Guru Nanak: A select bibliography 1965–1980 - Man Singh Deora

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GURU NANAK-A SELECT BIBL[OGRAPHY: 1965-1980 Sikhism occupies a pre-eminent position in the religions of the world. It is marked with its identity, simplic:ity, fraternity, liberal character and militarism. It was founded by a great spiritual teacher, Guru Nanak Dev (A.D. 1469-1539). Various studies on Guru Nanak have been conducted and the source material is available in various forms in different languages. The compiler, while reviewing the available literature on Guru Nanak came across the bibliography, 'Guru Nanak, A bibliography' compiled by Dr. Ganda Singh and published in the periodical The Panjab Past and Present of 1969. Though Dr. Ganda: Singh's compilation is excellent yet it does not include a complete list of articles published in various Moreover, during the intervening period voluminous literature has been written on Guru Nanak. This has necessitated a need or an 1I pto da.te bibliography on the subject. Imbued by this desire the compiler embarked on this project. The basic ailll of this bibliography is to assist and guide the research scholars in locating wealth of information on the subject 'Guru Nanak Dev'. It indexes bC0ks and articles published in important journals and dailies in English language in India, during the period of 1965 to mid-1980. Information about books and articles is separately given. To enhance the utility, added entries, i.e. Joint Author; Editor; Translator etc. are made. Where authors of articles arc not available, the entries are made under titles. Necessary cross references of author's names are also_given. In addition to this a complete list of periodicals indexed, their periodicity and place of pUblication have been appended to facilitate the readers in obtaining material.


Banerjee, Anil Chandra. Guru Nallak and His Times. Punjabi Univ., 1971. 245p.


* I am extremely grateful to Mr. N. Datta, Librarian, Indian CounCil of World Affairs Library, Sapru House, New Delhi; Librarian, Punjabi UniverSity, Patiala; Delhi Gurudwara, Parbandhak Committee Library, Sis Ganj, Delhi; Mr. Madan Lal, Director, Institute of Creative Writing, Delhi, and the Editor of the "Spokesman" for their valuable suggestions and co-operation.




A book by Anil Chandra Banerjee entitled "Guru Nanak and His Times" published by . Punjabi University Patiala in 1971 having 245 pages. ARTICLE:

Duggal, Kartar Singh. "Guru Nanak Dev-A massenger of God." Spokesman. 21(1), 3 Sep. 19?9 : 3-4. EXPLANATION :


An article on Guru Nanak entitled "Guru Nanak Dev-A messenger of God" by Kartar Singh Duggal, will be found in the volume 21, number I, of Sep. 3, 1979 issue of the "Spokesman" ·at pages 3 and 4. BOOKS:

Ahuja, N. D. Great Guru Nanak and Muslims. Chandigarh, Kirti Pub. House, 1974. xvi,214p. Anand, Balwant Singh. Guru Nanak : Religion & Ethics. Patiala,.Punjabi Vniv., 1968; 1975. 65p. (Guru Nanak Commemorative Lectures). Bal, Sarjit Singh. Life f Guru Nanak. Chandigarh, Panjab Untv., 1970. viii, 285p. . Bal, Sarjit Singh, (C~m . & ed.). Guru Nanak ill the Eyes of Non-Sikhs. Chandigarh, Panja Univ., 1969. xiv, 168p. Balbir Singh. Guru Nanak Lectures 1970-71 : Some Aspects of Guru . Nanak's M~·ssion.· Madras, Madras Univ., 1971. iv, 32p. . Banerjee, Anil Chandra. Guru Natiuk and His Times, Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1971. 245p. -Guru Nallak to" .Guru Gobind Singh. Allahabad, Rajesh Pub., 1978. , 244p. Bedi, P. L. Guru Daba Nanak. New Delhi, New Light Publishers, 1971. -116p. . -Prophet ~j iAe Full Moon: Guru Baba Nanak, the Founder Master of Sikhism, New YorlQ, , , New Light, 1976. 288p. Bhave, Vinoba. CommeMary on JajJUji, Guru Nanak's Great Composition. Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1973. vii, 67p. Chawla, Harbans Singh, (ed.). Guru Nanak : The prophet of the People. New Delhi, Gprdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha, 1970. xvi, 104+ 130+ .' 69p. . Dalip Singh, (I. auth:Y Guru Nanak Dev and His Teachings. Jullundur, . Raj Pub., 1969. 418p. Daljit Singh. Guru Nanak. Ludhiana, Guru Nanak Mission Society, 1971. 257p.



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Daljit Singh, (j. auth.) Great Humanist: Guru Nanak. Patiaia, Language Dept., Punjabi Univ., 1970. 160p. Darshan Singh. Religion of Guru Nanak. Ludhiana, Lyall Book Depot, 1970; 1974. l44p. . Deol, Gurdev Singh. Social and Political Philosophy of Guru Nanale Dev and Guru Gobind Singh. Jullundur, New Academic, 1976, 120p. Dewan Singh, Guru Nanak's Message in Japji. Amritsar, Faqir Singh & Sons, 1972. l63p. Fauja Singh & Arora, A.C., (eds.) Pqpers on Guru Nanak-Proceedings of the Punjab History Conference, 4th Session, 1969. Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1970. 240p. Francis, Eric. Guru Nanak. Bombay, Purohit & Sons, 1970. 120p. Ganda Singh, (ed.) Source Book on Guru Nanak's Life and Teachings. () Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1969. 444p. Gill, Pritam Singh. Doctrine of Guru Nanak. Jullundur, New Book, 1969. 182p. Gopal Singh. Guru Nanak. 2nd ed. New Delhi, National Book Trust, 1968. xi, 134p . Greenlees, Duncan. The Gospel of the Guru-Granth Sahib. 4th ed . . Madras, Theosophical Pub. House, 1975. cxxcvii, 273p. (WorlO . Gospel Series, 8). Grewal; J.S. From Guru Nanak to Maharaja Ranjit Singh: -Essays in Sikh History. Arnritsar, Guru Nanak Dev Univ., 1972. 195p. -Guru Nanak in Histqr:},.·Chandigarh, Panjab Univ., 1969. 348p. Gupta, B.S. Rock and the Pool: Guru Nanak Themes. Delhi, National Book Organisation, 1969. 40p:Gupta, Hari Ram. Life Sketch of Guru Nanak. Delhi, National Publishing House, 1968. 32p. Gurmit Singh. Versatile Guru Nanak. Sirsa, Usha Institute of Religious Studies, 1972. 211p. Gurmukh Nihal Singh, (ed.) Guru Nanak-His Life, Time and Teachings. Delhi, National Pub. House, 1969. 305p. Gursaran Singh. Guru Nanak's Japji; The Morning Prayer of the Sikhs and an Interpretation in the light of Modern thought. Delhi, Atma Ram, 1972. xx, 291 p. Harbans Singh. Guru Nanak.J~atiala, Punjabi Univ., 1969. 62p. -Guru Nanak and The Origins of the Sikh Faith. Bombay, Asia Pub. House, 1969. 247p. Harbans Singh, (ed). Perspectives on Guru Nanak: Seminar Papers. Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1975, xii, 549p. Harnam Dass. Guru Nanale's Philosophy of Divine Life. Chandigarh, Juneja Pub., 1969. xii, lS0p.



India, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Publication Division. Guru Nanak. New Delhi, Author, 1969. xvii, 224p. Isbar Singh. Nanakism: A New World Order, Temporal and Spiritual. _New Delhi, Ranjit Pub. House, 1976. xv, 288p. -Philosophy of Guru Nanak-A Comparative Study. New Delhi, Ranjit Pub. House, 1969. 274p. Jodh Singh. Gospel of Guru Nanak in Ilis Own Words. Patiala, Language Dept. Punjab, 1969. viii, 197p. -Guru Nanak Lectures. Madras, Madras Univ., 1969. 64p. -Teachings of Guru Nanak. Delhi, National Publishing House 1969. 26p. Jogendra Singh, (Comp.) Thus spoke Guru Nanak : A Collection of the Savings of Guru Nanak. 2nd ed. Chandigarh, Punjab Religiolls Society, 1967. viii, 113p. Jogin~ra Singh & Daljit Singh. Great Humanist: Guru Nanak. Patia~, Languages Department, 1970. 160p. Jobar, Surinder Singh. Guru Nanak. lullundur, New Book Co., 1969. 178p. -Guru Nanak : A Biography. Jullundur, New Book Co., 1969. 259p. Kapur, B.L. Message of Shri Guru Nanale Dev in the COiJtext of the Ancient Sanatanist Tradition, Jullundur, Qaumi ~re~s, ~967. 91p. (Guru Nanak Memorial lectures) . Kartar Singh, Guru Nanak Dev : Life and Teachings. Ludhia a, Lahore Book Shop, 1969. viii, 352p. Khushdeva Singh. At the .Feet of Guru . Nanak. Patiala, G.uni Nanak Foundation Committee, 1969. 41p. Khushwant Singh, (tr.) Hymns of Guru Nanak. New Delhi, Orient Longmans, ' ~969. xv, 207p. (UNESCO Collection of Representative Works-Indian Series). Kirpa1 Singh, (ed. & tr.). Japji : Message of Guru Nanak. 5th ed. Franklin, Sant Bani Ashram, 1976. 183p. -K-ohli, Surlnder Singh. Philosophy of Guru Nanak. Chandigarh, Panjab Univ., 1970. vii,. 200p. -Travels oj Guru Nan/ik. Chandigarh. Panjab Univ., 1970. vii, 200p. Lalvani. K.T. Beyond No One's Reach. London, Guru Nanak Foundation, 1969. 56p. Layal, Naunihal . Singh: 'Asa di Val": Early Morning Prayer of Guru Nanak. New.:'Delhit Goodwill, 1970. -Manmohan Singh. - Life of Shri Guru Nanak, Japji and Asa Di Var. Dehra Dun, Jiwan Singh, 1972. 105+~8p. Manmohan Singh, (tr.). Hymns of Guru Nanak. Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1972. xiv, 954p;-.- -



Mansukhani, Gobind Singh. Guru Nanak : The Apostle of Love. New Delhi, flemkunt Press, 1970. 120p.

-Guru Nanak: World Teacher . New Delhi, India Book House, 1968. vi, 96p. -Life of Guru Nanak. New Delhi, Guru N anak Foundation, 1974. xii, 137p. Maunder, R.S. (Ir.). A.fessage of Guru Nanak as Expressed in Jap Nissan. Poona, Author, 1965. 49p. McLeod, W. H. Guru Nalzak and the Sikh Religion. Bombay, Oxford Univ. Press, 1969. xii, 259p. Mrigendra Singh. Miraculous Guru Nanak. New York, Robert Speller . & Sons, 1977. Naraln Singh. Jap oj the Name: Guru Nanak's Japji. Amritsar, Author, n. d. 241p. -Guru Nanak and His Image. Amritsar, Author, 1969, 2V. -Guru Nanak.'s View of Life. Amritsar, Author, 1969. 477p. -Guru Nanak Re-interpreled,. Amritsar, Author, 1965. 428p. Narang, Gokul Chand. Glorious History of Sikhism (from the Ti!llcs and t.he Teachings of Guru Nanak to the Death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh). 6th ed. New Delhi, New Book Society of India, 1972 . 303p. Parkash Singh. Guru Planak and I/is Japji. Amritsar, Sikh History Research Department, 1969. 9~p. Peace, M.L., 'Asa di Var' 2nd ed. Amritsar, Chief.Khalsa Qiwan, 1971. ¡ 168p. (Gurballi Parchar Series, 1). Premka Kaur,-{comp.) Peace Lagoon: The Song oj Guru Nanak, Guru Arnar Dass, Guru Ram Dass. Guru Arjan and Guru Gobind Singh. 2nd ed. California, California Spiritual Community, 1974. 223p. Punjab History Conference, 4th Session, Patiala, 1969. Papers on Guru Nanak. (ed.) by Fauja Singh & A.C. Arora. Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1970. 240p. Punjabi University, Language Department. Hymns of Guru Nanak. Patiala, Author, 1972. xxxvi, 954p. Puran Singh, (Ir.) Guru Nanak's 'Japji' or the Morning Meditation and 'Sohila Arti', Bed Time Prayer. Amritsar, Chief Khalsa Diwan, 1969. 26p. Raghavacar, S.S. & Ramakrishnarao, K.B., (eds). Guru Nanak, His Life and Teachings. Mysore, Mysore Univ., 1971. vi, 83p. Rajasthan University, Department of Adult Education. Guru Nanak Quin¡Centenary Lectures, 1969-70. Jaipur, Author, 1970. 64p.



Ramakrishnarao, K. n., (j. ed.) Guru Nanak, His Life and Teachings. Mysore, Mysore Univ., 1971. vi. 83p. Ranbir Singh. Glimpses of the Divine Masters: Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh 1469-1708. New Delhi, International Traders, 1965. iv.408p. Randhawa, Gurdeep Singh & Charanjit Singh, (Irs.) Guru Nanak's Japji. New Delhi, Navyug Traders, 1970. 64p. Sahib Singh and Dalip Singh. Guru Nanak Dev and His Teachings. Jullundur, Raj Pub., 1969. 418p. Sekhon, Sant Singh. Guru Nanak Today: An Anthology. Jandiala, Guru Gobind Singh Republic College, 1970. vi, 134p. Shamsher Singh and Virdi, Narendra Singh. Life of Guru Nanak Through Pictures. AmritsaT, Modern Sahit Academy, 1969. 92p. Shan, RaTnam Singh. God as Known to Guru N anak. Delhi, Guru N anak Vidya Bhandar Trust, 1971. lOOp. -Guru Nanak's Moral Code: As Reflected in His Hymns. Chandigarh. Guru Nanak Foundation, 1970. 96p. -Sayings'of Guru Nanak. Amritsar, S·9.P.C., 1969. xxxviii, 300p. 'Shan, Rarnam Singh, (ed). Guru Nanak in His Own W.ords, Amritsar, Chief Khalsa Diwan, 1970 xxiii, 120p. .' Shanta, Sarbjeet Singh. Nanak, the Guru, New Delhi, Orient Longmans, 1970. x, 174p. Sharma, Harbans Lal.· Concept of Jiva of Guru Nanak against the. '.. Background of Different Indian Schools of Philosophy and Religions, Patiala,P-unjabi Univ., 1971. Sharma, M. C. (tr.). Story of Guru Nanak by Ujagar Singb. Patiala; Punjabi Univ., 1970. 38p. Sher Singh, (tr. corny.) Guru Nanak on the Malady of Man. New Delhi, Sterling, 1968. 77p. Sikka, Ajit_Si~gh. Facets of Guru Nanak~s Thought. Ludhiana, Bee Kay, 1972. 156p. -Philosophy of Mind in the Poetry oj Guru Nanak-A Comparative Study with European Ph'ilosophy. Ludhiana, Bee Kay, 1973. xv, 200p. Sohan Singh. G'!ru Nanak : A brief biography. Ludhiana, Lyall, ~ 968. 132p. . Srinivasa-AyyaJilgar, K.R. (ed.) · Guru Nanak-A Homage. Calcutta, Sahitya Akadem~, 1973. xiii, 304p. - - Surma, M.S. Guru 'Nanak : The Apo'stle oj Love. 2nd ed. Amritsar, Jawahar Singh Kirpal Singh, 1971. 82p. Talib, Gurbachan Singh . Guru Nanak: His Personality and Vision. Delhi, Gurdas Kapur, 1969. xxxii, 327p.




-Japuji-The Immortal Prayer Chant. New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1977. viii, 160p. -Study of the Moral Code of Guru Nanak's Teaching~. Chandigarh, Guru Nanak Department of Sikh Studies, 1970. 75p. Taran Singh. (ed.). Guru Nanak and Indian ReligiOUS Thought. Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1970. 243p. -Teachings of Guru Nanale Dev. Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1977. 136p. Teja Singh, (tr). Asa-di-Var or Guru Nanak's Ode in the Asa Measure. Amritsar, Author, 1968. 144p. Trilochan Singh. Ethical Philosophy 'of Guru Nanak. Calcutta, Univ. of Calcutta, 1973. vi, 72p. -Guru .1'vanak : Founder of Sikhism. A Biography. Delhi, G.P.C., 1969. xi, 510p. -Gun: Nanak's Religion. Delhi, Raj-K:amal Prakashan, 1969, 340p. -True Humanism of Guru Nanak. Delhi, G.P.C., 1968. 43p. Ujagar Singh. The Story of Guru Nanak tr. by M.C. Sharma. Patiala, Punjabi Univ.. 1970. 38p. ~~ Vaidya, G.M. Guru Nanak. Poona, Vidarbha Mar'a thwada, 1965. 31p. !!' Varma, Sharad Chandra. Guru Nanak and th.e ~ogOt oJ Divine Manifestation w{th.rh.e 'Jap Nissan' in Verse and an Int rpretation. Delhi, G.P.C., 1969. Xl, 425p. . Vaswani, T.L. Guru Nanak. Poona, Gita Pub. House, ¡ 9..70. 54p. Virdi, Narendra Singh, (j. auth.) .. Life of Guru Nanak through Pictures . .Amritsar, Modern Sahit Academy, 1669. 92p. Wazir Singh. Aspectso-oJ Guru Nanak's Philosophy. Ludhiana, Lahore Book Shop, 1969. 194p. -Guru Nanak's Theory of Truth. Patiala, Punjabi Univ., 1966. 8p, -Humanism of Guru Nanak : A Philosophic Inquiry. Delhi, oEss Ess Pub., 1977. xv, 191p. ARTICLES

Abdul Majid Khan see Khan, Abdul Majid. Advani, K.V. "Guru Nanak and His Transfiguring Influence." Sikh Review. 26(299), Nov. 1978 : 40-41. -"Guru Nanak and Pan-sacramentalism". Sikh Review. 25(284), Aug. 1977 : 32-33. -"Japji and Spiritual Personalism". Spokesman. 23(22),4 Feb. 1974: 5. -"Universal Aspect of Guru NanaIc's Hymns." Sikh Review. 28(319), Jul. 1980: 30-31. Aggarwal, H.R. "Guru Nanak : An Apostle of National and Cultural Unity." Publisher's Mont.hly. 11(1), Jan. 1969 : 17



Ahluwalia, Jasbir Singh. "Guru Nanak and the Modern Value-pattern." Spokesman. 25(14), 24 Nov. 1975 : 5. Ahluwalia, M.S. "Guru Nanak's Version of Babar's Invasion of Punjab." Sikh Review 22(251), Nov. 1974 : 52-55. Ahluwalia. Mohan Jit Singh. "Guru Nanak the Prophet of Mankind." Spokesman. 28(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1978 : 34. Ahuja, R.L. "Indian Socrates." Organiser. 23(15), 22 Noy. 1969: 9-10. Aiyer, K.B. "Guru Nanak : Truth was His Greed, Equality His goal:' Spokesman. 19(41), 22 Jun. 1970 : 5. Ajit Singh. "Guru Nanak-¡His Life and Message." Sikh Review, 21(240), Nov. 1973 : 5-10. -"Guru Nanak the Apostle of Peace." Spokesman. 17(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1967 :-47-48. -"Guru Nanak the Prophet of Peace." Spokesman. 16( 14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 59-62. -"Guru, Nanak's Teachings". Spokesman. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number. 1968 : 31-32. Alag, Sarup Singh. "Nankana Sahib-Source of Sikh Heritage:' Spokesman. 28(11-12), Guru f'Ianak Number, 1918 : 31-32. Amar Singh Khalsa see Khalsa, .Amar Singh. Amatjit Singh. "Guru Nanak's Luminous Mind." Spokesman. 18(11-12). . Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 63-64. Anand, Balwant Singh. "Babar-Vaui,/' Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct-Nov. 1969 : 132-134. -"Life and Teachings of Gnru Nanak." Bihar In/ormation. 17 (19), 16 , Nov., 1969: 16-17. " -Life and Teachings of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quin-centenary Number, 1969 : 63-64 & 66. Anand, Mtilk Raj. "Guru Nanak's Concept" of Man." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quin-centenary Number, 1969 : 51-54. Anand, Prithipal Smgh. "Hope of Peace-Guru Nanak." Hitvada. 3 Nov. 1971 : 4. Anant Singh Dharall1 see Dharam, Anant Singh. " Ansari, A.H. c'quru Nanak's View of God." Visl'ablzarati Ouarter(v. 33(1-2). 1~67-68 " : 29-38. - Anurag Singh. HWas Guru Nanak - a Reformer or a Revolutionary Prophet"? Spokesman. 22(13-14). Guru Nanak Number, 1972 : 47-50. Arora, A.C. "Guru Nanak the Prophet of Light." Spokesman. 18(16), 2. Dec. 1968 : 5.



Arora, F.C. "Guru Nanak's Message of Love and Humility." Spokesman 18(27), 12 May, 1969 : 5. Arora, RQj Kumar. "Guru Nanak's Date of Birth." Sikh Revie."v. 17(183), Oct. 1968 : 41-46. Arshi, Nirvair Singh. "Guru Nanak in Baghdad." Spokesman. Guru Nanak Number, 1974 : 59. Asha Bhalekar see Bhalekar, Asha.



Singh. "Guru Nanak & Sultanpur Lodhi." Spokesman. 19(4) 8 Sept. 1969 : 7. Attar Singh. "Guru Nanak as Creative Artist." Spokesman. 17(l2-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 43-44. Avtar Singh. "Guru Nanak-Prophet . of Love." Jallta Ki Lalkar. 6(12-13), 16 Nov. 1967 : 3-5. . Badal, Parkash Singh. "Guru Nanak the Champion 'o f Down Trodden." Spokesman. 19 (28), 16 Mar. 1970 : 2. Baharul Islam see Islam, Baharul. "Sahri, Hardev. "A Linguistic An.alysis of the Mul Mantra." Journal of Sikh SJudies. 2(1), Feb. 1975 : 24-35. Bains, Santokh Singh. "Philosophy of Guru Nanak.." 24(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1974 : 53-54. --"Some Aspects of Nanak's Japji." Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nan.ak Number, 1975: 51. Bajwa, Satnam Singh. "Guru Nanak the Worshipper of One God." Spokesman. 19(18), 29 Dec. 1969 : 7. Bakshi, Dalip Singh. "Guru Nanak's Luminous Mind." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965: 31-32; Lok Rajya. 25(14), 22 Nov. 1969 : 21-22. Bal, S. S. "Historical Background for Understanding Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. 20(228). Nov. 1972 -: -6-14. Dalasubramanyam. "Guru Nanak a Practical Philosopher." Spokesl1UI1l. 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 41-42. Balbir Singh. "Some Aspects of Guru Nanak's Mission." Panjab Past & Present. 5(2),Oct. 1971: 409-433. Baldev Singh. "Guru Nanak and the Universe." Spokesmall. 21(32), 24 Apr. 1972 : 3-4. --ccGuru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh." Spokesman. 21(35), 15 May~ 1972 :5. Bali, Saran Singh. "Teachings of of Guru Nanak in Pra:etice." man. 19(29), 23 Mar. 1970 : 6.



Balwant Singh. ÂŤGuru Nanak Karamyogi in the Truest Sense." Statesman . 5 Dec. 1970: 6 : 6; Times. of India. 25 Dec. 1970: 13 : 1-4.

--"Guru Nanak's Gospe1." Spokesman. ' 16(14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 43-44 & 46. --"Guru Nanak's Visit to Ueh-Sharif" (Bhawalpur State) now in Pak. Spokesman. 18(2), 6 Jan. 1969 : 2. --"Life and Teachings of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 49-50. Banerjee, Hirannay. "Guru Nanak's Message of Life and Love." Sikh Review. 23(263), Nov. 1975 : 23-24 . Banerjee, Kali Charan. "Meeting of Sri Guru Nanak Dev and Sri Nityananda Dev." Sikh Review. 22(251), Nov. 1974 : 49. Bankey Behari. "Nanak." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969: 263-270. Barz, R..K. "Pragmatic Bhakti in the Poetry of Guru Nanak." Journal of Sikh Studies. 5(1); Feb. 1978 : 21-29. Basarke, Naranjan ' Singh. "Sat ' G~ru Nanak , Dev." Sikh Review. .


28(317), May 198'0 : 21-27. .. Bassi, Sohan Singh. "Guru Nanak: n Apostle of Truth." Spokesman. 19(17),22 Dec. 1969 : 6. , . __ "Succour and Comfort to the Down-trodden." Times of India. 22 Nov. 1969 : 13. : Baver, June Kaur. "The Sikh Teacher." Spokesman. 24(12), Guru . Nanak Number, 1974 : 33-34. Bawa, J.S. "Alphabet of Guru Nanak's Teaching." Sikh Review 20(228), Nov. 1972 : 21-22. Bedi, B.P.L. "Guru Nanak- Prophet of Co-existence." Spokesman. 18(lL-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 33. Bcdi, G.S: "Guru' Nanak and World Peace." Spokesman. 15(11-l2), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 81. . \ _-"Guru Nanak. ~he greatest Indian after Buddha." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 133. __ "Guru Nanak's Sikhism and World Peace." Spokesman. 20(12), G\.:u Nanak Numper, 1970: 73. _-"Life of G~ru N~nak : How far it can help us today 1" Spokesman. _ 2l(10), Guru Nahak Number, 1,971 : 68; 22(7), 2 Oct. 1972 : 5. I.Bedi, S. S. "Guru Nanak-the Saviour." Spokesman. 16(14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 87. ..::... v:.. Bhag Singh. "Mission that Spread fronl Sultanpur to Whole World." , Sikh RevieW. 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969: 43-46.



Bhagat Singh. "Guru Nanak-A Practical Philosopher." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Na.nak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 152. --"Guru Nanak's Response to Contemporary Society." Spokesman. 27(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1977: 17-18. --"Political Ideas of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 26(9), Guru Nanak Number, 1976: 15-16. --"Sikhism Has Stood Test of Time." Times of India. 22 Nov. 1969 : 13. --"Some Clarifications About Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 29(9-10) Guru Nanak Number. 1979 : 13-15. Bhai Sahib Sirdar Kapur Singh see Kapur Singh. Bhalekar, Asha. "Guru Nanak Practised What He Thought." Spokesman. 15( 11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 59. Bhara, R. K. "Saint of Tahvandi." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak -. Number, 1965 : 79-80. Bharpur Singh. "Guru Nanak and His Sikhs." Spokesman. 20(12), ·Guru Nanak Number, 1970: 37. --"Guru Nanak's Mission in Foreign Countries." Spokesman 24( 12), Guru Nanak Number, 1974: 51. --"Guru Nanak's ~ocialism." Spokesman. 22(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1972: 29. --"Sri Guru Nanak Chamatkar.'· 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quin-centenary Numbe!,. 1969: 118. Bh.a ravagottas, Hargobin? "Gospel of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 20(4), 7 Sept. 1970: 5. Bhasin, Harbaksh Singh. "Guru Nanak : A Prophet Teacher." Spokesman. 19(25),23 Feb. 1970 : 6. Bhatti, Surjit Singh. "Rationalism of Guru Nanak Dev." Sikh Review. 16(174), Mar. 1968 : 7-8. Bhog Singh. "Guru Nanak and His Teachings." Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. 29(1), Nov. 1978 : 243-251. Bhupendra Singh Jogi see Jogi, Bhupendra Singh. --"Birth of Sikhism and Life of Guru Nanak." Lok Rajya. 25(14), 22 Nov. 1969 : 5-14. Bose, N. S. "Guru Nanak Preached Unity of God and Equality of Man." Spokesman. 19(45), 20 JuI. 1970: 5. Bose, Namai Sadhan. "Guru Nanak: Reformer and a RebeL" Sikh Review. ·22(251), Nov .. 1974 : 10-12. Brahma Singh. "Guru . Nanak-The Divine Master." Spokesman. 3C(12-13), Guru Nanak Number 1980: 21-22.



Caveesher, Sardul Singh, ¡'Guru Nanak's Place in the World of Religions." Spokesman. 18(26), 17 Feb. 1969 : 5 & 10. Chaddar, Mehar Singh. "Guru Nanak's Teachings and National Integration." Spokesman . 16(14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966: 84. Chatterjee, Ashok Kumar. "Guru Nanak ana Hindu - Muslim's Unity." . Sikh Review. 20(284), JuI. 1972: 21-24. Chottopadhyay Aparna. "Some Lights on Guru Nanak in the Light of the Vpanisads." Modern Review. 125-26. (3), Mar. 1970: 218-222. Chaubey, B.B. "God of Mua Mantra and the Veda: A Comparative Study." Journal of Sikh Studies 6(1), Feb. 1979 : 16-29. Chawla, Surjit Singh. "Guru Nanak and the Concept of Secular Democracy." Spokesman. 21(4), 13 Sept. 1971 : 5. --"Guru Nanak and the Yogis." Spokesl1wn. 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 65-66 & 74. --"Guru Nanak the Mystic and the Relationalist." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincenteoary Number, 1969: 135-136 & 138. Cheema, Mool Singh. "Guru Nanak's Art of Poetry." Spokesman. 26(26), 7 Mar. 1977 : 3-4. Cheema, Randhir Singh. HObtaining Releas~ from Bondage of Karma". Times of India. 22 Nov. 1969 : 15. Chethimatham a Jobo B. '\' S~cular Religion of Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. 22(249), Sept. 1974 : 4-9. . Chhabra, G.S. "Guru Nanak's Travels." Spokesman. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 61-62. --"PhilosophY ,.of Japji Sahib." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 51-54. Chopra, V.C. "Guru Nanak an Apostle of Tolerance." Spokesman. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968: 49. Cole, W Owen. "Gtiru- Nanak and the Origins of the Sikh Religion." Sikh Review. 24(271), Ju}. 1976 : 13-16. (

Crauford, 'Q. "Guru Nanak." P~njab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 100-01. Creagh, 0 Moore, "Nanak the Founder of Sikhism." Pal1jab Past and Present. 3(1-;2), 1969 . 224-228. --"Culmination of Guru Nanak's Teaching." Sikh Review. 27(304), Apr. 1979 : 3-4. Cunningham, Joseph Davy. "Guru Nanak the Founder of Sikhism." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 149-156.



Cust, Robert Needham. "Guru Nanak the Indian Reforme"t." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2),1969 : 158-168. Dalal, Ramchandra Bhagawanrao. "Life and Message of Guru Nanak." Modern Review. 127(2), Aug. 1970 : 125-131. Dalawari, B.S. "There is One God." Sikh Review. 22(245), May 1974 : 14-2l. Dalip Singh, "Basic Tea.chings of - Guru Nanak Dev." Spokesman. 23(12-13),-Guru Nanak Number, 1973 : 51-53. --"Guru Nanak against Power Seeking." Spokesman. 23(23), L1 Feb. 1974 : 3-4 & 9. --"Political Conditions during the Times of Guru Nanak, Guru Angad and Guru A mar Dass." Spokesman. 23(26), 4 Mar. 1974 : 3-4. - --Religion of Guru Nanak : Basic Issues a Rejoinder." Sikh Re\'iew. 20(219), Feb. 1972 ; 31-36. --"Significance of Japji and Its Universal Appeal" Sikh RevielV. 18(202), Sep. 1970 : 5-7. Dalip Singh Bakshi see Bakshi, Dalip Singh. Daljit Singh. "Shabads of Guru Nanak". Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 115-116. Darbara Singh. "Guru N anak-the Saviour." Spokesman. 29(9-10), Guru Nanak Number, 1979: 31. Darbara Singh. "Guru Nanak's Gospe!." Spokesman. 22(13-14)~ 'Guru Nanak Number, 1972 : 43-44. --"Guru Nanak's Philosophy of Life." Spokesman 23(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1973 : 5,-t --- - "Prophet of Kalyuga." Spokesman. 26(9), Guru Nanak Numb~r, 1976 : 32. Das, J.L. "Guru Nanak ill the Eyes of Non-Sikh." Sikh Review. 22(249), Sept. 1974 ~ 10-11. Das, Pijus Kanti. '~Religion of Nanak." Journal of Education. Apr. Jun., 1966 : 69-79. Das, Sunil Kumar. "Guru Nanak's Concept of the Finite Self." Sikh Review. 18(201), Aug. 1970 ~ 33-34. Datta, C.L. "Concept of Guru in Guru Nanak's Philosophy." Spokesmall. 20(43), 5 Ju}. 1971 : 5; 24(19), 3 Feb. 1975: 5. Dawe, Donald G. "Relevance of Guru Nanak's Philosophy in Modern Age." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969: 147-148; Thought. 21(48), 29 Nov. 1969: 10; Sikh Review. 18(202), Sept. 1970 : 20-21. 4'Dawn of the Centenary Year." Sikh Review. 17(184), Nov. 1968 : 2-5.



Deo), G.S. "Guru Nanak's Mission and Teachings." Spokesman - 18(39), 26 May 1969 : 5 & 10. Deshpujari, M.V. "Guru Nanak Deva: An Apostle of Peace." Sikh Review. 26(291), Mar. 1978: 39-40. Devinder Singh. "Guru Nanak and the Modern World." Sikh Review. 22(257), May 1975 : 18-20; Spokesman. 26(5), 4 Oct. 1976 : 3-4. Dewan Singh, "Guru Nanak: His Image and Messag~." Sikh Relliew. 20(223), Jun. 1972: 18-20. Dey, Susnigdha. "Guru Nanak as a Poet.~' Indian Literature. 15(1). Mar. 1972 : 21-26. --"Poetry of Guru Nanak." Indian Jlorizone. 24(2-3), 1975 : 103-108. Dhanoa, S.S. "Guru Nanak the Apostle of Spiritual Regeneration of India." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965: 39-40. --"Heritage of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 16(14-15), Guru Nallak Number, 1966 : 35-36. Dhar, Satish Kumar. "Origin of Guru Nanak's Mystical Philosophy." Sikh Review. 20(219), Feb. 1972 : 25-26. Dharam Anant Singh "Exalted Merits of Shri Guru Nanak." Sikh.', Re,v·iew. 18(206), JuJ. 1970 : 33-41. --"The Vismad Yoga to Shri Guru Nanak." Journal of SikkStudies, 1(1), Feb. 1974 : 9-13. Dharam Pa.ul. "GurQ Nanak-The Saviour, the Preacher." Spokesman. 15(\1-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 43-44 & 46. --"Guru Nanak and Religion Today." Spoke.sman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 99-106. -,-"Heritage of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 56. --"Pilgrim.age to Gurdwara Ritha Sahib.~' Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 48. --"Raja Yoga of'Gt)ru Nanak.~' Sikh Rel-·jew. 24(272), Aug. 1976 : 35-37. . •


--"Two Glimpses of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 46. Dharmavira. "G~ru Nanak : The National Saviour:" Organise,.. 23(24), 24 Jan. 1970 : 9. l)hilJon, Sulakhan S. -"Possible Sources of Guru Nanak's Philosophy." Sikh Review. 16(172), Nov. 1967: 1-8. - _ _ Dhyan Singh. "Dialectical Spiritualism of Guru Nanak." Spokesrnafl. 24(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1974 : 60.



_-UNam-The Healing Balm." Spokesman 29(9-10), Guru Nanak Number, 1979 : 35. --"NanaY:.Jheera." Spokesman. 26(27), 2 Mar. 1977 : 3 & 6. --"Scientists Say What Guru Nanak Said Five Centuries Ago." Spokesman. 23(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1973 : 59. --"Yoga Synthesis of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 28(11-12); Guru Nanak Number, 1978 : 33. HDid Guru Nanak Have a Human Guru." Sikh Review. 22(247), Jut 1974: 10-12. Dosanj, S.1. "Punjab of Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. 22(250), Oct. 1974: 4-6. Duggal, Devinder Singh. "Social and Political Concepts of Guru Nanak." .Spokesman. 24(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1974: 43-46 & 55-57; Sikh Review. 22(254-55), Feb.-Mar. T975 : 44-60. Duggal, Kartar Singh. "Guru Nanak Dev-A Messenger _of God." Spokesman .- 21(1), 3 Sept. 1979 : 3-4. --"Guru Nanak : An Apostle of Emotional Integration." Bihar Information. 17(19), 16 Nov: 1969: 12-13; Spokesman. 19(12-13), - Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 65-66. Dutta, Pratap C. "Guru Nanak : A Force for Unity." Spokesm n. 25(25), 23 Feb. 1976 : 5 & 9. --."Message of Universal Brotherhood," Link. 12(15), 23 Nov. 196 .:. 42. . - .-"Nanak : Apostle of Brotherhood." Hindustan Times. 24 Nov. 1977 : 9 : 3. Fa!lja Singh. "Distinctive Creed of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 19(18), 29 Dec. 1969 : 4 & 10. --';Guru Nanak and the Sikh Religion." Spokesman. 18(45), 14 Jul. 1969 : 5-6. --"GurUNanak and Social Commitment."--Spokesman. 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 23-24. - -"Guru Nanak and Social Responsibility." Spokesman 16(14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 37. --"Guru Nanak in Historical Perspective." Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 24-35. --"Social and Economic Ideas of the Sikh Gurus." Sikh Review. 14( 14), 1966 : 54-62. Field, Dorothy. "Baba Nanak : The First Sikh Guru." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969: 207-210. Forster, George. "Nanak the Pounder of Sikh Nation." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969; '102-104.



Ganda Singh. "Guru Nanak : A Bibliography." Panjab Past alld Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 425-444. __ "duru Nanak a.t Puri : How It Came to be Written." Sik!z Re\'iew. 28(318), Jun. 1980 : 28-30. __ "Guru Nanak with Chaitanya at Puri." Sikh Rel';elv . 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 58-61. _-Guru Nanak's Impact of History." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 413-423. _-"Impact of Guru Nanak's Teachings on the Lives of His Followers." Punjab Past and Present. 11(l), Apr. 1977 : 32-80. _-"Indian Society as Guru Nanak Found It." Sikh ¡ Review. 26(299), Nov. 1978 : 5-9. (Janda Singh, tl'. "Guru Nanak and Nanak~Panthis." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2),1969: 45-53. Gandhi, Surjit Singh. "Concept of God in Sikhism." Spokesman. 29(26),25 Feb. 1980 : 3-4. __ "Concept of 'Hukam' in .Sikhism," Spokesman. 30(1), 1st Sep. 1980 : 5. __"Ethics of Guru Nanak's Bani." Spokesman .. 26(1), 6 Sep. 1976: 4 & 10. __ "Guru Nanak and Bw'akti Movement." Spokesmall. 29(46), 14 Jul.

1980 : 5. . __"Place of Guru Nanak in History." Sikh Reriew. 24(215J, Noy. 1976 : 33-35. __"Spiritual Ascent of Man." Spokesman. 20(12), 19 Nov. 1979 : 5-6. , Ganga Singh. "Spiritual Values of a Man in the Words of Guru Nanak. t t Spokesman. 22t13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1972: 53-54. Gargi, Balwant. "Guru Nanak-As Artists See Him." lllus. JiVeeklyof ]Ildia.-90(47), 23 Nov. 1969 : 21-23. George, K.M. "Gun~ Nanak Mystic Poet and Teacher." Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 17-18. Ghosb, Kamal Krishna. "Hymns of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 16(14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 79-80. Gill, Naranjan Singh. "Guru Nanak : A Symbol of Love and Truth." Spokesma~. 17(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1967: 66. Gill, Rattan Singh. , "Guru Nanak's -Ideal of Growth." Journal of Sikh Studies. 4(2), Aug. 1977 : 9-14. Gobind Singh. "Guru Nanak and His Relevance to Modern Society." Spokesman. 30(6), 6 Oct. 1980 : 5-6. ~_'~uru Nanak the Singer .o f Divine Love." Spokesman. 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1910 : 35-36.



--"Ten Commandments of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 14(49),2 Aug. 1965 : 5. Gobind Singh Mansukhani see Mansukhani, Gobind Singh. Gopal Singh. "Guru Nanak: Prophet of a New ¡Synthesis." Bihar In/ormation. 17(19), 16 Nov. 1969 : 7. --"Guru Nanak as a Poet." ¡Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 55-56; Lok Rajya. 25(14), 22 Nov. 1969 : 27-29; Pioneer : 31 Oct. 1971 : 2 --"Life and Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev." Spokesman. Guru Nanak Number, 26(9); 1976 : 9. Gordon, John H. "Nanak the Reformer." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 192-196. Gough, Charles and Innes. Arthur D. "Nanak the Founder of Sikhism." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 188-89. Greenlees, Duncan. "Guru Nanak : A Great Reformist and Enlightner". Spokesman. 17(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 39-42. --"Guru Nanak-I." Palljab Past and Present. 3(1-2L 1969 : 281-94. Grewal, Baljit Singh. "Pages from Philosophy of Guru -N anak ." Sikh Review. 25(278), Feb. 1977: 17-18. Grewal, Gurpreet Kaur. "Hai'1 of Super Form." Sikh Review. 22(251). Nov. 1974 : 50-51. . GujraI, 1.K. "Universality of Guru Nanak's Thoughts." Spokesman. 19 (15), '8 Dec. 1969 : 6. Gulati, Kailash Chandra. '-'Guru.Nanak : Herald of a New Renaissance." Organiser. 23(15), 22 Nov. 1969 : 8. Gulcharan Singh. "Emancipator of Womanhood." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969; 85-86. --"Fearless Nanak." Spokesman. 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 63-64. --"Guru Nanak's Mission." Spokesman. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 41-42. --"Practical Life of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 29(9-10), Guru Nanak Number, 1979 : 29-31. Guleria. l.S. "Guru Nanak-His Life, Times and Philosophy." Spokesman. 30(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1980 : 17-18. --"Guru Nanak and His Mysticism." Spokesman. 29(34), 21 Apr. 1980 : 3-4. --"Message of,Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 29(15),10 Dec. 1979 : 4. Gupta, Hari Ram. "Guru Nanak: the Harbinger of Peace and Harmony." Spokesman. 16(14-15). Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 34. --"Guru Nanak's Mission." Spokesman. 18(22), 20 Jan. 1969 : 5.



--"Guru Nanak's Visit to Baghdad." Spokesman. 19(12-13) Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 41-42. Gurbachan Singh. "Guru Nanak's Mul Mantra: Instinctive, Psycholo· gical Folio\-\" up." Spokesman. 28(4-5), 27lh Annual Number, 1978 39 & 41. Gurbachan Singh Talib see Talib, Gurbachan Singh. Gurbux Singh. "Guru Nanak as Revealed in the Poetry of Bhai Nand Lal." Spokesman. 22( 13-14) Guru Nanak Number, 1972 : 55-58. Gurcharan Singh. "Guru Nanak's Art of Poetry." Spokesman. 18(34), 21 Apr. 1969 : 5; 26(19).17 Jan. 1977 : 3-4. --"People's Poet-Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 61-62. Gut'deep Singh. "Sultanpur Lodhi." Spokesman. 23(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1973 : 41-42. Gurdip Singh. "Guru Nanak's Conception of Microcosm and Macrocosm." Sikh Review. 23(259), Jul. 1975 : 24-28. Gurmit Singh. "Guru Nanak a Great Educationist." Spokesman. 19(37) 25 May, 1970; 5 & 10. --"Guru Nanak (;I. True Socialist." 'Sikh Review. 18(19.1), Jun. 1969 : 5-8. --"Guru Nanak'as a Humorist ." Spokesman. 2.1( 0), Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 53-54. --"Guru Nanak tbe Beacon of Light·" Spokesm Il-: 19(4), 8 Sept. 1969 : 12. --"Guru Nanak Way to World Peace." Spokesman. 20(16), 14 Dec. 1970 : 5 & 11. --"One of the ·. Most Widely Travelled Prophets." Times of Illdia. ,22 Nov. 1969: 14 . --"Travels of Guru Nanak." Spokesmall. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quince~t~nary Number 1969 : 113; Link, 12(15),23 Nov. 1969 : 43. Gurmukh Nihal Singh. "Guru Nallak: An Apostle of Peace." Spokesman. 16("l4~15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 23-24. , - ·-"Guru · Nanak the Messenger of God." Spokesman. 17(12-13), Guru .Nanak Number, 1967: 21-22. --"Guru Nanak's Gospel Today." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 19. --"lanam Sakl;i~: their Interpretation and Value." Spokesman -. ' 19(12-13), Guru 'Nanak Qi.lincentenary Number, 1969 : 37-38 & 139. Gurmukh Singh Musafir. "Bhai Lalo's Milk and Malik Bhago's Blood." Organiser. 23(15), 22 Nov. ~969 : 11.



Gurnam Singh. "Guru Nanak Dev and 'Sarbatt Ka Bhala'." Organiser. 23(} 5), 22 Nov. 1969 : 7. --"Guru Nanak's Concept of God." Bihar Information. 16 Nov. 1969 : 10-11. - -"Guru Nanak's Concept of Man." Spokesman Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 28.

19(12-13), Guru

--"Guru Nanak's Mission and We." Spokesman. 19(4), 8 Sep. 1969 : 5. --"Guru Nanak the Champion of Down-trodden." Spokesman. 19(8), 13 Oct. 1969: 6. --"Relevance of Guru Nanak." Lok Rajya, 25(14), 22 Nov. 1969 : 16-17. --"Search for Truth is Way to Salvation." Times of Illdia. 22 Nov. 1969 : 12. Gurtej Singh. "Bhai Gurdas on Guru Nanak and His Mission." Sikh Review. 20(226); Sep. 1972 : 4-10. --"Gunt Nanak." .orissa Rel'iel...¡. 26(4), Nov. 1969 : 5--7. --"Guru Nanak: His Message." Illustrated Weekly of India. 95(39), 24 Nov.1974 : 28-29. --"Guru Nanak : The Mirror. of .M edieval India." Pal!iab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969: 295-298. --"Guru Nanak, the Great Red~emer." Sikh R(?l'ie}V. 20(238), Nov. 1972 : 2-5, '.'. -~"Guru Nanak and the Mediaeval Bhaktas." Sikh Review. 21(232), March 1973: 2-4. -. "Guru Nanak on God Realisation." Spokesman. 17(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 45-46. --"Guru Nanak or I." Sikh R~view. 16(172), Nov. 1967 : i-iii. -' -"Guru Nanak's Teachings and Modern Science." Sikh Review. 16(172), Nov, 1967 : 33-45. --"Guru's Path." Spokesman. 27(13-14), Guru Nanak Number. 1977 : 7. Hafeez Malik. "An Appreciation of Guru Nanak in Iqbal's Poetry." Studies in Islam. 5(2-3), April-July 1968: 146-160. Harbans Singh. "Educational Philosophy of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 21(15), 6 Dec. 1971: 5: 27(2), 29 Aug. 1977: 5: Sikh Review. 29(296), Aug. 1978 : 18-19. --"Guru Nanak as Continuing Reality." Spokesman. 22(13-14). Guru Nanak Number, 1972 : 23-25; 29(9-10), Guru Nanak Number, 1979: 15-16 ..



--"Guru Nanak at Kartarpur." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 59-62 : Sikh Review. 21(240), Nov. 1973 : 11-21. --"Guru Nanak's Concept of Justice." Spokesman. 19(4~), 13 July. 1970 : 5. --"Poetic Vision of Guru Nanak." Advance. 19(4" Oct.-Dec., 1970 : 34-36 : Spokesman. 20(28), 15 March 1971 : 5. --"What the Guru's Anniversary Means to the Sikhs." Illustrated Weekly of India. 90(47), 23 Nov., 1969 : 35. Harbhajan Singh. "Nanak Naam Jahaz Hai." Spokesman. 19(27), 9 March 1970 : 9. Harchand Singh Longowal see Longowal, Harchand Singh. Hari Singh and Meerjani, K. "Guru Nanak at Bhadrak." Sikh Rel'ie'w. 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 62-64. Hari Singh Shergill see Shergill, Hari Singh. Harinder Singh. "Guru N anak a Practical Philosopher. " Spokesman. 19(22), 2 Feb. 1970: 6. --"Nanak Today". Sikh Review. 22(2)1), Nov. 1974 : 37-39. Harnam Dass. "Cult of the Saint Soldiers." Spokesman. 16( 14-15), Guru ¡Nflnak Number, 1966 : 27-28. --"Guru Nan~k-Prophet of Universal Love." Spokestnan. 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 31 & 61. --"Guru Nanak a Unique.Saviour of the Hindu Race." Spokesman. 17{l2-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 27-30. --"GuIU Nanak and Yoga Cult of Guru Gorakh Nath." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 23-24 & 91. --"Guru Nanak's Conception of Mao." Sikh Review. 20(222), May 1972 : 18-20; Spokesman. 26(3), 20 Sept. 1976 : 4 Harnam Singh Shan see Shan, Harnam Singh. Harned,_I?avid B. "Guru Nanak and Secularization." Spokesman. Silver Jubilee Number, 1976 : 27-32. Hazara Singh. "Gos-pel through Poetry." Sikh Review. 28(317), May 1980 : 18-20 .. - J --"Guru Nanak a' Symbol of Love, Peace and Truth." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 95-98. --"Guru N,anak as a Poet." Sikh R:!view. 21(240), Nov. 1973: 26-27. - --"Guru NanakDev." Sikh Review. 20(228), Nov. 1972 : 15-20. --"Guru Nanak's Impact on Indian Social and Economic Life." Sikh Review. 20(225), April 1972: 5-7; Spokesman. 28(7), 9 Oct. 1978 : 5.



--"Guru Nanak's Soothing Message to Humanity." Spokesman. 18(l8), 16 Dec. 1968 : 5. Hira Singh. "Guru Nanak's Message to Students." Sikh Review. 21(232), Mar. 1973: 5-7. Hukam Singh. "Guru Nanak and Modernity." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 25-26. --"Religion in the Age of Science and Guru Nanak's Message." Spokesman. 22(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1972 : 19-10. --"Religion is Life and Lived." Spokesman. 16( 14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 2l. Ibbetson, Denzil and Mac1agan, Edw.a rd D. "Life of Nana~ and the Sikh Order." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 211-13. Ishar Singh. "Guru Nanak and Religion." Spokesman. 26(23), 14 Sep. 1977 : 5; Sikh Review. 25(282), Jun. 1977 : 37-42. --"One World: Guru Nanak Shows the Way." Spokesman. 28(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1978 : 29-30. --"Philosophy of Guru Nanak and the Path Followed by the Sikhs." Spokesman. 30(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1980 : 11-14 .. --"Role of Ouru Nanak : A New Direction to Religious Thought." Spoke),nan. 27(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1977 : 23-24. Ishwar Sin~. "Tale of an~ Arrogant Ascetic: A Janam Sakhi Retold." Sikh'R view. 25(277), Jan. 1970 : 32-33. Islam, Baha \1"1. "Guru Nanak Dev and the Sikh Community." Spokes. man. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 28. Issar, N.S. "Guru Nanak's Visit to Tibet." Pimjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 329-333. Iqbal Singh. "Core of Guru Nanak's Religion." SpOkeSl1ian. 26(9), Guru Nanak Number, 1976 : 27-30. --"God of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 22(9), 16 Oct. 1972 : 5-6. --"Guru Nanak and Evolution of Man." Spokesman 21(10), Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 47-49. --"Guru Nanak and We." Spokesman. 28(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1978 : 35-36. --"Guru Nanak's Ideal Man." Spokesrnan. 23(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1973 : 55-56. Jagdev Singh. uGuru Nanak and Babar Invasion." Spokesman . 19(11), 3 Nov. 1969 : 7. Jagjit Singh. "Guru Nanak Alignment with the World." Spokesman . 26(9), Guru Nanak Number, 1976 : 20! ---"Guru Nanak's Birthday-An Introspection." Spokesman. 24(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1974 : 49-50.



--"Guru Nanak's Concept of Social Justice." Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 31-32. --"Guru Nanak's Mission Goes to the West." Spokesman 27(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1977 : 33 --"Prophet of Equality." Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 45 --"Prophet of the World." Spokesman. 29(9-10), Guru Nanak Number, 1979 : 33. --"Travellers of the same Track: Sant Namdeo and Guru Nanak." Lok Rajya. 26(13), Nov. 1970 : 5-9. James, William Milbourne. "Nanak" PQ/~iab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 169-170. Jamili, Qasim-Sabha. "Guru Nanak Ji." Bihar Ill/ormation. 17(19),16 Nov. 1969 : 1 JassaJ, Bhag. "Guru Nanak-the Great Humanist". Sikh Rel'iew. 18(193), Aug. 1969 : 32-36. ¡Jodb Singh. "Concept of Supreme Reality in Sikhism." Spokesman. 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970: 19-20. --"Guru Nanak ~s a Teacher." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary' Number, 1969 : 34. --"Guru Nanak's Conception of the Nam and Surat - Shabad Yoga." Spokesman. Silver Jubilee Number, 1976 : 23-25 .. --"Sunya & Guru Nanak DeilY Sikh Review. 27(302), Feb. 1979: 21-28. --"Teachings of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 20(27), 8 March 1971 : 5. --"What' Guru Nanak Thought." Spokesman. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 27-28. Jogendra Singh. "Guru Nanak a Reformer, a Teacher and a Leader." Spgf<,esman. 18(17)~ 9 Dec. 1968 : 5. Jogi, Bhupendra Singh. "Communism of Guru Nanak with a Difference." Spok"eSI1.~all. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, '1969 : 137 . . . -~"Light Flows into Light." Sikh Rel'iew. 18(195), Oct. - Nov. 1969 : 142-46. Jogi, Jogin~er Singh. "Advent of Guru N.anak and Its Impact on Society as Portrayed by Bhai Gurdas." Spokesman. 30(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1980 : 1"9. Joginder Singh. "Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana." Spokesma~. 27(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1977 : 33. --"Guru Nanak the Crusader of Human Rights." Spokesman. 26(9)~ Guru Nanak Number, 1976 :- 31.



_-"Political Ideas of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 24(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1974 : 31-32. Joginder Singh Jogi see Jog~, Joginder Singh. Johar, Surinder Singh. "Age of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 28( 11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1978 : 23-26. Joshi, L.M. "Buddhist Tradition and Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969: 91 & 93-94. --"Buddhist Tradition and Guru Nanak : Aspects of Absolute Reality." Maha Bodhi. 77(4-5), April. May 1969 : 146-155. Joshi, S.N. "Guru Nanak and the Caste System." Spokesman . 21(19), Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 55-56. --"Guru Nanak the Great Karam Yogi." Spokesman. 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 45-46. . . Joshi, Santosh Kurnari. "Guru Nanak-A Symbol of Love, Peace and Truth." Spokesman. 19(23), 9 Feb. 1970 : 6 Juneja, Amrit. "Conception and Aims ·of Education According to Guru" Spokesman. 21(10),- Gufu Nanak Number~ 1971 : 43-45. Kalra, Balwant Singh. "Guru Nanak'$ Visit ·to Uchsharif." Sikh Review. '1~(188), March 1969 : 11-12. Kalra, Mohan Singh. "Guru Nanak and Bh~kti Movement." Sikh Review. 18(203), Oct. 1970 : 5-8. - -,; 'Guru Nanak's.Mission to the Muslims." Panjab Past and Present. 3(~-2), 1969 : 299-311. Kapur, K.L. "Guru Nanak : A Modern Prophet." Spokesman. 21(10), . Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 54. --"Guru Nanak : The Modern Prophet." Sikh Review. 22(247), July. 1974 : 5-6. Kapur Singh. "Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. 24(275), Nov. 1976 : 5-31. --"Guru Nanak : His Status and Salience." Sikh Review. 26(289), Jan. 1978: 19-27. --"Guru Nanak : The Founder of a World Religion." Sikh Rel'iew, 23{245-46), Feb.-Mar. 1975; 5-] 0; Journal of Sikh Studies. 2(1) Feb. 1975 : 9 16. --"Guru Nanak and the Ch'il Servant."Sikh Review. 29(219), Feb. 1972:4-11. --"Nofe on the Jap(u)." Journal of Sikh Studies 3(2), Aug. 1976: 9-16. -_. "Prolation of Guru Nanak's Name." Sikh Review. 18(203), JuI. 1970 : 58-59. Karunaratna, Saddhamangala. ~'Guru Nasak . Visit Ceylon." Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct., N(>v. 1969 : 84-85.



Kaul, K. K. "Guru Nanak : The Conscience of Mankind." Bihar Information. 17(19), 16 Nov. 1969 : 8-9. Indian and Foreign Review. 1(3), 15 Nov. 1969 : 3-5. __ HGuru Nanak the Conscience of Mankind. Spokesman. 19{\2-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Nu~ber, 1969 : 92, Kaul, Krishan Kumar. "Nanak: The Poet.of All Ages." Thought. 21(47). 22 Nov. 1969: 12. Kazmi, Z. Hassan. "Guru Nanak : Apostle of Harmony and Happiness." Sikh Review. 26(299), Nov. 1978 : 70-7l. Khalsa, Amar Singh. "Guru, Nanak the Greatest International Missi(mary." Spokes11.1an, 16 04-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 8~. Khan, Abdul Majid. "Guru Nanak Advocate of Communal Concord. Spokesman. 22(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1972 : 25. --"Guru Nanak and Islam," Sikh Review. 25(287), Nov. 1977 : 19-23. --"Guru Nanak and Modern Education." Spokesman. 21(\0); Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 33-34. --"Guru Nanak and Synthesis of Scriptures.~¡ Spokesman. 16(14-15). Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 29,. --"Guru Nanak and World Peace.~' . Spokesman, 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number 1969 : 33. --"Guru NaDak-Apostle of Peaceful Co-Existence." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number. 1965 : 26. --"Guru Nanak Social Gospel." Spokesman, 24(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1974 : 21-22. -"Guru Nanak's Message' of Love and Humility:~ Spokesman. 17(12-13)" Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 33-34; 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, i970 : 25. "",---"If Baba Nanak Were Alive Today." Spokesman. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 29. --"Monotheism of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 15-16. Kharag, .Ranjit Sitigh~ HDate of Birth of G UfU Nanak," Spokesman. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 39-40. --"Guru Nanak-The Angel of Revolution.~' Spokesma,n. 19(12-13) Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 79-82. -_ClGuru N~nak's, Contribution to Adi-Granth.'~ Spokesman_ 15(11.12), Guru, Nanak Number 1965 : 56-57. \ "Guru Nanak on Economic Proolerns,'" Sikh Review. 17(184). Nov. 1968 : 21-24; Spokesman. 30(10), 3 Nov. 1980 : 5 & 8. ,¡'Prophet of the People." Spokesman. 16(14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 47-48. H



Khazan Singh, S.S. " Birthday of Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. l8(186), Jan. 1969 : 5-6. Khosla, G. S. "Guru Nanak's Conception of the Origin of the Universe." Sikh Review. 24(271), July 1976 : 31-41. Khushwant Singh. "Birth of Sikhism and Life of Guru Nanak." Lok Rajya. 25(14), 22 Nov. 1969 : 5-14. _--HDid Guru NaJ\ak Have Anything New to Say.H Spokesman. 16(14-15). Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 25-26. --"Guru Nanak-Mystic Poet and Saviour ." Spokesman . 3002-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1980 : 10. ~-"Guru Nanak in Janam Sakhi Paintings." Times of India Annual . . 1971 : 51-56. --"'Guru ~anak Lectures; From the Pacifist Sikh to the Militant Khalsa." Sikh Review. 17(184), Nov. 1968: 12-20. --"Guru Nanak's Teachings." Spokesman. 18(1l-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 19-=22 & 44; Sikh Review. 17(183),Oct. 1968 : 5-14. --"Japji Sahib-A Hymr. of Praise." Spokesman. 29(36), 5 May 1980:

5. --"Religion of the Sikhs: Spiritual Inherjt~nc~ and the Life of Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. 17(182), Sep. 1968 : 1-16. --"Spiritual Inheritance and the Life of Guru Nanak. ~ ' Spokesman . 18( 1) Anniversary Number, 1968 : 27¡30. --"Thus Spake Guru Nanak." Spokesm(ln. 19.( 12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 47. KincaiU-;-C~ Nanak." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969: 249-252. Kirpal Singh .. "An Historical Perspective of the Janam Sakhis. H Spokesman. 19(12-13}: Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 39-41. --"Account of Guru Nanak in Mehma Parkash." Spokesman. 23(10), 22 Oct. 1973 : 5, 8. _uDid Guru Nanak Go to Ceylon 1" Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct. Nov. 1969 : 79-83. --"Different VersiollS of Janamsakhis." Spokesman. 24(12), Guru Nanak. Number, 1974 : 22. --uGuru Nan3.k in Ladakh." Panjab Past and Present. 3(l-2), 1969: 325-326. --"Message of Guru Nanak." Spokesman 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 36; Bihar Information. 17(19), 16 Nov. 1969: 2. -"Miracle of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number~ 1965 : 29.



Kohli, M.S . "Guru Nanak's Arti:' Spokesman. 28(52), 27 Aug. 1979 : 3 . . Kohli, Surinder Singh . "Compositions of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 29(40}. 2 Jun. 1980 : 5. --"Cosmology as Propounded by Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 29(50). 11 Aug. 1980 : 5. --"Cosmogony and Cosmology as Propounded by Guru N anak." Spokesman. 27(4), 12 Sep .. 1977 : 6-7. --"Ethics of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 27(4]), 5 Jun. 1978 : 5..6. -_HGuru Nanak and Bhaktj Cult." Spokesman . 27(46), 10 July 1978 : 10-11. ~--"Guru Nanak ~'..:ld Bhakti Movement."



Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 19-20 & 38. p - -"Guru Nanak and Jains Scriptures. Spokesman . 20(35), 10 May. 1911 : 3-4, 10. . .r --"Guru Nanak in Arabia:' OrganiseT . 23(l6), 29 Nov. 1969 : 11-12. --"Guru Nanak in Uttarakhand." Spokesman. 24(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1914 : 39 . --"Legendary Journey of Nanak." Spokesman . 19(12-13); Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 129-130. --"Sea-Journeys of Guru.. _Nanak." Spokesman. 23(12-13), Gqru . Nanak Number, 1973 : 43. Krishan Lal. "Guru Nanak: A Unique Reformer." Spokesman. 19(V),t Gandhi Centenary Supplement, 1969 : 7. Kulraj Singh . '"Baba , Goes East." Sikh Review. 18(195), . Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 47-57.

--"Baba Goes North-West." Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969: '103-112. . --"Message of the Japji." Spokesman. 25(49-50), 9-16 Aug. 1976:

5-6. _'-:l~wtight on ¡ Guru Nanak's Visit to Baghdad." Sikh Review.

18(195), 22 ~OIV. 1969 : 1l3- 119. Kumar, P. N. "~~ru Nanak Dev's Socia1ism:' Sikh Review. J8(201),

Aug. 1970 : 29-31. Ladha Singh. "Guru Nanak and Rani of Kanya ~umari." Spokesman . 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 55; 19(2), 25 Aug . 1969 : 8 . --"Guru Nanak Jhe Divine Master." Spokesman, 19(12-13), Guru Nanak 'Q uincentenary Number, 1Y69 : 153. _.. . . ___ . "Guru Nan~k¡ Reformed the .Cannibals ." Spokesman. 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 74 . -"Guru Nanak's Visit to Eminabad." Spokesman 19(8), 13 Oct. 1969 : 6.



_-"Yogi Bbartari Brought to the Right Path ." Spokesman. lS{11-12), Guru N anak Number, ) 965 : 45.

Lakshman Singh. uGuru Nanak : The Apostle of Peace and Brotherbood. n Lok Rajya. 25(14), 22 Nov. 1969 : 20. Lalvani, K.T. "Guru Nanak the Preceptor of True Religion'" Spokesman. 22(4), 11 Sep. 1912 : 5. --"Guru Nanak~s Teachings. Spokesman. 29(24), 11 Feb. 1980 : 5. Lamba, Jagjit Kaur. "Guru Nanak: Massenger of GoodwilL" Sikh Review. 23(263), Nov. 1975: 44-45. Latif, Syed Muhammad see Syed Nlubammad Latif. H


Leidecker, Kurt F. "Guru Nanak. Panjab Past alld Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 258-262. Lipski, Alexander. «Glimpses from the Life of Guru Nanak ." Self Realization Magazine. 44(3), Summer, 1973 : 45-50. Longowal, Harcliand Singh. "Immortal Faith of The Sikhs." Hindustall Times. 29 Oct. 1977: 13 : 6. Maclagan. Edward 'D. J. auth. "Life of Nanak and the Sikh Order." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2)~ 1969: 211-213. Mahapati. "Story of Guru Nanak." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 88-89. Maheep Singh see Mahip Singh. Mahip Singh. "Saint Poet." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969: 121-22. 19(14), 1st Dec. 19694; 19(15), 8 Dec. 1969: 4. Mahmud-ul-Hasan. '''Guiu Nanak's Concept of God." Islam and the Modern Age. 7(3), Aug. 1976: 53-64 MajumdaT, R.C. "Guru Nanak's Impact pn Indian History." Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 169-174. Malcolm, John. HNanak Shah~ Founder of Sikh -R eligion.)' Panjab Past and Present . 3(1-2), 1969: 105-113. Malhotra, Avtar Si~gh. "Gu~u Nanak : A ,Humanist." Contemporary Indian Literature. 10(1), Jan.-Mar. 1970 : 8-9, 25. t M~ Singh ,Nirankari see Nirankari, Man Singh. , Marije'et Singh. "Gllnl Nanak Visit to B~ghdad:~ Sikh Ret·iew. 18(195)" Oct.·Nov. 1969: 120-127. , --C'No wonder; GuIV Nanak was Great but His Nanakian PhilosopPy was ,~o,' _ t~,ss Great." Spokesman. 22(13-14), Guru Nanak . Number 1972: 51~52. Manrnohan Singb_ ',' nirq Images in Guru Nanak's Hymns." Sikh Reyiew_ 26(29.7~298). ,S ept.-Oct., ) 97& : 66-70. •


: -




--"Teachings of Guru Nanak.~' Spokesman. 29(20), 14 Jan. 1980 : 4. Mansukhani. Gobind Singh. "Guru N~na~ and His Message." Spokesmon19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincententary Number t 1969 : 67-69. --"Guru Nanak and Indian Society." Sikh _Review. 22(243), Feb.Mar. 1974 : 70-76. ---"Guru Nanak and Modem Society:' Spokesman. 15( 11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965: 21-22; 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968: 25-26; Sikh Review. 17(184), Nov . 1968 : 6-10; Lok Rajya. 25(14) 22 Nov. 1969: 32: 35 _ --"Guru Nanak and Modernity.~' Spokesman. 17{12-13)~ Guru Nanak N umber, 1967: 23-24; Sikh Review. 16 ( 175), Fe b. 1%8 : 22-24. --"Guru Nanak and Open Society." Sikh Review. 18(203), Oct. 1910 : 28-32. --"Guru Nanak and Scientific Temper." Spokesman. 16( t 4-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 30. --"Guru Nanak and Socialism." Spokesman. 18(28), 3 -M ar. 1969: 5. --"Gut:U Nanak the Singer of Divine Love." Spokesman. 25(12-1~), Guru Nanak Number, )975 : 21-22. --"Guru Nanak Then arid Now." Spokesman. 21(10). Guru Nanak. Number, 1971 : 23-24. --"Guru Nanak's Bhakti Marg." Spokesman. 1&(42), 16 Jun. 1969 : 5. --"Guru Nanak's Message' in the Modern Context," Spokesman. 28(16), L1 Dec. 1978 : 4. -_CCGuru Nanak's Philosophy." Sikh Review 18(2e3), Oct. 1910: 12-20. --"Guru Nanak's Values." Spokesman. 22(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1972 ~ 27-28. --(cGuru _Nanak's- Visit to Eastern India." ~1!...~esman-I9(16) 15 Dec. 1969: . ,6. --"'Nam-Yoga ~f\ Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 29(9-10), Guru Nanak Number, 1979: 11-12. --"Philosophical an~ Spiritual Concept of Sikhism." Sikh Review. 28(319), July 1980 : 5-14. Maunder, R::S. "Vuru Nanak's Philosophy in f"undamental Verse Formula~n Si~h Rel'iew. 20(222}, May 1972 : 11-12. Mcleod, W.H. "Life of Guru Nanak according to Bhai Gurdas." 'Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 32-44. --"Procedures in Analysing the Sources foe the Life of Guru Nanak." Journal of Indian History. 45 (I), April 1961 : 207-27.



-"7-"Teachings of Guru Nanak." Sikh Review 16(172), Nov. 1961 : 9-13. Meerjani, K.J. Auth. "Gura Nanak at Bhadrak." Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 62-64. Mehar Singh Chaddar See Chaddar, Mehar Singh. Mcbrvan Singh. "Religion and Development of Human Race." Spok.esman. 27(34}. 17 April 1978 : 5-6. Mehta, Gurucharan Singh. "Guru Nanak's Personal Experience of God. Sikh Rel'iew. 20(228), Nov. 1972 : 26-29. uMessage of Guru Nanak. RlustratedWeekly of India. 90(48), 30 Nov. 1969 : 29. Mgregor, W.L. "History of Gooroo Nanak." Panjal? Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969: .122-32. Mohan Singh, "Baba Goes South." Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 68-78. -_aDelving Deep into Guru Nanak Travels." Spokesman. 1?(11~12), Guru Nanak Number. 1965, 55-56. --"Guru Nanak : The Universal Prophet." Spokesman. 2«9), Guru Nanak Number, 19?6 : 21 -22. --uGuru' Nanak-A Friend. and Guide of Younger Generation." Spokesman. 29(9-10), Guru Nanak Number, 1979 : 21-22; Sikh Review. 28(313), Jao. IP80 : 15-18. --"Kartarpur: Nursery Of Sikhism." Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 1351141. Mohan Singh Tur see Tur; Mohan Singh. Mobinder Singh. "Guru Nanak-The Saviour.H Spokesman. (5(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 85 & 96. --"Prophet of the People." Spokesman. 17(12-13). Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 59. --"Quest for Nanak." Sikh Review. 18(200), July 1970 : 29-32. Mool Singh Cheema see Cheema, M(){)l, Singh. Morgan, Kenneth W. "World Situation During Guru Nana1c's Times." Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 6-8. Mrigendra Singh. "Guru Nanak and the Siddhas. Sikh Review. 18( 195), Oct.-Nov. 1969 : 96.-102. Muhammad Iqbal. "Founder of Sikhism: Guru Nanak." Panjab Past and Present. 3(.1:-2), 1969 : 255-57. Mujeeb, f\1. HCommandments of Guru Nanak." Spokl!sman. 20(22), 1st Feb. 1971 : 5-6; Sikh Review. 22(251), Nov. 1974 : 40-44. --"Gufu Nanak's Teachings.H Spokesmo.n. 24(26), 24 Mar. 19.75 : 5. Mukharji, P.B. 6'Anniversary of Guru ~anak's Birthday." Sikh Review.. 25{277). Jan. 1971 : 55·57. . H




Munshi, K. M. HGuru Nanak-A Practical Philosopher." Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nanak Number~ 1971 : 16. Murray, -W.ÂĽ., et al. "Guru Nana.k, ' Panjab Past and Present. 3(1 2), 1969 : 133-41. Mushtaq 'Ahmad. "Guru Nanak's Mission/' Spokesman. 24(12), Guru Nanak Number~ 1974 : 17-18. "Mystery of Guru Nanak's ~anguage." Sikh Rel'iew. 16(166) . May 1967 : 28-30. "Nanac Shah." Panjab Past and Present . 3(1-2), 1969 : 142-148, N 'a nak Dev~ Guru see also Guru Nanak. "Nanuk." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2). 1969 : 157. Narain Singh. "Religion of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 19(1"2-13), Guru Nanak Quincente~ary Number, 1969 : 127--"Observation on the MooI-Mantra and the Modern Philoso. phic Thought.~' Journal of Sikh SlLtdies. 4\.1), Feb. 11)77 : 118-125. Narang, Gokal Chand. "Spiritual Emancipation by Nanak." Panjab Past and Present. 3(i-2), 1969: 197-206. Narang~ Kirpal Singh. HGuru Nanak and His Doctrine of Love. : ' Spokesman. 18(14), 18 Nov. 1968.: 5. Naranjan Singh, Basarke see Basarke; Naranjan Singh. Narula, Daljit Singh. "Message of Guru Nanak. Spokesman. 25(12-13Âť Guru Nanak Number;, 1975 ~ 53. Nayyar, Gurbachall Singh. "Guru Nanak', and the' Ultimate Reality. ~ ' Spokesman . 30(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1980 : 15.-1-6:--"Guru N~ak as Seen by Bhai Gurdas. H Spokesman. 26(9), Guru Nanak Number, 1976 : 33. -"Guru Nanak Dev in Historical Perspective." Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number. 1975 : 47. --HGuru-Nanak the Icpnoclast." Spokesm~n. 28(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1978. : \ 13-14. --"Hi~torical Scru~jny of Guru Nanak Dev's Date of Birth." Spokesman. 27(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 43. --"Travels and Impact of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 29(9-10)~ Guru Nanak Number,1979 : 21-28. Niranjan Singh. 4CG~ru Nanak's Religion." Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nanak Number,: 1971 : 19. Nir~karj, Singh. "Guru Nanak-The Eternal." , _Spokesman. ~4(12), ,Guru Nana~ Number, 1974 : 29. -_HGuru Nanak and Miracle.'" Spokesman. 25(1) Annive[~arYNumber~ 1915 : 23-24. H




--"Guru Nanak the World Teacher.'~ Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 23. --"Guru Nana~s Teaching : Its Reh:vance Today:' Spokesman. 26(9), G~ru Nanak Number~ 1976 : 14. Nirvair Singh Arshi see Arshi, Nirvair Singh. Onkar Singh. "Appearance of Guru Nanak to Purge the Society:' Spokesman. 19(40), 15 June 1970 : 5. --"Guru Nanak~s Mission of Self Reliance." Spokesman. 15'11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 38. - - " Japji Sahib the Elixir of Life." Spokesman. 18("30), 17 Mar. 1969 : 4. --"Some Thoughts from Guru Nanak's Japji Sahib." Spokesman. 16(14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 :.66 Parkash Singh. "Guru Nanak and His Message." Sp?kesman. 20(12). Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 51-54 & 61 --HGuru Nakak's Charity and the Free Kitchen. " Spokesman. 16(14-15), Guru -Nanak Number, 1966 : 51-52; 17(34)~ 6 May, 1968 : 5-6 & 11. --"Guru Nana.!c'6. Visit [0 Ceylon." Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 35-37 . ~



P3:fkash Singh Badal see Badal, Parkash Singh. Parman Singh. "Guru Nanak~s Dialogues with Yogis ."" Sikh Review. 22(243), Feb.-Mar. 1974 : 5-8. Parminder Singh. "Re(evanc.e of Guru Nanak~s -- -reachlngs in Modern Age." Spokesman. 19(24), 16 Feb. 1970 : 7 & 10. Pandit, Vaman H. "Guru Nanak's Teachings." lWadhya Pradesh Chronicle. 7 Nov. 1971 : 3. Pathak, Padmesh. "Religious Philosophy of Guru Nanak : A Comparative Study.~' Journal of Historical R~s~a,:ch. 19..(l), Aug-Dec. 1976 : 13-33. Payne, C.H. "Baba Nanak." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969: 238-248.

Peace, M.L. "Bhai Mardana's Departure.?' Spokesman. 14(30), 22 Mar. 1965 : 5. - - -"Guru Nanak : Build\;r of Humanity." Sikh Review. 16(113), Dec. J967 : 30-32. --"GUIu Nanak at Benares. Spokesman. 16(19), 26 Dec. 1966: 5-6. -_HGuru Nanak in Hardwar.~~ Spokesman. 14(27), 1st Mar. 1965 : 5. -~'Guru Nanak's Talk on Mulmantar." Spokesman. Anniversary" N¡umber, 1965 : 131-102. H



--"Way to God.'¡ Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 56-57. Phu1, Tarlok Singb. "Guru Nanak's Pathway to God:' Spokesmall. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number~ 1968 : 53-54. Piara Singh. "Discovery of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quin~entenary Number, 1969 : 125. Pillai, M.P. Christanand. ' ~Comparative Study of Monotheism in Mula Mantra and the Bible." Journal of Sikh Studies, 6(1), Feb. 1979: 29-45. Pooran Singh. "Guru Nanak's Rabab. H Sikh Review. 20(228), Nov. ] 972 : 30-34. Prem Singh. "Guru Nanak the Perfect Master. Spokesman. 26(17), 3 Jan. ]977 ; 4. Premka Kaur. "Message of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 28(11-12). Guru Nanak Number, 1978 : 27-28. Prita.m Kaur. HBija mantra of Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. 22(143), r'eb.-Mar. 1974 : 18-21. --<f(]uru Nanak on Sin." Sikh-Review. 21(236), july 1973 : 11-20; 21, . ~237, Aug. 1973 : 48-51 : 21(278)~ Sep. 1973 : 52-56; 2l(239) Oct. 1973 : 45-47. --"Gu u Nanak and Concept of Sin." Spokesman. 28(21)~ 15 Jan. 1979 ¡ S. ~"(rtJrti' Nanak and Prayer." Spokesman. 22(13-14)~ Guru Nanak Number, 1972 : 31-38. -"Guru Nanak and the Institution of Beggary." Spokesman. 23(12-13),' Guru Number, 1973 : 45-46. ~-"Guru Nanak's Religion." Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nanak Number, 1971 : 63-64. 2


Pritam Sing.b. "Guru Nanak's Art of Teaching." Sikh Review. 18(200), Jul. 1970 : 23-27; Spokesman. 25(47), 26 juI. 1976 : 3-4. __HGuru Nanak's yhiJdbood." Spokesman. 28(51), 20 Aug. 1979 : 6 Pritam Singh (Prof.). "The Mula Mantra and its Interpretations. Journal of Sikh Studies.6(1) Feb. 1979 : 5-9. _ Pritam Singh Safir see Safir, Pritam Singh. Pritp~ Singh. 't Guru, Nanak the Prophet-poet:' Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nannk Number, 1971 : 57-58. ---"Prophet of Love.Y' Spokesman. 1"5{ 11-12), Guru Nanak Number,. 1965 : 15. Puran Chand. "G.ueu Nana1c's Meditation." Spokesman. 16(14-15). Guru Nanak Number, 1966: 69.


__ uGllru Nanak the World Teacher.' , Spokesman.


21(3), 5 Sep.

1977 : 5. __ HJapji of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 16(14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 67-68. Radhakrishna, Rao. B. UGuru N anak : Apostle-of Unity." Yuva Bhflrati. 1(4), Nov. ,)973 : 29-31. Raghavachar, S. S. "Guru Nanak's Conc.ept of Ultimate Reality.H Spokesman. 30(9), 27 Oct. 1980 : 5. --"Perspective of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 26(27), 14 Mar. 1917 :5. Raghubir Singh Tak see Tak, Raghuhir Singh. Rajinder Singh. "War-scared W-orld and Guru Nanalc." Sikh Review. 16(172), Nov .. t967: 18-21. --"Gospel of Guru Nanak.'¡ Advance. 19(2)1 Apr.-Jun. 1970 : 28-30; Spokesman. 20(7), 28 Sep. 1970 : 5. --"Guru Nanak and the Sikh Religion." Spokesman . 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 43-44. --uGuru Nanak as Historians Disc0vered Him." Spokesman. 25(12-13),. Guru Nanak Number, 1915 : 27-28. --HGuruNanak Belongs to the Whole World." Spokesman~ ').5(11-12), Guru ~anak Number, 1965 : 27-28. - - "'G uru Nanak Practised What He Preached." Spokesman . 28(11-12) Guru Nanak Number, 19?8 : 11-13. --"Guru. Nanak's Humanism.~' Sikh Re-view. 20(222), May' 1972: 25-27. -¡-~'None is Hindu..--None- Mussalman." Spokesman. 18(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 43-44. --"Relevance of Guru Nanak's Teachings Today." Spokesman. 27(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1977 : 19. --"Revolution in Thought, Word and Deed.,t Spokesman. 24(12), Guru Nanak Number~ 1974 : 40. --'~Va1uable Source." Spokesman. 29(9-10), Guru Nan~k Number, 1979 : 34. --"Yardstick of Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. 18(188), Mar. 1969:

8-10. Ram S'i ngb. c'Fearless Guru Nanak.~' Spokesman. 25(12~13), GuruNanak Number, 1975 : 39-41. --'f;Needed a Bold Plan to Carry GUIU Nanak~s Mission to All Lands .'" Spokesman. 27(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1977; 9-14. -"Several Grades of Hukam in JapH.H Sikh Review. 23(262), Nov. 1975: 25-30; Spokesman. 29(3-4), 28th Annual Number 1979: 31-33 . .. . :.;~



--"Theme and Art of Guru Nanak's Jap," (4) (Based on Stanzas 1-4). Journal of Sikh Studies. 1(2) Aug. 1974 : 27-40. Raman, B. V. "Horoscope of Guru Nanak : A Study.'" Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2),. 1969 : 345-348. Raminder Sillgh. "Simran: Panacea for All ills." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number. 1965; 41-42. Ranbir Singh. "Guru Nanak's Disciples." Lok Rajya. 25(14), 22 Nov. 1969: 24-26 ; Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 17. Ra.n dhir Singh Cheema see Cheema, Randhir Singh. Ranjit Singh Kharag sec Kbarag, Ranjit Singh. Rao, K.L.S. "Guru Nanak and the Concept of Nam." 26(33), 25 Apr. 1917 : 5; 30(8), 20 Oct. 1980 : 4. --"What Guru Nan'a k Thought." Spokesman. 18(36), 5 May, 1969-: 5 & 10. Rao, V.K.R.V. "Guru Nanak : His Thoughts and Teachings. Spokesman. 19(16), 15 Dec. 1969 0-8. Rasajnananda. "Guru Nanak : Prophet of .Unity." Prabuddha Bhar.ata. 74(4), Apr. 1969 : 176-183. --"Guru Nanak : The Enlighter." Sikh Review. 22(263), Nov. 1975 : 5-\4. Rattan Kaue. "Guru Nanak at SultanpuT. "Spokesman. 16(1), Anniversary Number, 1966 : 63-64. --'''Guru Nanak is a Living Presence." Spokesman. 16(14-1'5), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 65. Rattan, Sukhdev Singh. "Guru Nanak a Great Philosopher." Spokesman~ 17(12-l~), Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 61-62. R?,vel Singh. "Guru Nanak and Dignity of Labou[ .'~ Spokesman. 19(8), 13 Oct. 1969 : 7. Ray, Niharranjan. "Concept of Sahaj 'in Guru Nanak's TheolQg~nd its A~t;~edents." Spokesman. 24(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1974 : 23-28. Reddi, K. Brahmananda. "Gulu Nanak-A Great Benefactor of Humanity." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru N~nak; Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 29. "Relevance of Guru T;'Ianak's Teachings to the ' Modern TImes." Sikh Review. 25(287), NQv. 197! : 2-4. Rhode~ S.S. "Philosophy of Guru Nanak.~' Spokes11Uln. 19(27), 9 Mar. 1970; 5 & 10. Roy, R.N. "Guru Nanak and His Message." Sikh Review. 26(299), Nov. 1978 : 72~78. H



Sabinderjit Singh Sagar see Sagar, Sabinderjit Singh. Saggar, n.R. "Guru Nanak : His Life and Message." Sarvodaya . 21(5), Nov. 1971 : 221-224. Sahi, -Sita. "As You Sow, So Shall You Reap." Sikh Re view. 16(172), Nov. 1967 : 14-15. -"Slaves by Choice." Sikh Review . 16(167), Jun. 1967 : 10-1 L --"Vanquisher Vanquished:' Sikh Review. 16(179}. Jun. 1968 : 25 , Safir, Pritam Singb . HGuru Nanak's Teachings." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 49-50. Sagar, Sabinderjit Singb, J. aut h. "Guru Nana1c~ s Visit to Bhadrak." Journal of Sikh Studies,,4(l) Feb. 1977 : 147-165. --"Guru Nanak's Visit to Cuttak.'· Journal of Sikh Studies. 1(2) Aug. 1974 : 127-144. --"Guru Nanakts Visit to Dacca Journal of Sikh St~dies. 4(2) Aug. 1977 : 117-129. --"Guru Nanak's Visit to Kharagput, Midnapur &. Chanderkona." Journal of Sikh Studies. 2 (1) Feb. 1975 : 134-153~ --"Guru Nanak~s Visit to Jagannath Puri." Journal. of Sikh Studies. 3(2) Aug. 1916 : 158-175. ~ '--"Guru Nanak's Visit to Maldah." Journal of Sikh Studies. 6(1). Feb. 1979 : 163-167. . - --"Guru Nanak's Visit to Sasaram. Journal of Sikh St.udies. 5(1), I •.-Feb. 1978 : 177- 184. Sahnl, Balraj. "Guru Nanak : A Tribute .~ ' Advance, 19(2), Apr.-Jun. 1970 : 15-17. . --"G\,lfU Nanak and His Message ." Spokesman. 20(6), 21 Sep . 1970 : H


5. Samsher Singh. '<Religion of Guru Nanak Dev Ji,H Sikh Review. 24(275), Nov. 1976 : 41~43 . Sangat Singh. "What Guru Nanak Taught." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number t 1969 : 123-124. Sant Singh. "Guru Nanak : A Symbol of Love~ Peace and Truth. t, 15(11 -12)>> Guru Nanak Number, L965 : 60 . Santokh Singh. "Great Exponent of Dharma.' Sikh Review. 22(247), Ju1. 1974 : 30-32.

,N·anak the Great Exponent of Dharma." Spokesman. 23(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1973 : 48. - _-"Guru Nanak's Contribution to Indias Economic Development," Spokesman. 24(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1974: 50. --HGuru

--.:'Guru Nanak~s Impact on the Siddhas." Spokes_m an. Guru Nanak Number, 26(9), 1976 :. 30.



Santokh Singh Bains see Bains, Santokb Singh. Saran Singh. "Gurus Word is Everything." Spokesman. 28(25), 12 Feb. 1979 ; 5. Saran Singh Bali see Bali, Saran Singh. SarduJ Sing~ Caveesher see Caveesher!> Sardul Singh. Sarup Singh Alag see Alag, Sarup Singh. Sastrananda, Swami. "Guru Nanak and the Religion of Man." Prabuddha BharaJa. 77(6), Jun. 1972 : 277-80. Satbir Singb. HGuru Nanak's Life-long Companioa : Rababi Mardaua." Spokesman. 19(12-13), GUTU Nanak Quincenrenary Number, 1969 : 119-120 ~

Satinder Singh. "Guru Nanak and His Sikhs." lllus. Weekly of India . 90(47),23 Nov- 1969 : 8-13. Satnam Singh. "Patti by Guru Nana1c." Sikh Review. 21<.232), Mar.. 1973 : 22-24. SatpaJ Singh. "Ancestry of Guru Nanak and GUILL Gobind Singh." Sikh Review. 27(301), Jan. 1979 : 21-23. S~khon, S.S. ~'Guru Nanak-Man of Renaissance .~ ' The Tribune. 2 . Nov. 1971 : 4. Seshadri, K. ~'Phi1osohpy of Guru Nanak. p Sp{)/(:esman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 25-26. . Sewaram Singh. "Guru Nanak at Baghdad." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 19~9 : 340-343. Shamsber Singh. "Universal Teachings of. Guru Nartak." Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 57-58 , Shamsuddin. ~ ~Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. 25(287), Nov. 1977 : 8-1 L Shan, Harnam Singh. ,cTeachings of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. '20(12) , , Guru Nanak Number, 1970: 47-50; 21(1), Anniversary Number, 1971 : 84; 21(10), GUI1:l Nanak Number, 1971 : 39-42 ~ 21(19), 10 Jan 1972 : 5; 21(20), 17 Jan. 1972; 21(21), Republic Day Edition, 1912 : 5. Sharma, Inderjit. '''Quru Nanak-The Deliverer." Spokesman. 16(1415), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 74. Sharma~ Shri Mohan. "Guru Nanak the Emancipator." Spokesman. 19(18), 29 Dec. 1968 : 8. ' Shergill, Had Sin:,gh. "Future of Nanakism in Free India." Spokesman. 20(12), Guru Nanhlc Number, 1970 : 29-30 & 38. __ HGuro Nanak, tbe Revolutionary.'" Sikh Review. 18(200), Jut 1970: 4-15. -_uHow to Preserve Guru Nanak's Great Order? Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nanak 'N umber, 1971 : 21-29.



__ '"May Guru Nanak Bless the Panth to Recast Its Own and India's Destiny." Spokesnuzn. 18(1l-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 45-46. --"Nanakism : The Only Solution. h Spokesman. 18(39), 26 May, 1969 : 8 : 18(40),2 Jun. 1969 : 4; 18(41), 91un., . 1969 : 7; 18(42), 16 Jun., 1969 : 7; 24( 12), Guru NanaK Number, 1974 : 38. --"Nanakism-Pinnade of Bharatism:' Spokesman. 17(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 35-36 & 38. --HNanakism the Only Hope for India." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quicnenten8.ry Nunlber, 1969 : 83-84. - --" Perspectives of Nanakism in Free India." Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 31. --"Will Guru Nanak's Fratenity Survive." Spokesman. 23{12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1973 : 39-40. Siogb Shiv Naubh. '-'Debt We Owe to Guru Nanak." Sikh Re"iew. 25(287), Nov. 1977 ·: 13-1&. ~' and Political Philosophy of Guru Nanak.?~ Spokesman. 21(1), 22 Aug. 1977 : 4. Sohan 'Singh. <tGuru Nanak's Concept of Social Order. Journal of . Sikh Studie$. 2(1), Feb. 1975 : 17-23~ - - ~cMul Mantra-Some Philosophical ~eBections~ Journal of Sikh. $tudies. 1(2), 1974 Aug. : 9-20_ . Sohan Singh Bassi see Bassil Saban Singh. Soze, Aaak. "Background and Natl're of Guru Nanak's Mission: Alllslamic Viewpoint." Islam and the Afbdern Age. 4(1) Feb. 1973 : 51-65. ' ' . ~'SpirittlaL Inheritance and the Life of Guru Nanak: Religion of the Sikhs." Sikh Review. 17(182), Sept. 1968 ! 7-16. Srinivasa Ayyangar, K.R. -~4Guru Nanak After 500 Years.'" Indian Literature. 13(2), Jun. 1910 : 30-36. Steinbach. "Nanac the Teacher.'" Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 120-12l. Sudarshan Singh. "Guru Nanak's Conception of Religion." Spokesman. 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 : 95-96. Sukhdev Singh. Rattan see Rattan, SUkhdev Singh. Suri, C.L. 'CGuru Nanak-Saint and Saviour." Indian Railways. l4(8), . Nov. 1969 : 559-560. Surjit Singh. "Glimpses from Guru Nanak·s Life.·' Spokesman. 19(9), 20 Oct. 1969 : 6. __ l'Guru Nanak and Caste Consciousness in Middle Ages." Spokesman. 19(26), 2 Mar. 1910 : 41L --~'Permanent Imprint on Sa.nds of Time. ~-, Times of India (Delhi), 2S Dec., 1970 : 12 : 5-6. 7





Surjit Singh Bhatti .see Bhatti, Sutjit Singh., Surjit Singb Gandhi see Gandhi, Surjit Singh., Surma, M.S. "Travels of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 18(46), 21 Jut. 1969 : 4 : 18(47),28 Jut 1969: 6 & 10: 19(2),25 Aug. 1969 : 4;19(3). 1 Sep. 1969 : 4~ 19(4), 8 Sep. 1969 : 8; 19(5)" )5 Sep. 1969 : 7; 19(6), 22. Sep. 1969 : 6 & 11; 19(7), 29 Sep. 1969 : 6. Susnjgdha Day see Day, Susnigdh~. Sutantar 路Singh. "Guru Nanai;: :. The Spiritual Sovereign." Spokesman. 27(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1977 : 21-22.

-"Guru Nan,ak Dev : Prophet of Oecumenism. ,. Spokesman. 26(9}, Guru Nanak Number, 1976 : 25-26. Syed Muhamm路a d Latif. "Guru Nanak." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 171-187. ' Tak, Raghubir Singh and Sagar, Sabinderjit Singh. "Guru Na..lak~s Visit to Bhadralc." Journal of Sikh Studies." 4(1) Feb. 1977 : 141165. -"Guru Nanak's Visit to Cuttak." Journal of Sikh Studies 1(2) Aug., 1974 : 127-144. --"Guru N anak~s Visit to Dacca." Journal of Sikh Studies. 4(2) Aug. 1977 : 117-129. --"Guru Nanak's Visit to. Kharagpur, Midnapur & Chande[kona.~' Journal of Sikh Studies. 2(1) Feb., 1915 : 134-153 . --"Guru Nanak's Visit to I~gannath Puri.'路 Journal of Sikh StudieS .. 3(2) Aug. 1976 : 158; 175. _路_"Guru Nanak's v.isiLID Maldah." Journal of Sikh Studies. 6(1). Feb: 1979 :' 1.63-161. ~"Guru Nanak's Visit to Sasaram." Journal of Sikh Studies. 5(1),

Feb. 1978 : 177-184. Talib, Gurbacha,n Singh. uDivineBard Guru Nanak Viewed as a Poet." Spokesman. 19(12-13)~ Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number t 1969 ~ 87-90. ---"Guru Nanak: 'Spiritual and Moral Teacher." Calcutta Review. 1(4), Apr.-Jun., 1970: 551-563; Journal of Karnatak University. 20, 1976 : 182-195; Sikh Review.. 26(299), Nov. 1978 : 10-20. . _uGuru Nanak and, the lndian Religious Tradition.H Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. 24(2), Feb. 1973 : 60-64. _-"Guru Nanak and the Siddhas (Yogis)." Prabuddha Bharara.76(8), Aug. 1971 : 339-41. . . -~"Guru Nanak's Composition.'-' IndianL'iterature. 12(1), Mar. 1969 : 47-61.



--"Guru Nanak's Conception of the Supreme Being." Spokesman. 20(25), 22 Feb. 1971 : 5. -"Guru Nanak's Teaching in Relation to the Indian Spiritual Tradition.'~ Anvesak. 4(3), JuI. 1971 : 65-78. --"Guru Nanak's View of Human Suffering. H Spokesman. 21 (1), Anniversary Number, 1971 ; 51-53. --"A Rendering From the Jap(u)." Journal of Sikh Studies, 2(1), Feb. 1975 ; 93-105. - - " A study ~f the Moral Code of Guru Nanak's Teaching:' Sikh Review. 22(251). Nov. 1974 : 13-36. - - "M ul--M antra-An U ntena hIe Koranic Parallel Examined." Journal of Sikh Studies. 5(1), Feb? 1978 : 19-21. Tandon, Balram Dass. HApostle of Unity." Spokesman. 19(4), 8 _Sep. 1969 : 6. Tandon, S.K. "Inspiring Anecdotes from Guru Nanak's Life:' Motherland. 31 Oct., 1971 : 5. Tara Chand. uGuru Nanak." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 -: 229-231. Tara Singh. "Beacon Light at Achal Batala:' Sikh Review, 20(222), May 1972 : 44-45. Tara Singh (Mrs.) "Strong Haji." Sikh RevieW. l7(182), Sep. 1968 : 52. Taran SiQgh. ""Guru Nanak and the Bhakti Movement. n Lok Rajya. 25(14). 22 Nov. 1909 : 18-19; Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Qnincentenary Number, 1969 : 57. --"lnflueI;lce of Mul Mantra on GurbanC' Journal 0/ Sikh Studies. 5(1) Feb. 1978 : 9-19. --"Role of Guru Nanak in the Context of Indian Cultural Scene of orRis Time. H Sikh Review. 21(240), Nov. 1973 : 22-25. --"Ser~on

of Sultanpur.:" Sikh Rel'iew. 23(263). Nov. 1975 : Tarlok Singh Phul see Phul, Tarlok Singh.


Teja Singh.,cGum Nanak and His Mission." Sikh Review. 18(195), Oct.Nov. 1969 : 153w162. __nGuru Nanak and His Religion in His Own Words." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969 : 271-280. -"Guru Nanakts Conception of Education. n Spokesman. 27(8), 17 Oct. 1977: 5. --HReligion of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 35-37. Trevaskis, Hugb Kennedy. "Founder of Sikhism: Baba - Nanak." Panjab Past and Present . .3(1-2), 1969 : 253-254.



Trilochan Singh. "Guru Nanak and His Age." Indo-Asian. Culture . 19( t), Jan. 1970 ; 24-29. --"Guru N3.!lak of Roof of tbe World. l ' Nov. 1969 : 86-95.


Re).'iew. 18(195), Oct.-

--"Guru Nanak on the Sublime." Sikh Review. l8(186) ... Jan. 1969 : 24-26. --"P'hilosophical and Theological Interpretation of Gurprasad(iJ in Mul Mantra.~' Journal of Sikh Studies. 2(1), Feb. 1975 : 35-48. Tutka, Tarungpa. "Guru Nanak in Tibet." Panjab Past and Present. 3(1-2), 1969: 327-328. Tur, Mohan Singh. "Guru Nanak and Pilgrimage. '" Spokesman. 19(U), 3 Nov. 1969 : 6.

Uberoi, Mohan Singh "Guru Nanak World's Greatest ~fedieva1 Original Poet-Mystic-Teacher.~~ Spokesman. 17(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 31-32. -

Ujjal Singh. "Guru Nanak and His Times!' Spokesman. 19(12-13) , Guru Nanak Quil1cent nary Number, 1969 : 21.

__ "Guru Nanak-Worl Teacher and Philosopher." Sikh Re view. 17(185), Dec. 1968 : .53 55. Uppal, R. M. "Guru Na a~ : The Message of God." Spokesman . . 18(11-12), Gur.u Natl~ , Number, 1968. 57-58.


Vadhwa, Satjit. "Guru Nanak and I." Sikh Revie.w. 25(277), Ja~ . 1977: 58-60. Varma, M. "Guru Nanak and Gobind Singh : Sikh Gurus as Hindi , Poet." OrganiseI'. 18(45), 21 Jan., 1965 : 5. Vaswani, J.P. "God give us Man." Spokesman. 2002), Guru Nanak Nu~ber, 19.1 0 : 55-56 . ....... -"Guru Nanak-the Great Prophet of Peace and Unity." Spokesman. 17(17), 18 Dec., 1967: 5, -"Guru Nanak's Call to a World in Chaos," Spokesman. 19(12-13)~ Guru Nanal< Quincetenary Number, 1969: 111-112; 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 32-33. --"Guru Nanak's Message to the Modern World." Spokesman. 17(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1967 : 25-26; 29(9-10), Guru Nanak Number, 1979 : 11. __ uListen to the Words of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 27(29), 13 Mar. 1978 : 4. _-"Message of the Master.'~ Spokesman. 22(13-14), Guru Nanak Number, 1972 : 39-40.



---"Way of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 18(13)) 11 Nov. 1968 : 5 & 9. Vaswani, T.L. cCGospel of Gur u Nanak." Spokesman. 26(11),22 Nov . 1976 : 3-4; 29(3-4}, 28 Annual Number, 1979 : 23-24. --"Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 18(11.12). Guru Nanak Number, 1968 : 1 7 - 1 8 & 34. --HGuru Nanak-The Glory of India." Spokesman. 19(12-13), Guru Nanak Quincentenary Number, 1969 : 23-24; 20(12), Guru Nanak Number, 1970 : 17-18; 2&( 17)~ 18 Dec. 1978 : 3-4. --"Guru Nanak-A Benefactor of Humanity." Spokesman. 20(5), 14 Sep. 1970 : 5. - _uGuru Nanak-A Practical Mystic.H Spokesman. 20(2). 24 Aug. 1970 : 5. -"Guru Nanak- A Practical Philosopher." Spokesman. 20(30), 29 Mar. 1971 : 5. --"Guru Nanak-A Prophet o f Freedom." Spokesman . . 19'(36), 15 May 1970 : 5, ~uGuru Nanak : A Prophet of Harmony." SpokesmO:n. 26(41), 1st Aug. 1977 : 5-6. - -"Guru Nanak : A Prophet of the Inner Life." Spokesman. 17(12-13) ~ 'G uru NanakNu.mbec, 1961 : 19-20. --"Guru Nanak-Prophet of Peace." Spokesman . 25(12-13), Guru Nanak Number, 1975 : 13-14. --HGuru Nanak: Prophet of Peace and Harmony .n Sikh Review. 22(251), Nov~ 1974 : 5:'9... - - '¡' GurllNanak-Unique, P.erfec.t~ ,P~_Qnage." Sp-okesm~n . 15(11-12), Guru Nanak Number, 1965 ; 20. --uGuru Nanak and the Nations!' Spokesman. 29(9-10), Guru Nanak Number, 1979: 9-10. --"Guru Nanak and Sant Kabir." Spokesman. 21(10), Guru Nanak Nunlber, 1971 : 17-18. --"Guru Nanak is a Living Reality.h Spokesman. 24(12), GuroNanak NUDlber, 1974 : 15 and 18; 26(45),. 18 Iuly 1977 : 4 . --"Guru Nanak the Farmer Teacher of Kartarpur." Spokesman. 18(20), 6 Jan. 1969 : 5 and 10. --uGuru Nanal< the World Teacher:¡ Spokesman. 30(12-13), Guru Nanak Number 1980 : 9. --"Guru Nanak's Soothing Gurbani is a Boon for the Whole Mankind ." Spokesman. 20(11), 26 Oct ~ 1970 : 5. --c'Mad for the Lord." Spokesman. 23(32), 22 A.p ril 1974 : 3. --('Nations Need Light that Shone in the Life of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 27(19), 2 Ja~. 1978 : 2 & 11. 11



Vaswani, T.L. "New Synthesis of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 22(3), 4 Sep. 1972: 5. --"Noble Eightfold Path of Guru Nanak." Spokesman. 16 (14-15), Guru Nanak Number, 1966 : 19-20. --"Secret of Guru Nanak's Message." Spokesman . 19(43), 6 July 1970 : 5. Vig, Iqbal Krishnan. "Guru Nanak-Saviour of Hinduism!' Organiser. 23(.15),22 Nov. 1969 : 12-13. Vohra. Rabinder Nath. "Existentialism and Guru Nanak." Sikh Review. 20(23), June. 1972 : 32. - Wazir Singh. "Hidden Reality in Guru Nanak's Philosophy." Spokesman. 18(5), 16 Sep. 1968 : 5 & 8. --"Maya and 'Qudrat' in Nanak-Bani". J01l.rnal of Sikh Studies. 4(1), Feb. 1971: 25-31. __ HMool Mantra and the Modern Philosophic Thought." Journal of Sikh Studies. 2(2), Aug. 1975 : 9-17. Wylam, P.M. HFellowsliip of Religions in the Contemporary World." Spokesman. 16(14-15) Guru Nanak Number, 1966: 39-40.& 42. --<'Guru Nanak the Reformer." Spokesman. 19(12-13}, Guru Nanak Quincent.e nary Number, 1969 : 71-74 .. --"Guru Nanak's Gospel for Today .'" Spokesman. 18(11-12). GUI"U Nanak Number, 1968 : 35-36. . Yadav, Kirpal Chandra. HExceUences of Guru Nanak's Teachings." Spo.kesman. 16 (14-15), Guru Nanak Nun:tbet, 1966'; 82. Yaswant Rai. "Guru Nanak an Apostle of Love and Equality.H Spokesman. 18(35), 28 April, 1969 : 5.


List of Periodicals Indexed Advance, (Quarterly) Chandigarh. 2. Anvesaks (Bi-Annual) Abmejabad. 3. Biharln/ormatiOll t (Monthly) Patna. 4. Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission IrlStitute of Culture, (Monthly) Calcutta. 5. Calcutta Rel'iew. (Monthly) Calcutta. 6. Contemporary Indian Literature. (Monthly) New Delhi. 7. Hindus/an Times. (Daily) New Delhi. 8. Hitvada s (Daily) Nagpur. 9. Illustrated W~ekly 0/ India, (WeekJy) Bombay. 10. Indian and Foreign Review. (Semi·Montbly) New Delhi 11. Indian Hor/zones, (Quarterly) New Delhi. 12. Indian Literature, (Bi-annua1) New Delhi. 13 . .Indian Railways, (Monthly), New Delhi. 14 ~ Indo-A.sian Culture, (Quarterly) See Indian Horizones. IS. Islam and the Modern Age. ~Quarterly) New Delhi. 16. lournal of Edllcation, (Quarterly) Calcutta. 17. Jou;~aJ of Historical Research, Ranchi . .18. Journal of Indian History, (T-hree times in a Year) Trivandtum. 19. Journal ofKarnatak University., Humanities. (Annual) Dharwar. 20. Journal of Sikh Studies~ (Hi-annual) Amritsar. 21. Link, (Weekly) N~v Delhi. 22. £Ok Rajya. (Fortnightly) BOI\lbay. 23. .Yadhya Pradesh Chronicle, (Daily) Bhopal. 24.. Maha .&1dhi,(Montbly) Calcutta. 25. Modern Review~ (Monthly) Calcutta. 26. Motherland, (Daily) New Delhi. 27. · Orgalliser~ (Weekly) Delhi. 28. Orissa Review. (Monthly) Bhubaneswar. 29. P,mjab Past and Presentt (Bi-annual) FaUala. 30. Pl'abuddha Bharata. (Monthly) Calcutta. 31. Publishers' MonthlY, (Monthly) New Delhi. 32. Sarvodaya, (M.onthty) Tanjore. 33. Sikh Review, (Monthly) Calcutta. 34. Spokesmatl, (Weekly) New Delhi. 35. Studie~' in Islam, (Quarterly) New Delhi. 36. Thought, (Weekly) Ddhi. 37. Times of India. (Daily) New Delhi. 38. Times of India, Annual, (Annual) Bombay. 39. Tribune, (Daily) Chandigarh. 40. Visva~ha"ati) (Quarterly) Santiniketan. 41. Yuya Bharati. (Quarterly) Madras. j.


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