Sigrid Adriaenssens
Selected Algorithms and Works
Sigrid Adriaenssens
Selected Algorithms and Works
Force-Form Coupling - Pneumatic Storm Surge Barrier
Torsion - Hooped Network Bridge
Bending - Elastica
Form Passive Structures
Form Active Structures
Adaptive Structures
Historic Structures
Other Building Forms and a Bridge
I am a structural engineer and designer studying spatial structures and their behavior across a wide range of scales and materials. To advance the field, I develop and adapt algorithms - drawing on solid mechanics, statics, dynamics, optimization and architectural environmental science– to solve challenges of sustainability and resilience in urban forms. These forms enclose either three-dimensional spaces, to provide shelter and protection, or bridge twodimensional voids, such as water and roadways. This portfolio consists of three parts: Algorithms (Part I), Works (Part II) and Index (Part III). In Part I, I present three of my algorithms and accompany them with exploration of the structural forms they bring forth. In Part II, I introduce the reader to a series of projects, a number of which I carried out as a practicing engineer. In this series, I make a distinction between five categories (form passive, form active, adaptive and historic structures and traditional building and bridge systems) that directly relate to my research interests. The Index in Part III provides project details as well as associated publications and awards. In pursuit of better structures.
Sigrid Adriaenssens
Force-Form Algorithm For A Pneumatic Storm Surge Barrier Coastal cities are vulnerable to storm surges caused by hurricanes. A surge flood can result in economic losses and negative effects on human health. Current coastal protection technologies, such as floodgates, cause obstructions when not in use and pose serious potential risks to local ecologies. I adapted an existing pneumatic dam technology for stow-able coastal barriers to block the floodwaters during a storm surge (see detail opposite page). As the magnitude of the storm surge forces on the flexible pneumatic barrier increases, the barrier will change shape. As it changes shape, the orientation of storm surge forces is also altered because these forces depend on the exact shape of the pneumatic body. When the storm surge loads change orientation, the flexible barrier, itself, again changes shape in response. This process is cyclical and illustrated in the figure on the next page. For the two-dimensional analysis and the design of the barrier’s cross-sectional profile, I resolved the coupling between geometry and forces in a novel force-form coupling algorithm implemented in dynamic relaxation, a numerical finite-difference form-finding technique. For the case study of Rockaway Peninsula (New York City, Borough of Queens), I simulated a continuous linear pneumatic barrier along the coastline and subjected it to the storm surge forces that occurred during hurricane Sandy (2012). The deformed equilibrium shapes of the barrier were found using my novel force update extension and are shown for a series of recorded water depths (X-axis) over time (Y-axis).
Fu1 Fu 0 Initial storm surge barrier profile and force-coupled profile
i n i t i a l s t o rm surge b arr ier p ro fil e ( b la ck o utl ine) a n d e qu i li bri u m prof i le (g rey prof i le) u n d er i n t ern a l p re s sure and ext ernal p o int l o a d
v i sua l i s a t i o n o f a p ne umat ic s t o rm surge b arri er
Initial Profile
Equilibrium Profile
Force estimation/update Form Finding
Height (ft)
i l lu s t ra t i o n o f fo rc e up dat e ext ens io n in a fo rm -f i n di n g pro c ess
1 Fhydrostatic w d s2 2 1 Fhydrodynamic Cd V 2 A 2 Fwavebreak 1.1C p w d s2 2.4 w d s2 w
specific weight of water
flood depth
drag coefficient
water density
water velocity
area of flow obstruction
dynamic pressure coefficient
Width (ft) 17 barrier profile forces forst Rockaway Peninsula, Queens a tStorm y p i c a l ssurge t o rm surge b arr ier p rowith fil e wit h hydro a t i c (da rk blu e), hydro dyn a m i c ( liNY, g h t USA blu e)barrier a n d wavebrea k (grey ) l o a d s Algorithms Force-Form Coupling
B e c a u s e of i t s i s ola t i on of th e m ore u rb a n a rea s, th e Ro ckaway Pen i n su la (New York C i t y b orou g h of Qu e en s) h a s b e en a p opu la r su m m er ret rea t s i n c e th e 1830’s . Im age cre d it : And rea a Wat ers
Rockaway Peninsula, Queens NY, USA
Th e Ro ckaway Pen i n su la i s lo c a t e d i n th e zon e 1 h u rri c a n e eva cua t i on z on e. Th i s m ea n s i t i s m o st li kely t o f lo o d u n der a h u rri c a n e. Im age cre d it : p inst op in.c om
Aerial view Rockaway Peninsula, Queens NY, USA
On th i s m a p th e st ru ct u ra l da m a g e on th e Ro ckaway Pen i n su la du e t o h u rri c a n e Sa n dy i s sh own . Yellow i n di c a t es li t tle t o n o da m a g e, ora n g e i n di c a t es m o dera t e da m a g e, re d i n di c a t es s evere da m a g e, a n d bla ck i n di c a t es c om plet e dest ru ct i on . Im age cre d it : Sh a p efile d at a from FEM A M o d eling Ta sk Forc e , 2014
I envi sa g e a c on t i n u ou s li n ea r st owa ble pn eu m a t i c b a rri er a lon g th e c o a st , wh i ch i n c om bi n a t i on wi th oth er m ea su res, re du c es th e vu ln era bi li t y of th e Ro ckaway Pen i n su la t o st orm su rg es .
Aerial view Rockaway Peninsula, Queens NY, USA with suggested storm surge barrier
October 2012 30 9:36am 30 4:48am 30 0:00am 29 7:12pm 29 29 29 4:48am 9:36am 2:24pm 29 0:00am 28 28 2:24pm 7:12pm
Rockaway Peninsula Profile 0 0.6 1.21 1.82 2.43 3.04 3.65
Water Depth (m) T h i s gra p h shows t he re c o rd e d wat er d ep t hs ( X- a x i s ) i n fu nct io n o f t ime (Y- axis ) fo r Ro ckaway Pen i n su la d u r ing hurr ic ane Sandy (20 12) a s well a s t h e a s s o ciat e d d e fo rme d b arr ier shap e s , fou n d u s i n g t h e Fo rc e -Fo rm Al go r ithm.
Algorithms Force-Form Coupling
Nex t p a g es: vi sua li sa t i on of a li n ea r c on t i n u ou s pn eu m a t i c st orm su rg e b a rri er lo c a t e d a lon g th e c o a stli n e of Ro ckaway Peni n sula
Torsion/Bending Algorithm For Hooped Network Bridges By 2050, more than 70% of the world’s population will live in cities. To maintain and increase urban productivity, solutions need to be developed to improve the daily travel of commuters. The ground surface of the urban fabric is mostly occupied and conceived for motorized traffic. To promote bicycle and pedestrian travel, enclosed aerial hooped network bridges were envisaged. These systems are visualized by a physical and rendered model, shown on the next pages. The pre-stressed cable networks are braced against slender hoops and central compression boom and form resilient large span bridging structures. To perform the form finding and structural analysis of these lightweight, non-linear systems, I co-developed a new torsion/bending algorithm that accounts for these hoops in a dynamic relaxation scheme. The hoops are modelled as a series of links connected at nodes. The amount of twist in any link (from an initially unstrained state) and hence the torsion can be determined by considering three consecutive links passing through the nodes j,k,l and m. More specifically, the initial unstrained twist orientation, Фi between the planes jkl and klm can be determined from the surface normals Vk and Vl at the nodes k and l of the planes defined by the nodes j,k,l and k,l,m respectively using the right-hand rule. If the shape of the element then changes and the resulting angle of twist Ф’ >Фi, restoring forces Pm and Pj act at nodes m and j due to torsion in the link kl. Pm acts normal to the oriented surface defined by k,l,m and Pj acts in the opposite direction to the normal of the plane defined by j,k and l. Associated forces Pl and Pk must also act to restore translational and lateral moment equilibrium of the three link system. Pj and Pm are related to the torsion T in link kl with link length Lkl:
l k
Vl Vk
side view
view along kl
φ’ j
The axis zz goes through node k and lies in the bisector plane of the two planes jkl and klm. Considering static equilibrium of the three link configuration and resolving normal to the plane containing axis zz and kl:
Taking moments about zz gives:
where a, b and c are defined in the figure. Hence Pm and Pj can be determined
Having established the nodal forces due to bending and torsion, these forces can now be accounted for in the dynamic relaxation scheme.
Pj m
Algorithms Torsion/Bending
view along kl
side view
i n t er i o r v i e w p hy s ic al mo d e l (d e ck sup p o r t e d on lower b o om n ot sh own )
v i sua l i s a t i o n o f a 9 3m s p an ho o p e d ne t wo r k bri dg e
n e t wo r k b r i dge in ur b an c o nt ext
clo s e -u p phys i c a l m o del
s t ru c t u ra l s e ct io n at mid s p an ( l e ft ) and at t h e su p p o r t s ( r i g ht ) Algorithms Torsion/Bending
clo s e - u p p hy s i c al mo d e l showing d ia go nal p re st ress e d c a ble n et work
clo s e - u p p hy s i c al mo d e l showing t rans p arency of c a ble n et work
s t ru c t u ra l mo d e l e l evat io n
p ers p e c t ive p hy s ic al mo d e l
cl o s e - u p e l evat io n ne ar s t ruct ural sup p o r t
s t ru c t u ra l mo d e l p lan
Algorithms Torsion/Bending
e l eva t i o n p hy s ic al mo d e l
Algorithms Torsion/Bending
Bending Algorithm For Elastica What form does a slender strip of wood take when bent? I worked out an algorithm that establishes the shape of an elastic rod under axial and in-plane bending and implemented it in a dynamic relaxation scheme. This algorithm allows for the form finding of a wide range of bending active systems including planar elastica and three-dimensional grid shell geometries. The more complex resulting shapes, illustrated on the next pages, do not fall into the categories of forms that can be described analytically. To deal with moments and shear forces when initially straight tubular members are deformed, I adopted a finite difference modeling scheme of a continuous beam. Two adjacent deformed segments, a and b, viewed normal to the plane of nodes ijk which are assumed to lie on a circular arc of radius R. The radius of curvature R through i,j and k and the bending moment M in the arc can be defined as
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J a c o b B ern o u l li’s p ub l ic at io n o f t he e la s t ic a da t es b a ck t o 1694.
where EI is assumed to be constant along the beam, E is modulus of elasticity �� �� and I second moment of area. The free body ����� shear forces Sa, Sb of elements a and b complying with moment � M at j are thus:
�� �
������� �� ���
������� �� ���
where la, lb, lc are the distances between nodes ij, jk and ik, respectively. The three non-collinear nodes i,j and k define a reference plane ijk. These shear forces Sa and Sb are applied at nodes i,j and j,k, respectively and act normal to the links ij and jk, respectively within the plane ijk. The calculations and transformations required in the dynamic relaxation scheme are thus rather simple, with sets of three consecutive nodes being considered sequentially along the entire transverse, each lying in different planes when modeling a spatially curved tube bent from an initially straight condition.
i Sa i
M j la
Sb Sa lc
k Sb
Algorithms Bending
b u ckl i n g o f a p er fe ct e la s t ic ro d und er incre a s e d a x i a l lo a di n g
3 D p r i n t e d mo d e l s o f thre e var iat io ns o f a form fou n d g ri d sh ell
Algorithms Bending
Nex t p a g es: E i g h t va ri a t i on s on th e sa m e i n i t i a l g ri d g e om et ry, form fou n d for th e sa m e lo a di n g, m a t eri a l a n d s e ct i on prop er t i es bu t for di f feren t su pp or t c on di t i on s . Ea ch va ri a t i on i s vi sua li z e d by a p ersp e ct ive (t op), eleva t i on (m i ddle) a n d pla n wi th i m p o s e d su pp or t c on di t i on s ( b ot t om ).
Pinned Ver t i c a lly sl i d ing
Va r i a t i o n 1: 8 ex t remi t i e s pinne d
Va ri a t i on 2 : 8 ex t rem i t i es a n d c en t er p oi n t pi n n e d
Va r i a t i o n 3: 4 o u t er c u rve s p inne d
Va ri a t i on 4: 4 ou t er cu rves a n d c en t er p oi n t pi n n e d
Va r i a t i o n 5: 4 i n n er c u rve s , c ent er p o int and 8 ext remit ies pinned
Va ri a t i on 6: 4 i n n er cu rves, c en t er p oi n t pi n n e d a n d 8 ex t rem i t i es ver t i c a lly sli di n g
Va r i a t i o n 7: c en t er p o i n t p inne d and 8 ext remit ie s ver t ic a lly sl i d i n g
Va ri a t i on 8: 4 i n n er cu rves pi n n e d a n d 8 ex t rem i t i es ver t i c a lly sli di n g
Algorithms Bending
Form Passive Structures are rigid structural systems that resist applied loads through their form.
C o o v i H y p a r G r id She l l
Se g m en t e d Pre c a st Sh ell
highlight e d pro je ct
D u t ch M a r i t i me Mus e um G r id She l l
RSCA Gri d Sh ell
Ch o c o la t e Plat e d She l l
L ou vere d Gri d Sh ell
Re c i p r i c a l Do me
Det a i l Re ci pri c a l Dom e
Works Form Passive
Dutch Maritime Museum Grid Shell In the wake of the Industrial Revolution, glass and iron structures appeared as a result of two factors: (i) society’s desire for green, quiet spaces in overpopulated cities, and (ii) the emergence and potential of new construction materials. In contrast, 21st century design trends for steel glass grid shells range from sculptural to geometric and structural intentions. The competition design for a transparent roof over the Dutch Maritime Museum courtyard exemplifies the quest for a structurally efficient form based on a poetic geometric idea. A two-dimensional (2D) 16th century map, on display in the museum, shows a carefully drafted geometric pattern of windroses which forms the basis for the grid topology of the cupola. To convert this 2D grid into an optimal form, I adapted the form-finding algorithms developed for my Ph.D. research and evolved the 3D compression-only shape from the inversion of a gravity loaded hanging net. To guarantee that the new roof form would not extend above the ridges of the existing museum’s roof, nor put horizontal thrusts on the old masonry courtyard walls, I steered the form-finding process while varying relevant design parameters. Once the shape for the steel grid shell was established, the glass construction challenge of achieving planarity in all the four and five-sided grid facets, was gracefully solved by an analytical origami approach, akin to constructing a Maxwell reciprocal network diagram. The final faceted shape conveys elegance while remaining structural efficient and has been praised for its slenderness, a result of the form-finding approach.
Design : Ney and Partners 2004 Construction : Ney and Partners 2009-2011 Client : Rijksdienst voor Gebouwen Location : NL-Amsterdam Dimensions : 1000 m2 Total budget : 3200000 € Vat Excl. Status : Completed Images credits : Ney & Partners Photo : J-L Deru Awards : 2012 Winner Amsterdam Architecture Prize 2012 Winner Steel Construction Award (Belgium) 2012 Winner Dutch National Steel Prize Th e phys i c a l pro c ess of form f i n di n g u s i n g a h a n g i n g n et m o del c a n b e repres en t e d n u m eri c a lly by di s cret i z i n g th e su r fa c e i n t o a n et work of li n ea r ela st i c spri n g s . Th es e spri n g s a re c on n e ct e d a t n o des wi th fre e rot a t i on wi th g ravi t y lo a di n g a ppli e d a t th e n o des . Th i s syst em b e c a n on ly a ct i n pu re t en s i on a c c ordi n g t o Ho oke’s law. Wh en i nver t e d, i t crea t es a g ri d i n c om press i on .
1 6 t h c en t u ry map showing ge o me t r ic p at t ern wi th wi n dro s es
p hy s i c a l mo d e l showing fo rm fo und she l l in c on t ex t
fa c e t e d s t e e l /gla s s p at t ern
Works Form Passive
2D g ri d t op olo gy
2 D ge o me t r i c p at t ern
i n t er i o r v i e w gr id she l l l it at night
i n t er i o r v i e w gr id she l l d ur ing the day
ex t er i o r v i e w o f gr id she l l
Nex t p a g e: i n t eri or vi ew sh owi n g g ri d sh ell wi th g e om et ri c wi n dro s e p a t t ern
Works Form Passive
Form Active Structures are flexible structural systems that resist applied loads through their form.
Ho o p e d Ne t wor k Br id ge
Eleva t i on Ho op e d Net work B ri dg e
B en d i n g Ac t ive Memb rane D o me
B en di n g Act ive Mem bra n e St i f fen e d Arch
Pn e u ma t i c St o rm S urge Barr ier
Clo s e -Up Pn eu m a t i c St orm Su rg e Ba rri er
highlight e d pro je ct
Pav i l lo n Ec o n o mie
Works Form Active
I n t eri or Vi ew Pavi llon Ec on om i e
Pavillon Economie Home of the Luxembourgish steel industry, Esch-sur-Alzette celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2006. To celebrate this centenary, the city decided to redevelop the banks of the river Dippach and build five pavilions to host events. The architects envisioned the temporary pavilion, Pavillon Economie, as a light volume on slender stilts overlooking the cycling path and the creek. As the project engineer, I took the architectural concept, through design and detail development, to construction and completion. The engineering approach was to achieve the pavilion’s ephemeral character with a lightweight structure made of a minimum amount of steel and a translucent technical textile. I envisaged, designed, calculated and detailed the system so that it could not only quickly be erected, but also disassembled and reassembled elsewhere. The structure consists of a series of steel slender portal frames (200mm x 20mm), which are connected with horizontal tubular members, and two H-profiled beams. The H-profiled beams are supported on inclined slender columns, connecting the pavilion to the foundations. These columns blend in with the surrounding birch forest and I engineered their orientation such that they also provide lateral stability to the pavilion. The portal frames are enveloped with a polyvinyl chloride technical (PVC) textile. In the longitudinal direction of the pavilion, I studied how the membrane could be tensioned against the end portal frames and, in the transverse section, against the H beams underneath the pavilion. By day, the membrane lets in dispersed daylight. At night the pavilion lights up as a beacon. The pavilion is accessible via a minimalist ramp. My engineering challenge consisted of devising an elegant system that would not distract from the lightness of the pavilion. I developed and detailed a minimal continuous beam with cantilevering arms supporting the ramp designed to be heavily loaded, especially at the opening night of the pavilion. During my site supervision meetings and visits, the contractor assured me that the choice of steel and PVC as construction materials, facilitated the design, prefabrication and fast erection on the uneven site. Because the elegant pavilion evoked a sense of lightness and contributed positively to its environment, it won the 2007 Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award.
Design: Construction : Client : Location : Dimensions : Total budget : Status : Images credits : Awards :
Metaform Architects, Ney and Partners 2005 Ney and Partners 2006 Administration communale de la Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette LU-Nonnewisen, Esch-sur-Alzette 24 m, 160 m2 255000 ₏ Vat Excl. Completed Ney & Partners - photo: Steven Troes 2007 Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award
c on n e ct i on det a i l H-prof i les
s e c t i o n sh owing e l evat io n p o r t al frame s and c on n e ct i n g H-prof i les
i n t er i o r v i e w showing p o r t al frame s
pre -t en s i on i n g of PVC m em bra n e
i n t er i o r v i e w p av il l o n e c o no mie
p avi li on s i t s on c olu m n s th a t blen d i n wi th th e bi rch forest
Works Form Active
s e c t i o n t h ro u gh ramp showing t ub ular b e am w i th c a n t i leveri n g a rm s su pp or t i n g de ck
p av i l i o n w i t h ramp
Works Form Active
Adaptive Structures are structural systems that adapt their shape in response to an external stimulus.
highlight e d pro je ct
Terva e t e B r i d ge
B ou leva rd B ri dg e
highlight e d pro je ct
Tems e B r i d ge
hi g hl i g ht e d p ro j e ct
Di ele ct ri c -Ela st om er M i n i m u m -En ergy St ru ct u re
Ada p t ive Flexib l e She l l s at No o n
Ada pt ive Flex i ble Sh ells a t Twi li g h t
Cu rve d - Cre a s e O r igami Ins p ire d Fo o t b r id ge
Sm a r t M a st
Works Adaptive
Temse Bridge The original 1950’s bridge linking Temse and Bornem – the last bridge across the river Scheldt before it reaches the sea – was affected by heavy traffic congestion during peak hours. The Flemish Region organized a design and build competition in 2005 for a vehicular mobile bridge with an extensive cycle and pedestrian path, doubling the capacity of the current river crossing. The primary design criterion was economic cost. I was the lead project engineer for this large competition and worked in close collaboration with a consortium of contractors and geotechnical and mechanical consultants. Our team won the competition with a new mobile bridge typology; the piston-stayed bridge. The 374m long bridge consists of seven fixed stayed spans, varying from 18m to 74m, and two 28m mobile spans. In the fixed spans, the flanges of the girders transition into fixed stays. A pair of masts is situated at the hinging point of the mobile spans. Each mast is connected to the mobile span by a fixed-length stay and to the fixed span by a variable length hydraulic piston stay. The fixedlength stay forms a non-deformable triangle with the mast and the mobile span. The mast is used as a lever to tilt the bridge into an open or closed position. The piston stay triggers the opening and closing mechanism and forms a deformable triangle with the mast and the fixed section. The engineering innovation in this design lies in the design of a mobile bascule bridge in which the static stiffness and dynamic actuation are ensured by one element i.e. the piston stay. I envisaged, optimized and evaluated many different topologies and mass distributions for the two triangles in order to reduce the actuation forced needed in the piston and the operating cost. In the final competition design, I resolved this challenge by placing a counter weight between the mobile mast heads and a larger weight under the bridge deck. In addition to the competition design, I was also responsible for the production of all competition design documents and transparent communication with the other parties involved.
Design : Construction : Client : Dimensions : Total budget : Location : Status : Image Credit :
Ney and Partners 2006-2007 Ney and Partners 2007-2009 Waterwegen en Zeekanaal 373m 24000000 € Vat Excl. Temse Completed Daylight
o p en i n g me ch a nis m showing var iab l e l ength p ist on st ay a n d b elow de ck c ou n t erwei g h t
l i gh t o p en f il igre e chara ct er o f t he ne w b r i d ge
th e t e ch n i c a l m a ch i n ery i s h ou s e d i n th e b ea m s
f i x e d st aye d sp a n s
Nex t p a g e: Th e cycli st a n d p e dest ri a n exp eri en c e wa s a n i m p or t a n t des i g n cri t eri on . Th e t i m b er de ck lo c a lly wi den s from 4.5m t o 5.6m crea t i n g di f feren t rest z on es . Works Adaptive
e l eva t io n
Elevation 52
Works Adaptive
Boulevard Bridge The original small mobile Boulevard Bridge in Willebroek dates back to the post-World War I period. Due to increased seagoing traffic on the BrusselsScheldt Canal, the narrow bridge began causing bottlenecks. The new 20m wide bascule tied-arch bridge increases the passing width from 18m to 57m and requires less frequent opening due to its elevated position. In this structural system, the gravity loads transfer from the deck to the bottom girder to the diagonals to the arch. The thrust forces of the arch are taken by the bottom girder rather than by the abutments. To open and close the bridge, a counterweight positioned at one end of the arch mechanically balances the deck and substantially offsets power requirements. In the design phase, as the project engineer, I created a finite element model and used this for evaluating the forces in all stages of deployment and under all possible loading combinations. Based on these results, I designed the main structural members and details. In particular, I made the flow of forces visible by assigning articulate profiles and colors for the diagonals: slender grey rods indicate tension and stocky blue tubes compression. For the surrounding infrastructure, I designed, analyzed and detailed smaller steel and glass canopies intended to shelter public transport users. During the coordination phases of the design, I participated in project meetings with the client, mechanical engineer, and design-and-build contractor. The bridge is part of a larger mobility plan for the Flemish Region. The client sees the ‘blue’ bridge as a landmark over the Brussels-Scheldt Canal that improves accessibility to adjacent industrial zones.
Design : Design-and-Build : Client : Dimensions : Total budget : Location : Status : Image Credit :
Ney and Partners 2002-2006 SBE, THV Boulevardbrug Waterwegen en Zeekanaal 60m 12500000 â‚Ź Vat Excl. Willebroek Completed Daylight
o p en i n g s e quenc e o f t he Bo ul evard Br id ge
Works Adaptive
t h e n a t u re o f t he fo rc e s is ar t iculat e d in the p rof i le a n d c olor ch oi c e of th e di a g on a ls
b a s c u le b r i d ge with c o unt erwe ight o p ening an d clo s i n g
Works Adaptive
Tervaete Bridge The new Tervaete Bridge is the product of a design and build competition for a deployable bridge over the river Yser, at the western tip of Belgium. The new stayed bridge replaces a deficient post-World War II concrete arch bridge. The new bridge has a total span of 38m consisting of a central mobile section of 16m, entirely made of steel, and two smaller fixed side sections of 11m, in concrete and steel. The design of a longitudinal profile of the bridge was based on three design criteria. First, blending into the natural flat landscape of the Low Countries was desired, while still acknowledging the presence of the potential high water level. Conceptually, this resulted in the major structural system being located above the water level. Second, structural integration was a large part of the design philosophy. Therefore, no distinction was made between the statics and the kinematics of bridge system. By integrating the actuator into the backstay, this element became multifunctional. Finally preserving the fairway for river traffic was required as the third main consideration. The use of concrete foundations is kept to a minimum. Visually the bridge seems to emerge from the river on elegantly sculptured legs. During the design development, coordination and construction phases, I was the project engineer. I analysed and designed all elements and connections and provided the calculation note to the client. I further provided justifications to the checking engineers and the construction drawings to the contractors. During the construction of the bridge I contributed to monthly meetings with the client, the mechanical engineering consultant and the contractors, leading all aspects of the design.
Design : Construction : Client : Dimensions : Total budget : Location : Status : Image Credit :
Ney and Partners 2002 Ney and Partners 2004 Waterwegen en Zeekanaal 38m 1000000 â‚Ź Vat Excl. Diksmuide Completed Ney and Partners
e l eva t i o n sh ow ing o p ening and cl o s ing me chan i sm
o p ening s e quenc e Terva et e B ri dg e
Works Adaptive
d e t a i l h i n ge
s e c t i o n a n d el evat io n o f s t aye d ma s t
Works Adaptive
p ers p e c t ive pis t o n s t aye d b r id ge in c o nt ext
Works Adaptive
Historic Structures
Wo r ks b y P i er Luigi Nerv i
H y p a r Sh e l ls Miami Mar ine S t a d ium
Ba s en t o B ri dg e
hi g hl i g ht e d p ro j e ct
Yo u n g Vi c T h e at re
Works Historic
Wi ss ekerke Su sp en s i on B ri dg e
Wissekerke Suspension Bridge The Wissekerke suspension bridge is the oldest remaining iron suspension bridge on Europe’s mainland. The engineer, J.B. Vifquain (1789-1854), designed the bridge with bolted connections, which was daring and innovative at that time. He further integrated the suspension structure and the parapet by connecting them with diagonal braces. As a result, the material and economic cost were reduced and the flexible suspension bridge stiffened. Almost 200 years later, all original structural elements (i.e. columns, portals, suspension links and the parapet railing) remain, but are in poor condition. In 2006, the town of Kruibeke purchased the land with the bridge and wanted to make the bridge accessible to the public. As a consultant, I carried out structural analyses which showed that the bridge could support ten times less than what is required by current codes. With the aim of preserving the authentic bridge elements, I participated in the evaluation of ten different strengthening
i ma ge s sh owi n g init ial s t at e and d ere l ict s t at e of th e bri dg e
strategies. In meetings with the town council, our client, I conveyed the complex matter of suspension bridge behavior under loading and presented benefits and challenges of the restoration strategies. The preferred and adopted restoration option was to insert a very slender triangular, closed girder underneath the authentic structure. The structural concept allows the new girder to carry its added dead load, pedestrian loads, and other superimposed loads while the authentic structure only carries its original weight and temperature induced loads. This strategy achieves preservation of all authentic elements, with minimal visual impact, and welcomes full public use.
Design and construction : VUB and Ney and Partners 2007-2010 Architect : Mark Lauwers Architektenburo bvba Client : Gemeentbestuur Kruibeke Location : Kruibeke, Bazel Status : Completed
sl en d er n e w gird er inc o rp o rat e d in the authen t i c bri dg e i s h a rdly vi s i ble
Works Historic
Other Building Forms and a Bridge
B B C Sc o t la n d He a d quar t ers
B elli a rd
C en t re d ’ En t rep r is e Saint-G il l e s
Th e L i g h tb ox
hi g hl i g ht e d p ro j e ct
M a ggi e’s F i fe
C en t n er Fo otbri dg e
U Z L Ad mi n Buil d ing
Ca n opy Du b oi s
Works Other Building Forms and a Bridge
Centner Footbridge The Centner footbridge, over the river Vesder, is a successful design and artifact that links structural optimization and digital steel plate cutting techniques. As the project engineer, I designed this steel structure as a simply supported beam that has a U-profile in cross-section. This U-profile serves more than a structural function; the top flanges are handrails and the bottom flange is covered with a lightweight concrete deck and serves as the walkway. The height of the beam’s longitudinal profile increases from the bank abutments to midspan where the bending action is largest. Besides serving as the beam’s webs, the vertical sides of the cross-section, also form the safety barriers. The pattern and the thickness of the laser-cut openings in these webs are optimized and rationalized to optimally resist the shear forces in the beam while reducing steel quantities. The visual result is a varying pattern of apertures, from circular openings at the abutments to square ones at mid-span. Once I had carried out the analysis and detailed the design according to the codes, the numerical finite element model was translated into a graphic digital model that served as input data for the steel laser cutter. I participated in meetings with the fabricator who lasercut the aperture pattern, welded the steel plates together and finished the bridge in the workshop. The removal of superfluous material in the beam’s webs resulted in both an economic and structurally efficient bridge with an appealing esthetic effect. When moving towards or away from the bridge, an ever-changing optical effect is experienced when viewing the superposition of the two patterned safety barriers from varying angles. On the bridge itself, the pedestrians walk over a delicate play of light and shade. This play is due to the sun rays projecting through the subtle varying web mesh pattern onto the deck. With this project, I demonstrated that the innovative link between structural optimization and digital lasercutting techniques can offer new design and construction possibilities for lattice systems.
Design : Ney and Partners 2005 Construction : Ney and Partners 2006 Client : Administration communale de Verviers Location : Verviers Dimensions : 30m Total budget : 250000 € Vat Excl. Status : Completed Images credit : Ney & Partners Photo : Daylight Awards : 2010 Winner of the Wallonia Biennale of Architecture
u-p ro fil e b e am
e leva t i o n c ent ner b r id ge in c o nt ext
ever ch a n gi ng o p t ic al e ffe ct when mo v ing t owa rd s o r away fro m the b r id ge
va ry i n g a p er t ure p at t ern in the b e am’s we b s
Works Other Building Forms and a Bridge
a su btle play of li g h t a n d sh a de on th e de ck
Form Passive Structures Coovi Hypar Grid Shell Brussels, design 2003 System, material: Hyperbolic parabolic grid shell, steel and ETFE Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners, Xaveer De Geyter Architecten Responsibility: preliminary to design phase Image credit: Xaveer De Geyter Architecten
Segmented Precast Shell Princeton, 2012 System, material: Continuous shell, steel fiber reinforced concrete Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lab, Serguei Bagrianski Responsibility: advising concept to construction
Dutch Maritime Museum Grid Shell Amsterdam, 2006 System, material: Grid Shell, Steel and glass Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners Responsibility: form finding Publication: Adriaenssens S., Ney L., Bodarwe E., Williams C., (2012). ‘Construction Constraints drive the form finding of an irregular meshed steel and glass shell’. In: Journal of Architectural Engineering. 18(3) ,pp.206-213,doi: 10.1061/ (ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000074 Award: 2012 Winner Amsterdam Architecture Prize 2012 Winner Steel Construction Award (Belgium) 2012 Winner Dutch National Steel Prize Image credit: Jean-Luc Deru
RSCA Grid Shell Brussels, 2011 System, material: Grid shell, steel Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners, Jaspers-Eyers + DDS&Partners Responsibility: form finding Image credit: Ney and Partners
Chocolate Plated Shell Princeton, 2013 System, material: Plated shell, chocolate compound Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lab, Axel Kilian (SOA,PU), Barry-Callebaut Responsibility: concept to construction Publication: Jordan, AJ, Adriaenssens S, Kilian A., Adriaenssens, M, Freed, Z. (2013). ‘Material Driven design for a chocolate Pavilion.‘ In: Computer-Aided Design, doi:10.1016/j.cad.2013.12.002 Image credit: Axel Kilian
Louvered Grid Shell Princeton 2014 System, material: Louvered grid shell, timber Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lab Responsibility: concept to construction Publication: Adriaenssens, S.; Rhode-Barbarigos, L; Kilian, A,; Baverel, O.; Charpentier, V.; Horner, M., Buzatu, D (2014). ‘Dialectic form finding of passive and active shading enclosures.’ In: Energies 7(8), 5201-5220; doi:10.3390/ en7085201, Horner, M., Rhode-Barbarigos, L, Adriaenssens, S. (2014). ‘Site-specific louvered shells for shading harmful Ultraviolet radiation.’ In: Building and Environment doi:10.1016/j. buildenv.2014.04.005
Reciprical Dome Princeton, 2014 System, material: Reciprical dome, laser cut wood Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lab, Yousef Anastas Responsibility: concept to construction Image credit: Zach Donnell
Form Active Structures Bending Active Membrane Dome Bath, 2000 System, material: Spline stressed membrane, PVC and GFRP Engineer, Architect: Sigrid Adriaenssens Responsibility: form finding and analysis Publication: Adriaenssens S., M.L. and Barnes M.R.,(2001). ‘Tensegrity spline beam and grid shell structures’. Engineering Structures, 23 (1), p. 29-31, Adriaenssens S., (2008). ‘Feasibility study of medium span spliced spline stressed membranes’. In: Journal of Space Structures, 23(4), p.243-251.
Bending Active Membrane Stiffened Arch Bath, 2000 System, material: Spline stressed membrane, PVC and GFRP Engineer, Architect: Sigrid Adriaenssens Responsibility: form finding and analysis Publication: Barnes M., Adriaenssens S., Krupka M. (2013). ‘A novel torsion/ bending element for dynamic relaxation modeling’. In Computers and Structures, 19 (1), 60–67, doi:10.1016/j. compstruc.2012.12.027
Hooped Network Bridge Princeton, 2014 System, material: Hoop tensegrity, High strength steel and steel Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lab and Prof. Michael Barnes Responsibility: form finding and analysis Publication: Barnes M., Adriaenssens S., Krupka M. (2013). ‘A novel torsion/ bending element for dynamic relaxation modeling’. In Computers and Structures, 19 (1), 60–67, doi:10.1016/j. compstruc.2012.12.027
Pavillon Economie Esch-Sur-Alzette, 2006 System, material: Frame stressed membrane, PVC and steel Engineer, Architect: Metaform Architecten, Ney and Partners Responsibility: preliminary design to construction Award: 2007 Winner Belgian Steel Construction Award (LU) Image credit: Steven Troes, Photo Design
Pneumatic Storm Surge Barrier Princeton, 2014 System, material: Pneumatic system, technical textile Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lab Responsibility: form finding and analysis
Adaptive Structures Temse Bridge Temse, 2006 System, material: Piston-stayed bridge, steel Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners Responsibility: preliminary design and design Image credit: Daylight Boulevard Bridge Willebroek, 2006 System, material: Piston-stayed bascule bridge, steel Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners Responsibility: design to construction Image credit: Daylight Tervaete Bridge Tervaete, 2002 System, material: Piston-stayed bridge, steel Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners Responsibility: design to construction Publication: Adriaenssens S., Ney L. (2007). ‘The PistonStayed Bridge: A Novel Typology for a Mobile Bridge at Tervate, Belgium‘. In: Structural Engineering International, 17 (4), p.302-305. Image credit: Jean-Luc Deru Adaptive Flexible Shells Princeton, 2014 System, material: Continous shell, Fiber Reinforced Composite Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lab, Labo Navier, Ecole des Ponts Responsibility: concept, analysis and physical prototyping Publication: Adriaenssens, S.; Rhode-Barbarigos, L; Kilian, A,; Baverel, O.; Charpentier, V.; Horner, M., Buzatu, D (2014). ‘Dialectic form finding of passive and active shading enclosures.’ In: Energies 7(8), 5201-5220; doi:10.3390/ en7085201.
Dielectric-Elastomer Minimum-Energy Structure Princeton, 2012 System, material: Dielectric Elastomer Minimum Energy Structure Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lab, Prof. Sigurd Wagner Responsibility: form finding Publication: Siu, S., Rhode-Barbarigos, L., Wagner, S., Adriaenssens, S. (2013). ‘Dynamic relaxation study and experimental verification of dielectricelastomer minimum-energy structures’. In: Applied Physics Letters, 103, 17, doi: 10.1063/1.4826884 Curved-Crease Origami Inspired Footbridge Princeton, 2014 System, material: Curved crease box girder, GFRP Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lan, Luca Nagy Responsibility: concept to structural analysis Image credit: Yousef Anastas Smart Mast Princeton, 2010 System, material: Pantograph, plexiglass Engineer, Architect: FormFinding Lab, Prof. Branko Glisic Responsibility: design and fabrication Publication: Glisic B., Adriaenssens S., Szerzo P. (2013). ‘Structural Analysis and Physical Validation of a Smart Pantograph Mast Concept’. In: Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. doi: 10.1111/mice.12013
Historic Structures
Works by Pier Luigi Nervi Italy, 1932-1960 System, material: spatial structures, reinforced concrete, ferro-cement and steel Engineer, Architect: Pier Luigi Nervi Responsibility: Structural analyses and interpretation Publication: Adriaenssens S., and Billington D. (2013). ‘Nervi’s cantilevering stadium roofs: discipline of economy leads to inspiration.’ In: Journal of International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures, 54, pp. 169-178 Adriaenssens, S, Wahed, M. (2014). ‘A critical appraisal of Nervi’s Berta, Flaminio, Swindon and Kuwait stadia’ Pier Luigi Nervi. Gli stadi per il calico. University of Bologna Halpern, A., Billington D. and Adriaenssens S.(2015).‘The ribbed floor slab systems of Pier Luigi Nervi’, Model Perspectives on Structures and Architecture, Routledge. Halpern, A., Billington D. and Adriaenssens S.(2013).‘The ribbed floor slab systems of Pier Luigi Nervi.’In: Journal of International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures, 54, pp.127-135. Segal T. and Adriaenssens S. (2013). ‘Norfolk Scope Arena: A US Dome with a Unique Configuration of Interior Ribs and Buttresses.’ In: Journal of International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures, 54, 189-198. Adriaenssens, S, Wahed, M. (2014).
Hypar Shells Miami Marine Stadium Miami, 1963 System, material: Hyperbolic parabolic folded shells, reinforced concrete Engineer, Architect: Jack Meyer and Hilario Candela Responsibility: Structural analyses and interpretation Publication: Adriaenssens S., Brown N., Lowinger R., Hernandez J. (2012). ‘Structural Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Folded Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells: a case study of the Modern Miami Marine Stadium’. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage. doi:10.10 80/15583058.2012.694967
Basento Bridge Basento, 1967 System, material: Shell, reinforced concrete Engineer, Architect: Sergio Musmeci Responsibility: Numerical form finding, Structural analyses and interpretation Publication: Adriaenssens, S; Schmidt, K., Katz., A., Gabriele, S., Magrone, P., Varano, V. (2015). ‘Early Form Finding Techniques of Sergio Muscemi revisited. ‘IASS Symposium: Future Visions, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wissekerke Suspension Bridge Wissekerke,2006 System, material: suspension bridge, wrought iron Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners, Marc Lauwers Architektenburo Responsibility: preliminary restoration strategies Publication: Wouters I., De Bouw M., Adriaenssens S., Verdonck A (2009). ‘Upgrading mainland Europe’s oldest iron suspension footbridge’. In: Steel Construction, 2(1), p. 36-41 Image credit: Ney and Partners
Young Vic Theatre London, 2003 System, material: beam and column, masonry, steel Engineer, Architect: : Jane Wernick Associates, Haworth Tompkins Responsibility: preliminary structural design and restoration strategies Award: Winner of the British Construction Industry 2008 Building Award. Full Award: Civic Trust Awards, Newcastle Upon Tyne 2008. Winner of the RIBA London Building of the Year Award and an RIBA National Award 2007. Certificate of Merit from the Structural Steel Design Awards. Highly Commended for ICE London Merit Award. Shortlisted for the LEAF New Build of the Year Award and the Stirling Prize 2007 Image credit: Jane Wernick Associates
Other Building Forms and a Bridge
BBC Scotland Headquarters Glasgow, 2003 System, material: beam-column, reinforced concrete Engineer, Architect: Jane Wernick Associates, David Chipperfield Architects Responsibility: preliminary structural design Award: Award RIBA National Award ICE Scotland Trust Awards, Newcastle Upon Tyne 2008 Image Credit: Jane Wernick Associates
Belliard Brussels, 2006 System, material: beam and column, reinforced concrete Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners, Pierre Blondel Responsibility: preliminary structural design Image Credit: Pierre Blondel
Centre d’Entreprise Saint-Gilles Brussels, 2006 System, material: column-beam, prefab reinforced concrete, steel Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners, Pierre Blondel Responsibility: preliminary structural design to construction
The Lightbox Woking, 2003 Engineer, Architect: Jane Wernick Associates, Marks Bartfield Architects Responsibility: preliminary structural design Award: Winner of 2008 Art Fund Prize for museums and galleries Winner of an RIBA Regional Award for the South East 2008 Image Credit: Jane Wernick Associates
Maggie’s Fife Scotland, 2003 Engineer, Architect: Jane Wernick Associates, Zaha Hadid Responsibility: preliminary structural design Award: American Institute of Architects UK Chapter Excellence in Design Award 2006 Image Credit: Jane Wernick Associates
Centner Footbridge Verviers, 2006 System, material: beam, steel Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners Responsibility: design to construction Publication: Adriaenssens S., Ney L., Bodarwe E., Dister V. (2009). ‘Centner footbridge bridges the gap between steel structural design and digital fabrication’. In: Steel Construction, 2(1), p. 33-35. Award: 2010 Winner of the Wallonia Biennale of Architecture (BE) Image Credit: Ney and Partners
UZL Admin Builing Leuven, 2005 System, material: beam and columns, reinforced concrete and steel Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners, Stephane Beel Architects Responsibility: preliminary structural design Image Credit: Ney and Partners
Canopy Dubois Lier, 2004 System, material: cantilevers and truss, steel Engineer, Architect: Ney and Partners Responsibility: preliminary design to construction Image Credit: Ney and Partners