Punjab Imbroglio: Bibliography of Select Articles - Man Singh Deora & Rajinder Grover

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1\1ao Singh Dcora & Rujtnder Grover


Dedi, Harpal Singh, "Why is Punjab Burning?", Free Press Journal, 24 October 1982. Berindranath, Dewan. "Pride of Being.a Punjabi", Democratic JVorld. Vol. 12, No. 26, 26 June 1983, pp., 5-6 and 17. - - - , "Punjab: Let Sanity Speak Up"', Democratic World. Vol. 12, No. 19, 8 May 1983, pp. 5-6. - - - , "Punjab Tragedy: Wages of Opportunism", Demc:cratic World, Vol. 11, No. 19.9 May 1982, pp.5-6, Vol. 11, N.o. 20, 16May 1982, pp. 5-6 and Vol. 11, No. 21, 23 May 1982, pp. 5-6. Bhatia, Prem, "Sikh Intelligentsia's Role", The T,ib"u ne, 24 Jqne 1981. " --':'-, Sidharth, "Punjab Tangle", Free Press Journal, 29 April 1983: . Chopra, Pran, "Punjab : Lest it be Too Late", Economic Scene, 16 June )983, pp. 24-25. - - - , V.D., HCostly Smugness in Punjab" The Patriot, 12 October 1981. Chum, B.K., "Punjab: A War of Nerves'" Indian Express, 8 May 1983. , Dang, Satyapal, "Punjab: Intellectuals' Agony", Mainstream, V QI. 21, No. 47, 23 July 1983, pp. 9-10. Das, Sitanshu, "Tamil Nadu Pattern for Punjab", :Yindustan Times, 10 September 1982. ". Duggal, Devinder Singh, '~Sikhs' Glorious Traditions", "lndian "Express, 20 May 1982, 21 May 1982 and 23 May 1982. *Compilers are extremely grateful to Ashok lambhekar, Ac~ing Librarian Indian valuable

CounCil of World Affairs Library, Sapru House, New Delhi, for his suggestions, and Balwant Singh for his best co~operation. "



Gandhi, 1.S., "System Process and Popular Ethos: A Study in Co _ temporary Politics in Punjab", Punjab Journal of Politics, Vol. ~ No.1, January-June 1982, pp. 52-66. ' Gopal Singh, uS:khs : When~ Things Went Wrong?", Spokesman , N ~ . 31, 1982, pp. 43-45. Gurcharan Singh, "Will History Repeat Itself", Spokesman, No. 32 1983. pp. 51-53. " ' , Inderjit Singh, ccPunjab Situation: The ReaJities", Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 18, 1 January 1983, pp. 18-19 and 23. Irodov, Sergei and Usvatov, Alexander, "Punjab: One of the 22", New Times, Vol. 4, JaI1uary 1982. pp. 20-23. "Is the Punjab Next?" J~nata, Vol. 38. 路 ~o 5, 13 March 1983, p. 1. Ishar Singh. ccPunjab Problem", .Spokesman, Vol. 33. Nos. 1-3. 1983, pp. 54-55. . , . Jagjit Singh, K., "Re-jo~~de~., tO~,r'un Shourie", Spokesman, Vol. 31, No 41,28 June 1982,. PI'路 'g-? 'and' Vol. 31, No. 42, 5 July 1982, 路 pp. 6-7. "Joint Movement in Punjab: A Survey", .People's ,Democracy, Vol. 5, No.7, 15 February '1981, pp. 6.. 8. Joshi, Prabhash, "Punjab's Chequer-board路', Indian Express. 24 Octobe~ 1981. Kapur, Gyan, "punjab: Past, Present. and Future", Frontier, Vol. 15, N(;. 37, 30 April 1983, pp.3-6; Vol. ]5, No. 38, 1 May 1983, . pp. 4-7; V~1. .15, No. 39, 14 May 1983, pp.6-8 and Vol 15, No, 40, '. 21 'May 1983. pp, 5-8. Khare, Barish, uVoice- of- Dissent...-Issue in Punjab is Fanaticism", Hindustqn Times, 13 May 1983 . . ___ . "Marxist View of Punjab". Hindustan Times,' 28 October 1983'. Katyal, K.K., :'Pllnjab Solution: So Near, Yet So Far Away", Hindu, 28 Februar..y 1983. ___ , "Punjab Today", Hindu, 30 September 1981 and 11 October .' -:1981. ' Khosla, K.S., "They Play Politics as Punjab Suffers", Times of .Inqia, 10 October 1981. ' Kirpal Singh, "Genesis of Partition of the Punjab, 1947", ' Sikh R.eview, Vol. 27. No. 1314, February-March 1980, pp. 25-31. , Krishan Kan'. "Punjab's CulturaJ ,Upity", Mainstream, Yol. 21, Annual No. 1983, pp. 25-26 and 141- 145. Krishnan:N.K. "Situation in Punjab Crosses Danger Mark", New . Age, VOl. 31, No. 19, 8 May 198~, p. L . ,' ;



MaJho~ra, Avtar Singh, "Punjab: Exp ctant Mood As Talks Begin", New Age, Vol. 31;No. 3,16 January 1983, p. 5.

__ - , Inder, "Real Problem in Punjab : Rolling Back Bigotry's Tde", Times of Jrdia, 9 October 1981. Mankekar, D.R .. "High Stakes in Punjab", Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 40.4 June 1983, pp 6-8 and 33. Mohan Ram. "One S Tep Further", Far Eastern Economic Review, Vol. 120, No .17, 28 April 1983, pp. 29-30. Mllkherj.ee, Atok, «Commanless Performance", Financial Express, 18 October 1982. Narayanswamy, "Punjab Today; Enigmas of Sikhs 'Politics", Deccan Herald, 2 November 1981. Nijhliwan, P.K., "GeneSis of Punj.:J.b Problem", Mainstream, Vol. 20, No. 39, 29. May 1982, pp 22-25 . - . ---, 'Genesis of the Punj ~. b Problem: The Language Question"; khn alld Development, Vol. 4, No.1, March 1982, pp~ 144-f46. Oberoi. Harjot Singh, "Two Poles of Aka.li Politics", Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. -355, july J 983, pp. 45-48. Pandit, Onkar, .. Are Sikhs Sick of India T', Sikh Review, Vol. 3, No. 348, December 1·· ~2, pp. 60-64. Prem Singh. "Punjab Situation Oqce Again On Cross Roads" ~ Secul Democracy, December 1982. "Pu,!jab Debate". The Patriot, July 1983. • Panjab Politics: D.:ngerous Game", Mainstream, Vol. 20,. No . .14;' 5 Dec: mber 1981, pp 4-6 . "Punjab Situ.~tion", Ma;nstream, Yol. 21, No . . 30. 26 March 1983, pp: . J l-uL "Punjab Tangle", Janata. Vol. 37, No . 36,31 Octo,ber 1982, pp. ·1-3. . Puri, Rajiride;':· "Indha Gandhi's Created Crisis 'in the Punjab" ,Sikh ReView, Vol. 31, No. 357, September 1983, pp ..·.45-48. Raghvan .--A ~<·Portents of a Blow-up' in the PunJab", Blitz. .. . 23 April 1983. Rai, Satya M , '<Structure of Rer jonal Politics in' the P~lIljab", Punjab Journal of Politics, Vol. 5, No. I, January-June 1981, pp. 95-114. Rao, Rajeswara, punjab Situation Still Critical", New Age, Vol. 29, No. 44, I November 1981, p. I. Roy, Ranajit, "Punjab's (un) holy Politics", · Business Standard, 30 October 1981. Sabherwal,O.P., "Punjab Flasbpoint"~ Mainstr~am, Vol. 21, No. 43, 25 June 1983, p 6. U



Salamat Ali and Mohan Ram, "India Lighting for the Faith", Far Eastern Economie Review, Vol. Il8, No. 47, 19 November 1982, p. 21. Scribbler, Pseud, "Positive Aspects -of Punjab", Free Press Journal, 13 May 1983, p. 4. Sharma, S. L, . "Student Politics in the Punjab : Socio-Regional Dimensions", Punjab Journal of Politics, Vol. 5, No.2, JulyDecember 1981, pp. 51-64. Shourie, Arun, "Troubles in Punjab", Indian Express, 12-14 May 1982. Soni, I.M., "Uncertainty Prevails u , The Caravan, Vol. 41, No. 676, July 1980, pp. 30-31. ---S.R., "What is At the Root of Punjab Trouble", The Pioneer, 6 October 1981. . . Vasfi, Ausaf Saied, "Drift and Dithering Disastrous", Radiance, Vol. 19, No.2, 22 May 1983, p . l. Wallace, Paul, "Religious and Secular Politics in Punjab: The Sikh Dilemma in Competing Political Systems", Punjab Journal of Politics, Vol. 5, No. I,. January-June 1981, pp. 1-32. "Who Rules Punjab", Eastern Economist, Vol. 77, No. 13, 25 September 1981, pp. 578-579. .

AKALI DAL "Akali Agitation: The Lurking Danger" .. ' Link, Vol. 25, No. 25, 30 January 1983, pp. 9-1 I. "Akali Brinkmanship", Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 32,9 April 1983, pp. 1-2. . "Akali Differences", The Patriot, 24 August 19S:~. Arya, Raj Narayan, "Akali Agitation in Punjab", Call, Vol. 33, Nos. 6-7, pp. 9-11. Bharpur Singh, "All Out Action Against Extremists", Spokesman, Vol. 33, No.9, 31 October 1983, p. 8. - - - . " Punjab Comes Under President's Rule", Spokesman, Vol. 33, No.7, 17 October: 1983, p. 9. - - - , "Putijab TaDg'le Stalemate", Spokesman, Vol. 33, No.6, 10 October 1983, p. 9. BI13tia, Premo "New Trend in Militancy", Deccan Chronicle, 30 September 1981. - - - , "Waiting Ga~e in Punjab", The Tribune, 3 September 1982. Bombwall. K. R.. ·'·Akali Politics in a Bind", Hindustan Times, 11 August 1983 . . ,Chakrapani, "New Turn to Akali Agitation", Deccan Chronicle, 1 December 1982.



Chawla, G.S., "Punjab: Another Assam ?", Illustrated Weekly of India, Vol. 103, No. 36,26 September 1982, pp. 30-31. "Choice for Akalis", Statesman, 23 October 1983. Chopra, Pran, "Akali Statesmanship," Economic Scene, 1 April 1983, pp. 21-23. Chopra, V.D., "Import of A~ali Extremism", Tlie Patriot, 21 March 1983. __ -,"Motive Force Behind Akalis", The Patriot' 8 November 1982. ---,"Options Before Moderates". The Patriot, II July 1983. _ _ , "Restoring Sanity in Punjab," The Patriot, 2 May 1983. "Crisis Worsens," Democratic fVorld, Vol. 12, No. 26, 26 June 1983, pp. 3-4 . . Darbara Singh. "Present Akali Oal Morcha", Spokesman, Vol. 32, No.2, 13 September 1982. Das, Sitanshu, "Akali Intention') in Punjab", Free Press. Journal, 20 November 1982, p. 4. ---," Hard Choices on Akali Agitation", Free Press Journal, 19 October 1982, p. 4. ---,".Moderation¡ in Akali Activities", Free Press Journal, 23 September 1983, P: 4. Datta, K., "Punjab Upheav'al and After", lllustrated Weekly of indi{l, Vol. 101, No. 32, 10 August 1980, pp. 8.-11. "Developments in Punjab: A Close Look", The Statesman, 3 December 1981. "Dharamyudh", The Patriot; 28 July 1981. "Divided House", The Tribune, 7!September 1983. DuggaJ, K .S., qLook Back to Bulgaria: Punjab", The Patriot, 4 August 1983. Gandhi Peace Foundation, "Communal~ Violence Can Flare Up", Sikh Review, Vol. 30. No. 347, November 1982. p. 47. Gaur, Sanjeev. "Punjab: A Powderkeg Explodes~', Indian Express~ 6 November 1983. GujraJ, I.K., "Punjab's Anguish", Mainstream, Vol. 20, No. 50. 14 August 1982, pp. 12-14 and 34. Guleria, J.S., "Punjab Needs a Healing Touch", Spokesman, Vol. 32, No.6, 11 October 1982, p. 4. Gupta, Pitambcr, "Punjab Akali Dilemma", Janata, Vol. 38, No.6> 20 March 1983, pp. 13-14. Guraya, Ajit Smgh, at. el. "Anatomy of the Punjab Tragedy~', The Tribune, 3 November 1983.



Hans, Surjit, "Alternative View of AkaIi Politics", New Quest, No. 31, January-February 1982, pp. 13-16. Jagjit Singh, K., "Punjab Tangle: A Probe", Spokesman, Yol. 32, No. 51, 22 August 1983. pp. 6-7. Jaising, Hari, "Needling Game". National fIerald, 17 February 1982. Jha, Srinand, "Punjab Tangle Defies Solution," Nagpur Times, 8 June 1983. Joshi, Prabhash, "Akali Dilemma in Punjab", Indian Express, 8 October 1981. KatyaI, K. K., "Continuing Confrontation," Hindu, 19 September 1983. Khushwant Singh, "AkaJis are Patriotic People", Spokesman, Yol. 32 ' No. 11, 15 November 1982, p. 5. Kidwai. Anser, "AkaJi Twists and Turns," National Herald, 28 May . 1983. "Killings and Longowal", National-Herald, 24 September 1983. Longowal, Harchand Singh, "Open Letter to Members of Parliament (Monsoon Session 1983)", Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. 358, October 1983, pp. 5-9. Madhok, Balraj, "Punjab: Time for ¡ Plain Speaking", M P Chronicle , 14 September 1983. . _ Malhotra, Avtar'Singh, "Akali Leadership Must Stop Appeasement of Extremists,,' New Age, Vol. 31, No.1, 2 January 1983, p. 3. Menon, N.C., "Akalis After Power and Pelf," Hindust n Times, 22 June . 1983. . : ---,"Punjab: A Chance for Sanity," I-lindustall Times, 2 November 1983. "Mojumdar, Modhumita, "Akali Tangle," Pak;stall and Gulf Economist, ' Vol. 2, No.4, 22 January 1983, pp. 46-47.

Financial Express, Mukherjii, Alok, "Clutching at Straws," --22 November 1982. Nayar, Kuldip, ,. Between the Lines--o Akali Extremists Are CaJIing the Tune,." Pioneer ~ 6 ~May 1983. Nijhawan, P. K., "sdp~ Source of Akali Extremism", Times of India, 17 June 1982. Pandit, C.S., "Akaljs : No Deviations from Road to Power", Amrit Bazar Patrika, 26/May 1983. ,

- - -. "Punjab: Time for Hard Uecisions", Amrit Bazar Patrika, 5 May 1983. Prem Kumar, "Fighting for Survival", Statesman, II November 1980. - - - , "Waiting for the Right", Statesman, 23 September 1982.



Prem Singh, "New Stage of Confrontation in Punjab", Secular Democracy, November 1982. "punjab: This Way Lies Disaster", Janata, Vol. 37, No. 14, 16 May 1982, pp. 1-3. Puri, Harish K., "Akali Politics: Emerging Compulsions Punjab Journal of Politics, Vol. 5, No.1, January-June 1981, pp. 31-51. Raghavan, A.," Akali Politics Evades Solution: Extremist Swamp the Moderates", Blitz 6 Novmber 1982, Ramachandran, K.S., "Akalis : B~ck to Square one ?", Financial Express, 16 May 1983. Randhil, G.S., "Dharma Yudh: And a Year of Agony", The Patriot, 4 August 1983. Ranganljan, R.," Akali Hide and Seek Game", The Patrfot, 17 June H



"Sanl's Deadline", Frontier. VoLI5, No. 49. 23 July 1983, pp. 1-2. Sen, Anikendra Nath, "War and Peace In Punjab", Probe India, Vol. 5, No.4; June 1983, pp. 18-25. Sharma, Narendra, '~Orninous Trends In Punjab", Mainstream, Vol. 20, No. 9, ~ 1 October 1981, pp . 5-6. Singh, J .D., "Troubled Punjab", Times of India, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 28 July 1983. Soni, SR., "How Will Akalis Come t~ Truce ?", Pioneer, 25 November 1983. - - - , "Is Punjab Going Assam Way", Pioneer, 24 August 1983. Surjeet;Harkishan Singh, "Recent Developments '.in Punjab", People's 'Democracy, Vol. 5, No. 42, 18 October 1981, pp. 7-10. ---/'Speech in Rajya Sabha: Stop Drifting Settle Punjab Issue", People's Democracy, Vol. 7, No. 31, 31,July 1983, pp. 1 and 11. Tribhuvan Nath, "Dissensions Rock Congress (I), Akali Oal", Free Press Journal, 19 September 1983. "Undesirable Move", Amrit Bazar Patrika, 30 December 1982. MLA's Resignations "Anticlimax in Delhi", The!Tribune, 1 March 1983. Sukhdev Singh, "Resignations: The Constitutional View", The Tribune, 25 Jaunary 1983. --Unreasonable", The Patriot, 28 January 1983. Nehar Roko "Let the Facts Speak". The Tribune, 26 April 1982. Rail Roko ccAkalis Outfoxed ?", Hindustan Times, 18 June 1983.



"Temporary Respite", Times of India, I 9 June 1983. Tribhuvan Nath, "Akali Choice of Confrontation", National Herald, 20 June 1983. "Wisdom and Moderation", Indian Express, 18 June 1983. Rasta Roko Prem Singh, "Road Blocks in Punjab", Secular Democracy, April 19~3. "Punjab on the Precipice", Link, Vol. 25, No. 35, 17 April 1983, pp. 8-12. Kam Roko "Whose Work is It ?", Indian Express, 31 August 1983. ISSUES

c<Akali Agitation : Clouds of Distrust", Link, Vol. 25, No. 12, 31 October 1982, pp. 17-19. Ashok Singh, c<Akali Demands Sound and Fair", Spokesman, Vol 32, No. 44, 4 July 1983, pp. 6-7. Barnala, Surjit Singh, "Punjab: No Time to Lose", Illustrated Weekly of India, Vol. 104, No. 14,10 April 1983, pp. 10·11. "Base-less All.egations", Spokesman, Vol. 33, No. 8;24 October 1983, p. 3. . . Bharpur Singh, "Morcha to Continue Till All Ak<ili' .!?emands Are Conceded". Spokesman, VoJ. 33, No.4, 26 September 1983, p. 3. "Case of Estrangement", The.Tribune, 19 October 1981. Chawla, G.S., '''N:ew Formula on Akali Issue", Indian .Express, 19 February 19~3. Council of Sikh , Affairs, Chandigarh, "Sikh Stand Point : Punjab . Crisis", Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. 336, December 1981, pp . 7-17. ----, "Punjab Problems Cannot be Solved Administratively", Spokesman, Vol. 33, No.8, 24 October 1983, p. 12. - - - , "Sikh View-point And Grievances: Proposals For Solving Punjab Crisis"~ ~pokesmal'l, Vol. 31, No.8, 26 October 1983, pp. 6-7. - - - , "Socio-Political Demands of the Sikhs", Spokesman, Vol. 32, No. 36, 9 May 1983, pp. 6-7. Dang, Satyapal, .~ ·Cjass Basis of Akali Demands", Mainstream, Vol. 21. No. 30, 26 MarcH 1983, pp. 15-18 . ._ - -,"Punjab: Iss'ues and Complications", Maillstream, Vol. 21, No. 20, 15 JanuarYil983, pp. 11-14. Das, Sitanshu, "Defusing Akali Agitation", Free Press Journal, October 1982.



___ ,"What the Sikhs Really Want ?", Illustrated Weekly of lndia, Vol. 103, No. 44, 12 December 1~82, pp. 12-13. Dewan, M J.norama, "AkaIis Have Missed Bus", MP Chronicle, 13 December 1982. __ -,"Punjab Surrender is i'lot the Solution", Democratic World, Vol. 11. No. 43, 24 October 1982, pp. 5-6 and 17 and MP Chronicle, 3l October 1982. Dhawan, Deepak, "Behind Anti-Tobacco Agitation in Amritsar", Mainstream, Vol. 19, No. 46, ]8 July 1981, 19-22. Dua, H .K., "Settling the Punjab Question", Indian Express, 25 November 1982. Ezekiel, Nissim, "Akali Demand~", Freedom First, Vol. 365, July 1983. "Fresh New Moves", Link, Vol. 25, No. 39, ] 5 May 1983, pp. 6-8. !nderjit Singh, "Sikh Demands Are Genuine and Just", Spokesman, Vol. 32, No. 13,29 November 1982, pp. 6-8. Jain, GiriIal, "Dangerous Prescription", Janata, Vol. 38, No.)5, 5 Jun~ 1983, pp. 1-3. Joshi, · prabhash. "Towards Peace and Amity in Punjab'.', Indian . l!xpliess, 17 June 1982. Khosla, ~.S.' "Akalis Are Caught in a Cleft-Stick", Times of India, 22 J ly 1982. Khushde a Singh, "Some Akali Demands Have Lot of Merit". SPo.kes;na1l, Vol. 32, No. 4,27 September 19.82, pp. 6-7. -_ . - . "\\That Do the Sikhs Want?" Hindustan Times, 17 September 1982, Sikh Review. Vol. 30, No. 347, November 1982, pp. 44-46. Malkani, K.R., ccSikh Fears Are Groundless", Illustrated Weekly of India, Vol. 104~ No. 14, 10 April 1983, p. 14. ·" Punjab: Centre's Dilemma", Link, Vol. 25, No. 40, 22 May 1983, pp. 7-8. "Punjab: Tssues and Attitudes", Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 47, 23 July 1983, p. 10. "Punjab Issue", Radical Humanist, Vol. 47,!iNo. 13, June 1983, pp. 1-4. ~'Punjab's Grievances", Hindustan Times, 7 November 1981. Puri, Harish K ., "Akali Agitation: An Analysis of Socio-economic Basis of Protest", Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 18, No.4, 22 January 1983, pp. 113-118. Rajinder Kaur. i'Sikh Grievances and Demands", Spokesman, Vol. 32, No. 17, 27 December 1982, pp. 6-7.



Ramachandran. K.S., "Eternal Demands", Financial Express, 2 May 1983. Sarma, J.M¡, "Akali Politics: A Rejoinder'.', Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 15, II December 1982, p.8. Sitanshu Das, "Punjab Imbroglio: P. M. Must Take Decis!on", Hindustan Times, 25 February 1983. Sodhi, S.S., "Why Are the Sikhs Up in Arms in India ?'" Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. 349. January 1983, pp. 32-34. Surjeet, Harkishan Singh, "What is the Deadlock in the Punjab Talks 1'\ People's Democracy, Vol. 7, No. 8, 20 February 1983, pp. 1,3 and 10. _--, "Why the Deadlock in Punjab 'l", People's Democracy, Vol. 8t. No. 2,9 January 1983. pp. 1 and 9. "Time to Rethink". Amrit Bazar Patrika, 1:3 December 1983. Anaodpur Sahib Resolution

"Akali Bubble", National Herald, 6 September 1983 . . Duggal, K.S., "High Time in Punjab" , Indian Express, 10 November 1982. Jagjil Singh, K., "Rejoinder to Al'un Shourie", Spokesman, Vol. 31, No. 41, 28 January 1982, pp. 8-9, and Vol. 31, No. 42, 5 July 1982, pp. 6-7. Joshi, Prabhash, "Paradox of Akali Politics", Indian Express, 27 April 1981 .

Katyal, K.K., "Akali Oal Postulates", Hindu, 30 Sept~mber 1981. Khosla, K.S., "Ambiguities in Anandpur Resolution", Times of India, 2 April 1983. . __ -, "Basic ~~us~ of Sikh Fundamentalism~" Times of India, 15 September 1983. Centre-State Relations

Anand a, Prakash, "Anatomy of AkaU Agitation", Commerce, Vol. 146, No . 3741, 12 February 1983; pp. 254-258. Bedi, 1.o ginder. flWh~re the Akalis Err ?", National Herald, 16 July 1983. Bombwall, K.R., "'Akali Demand for State Autonomy: Nature Rationale and Motivation", Political Science ReJ'iew, Vol. 20, No.2, April~Jun~ 1981, pp. 151-183. Dhillon, Gan'g a Sirlgh, I Why the Sikh Demand of Homeland?", Illustrated Weekly of India, VoL- 103, No. 39, 31 October 1983, pp. 12-13. Farooqi, M., "Communist Approach to Centre-State RelatioIls", New Age, Vol. 31, No. 15, 10 April 1983, p. 3.



Gurmit Singh, "Centre-State Relations in India", Spokesman, Vol. 32, No. 19, 10 January 1983, pp. 6-8. Nayar, Kuldip, "Sant For Panel on State Autonomy", The Tribune, 20 September 1982. sukhdev Singh, "Anatomy of Autonomy Demand", The Tribune, 24 October 1981. Personal Law Dilbir Singh, "Sikh Personal Law", Spokesman, Vol. 33, No.5, 3 . October 1983, p. 9. "Sikh Personal Law," Hindu, 26 October 1983,

Religious Bhatia, Prem, "Arnritsar's Tobacco War," The Tribune, 29 May 1981, and Nagpur Times, 5 Ju~e 1981. Ishar Singh, "Another View", Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. 355, July ) 983, pp, 39-44. Mohan Singh, "Sikh Panth At Crossroads", Sikh Review, Vol. 30, No. 341, May 1982, pp. 33-36. Kapur Singh, "Golden Temple: Its Theo-political Status". Sikh Review, . ··Yot. 29, No. 328, April 1981, pp, 119-134. Sikh Ideotity


Ahluwalia, J.S., «Sikh Identity: How Not to Seek Integration", Statesman, 10 January 1983. Dhil.I<>n, Ganga Singh, "Sikhs Are a Distinct' Entity", Spokesman, Vol, 32. No.7, 18 October 1982, p. 8. Duggal, Devinder Singh, "Sikhs Are Nation by AIl--Standards", Spokesman, Vol. 31, No. 39, 14 June 1982, pp. 6-7. Harnam Singh, "Impact of the Sikh as Nation on the Sikhs and the State", Sikh Rel'iew, Vol. 31, No. 334, October 1981, pp. 43-48. Jain, GirHaI, "Akali Psychology: Problem of Insecure Identity", Times of India, J 8 April 1983. HSikhs A Nation: \Vhy Not," Sikh Revic!w, Vol. 3 I, No. 357, September 1983, pp. 2-4. Territorial

Chawla, G.S., "Darbara for Amending 1970 Award", Tndian E,,<p,.ess~ 26 February 1983. "Damper Over Chandigarh," The Tribune, 31 October 1983. JaiteJy, BaJa, "Who Gets to Keep Chandigarh ?", Economic Scene, 16 June 1983, pp. 26-28.



Water Dispute "Akali: A Dharma Yuddh Over Ravi-Beas Water", Organiser, Vol. ~4. No. 30, 12-18 December 1982, p. 5. "AkaJi Intransigence," National Herald, 8 April 1982. Council of Sikh Affairs, Chandigarh, "Division of Surplus kavi-Beas Water", Spokesman, Vol. 31, No. 24, 22 February 1982, pp. 5-6. - - -, "Truth About Ravi-Beas Water," Spokesman, Vol. 31, No. 41. 28June 1982, pp. 6-7; Vol. 31, No. 42, 5July 1982, pp.8-10', Vol. 3Q, No. 339, March 1982, pp. 45-48 and Vol. 30, No. 344, August 1982, p. 31. "Distressing Discord". Times oj India, 9 April 1982. Gurdev Singh, "River Waters: Their Life-blood", TIlLlstrated ~Vee.kly of India, Vol. ]04, No. ]4, ]0 April 1982, pp. 20 and 29. "Irrational Stand", Indian Express, 8 April 1982. Patricia Singh, "Punjab River Water Dispute", Sikh Review, Vol. 30, No. 344, August 1982, pp. 29-30. Sain, Kanwar, "Sharing of Ravi and Beas Wa'er", Spokesman, Vol. 32, No. 26, 28 February 1983, p. 8. "Water Dispute: The Respective Positions of Haryana and Rajasthan"~ Link, Vol. 25, No. 29, 27 February 1983; pp. 8-10. KHALIST AN ISSUE "After Khalistan", The Patriot, 3 June 1981.

Ajit Singh, "Khalistan :- Not An Empty Slogan", Spokesman, Vol. 30, No. 1,7 September 1981, pp. 5-7. Berindranath, , Dewan, "FIghting the Secessionist Menace", Democratic World, Vol. lO, No. 41 -;-1l October 1981, pp. 5-6 . Bhatia, Prem, "Endorsement by Silence", The Tribune, 6 April 1981 and Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. 330, June 1981, pp. 27-30. Chohan, Jagjit Singh. "I Want Peace in Punjab". Indian Express, 31 July 1983. V.D., '~Nipping Khalistan in Bud", The Patriot, 3 May 1981. Chopra, , I Dang. Satya Pal: "Khalistan Backed by Desperados", The Patriot, . 20 May 1981. : "Desh Punjab", ]{lIlata, Vol. 36, No. 12, 3-10 May 1981, pp. 2-4. Dhillon, Ganga ~in.gh. "Towards a Sikh Revolution", Illustrated Weekly of India, Vol. 104. No~ 14, 10 April 1983, p. ll. Ezekiel, Nissim, "Voice of Separatism", Freedom First, No. 351, May 1982, p. 1. Gopal Singh, "Khalistan Gimmick 1", Natiollal Herald, 1 May 1981.



Gurcharan Singh, "Sikh HomeJand: The Myth and Reality", Sikh Review, Vol. 30, No. 352, ~pr!1 1983, pp. 48-67. Joshi, Prabhash, "Signs of Moderation in Punjab", Indian Express, 9 March 1982. _ - - , "Sikh Secessionists Beat a Retreat", Indian Express, 21 April 1981. Katyal, K.K., "Mischief Potential of a Catchy Slogan", Ifindu, 17 August 1981. ___ , "Religion, Politics and Emotions" • Hindu, 20 April 1981. "Khalistan Stir 0rigin and Aims", Times of India, 2 October 1981. Khanna, H.R., "Demand for Sikhistan : A Plea For Reason and Sanity," Statesman, 24 October 1981. .Kulkarni, V.G., et . at ., "India: The Sword of Separatism". Far Eastern Economic Review, Vol. 118, No. 50, 10 December 1912, pp. 23-27. Lalevee, Thierry and Zykyvsky,Uma,"Khalistan", The Tribune, Vol. 26, No. 52. 18 September 1982, pp. 12·14. 4

Malhotra, Avtar Singh, "Sikh Revivalism and Khalistan", Link, Vol. 24, No. 24, 26 January 1982, pp. 35-37 . . . Malik, Hardit Singh, "K.h alistan : Let Us Keep Our Cool", Indian Express, 12 November 1981; 13 Nove~ber 1981 and Spokesman, Vol. 31, No. 13,7 December 1981, pp: 1.;8. - - - , K.N., "Conflicting Stands On KhalistaB", Times of !ndia, 18 December 1981. Malkani, K .R., "Demand For Khalistan : Reaction of Political Manoeuvres," Statesman, 28 September 1981. ~More -A.bout-Khalistan·', The Tribune, 7 July 1980. Nair, Jeevan, "Kbalistan: A Cheap Trick for Limelight", Hindustan Times, 21 April 1981. Narayanan, V.N., "Crusade for Khalistan", Indian Express, 1 November 1981. "No More Innocvous", The Tribune, 2 September 1981. Prem Singh, "Punjab: Meeting Separatist Challenge", Secular Democracy, Vol. 14, No. 10, October 1981) pp. 6-8. - - - , "Sikh Separatism: A Plea for Combating Communalism in Punjab," Secular Democracy, Vol. 14, No.6, June 1981, pp. 11-14. Randhir, G.S., "Sikh See Through Khalistan Game", National Herald, 4 June 1981. Rau, M. Chalapathi, "Separatism Again", Link, Vol. 24, No.9, 11 October 1981, p. 7.



"Resolution on Punjab Situation", New Age, Vol. 3 I, No. 28, 10 July 1983, p. 9. "Rural Sikh do not Favour Khalistan", Indian Express, 24 October 1981. Sareen, Rajindra, "Khalistan : The Psyche of Secession", Surge International, Vol. 2, No.3, September-December 1982, pp. 10-34. Satindra Singh, "Politics of Passion". The Tribune, 8 October 1980. Shervani, Ahmed Rashid, "Khalistau Gimmick-II", National Herald , 4 May 1981. "Sikh Nation", Hindustan Times, 4 October 198 I. Singh, S., "Khalistan: The Politics of Passion", Hindustan Times , 4 October 1981 and Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. 336, December 1981 , pp. 18-25. Surjeet, Harkishan Singh, "On the Slogans of Sikh Nationhood and Khalistan'," People's Democracy, Vol. 5, No. 20, 17 May 1982, pp. 5 and 8. "Symptom and the Disease," The Tribune, 18 August 1981. Talib, Gurbachan Singh,. "Khalistan Issue: A Study," .N ew Quest, January-February 1982, pp. 5-11. Foreign Hand "Barnes Mischief", The Patrioi,. !8 June 1983 . Chawla, G. S., "Khalistan: A Conspiracy Hatched in Americ " . Illustrated Weekly oj India, Vol. 102, No. 31, 25 October 198 , pp. 26 29. . "CIA-Trained Sikh Guerillas Infiltrate Punjab~" Blitz, 2 July 1983: "Dal Khalsa's P{lkistani Connection", Statesman, 20-21 July 1983. "Khalistan and USA," Pakistan Economist, Vol. 22, No.9, 27 February 1982. "Khalistan in Canada," The Tribune, 6 November 1981. ccNaxaJites and Pakistanis ¡ Infest Bhindranwale's Flock," Organiser, V(jl ~ 35;-No. 4, 12-June 1983. "Thakur, }anardall; <'Is Threat of Foreign Hand Real," Pioneer, 22 May 1983. "US Hypocrisy," The Patriot, 8 February 1982. POLITICAL PARTIES (Opinion of)


I .

.Bhatia, V. P., "Communist Hand if! Akali Separatism," Organiser, Vol. 35, No. 11,31 July-6 August 1983, p. 15. Chakravarty, NikhiJ, "Punjab Portents," Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 4~, 16 July 1983, pp. 1-3.



Chopra, Pran, "Punjab and the Opposition," Indian Express, 18 October 1983. Manon, N. C., "Too Many Willing Barkises," Hindustan Times, 13 July 1983. , "Politics of Confrontation," People's Democracy, ,Vol. 7, No. 26, 26 July 1983, pp. 1-2. S. M. Psued, "On the Margin," Indian Express, 2 July 1983. Sharma, Narendra, "Opposition Meet: Futility Over Punjab," Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 45, 9 July 1983, pp. 3-4. BJP

"BJP DCQlands Stringent Action in Punjab," Organiser, Vo). 35, No.9, 17 July 1983, p. 5. "BJP Shows the Way," The Tribune, 8 March 1983. Vajpayee, Atal Behari, "Congress-I and Akalis Play Havoc With Punjab", o rganiser , Vol. 35, No. 11, 31 luly-6 August 1983, pp. 1 and 4.

Congress-I Ahuja, D.R., "Centre Defers Decision", The Tribune, 14 September 1983. Atma Singh, "Prime Minister's Delaying Tactics 0!l" Punjab Tangle", Spokesman, Vol. 32, No. 45. 11 July 1983, p. 6 . . Bhajan LaI, "Haryana for Implementation of Award". The Patriot, . 3 August 1983. . Bharpur Singh, "Congress-I and thcjSikh Gurdwara'¡,'. Spokesman, Vol. 32, No. 50,-15 August 1983, p. 9. "Congress-I Responsibility for Khalistan Stuff", Organiser, Vol. 33, No. 21, 11 October 1981, pp. 1 and 15. Darbara Singh, "Punjab Boldly Faces Challenge", Mainstream, Vol. 20, Nos. 1-5, Annual 1981, pp. 19-20 and 170. Maini, Darshari Singh, "Darbara Singh Speaks", Illustrated Weekly of India, Vol. 104, No. 14, 10 April21983, pp. 18-19. Randhir~

G.S., HHoIlowness of Akalis' Claim", National Herald, 24

September 1983. "Same Old Harangue", Spokesman, VoL 33, No.9, 31 October 1983, p.3. "Smt. qandhi's Concern", Janata, Vol. 38, No. 13, 17 April 1983, pp. 1-3. See also Centre-Akali talks.



CPI Communist Party of India, Central Executive Committee, "Indira Gandhi Responsible for Present Punjab.Impass", New Age, Vol. 31, No. 30, 24 July 1983, p. 1. - - -'Punjai:> State Committee, "Appeal to People of Punjab". People's Democracy, Vol. 7, No. 28, 10 July 1963, pp. I and 3. "CPI Teams Report on Punjab: Unwarranted Police Atrocities on April 4", New Age, Vol. 31, No. 17, 24 April 1983, p. 5. Malhotra, Avtar Singh, "Explosive Situation Develops in Punjab", New Age, Vol. 31, No. 19, 8 May 1983, p. 5. Rao, C. Rajeswara, "cpr Calls for Tripartite Meeting", The Patriot, 31 July 1983. pp. 1 and 8. CPI (M) Communist Party of India {Marxist), Political Bureau, "Statement ou Punjab", People's Democracy, Vol. 7, No. 25, 19 JU.ne 1983, pp. 1-2. "CPf(M) Punjab Committee Call on Isolate Extremists Save Commu. nal Peace", People's Democracy, Vol. 5, No. 41, Il October 1981. p. 1. Namboodiripad, E.M.S., "EMS Blames Government for--Stalemate", The Patriot, 29 July 1983.

DMK Dhandapani, C.T., "Dhandapani Wants Centre to take Initiative", . The Patriot, 8 August 1983. DSP Bahuguna, B.N., "DeliBerate Gongress-I Drift", The Patriot, 5 August 1983. Forward Bloc " " Basu, Chitta, "Congress¡I Approach Partisan", The Patriot j 6 August 1983. Janata Party Harbhajan Singh, "In Punjab An Amicable Solution is Necessary", Janata, Vol. 38, ;No. 16, 12lune 1983, pp. 7-9. Subramaniam, Swainy, "Visit to"lthe Golden Temple", Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. 356, August 1983, pp. 57-80. Janvadi Party Yad~v, Chandrajit, "~olitical Game Delaying Solution" , The Patriot, 2 August 1983, Lok Dal Charan Singh, HCharan Blames 'Weak-kneed' Congress-I", The Patriot, 4 August i 983.



Inderjit, "Alert Against Disaster", The Tribune, 3 May 1983. Revolutionary Socialist Party Choudhury, Tridib, "Solution if Talks Are Resumed", The Patriot, 7 August 1983.

VIOLENCE Bedi, Harpal Singh, "Communalists Set Punjab AbI<I.ze", Free Press Journal, 31 September 1982. Berilldranath, Dewan, "Punjab Shall Smile Again", Democratic World, Vol. 10, No. 43, 25 October 1981, pp. 5- 18. Bhagwan Dass, "Flight of Capital from Punjab", The Tribune, 21 May 1983. Dang, SatyapaJ, "Punjab on the Doors of Big Danger", Link, Vol. 25, No. 38, 8 May 1983, pp. 0-8. - - - ("Pilnjab : Dealing With Mischief", Mainstream, Vol. 20, No.7, 17 October 1981, pp. 12-14. ---"Punjab Scenario", Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 45, 9 July 1983, pp. 7-8 and 10. Dutt, K.G., "Punjab Some Bitter Facts", National Herald, 2 May 1983. "Eight Political M~rders In Punjab in Six Weeks", Organiser, Vol. 33, No. 24, 1 November,981, p. 2. Joshi, Prabhash, "Cracki g a Hard Nut," Indian Express, 29 September 1981. Kumar, S.R., "pestrqction Their Common Aim," Search . Light, , '15 November 1982. Malik; Harji, "Day Atwal Was Murdered," Indian Express, 5 May 1983. Mehta, Gurbax, "Patiala Disturbances and After," Secular Democracy. June 1983, pp. 21-23. "Murders Most Foul." Spokesman, Vol. 33, No.7, 17 October 1983, p.3. Mustafa, Seema, "Hindu Sanghathan Behind Jalandhar Clashes," Sikh Rel'iew , Vol. 31, No. 356, August 1983, pp. 66-67. Najrn-ul-Hasan, "Calm Returns But Peace Eludes Patiala," Secular Democracy, May 1983, pp. 14-15. "National Round Table ... , lndian Express, October 1983. CCPolitical Murder," Jallata, Vol. 36, No. 31, 27 September 1981, pp. 2-3. Prem Kumar, "Communal Violence Shocks Jalandhar," 4 July 1983.




- - - , "Sikh CommulJaI Approaches: An Aspect of Punjab Politics,'. Secular Democracy, Vol. 14, No. 12, December 1981, pp. 11-16. "Punjab: Communalism Gaining Upper Hand," Commerce, 9 July 1983 . Rao, BaJwant, "Communal Threat to Pcpu]ar Unity," Marxist Review. Vol. 16, No. 11, May 1983. Rustamji, K.F., "Violence in North India," Indian Express, 22 October 1983. Sharma, Rita, "Jalandhar: A City Ravaged," Sunday, Vol. 10, No. 51, 10-16 July 1983, pp. 46-47. "Showing the Flag," The Tribune, 17 October 1983. Tavleen Singh. c<Murdl..r in The House to God," Sunday, Vol. JO, No. 42, 8-14 May 1983, pp. 54-55. Thapar, K.S., "Akali Communalism : Genesis And lmplications,'~ Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 24, -1-2 February 1983, pp. 15-19. Viswam, S , "Bloodshed in Punjab." Deccan Herald, 25 September 1981. "Who Rules jn Punjab", The Tribune, 1 October 1983. Extremism Abraham, A.S., "Politics of Terror = Implications of Punjab Extremism," Times of India, 21 October 1983. .' Anklesaria, Shahnaz, "Extremism in Punjab: The Roots, Both Old and New," Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. 356, August] 981, pp. 111-65. Bhatia, Prem, "Terrorism is Back," The T!ibune, 22 August 1982. Dang, SatyapaJ,~' Antinational Mischief in Pu'njab," Mainstream, -Vol. 19, No\. 39, 30 May 19R 1, pp . 19-20. - - - , "Problem '. of Isolating Extremists, Separatists," Link, VoL '25, , No. 51, 31 July 1983, pp. 12-13 and 2~. "Extremism in Punjab," Hindu, 23 September 1983. "Terror in Punjab", Indian Express, 3 October 1983. "Turn For the Better," Hindustan Times, 14 October 1983. "Worse T~mes for ¡ Punjab," Janata, Vol. 38, No. 29, 16 October 1983, pp. 1-3. . Hindu-Sikh Relations

Bedi, Harpal Singh, "Punjab : Delusions of Discrimination?" Sunday, Vol. 10, No: 37, 3'-9 April 1983, pp. 32-33. -Berindranath, Dewan, "Communal Amity : Sant Style," Democractic World, Vol. 12, No. 29, 17 July 1983, pp. 5-6 and 10. Dilbir Singh, "Communal Minded Hindus Been to Cowdown Sikhs," Spokesman, Vol. 32, No. 46, J8 July 1983, pp. 6-7.



HDon't Allow Communal Hatred to Spread in Punjab," People's Democracy, Vol. 6, No. 34,22 August 1982, pp. 6-7 and II. Ganda Singh, "Hindu-Sikh Tension ill the Punjab," Sikh Review, Vol. 31, No. 351, March 1983, pp. 27-3I. _ - - , "Origin of the Hindu-Sikh Tension in the Punjab," Sikh Review, Vol. 30, No. 342? June 1982. pp. 5-8. Gandhi, Rajmohan, "Suggestion for Akalis," Indian Express, 26 July 1983. - - -", "Towards Harmony in Punjab,'· Indian Express, 25 September 1982. Gpal Singh, "Hindu Sikh Fraternity," Spokesman Vol. 32, No. 10, 8 November 1982, p. 7. Hazara 'Singh, "Communal Harmony and National Unity:~ Spokesman, Vol. 31, No. 20, 25 January 1982, pp. 7-8. Inderjit Singh, "Punjab Situation," Mainstream, Vol. 21, No. 11. 13 November 1982, pp. 13-16 and Vol. 21, No. 12, 20 ·November 1982, pp. 25-29. ---,"Punjab Situation: Clouded Perception," Mainstream, Vol., 21 No. 30, 26 March 1983, pp. II-IS. Khanna, K.C., "Wither Punjab ?" lUustrated Weekly of india, Vol. 104 No. 14, 10 Apr-i1 1983, pp. 8-9. Khare. Harish, "Punjab Crisis : A Hindu View," Hinduscan Times, 25 November 1982. Kohli, Mohinder Pal, "Hindus and Sikhs Suffered Together in Patiala," Organiser; Vol . .35, No.2, 29 May-4 June 1983, p. 11. . Krishan Kant, "Punjab's Cultural Unity," Mail1S1ream, Annual 1983, pp. 25-26 and 41. Nayar, Kuldip. "Hindu-Sikh Tension Again", Pioneer, 25 September 1981. Parminder, "Campaign for Communal Harmony", People's Democracy, Vol. 7, No. 23, 5 June 1983, pp. 3 and 11. BHINDRANWALE SANT "Bhindranwale Escalat·;!s". Indian Express, 6 September 1983. "Bhindranwale Phenomenon", Hindu, 30 September 1981. Gaur, Sanjeev. "Sikhs Are a Separate Nation", Indian Express, 6 November 1983. Gurtej Singh, "What Bhindranwale Stands For ?" Illustrated Weekly of India, Vol. 104, No. 14, 10 April 1983, pp. 12-13. Mastafa, Seema, "Bhindranwala: Not For Peace but for Power". Secular Democracy, May 1983.




"Naxalites and Pakistanis Infest Bhindranwale's Flock", Organiser Vo1. 35. No.4, 12 June 1983, pp. 6 and 10. Nayar, Kuldip, "Bhindranwale Factor", The Tribune, 5 May 1983. HSensible Appeal", Spokesman, Vol. 35, No. 52. 29 August 1983, p. 3. Sinha, 8.M., "Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale: The Man Wholy Set Punjab Aflame", Illustrated Weekly of India, Vol. 103, No. 38, 24 October 1982, p. 22. - - - , "Truth of the Matter: Face to Face with Bhindranwale" , Sikh Review, Vol. 30, No. 339, March 1982, pp. 18-20. ~

CENTRE-AKALI TALKS "Akali Camp: Many Pulls", Link, Vol. 25, No . .44, 12 June 1983, pp.6-7. "Akllli-Demands" Hindustan Tim~s, 7 April 1982. "Akala Doub Ie-Talk", The Patriot, U~ October 1983. "Akalis and Talks", The Hindu, 3 January 1983. "Centre-Akali Dialogue: When Talks Fai1. . . ", Link~ Vol. 25, No 18, 12 December 1982, pp. 7-9. "Akalis Should Make the Next Move", Hindu, 30 September 1983. Chittranjan, C.' N., "Tjme for Statesmanship" Mainstream, Vol. 21, No : 37, 14 May 1983, pp. 1-3. Das, Silans u, "Akali Issue: Need for Better Understanding", Hind~st n Times, 11 February 1983. Hukam Sin h; "Centre-Akali Tangle", Spokesman, Vol. 32, No. 34, '25 April 1983, pp. 6-7. "Impetuous Ml'. Sethi" The Tribune, 29 October 1983. KapHa, Ramesh, "~~orcha May Not Bar Centre-Akali Talks", Indian Express, 10 September 1982. "No Black Mail", Hindustan Times, 26 October 1983. "One More Chance", National Huald. 26 October 1983 Prem Singh, "Urgency of Settlement", Secular Democracy, June 1983. "Prelsures in Punjab'~, S,tatesman, 20 January 1983. "Punjab Cauldron", Hiri.d ustan Times, 16 September 1983. "Punjab : . Surjeet's Call For Government Initiative", People's Democracy, Vol. 7, No. 11, 13 March 1983, p. 2. , "Punjab in Parliarqent", The Tribnne, 21 March 1983. Randhir, G. S. "Akali Intransigence'\ National Herald, 1 July 1983. Satindra Singh ~nd Ahuja, D. R., - "Akali Talks InconClusive'" The Tribune, 25 January 1983. "Sethi Thinks Again", Statesman, 28 October 1983. "Talking to the Akalis", Hindustan Times, 1 November 1983.



"Tell-tale Letters" , National Herald, 15 July 1983. "Timely Offer", Tim es of lndia. 26 October 1983. "Welcome Offer", Indian Express, 26 October 1983. PRE SIDENT RULE Bhatia, Pr em, Month of President' s Rule", The Tribune, 9 November 1983. Katyal, K. K., HPartisan Polem~c.s", FIindu, 17 Oct.ober 1983. H

PUNJAB IMBROGLIO: AN OVERVIEW Bains, Santokh Singh, "Role of Sikhism in Promoting National Integration" ) Spokesman, 31 Annual Number 1982. Bhullar, Jaswant Singh, « ( Akati Agitation and the Services", Illustrated . Weekly of india, Vol. 104, No . 14, 10 April 1983, p. 13. Darbara Singh , "Challenges M et and Prom· ses Kept" , Advance, Vol. 30, No . 2, April-June 1981, pp : 2-6 . Jain, Girilal , "Resistance to Tntegration: Akalis Fight Last Battle", Times of India, 11 May 1983. Prem Singh, «The Continuing Deadlock in Punjab'·' Secular Democracy; May 1983. Puri, Harish K ., "Green Revolution and Its Impact on Pun.jab Politics", Indian Political Science Review, Vol. 17, No.1, Jauuar.y 1983, pp. 98-11l. Sabherwal, O. P ., "Punjab Today: Many Sided Challenges", Mainstream, Vo1. 21, No. 49, 6 August 1983, pp. 10-11 and 34. . Sandhu;. ·Jasbir Singh, "Agony of Being a Punjabi', MP Chronicle , 26 March 1983.Sinha, B.M., "Mid-term Poll jn Punjab on· Cards' \ Free P,:ess Journal, 27 October 1982. -' - - , "Uneasy Situation in Punjab: Politicians Fishing in Troubled . Waters", Mail, 24 October 1981Sukhdev Singh, "Lessons of Punjab Agitation", Eastern Economist, Vol. 76, No. 17, 24 April 1981, pp. 2-5. "What Ails Punjab", Democratic World, Vol. 11, No. 47, 21 November 1982, pp. 10-11.

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