At the feet of the master outpourings of devotee's heart

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AT THE FEET O_F THE MASTER OUTPOURINGS OF DEVOTEE'$ HEART S. SHER SINGH M.Sc., KASHMIR Sweet ' Master I 0 Savior of the of it. ah 10tlll'-o -ferred yet ever-immisinners: save me from the pit of hell nent Day of judgment! 0 Treasnrewhich blirns cea seles~ly in tbe lim bo of HOllse 'of Grace, wilt Thon not tllTn my self . What pest.lential fires bllrn me once again into the pure Gold that there, what c hoking I(ases and be· J Otlce was bv. Ihe mystic tOllch of the d!\ I<l!ll illg clouds gush out from .hat Philosopher's Stone which Tho n hold· hidde n f Ut\\Z\" e I 0 deadly fi~es which est in the palm of Thine Hand, which crackle and e lItl1ne. 0 sulp huro us Thou offerest to one 2nd all, if ollly vapoun, 0 confnsed I'llmbli ngs of the .hey pray for it 1 How wonoerful perverted self! Save me, 0 L~ fro m • Thin e all.en li!l'htening Touch, 0 Founthe volcanic upheaval of the Resh alld mi n of Li g1.t, 0 Sat-Guru! ! its all-cous uming lava! Lord-Guru 5. AJmij!'bty Jnd!l'e. and Master! wilt TIIOIl not step i n and save sOllls doomed to eternal perd i Iion even as For ever}' sin tbat I have done, J see Sodom and Gomorrah of old, 0 Redeem- a Sword of Damocfes banJ1:ing on my bead; th e whole atmospneno .... indeed, ing Saviollr 1 a suffocating array of serried sWl!>lI\!k. 2 . Father! Thy son who ;s not wor- I see hundred and one spectres seethingthy of being so-called, erred and erred in the air, every inch of the grou nd grievollsl", he went astray and wander- is crammed with apparitions of my ed aillllessly all these years like a street evil tbongbts. 0 movin!l' bell, 0 weird dog, he ill -spent the riches that Thou witch's dance of evil passions, 0 blooddid . t so lavishly shed on him. Verily, Slicking of the rapacions harpies! Comhe lived the incontinent life of the passionate Gurll ! pour forth Tbine cool Prodigal Son, 0 Fa.her, ·wilt Thou not stream of blissful Am,it from the open Tb y doors to bim, wilt Tbou not bowls of compassion in Tbine everhug bim to Thine loving breasl, wilt meltin!l' mood of l ,,\~ng kindness. Thou not treat him even as one of the 6. Father! ThOll didst fill the gramany se rvan ts cf Thi"e world-wide Household ? 0 merciful Guru who narv of mv heart with milk-white wheat watches and waits at the cro;sways of bllt' I wen't to the market of the world Eternity ready 10 forget and forgive! I and bartered it for cbeap oats which I sowed wild in the barren soil of my 3. Fathe< ! Thou did,t give the feverish self. The ctop has come up very KeYB of Thine HousellOld 10 Thin e and m y heart is now a tangled web of son, but he did not so mu ch as look most noxious weeds of ill·assorted at them, and he let th.e m rust in the oreams anQ fr~tful fancies. 0 Gardener vest-pocket of his hea~t. The child Guru ! wjlt Thou not return to Thine · who •• thus sh ut " ut, self locked. s ·lf- erstwhi le arahl" land burn it, plou!l'h imprisoned beggeth and crieth : Father, il a nd sow it a fresh with the seed of wilt Thou not repol'sh. Thine Kevs Thy love? and re-entl ust them to T1;tine heedless 7.' Father ! Thou didst f.eed the child 1 0 time ill-spent. 0 opportuniferlile Inri of mv h'art witll the life-. ties wasted! ! 0 ever-kind Guru! ! giving waters of the Holy Ga nges, 4.· Father! Thou didst decorate the but 1 hllrnt lip the sweet orchards treasute of mine he~rt with all that i , planted bv 1'hee, and tmned it into go,!d. great and swee t, but how foolisb a howlini desert of worldliness, w'here was 1 when under the spell of tbe old jackals of byroer;sv and reindeers of Magician, the wizard· Maya, I eKchanll'- evil thoughts abound. Soft-hearted ed the old Lamp of Allahdin, tlldt Master . wilt ThoT! not shed on it the wonderful lamp of devotion, for the Mon <oo n of T~ine Grace and turn thi s new lamp . of· so· called learning, and sun-scorched Sahara: into the lana of preferred the pleasant to the good, leal orce again I I tinsel instead o( gold. ! ,...b, the folly 8. Father. ! Thou didst tarn th~

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winit-s",ept laud of the fi·ve ~ivers:J( my heart into a verila ble hea;en, b" , I let loose in it incendiary ~es of passions, and the blasting si mo ' .< ~r ' evil thoughts Tender-hearted her, wilt T hou not come back to hine ~ Home within me, and turn it one .ore ~ into Sachkha"d ! ! 9. Father I Thou did st make !at i heavenly Pool of Immor ta lity on e th \\ where the thirsty could driuk It " Nectar of I.He and die no more. ). . ful ·;'la ster wilt Thou not reveal e \ . !'Oame Tank in the innermost reces s of mv heart, for as Thcu knowest J am niaim and cannot waik, ] cripple and caTlnqt creep, I am bli and cannot see , I am deaf and cann hear .. ... ,but withal I have a parch so ul which hath long dog-like tongu thirsting for the Life-giving Juice! Graud Architect, the Maker of tho A mritsar Pool on this sordid earth I! .


10. Falber I Th~ didst make Ihat all-holy Bible whie~ is the Bi~ I. of all.Bi bJes, quintesserlee of the \TnlVerse dependable raft for crossing the storm y. ocean of life, raft whi ch is self-pro- ' pelled from aye to ave to endless eter - t. nity; wilt Thou den y to me th e lift ,q for which I am crawling from amceba.•.'.· upwards in endless eons of time, wat c h~ '. ing and Voaiting for my turn I Gre"t l Reckoner, w ilt Thou not take me up on that Raft, at last, at long last ! ! . U. Father! this little pen _QL!l!.~ '" I\e'anff iiuUJ·a thirst for but one Beetin~ . g limpse <!If ,Pe~ which brough'!, the Ad-Grantli f'llll'&> ~!"''i.\.!Ince. the Lord" tbe Gurl! and the ~ast~:jf ~r,<l l1 time, ' for all eternity 1 lOut how e.A\1 (t;\ is little self dare look in the face of tl1\a\l august Self that Divine Effulgen ce: The Inscrutable Pen lhat writest destinies , Is in Thine sweet hands, 0 Dear, Lo I that immaculate Presence, over-Booding Beauty


Is here, there and everywhere I ! (P,mah8, ,J')

Y. M. SIKH ASSOCIATION CHAKWAL Election of Office-bearers Annual election S ikh Association bearers was held following result:-

of the Youn g Men Chakwal for · officeon J -6-34 with the '.

Doctor Amar Singh, .president.

MisS,. Ram Singh, General Secretary:" S . Gopal Singh. Secretary. . B. Milkhi · Chand, cashier.

tri Sohan Sin'gh,


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