Nowadays to gather the funds and capital for the government sector or private companies, Investment banking which is the special bank branch is used. They behave as a bridge between investors means who want to invest their funds and companies who need money to run their business. So in simple words, we may say that Client Onboarding in Investment Banking is a process of fetching clients who are ready to invest their funds in investment banks by addressing their queries & concern and ensuring them that their funds are being utilized in the right place which ultimately will fetch good returns. Steps to involve Client Onboarding in Investment Banking: 1. Evaluate the client’s resources and Funds: One of the tough tasks bankers will face while client onboarding is to evaluate the existing asset of the client. Understanding what they do and how they converged resources. The more you will indulge yourself the more you will learn as every client is different and efficiently you need to undergo this interaction process with them. To initiate this task you need to review the asset, make a note of everything you find both positive & negative and later to decide as an expert as the client’s suitability. 2. Investment plan and ultimate goal: In this process, a banker needs to show how efficiently they will be utilizing the funds and their plan of execution and the final goal. One thing to keep in mind is not to commit anything which will be tough to deliver and always keep the clear picture of investment. 3. Scheduling Client meeting: The next step is to allocate the best bankers for this job and to schedule a meeting with them. This process is quite important as here the bankers need to understand the client expectations and requirements and to convince them that how investment banking can add value to their assets. 4. Documenting everything prior final onboarding: By this part, almost 50% of the work has been done so its time to documenting everything to further refining the onboarding process and creating a final checklist prior execution. Here the investment bankers finally need to check if the client still has any questions or if there is an area which still creates confusion. 5. Avoid making a client repeating themselves: You never know what type of clients you are going to deal with as every client is different. So it is recommended to make a note of everything and not to request to repeat things and to repeat yourself frequently for further clarity. 6. Assign a banker dedicatedly with every client: It’s often observed that client onboarding was successful initially but later tough to retained off. But when you will provide a resource dedicatedly to the client to keep a record of every ongoing activity and let the client informed there is a factor called trustability to get developed which is very important for the long run in client onboarding in the investment banking business. 7. Welcome automated Emails: For further strengthening the bond and to excel in the digital world all investment bankers must have automated email software which will provide the stats of ongoing
investment process for further clarity and understanding. This ultimately will add to trust factor important for long term business. Summary Here, we have tried to provide relevant information of what is client onboarding in investment Banking is and what are the steps to be followed to expedite client onboarding. Though there were other points too but here we have mentioned the most important points to be followed.