Usermanual for IS102

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User Manual

This model is designed to help you make a decision on which location to open your new branch at. There are 3 components in this model: 1.  The Profit Maximization Model 2.  The Growth Maximization Model 3.  The Auxiliary Model The red boxes will tell you where to input your own values while the blue boxes will explain the other functions in our model.

Revenue Input Sheet (Weekend + Weekday) AKer solver opGmizaGon in “output sheet”, weekday and weekend revenues will be calculated and reflected

Input class size Input average number of subjects each student takes: If 1 student takes 2 subjects, he/she is considered as 2 students. Input Fees per student (per class) When done, click “Next” for Cost Input Sheet

As primary, sec and JC students have different school schedules, please input respecGve weekend and weekday schedules. 1 = available, 0 = unavailable

Cost Input Sheet (Weekend + Weekday) Rental Budget

Overheads per student (e.g. prinGng of notes) and salary for teachers

Costs of rental per classroom per day (please input values between $50 and $100)

AKer opGmizaGon in solver, catchment of students is reflected here

UGliGes per classroom per class (2 hours)

AKer solver opGmizaGon in “output sheet”, weekday and weekend costs will be calculated and reflected

When done, click “Next” for Output Sheet

Output Sheet Optimizing Profits (Weekend + Weekday)

Go to next page for a blown up explanaGon of the output sheet

Daily profits will be mulGplied to get weekly profits The solver opGmizes profit by varying size of tuiGon center and determines scheduling of classes for Educat!

Output Sheet Optimizing Profits (Weekend + Weekday) Click “Schedule” to get opGmal class mix, scheduling and generate opGmal profits!

Output Sheet Optimizing Profits (Weekend + Weekday)

Daily factors are extrapolated to get weekly opGmal profits AKer opGmizing via solver, size of center is determined, further determining total revenue, total costs, number of students taught and daily profits. These values are reflected here as well as in previous sheets

Solver Objec2ve: OpGmize profits Variable: Class scheduling (weekend + weekday) Constraints: Maximum rentable classrooms (derived from rental budget) Maximum number of classes to accommodate all student demand

Display data collected to determine regression line. No acGon required Output: Price to charge Expected enrollment

Input rent Input size of classroom

Input uGliGes

Solve for price when profits = 0

Input overheads Input salary

Input name Input level Input grades obtained before tuiGon

Input grades across enrollment period

Input acendance across the semesters

Input personal details Input employment type Input no. Gmeslots Input salary rate

Input names of teachers scheduled

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