery that it always has been. Babylon deals in the …”slaves and souls of men” (Rev. 18:13). To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer.
The Signs of the Times - #40 The Catholic Conquest of America (USA) - part 3 Originally Posted, Sept. 1, 2014.
Quotes of the Times: “The Lutheran state church became a persecuting church.” V. Norskov Olsen, Papal Supremacy and American Doctrine, (Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, CA) p. 131.
“He that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, let him be put to death.” Martin Luther, quoted by, Leonard Verduin, The Anatomy of a Hybrid, The Christian Hymnary Publishers, Sarasota, Florida. p. 195.
"We ask for forgiveness — from God and from our Mennonite sisters and brothers — for the harm that our forebears in the sixteenth century committed to Anabaptists ." Official Statement of the Lutheran World Federation, The Presbyterian Outlook, November 18, 2009.
When historians assemble their ‘mighty river’ – the river that supposedly knocked the monolithic edifice down, and set the captives free, they usually identify the Protestant Reformation as being the main tributary of that river. They point to the heroes of the Reformation; Luther, Calvin, Zwingle, Knox etc., as the ‘fathers of religious freedom’ (from which all other freedoms flow). But this is a case of a half-truth telling a lie. It is true that freedom of conscious is a product of the Protestant Reformation, but it is not true that Luther, Calvin, Zwingle Knox, etc. were the ‘heroes’ who fought for it. In fact, they fought against it. It is not generally recognized that the Protestant Reformation split into two main divisions; one division was the party known as ‘the Magisterial Reformers’ and the other division was the party known as ‘the Radical Reformers.’ The Magisterial Reformers were the party that looked to the magistrate to further their agenda and goals. They wanted to use the power of the state to govern the religious life of society. Therefore, they worked to set up state churches, wherein the church was intimately intertwined with the state and vice versa. This meant that the power of the state could be used to regulate who was a Christian ‘in good
and regular standing’ in the community - in other words, the Magisterial Reformers had the same platonic/sacral mind-set as those in the Roman Catholic Church that, they were supposedly reforming. Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Knox and the other ‘heroes’ of the Protestant Reformation, that we hear so much about, all belonged to the Magisterial wing of the Protestant Reformation. These unions between church and state led all the Magisterial Reformers down a dark path. Ulrich Zwingli was the first of these ‘reformers’ who participated in the execution of ‘heretics’ - (Zurich 1527). In Zwingli’s case the ‘heretics’ were Protestants who did not believe in child baptism. These people were known as ‘Anabaptists’ (which means, ‘again baptisers’ – they were the forerunners of the Baptist Church). All the Magisterial Reformers (and the Catholics) persecuted the Anabaptists. When an Anabaptists was condemned to death, the preferred method of execution was drowning – this was known as ‘the third baptism.’ In addition, John Calvin participated in the burning to death of the ‘heretic’ Michael Servetus (Geneva, 1553). And Martin Luther was not immune from the madness. He advised the Protestant princes of Germany, to punish dissenters and heretics with the ‘sword.’ Religious people tend to be the most dangerous of all people. They want religious freedom for themselves (and their fellow believers), but they will almost always deny the same freedom to others. When such people obtain political power, they always use that power to persecute those who disagree with them. Thus, when the Magisterial Reformers formed alliances with the state, and used that power to further their own agenda, and persecute their opponents, they unwittingly created a replica (or an image, or a copy) of the very system that they were trying to reform/escape from. In so doing, they could never be the origin or the source of the religious and political freedoms that we enjoy today - that honour belongs to the Radical Reformers. It is the Radicle Reformers who occupy the high moral ground for any claims or contributions to the freedoms we enjoy today. Some well worked words from another era, and another conflict, come to mind, when we assess the role of these true heroes of the Protestant Reformation: “Never in the history of mankind, has so much been owed, by so many, to so few.” Winston Churchill. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Extra note: Plato and co have been just as influential, in the foundation of the Moslem Civilization, as in the Western. Therefore, we see the same platonic/secular, murderous mind-set, at work among the Moslems, which is so shockingly evident, prevalent and widespread in this so-called modern age.
The Signs of the Times - #41 The Catholic Conquest of America (USA) – part 4 Originally posted, Sept. 10, 2014.
Quotes of the Times: “They (the Puritans) asserted the right to determine morality, coupled with the right to punish those who departed from that determination.” John J. Robinson, Born in Blood, (Arrow Books, London, 1989), pp. 297,298.
“Williams, Roger: English colonist in New England, founder of the colony of Rhode Island and pioneer of religious liberty - He held that magistrates had no right to interfere in matters of religion.” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed., vol. 12, p. 680, 681. “These three principles became central to Williams' subsequent career: separatism, freedom of religion, and separation of church and state.” Wikipedia art., Roger Williams. “Most of Williams's contemporaries and critics regarded his ideas as a prescription for chaos and anarchy. The vast majority believed that each nation must have its national church, and could require that dissenters conform. Rhode Island was so threatening to its neighbors that they tried for the next hundred years to extinguish the "lively experiment" in religious freedom that began in 1636.” Wikipedia art., Roger Williams. “His little state, Rhode Island, became the asylum of the oppressed, and it increased and prospered until its foundation principles – civil and religious liberty – became the cornerstone of the American Republic. E. G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 295. Roger Williams is, the most important historical figure that, you have never heard of. He was a member of the Radicle Protestants - but he was much too radicle for most of his Radicle Protestant colleagues. He believed that the Bible taught that true religion was a personal individualistic matter between God and man - that each individual was personally responsible for their own relationship with God and that this relationship between man and his Maker was not the concern of anyone else. These ideas did not endear him to the English Puritans who had settled in North America. The Puritans had come to America for two reasons: they wanted to escape religious persecution at home, and they wanted to create a ‘pure’ church (hence the name Puritan). But most of them were still stepped in the same platonic/sacred mind-set that they were
actually trying to escape from (because it was the source of the persecution that they were trying to escape from). They wanted religious and political freedom for themselves, but they were quick to deny the same privilege to others. [They could not see that the only way to guarantee religious liberty for themselves was to guarantee religious liberty for all]. Therefore, as soon as they founded their colonies in the ‘New World’ they immediately set up a sacral system of laws and regulations that governed each colony. These laws restricted the colonists to a rigid religious and political life, complete with harsh penalties for infringement.
When Roger Williams arrived in America (1631), he was appointed to be the pastor of the church in Boston. However, he soon found himself offside with the magisterial authorities in the colony of Massachusetts. And as he was not willing to give up his principles on religious liberty (or stop preaching them), he was forced to flee in the middle of winter (virtually a death sentence). However, he survived by finding refuge with a tribe of Indians after which he bought land from the Indians - which later developed into the state of Rhode Island. From the first, Roger William’s little colony welcomed all and sundry regardless of their religious beliefs. Religious liberty became the cornerstone of the Rhode Island colony, and even though the other colonies tried to undermine and even destroy Rhode Island, the cornerstone principles of this little colony eventually became the cornerstone principles of the United States of America. Roger Williams was not the first to espouse and practice religious liberty. Frederick the Great of Prussia was a little different from his fellow European monarchs he said, “In my dominions everybody is at liberty to get saved after his own fashion.” V. Norskov Olsen, Papal Supremacy and American Doctrine, p. 134. However, Frederick’s enlightened attitude did not extend to the natural consequences of acceptance religious liberty. If one is to follow religious liberty to its natural conclusion one must accept that it must eventuate in political freedom as well. Those of us who have strong opinions on politics generally have no idea as to where the rights to hold such opinions come from. The right to political freedom is a direct result of the freedom to think freely (religious liberty). And this right is only to be found in the Bible. Plato and co may have laid the basis of Western Civilization but the Bible lays down the foundation for religious and political freedom. And these two freedoms came to America through the efforts of one man - the Radicle Protestant Reformer, Roger Williams - and these principles became the foundation of America, because of the example of one small state – Rhode Island.
People today, have little idea how radicle and how unique The United States of America was, to the rest of the world, at the time of its creation. One American politician put it this way: “What the world had not seen for ages; a church without a pope, and a state without a king.” Hon. J. A. Bingham, US Congressman. Do you think the popes and kings were pleased to see such a creation on the other side of the Atlantic? Do you think those who lived by platonic/sacralist principles were pleased to see such a creation that espoused principles directly in opposition to their own? No they were not pleased. The Pope took the lead, and the kings fell in behind – America had to be destroyed – or America would destroy them.
Thus the battle began. Would America succeed in bringing religious and political freedom to the rest of the world, or would the old order reassert its dominance and control? Everything that has happened, world-wide, in this modern age has been directly or indirectly affected by this colossal struggle. This struggle has been going on from the time that the United States of America was established, to this very time that we are living in today. The events that go on around us – the things that we see on the 6 o’clock news, these are all related (directly or indirectly) to this struggle – in every nation – in every part of the world and this struggle is about to reach its climatic conclusion. To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Extra Note: Roger Williams was a man ahead of his time. Not only did he espouse radicle ideas about religious liberty. He also believed that the North American Indians were people who should be treated humanely and with respect (for example, he advocated for Indian land rights, claiming that land should be bought from the Indians and not from the English Crown). He spent much time with the Indians (which is why, they took him in and sheltered him). He was a gifted linguist - he learned to speak many Indian languages - he wrote a book about Indian culture which became a best seller. The Indians always trusted him, and he became the most important mediator between the two peoples, in the early history of America. He had the same attitude to all people’s which is why he vigorously opposed the slave trade, which makes him one of the original abolitionists. He was a man ahead of his time, in many areas of life, which is why he is the most important historical figure that you have never heard of (or not heard enough of).
Signs of the Times - #42 The Catholic Conquest of America (USA) – part 5
Originally posted, Sept. 30, 2014.
Quotes of the Times: “The Vatican condemned the Declaration of Independence as ‘wickedness’ … and called the Constitution of the United States ‘a satanic document.’” Avro Manhattan, ‘The Dollar and the Vatican,’ (Springfield, Missouri: Ozark Book Publishers, 1988), p. 26.
“…of the 170 countries that exist today, more than 160 have written charters modelled directly or indirectly on the U.S. version.” Time Magazine, on the occasion of the US Constitution’s bicentennial, 1987. Quoted by, New York Times, Feb 6, 2012.
“Our form of government is one based wholly on the will of the people… the state is free from all control of the churches… all these principles have been formally condemned by Rome.” The Independent New York, June 12, 1913. “If the liberties of the American people are ever destroyed, they will fall by the hands of the Romish clergy.” Marquis de Lafayette, Roman Catholic, French General (fought for American Independence). Quoted by, John T. Christian, ‘America or Rome, Which?’ (1895), p. 61.
The Encyclopedia Britannica, describes the Society of Jesus (more commonly known as the Jesuits) as, “…an institution absolutely unique in history” (9th Edition, vol. 13, 1875-89, p. 646). Napoleon Bonaparte helps us to understand what is unique about the Jesuits: “The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery.” Quoted by, R. W. Thompson, ex-Secretary of US Navy, ‘The Footprints of the Jesuits,’ (Hunt & Eaton, New York, 1894), p. 176. Napoleon helps us further with the aims and goals of the Jesuits: “The aim of this organization is power. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man” (Ibid). And Napoleon’s opinion of the Jesuits was: “Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses… (Ibid). The Jesuits were officially approved by the Catholic Church in 1540. They quickly established themselves as the ‘sword of the church’ - and they used the sword to roll back the tide of Protestantism that was threatening to engulf the Catholic Church at that time. The arresting of the Protestant momentum is known historically as the CounterReformation, and all historians attribute the success of the Catholic Counter-Reformation to the Jesuits. With this success, they proved to both friend and foe alike that, they were very good at their vocation (war, subversion, assassinations, revolution, political intrigue etc.). But it was also these criminal methods that proved to be the Jesuits undoing. Their motto was/is: ‘the end justifies the means’ - and they became notorious for their ruthless and devious methods - as Napoleon said they became the “most enormous of abuses.” They
became so dangerous to established authority that, by the year 1931 they had been expelled from over 80 countries, city states and cities. [Norway was one of the last nations to lift the expulsion order in 1956 – but most of the expulsions were actually from Catholic nations]. The Catholic nations were so inflamed against the Jesuits that they not only expelled them but they also demanded that the Catholic Church abolish them. Finally, after much intrigue and failure for fear of the consequences, a pope was appointed (Clement XIV) who was courageous enough to abolish the Jesuits in 1773. [When Clement XIV signed the suppression order he said, “I have signed my own death warrant” – a little later he died of poisoning]. The suppression order did not destroy the Jesuits – they regrouped, re-organised and plotted and planned their come-back. The Jesuits were suppressed in 1773 – in 1789 the French Revolution suddenly broke out. [The Jesuits had been expelled from France in 1767]. The French King (Louis XVI) was guillotined in 1793, and the pope (Pius VI) was taken captive by the French Revolutionaries in 1798, and he died in captivity. The new pope (Pius VII) also spent much of his reign as a captive of the French. When he was finally released he restored the Jesuits in 1814. The French Revolution was such a shock to the established order that they were determined never to allow political power to fall into the hands of the people again. To this end (never allowing the plebs to rule) the Jesuits were now seen to be essential, and therefore, the Jesuits again became not only the ‘sword of the church’ but also the ‘sword of the established order.’ Thus as the ‘Old Order’ surveyed the world, as to, where the main threat to their power resided, they could not help notice this ‘New World’ power rising on the other side of the Atlantic where government ‘was of the people, for the people, by the people’ – the very thing that terrified them. The Jesuits, being the champions of the Old Order, began to do what they do best - plan and plot the downfall of nations – their next task would be the United States of America. To be continued… God bless, Bruce Telfer.
Signs of the Times - #43 The Catholic Conquest of America (USA) – part 6 Originally posted, Oct. 16, 2014.
Quotes of the times:
“A conspiracy against the liberties of this Republic is now in full action, under the direction of the wily Prince Metternich of Austria, who knowing the impossibility of obliterating this troublesome example of a great and free nation by force of arms, is attempting to accomplish his object through the agency of an army of Jesuits.” Samuel B. Morse (inventor of Morse Code).
“I come fearlessly today before the American people to say and prove that the President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by the priests and Jesuits of Rome.” Charles Chiniquy, Catholic priest and personal friend of Abraham Lincoln.
At the foundation of the American Republic the American people were not unaware of the danger from the other side of the Atlantic – they took a defensive measure called ‘the ‘Munroe Doctrine.’ Named after President Monroe and announced in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was a declaration by the American’s to the Catholic/Jesuit/Ancien Régime, to stay on their side of the Atlantic - if they did cross the Atlantic this would result in war with the American Republic. However, the Monroe Doctrine was not sufficient to protect the United States of America. The first major assault came in the form of the classic ‘divide and conquer’ strategy – the American Civil War. The goal of the war was to divide the United States into two separate, hostile nations. When this was accomplished one nation could be played off against the other – and the Catholic cause would triumph. The pope made his intentions clear, as to which side he supported, when he wrote a letter to Jefferson Davis (president of the Confederate States), addressing Davis as ‘Illustrious President.’ As a result of the pope’s endorsement:”100,000 loyal Roman Catholics from the Northern Army switched sides and fought for the South.” Avro Manhattan, The Vatican Moscow Alliance, p. 271.
It is said, ‘When the hour cometh, so cometh the man’ – and Abraham Lincoln was the man who rose to power, at this time, to meet the challenge. Lincoln knew who the true perpetrators of the conflict were, he said, “We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons… I pity the priests when the people realize that they are responsible for the bloodshed in this war.” Quoted by, Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years In The Church of Rome, pp. 296,297.
Part of the Northern strategy for prosecuting the war was to blockade the Southern ports to cut off trade and support from Europe. This had far reaching consequences that stretched all the way to China and threatening the economies of powerful European nations (see Signs of the Times – part 26). The European response was to invade Mexico: “A convention between Great Britain, France and Spain for joint intervention in Mexico was signed in London on Oct. 30, 1861. Encyclopedia Britannica, Art. Mexico, vol. 15, p. 391. Why invade Mexico? Because a French regime was to be installed there and then they were going to invade the United States from the South (in support of the Confederate States). Britain was to join the campaign by invading from the north. Thus the United States was doomed, because the plan
went into effect. The French took over Mexico (complete with an emperor, borrowed from the Austrian royal family), and Britain already controlled Canada to the north and had been invading the United States already on a semi-regular basis (e.g. the Anglo – American War of 1812 – 1815 etc.). However, Northern cause was rescued by Abraham Lincoln - he had two last cards to play and he was a skilled player. The American Civil War was not about slavery. It was about state’s rights (the rights of the individual states as opposed to the federal government). Lincoln turned the war into the struggle against slavery by playing the first of his last two cards. He issued the proclamation of emancipation – he abolished slavery in 1863. What did he achieve by abolishing slavery? Surely such a proclamation would only rile up the Southerners even more, and make them more determined to fight! Lincoln had to weigh up the negative impact of the proclamation in the South with the impact the proclamation would have in Europe – he abolished slavery because the positive impact in Europe (for the Northern cause) far outweighed the negative impact in the South. The abolition of slavery stopped the interfering European powers in their tracks, because slavery had just been abolished throughout the British Empire and France had followed suit and public opinion was hugely against slavery: “The conversion of the struggle (the civil war) into a crusade against slavery made intervention impossible.” Encyclopedia Britannica, art. United States of America, vol. 22. p. 767.
Another peril was the construction of special ships in Britain (called Laird’s Rams – high tech for the time) to break the blockade of the southern ports. To counter this threat Lincoln played his second last card. He wrote a letter to the Tsar of Russia – when the American ambassador presented the letter to the Tsar, without even opening the letter the Tsar said: “Whatever is in this letter we grant.” The letter contained a plea for help - Lincoln desperately needed an ally in his struggle with Britain and France. The Tsar sent half of his navy to the west coast of America and the other half to the east coast. In other words, war with America would also be war against Russia. This was Lincoln’s last card and it was sufficient – the other side of the Atlantic had no more cards to play. [Britain and France had both just fought a war against Russia (the Crimean War 1853 – 1856), and Russia had beaten them. Neither Britain nor France was eager for a rematch]. Of course Lincoln had to be punished for his victory and he was assassinated by the Jesuits in 1865. The trigger was pulled by John Wilks Booth, but he was not acting alone. The rest of the plotters were arrested – they were all hanged – they were all Catholics. One plotter, John Surrat, escaped to Canada (where he was protected by the Catholic Church). He eventually escaped to the Vatican and he became a soldier in the pope’s army. He was eventually brought back to America – he was arrested and tried in court – but he was acquitted (justice was not done). Nevertheless, the Union was preserved, and the American Republic survived – but America would not survive the next assaults.
To be continued…
God bless, Bruce Telfer. Extra Notes: The Catholic involvement in Lincoln’s assassination was concealed from the general public, because it was feared that retaliatory mobs would attack and kill innocent Catholic people. Charles Chiniquy is an authoritative voice from the period. He was a Catholic priest who got offside with the Jesuits and the Jesuits framed him with serious charges. Chiniquy needed the best lawyer in Illinois to defend him, so he hired Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln proved that the Jesuits had framed his client and Chiniquy was declared innocent. Thus the Jesuit hatred for Lincoln began long before he became president. Lincoln and Chiniquy became great friends and Chiniquy would often visit Lincoln in the White House. On one visit Lincoln greeted Chiniquy with these words: “I am so glad to see you again - you see that your friends, the Jesuits have not yet killed me. But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not defeated their plans, by passing incognito a few hours before they expected me… …so many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by Jesuits. New projects of assassination are detected almost every day, accompanied with such savage circumstances, that they bring to my memory the massacre of the St Bartholomew and the Gunpowder Plot. We feel, at their investigation, that they come from the same masters in the art of murder, the Jesuits… Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years In The Church of Rome, pp. 493, 501, 506. After the civil war America bought Alaska from Russia. At the time the purchase was called ‘Seward’s Folly’ (because it was thought that Seward (America’s negotiator), paid more than it was worth). The inflated price for the purchase was a back-handed way of showing gratitude to Russia for its crucial assistance during the war. [America paid $7.2 million for Alaska which was about 2 cents per acre].
Signs of the Times - #44 The Catholic Conquest of America (USA) – part 7 Originally posted, Nov. 5, 2014.
Quotes of the Times: “We (the Catholic Church) are determined . . . to take possession of the United States, and rule them; but we cannot do that without acting secretly and with utmost wisdom. If our
plans become known, they will surely be defeated.” Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, p. 373.
“Rome is in constant conspiracy against the rights and liberties of man all over the world; but she is particularly so in the United States. Long before I was ordained a priest I knew that my Church was the most implacable enemy of this Republic. My professors of philosophy, history, and theology had been unanimous in telling me that the principles and laws of the Church of Rome were absolutely antagonistic to the laws and principles that are the foundation stones of the Constitution of the United States.” Ibid. p. 375. “. . . The American people must be very blind indeed, if they do not see that if they do nothing to prevent it, the day is very near when the Jesuits will rule their country, from the magnificent White House at Washington, to the humblest civil and military department of this vast Republic.” Ibid, p. 374. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist .” Marcus Cicero, speaking to Caesar, and the Roman Senate.
“The Protestant’s lack of a governing authority has resulted in a sheep-like obedience to civil governments. Such social compliance, coupled with capitalistic greed has made Christian fundamentalists extremely vulnerable to social engineering.” Project Vatican,
Having failed to divide the United States into two nations, the Jesuits resorted to Plan B. Plan B was to be a multi-pronged, long term, deeply devious, and traitorous enterprise. The Jesuits were/are the epitome of Cicero’s ‘traitors within the gate.’ The scheme for the overthrow of the United States was to operate on many levels and would transform the very structure of the American Republic, and even transform the people themselves through ‘social engineering.’ In the aftermath of the civil war, the American people were still very anti-Catholic (the vast majority of them were Protestants and they were well versed in Catholic/Protestant history). The Jesuits set out to change the anti-Catholic attitude of the Americans and they did it through social engineering. In order to demonstrate how they did this, we will examine just one part of the social engineering program – the media. And in this instance just one part of the media – the movie industry.
Darryl F. Zanuck and Joseph Schenck (the founders of the Hollywood movie studio 20 th Century Fox), got their business established, in 1930, with a $3 million loan from Bank of America (formerly known as the Bank of Italy, supposedly founded by, Amadeo Pietro Giannini – the son of Italian immigrants - but generally considered to be owned by the Jesuits and the Vatican). This assertion (that the finance for the movie industry’s most successful studio came from a Jesuit/Vatican controlled bank), is supported by the movies they made – which were designed to socially engineer the American public by exalting Catholicism, and denigrating American and Christian principles. For example: ‘Gone with the Wind’ (1939) – a movie where the Confederate soldiers are the heroes and the Northerners are the villains. It was the highest-grossing film until the 1960’s. ‘Inherit the Wind’ (1960) – based on the 1926 Scopes ‘Money’ trial – the movie denigrated Christianity and creationism and exalted evolution. ‘Elmer Gantry’ – a movie about a drunken ‘Christian’ travelling salesman who seduces a psychic female tent evangelist. At the end of the movie Elmer Gantry finds ‘salvation’ in the Catholic Church. ‘The Sound of Music’ – many people’s favorite movie of all time - (also the highest-grossing movie of all time – supplanting ‘Gone with the Wind’). Most movie goers would have no idea that when watching this movie they were watching Catholic propaganda. The heroes of the movie are the happy, jolly nuns, who save the von Trapp family from the evil Nazis. This myth is particularly obnoxious because the exact opposite is true – after the Nazis lost WWII the Catholic Church used their nunneries and their monasteries to hide Nazi war criminals and spirit them off to refuges in South America (and the United States – the U.S took the Nazis that were useful to them, such as rocket scientists). This Catholic clandestine network was/is known as the ‘Ratlines.’ ‘Western Movies’ – where real men went to the saloon, got drunk, fought with fists and guns, and never went to church. In addition, whenever the script for a modern movie or TV program, requires a wedding or a funeral scene, it will almost always be in a Catholic Church. Whenever, a script requires a religious bigot, it is almost always a Protestant (or some other religion), but never a Catholic. One major exception was the Godfather series. These movies did not portray the Catholic Church in a positive light. In fact, the series was a semi-accurate portrayal of the close connections between the Catholic Church and the Mafia – both of them profiting from the other. [The purpose of the Mafia, is to terrorize the Catholic population, and keep them under control. The famous FBI maestro, J. Edgar Hoover, for most of his law enforcement career, always denied that there was such a thing as organized crime, i.e. the Mafia did not exist. Who was he working for?]
Have the Jesuits and the Catholic Church been successful in socially engineering a change in attitude towards Catholicism in America? Yes they have! After the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, there was enough recognition of the role of the Jesuits in the assassination, and there was enough fortitude on the part of the American Government to break off diplomatic relations with the Vatican (1867). ”This decision (the breaking of diplomatic relations) was based on mounting anti-Catholic sentiment fueled by the conviction and hanging of Mary Surratt a Catholic, for taking part in the conspiracy to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln.” Wikipedia, art. Holy See, United States Relations. This diplomatic divorce, lasted until serious efforts began to be made under President Harry Truman to restore relations. In 1951, Truman nominated former General Mark W. Clark to be the United States emissary to the Holy See – but the Protestants were still Protestants – they rose up and demanded that the diplomatic divorce would remain in place. Truman and the Vatican had to back off and drop the proposal. However, just 33 years later, President Ronald Reagan proposed the same thing and this time it was evident that the Protestants had lost their Protestantism (or Protestantism was no longer strong enough to prevent it). The Jesuits had their foot in the door - all they had to do now was to push it open. To be continued…
Notes: The official statement issued at the restoration of diplomatic relations, reads thus: “The United States of America and the Holy See, in the desire to further promote the existing mutual friendly relations, have decided by common agreement to establish diplomatic relations between them at the level of embassy on the part of the United States of America, and nunciature (Catholic Church office at embassy level) on the part of the Holy See, as of today, Jan. 10, 1984.'' Of course, the change of attitude that enabled the re-establishment of diplomatic relations was not achieved by the movie industry alone. Social engineering is a constant factor in all areas of society – but especially in the media and in education. The media side of social engineering used to be called propaganda. That term is now offensive. Now, it is preferred to use the euphemistic term ‘public relations.’ In August 2014, Bank of America agreed to a near-$17 billion deal to settle claims against it relating to the sale of toxic mortgage-linked securities including subprime home loans, in what was believed to be the largest settlement in U.S. corporate history. The bank agreed with the U.S. Justice Department pay $9.65 billion in fines and $7 billion in relief to the victims of the fraudulent loans.