LOCAL REPRESE.NTATIVES Mr. Kirat Singh Sethi Dr. I. J. Singh N"", York Prof. Bhai HarbaRS Lal MoSsachusetts Mr. Harbans Singh Grover Buffllo, New York PATRONS, Mioharaja Amorind.r Singh Pltial..
S, Hardit Singh Malik New Delhi
Dr. TrililchOn Singh Detroit Mr. Gailgl Singh Dhillon Dr. Shamsher Singh Mit. Ursula Gill Wa"sltington, D.C.
EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Narind.r Singh Kapony. Chief Editor Prof. Hari Sjngh Ajaib Singh Sidhu Assistant Editon Dr. Gurnam Singh Sidhu
Mn Satinder Kaur Klpony Dr. I. J. Singh
Prof. 8hei Harban. lei
Prof. Klrlmjlt Singh Rai Illinois Dr. A. S. Dhaliwal Mr. B. S. Kalra ChiC8QO Mr. B. S. Basi
J. P. Singh Houston EDITOIUAL ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Mohinder Singh Randhawa (Chandigarh) Dr. Kartar Singh letvani (London) S. Khusltwant Singh (Bombay)
Prof. W. H. Mcleod (New Zaal.nd)
Prof. GaIda Singh (Paiial.) Prof. Harbans Singh (Patial,a) Mrs. Man;it P.M. w'yl.m (London)
Mrs·. Dilne Singh New Orleans Mrs. Glil Sidhu S.n Francisco Prof. Ha;i Singh Everest Yuba 'City
C. S. Wallia (California'
'THE SI KH SANSAR': Sansar means universe. Trilllitionally the mat.rial )lni...,.. has been c:oiIsidered an "illusion" (Maya). Tho Sikh. consider'the material uni"",... as • manile.~on of the Cosmic spirit. Thl. journal will attempt to present both the material and spiritual aspects of Sikh culture. THE SIKH SANSAR is owned and managed by the Siish Foundation. P.O. Box 737. Redwood CitY. Califomia 94064, which is a non·political. nll"'profit, organiz· ation dedicated to dissemination of knowledge about the history. literature, art, culture and ·religlous precapts, of the Sikhs. 'Tho v.iews presentad by various authors ,and contributors herein does not implv In endorsemiln! by either TH E 51 KH SAN· SAR' or The Sikh Foundation.
Gurpreet Singh Dr. Hakim Singh Los Angeles
R. S. Gyani Dr. Bunt Singh Onterio. Canida Dr. KesarSingh Mr. G. S. 0.001 VJRCQUver. Canldf Mr. A. S. Chhetwll London Mr. J. S. Sodhi Birmi....... U.K.
Editorial •
Traditionally the role ,?f .the Indian W0!Y'en had been a secondary and subn:us~\Ve ~ne. The H)nqu women by and large were limJted m thelt role ill the house and subjected to the domineerinl!: role of the male. On the' other hand, the Muslim wo~en shrouded in "purdah" (veil) were relegated to domestic tasks within the four walls of her nome. It was not until the 15th century when Guru Nanak preached equality of man ,and woman, on~ness of God, rlf.e peed for w0!Y'en to ~e. ~ctlve !lI SOCIa!, cul=al, religIOus and nat~onal actlvltles, that the Sikh women emerged to a level of responsibility egual to their contribution to family and soeie!}:. In fact eman~ipatibn . of the Sikh women, not only !f! pnnc)pie but m practice preceeded the great American suffrage I;Ilovement bv a few centuries. Equality be~towecf on Si~ women by the ten Gurus bas been ulllque ill the history of all religi,?ns of the' world. ,I~ ract theY, have achieved such a high degree of eguallty that Sikh Women are frequently found leadmg religious congregations side by Side with thelt menfolk.
Volume 4, Number 4 Deumber 1975
There have been great Sikh maharanees andprincesses, and then there are the common people, fro!Jl the learned professionals down to farmers and workers.. J:'aturally, .the different rapks perfopn their -patriotic and SOCial duties accorQing til their opPQrtunities.¡ A few years ago when there was war between India and F'akistan, the wives and of the Sikh farmers rendered the'most needed and important help to their men fighting for their country. This is part of our tradition.
Until 1947 when Indi'a became inQependent, Indians were not allowed -to immigrate to the United States, and those that managed to come" into the country :-vere not permirred full fledged citiz~,!ship stams. Smce the doors have been opened and citizenship is now accessible to Indians, the lndian women generally and the Sikh women in particular have come oller ~'? the Uniteq States !nspired: by their new modern spmt. Accord~ngly, SlkJi ladles are to be found to~ay performing the tasks of dO,ctors, teachers; nurses and businesswomen in addition to In the, past 500 years, Sikh women have stood their domestic responsibilities. shoulder to shoulder with their menfolk in war, in social reforms and religious campaigns on national We in this community try to preserve what we liberation fronts and in every other wal k, of life. All feel are some of the fine things of our cultural heritof ihis does not mean that the Sikh women have in aEe, but at ,the same time we are very conscious and any fotm or means neglected their domestic respon- aesU"ous of living up to our ambitions to be cpntribsiliility. In their role of a housewife, they are utin~ members of the American society. We feel counsdors. inspirers and teachers for th7 young child- greatly stimulated hy the environments and opportren and help onng a serene but dYD,amlc atmosphere unities for personal and professional growth in this op the domestic scene for their children to grow in. country. As this year is recognized as the Womens' Year Historically, there are hundreds of Sikh ladies by the United Nations, it is a great privilege to pay that have acquired equally the status of scholars~ a tribute to the' contributions of the Sikh ladies over figh~ers and every chapter of Sikh hiStory is. full or sacnfkes and acli,evements of these great ladles that the last five centuries. Satinder K. Kapany have helped forge the Sikh nation of-what it is to,day.
The Sikh wome!l are participa~ing vigorously in the general awakenmg among [ndlan women espedally since India became, inaependent. The Sikh community, although a small mmority in India, has alw~ys been 'a lert and con:~cious of its public dutic:s. Unhke any other creed, Sikhs are deeply rooted !D the, Indian cultural background and the Sikh women of all ranks are deeply patriotic.
EditQrial ..••... , ....' .... .. . , .. ..... , . , . , .. . .. • ...•. '. _. .• . ,,' . . , • ' • 112
Bebe Nanaki -the First Sikh . . ..". ' ,' • , .. . , . . . , .. . ••:•., , .. , . ., .• ' .' ..' .. Women, Prof Hi:I·zara Singh, .. .. . "..... ., . .... ..... . , •.. • •,. ...... ' .' . .' ... . A req,u~t to the. Subscribers • Aiai/) Singh si'dbu . .. .. .... .. ... .. .. . ...... . GliIIlf!ses of.S.i1<h !'Iistoty - SfilU:an Kal!r • t1=rSingh . . .......•... • ... Slklii1;ifi~nd Wameif'S: f:m.,gndpation . Harinder 'Kaur B'hela' . _. .... ....... . .
i;1"3 114U4·
115 116
'¥ ata KIiivi - WOinen fwshos . . , . . " .,., .•... • " .......... ., ....... . .. . 118 Sad:l!Kaut. GUj<rhllran $hrgfJ .. .. .. , .. , ' ,' , . _. .. . " , ' " ,,,.' ............. . . 119
' .
Tramslation: of Jllpji- ;. Si/.rdar ~jjmp.ilai!.sjnj!} , .. , . , ..... ,•..... ., .. .. '. '. . 12,(1 .Bihi Bhani - Mata Sulakhani .. " . '...• '; .... , .. . , " . .. ." . .•.•. , ... ' .• '''' , , . lZ8 Ma·t a,Glfjari-Mata'Sahib De'oIan (;rh~. Mother of Siklrs), , ........ ' .' ..... . 129 Dudoumey t9 l'{~nl(i(!ja. $~ib .. , . , • • •. • .. • . .. , ... . ...... .... . ... . . . . 13.0 Sansar ·Comm.uiliCiltioils: ...... .. ... . . '.... .. .. . .. . ..... , ..... . .. . . .. . U2
Second, Gurmaf .annp.A Call.for Applicaiio.ns' • D~. Harbans La/"\=e:hreillW'.Q{ GgUr Tet:h BMaJlW • 'Dr. -Barbam Lal The Sikh 'tul~ni,l $ade.w .of Gr¢i!t ~ritaio • A. 5, Cllbt#.'Wai A Height of Ingratiruqe and Deliberate Q~qimIiiatio.n Towatds,Sikli
SoldiCll'S'ofl'ndilm lllatio.nal ArIllY '.' •...... . . ' .' • . , ... ; , ' " • .. S.acrifice of Brave Mo.ther (Balbil"K:aur) . • ....' .., " . ' . , .. ............ ' .' '.' Women 'BraYin~ R~prC!$Si6i1 - Mai Bhago (The ,Fearless Lea&~) . .. .' . . . . • • •• Mah~.r3,l}1 lind ~ll..ui' in N~par:.L>r. Ka.n.clianmoy Mojumdar; BoJa.ngir . . • .... In Fu~e ~ss~~ of1IU; sii<H SAl"ISAR ...... .............. .. ........ Materials' Fonp;<; S~dy 0.( E~ I!i!i~~ ffis:tqrY i.n N'oMh AiJ!eri~ .........
134 U:S 13(5 140 142
BEBE NANAKI - THE FIRST SIKH A sister's love for her brother is a perennial theme of Punjabi folklore. Of this sisterly affection, the most tender and vivid example is that of Bebe Nanaki (1464-1518). The Janamsakhis are full of the stories of her deep and devoted affection for her brother. Guru Nanak, the founder of the Sikh faith . Bebe Nanaki was the first to recognize Guru Nanak as God's chosen one. She is seen here with her husband ]airam, as Mardana. the ministrel. receives the rabab on which he accompanied Guru Nanak singing his divinely inspired songs. This was before Guru Nanak set out on his preaching journeys, accompanied by Bhai Mardana.
Prof_Hazara Singl\ I am not fu.Jl of guile, jealousy is not my I am woman, not that who led to the exile
Of Adam from Heaven and his fall below on earth. Thev' ana mislead ihems\!lves Whe c:all me so. I am neither man's misfortune nor cause of his weakness They led empty lives who$c minds are thus depraved. . I neither led to the loss ef paradISe nor obstruct Those w~o!ray or do penance to be reunite With God. I am the symbol of neaven itself, if man Cares to see. I am map's mother. my lap is blissful as
heaven I t is a free gift and not the reward after
death. real and is not lost if my sons go astray They have nm [0 pray for it, rather I yearn for them . If God is love, hone is !Dore seWess in love than I I give seldom caring to tah, I suffer but never grumble, Because I am man's mother, his sister to make him sober, His wife to cheer him, and his daughter to ennoble him .
A REQUEST TO THE SUBSCRIBERS Please cbeck the top of the address label on the ertVelope. THE NuMBER ON THE TOP LEFT IS YOUR RE'FERENCE NUMBER. Make a 'note of this l'lUmber and quote it in all correspondence, especially w.hen you renew your subscription or notify 'u s about any change in your aqdress .. THE NUMBER ON THE TOP RjGHT IS THE EXPIRY DATE OF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION e.~. 317 9- it means that yo,:", 'subscriptio!1 ~xp~es m Ma'rch, 1979. Please see if your subSCrIptiOn IS due now. The letter 'L' indiqltes that you are a Life Member. Renewing your subs'c ription every year is a bothersome affair to you, and it is an unpleasant task for us, to remind you about it. r ta~e this oppo~tun Iry to request you to becom~ a Life Memher. The 114
hidden nature Frailty is not my name, nor I led man to. frequent wars. These are the treach of the minds which are illdevelQped For·they take me as a tQy without ·either mind or soul r do noT; want, to be betterhalf, but the just
I am not crazy to rule his heart but seek to be.understood , He befools himself when he thinks that he cajoles me, I make him great, he sllOuld not intrigue to degrade me. When wats vanish apd the double way of, life is' nor practised When wealrh corrupts not a few and poverty . degrades not many When customs and law are used not to suppress but libera,e The human soulfrom the ~haekless : social and political Then my glory will radiate with all its' sublimity If with a few stray chan~es I can show my mettle How dazzling will be I, when I get \mgrudged equality. In bondage I rear him great, my liberation will make him greater.
subscription is only $150 dollars. In case It 15 not possible, remit your subscriptiQn for at least four years - only $_2.0" Most of the subscribers have al· ready done that. Please cQnsider it. . If th\: TOP RIGHT flAND IS BLANK your subscription has already expired. We have kept you on the mailing list temporarily ; we do not want you to miss any -issues of the Sikh Sansar. Tbe second register of SIKHS IN THE U.S .A. and CANADA - 1976 IS getting ready . The deadline date is March 31, 1976. Please ret)lm your biogtaphical data form at the earliest. See page 141. . . . . Please send your subSCriptiOn and registratlon fee (cbeck or money order) to : The Sikh Sansar Post Office Box 73 7 Redw.ood City, California 94064 Ajaib Singh Sidhu - Asst. Editor
GLIMPSES OF SIKH HISTORY - SHARAN KAUR AMAR SINGH (l\Ialaysia) UO Lora, my brothers have pot spared the last d,rop of their blood to eliminate tbe tyrannical opprcssio.n of the: rulers, hCD(:C they have carned refuge at Your Feel. Tb~y who serve: Your creatures deserve an exalted position. They came to tbe rescue of children and women whose dreadful. eriq for help had filled the air iIIld .made it heavy with grid. YOQr true ,worshippers have sacrificed everything they had. May their son:ls have Your blessings, O. Lord. II
The Bartle of Chamkaur had ended, and corpses were lying. about everywhere. The Sikhs, under the superb leadership of Guru Gobind Singh, had shown heroic endurance and undaunted courage, though they were only forty in number, and the Mughal army IJumbered over a hundred thousand. The devoted lirtle band. of Sikbs had fought to the last, and the Guru with five of his diSCIples escaped in the darkness of the night under the orders of his Five Beloved Ones (Panj Piyare).
"0 Lord, my brothers have not spared the last drop of their blood to eliminate the ryrannical oppression of the rulers" henee they have earned refuge at Your Feet. They who serve Your creatures deserve an e~alted posidon. They <;arne to the reSCUe of children and women whose dreadful cries for help had filled the air and ma:de it heavy with grief. Your true worshippers. have sacrificed everything they had. Max their souls have Your blc:Ssings, 0 Lord."
The Mughal fo(ces spent th.e whole of .the ne...:t day celebrating their victory in the belief that Sant Singh's head was that of the Guru and that the Sikhs had been subdued. The corpses of the Mughal soldiers had been 'buried, but the bodies of the Sikbs were left to rot on the battlefield. This ghastly sight roused a courageous young Sikb woman into action. Fear became alien to her, and the memory of her brothers fighting with remarkable valour and tenaciry remained alive in her mind. Her ardour and zeal transformed her into a lioness and· she waited for darkness to carry out her dury towards rhese immortal brothers.
Speared and Burnt: After pr.ay.ings thus, she set fire. to the pyre from every side. The rose skyhigh, inViting the anention of the guards who stood .numb alld appalled in sheer fright and pandemonium. In moments, everything was reduced to ashes; thus her impormnities to God prevailed.
Corpses Collected At midnight, this young woman appeared in Turkish overalls with a lamp in her hand, and passed the snoring guaras stealthily. It seemed that the deuds also came to her help and blotted Oijt the Stars ahd lIl;lde it a perfectly dilrk night. She c{)llected the bodies of the marryrs and piled them at one place. The Sikhs' distinctive appearance solved her problem of recognizing her· brothers. She was aware of the price she was to pay fer this noble. deed, but she could not see the corpses of her brothers being defiled.
She was at once surtounded by the gua:rds and questioned incessantly. Paying no hel'ci-to the guards, she s.a t with her hands cJa,sped and a contented smile on her face . Disgusted with her, as they ceuld not get .any answer, they speared ·the young woman and threw ner body into rhe flames. BU't all .rhar could be heard from her was, WahegllJ'lI. Wahegunl. Wahegunl.
At last, the first part of her task was over. She had collected sufficient wood from the jungle and piled it over the Corpses. With clasped hands, she stood and prayed sincerely and wholeheartedly for her valiant b.rothers to the Almighry. She pleaded for heavenly refuge for the ~>uls of her dead brothers, who ~ad. sacrificed their lives to save the chastio/ of their SISters: 115
HARINDER KA\iR BHELA It is no secret that the greatness of the Sikhs. the Khalsa, is generally due to the greatness of their, womenfolk. Even ODe of the Gurus had to say afttrauario tmdersaria maiDn rab razllian (The men of Amritsar are· prisoners in their homes, women haYe the grace of God)..
Various philosphers and religious teachers have held different views about women from time to time. But Sikhism, which is the newest of the great religions, is the greatest emancipator of women. Let us consider a few religions - not to criticize them, but to see their attitude to women. In Islam, women have to be strictly in purdah that is to say, veiled or hidden from the sight of man. However, divorce was allowed and maO'iage made a legal contract besides the marital union. Christianity permits certain rights, duly modified from time to time. In various countries, certain privileges have been won by women themselves ; but celibacy is essential in nunneries, and woman, in many Ways, is considered the centre of sin. Hinduism and Buddhism generally favour renunciation and adl'ocate retirement into jungles and total celibacy for gaining salvation. Numerous Handicaps It is well known that women cannot celebrate maO'iages or conduct the marriage service in any -o f the religions I have mentioned. Among· the Hindus, the Dev Das; cult is still practised, and, till recently, the wife and daughter had few material rights . Men were at liberty to marry as many times as they liked and their wives could not c1aini divorce. The killing of female babies was· common, whereas sat; (the widow's self-immolation) had to be stopped by law during the British regime. The question of widow rem3!riage was never consider~d even though the marnage age was as low as SIX months, With the result that some girls became widows while they were yet children. Shaving of the head by woman is practised by Christian nuns as well as certain sects of Hindus. Moreover cettai~ professio~s ~ere almost taboo for women, espeCially the WieldIng 9f arms, except in few instances, such as Joan of Arc or the Rani of Jhansi. Position -of Women Key to Sikh Merits It is no secret that the greatness of the Sikhs, the Khalsa, is generally due to the greatness of their womenfold, Even one of the Gurus ·had to sayamratsarjQ andersar;a maian rab raza;an (The men of Amritsar are prisoners in their hO)lles, women have the grace of God). Among the first Sikh WO!TIcn is Mata Tripta, who gave birth to the great Prophet, Guru Nanak, 116
who gave freedom and light to the world. He was the first to remark, "Why hate the woman who gives birth to prophets, great men and rulers?" Guru Nanak's childhood could not be disassociated from Mata Tripta's influence. Girl's Self-Sacrifice Next we come to Bibi Bhani, who inimortalized herself through her self-sacrifice at a tender age when she lent a bleeding finger to support the stool of her father, Guru Amar Das, whe was being oathed by the daughter (A common practice of pquring water on to an old father's body). She was the mother of the great Guru Arjan Dev, the compiler of Guru Grant" Sahib, and grandmother of Guru Har Gobind Sahib, and lP'eat-great grandmother of Guru Gobind Singh. Consistent with her example her descendants Guru Arjan and Guru. Tegh Bahadur martyred themselves and Guru Gobind Singh made the S).lpreme sacrifice of his father, mother, and all four sons and himself - not to win kingdoms, but for Sikhism and the Khalsa. It is that little seed of self-sacrifice which grew into the great Khalsa brotherhood, which has sl?r~ad to fb~r corners. of the world-a b~otherhood distmctlve, frrst, by itS deeds of manliness, and, secondly, by the wearing of full beards, keshas, and turbans. It is the amrit of Guru Gobind Singh, which perhaps started with Bibi Bhani and the great Mara Gujri, who gave birth to the greatest liberator of the world, GUril Gobind Singh. It was the amrir produced by Guru Gobind Singh on Baisakhi Day that emancipated a downtrodden race and transforme!i them into the conquerors, from Afghanistan to China, frOIn Galgit to Delhi. But, while Ereparing the necta: it was left to the feat Mara Sahib Devan (Guru Gobmd Singh's spiritua spouse) ·to /live the fmal touch to make the "Water of Salvation" sweet with sugar bubbles (bitasa) - a respect shown to womanhood, unknown by any other religion of the world. Sikh \lUmanity and chivaJty towards women is in many ways, derived from Mata Gujri. Sikh Women's Privileges Now what does th.e great Guru's amrit of Baisakhi Day give to the womenfolk of the world in general, espeCially of India. It gives equality in worship, equality in society, equality of thought, complete aDolition of the veij wearing of kutcha (drawers). wielding of arms by women and children. abolition
of sati. widow remarriage, fidclty to wife and sister. fre,edom of speech. freedom to preach and to act as priest, freedom from the need to be nuns and devilasis. and, above all. freedom of thought. When Guru Gobind Singh's wife asked him, "Where are our four sons?" He replied, "What does it matter if feur sons are gone. There are mapy thousand alive (pointing to the Sikhs)." Today, there are millions. No. it did not eng there; the heritage was acquired also by the Khalsll; women who would not accept the forry muktas (Liberated), when they returned home deserting the Guru, and they !tad to die fighting in hattle, and Mai Bhago wielded arms outmatching the Khalsa men. Famous Women's Role In the shorr, but great, history of the Sikhs. it was the · mother-in-law of the great Maharajah Ranjit Singh, Sada Kaur, who was basically responsible for the defeat of Shah 'Zaman at the last battle, for the emancipation of India from the (oreign yoke after 1,000 years. It was a Maharani of Patiala who caused the defeat of Holkar. Consider the manliness and chivalry of the Khaisa when they rescued ' 15 ,000 Mahratta women from the clutcltes of Ahmed Shah
Abdali, who had enslaved them and was raking them to Iran. But the Khalsa horsemen, against all odds, rescued them aU. The Khalsa horsemen delivered each sister safely to her home in Maharashtra. a thou· sand miles away. The women r,ode all the way, while the Sikhs were content to walk alongside. The British writer, Cunninllham, rightly calls it "the greatest act of chivalry 1D the East." Perhaps, it is the greatest act of chivalry in the world. In European distances, it would mean that Russian women rescued from Paris were restored to Moscow. Sikh Respect for Women Sikh respeq for women does not end there. The molestation of women by conquering Khalsa soldiers was forbidden-something unlmown in 'the East, or even the West. The example set by the Khalsa soldiery during the two World Wars is superb in this respect as compared with other warring ,nations. What is it that has transformed a down trodden race into such admirable people?.It is most definitely the amrit of Guru Gobind Singh of memorable Baisakhi Day, and, no less, th'e tradition inherited by Sikh women down the ages.
English monthly magazine from The Sikh Cultural Centre. J131I-A. Chittaranjan Avenue, calcutta~ 12, India
1. Explains the mission of the great Guru Nanak. 2. Upholds tne traditions and preStige of Sikhism. ~. Contains contributions by the bightst auth orities on Si~h. religion and cui turf;. 4. Offers ,a. challenge to toda~l's youth.. 5. Its. articles have broad and rational views. 6. It affords food for thought for educated people of all religions and all nations. 7. Its articles arc of a high literary standard .and always· bring you something new. 8. It appeals not a.n ly to Indian nationals but to others as well.
Annual subscription: India - Rs. 20.00 • Outside India - S 5.50 or £2.30 A Teprcsentative in United St,atcs: I. !'lof.ssor lhri Singh Everest. 2217 Melba St •• Yuba City, Ca. 95991 2. S. 'Ajaib Singh Sidhu, 13048 <Brookpark Road, Oakland, Ca. 94619 3. International Sikh Youth FederatioD, 13;3"'- Diana, Madison Heights, Mich. 48071 4. Mr. BaIJir S. Bosi, 5438, Millbrook Rd., Bedford Ueights. Ohio 44146 5. Mr. D.• W. Singh, 3 777lDde~nde nce Ave. , Riverdale, N .Y. 10463
MATA KHIVI Khivi was a noble-minded WOmen. Deep was her shadow as that of a mighty tree. Bountifully she distributed in the langar ambrosial klleer enriched with large measures of ghee. Ramkali ki Var. Satta Balwand Mata Khivi was the wife of Guru Angad (1504-15521. the Second Guru. She was noble of mind and revelled in serving her Master and his Sikhs. -She toiled lovingly in the Guru-ka-Langar. or community kitchen. and served the Guru's disciples wi th utmost courtesy and joy. The Guru-ka-Langar in her hands was a source of unlimited bounty and the harbinger of community consciousness and love.
WOMEN PARISHES One of the verses in Asa-ki- Var says: "Why demean them who give birth to heroes among men?" Guru Amar Das (1479-1574). the Third Guru. appointed women to conduct Sikh missionary and parish work. Parishes in the charge of men were known as Manjian, from manji or string-bed. Those in the charge of women were known as Pirhian, from pirhi or low-sitting.,stools on which they sat to minister to the disciples. Their selection for this important task proved the Guru's recognition of the organisational ability of Sikh women.
SADA KAUR (1762-1832) Gurcharan Singh
The invasions of Nadir Shah ahd Ahmad Shah Abdali brought the process of ,disintergration of .t he Mughal Empire, which had already commenced after the death of Aurangzeb, to coml'leti.on. . Out of ~his chaos and anarchy arose the Sikhs ~ the Panjab, who later created a kingdom of the PanJab under Maharaja Ranjit Singh. D~ing his ~arly eare~r, the Maharaja, was greatly assISted by hiS mother-1O-Iaw, Sardarni Sada Kaur. After the death of Abdali, control of the Sikhs over the Panjab ?ecame more organise~ and es~ablish ed. Out of thiS system there came mto bemg the various Misls, or small states. These Misls varied in size and resources; and, exceptfor their religion, they had nothing in common and 'were without any unity or purpose. Out of these, twelve were the most important Misls and are well-known throughout Sikh history. Maharaja Ranjit Singh Was, born in 17119 (A.D .l and on the death of his father took over the kadership of the Sukarchakias - one of the, twelve important Misls. The base of this Misl was at Gujranwala, but they also possessed. some lands around Gujrat, Sialkot, Pind Dadan Khan and Miani in the west of river Jelham (now all these places are in West Pakistan.) the Kanhaiyas were another important Misl of the Sikhs 'a nd was on a par with the Bhang; Mis!. It was founded by Sardar Jai Singh who came from the village of Mauza Kanha, 15 miles east of Lahore. The Kanhaiyas possessed large parts of the disIricts of Amritsar and Gurdaspur, with their centre of activities at Batala 1 .. Sardar Jai Singh's son, Sada!' Gurbakhsh Singh was married to ,S ada Kaur, a daughter of Sardar Daswandha Singh Alkel, who came from a family of old traditions in courage and hravery. Sada Kaur, born in 17'6 2, was brought up in these heroic surroundings where she developed in herself these qualities.
Sardar J ai Singh (it was his privilege to have taken pahul at the hands of NaWab Kapur Singh) was the renowned leader of the Kanhaiya Misl, and was a man of influeI)ce in the Panjab. He had extended protection to Mahan Singh of Sultarchakia Misl in the latter's earlier life and I)~ helped him in the capture
of Rasulnagar (on the banks of Chenab River) from its Muslim ehief. But, around a,bout 1785 An., when Mahan Sin~h had made his reputation, he discarded the protemon of J ai Singh and declared his indepen!fence; this had annoyed Jai Singh. Once, when Mahan Singh. visited Amrip;ar on Diwali, he approached J ai SIngh wirli sweetmeats. But, the latter msulted Mahan Singh by saying: "Go away, you Bhagtia (dandn~boy); 1 do not want to hear your sennmental talk. " Mahan Singh's young hlood was infuriated, and he went away with the resolve to avenge this insult. With this in mind, he invited Sardar Jassa Singh Ramgarhia whose trans-Satluj territorie.s had been captured by the Kanhaiyas, and who himself had run away to the east of the Satluj. Mahan Singh was, also, able to getSansar Chand of Kangra's help in this affair. BUt, before this help could reach Mahan Singh, he had had a few ski~mish es with the Kanhaiyas ·and lost some of his territory. Now, the three allies iointly attacked Jai Singh; a fierce battle IVas fought at Achal, a village two miles south of Batola and Jai Singh was defeated. Gurbakhsh Sing, the eldest son of Jai SIngh was killea in this .encounter. Gurbakbsh Singh was, like his father, handsome and had during his boyhood become an expert in riding and wielding 'the sword. The result of this battle was that all the possessions of Sukerchakias·. and Ramgarhias were restored to ,their re'Spective claimants and the' fort of Kangra handed over to Sansar Chand. When she received the news of her husband's death, in battle, Sada Kaur did not cry; ·instead she 'took the messenger's steed and rode to the scene of the battle where her husband was lying In bloQd. She removed his weapons an.d adorned herself with these. And from this day there was a complete transformation in her. She had her husband's dead body brought to Batala where it was crearnated. Late·r, she had a Smadh built over this place. Later, in ordc:r to avenge' his defeat, ]ai Singh at-
tac~ed Mahan Smgh. at Naoshehra, but was, once
agam defeated. Jru Singh fled towards Nurpur upon the approach of his enemy. I,t was here thilt' the shrewd a~d enterprising Sada: Kaur, widow of Gurbakhsh 51Ogh, who had a ,great influence over her age~ father-~-la~ and more or less regualted the affalrs of therr Misl proposed a the engagement of her only daughter-Mehtab Kaur - to RarJjit .Singh, the son of Mahan Singh. The bethrothal ceremony took
place sometime in 1785, when Ranjit was only five years old. Her intention was to unite the families of these twO Misls, create a bond of friendship betwen the two houses and work it towards her benefit. After the death of her father-in-law she became the head of the Kanhaiyas with a force of 8,000 horses. (Khalsa Raj de Ursra'ya, Prem Sin!5h, 1, P. 55.) How rightly the subse9uent events vmd,cated the truth of this artful planmng and her far·slghtedness l The result of this union was peace and prosperity for Mahan Singh's reign for many years. All the efforts till then wasted in fighting against each other were now concentrated to form a bigger and stronger force. And this laid the foundations of the Sikh Raj in the Panjab. Sardar Mahan Singh died in March, 1792, leaving Ranjit Singh, only twelve years old, under the conuol of his mother-in-law. Sada Kaur, "one of the most artful and ambitious of her sex" that ever figured in history. "The wisdom and energy of this extraordinan' woman . .. conduced matenallv to the su ccess of Ranjit Singh in his early exploits a,{d it is truly said of her that she was the ladder by which Ranjit Singh reached the summit of his power." It was unfortunate for Ranjit Singh, that he did not have a mother who could Inspire him into greatness. So, this place
was filled by his mother-in-law, Sada Kaur, till he was fit to carry out his princely duties independently. This state of affairs gave Sada Kaur the opportunity of using her influence over Ranjit Singh and use him as a stepping stone for her own political advancement. According to some writers, Mehtab Kaur, on the death of her grandfather lai Singh, is supposed to have inherited all the property and treasures of the Kanhaiyas, and Sada Kaur was merely acting as ·her Regent 4. Whatever may be the case, Sada Kaur was in complete charge of the Kanhaiyas. The immediate results of this alliance went according to her plans. As soon as her father-in-law died in 1793, she was able to make her mother-inlaw with her two sons retire from the scene. She established her headquarters at Batala and commenced planning for the achievement of her ambitions. Ranjit Singh married Mehtab Kaur in 1796. This marriage "brou!5ht together two of the most dynamic Sikh personalities of the time. Ranjit Singh and his mother-in-law, Sada Kaur , who by both working together and working against each other determined the course of Sikh hIStory for the next forty years. 5 " After the marriage, Sada Kaur had accompanied her daughter to her husband's home to live with her. To get her hold on Ranjit Singh, Sada Kaur started poi-
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soning his ears against Lakhpat Rai, the dewan of late Mahan Singh. First of all, Sada Kaur checked the papers main.tained By piwan L:'khpat Rai; when she found considerable discrepanCies m thtse, she had him removed from the job. Then she sorted out the Sukarchakia force discarding unwanted elements. Not satisfied with this, Sada Kaur started interfering in other matters directly which resulted into regular clashes beliWeen Sada Kaur and Ranjit Singh's mother. The invasion of Zaman Shah in 1796 gave some respite to this danger over than the clashes betwen the two ladies recommenced; the clashes were merely "intrigues for power and influence and for the possession of his mind. 6 . Also the young couple weren't fond of each other and, on the tOp of it, Sada Kau~'s (,resence there and. her med~ling in their affalI"s did not prove conouctlve to their happy relationship,but, on the other hand! her !,.res~nce aggravated the sad state of relationship. Ran]lt Smgh felt estranged and was in want of a companion; his wife - Mehtab Kaut - had failed to fill this vacuum, and Ran/·it Singh contracted his second marriage. Meanwhi e, Ran]it Sing's mother had died and Lakhpat Rai was killed. Although Sada Kaur was able to · dislodge Lakhpat Rai and Ranjit Singh's mother, she herself failed to take their place. So, Sada Kaur, taking her daughter (Mehtab Kaur) with her left for Batala. THE COLLABORATION Ranjit Singh's marriage with Kaur had brought' him uner the intluence of the able and diplomatic Sada Kaur who "more than anyone else directe~ his unbounded energy towards unifying the Panjab. " She was, "by all accounts a woman of extraordinary ability and her considerable talents now enabled her to playa prominent part in Ranjit's affairs . [n fact sh:e lJecame the leading personality in Ranjit's councils and the most powerful instrument of his early triumphs 8 " She, as will be seen, became the real power behind the young Ranjit Singh. Labore [n 1796, when Zaman Shah of Kahul invaded the Panjab and ·occupied Lahore, most of the Sikh Misls buneo their differences and assembled at Arnritsar to plan a joint action a/Sainst the invader. Here, Sada Kaur persuaded Ranjlt Singh to take up arms against the Afghans when the majority of the chiefs were against such an action. She delivered a spirited speech to the gathered chiefs and she is supposed to have made the bold statement that, if they ran away, she would fight the invader alone. This firmness of a woman served the purpose and all the chiefs joined hands to fight the invader. Ranjit Singh was cbosen as their leader. But, fortunately, Zaman Shah, because of the rebellion by his half·brother, Malunud, had to return to KabuL As soon as Zaman Shah turned his back, the Bhangi Sardars, the tyrant rulers of Lahore, who had fled at the advent of Zaman Shah
re-occupied the city. The citzens were not happy with the Bhangis; so , in 1799, they invited Ranjlt Singh to take over the city, and promised whatever help they could give in achieving this aim. Besides, the Lahore citizens also sent an appeal to Sada Kaur, now head of the Kanhaiya Misl, ~~:;;t ing her to support the Maharaja in this unde . g., So, Ranjit Singh, with all the available forces, march- , cd towards Batala where SadaKaur, who had already returned there from Lahore, was waiting for him.' From there, both marched towards Arnritsar at· the head of their respective forces, estimated at about 25,000. Meanwhile, Ranjit Singh had obtained further informatio.n about the state of affairs in Lahore and the genuineness of the applicants; this was all favorable to him. However, the news broadcast was that the Maharaja was on his usual religious visit to Amritsar to bathe in the Sarovar. From Arnritsar he carried out a forced march and reached Lahore in one day and surprised the Bhangi Sardars. (It is said that all the planning for this surprise. attack hll:d been done by Sada Kaur.) The forces beselged the City when the· citzens were engrossed in watching the celebrations of the Shia festival of Muharram. The three Bhangi Sardars were given no chance "to prepare the defences. However, the defenders sent out a force of about 200 armed men to oppose Ranjit Singh, but it was defeat· cd. Ranjit Singh now divided his force 'into two parts; one under Sada Kaur was to feign entry from the Delhi Gate (this force, later entered. the ShahAlmi Gate which, had been k.ept open by the citizens, the second portlon, compnsmg 2,000 horses and 4 guns (including 300 Akalis) under his own command was to rorce entry bv the Lohari Gate. Two of the Bhangi Sardars had by now fled leaving only Chet Singh in the field. . Chet Singh, planning on false information, took a force of about 400 to 500 men and advanced towards Delhi Gate, where severe fighting took place. On rhe other side, Ranjit Singh had forced entry·through a different gate. Chet Singh on learning of this treachery made for the citadel and was just 1U time to enter it and shut himself up; otherwise, a slight delay on Chet Singh's part would have meant immediate occupation of the citadd bv the invaders. Now started desultory firing from both sides lasting for about twenty hours. The Maharaja wanted to bombard the citadel and then take it by assault but his shrewd mother·in-Iaw advised him against it· she argued that besieged, having no provisions withln and, with their communications from without having been cut off, would soon be compelled to surrender themselves. She was proved correct by the events; shortly, Chet Sipgh surrendered on the condition that he be allowed uflmolested exit Qut of the city and be given a suitable allowance. These terms were granted and the eighteen year old chief occupied the famous fort. [t was July 7th, 1799. Along with the fort, a number of guns and large quantity of treasure came into the
Maharaja's hands. Chet Singh was given the village of Vennia, 24 miles from Lahore, in Jagir worth Rs. 7,000 a year. This was a great victory for Ranjit Singh. Lahore, bein~ the political capital of the Pimjab , enhanced Ran)lt's stature and political prestige and "also invested him with the semblance of a title to the rest of the Panjab." After this he proclaimed himself a Maharaja. The capture of Lahore created jealousies among other chiefs such as the Bhangis, the Ramgarhias and the Nawab of Kasur. They all collected themselves at the village of Bhasin (located between Lahore and Amritsar) to give battle to Ranjit Singh. When Ranjit Singh was tackling them, Sada Kaur fought J3:ssa Singh Ramgarhla near Batala and defeated him. In 1801, Sada Kaur engaged in fighting against the combined forces of the Raja of Noorpur and Raja Sansar Chand of Kangra who had captured some of her villages. On hearing this news, Ranjit Singh ad\·anced to help her. No sooner had the news of the Maharaja's advanced reached the invading Rajas than they fled. Ranjit Singh not only recovered the villages lost by Sada Kaur, but also, himself accupied some of Sansar Chand's territory. All this territory and its revenue was handed over to Sada Kaur. Amritsar In December, 1802, the Maharaja captured Amritsar - the religious headquarters of the Sikps ; the Kanhaiyas under Sad a Kaur rendered him great help in its capture. After proclaiming himself the Maharaja, Ranjit Singh pro~eeded to occury smaller states and. to consolidate hiS power. In thIS he was greatly asSISted by his mother-in-law, although , in the process, the Kanhaiyas also suffered to a great extent. In the same year Sardar Bhag Singh Bhugga died and, on the Maharaja's orders, all hIS estates were given to Sada Kaur. By 1805, with the help'.of~. Fateh Singh Ahlu,:"aalia and Sada Kaur, RanJit smgh had Lahore Iymg prostrate at his feet; Amritsar - the religious capItal -in his hands; and Kangra, Chiniet, Kasur and Multan subdued or weakened. With so milch power in his hand, now he was in a position to take on bigger conquests. Kangra The occupation of Kangra was important for dominating the hilly area between the rivers Satluj and Ravi. In 1806, the Gorkhas having defeated Sailsar Chand in the battle of Mahal Mohri, proceeded towards Kangra. The latter requested Ranjlt Singh to help him against the Gorkhas, but Ranjit Singh demanded the fort of Kanwa in ·return, which Sansar Chand refused to part With. Having approached everyone else unsuccessfully., Sansar Chand in 1809, agreed to hand over the fort to the Maharaja. On this the Maharaja despatched Diwan Mohkam Chand to help San.sar Chand against the Gorkhas. He was in122
structed to make sure that the fort was ceded to him before he rendered any help to Sansar Chand. When the time approached, as was suspected, Sansar Chand hesitated to hand over the fort, saying it would be done after the Gorkhas wer.e expelled. However. he sent his son Anurodh Singh as a hostage to Diwan Mohkam Chand. Meanwhile a delicate situation had arisen between the Maharaja and the British and ·th e Diwan had to be recalled from Kangra. Taking advantage of the situation. Sansar Chand again approached Amar Singh Thapa, the ruler of Nepal, promising him the fort of Kangra. Meanwhile he had brought his family toa safer place, put his brother with four months' provisions in the fort and closed its gates. Ranjit Singh was annoyed at this duplicity of Sansar Chand, and this time he sent Sada Kaur to take necessary action in the matter. Sada Kaur with Anurodh Singh seated on an elephant, adv~ced towards the fort. On reaching the fort she demanded the keys; these were refused. Then she tdd the boy to ask for the keys ; the young man obeyed her, and the gates were opened and the fort occupied. Thu.s. through the trick of a woman "Sansar Chand was foiled and Amar Singh retreated across the Satluj loudly exclaiming that he had been gro~sIy duped. 9 • In 1820, the Muslims of Hazara, Pulki, Dha!11tor and Tarbela revolted. Bhai Makhan Singh Nazim of Rawalpindi who was sent there to restore order was killed. lO S. Hukma Singh Chimni, whQ was then the Qiladar of the Arrock Fort, succeeded him, but he made matters worse; the Afghans, because of their successes had gained confidence and had bemt:ne bold_ Hearing this, the Maharaja asked Sada Kaur and S. Fateh Singh Ahluwalia to march with their forces to the place of rebellion. Prince Sher Singh, Sham Singh Attari and Ram Dayal also accom·panied the force. On arrival the Ahluwalia Sardar and the others, by their moderate methods, were able to restore the situation to some extent. But Sada Kaur took "the most rigorous steps". and was 4etermined to sev~rely punish the rebel tribes. Ratla, one of the .tribes , suffered most. The result was that the people of Miswari, Sri Kot. Tarbela. Eusafzai and Swat joined together to give battle to the Sikhs. The battle lasted the whole day. In the evening, the outnumbered Sikhs retired to the entrenchments. Diwan Ram Dayal Singh, who had pursued the enemy. too far and was the last to leave tlie field, together With hIS small escort was ambushed and killed. • The next day, Sardarni Sada Kaur attacked the killers of Ram Dayal and serverely punished the Gandhgarwalas. At last the Hazarawalas, seeing no other way out, accepted the terms offered by' the Sararni. They cleared the arrears of their tribute and promise<! to maintain peace in the area. After this, she toured the whole area, ordered forts to be built at the various places - Tarbela, Chazi, Darband - and herself returned to Lahore.
THE1WINS Before we proceed furrher, it is essential that we deal with one of tlte important factors which remained a source of constant friction between these two strong personalities. This was the case of the twins born in 1808, to Mehtab Kaur the Maharaja's first queen and the daughter af Sada Kaur. These two sons were named Tara Singh and Sher Singh. Various authorities have different views on the legitimacy of these two sons of Maharaja and, consequently, there are strange stories prevalent that they were just passed on the Maharaja as his sons. Sir Lepel Griffin writes: "Mehtab Kaur was the first in order, married in 1786, a match which gave Ranjit Singh his commanding position, she being the granddaughter and heiress of the powerful Kanhaiya baron Jai Singh. Her mother, the widow Sada Kaur, a truly remarkable woman, who relised that if her daughter was to retain her influence she must present her husband with an heir, procured a baby during one of the Maharaja's expeditions and passed him off as her daughter'S. This child, named lshar Singh, only lived a year and a half; and Sada Kaur determined to try the . effects of twins. When Ranjit Singh had started on his Cis-SarIuj expedition of 1807, it was !pven out that Mehtab Kaur was pregnant and on hIS return twin sons were presented to hi.m, one purchased from a chintz-weaver, and the other the offspring of a slavegirl in Mai Sada Kaur's house. Ranja Singh at first refused to have anything to say to the children, but the following year, when he was almost at war with the: English ove~ the. <;is-Sa~luj question, he thought It necessary to conclhate his temble motherin-law who had the Ramgarhia barons at her back and he acknowledged the boys, treating them as his own and allowing them the tirIe of Prince. One of them, Tara Singh, was 'an idiot; the other, Sher Singh grew up an exceedingly handsome, brave and stupid man and succeeded ¡to the throne after the death of Nao Nihal Singh, but was assasinated in 1843 by the Sindhanwalia chiefs. 11 According to Fakir Syed Waheeduddin, whose narrative is based on the archives of the Fakir family and hence can be taken as authentic, these boys were reaJJy born to Mehtab Kaur. 12 What worried the farsighted and ambitious Sada Kaur was that Prince Kharak Singh had been born before these twins, but her dauj:hter's child, she being the first to marry Ran)it Singh, should be the Maharaja's successor. The obVIOUS choice however, seemed to be Prince Kharak Singh, the eldest son, and she started planning to chans-e this. With this aim in view she started strengthening her own position as well as that of her grandson. Sada Kaur was successful in this respect to a considerable ex~ent and the res~lts w~re encouraiP"g. The Maharaja would often gIVe Pnnce Sher Singh command of the various important campaigns. For
example some of the banles fought in the Norrh West Frontier region were conducted under the leadership of Prince Sher Singh. In 1826, when the Maharaja proceeded on tour, he appointed Prince Sher Singh to act in hehalf of the Maharaja. All this did not go unnoticed by the tival party who, naturaJJy, was not pleased. So the heir apparent, Prince Kharak Singh and his motl!er started Intriguing against Prince Sher Singh. The cold-war of succession had started. It is said that, when Ranjit Singh fell ill, Prince Kharak Singh, in order to avenge this insult, and also to assure himself of their support for his succession started communicating with the English authorities in India. It was during these communications that Prince Kharak Singh and his mother propogated that Sher Singh and Tara Singh weren't the real sons of the Maharaja, and that they had mischieviously been planted on the laner by the clever Sada Kaur. Strange, to what ahsurd limits personal jealousies, rivalries, prejudices and selfishness can take individuals, and also to what low levels of indecency they can stoop! Supporting the legitimacy of the twins, Khushwant Singh writes that "when Sada Kaur fell from power and. the princes came to stay with their father, Kharak Singh and his mother were picqued and gave curren~ to the gossip in order to counteract any possibility of Ranjit Singh's preferring Sher Singh, who was fast becoming the father's favo¡urite, as successor. 13 D. THE DISCORD
Any allian.ce would function smoothly so long as the interests of the allies received equitable treatment, so long as they had any regard for each other, so long as there are no signs of selfishness on the part of any member of the alliance. But when once any of these signs creeps in, the aJliance becomes shakey and advances towards its doom. And the alliance between Maharaja Ranjit Singh, his mother-in-law Sada Kaur and his friend S. Fateh Singh Ahluwalia was no exception. The latter two being the minor partners became. disgus~ed with 0e activities of the Maharaja and thelT relanons, partIcularly between the Maharaja and Sada Kaur, became embittered. Many reasons have been given for this discord. The marriage between Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Mehtab Kaur was a political alliance of which either party wanted to make use so far as their own interests were concerned. (Othetwise, how could Mehtab Ka)1r, as some argue, be reconciled to the son of her father's killer!) Neither party tried to hide these feelings and the situation deteriorated so much that Ranjit Singh conttacted his second marriage. After his third invasion of Multan in 1807, the Maharaja returned to Lahore in May. But, before the rains came he had reduc.ed Adinanagar, the famous city of Adina Beg Khan and also extracted tribute from the Sikh Sardars bordering the Kangra hills. 123
These territories being the dependencies of the Kanhaiya Misl, the Maharaja's action annoyed hi~ m?therin-law. This was the first cause and. begmn1Og. of discord between Sada Kaur and her son-1O-law., which led to the intriques, and the final ruin of this talented lady. T.he jealousy had taken such extreme fonns that in 1812, Sada Kaur nOt only herself refused to attend the marriage of Prince Kha.rak Singh, but she even stopped Prince~ Sher Singh an~ Tara ?ingh from attending it. And thIS was the br.eaking p~l!nt, Sometime in 1820, RanJIl S10gh hav10g performed his usual rdigious ceremonies at the Golden. Gurdwara, Amritsar, proceeded to Batala and encamped near it. Here, he suggeste~ Sada Kau~ to apportion a J agir for her grandson, Prmce Sher Smgh who had attained manhood. On the other hand, Sada Kaur who had often accused the Maharaja of being parti~l, of showing favours to Prince Kh.~ak, Singh; whereas ignoring the .twins, wanted ~n]lt Su:,gh to bestow on his son an Independent Jaglr from hiS. own resomces. Ranji! Singh who an eye on her possessions started. creating discord between Sada Kaur and Prince Sher Singh. Having succeeded in th!sthe Maharaja a:sked Sada Kaur to make some prOVISions from her territorv to her two grandsons-Sher Singh and Tara Singh-'::born out of Sada Kaut's daughter Mehtak Kaur who had since died. According to Fakir Waheedud-din (P. 139), the Maharaja propo.sed that she should give half of her estates to the twl,!S. Also, tht' Maharaja suggested she hand over adminiStration of her estales to Prmce Sher Smgh as she was quite aged and deserved some rest. But Sada ~'mr was unwilling to do so, suspecung the ~aharaJ~ s 10tentions, she threatened to cross the Cis-Satlu] area and place Wadhn; under the British protection. On this Ranjit Singh w;ote a conc~~latory lette~ to he,r; "with every profeSSion of, hUI'!!l~ty as a son-m-I~w. Thus "petted and coaxed she J010ed the Maharaja at Shahdara where whe was compelled to execute the desired deed in favour of her grandson; thereafter, she herself was placed in the fort. By t~is deed ~he lost all of her territories except th~ fe~ In the Cls-Satlu] regions. This included Wadheru which had been captured hy the Maharaja in 1808 and transferred to Sada Kaur against the payment by her of Rs, 15,000. One day, on so_me pretext she. went out and. fled towards her possessions. But frmce Kharak Smgh, who was dispatched after her l captured her on her wa:y to Mukerian, brought ber back to Lahor~ she was placed in close con~inement. On. thiS, Misr Diwan Chand was sent to seize all her temtory. He . captured Batala and l'athankot ~ithout an~ OppOSItion from her toOps. Then he seIZed Mukenan from where he proceeded to Atalgarb the respository of the wealth of the Kanhaiyas; here he was offered a strong opposition, and the fort defied the MISt.. Sada Kaur, who was taken with him in close confmement, was aked to sign an o.rder for the defenders to sur" render. Initially, she refused, but after two days' deprivation of food she consented to fix her seal on
the document. The forr was caprured and immense wealth carne to the victor's hand which was brought to Lahore. Sada Kaur was also sent back to Lahore where she stayed until her death. Batala was given in ] agir to Prince Sher Singh. According to Amarnath, she. was in the habit. of writing to Ranjit Singh's enemies and propagaung hatred against him. _She supported the.~alwa Sardafs against the Maharaja during Metcalf's VISit. She seor a word to the British that they could COllnt on her. In 1822 Rani Daya Kaur of Ambala died issueless and h~r state was confiscated by the British. Thi~ policy of the Government of India was painful, and may Issueless cherts feared the above treatments. Ranjit Singh, also got\~orried about this policy. His fears were that the Bnush were every ume coming nearer his borders and. constructing new forrs. Also, he expected the same treatment for the territories of Sardami Sada Kaur, on her death. So, m o,der to avoid this, he ,suggested to his moth~r-in,la~ that she hand over her possessions on tht ClS-SatluJ side to him. Sbe wanted some time to think it over. But, the impatient Maharaja, without getting an answer from his mother-in-law, dispatched his trOOps to Wadhni, etc. I 6 The British many years after the signing of the Treaty of April, 1809 had started considering her as an independent head of the Kanhai Misl; also. Wadhni being in the Cis-SatIuj regions the British claimed to protect her interests there. So, the British, who seemed to be waiting for an. opportUni~ immediately d~spatched a f?r~~ and eject" ed the Sikhs from Wadhm_ !he Maharaja. freqed and fumed but prudently aVOlded ..a c?lhslOn With the British troups." However, R.anJlt Smgh com.menced defensive preparations on hiS Side of the River. As already stated she even tried to cross over to the British. All this the Maharaja could not tolerate for long and she was given the treatment she .deserved. According to Murray, "howsoever humanity may/lead in her behalf, one does not see how she caul well be treated otherwise, being what she is, and has been." 17
Sada Kaur died in December, 1832, at the age of 70 years. Ranjit Singh himself came to Amritsar to offer condolences to her relations. The Maharaja took possession of almost a~ of her 'estateS. He confiscated all her valuables mcludmg a necklace of pearls worth sixty thousand rupees. Although it.w";l; the result of "a deliberate and calculated pohcy being followed by him, he still had a right to her possessions which he exercised. "Thus fell, after having flsured ptominentl~ in Paniab politics for about thrrty years, the hlghspimed Sada Kaur, one of the most remarkable Women in the history of the Panjab. She had been the mainstay of Ranjit Singh's power, the ladder whereby that monarch had been enabled to rea~ the summit of his greatness. She was the companIOn of his toils, and to her energy, intrigues and infl~ence he chiefly owed his success in his early explOlts_ She
maintained an unbending disposition to the last, and her ruin was brought about by the course of events, not less than by the· high tone she was in the habit of assuming and the independence of character she asserted, both of which the Sikh Monarch had become incapable of tolerating by the growth of his power. She bore the calamity of her confinement with great restlessness and impatience, upbraiding and execrating her ungrateful, beating her breast with vehemence and renewing her curse and lamentations every day.i 8" Such was Sada Kaur, an enterprising, masterful, high-spirited, bold and amb.i~ious lady. of consid~rab~e talents and remarkable ability., the like of which IS not known in the Sikh history. It was the result of her far-sij!htedness and diplomacy that she brought the two lIDportant Misls together through the matrimony of her daughter with Ranjit Singh, when the couple were still very yOllng. She combined her abilities with her position and status; tliis combination gave her an opportunity to play a great part in the shapping of Ranjit Singh's fortune. She "became the leading p~rson:i.hty in R"'.'jit's c.ol1I!cils and the most powerful lDstrument of his early tnumphs." She became the real powe~ behind the throne. It was through her shrewdness that the Bhangi Sardar sur-
rendered Lahore fort to Ranjit Singh; it was Sada Kaur who by a trick had obtained the surrender of the Kangr~ fort, foiled Sansar Chand and duped Amu Singh Thapa who had to retreat across the Satluj. She proved a valuable ally to his young son-in-law in a number of campaigns and also conducted a number of campaigns independently; she, too, can be rated among the capable generals. Her share in the building of the Sikh nation was weat; and. it would have been greater but for her selfIshness which did not let her sub-ordinate her own interests as well as those of ~he Kanhaiya MisI to that of a greater cause, i.e. the Sikh Nation. She, in the words of Waheeduddin, failed to realize ·that "if the Sikhs were to be unified, they had to have one leader and it was Ranjit Singh, and not she, who could fulfill that role." " It was," writes Waheeduddin, "a sad failure of vision on her part to try to destroy the image she had done so much to build.,,19 Initially she had helped in making Ranjit Singh the symbol of the whole Sikh nation; but, in the later years, she started undoing all that she had helped in making by workin2 against Ranjit Singh and plotting for his downfaJI. For this she did not deserve any better treatment than she was meted out by her son-in-law, the Maharaja.
A Bhati Rajput .Namdcv. Wished to lay a village ncar the present town of Batala. But. .this place was considered as unau$picious. so he changed the location t"O the prescnt onc. In Panjabi, this means WataJya (exchanged). Hcnce the name Batala. Sri Guru N aDak. was married in tbis lown. His mothe.r.-in·law's house bas since beeD cbanged into a Gurdwara.. Guru Hargabind Singh 's son Baba Gur· ditta was a1Jo manicd here: .. Hutary of the Panjab, Latif. P. 343 According to Payne, it was a sort of penalty imposed by S. Mahan Singh on hil defeated adversary. (A Short His. tory of the Sikhs, P. 69) . The Panjab as a Sovereign State, G. L. Chopra, P. 7 The Real Ranjit Singh, Fakir Syed Waheeduddin, P. 133 The Real Ranjit Singh, fakir Syed Waheeduddin, P. 136 A }futory of the SikM, Khu,hwant Singh, Vol. 1, P. 189 The Panjab as a Sovereign State, G. L . Chopra, P. 7 H;istory of the Sikhs, Cunningham, P. 133
10. Prem Singh in Khalsa Raj de Usme, (Vol. 1, P. 73) states that S. Makli;:m was iUJlbulhed and killed on Novc:mber 12,1819. 11. IU(tjit Singh. Griffin, PP 107-108; Syed Muhammad Latif also subscribes to this story (Hiltory of the Punjab, P370) 12. The Real Ranjit Smgh, P 137 13. H;'torv of the SikM, Kh ... hwant Singh, Vol. I, P 214 14. According to Prii!'cep, i.t was S. Desa SioSh Majithia who bad apprehended her (Ranjit Singh, P. 128) 15. According to Saba. Prem Singh, Sudarni Sada: Kaur, on her own accord, came: to Amriuar to pc:actfuUy pUl her last clays. There she put up in her own lhvdi and stayc:d there uptil hc:r death (Kha.J.A. Raj de Ulnic:. Vol. 1, P 84) 16. Khalu Raj <i.e Usnie. !'rem Singh, Vol. I , PP. 79·83 17. Raniit Singh, Princcp, P 135 18. History of the Panj.b, L.a tif, P 424 19. The Real Ranjit Singh. Fakir Syed Waheeduddin, P. l40
2. 3. 4_.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The only Punjabi Weekly fearlessty exposing the innermost stories of party intrigues, secrets and scandals of Punjab politics and tru Iy espousing the cause of the Punjab.i.s. Published Every Saturday SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Inland: Annual - Rs. 15/Half Yearly - Rs. 10/Life Membership (20 Yean) - Rs. 250/BY SEA BY AIR Foreign £ 3/£ 5/England $ 5/· $ 15/U.S.A. & Canada The Manager
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o Nanak! God grants"virtut"to the
~T. II
non-virtuousG!l and bestows";U piety6:l on the pious6!!.
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By hearing" God's Name the mortal
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becomes a perfect person", religious
QTOHa l>fTqj", ~
guide", spiritual hero'· and a great"
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of the earth", it's supposed suppor-
t:1031". fulri! ~ '>fRH'?i" iil »!Il5i'>f3 t!'
ting"bull and the heaven" is revealed unto the mortal.
{From: English and Panjabi Tran.slation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib by s. Manmohan Singh, VoL 1· 8, 1969, Reproduced with permission of Dr. Gmdarsh an Singh Thind. Ballwin, Missour~ U.S.A.,
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.By hearing God's Name the reality
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the nether regions",
"!!~ Ci(TF.i"
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By hearing the Lord's Name death"
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cannot" (torment) or (touch)88 the
"'''''' i'itii' ~) tlT (~ mii" i'itii~ BiJI) R<l't!l" 1 5 0"'" ! l>!Qil'Ol1" iJHB1"~" H'~ <101
lRl" ~"II
mortal. 0 Nanak! the devotees"
"&' ~ ClilO ~T }fa" lIil'i'il (~
ever" enjoy happiness". "!!~~..
'I.f11.l" Cf!
By hearkening to the Master's Name
sorrow"and sin" meet with destrue-
<'i'H ~ ~ qoc ,">,iTil TOlE,,"
3a'<J" el ~-e <10 1
"!!fm l!ll!~" 'aaW"
By hearing the
f~<!" II
status of god of dealh", god of creation!J8 and god of rain 99 is obtained.
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By hearing God's Name even the
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Lord 's Name the
evil come to sing Lord'5
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~«3" t!1 tR<'1
,,1 fRG3'
wilh their mouth 'Oo,
"!!~ ~aJ' :3f;r;' ~~' II
By hearing God's Name the
understands the waysS of unit ing-twil h
the Lord and Ihe body's'
s~e rct s ',
By hearingt he Lord's Name the know- H'8Q' ~ ~<!" II
ledge of the four religious books
six schools of philosophY'and twenty-
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seven ceremonial treatises'is acquired .
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l!fm "i:'\:j"
- II': = II OT!!1O "!!tm
Evert,: blissful 13 are the saints ll , 0
'\.11'1-1" Cf!
By hearing the Lord's Name diseasel'
and wickedness" are wiped to off.
By hearkening to the Lord's Name
wfut! ~
~ ~ 0iiR'-~0'
Q!?il(J IS ~ ~ ;:tt-elG CJ75' I ?iT}{
~ Ril~ ' qilC_~T ~",
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Divine knowledge" are obtained.
By hearing the Lord's Name the fruit
lff t!
of the ablution" at sixty-eight" bolies . . d
3lilW ~ iT~" t!'
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BIB! BHAN! - THE SELFLESS GURU'S DAUGHTER. GURU'S WIFE AND GURU'S MOTHER Bibi Bhani's name is a byword in the Punjab for humility , service and devotion . She was the daughter of Guru Amar Das and was married to Guru Ram Das (1534.81 ). Her son, Guru Arjun, became: Fifth Guru, or prophetteacher of the Sikhs. History rc:: cords man y beautiful stories of her deeds of humble service . Here she is seen servo ing food to her father. Guru Amar Das.
'~: ::=.:- ~y~~:,~~y;:~.~~:~~~u. =:~. .'-.' ,
MATA SULAKHANI Mata Sulakhani is remembered in history as. a woman of deep faith and piety. Here she is seen seeking the blessing of Guru Hargobind (1595-1644). She was childless. She implored the Guru saying "you decided my fate before I was born ; you alone can re-write it." She receivl!d the blessings of Guru Hargobind and had seven children who sacrificed th~ir lives for the cause which she acc~pted with faith and resignation.
MATA GUlAR! Mata. Gujari was the mother of Guru Gobind Singh and widow of Guru Tegh Bahadur. The Guru laid down his life 300 yeau ago, in 1675. in defence of faith and was called Hind di Chadar (Protector of the: Honour of India). :'\.Ja13 Gujari was detained in a tow!::r at Sirhind with her two mjnor grandchildren, Zorawar Singh and Fatch Singh aged 9 and. 7. On their refusal to give up their faith, these grandsons of Mala Gujari were, under the orders of the ~Iu g hal ,\tovern a r, bricked alive and subsequ e ntly exe cuu:d . This happened on December 12, 1705 . The news pro ved a Caui shock for Mata Gujari.
", '~:T~~j7''' ~'-::'~::-;-'''': ":7:',<I " "'",
MATA SAHIB DEVAN - THE MOTHER OF SIKHS Guru Gobind Singh recited the !acted hymns and churned the holy amrit at Anandpur Sahib on March 30, 1699, as ht: prt:pared to initiate the Khalsa. His wift: Mata Sahib Kaur, poured sugar¡puffs into tht: vt:ssel. By this gt:sture she symbolized the modesty and sweetness which were to bt'! two oC the essential traits of the martial order oC the Khalsa. Mata Sahib Kaur was designatt:d by Guru Gobind Singh the motht'!r of the Panth and she guided from Ddhi its affairs aIter the Guru's passing away, at Nander. on October 7. 1708.
PIA Great
people to fly with
\ ...
T~e foll0w?lg r~sol-!ltion was, passed by the COJ]greganon of ~ikh Pilgnms from U.S.A. and Cana'c)a on November 17, 1975 in Pakistan. The resolution was' approved with tremendous ertth\lSiasm aIld hail¢d Widely. Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, Deputy Le;uier of the' PPP of the National Assembly and Minister of Food & Agricuhure ,of Pakistan was present in the Congregation and was receptive to the contents of the resolution. The Sikh Pilgrimage delegation from Am¢rica and eaRada profoundly appreciates the good will shown by Paltistan Government in making it possible for us to visit Panja Sahi~, Dehra, Sahib and ~ankana S!lhib. We would further like to expres.S our .smcere gratitude to the people of POO.Stan for the waim welcome: and
generous hospitality they have extended to us. "We are very pleased to see that the Paki!;tan Government. has made evc:,¥ effort to maintain Sikh GurdawllIas m gooe! condltwn. However the lack of perservence strictly in accQrdance with the Sikh faith, which ·can only be possible by perSons belonging to Sikh .faith, was felt_, It .is 'therefore resolved to request f .akist3.!). Government to constitute a committee of devoted Sikhs fr~m Af~hanistan,. ~ID:edca, Bagdad, Bangkok,. B~t t,a,m, Malay\!, , Phllippmes and Europ.e, to ~amtam and look after the Sikh Gurdilw.\lfas m Pakistan, so that the proper servjces in the Gurdav,:-ai'aS are preformed in accordance with !hI! true Sikh traditions."
September 4, 1975 The Sikh Foundation Po O. Box- 737 R~t!wood City, GaIifomia 94064
Chailigaili 25th Septj:Jllber, 19"1S My Dear Kapany ji,
Dear President, S.SA. Thank you for your letter and brochure about the pilgrimage to Nankana Sahib which i received after coming back from London. It is really a matter ofgreat that th.e Sikh. Foundation has been arranging tp guide a party of pilgrims 'to Nankan<i S.ahib. ' I have also decided to appro.ach some of my friends. and relatives to give the information sent by you. !, therefore, request you: to give me more ihformation. about the Sikh F oundarion, which is nOt much . known in the East: Coast. I ho~e you wiU not niisunderSrand me' ,and sejld m'e the information. r will be in touch with y,ou-
.I have· received a letter [rolI! S. Ganga 'Singh DhUIon along With the hand-out which.he has sent to me. I have noticed from there under your signatures a personal invitation. This is a very good venture and will enlighten the persons viSiting the~ ,shrines. I assure you my full cooperation during your stay in India. Please let ·me know wilat I can d.o here for the convenience·of the members of the Party. With RegardS, U meao 'SiI\gh
R!!Yenue & E.lecPim Mihister Punjab (India)
Yours Sincerely, Sardar Sujan Singh., cIa A. Bose P. O. Box 121 New York 11~S2'
ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FOR CHILDREN English Punjabi Prim1:rs 1. 'STORIES FROM SIKA HISTORY-BooK i to VII by Profess!)r Kmar Sihgh & Gurdi;U Singh Chil. 1. Ura Aim .. . .... .. _. , .. . .. _...... , Rs. lon_ Price: Rs. 4_00, 4.00, 4.00,4.50;.5.00,5.00 2. Akbar Bodh .......... ... _......... Rs. ind Rs. 6.00 3.. Bal Bodh ............ , . • _._ ..• _ . ... Rs. Z. STORY OF GURU. NANAK-by M.aJa Sihgh. 4. 1:amakTo.on .... _ ... , _.. _" _ ...... Rs. Price: Rs. 10.00 Ayailable from: HEMKUNT PRESS E1I1S Patel Road, New Dellii 110008
1.50 1.50 1.50 150
(India) The first two books ·are available from MIs Inter CulMe Associates, Box 277', Thompson, Connecticut 06277, U.S.A.
Sansar Communications SECOND GURMAT CAMP A CALL FOR APPLICATIONS The next Gurmat Camp is scheduled to be held at Cowan, Pennsylvania on December 25-28, 1975. The enthusiasm for the first camp held in March, 1975, at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, prompted undertaking of the second camp. The camp program will" consist of rising at 4 a.m. for meditation, nitnem, kirtlln, gurbani villkhill and ordas which is followed by a salutation to the Sikh flag. Rest of the day is filled with discourses and discussions 01) Sikh theolow and Sikh history . In between discussions, exercises for relaxation and various outdoor games are scheduled. Contemporary problems will be discussed at evening campfire. If a sufficient number of children are signed up a separate program for children will be arranged. Sardar !ndermohan Singh of Stampford and Sardami Rajinderjit Kaur of Long Island are working on the children program. The Gurmat Camps are sponsored by the Sikh Foundation under the management of a camp committee (composition given below). For 1976 three camps are scheduled, a spring camp in Pennsylvania, a summer camp in New England , and a winter camp in California. In 1977 also there will be three camps, a spring camp in Pennsylvania, a fall camp in Pennsylvania and a winter camp in California . . . All those interested are urged to send their fee of $21 per head as so,?n as possible. Children not requiring separate bed Will pay only $16. The cheque shotild be issued in the name of Tbe Sikh F oundanon - send to any member of the camp committee. Detailed instructions will be mailed directly to tbose who apply. Address all inquiries to the camp committee, as given below: Harbans Lal, 38 Helme Road, Kingston, R.I. 02881 (401-789-7016) Inderjit Singh, 47 Pen Place, New Roche.Ile 10804 (916-632-4646) Balwant Singh, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 (717-524-7519) .janmeja Singh, 1365 Summit Road, Berkeley, California 94708 (415-548-1261) TERCENTENARY OF GURU TEGH BAHADUR Guru Tegh Bahadur (1621-1675 A.D.), the nineth Nanak as we call him, was a world teacher and prophet who guided his followers to discover seq-ets of spiritual life so that they can attain God consciousness. He travelled extensively to spread his message which he composed in poetry to the tune of 15 rogqs. On December 7, 1675 he was beheaded by the order of Aurangzeb for espousing the cause of religious freedom so that all nations and countries would enjoy full freedom of thought aI!d worship. 132
In memory of the Guru's 'marryrdom, Guru Tegh Bahadur Tercentenary Memorial Trust has been founded under the presidentship of Gurdial Singh Dhillon (Speaker of the Indian P~liament~ _ Ot~er members ot the Trust are: Karan Smgb (lodian Minister of Health), M. J. Choudhary (Governor of Punjab, India), Giani Zai! Singh (Chief Minister of Pun- . jab), Gurcharan Singh Tohra (President Shromni Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee), Harminder Sinj:h (Maharaja of Patiala), Surjit Singh Majitha (Chief Khalsa Diwan) , Inderjit Singh (Cliairman, Punjab & Sindh Bank), Rajinder Singh Bhatia (Editor, Qaumi Ekta). 10 order to observe the Tercentenary, a Guru Tegh Bahadur Tercentenary Memorial Society has been founded. The enrollment of the members of the society is iI! progress. Every devotee is urged to become a member so that all can contribute for a mote meaningful observance of this occasion. The society has formed a committee under the chairmanship of Giani .Zail Singh to stimulate as well as assist in efforts undertaken to organize the cdebt:ations everywhere. Other members of this committee are: Charah Singh (U tter Perdesh Cabinet Minister) , Sohanpal Singh (West Bengal Cabinet Minister), H. Singh Chatta (Haryana Cabinet Minister), Rangil Singh Oammu & Kashmir Cabinet Minister), Gurcharan Singh {Punjabi University Patiala), Bhag Singh (Editor, Sikh Review) , Makhan Singh of Iran, P.L. Anand of Malysia, and Harbans Lal of U.S.A. The above .society has resolved to observe the whole year as a year of observance, beginnin.g from. December 1, 1975 to end on Novem.ber 30, 1976. Tbe main theme of the celebration will be 'Inter-religious omity and understanding' as preached by Guru Tegh Bahadur. The Government of India would produce a movie on the life of. Guru Tegh Babadur in all of the 14 Indian national languages and release a commemorative postage stamp to mark this occasion. An album of two long pl~y~g records ?f the s~abads of Guru Tegh Bahadur IS In preparanon. It IS also being considered to send a cultural delegation to different parts of the world to present the Guru's teachings before people. It is hoped that there will be ail overwhelming effort by the devoutees everywhere to organize congregations, kirtan darbars, study circles, discussion groups, and extensive reacling seSSlons. For any assistance one can contact any of the members of the Celebration Committee or directly to The Honorary General Secretary Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Tercentenary Memorial Society clo Sheikhupua House, one Purana Qila, New Delhi 11000, Inaia. (Dr. Harbans Lal, 38 Helme Rd., Kingston, R.I. 02881)
The above Society was formed in. 1960 and soon after s.t arted the Sikh Courier quarterly in English; a religious lllld academic ma~azine devoted to the cause of the Sikh religion and hIStOry, and also for comp.arative study of different religions. The activities include the following:1) Publication of the Sikh Courier quarterly. 2) Publishin~ several pamphlets in English op Sikh religIOn and SiKh hlstpry. 3) Organising services in English in the Central Sikh Terriple on the rrrst Sunday of every month since 1962 without exception. Quite a few Europeans turn up at this service, which is cQnducted entirely in English. The order of service arid the hymns for the c'onclusion of the service are' duly pnnted in English and 'are distributed beforehand. 4) An-anginl' lectures by Sikh speakers on Sikh reli~ion In different places ~mong tl}e British aualence. 5) Distributing free literature in English on Sikh religion among llritish schools, colleges, Universities, libraries and other organisations. Every week there are abo\lt 10·15 reques!s for literature. 6) Answering several letters every week from Europeans seeking information on Sikh religion. Some of them have embraced the Sikh religion and_some haye :t,lso been baptised. 7) We maintain a libtarv for lending books in English on the Sikh religion. 8) We have " als,? arrangements to supply new beoks on Sikh religion in )<:nglish.
9) The running ef il Sunday School in the Central Sikh Tempk every Sunday evening for teaching,Punjabi and the Sikh religion and history to children. . 10) Distributing free literature in English on the Sikh faith overseas. 11) Participating in the activities of the World Congfess of Faiths, who organise inter-faith services. Some of olir workers are oil their Executive Committee. . t2) We prepare a list of all the Sikh Temples and Associations in the whole of the· U.K. every year "nd print a booklet form for free distnblino!'. This haS been done for the 1m several years. 13) We have been actively associated with almost all nO.n political but religious organisations of th~Sikh community both in this 'c ountry and in India. 14) Some of out members are on the Executive or Advisory Committees of the un'iii2d Natiorrs Association, The World Conference on Religion ana Peace, Religious Education Coullcil and Inner London Education Author' . ity etc. 15) We solicit liberal donations. You could also p~l:' for the. printing expenses of any pam~hlet WIlli your name and adelress for free distri" bution. 16) You could become Life Member of The Sikh Courier b,!, pavin~ $25 :00 and a Patton at $lO.OO (nuntmum) per month. (A. S. Chhatwal- Secretary)
THE SIKH COURIER Quarterly - Established 1960 (IN ENGLISH) Phon<': 019521215 88 Mo1lison Way, Edgwan.
(GrcaJeT London) Middlesex O. K. HAS 50W
One of the leading ",nd widely circul.ated ma~azines o[ the Sikhs published <.lulside India with highest stanclards ,,[ quality, printing, get·up and journalism. Mosl valuable [or in["rmalinn on Sikh Faith and HiSlory. Subscription'
~2 .5 0
Me ;mbersh~p
$25 . 00
Sansar Communications A HEIGHT OF INGRATITUDE AND DELIBERATE DISCRIMINATION TOWARDS SIKH SOLDIERS OF INDIAN NATIONAL ARMY (INA) A Statue of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose with Three Soldiers from INDIAN NATIONAL ARMY has been unvieled by Vice President, Mr. B. D. Jatti in Edward Park (now Subhash Park) opposite Redfort on 23rd January 1975 . In this Statue three Soldiers have been shown in which two are men with hats and one is a woman representing Rani Jhansi Regiment alongwith Netaji. It is a historical fact that the founder of INA was General Mohan Singh, a Sikh and also that about 28,000 out of total 42,000 Soldiers of Indian National Army under Subhash Chandra Bose were Sikhs. Whereas, the Sikhs have played a very vital role in INA as weB as in the entire treedom fight, it is very painful to note tht where care has been
taken to represent Rani Jhansi Regiment which was a small part of INA by showing a woman , the major role of Sikhs wbo represented 2/3 rds of the total strength of INA as soldiers and officers, has been completely ignored by not representing a Sikh Soldier with turban and beard. We feel badly hurt from this sort of discrimination with a deliberate attempt to ignore the part played by the brave Sikh Community in the Indian National Army. . We strongly condemn this omission on the part of the organisers and the Government who have sponsored the installation of the INCOMPLETE Statue at such an important place and recommend tbat it will still be in fitness of things to amend the omission by including Sikh Soldier in this statue. All India Sikh Students' Federation Bhopal Circle
SACRIFICE OF BRAVE MOTHER (BALBlR KAUR) Balbir Kaur made the supreme sacrifice at Jaitu. She joined the batch of volunteers to defy the British authority and face raining bullets. When her infant child on her lap was hit by a bullet, she resignedly laid him by on the wayside and marched along with the column., absorbed in singing the praises of the Lord. Minutes later she herself fell to a shot from the machine-gun which had killed so many on that fateful day (February 21. 1924).
WOMEN BRAVING REPRESSION Fierce: persecution terroz-izc:d the Punjab during the governorship of ~tir ~lannu (1748- 1753). Sikhs' heads sold for money and severed skulls brought rewards from the:: government. At that lime Sikh women, along with their children. were captured from their homes and gaoled in cells in Lahore where now sta.nds Gurdwar3 Shahidganj. As the Sikhs recall in their dailyArdas, these noble women ground corn, each a maund and ;i quuter daily . They were fu rced to wear round their necks wreaths made of the flesh of their slain children. They were given only a piece of bread each to live on;and yet lhey forsook not theif faith
MAl BHAGO - THE FEARLESS LEADER Maj Bhago symbo[jzcd in her person the virtues of chastity , faith and courage. Her blood boiled at the pusillanimity of those: who, dishe:artened by the ravages of a prolonged siege, disclaimed Guru Gobind Singh at Anandpur and returned to their homes. Mai Bhago charged them with cowardice and lack of faith and led them back to battle with the armies of Wazir Khan of Sirhind at Khidrana, now Muktsar. She herself fought with valour and redeemed the faithless . The forty deserters, who lay dead on the: ground, were blessed by the Guru as Forty Immortals (Muktas). The spear Mai Bhago uscd in the battle is still preserved with revc:rnc:ce at Sri Hazar Sahib.
MAHARANI JIND KAUR IN NEPAL Dr. Kancbanmoy Mojumdar. Bolangir
After annexing the Punjab, the British incarcerated Maharani lind Kaur,! Maharaja Ranjit Singh's widow, in Banaras, whence, after the interception of some suspicious letters written by her to Sardars Chattar SlOgh and Sher Singh in the Punjab, she was taken to the foft of Chunar.2 In April, 1849, due to the <tarelessness 3 of the fort authorities, the Rani escaped to Nepal. 4 The Rani's flight, particularly when the British rule had not been firmly entrenched in the P'unjab, caused the British mu ch uneasiness. An inveterate enemy of the British, her restless disposition an~ intriguing propensities, were matters, of concern; I,.t was feared that her influence stiIl worked in the Punjab and, her name stin cast a spell there. 5 Political Asylum Granted As, soon as, she reached Nepal, Jind Kaur sought politi'cal asylum ?f the. Nepalese Goyetnmen.t. Her request was comphed wlthbv' the Pnme Mmmcr, Jang Bahadur. THe British Government did not demand the Rani's extradition, but, instead it committed the safe custody of her person to' the care of the Nepalese Government. Jang Bahadur was sternly warned that his State would be held responsible if the Rani escaped, and if she abused her asylum in Nepal for spinning designs against the British. lang Bahadur undertook to keep the Rani under strict surveillance, so that she would not be able to communicate with anybody in India. The Rani was accommodated in a magnificent palace close, to Jang Bahadur's own residence at Thapath ali. An annual subsidy of Rs. 14,000 was settled on, an amount she always moaned as being too paltry for her august state. 6 The British Resident made no bones a:bout the matter that the Rani should be treated 'as a prisoner in Nepal, and the less she appeared in public the better. Consequently, the Resid~t always discouraged the Rani's apfearance in public, particularly in the open Durbar. Restrictions Inadequate The restrictions imposed by the Nepalese Government proved toO inadequate, for the Rani, true to appJ:ehensions or the British, began to negotiate with her people in India with a view to ,escaping from !,/epaJ. It was report~d by the ~eside~t. that she was 10 correspondence With some S.lkb pnSlOners In' the AIlahabad fort, and that SOII)e Sikh Sardars had made abortive attempts to sneak into Nepal through the Chheesapani fort. 136
The Resident, Lt. --Col. Geor,ge Ramsay, discredited ~he story; he entertained no misgivings about the sincere efforts of the purbar for the safe custody of the RanL 1t was patent; bowever, that the strictest surveillance notwithstanding, the Rani could, with ease, correspond with her followers in India, particularly during the Shiva-Rani festival, when thousands of lnruans went freely to Nepal as merchants and mendicants. B The ~ersonal remonstrance of the Acting Prime Minister, G.eneral Bam Bahadur, with the Rani elici~e.d n.othing beyon.d a. stron,lb disavowal 'of her comphelty 10 the 'aIleged mtngues. Plan to Escape The Rani's plans, however, did not abate. In th~ middle of 1852, a new plan came to light, its c:>bject being to facilitate the Rani's escape to' Kashmir with the help of Gulab Singh, !he ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, and with the connivance of lang Bahadur himself. Some dismissed servants from the Rani's establishment deposed befo~e the Resident that letters had been exchanged between the three accomplices via Palpa, Butwal, and Hardwar , and that the middle of July had been fixed as the time for tlie Rani 's escape. " lang Bahadur, when pressed for an explanation admitted that female relatives of the late Heera Singh, a brother of the Rani, and a "prime favourite." of the late Maharaj,a Ranjit Sin!jh, had recently arnved and lodged at Kathmandu. 2 Resident KeepS Close Watch The Resident maintained a close watch, altbough it appeared to him unlikely that lang Bahadur would actively help the Rani to escape in wanton violation of his pledge to t)le British Gove!'IlIJlent. T.bere was, nevertbeles~, a lurking fear that "wete he (J ang Bahadur), inclined to do so, it would be easy for him to conceal the fact." 13 The Board of Administration, Punjab, was asked to probe into the matter with particular reference to Golab Singh's aIleged complicity. The Board dismissed the aIlegat;ion as baseless, for ... "however hostile might be the intentions of Maharhaja (Gtbi ' o.lab Singh) ~e is mosht uMnlikhely to di~a~ sue a ng as brmgmg up t e a aranee. It appeared to the Board more proba)lIe that the Rani was seeking t? prop up infl!1en~e m. Nepal )ly creating a make-believe of Golab SlOgh s aJliance WIth her.
Golab Singh Suspect
Sikh EmiSsary's Mission
. During the Revolt of 1857? Jin~ K!1ur's presence m Nepal assumed added politIcal Significance. The ~~l.~ese Government kept a close watch on her, parti Iy when it was strongly suspected that the rebels were trying to win her over to their side. A Si~h emissary, Hukum Singh, went to Butwal in, the Nepalese Tara! with the Khareetas from the King of Delhi to the Rani .and Jang Bahadur. In a Hukumnamah, the King of Delhi asked all the Nawabs, Raj"as, Nazims, and Chutkladars in the territories between Nepal and Lucknow and Lahore to rise against the DanlOusie More Confident BritiSh. In an Arzee to the Rani, Hukum Singh sought her help to enable him to reach Kathmandu However, the Govemor' General, Lord Dalhousie , from Butwal, whete the Nepalese Polie!! had held hin1 was less panicky. He shrugged the matter off as a tale up. J ang Bahadur sent soldiers to seize him, but the quite unwqrthy of credit. HI! had no doubt "that the latter managed to escape witb the Khareetas. 21 whole thihg is a fiction" for it is a series of improbabilities from first to last." 1 6 It W;lS as much Anglo-Nepalese Reilltions Strained improbable that Jang Bahadur would risk the certain displeasure of the British Government by actively in~ Towards the close of 1858, when the relations of rriguing with the Rani as. it was unlikely. that the the BritiSh with J ang Bahadur were strained on the latter would se~k asylum . in Golab Singh's State, "a score of the latter's lukewarmness about the seizure nomriously subservient ally" of the British. More- of the fugitive rebels in' Nepalese territory 22, there over, Golab Singh could hardly be blind t9 the fact were grounds to .suspect the existence of some plans that it would i11 路accord with his owu jnterest m "grat- calculated to facilitate the Rani's escape. Letters uitously make an enemy" of the British by with fictitious names were intercepted; they were .harbouring theit "bitterest enemy". 17 suspected tp ha,'e beel) addressed by the Rani to Ra:ja Ranbeer Singh, the ruler of Jammu and Kashmir. It was planned .that Ranpeer Singh would march on Simla some tim.e in December. It was designed as a Rani'sRlft with Jang Bahadur part of a l;u:ge"scale military movement against the British, with Babu Kqer Singh of Bihar, Umr Singh, Nevertheless; suspicion lurked in the wings. It the Begum of Oudh, Benee Madho, Devi Singh, Mahdi W;lS ascertained that for some time past J angBali.a- Hossain, and Nana Sahib as its active coadjutors. dut's relations with the Rani had been strained, and An anonymous letter believe4 to have been writthat the rift between >hem was widening. J ang Baha- ten by the Rani to one Chart Singh, of AmritSar, dur coveted. the Rani'.$ magnificient palace and her carried the further information that Jang 13ahadur tr,easures. The Rani in her tUtn was growing fidgery would march down in December through Chi dang, over the inadequate subsidy given to her by the and that his brothers would do so through DarjeeJing Nepalese Government. She was openly disrespectful and Pama. 23 in her dealings with the Minister, adding to the latter's annoyance. J ang Bahadut was <:ager to get rid Si"gns of Conspiracy of her; he had even hinted to the Resident that if the Rani managed to escape, Nepal would not receive her All these pieces of intelligence ,smacked of a deepback. 18 It was, hence, not unlikely that Jang Baha- laid conspiracy of Jang Bahadur, the Rani, and the dur would wink at her attemp1;S to escape; he might rebels to launch an all-out offensive against the have even encouraged her to escape 路 with the fond Btit.ish. Re's ident Ramsay, then at Allahabad, opined hope of catching and delivering her up to the ~ritish . that since Jang Bahadur was ill at ease with the Thl; done, he would occupy her palace and seIZe her British,,24 it was very probable that he was in covert treasures; besides, his Government would also be league with the rebels 'and the ruler of Jammu and spared the annual expense incurred on her account. 19 Kashmir to grind some political axe It was, hence, Jang 'Bahadur was strongly warned by the Resident politic 1:0 !;oft-pedal the Nepalese. 25 In fact , for not to entertain such illusqry schemes, or else he some time emissaries ftom Jammu and Kashmir had would incur thl' British Government's h路bstiliry. He been frequenting the Rani's palace not without the was flointedly asked to prevent comm;mications be- knowledge and connivance of Jang Bahadur. Thus, in tween the Rani and her relatives in India through March 1856 and December 1858, it was reported to messengers, or missives. 20 the Residen.! by his informers that J awahir Singh, a The Commander-in-<:hief, sir Charles Napier, could not agree with the Board's views. He always suspected Golab Singh's disposition and held him to be a dangerous power, partlcularly if he incited the ,Nepalese to rise against the British. A league of Golab Singh and J ang Bahadur was "the greatest external danger we have to apprehend, and路 if it comes the Indian Army will need all the courage of the troops and all the skill of their leaders", he warned. 15
brother-in-law of the late Maharaja Kharak Singh and an employee of Raja Golab Singh, went to Kathmandu ·and stayed with the Rani, although J ang Bah Bahadur disclaimed any knowledge of the matter.2 8 Rani's Despair As the days wore on, the· Rani's hope to escape grew dimmer; so did the fire of her implacable enmity towards the British. Prolonged incarceration had told on her health; lack of adequate provisions for. maintenance made her worried; repeated tallures of her schemes to escape made her wholly dispirited. She stayed on a Kathmandu, ruJferlng a listless existence, in drudgery and depression, forlorn, destitute of hope, and resigned to a fate , gloomy and uncertain. Relations. with Jang Bahadur Worsen Her relations with J ang Bahadur worsened correspondiIlg with the increase in her irritable spirit. J ang Bahadur, too, grew impatient about her ; he made many requests to the Resident to induce the Rani to quit Nepal on the false pledge of a suitable pension in India ; 27 the sooner she could be got rid of the bet-
ter. The British Government now felt that the Rani posed no .great danger for them, and that she was inGapable of any great mischief. Goes to Calcutta to Meet Son Towards the close of 1860, the Rani's son, Mahar~a Dalip Singh re.t urned from London to Calcutta, 2 The British Government then permitted the Rani to go down to Calcutta and settle in India on the express undertaking that she would not take up her residence, ot visit any part of the province of Bengal west of Monghyr, and that she would keep the Government informed of her programme, her movements, and her retinue. It was decided to provide her with a subsidy of Rs. 30,000. The Rani ~ccepted the offer, to the great relief of Jang Bahadur. 29 Before .setting out from Kathmandu, on 16th January, 1861, the Rani divulged some secrets to the Resident, to the effect that Jang Bahadur was intriguin~ with the Sikhs at Lahore: and Kashmir. But the BntiSh Government took no official notice of these inCriminating allegations, for fear that a probe in the matter would create much unpleasanmess between the Governments of Nepal and India. 30
~Iaha..r.uii Jindi Kaur is repn:scntc=d in tht Consultations used here as Maharani Chanda Kaur, aoviously a miuspcU. ing and mispronunciation. There was another lady by the name of (I\laharani) Chand Kaur. wife or Manaraja Kharak Singh, who suec"ceded Mahara.ja Ranjit Singh. To avoid confusion we have UStd the cornet name Jind Kaur. FOTl!ign Secru COffSlIlrQrio ns (S.C.). 2 5 ~tay 1849 , 108 Governor-General's Minute, 24 April 1849. S.C.• 26 May 1849 , 115 ; The Friend of Indi. (Scr.uDpore,) 3 May 1849. S.C., 26 May 1849, 115 Ibid .. ~1inutC' of the Governor-General. 24 April 1849 Command",; Kitllb Knantl, IV/z"mDt; Ph""l. Kathmandu. Register Cor 1908, 1909 , 1911 (Vlk.rllm SamlllllJ.
· 18. S.C., 25 Jun. 1852, 137. L9. Gove"mor-Gtneral's Minute, 1852, S.C., 25 June 1852. 138. 20. S.C., 29 October 1852, 109; P.C., 5 May 1854,36·8 21. S.C•• 27 November 1857, "*48-53.. 22. P.C .• 30 De.c ctnbet 1859. 995: 22 April 1859 , 197-8 ; 13 ~I.y 1859. 32 3 : S.C.• 30 D«ember 1859 . 5"58·68 . 23. P.C., 30 December 1859, 1044-52.
3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8.
S.C., 22 Marcb 1850, -108 . S.C., 27 December 1850 , 15·-7.
Jang Babadue was away in England at this Edi tor, Janl Bllhllduf Ko ViiaYllt Yalra
K. Dixit. Kath-
mandu. 201.4) . 10. S.C., 27 September 1850, \5 -7. II. S.C .• 25 June 1852" 13-1. 12. Substance: of a con:vcr~t,ion betwecn Jang Bahadur and the Resident about Labore'Rani·, S.C., 25 June 1852, 137 . Hccra Singh bad died at Kanpur about two ynrs carlier. ~Di Rup KUDwar. hi. wife, went to Kathmandu and lived there with. monthly subsidy of Rs. 100 scttlcd on her by the Nepal Government. Foreun Politicltl COlllulllltions (P.C.) 5 May 1854,36-8 13. Resident (Ramsay) to Government, 10 May 1852, S.C.,
25 JUDe 1852,134 14. Secretary to Board of Administration, Punjab to Government, 25 May 1852, Same to Government and Resident, 25 Jun. 1852 , 140-\. 1.5. Napier's Memoir on tht Defence of Jndia etc., Lt. Genen.l Sir W. F.P. Napier. Editor: D'~ff!cu, Ci~lIafld Military of the Indian GOller"meltt By Sir Charles Napier, 364. 16. G'o vernor-Gc.neral'.1 Minute, 18 M,ay 1852, S.C., 25 June 1852, 135.. 17. Ibid. 'J believe the Maharaja would as soon wish to Stt: Ranjit Singh himself back. in Cashmere" u hi.s mischief making widow.' Ibid.
24 . Relations between Jang Sahadur and the British wert stn.incd on thc scort of the Iugitive rroels harboured in Nepal. the behaviour of Rdident R:a:msay whom Jang Bahadur want~d to expel from Nepal and certain eCOnomic issues, such as the harassment of the Indian merchants at Kathmandu. 25. ~.a. rupture with Nepal just now would certainly be accompanied by a movement in Kashmcre, ;and that would creale exci,J,cmenl perhaps morc in the Punjab. to say nOlhing of the effect of such an outbrc.ak. in the whole: of these 4QtriclS (of N. W. Pro,v ince) Ramsay to Govern.
ment. 3 July 1858. S.C., 25 February 1859,28 . 26. P.C.• 19 S<ptembcr 1856.6: 3.1 D«embcr 1858,4572·5, 27 . Jang Bahadur -told the' Resient, "You wold make the pro. mise to hel and when you have got her down to S'c gowlee have her srized and put i n iron. and send her away where you please-; put her into jail or keep her in the Cort of Alla· habad." Resident to Government, 26 August 185'6 , P.C.,
19 September 1656, 6. "The Durbar is molt anxious to get rid of her. partly on the score oJ expense and partly because she occasionaUy gives a little trouble." Ibid; Fo,iign PolificaJ , A (F .P·A). Noyem'ber 1860. 317. 28. From London Dalip Singh wrote to his mother to request the Britisb Government to allow her to meet him in Lon· don. Dalip Singh was pc:rmitted to write to his mother freely and openly. P.C. t 19 September 1856, 6; Minute oC the Governor·General, 13 Septembcr 1856, P.C .• 19 September 1856, 8. 29. F.P·A, January 1861, 144·51 ; N~ptl1 Residency R~cords. Vol. 11. 30. Ibid.
The next issue of The SIKH SANSAR March 1976 will featur~,
SIKH WOM.EN II You -are invited t9 subm.i t l!I'ticies, n~ items; and other ma:t~ p.erlln!:nt to. me sUbj eCL DeaCllihe.for manuscripts is the 1St of Februaty. Kindly mail all material to: The Editor, SIKH SANSAR Post Office Box 737 Redwood City;, Califomi!l9406~
In future issues
The SIKJol SANS.M , plans to fcarore special subjects such I1,S 1. Snill HISTOR{CALSHRINES 2. 'MANAGEMENT OF SIKH ORGANISATIONS 3. SIKH CONTRIBUTIONS TO INDIA'S INPEPENDENCE You are also invited to submit articles, news'items ;md other lIlateriaipertinent to these' subjects. Pleasc:read car~ully the "Insnitctions To Author-s'" inside back cover. Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. '. ... .. . • . . , , .. . .. , , ...••.... , .•.. Amrita Shet'G!1' Her Life and Paintings. Richard Bartholomew . ... .. . A View of an Artist - S. So/?hd Singh, Dr. R. K. janmeja.Singh . ..... , '
A H.istorian wiih a Brush -
S. Kirpal.Singb; Prof N. D; Ahuja. , . , . , .. .
In Future Issues.of'TH.E SIKH SANSAR, . , .. , . .... ....... , . ...... . Endowment Fund for THE SIKH SANSAR .... , ... ....•. , , ......•
In the previous issue
Life: Mepiliq-s :o f "THE SIIffi.$A.N:SAA .. . .. ... ........... .... .. . Translation of Japji,
Sa~dgt M¢n'lJoha.n
Singh ...... .,., .. , .... , .. . .
Dr, N3rinqQ- Singh,Kapany, S'f;ientjst, ,4rti,st & An Entrepreneu.T Sansar CommunicatioIiS ... , , . • .. , . . o ••••••
•• •• ••• •••••••••• • ••
Sardami l'1'emka Kaur, .Los Angeles; C. H.Loehlin, Yuba City: S.llari Singh ShergiU, Bombay; Dr. I.J. Singh, New York: Secretary, All Ca,n~a: Sikh Feder~tion, Vancouv.e r Book Review, Sardar Ajaib Singh Siiibu , ... " ....... . ..... .. .. . J..c.ners t6
Edhor .. . . ".......... .... . .. . ..... ...... . , .,'
Our Journey to N"ankana Sahib
! •• •• • , • • • • • • • • ., • • • "
• • • •• • • •
AiShi - Contemporary Sikh Artist, Prof. .Harmandar Singh . ..•... , •• . Materials fQr' thc:;Swdy of East Indian Histor-y tn North..Amerka, BrUte !.iJ Brack
Announcing' the SECOND register of II SIKHS IN THE U.SA & CANADA -1976 II I REGISTER NOW .•. .l.. AST CALL I DEADLINE DATE - MARCH 31, 1976 I
Black ,nd Whi,Passport type Portrait only I
regardless of age, sex or race
This informatian wlH be induded in the new and complete Register of the Sikhs 1(1 The U.S.A.' & Caneda. Please' note th~t more than one member of a family (male or femalel may regilter. All registrants must fill the biographical data form. submit a nigh quality black and white passport size ph.orO" graph and the mandatory registration f~. AllY prilvipusly
1>I .. IZ
submitted forfru or photos are no (o"ger valid.
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AFFILIATIONS frlli~Q.Us•. cultural. prof.'u ional. o'!JIniZltiOnI
REGISTRATION FEE .. , .•• . ..• . •'. • • $200 _ _COPies of The _RegiJter of Slkh$ in tM u.s.A. & 1976 ($3.00 {"Ir copy I . . ....
Can'" -
guSscriJ?t1on ,of' The Sikh s.",., (S6/year) . ~ _ _
of'T".SikIrSonarISI501 _ __
rM S/klu & R~i,iOn , bv prof. G'anda Singh (SJ.50 p!f' copy) • •• _ __
Donation .••• •••••• • • . .• _. • . • . • . . .• _ __
I am pleased to Jupply the abo.. information to be.ineludid in pIIrt or futl in the dir~ctory of Sikhs in U.S.A. and Canada and would ~ haPf7Y to be p1ac;ed on the "...i1l"1 Un o.f The Sikh Fo~ndation .
TOTAL ....... .
I '\ ~ 11HE
'Po0 •.80. 737 - AedwoodClty. CaHfomialMO&' SIGNATURE
~ji. liiii~lj·ten:'SIi;ij of Sikhs lhol- Ihey arl! 100 bus;/-mak/~i 'rhe;;'h&iory io reco~(fit;-~ With the exception of'ii·";;.,:rir.':,;,~20f'd~di~ated sch~lars (such as Prof: Gonda Singh. Khushwant Singh;·eic.) ihis is unfor-
ru"dtely.t,ue:-pailicularly in North America. This situation need not continue for there is a significant · amount- of published maleriaL available for the researcher of Sikh history in Ihe United Siaies and Canada. The 'difficulty is that such materiDls are scattered over a seventy year period. often to be found in obscure journals or in special collections. In order to promote and facilitate research by Sikhs on Sikh history. the Sikh Samar will reprint a series in successive issues that is perhaps the mosr extensive bibliography now available on South Asian immigration to North America. Originally compiled and annotated by an anrhropoligist working among California Sikh communities. the bibliography has been expanded for SIK[I SANSAR and a section added on archival resources. We hope that making such resources available will create an interest in the history of Sikh immigration and setrlement in North America and stimulate further research. The author and editor realize that this initial bibliographical effort is only a beginning. We encourage our readers to bring to our arten/ion addirional citations of articles. b·ooks. and pamphlets which may hove been overlooked_ We further urge anyone who knows of the existence or location of other types of historic materials (such as family histories. legal documents. co~respondence. diaries. photographs. tape recordings. etc.) which could be made available for study and cataloging to colltact Sikh Sansar. In this way we can add to our knowledge and understanding of Sikh history in North America and preserve Ihe story of our srruggles and successes for future generations. Chief Editor
BRUCE LA BRACK South Asia Program - Syracuse- Univc:rsity
III DISCRIMINATION. LAW AND POLICY ... .. . . . . . continu ed from previous issue "United States vs. Bhagat Singh Thind, Decided February 19, 1923," SUPREME COURT REPORTER. 43.:1~ (Aprill , 1923) , pp. 338-342. UCD. ThIS IS the legal summary of the case in which "Hindus" (the defendant was a Sikh) were declared ineligible for citizenship. Das, Taraknath. " Stateless Persons in the U.S .A_," CALCUTTA REVIEW. 16 :10uly 1925), pp. 40-46. (Third series) UCB. The author provides an excellent short review of the specific acts which reduced many East Indians and their American wives to the status of "stateless persons. "
Chase, Raymond and S.G. Pandit. AN EXAMINATION OF THE OPINION OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES DECIDING AGAINST THE ELIGIBILITY OF HINDUS FOR CITIZENSHIP. Los Angeles: privately printed (Penker, Stone and Baird Co.), 1926. 18pp. UCB-Law Library. . This pamphlet discusses two key concepts of the Thmd Case (1923): first, the notion of "free white person" and ; second, the use of assimilability as a criterion of statutory race (p . 12), a:s well as' the assumed "will of Congress" for racial homogeneity among American citizens. The authors conclude that the Tfiind decision should be revised. Schibsby, Marian', "Hindus and A~erican Citizenship," in PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL 142
CO NFERENCE OF SOCIAL WORK, 1927, pp. 579581. UCB- Social Science Library. In this short statement, Schibsby sympathetically notes the difficulties caused East Indians by the Sutherland decision of 1923, and concludes that, "At the present time ... the Hindus have reason to feel more hopeful." The optimism was premature as rectifying legislation was not enacted until 1946. "Race Discrimination in Naturalization," IOWA LAW BULLETIN. 8(1928), pp. 129-161. UCBLaw Library. The legality and propriety of denyin~ naturalization on the basis of "racial" classificauon (citing the Thind case) are questioned. McGovney, D.O. "Naturalization of the Mixed Blood-A DiCtUm," CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW. 2(May 1934), Pl" 377-391. UCD- Law Library. McGovney cnticizes the decision in U.S. vs. Thind and the application of the "one-quarter ineligible blood" In naturalization classifications. Pandia, D.P. and MMe. Kamaladevi. "Justice for Hindus in America," THE CHRISTIAN CENTURY. 57(March 13, 1940), p. 357. UCB . . This is one of many "letters-to-the-editor" written by East Indians abroad in suPl'0rt of the efforts of U.S . East Indians to abolish " alien land laws" and ubarred zone" provisions, and, in some 'cases, restore citizenship and the right to naturalization. The authors contend that approximately fifty Hindus were being threatened with deportation at that timetheir only crime being entering the country illegally (some as long as 20 years before). ' ; , . . continued in March issue
.." :.' ...
: ',
" ',
Instructions to Authors 1. AU, matel'ialS to 'be submitted fol' publiatio.n SlItlJ&ANsi\R m)lstl be original ahd pertain. to. ·the fundamental ri:ligious precc.ptS, the l;Iistoty, religio!1,and cu,I~lIre of the Sikhs, 2. The material shnuldbctypc:written, doubles~itCIf. preferably on 8W' l< 11" paper. 3. Tbj: aniclc sbolild~> abQut fO.UI't9 tcit rypewrinen pages. In' exceptional circumstaiu:es iongcr.•.,. ilrticIcs . would . .. be COnSidered - .. --. -'-for- se:rliI.. isationin coosc.cutive isSues. 4, AU anJclcs IfiIlSt contain an' abStract which describes in cnc:aps.ulat~ form the !!On~ts iof thearticlc. S•.lteference) to mja,n;riaJ qil which the' co~, tents 0(- the anicle arc bascdshould· be included to enable the reader to locate related
.~tcriaL rii; authors "sho.uiduke;Lj ~c; tIl see thal as ~I\Y pertinent pliblieations as poSsible aJ;"C refm:nccd. 6~ If .a photograph is to be included in the man~ q(cript, tWO black al19 white g\q~ ptint§ of
high contrasnnd clarity must '.be supplied. ,7, PlJnj~bi script ptfrt;ions oj We Jt)@us<;ripg submitted 'must be rypc:written .originals ofbigh qtiillilY. 8~ Acceptance of the .manuscript will depend lipon the. !it'i~aIil1. Cla(ity of nre~.h~tion. and,s.m olady approach to the subject. 9, ,.\t this time Iio'Pl!ymcn~ is envjsaged for .t he ·material to. be published in SIKH. SANSAR. 1()." liuef biogrl!:phic:al skl:tch o;>f th~ atithpt 'and, list of hiS other publications should also iH;' im;ltidcd. 11 . All the 'original material published in SIKH SANSAR WiIi be cOpyrighted ;1(!!,col'liiAgiy. prior written pcrmissionwouldbe necessary (or ~piinti"gc:Jsewhc;r~ . .l2. The Ellittlrial Bpa,rd t~scrves'the .right to.make :iPj( chl!Iig~ iIi t!tefi\ateri'al slibtrtit!eg that it de.eros nec~55arY to cOJ.lfomrtg the' ~lYle a,nd standards.of the SlKH SANSAR. H. A)l iI\2.luiSt.riptS' (driginal and a CQPY), 'muS!! he mailed to the Chief Edilor.S1KI;I SA-NSAlt. P;O. Hpx 737. Redwood Cit)!. Califor· . nla 940(14, U.S.A.
Prof. Ganda Singh The first authoratative publication in Ute U.S.A. covering both the history and n!ligious, pre,epts of the Sikhs. Easy to Readl
I "'" enclosing'check I money order·.far
s _ _ _ _ _ for tbc {oUoWing' ~,opi.. of Register of sikhs@ "S3"' .0"'0---'por coP,Y . .•• • " .. ; . . .. . ... .
Now AvailabJe ... The Sikhs And Their Religion
t" Sikh Jansa, (15 lye ..) _ _ __
'Life Membership of Sikh SaruaT (1150) _ _ __
Th. Sikhs·&'Their R~liiiR"" by Prof. Cando Singh,(~3.50) • . ... . •
Donapon ... " •...... . . . ..••..••• _ __
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