The spokesman weekly vol 29 no 49 august 4, 1980

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VQI. 29 No. 49


NEW DELHI-4th August, 1980

50 Paise

Criminals Hold The Nation In Terror Murders, Rapes And Dacoities On The Increase Law and order situation in the country is deteriorating at an alarming pace. Unless effective steps are taken immediately, we shall have near anarchy in wbicb honour, life and property of no one will be safe. One of the ·vital ractors, which catapulted Congress(I) into poWer . at the centre and nine . states tbis year, was the inability· of Jan ta and Lok Dal governments to .control spurt in crimes of all types. Mrs GandbI used to barangue : "In tbe Indian capital • . no woman can go out of tbe house after sunset without being robbed or molested". And tbis impressed people. Sbe had asked the voters to elect a "government that works". After the massive mandate. sh e has failed to make ber administration "work" in the real sense . . Hardly a day passes without a dacoity or armed robbery in New Delhi. The number of murders has doubled in the last six months. Women reel unsafe even in hroad daylight. Everyone is living under the. pall of terror let loose by roaming gangs of criminals who strike at wil! everywhere. Por instance, in Model Town tbree dacoities took plac! within a span of four days. Most of the crimes go undetected. Same is the story for otber major towns. be it Bomb1Y. Calcutta. Madras. Lucknow. Allahabad or Ludbiana. Oflate. cases of rape bave ' multiplied manifold .. What is most disturbing is tbat many of tbe rapes are committed by . policemen themselves. the supposed guardians of law and order. Sucb men sbould be taught a lesson of · their life. Some leaders have suggested barsber punishment like life imprisonment. Tbe Indian penal code must be suitably amended. Also rape trials. sbould be held in camera. Tbe de5nition of Hconsenf' in rape cases should

be changed and the name of the rape victim kept anonymous. Women must not be allowed to be r etained in police custody and tbey sbould not be called to police station during . inyestigation. The inquiry officer sbould go to her house a,pd she sbould be asked to make a statement in presence of a woman polic~ personnel and a social ·worker.

Detemint to a crime is ' tbe certainty of detection and public censure. For this, we ,need · an efficient police force. This can be ensured more if politicians do .not give shelter to unsocial elements and stop interference in police work. During tbe last few years the police bas been demoralised; somuchso officers avo id.,taking stern steps lest they sbould be bauled up by the succeeding rival government on. one pretext or the otber. In; this matter. the Janta and Lok Dal governments were more guilty than tbe present regime. .

A lot has been done to improve tbe working and liv ing condiiions of policemen in recent months. Now they bave to show results. They cannot grumble tbat tbeir wbole time is spent . on worrying bow to make botb ends meet. The police commission. under Mr Dbaram Yira, has made a number of valuable suggestions to end crime and tore up tbe police set up. They should 'be implemented as expediliously as possible. (Continued on next page)

Misgivings About -New . On Judiciary


Need For Healthy Norms And Strict Adherence To Them Unfortunately, the judiciary, dispenser of justice, protector of the poor against executive excesses, arid upholder of the constitution, has been dragged into controversy by politicians . This is because ' of two proposals on the anvil. First. one·third of judges of a bigb court should b. fro n outside tbe area of its jurisdiction. Sec()Odly. seniormo,t judge of a high court can be appointed as the cbief justice of any bigh c~urt in tbe country . Tbe first proposal is in keeping witb the priociple governing the allocation . of Indian Administrative Service officers. In ord'f ' to ensure impartiality and promote national integration. Pandit Nehru and Sardar Patel decided , way back in 1947, tbat one-third officers of lAS cadre in any state must b. from other states. And this system bas worked very well. Its applicatioo to high courts could well eliminate tbe chances of local prejudices . and pres.ures coming in the way of unalloyed justice. But fears have no w been aroused because of the unhappy

tions. But 60 prominent lawyers bave lIayed the couocil for its new posture . which. they aver, JS contrary to tbe stand it had take n a rew years ago. Then it exporience dur ing the emergency had supported this view on a imposed in June 1975. Then . questionnaire serit by the law several bigh court judges. wbo commission headed by Justice were a tborn in the government H .R. Kbanna. flesb. eitber because o f their The law commission. in its independence of mind or displea- 80th report. bad forcefully SUre incurred from politicians, supported. the pnnciple 6f seniowere transferred to far-off places . rity in judi~i a~ appointments. . Tbis had demoralised th e No ·sane person would; or ·could. judiciary. Some of tbe judges felt raise any objection. If any otber safety in bowing to tbe political . determinan.t is adopted.. . ·it could ' wind . lead' to abuses ' a~d dissatisfact i"O n .. Tbere has also been the Tlien political ' expediency would irresponsible tal k of a "commit- take primacy. over merit. and ted judiciary". a. phrase coined . sycophancy . sball becomeviay by tbe late Mr Kuour.manglamc of life . . Tbe tbreat of .t"'-nsf;',.. Botb the ruiing 'party and ·. ·can hang 'like_' the' . sword of. · the opposition profess deep Damocles ontlie ·~e~d; I?i:.i9.4iiis;, ;' o~ Tespect for tho independence of Healthy ,norm.~ , haye.:, tq .,;be:;. the judiciary. But almost' any establisbed' "'.'.9 foI1qjVs4o c, Wjl,i!~ ;, doviatio n from the establisbed the 'first pr~po~~l , , 8~_ bD!Jig., ~ " , proc'eduro in tbe appointment ' oJ lot of . ~ood : (q t~,e. I1~Clille".c¥:-I'< " tbe cbief justices .or tbe transfer ' must. ber~I<~I;1 . tb,,~. ~ .J!!dge•...Mce,,, of judges is ql1estioned. · often appolDt~d :.,t,:,. : a.~L$~ .. .cQ,ur,t.. i ~" witbout a sound teason . not sblfted arolind: . And the' In tbe forefront is also tbe post of chief justice ' must go to Bar Council of India. It · bas. . the seniormos! judge of the same opposed both the new . <l ispensa- . court.



Incide:Jce of Crime Against Women

'Justice . Bhagwati Against Keeping Women In Police Custody

4th:August, 1980

punjab:Ministers. To':. Hear Grievances ....

Olympic Hockey Champion ·,Afle-,. 16 Long Years .-.

India had been successful to win Olympic hockey gold medal after 16 long years by a 4-3 win against Spain and credit for tbis goes to tbe forwards for Mr luslice P.N . Bhagwati of the Supreme Court .last week suggesdisplaying concerted efforts . . ted a number of measures to cilrb the incidence of crimes against . _Surinder ··Singh . Sodhi g~ve . W:omen _ He advocated tbe enac'lment of a law wbicb would ' prevent .India: . a.,2-0 half .time lead. The . a :woman ' being kept in custody by tbe police. .: i , Indian victory' has been applauc '. Dr Kewal Krishan . has ': been . ded by the ' President·, the ' Prime : Releasing a pampblet-" WoHe also referred to another allocated' Gurdaspur and' '-!lopar MiDi.ster., . - Union ' ':Educatio'l men victims of an exploitative social ' evil . that of "forced districts, Sa-rdar Santo~b . Singh ' Ministet ·· 'a.nd o.ihers. _. Sar4ai eco~omic . s¥stem . and _ .unj)!s! . p~Qstitulion" .. _I1<\li4>.!lJ.o ugh _not . _Randba-w.a._-..·_· · Am,itsa~·· ·:·- <and -':' 'BhalinC!i'''''8ingb,'Pr~s'ideitrIhifian social order"-published by tbe '0 prominently visible was Bbatinda districts. Mr Kansbi Olympic Association ' a,lso bailed Nation"l Federation of Indian nevertheless prevalent in hilly R~m Faridkot and Ropar tbe bard work of tbe team. 'Women, Mr Justice Bhagwati regions and backward areas. In districts, Mr Sardari Lal Kapur said that Tamil N~du was most of tbese cases, It were Jullundur district, Sardar Beant G.S. Dhillon 'p'erhaps tbe only slate. whicb women, belonging to the weaker Singh . Sangrur and Patiala New Envoy To Canada prohibited the detentIon of sections, wbo were "exploited districts, Mr Jagat Ram HosbiarThe former Lok Sabha and forced to lead a life of pur and Kapurthala districts and women in police cuslody. sbame and degradation" at tbe Sardar Harcbaran Singlt Ajoala Speaker, Dr. Gurdial Singh He also suggested the setting behest of some " powerful and Ludbiana district. Dbillon will be the new Higb up of legal aid centres where moneyed persons". Commissioner of India to victims of rape and otber atrocities - - - - " - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Canada. Dr. Dhillon succeed~ could be given help. These General T.N. -Raina who died cenrres sho uld be set up bo th in some time back. He is expected rural and urban 9roas. to lake up his assignment sbortly, according to an official release. Tbere was also tbe need to "tone up" the investigating agenBefitting Tribute cies so tbat speedy trial of rape, dowry deaths and suicides cases -. To A Martyr was undertaken. Tbe Punjab Chief Minister was In rape cases tbe proceedings presented at Ludbiana last week should be held "in camera" so witb a Gnat-a plane of Pride that tbe Victims could give evi· of the Indian Air Force wbicb dence witho.u t aoy pressure or struck terror amongst Pakistani hinderance. forces during the 1965 and 1971 conflicts. Mr Justice Bhagwati said a Tbe plane was presented on recent trend noticed about bebalf of tbe Western Air Comcrimes against women was the "involvement of police" in some mand by Air Commodore Upkar Singh. cases. " This is disturbing situation aod called for utmost Sardar Darbara Singb paid vigilance", be added. tributes to Flying Officer Nirmaljit Singb Sekhoo who won tbe He urged social organisations Param Vir Cbakra postbumously. · like the National Federation of He was killed in action in Indian Women, Hto arouse naSrinagar in tbe 1971 Indo-Pak tional conscience" against atrociconftict. ties on women and tbeir social Flying Officer Sekboo's Jifeand economic . exploitation. size bronze statue bas been put Indian culture and traditions bad up at the Ludbiana-Cbandlgarb through the centuries banded bypass and a Gnat has been down the image of. " n oble and installed tbere. ideal womanhood" of wbich any Tbe Cbief Minister said tbat nation wo uld be proud of. tbe State Government would set M r lustice Bhagwati also . up a memorial to martyrs. He cautiooed against the "evil PSB's Recurring Deposit Schemecalled upon _tbe people to t.e inlluence" of films higblighting alort against subversive elements. the easy way to save for your sex and vio lence and pornoSbawls were presented to Mr. I special wishes. graphic literature wbicb was now Tarlok Singb, fatber of Flying > freely available in our cities Officer Sekbon, and Mrs. Pritam . Deposit as little as Rs. 5/and towns _These "bad influenKaur, grandmotber of the late' ces" should not be allowed to per month, and soon you'U Flying Officer. corrode our social .and moral have enough to indulge in fibre. those special wishes. With Dr. K. Kirpal Singb Elected

(Contillued/rom previous page) The ' present rulers ' should know tbat people are watcbing their 'performance with keenness and diligence. If tbey do not deliver tbe goods, they would be given the marching orders at tbe next poll in . very mucb the same ·way a~· tbe ranla and ' Lok Dal'm'en .",:et.e, tbrown 00 garbage . heap ",feW ·. fi.l:on tbs ago. They do Hot want sweet· promises -or pep ' talk.,.' . They. want solid steps end. Ili~1f present .n igbtmare.


Meetings of the . District Grievances Commit.teesin Punjab will be beld on tbe fifth 'or seventh of each ' month .in tbe forenoon. .' Any . .a,dditional grievances can he taken up in the afternoon 'on the' date fUed ' for the district.

PSB's Recurring Deposit ./ Scheme. , "f' .F PSB has a variety of . Schemes to suit all your needs. Drop in at YOlll ' nearest branch for details.

~ P~~;~I&Si~B~~ I~ "". (A Government of IndIa Undert ak 109 )


- '

IAOH Vice President Doctor K. Kirpal Singb, Director of Food Tecbnology, ProceSSing and Marketing of the . Punjab Agricultural University bas been elected Vice-President oC tbe Indian Association of Ornamental Horticulture (lAOH). Tbe object of tbis association is to inculcate an awareness of the important fole of ornamental borticulture for creating ' healthy atmosphere for buman living and to encourage horticultural industry in tbe country.



4th August, 1980

$---~~~---~~----A THOUGHT FROM GURBANI . $

$ $ $ $



$ Enougb beat and controversy been generated by Gurdev $ have Singh Commission's tbree reports

"Sri Har Krishan dhyani, lis dithai sob dukh joe."

Let us invoke the hlessed Har Krishan .

~ wbicb were laid on the table

The Sight of whom dispelleth all


Sorrow and suffering.


of Punjab assembly a few minutes before its session ended last week. As tbe commission found substance in 35 out of 50 cases against Giani Zail Singb,

$ union home minister, his suspect a stab·in·tbe ~~--~~~-------~-~ followers back by Punjab Cbief Minister


(Guru Gobind Singh : Dasam Gr"nth)

Vol. 29 No. 48

4th August, 1980

Price:' 50 Paise

FACTIONAL FIGHT Akalis, who have inborn instinct for fighting, are now proving themselves true to the decades-old jibe: If there is no outsider to fight with, they begin fighting among themselves. Only a few days ago Jathedar Jagdev Singh Talwandi had handed over the charge of Shiromani Akali Dal office to Sardar Bhan Singh who was appointed office secretary by the seven-member committee headed by Sant Harchand Singh Longowal; this committee had earlier been nominated by Akal Takht to look after the party affairs till a new president has been elected; this election, in turn, was to be held after the enrolment of new members and the choice of delegates to the General Body. Now the Jathedar has staged a somersault; he has opened his own separate office under Sardar Dayal Singh, with the result that two rival offices are functioning in the same building in Amritsar. The Jathedar has announced that only membership forms, bearing his' signature, would be valid; on the other hand, the Sant has declared that the old forms were fake and members would be enrolled on only those forms which carry his seal and signature' for this purpose he has got new forms printed. Thi~ means that the battle of succession is being taken down to the grassroots, which could wei! lead to vertical split . from top to bottom. As a first bout, both the Sant and the Jathedar have called separate meetings of their followers during the week end, if only to demonstrate their strength. On the eve of Rajya Sabha elections from Punjab this year, Jathedar Talwandi had entered into a bargain that if he .vas given the party ticket for one of the two vacant seats, he would step down from party presidentship. The seven-member committee thought this formula had in it ingredients of a good and easy riddance. The Jathedar was given the ticket but within a. few days he began defying the, committee; somuchso 35 of the 37 Akali MLAs threatened to vote against him unless he saw wisdom and stuck to his promise; fearing defeat, he came down from his high and arrogant perch. Now that he is very much in Rajya Sabha, he has begun to show his fangs again. In a way, he has proved those correct, who had said that the Jathedar was keen on sticking to both the chairs. It looks the lure of party presidentship is becoming too gluish for him.




Darbara Singh; the latter, of course, has explained that he was bound by constitutional duty to make public the findings; to be on safe side, he had sent the Punjab chief secretary to the Giani and had also sougbt tbe opinion of the state advocategeneral. Rumours tbat Prime Minister Indira Gandbi is furious with Sardar Darbara Singh bave been denied empbaticany, but tbe fact remains tbat some bad blood has come to the surface. Rajya Sabha Leader Pranab Mukherjee has announced that the tentre does not attach any importance to the reports, as the commissio~'s appointment,


witness box; in some cases, even

the names of person,. wbo were in a position to depose, were not disclosed; this attitude, he said, became more pronounced as

tbe political climate in tbe state fiuctuated. There is notbing new about this phenomenon; everyone, be he a government

official or a public man, wants to sail witb the prevailing wind. Now a five·member committee has been appointed by the Punjab government to decide on the follow-up action. But it is very probable tbat everything would be shelved. It has been a fad witb every new




commissions of inquiry to look of into the alleged acts commission




tbe previous mIDlSters. But nothing conie, out of tbem eventually; after wasting tons of money and efforts. tbe reports are left to rot in the of the murky corridors secretariat; Dot even once was

tbe indicted man punished. In like all other commissions set . most cases, such men came back up by tbe Janta government at to power with a bang, only to the centre, was politically- "appoint similar commissions moti~ated. But some of the , against their rivals. ' , In Punjab Chbangani Commission mud is bound to stick to the tbe report, which beld inquiry Giani. against Sardar Parkasb Singb Sardar Gurdev Singb, a Badal and otber Akali ministers, retired judge of the Punjab and met tbe same fate; tbe police Haryana higb court, has refuted cases registered against tbem charge of bias against the Giani ; were withdrawn as soon as . in fact, he asserts that if there Akalis won tbe 1977 elections. was any bias, it should be in the Often the persons, against wbom union home minister's -favour.

inquiry is

He has also observed that some of the aggrieved persons, at whose instance the inquiry was instituted, refused to come into tbe

heroes in the eye, of the people, as tbey strut about as victims of political persecutions;




Shiromani Akali Dal is in doldrums these days; it has been pushed out of power in Punjab and has only one member in Lok Sabha. This disaster should have made everyone indulge in introspection and make strenuouseft'orts to revive the party's prestige and following among the voters. But this is not to be; the leaders are too engrossed in their own race for pelf and power; selfish motives have gained ascendencyover party interests. If this situation continues, SAD would soon become a worm-eaten organisation. It is just possible that Jathedar Talwandi's present antics are meant to grasp the lever of manoeuvrability to avoid being., thrown on · the dungheap. Very often in the past the leade.t:shave raced to the brink and then shied back" with the resl,!lt-that the crisis always ended ina compromise and the niain leaders hugged each other and vowed to Work .•tcigc;thet,:' after forgetting and forgiving the . past; ·c"H9w'tll~.~ renewed fighting. will en.d is anybpdy' s,~6fiS·. oB,4t, certainly, the Akabs have made themselves,·a.i laughtn~: stock of all; especially, Congress (I) leadcFs" must>bei Ghuckling in glee. . .



ritualism and the futility of idol worship", and kept the nefarious activities . of the arrogant priestly class under check. He taught the people that the true religious values should be the basis of their By :. Sardar Pritam Singh behaviours and actions in the Guru Har Krishan the Eighth · World Teacher"':"Guru Nanak in practical affairs of them. He Guru in succession to the disregard to the instructions helped the poor and the needy Pontificate founded by Guru given to him reached Guru Har with immense generosity, freely Nanak Dev, was born on Rai who forthwith ' debarred gave solace and comfort to those Monday, the 7th July, 1656 at Ram Rai from succession to in misery and despair, cured the a place known as "Sbeesh the throne of G.uruship and· sick with the sovereign remedy Maha!" in the town of Kiratpur refused even to see his face. of "Nam" and nourished the (Punjab). He was the younger For his showing moral cowar· people with the honey·drops of son of Guru HOT Rai and Bibi dice and disloyalty to Guru love and harmony. Kishen Kaur Sulakhni who Nanak', faith and philosophy, Raja Jai Singh, who himself bestowed their full affection and Ram Ra! was certainly unworthy longed for the Divine Master's love on tbe comely and of assuming the responsibilities gracious glimpse, whole-heartedly precocious child. He was noble, of leadership of the Sikh availed of this opportunity, and elegant, sweet, charming, fearless, community. GurLl Har Rai, sent a high official Diwan Paras :s~rene, generous and com pas- declared that the crown of Raill to Kirtpur requesting 'S1onate from the very beginning spiritual sovereignty would go Guru Har Krishan to come to ·of his life. He had a deeply to the exceptionally noble and Delhi. At his request the Guru devout soul enriched with the extremely bright Har Krishan consented to visit Delhi on the glow and realisation of Divine who would be his successor. condition that he would not see Light when he was hardly 5 years With his transmuting touch, King Aurangzeb. and 3 months old. On his way to Delhi, Guru Har Rai passed on the Ram Rai was the elder . son divine light of Guru Nanak to accompanied by Mata Kishe.n 'Of Guru Har Rai. He was about 14 years of age when, on an invitation from King Aurangzeb. the Guru sent him to Delhi to explain the Sikh faith and philosophy to the King. The 'Guru instructed Ram Rai to give true exposition of Sikh 'Scripture without any fear, in the presence of Aurangzeb. 'On reaching Delhi towards the middle of August, 1661, Ram Rai, however, performed nearly 72 miracles to please the King and to dilplay his own greatness. The King discussed the central thoughts of Sikh philosophy with Ram Rai and asked him to explain the meani1g of a hymn of Guru Nanak which rendered in to English .l:eads tbus :Miti Musalrnan ki perai pai kurniar ,Ghar bhande itan kian; juldi kare pukar 'The clay of a Muslim's grave, Falls into the hands of the potter; Pots and bricks out of it he makes; In the fire burns the poor clay, Guru Har Krish'D As it .burns it weeps and

Sri Guru H ar Krishan

The Precocious .'Genius


Shedding tears of cinders at its fate. . 'Says Nanak : God the Creator 'wbo is the Cause of alilhe causes,

:Knows where departs and . what befalls The soul :Of man hereafter. The : question .completely ~rl'l¢xed and. bewildered Ram R,ai- whg,out of fear of the King, 'tohl. a lie. th~t the scrihe had by mistake . .written the word .Mulialindn in' ·pla.ce· of Beirnan meaning; a . wicked man. · The news of Ram Rai', displaying 'cheap miracles in the King's 'Court and bis. cowardly and .sacrilegious act of distorting tbe 'sacred' composition of the

Kaur Sulakhni and some of the devout followers, notably Bhai Gorditta, the High Priest, Diwan Dargha Mal, Bhai Gurbaksh Mal, Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Sati Das, Bhai Jetha, Bhai Dayala and Bhai Mani Ram (later known as Bbai Mani Singh), Guru Har Krishan encamped at Panjokhra, a village six miles south of the Railway Station, Ambala City. A learned Pandit named Lal ji, came to see the Guru and in order to test his . sagacity and spiritual powers · impetus to, and propagated" requested him to explain the difficult 'he developing order of Guru meaning of· certain Nanak's ch'ief doctrines "the S/okas of Gita. At lhat time, Unity of God, brotherhood of there stood nearby an illiterate "ater-earrier named Chbajju man, repudiation of cast~ ' and

Har Krishan who ascended the Sikh Pontificate as the Eighth N aDak on the 6th October, 1661 the date · on which the Soventh Guru physically left this world. As aD anointed being endowed with enormous sp-iritual dimensions, circumspection and. sagacity Guru Har Krishan . showed extraordinary talent and . gave · . unmistakable proof of hi' coo,spicuous ability · to lead and teach the widespread'· and vigorous Sikh community. Hegav,; , further

4th August, 1980

The Birth AnDiversary of Guru Har Krishao falls 00 August 4. ' who hailed from the same village as the Pandlt. The Divine Master beckoned Cbbajju to come nearer and looking graciously at him asked him to expound the meaning of those Sanskrit Slokas. With the perfect Master's bakhshish and blessings, Chhajju regained the power of speech, presented an extraordinary exnosition of the Shlokas in a most convincing manner. Upon Shis the pride of the Pandil was gone and he bowed in deep re.,rence . and humble salutation and touched tho feet of the gracious Guru, in recognition of his lofty spiritual attainments. On reaching Delhi' towards the. end of 1662, Guru Har Knshan was received by Mirza Raja Jai Singh and his son Ram Singh with great love a~d respect and was lodged in hlS bungalow at Raisina. One day Raja Jai Singh invited the Guru to tis bouse. In order to test the spiritual powers of Guru,. the. Rani of Raja J al Smgh dISguised herself as a maid servant. and mixed up amongst the SImilarly attired women. The Guru was requested to recognise the Rani. By his extraordinary insight and prodigious intelligence, the Guru went direct to the Rani dressed as a . ma!d servant and sat in her lap. Raja Ja! SlOgh and his Rani were impressed ' and convinced with the unusual powers and magnetic persQnality of the Divine Master. Their love, reverence and faith for the great Guru increased tremendously in their hearts . The epidemics of cholera and small-pox brokc out in the Capital. The gre~t. Guru all along showed hIS spIrItual equanimtty and aplomb; WIth Waheguru's Nam on his lips and a great resplendent light blazed wi,h him he served the poor and the sick in their distress, healed the people who were affiicted with the diseases and taught them to enshrine. Gurbani in their hearts and souls and practise constant remembrance of God with their words, thoughts and deeds. Guru Har Krishan was asked many a time to see King Aurangzeb, but be persistently and fearlessly refused to do so. On Monday, the 21st March 1964, the Guru fell ill showin~ signs of an attack ~f smal~ pox and shifted from Raja Jai Siogh's bungalow to an open place near the bank of River Jamuna. Finding his physical end near, the Guru advised the

disciples "Whatever God doeth is for the best". They should take comfort in Aka!'s Will, sing HIS praIses and never give WdY to grief or mourning. By his (Continued on next page)

THE "SPOKESMAN" WEEKLY Guru ft." Krish.t succeeded to the apostleship in A.D. 1661 at the age of about 5 years. Though a mere child, he poss<;ssed high attainments and "He justified the selection. did his work well,. he sent out missionaries to the farthest out of tbe religion and posts himself taught with all confidence those who asked him of truth". When the news of his succession reached Ram Rai, he was inflamed with jealousy and made up his mind to violently contest the office. He attached a rew Masaods to bis



called himself Guru. His Masands went in all directions to announce his accession but tbe Sikhs who knew of the late Guru's decision refused to accept him. Then Ram Rai decided to place his case before the Mughal Emperor who was kindly disposed towards him .. Dr. K.B. Banerjee feels that since at the time of Guru Har Rai's death 'Ram Rai was a (Continued from previous page). intuitive judgement he mentioned, though allusively, about his Sangat successor to the assembled at tbe river bank tb~t "Baba Bakale", by which tbe Sikh rigbtly understood that the next Guru-Ninth Nanak-was to be found in tbe village of Bakala in tbe district of Amrits.r. Tho indication thus provided hy the Divine Master resulted in tbe manifestation of Guru Tegh Babadur of the be-nOll! of ascension on the spiritual tbrone of Guru Nanak-as also the elimination of 22 impostors. Guru Har Krishan, .the dispeller of grief, the ' champion of tbe poor and tbe helpless, a paragon of love 'and spiritual lore, a fully illumined soul and a resplendent face left tbis material world on Wednesday nigbt, the 30th Marcb, 1664, to sbine for ever in the bearts of tbe people. Tbe place wbere the Guru's ligbt merged into tbe Infinite, is now cOfl)memorated by a famous shrine inlbe Indian Capit.l, Gurdwar. Bala Sabib. After performing tbe last rit .. of tbe Guru, Mata Kisben Kaur Sulakbni and the prominent Sikbs of the Divine Master's Darbar left for Kartarpur. It is pertinent to mention tbat the historical shrine of "Bala Sahib" also commemorates the memory of the mortal remains of Mata Sunder Kaur and Mata Sabib Kaur (popularly known as holy Mother of tbe Kbalsa) wives of tbe Tenth and the last Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. All bail to the matcbless glory of Guru Har Krisban, tbe Eigbtb Nanak-the bealer of all ailments. To one and all "grief dispeller" was bis appellation, To be belping hand to tbe poor, w'as bis resolution; Kind, innocent, and merciful

was tbe blessed Propbet, Vanquisher of vices, remover of rancours

was his narration.

4th August. 1980


Guru Har Krishan Whose Vision Of Personality Removes All Pains By : Prof. Surjit Singh Gandhi mere boy in his early times, it Rai which clearly indicates tbat is dIfficult to believe tbat he had be could freely move to and from done anytbing in bis own Delhi and also among the Sikhs initiative. Moreover he was a at that place. It also appears hostage whom the Emperor kept that Ram Rai could visit as a security for tbe continued Kiratpur wbenever he wisbed, good conduct of Guru Har Rai. At Guru Har Krishan's passing Furthermore, to the learned away at Delhi, Ram Rai, bimself tbe Sikb records took the Utll containing tbe Banerjee provide certain Masands, Gurdas asbes of tbe former's body for was the prime moyer in Ram submergence in tbe Ganges at Rai's attempt to seize apostleShip. Hardwar. Hence in view of these On careful scrutiny of tbe evidences, it is difficult to recorded events, the presumptions understand bow Ram Rai was a on which Dr. Bannerjee seems hostage. The Emperor, however, saw to b"e based bis conclusion do not stand tbe test of argument. in this a very good opportunity Ram Rai 'was, at that time, in for realising bis religious mission. 1644, eighteen years and If be could get Ram R. i tbe records corroborate that he was apostlesbip, tbe latter would be shrewd, quickwitted and well., a mere tool in bis hands and versed in Sikh scriptures and tbrough him '"he would perhaps theology and it was because of be able to spread Islamic faith tbese qualities tbat be was sent in the Punjab, or even if he was

residing in so.:oe Moghul palace or Harem. According to Dr. Chhabra it was also made clear to tbe Guru tbat at · Delbi, he would not be compelled to go to. the presence of the Emperor. In A.D. 1664 tbe young Guru left for Delhi. Thousands of Sikbs wbo thougbt that tbe GUflL was sent for by his Majesty to· mete out the same sort of treatment as the Emperor IV s, at that time, dealing to H indu faq irs with a view to coerce them. to embrace Islam, started with the Guru to perish in case ,;:. v ill bappened to bim. The Ci "cc;,however, forbade tbem to proceed with him; and when tbey persisted, he,




Panjokbra in tbe Ambala District, drew a line on tbe ground with order tbat anyone wbo crossed it to Delbi side against bis wishes was to be beld an outcaste. His motber were and about 20 Sikhs permitted to cross, and tbey formed his retinue. On reaching Delbi, tbe Guru put up with Raja Iai Singh in his palace. According to Khazan Singh, "the Guru was treated

with respeCt and prince Muazzam paid bim a visit as a mark of distinction. The Prince was highly pleased with what be saw of the Guru and praised him a good deal before bis Majesty". Tbe Emperor wanted to test the Guru's intelligence, of which everybody spoke very higbly. Tbe boy-Guru was surrounded by tbe women of Iai Singh's bouse, including maid·servants who were equally well·dressed, and was asked to identify tbe Rani. Guru Har Krisban look at their faces and had no difficulty iii recognising her. Many other ,tories showing Guru's sagacity are available in Sikh accounts. The Guru at Delhi would move among tbe poor and tbe destitute. Cholera and smallpox were raging fiercely in the city. The Guru went everyday with food, medicine and clotbes. Dargha Mal, Lakhi Mal and Gurbaksh Mal were asked to spate all tbe off.ring~ to allay the physical as well as Gurdwara Bangia Sahib mental sufferings of the poor_ by Guru Har Rai to Aurangzeb able to set hotb brotbers at The young Guru through hi. to satisfy him . It is accepted on variance, and tbey shall die -by fraternization witb tbe troubled all hands tbat he achieved a mutual slaugbter, his purpose persons wem many adherents. _ remarkable success in the would be served. According to According to the Sikh Moghul court. In the presence of Kbusbwant Singh, tbe Emperor . chronicles tbe Emper.o r was all tbis, it is difficult to sbare tbe wanted to playa decisive role in convinced tbat the ch.oice·. of view of I.B. Bannerjee tbat Ram tbe affairs of tbe Sikhs. . . Guru Har Krisban .was · not Rai did not do anything on his Accordingly, the Emper(lf wrong and dismissed t.he ..daim' own account, altbough it seems issued orders to . the Guru to ' of Ram Rai, but . Aurangzetr'.;o;\iei" to be true that his ang€! was repair to Delhi. Tbe task of not · announce · bis .· ~rW.tratioD stepped up by Masands wbo executing tbe order was assigned 'and in fact, be '- was-· ' cQRteot;,"to wisbed Ram Rai to play a tool to R.ja Iai Singh wbo sent hish~ve botb ,. tbe." cl'im":p!s ,;·1l.nderin tbeir handS: . emissary to Kiratpur to prevail hIS thumb. ·j· S!ror,tIYi'".;a.fUli• .~ lhe Secondly, the assertion tbat upon the Guru to' come to Delhi. Gu!u ' ~as s,eiJ'ed . oM'(tl1 . ]li~hJe~r Ram Rai was a hostage in the The Guru refused to oblige him, wblch ,Jvas · .f~n~V\'~~. f.:by ,s)Dglk Mogbul court and as such could for be had' been enjoined ·by his pal< whjcb he , .Qi,eatli¢dl,.bit>iil~t; not be blamed for any act. also father not to- see tl!e' Empetor.' on ' Marcb' 3(}, . A664;·11.a;nd,',bls flounders on tbe rock of clearcut Ultimately tbe difficulty was ·body was,creRlat~d QIi! .~,ht;"~iH<s ' eviderice. We have carefully removed by Raja Iai Singh who. of Iamn,a, wher<\;i'lo)'ot.$~s-dthe studied the text of tbe inscription invited the · Guru ' to ' his own · G",rdw • .ra· Bala,Sajl\ib . .-on tbe deorah epitaph) of Ram Bungalow at Raisina . instead of(CohtimieiPon'i'I~"~f'P(lilt)

__T_H_E_.._SP_O_K_ES_M_A_N_ .. _WE_E_KL_Y=----_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-:6~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.•.-:4t~b~AUgu st, 1980 , (Continued f rom previous page) While still on bis death-bad, tbe Sikhs asked bim who sbould be their spiritual leader ; for Ram Rai was plotting at the Mogbul court, and Dbir Mal 'and otber Sodb is were waiting ' for his death to put , forward tb.eir claims. Tbe Guru sent for five paisa and a coconut (customary presents for the s ucceeding Guru) and placing 'them on tbe ground bowed his head before them wit h the remarks, -<:IBaba Bakala") meaning thereby that his 'successor was , Guru Tegh .Bahadur,

Estimate Tbe onward march of con' solidation and progress which bad been the chief characteristics ' of Sikhism under the successors " of 'Guru Nanak received a 'setback durin g the apostlesbip 'of Guru Har Ra i and bi s SO D 'Gurn Har Krishan although 'Gnru H ar Rai through his 'tremendous efforts to spread S,kh faith in Doaba and Malw:' as also to evo lve


organisation known as Bakhshish for tbe pros.elytising work in ,different parts of the country 'aod abroad tried to sustain the 'speed of the progress , But the det""ioration of Masand system 'could not be arrested nor a clear·cut social apparatus fashIoned -(lut to bear the Sikh ideology in its totality , Even then, in Guru Har Rai"s time, everything was under control. Bu t during Har Kri shan's ministry because of :his early age. things .began to -'rift. The office of Masand, once famous for its integrity. rell into unw orthy hands that beca me an instrument of jobbery .and corruption. The -death of 'Guru Har Rai at the early age of ' thirty leaving behind two minor · sons and nominating the younger

· of them to the succession, ' opened to these men the desired ' opportunities .and some of them ' ""ok up the cause of Ram Rai with a view to bringing about a situation in which the dispute about the succession and the subsequent weakening of the Guru's position would open to them an unrestrained field for malversation of the offerings, Moreover, Ram Rai ?s obstinacy

'to gain the apostalic seat by hook or by crook not only allowed himself to become as ,t he tool in the bands' of (Masands but also provided an .opportunitY to , Aurangzeb to -"intervene in Sikh affairs' which by can ,means' should have been the -exclu'sive concern of the Sikhs, " Tbus, the 'd'e generation of tbe -Masaod : system, ' tbe dissentient 'secis;"tbe ., rival, claimants for -<3utu ,Giddi, . the Emperor's ' subtle move to .encourage scheism ,:amo'o g·tbe -Sikhs: ' The absence ,~ftlie , .oCiaHtrategy to allow the · Sikh''rdeo]ogy inAI] its ' aspects to expre~s itself uoleashed forces .. of pr9gr~ssive ,disintegration of ·.lhe Sikh ·faith.

Pleasures Of Reading Bhai Vir Singh By The love of literature is a sure sign of a cultured beiog. Literature is a means of compre·

hending man as a thinking, feeling, willing, creating beiog wbo lives in the ever moviog stream of life. It is necessary to develop this love for understanding the way of dvilisation and its functional relation . to the totality of human impulses • Literature commands, creates and criticises life. It is indeed difficult to arrive at a un iversally acceptable definition of literature. It takes various forms-literature of knowledge, literature of power, literature of escape and the literature of interpretation . But when we consider the essence (If the whole thing, we have to accept, in the words of Mathew Arnold, that " literature is a criticism of life".

This definition holds true in case of the literary compositions of Bhai Vir Singh, the father of modern Punjabi literature. He was a poet, novelist, historical writer, commentator, philosopber ~nd a religious reformer, besides being a man of rare scholarship and deep understanding of moral and spintual values. The i nfluence of his writings was not only felt and recognised during his life but it continues to grow witb the passage of time ; He is relevant to all times for the reason taat he does not treat in his wri tings the immedia te but the perenniar problems like tbe essence of man, the nature of

being, the basis of ethics, the origin of existence, the purpose

of Jiving, the content of beauty, tbe relationship of emotion and reason , the limitation of knowledge, and the quest for God. His works present a porlrait of the human triumphs and vicissitudes of philosophy, faith and love. The read ing of his works thus opens up endless prospects of geniune pleasures for a lover of literature. One significant aspect of his works . is that its appeal is n ot '- aimed at a particular class or group of people, It is uni versal. It b.s something to offer to all type of human and , tempcraments which, we all know, differ as rivers do, The choice offered by his writmgs is as wide as life itself. It appeals to all tastes and suits all natures, tbe cleverest and the most innocent, Bbai Vir Singh through his writings




accomplished writer of all times with an appeal to· all sections of tbe social milieu , Rhai Vir Singh is a poet of rare sensitiVIty. He shu'n s sound and fury but by apt use of appropriate phrase, he produces an intoxicating effect on our


Lt. Col. J ,S. GuIeria (Retd,)

minds, He believes in ceaseless loogiog . He accepts pain willingly when it is the product of his pursuit of the infinite, ' The tbirst that remain's unquenched so long as the pursuit is on, is not viewed considered as m isery but is a joy of life: Let ages come and go Let cycles roll as they may Arid let him be where he wHls, . My heart shall nover cease, My longings for him will never end .

Enough for me this vocation of pain, I revel in this killing thirst, The misery of th is hunger is M y life and joy for ever. The quality of feeling caused by the above lines is like the rising of the thought of the Wahe Guru in our souls. These beautiful lines built up a sort of nameless relationship with our Creator, a relationship which transcends the harshness o f things. These lines represent the apex-point of the whole striving of our souls, It is the ail· time expectation of the spirit. The sensuality of these Imes IS rapturous and we are lucky to enjoy the pleasure of this lofty i'oem. Tbe. pleasure is. sucb that it makes us weep With wdescTlbable joy! Bbai Vir Singh strikes us as " person who has beon able to subdue bis ego and develop true . humility , He gives expression to his humility in his poem Banafshah: May my beauty romaio hidden: I was born low, May ' no one look at me. hidden by the ridge, I borrowed, colour from the sky, it is not gaudy I asked for lowliness, for my life in this world. The thought· content and tbe beauty of above lines provides I

Bbai Vir Siogb his ordinary experiences. When h is admirers presented him with Abhinandan Granth ' in 1956, he said: Ham rulray phi nay kG-ee baali na poochta Gu r Sa tgur sung kee rray !:am thaapay . Neglected did J roam here and there None looked me in care A.nd exalted me, a worm, To the position of honour, These moving lines are the characteristic




humility of this great and illustrious man who shunn.d publiCIty and always preferred to remain in the background . This humility creates tbe necessary emotional responses in us. It gives us the

us with a refreshing contrast with

feeling that by practising such humility. we can save our souls alive. It is said of philosopber" that they al ways pref« the contemplated to active life. Bhai Vir Singh was no ordinary philosopher but it can b. said of him that he wa, no idle dreamer . His part in moulding tbe society of hIS time

the actualities of things as we witness around us. The man has forgotten his true self. He is running after pelf and power, This unabasbed pursuit of power is tbe source of all hu man misery.

detailed mention bere. His service in the field of educatiooal and social I:eforms. his ini tiative in starting the Chief Khalsa Dewan and the Sikh Educati0nal



moment, we turo to tbe

above lines and thi nk

that if

each one of us was to endeavour

to emulate the example of the lowly Banafshah fi ower, we will certainly be impart ing a little of beauty, a litlle of colour and a little of fragra nce to life, By doing S0, we will be lessening strofe and' creating a little more of love, sympathy and understanding




beings , The very thought of emb.,king on suell a laudable venture is truly ex.citing and defini lely enjoyable. Bbai Vir Singh through the keenness of

is too

we I) known



Con fe rence, his association with

the Punjab & Sindh Bank sbow the '1arietv of hi. in terests, He led a full y active and successful life with the worldly scale and measu re. This is. however, only

one facet of his dynamic personality. He was an original thinker and a philosopher who delved deep into the mysteries of lIfe, peeped in to the human soul and grasped tbe significance

of its relationship with the Creator. This could come to him only through, contemplation. H e 10ok6d at human beings not (Continued on next page)


4th August, 1980



, (Continued i¥,m previous page)

from midst of the crowd but from an elevated point. He was endowed in such a fashion tbat he could b¢ engaged in any business worldly or other worldly.' Such was his versatility. We discern no agitation, restlessness or trouble in all his writings. We discern in him a calm and sweet tranquillity. Life to him is like a blossom and the object of individual life is to blossom like a )lower, to spread fragrance and beauty : She is all blossom herself and knows that life Is like a blossom like the mOOD and moonlight.

I grow upward, my march is heaven-ward, I look at God of the skies, I live on air, I desire naught, And yet for me, 0 world, Thou has but one axe. Bhai Vir Singh is a whole world in himself, a world into wbich you can pass, in which you can dwell, in which you can ct'ntinually be discovering new

avenues, new vistas, new horizons.

This is tbe true measure of every great writer. The beauty of Bhai Vir Singh's writings is tbat while it tackle~ skillfully all the fine shades of human situations and treats his subjects with subtle sympathy and understand. The thought of flower, its ing, its inmost essence bas to do blossom and its fragrance with tbe m()st mystical elemenl touches us deeply and ruoves us of our life, namely, the feelings greatly we grasp its true signi- of delicious ecstasy and repturou, ficance as applied to human life. jJY that rises from tbe depth' This is humanism . It speaks of of our mind and engulf our body the melody of the soul. This is and soul. This supreme slate of DO empty dream but a positive bliss described by tbe poet as hope and a d istinct possibility. follows : Bhai ViI Singh holds the VIew "I am drowned in tbe ocean that man can reach the goal of joy 'by perservance and self-control : 1 am dumb with song They say, man is the crest of I say nothing, 1 now the wave of life, Dotbiog." But what is man, who is lost. We all have to live. Books in the smoke, For he is tbe Lord of creation affects us . We turn to tbem when we are in pain and disillusion only. and weariness and disgust. We If he is the Lord of bimself. draw relief and solace. We have Bbai Vir Singh tbus, imparts problems of religion, of good ·a newer and higher meaning and evil, of the supernatural and to life. He treat; life as real and tbe life here and hereafter. It can with purpose and not as meal1in ~­ be said that in the writings of less and futile existence: He IS Bhai Vir Singh, we find all tbese thus not a philosopher of gloom mysteries unrevelled. We exand despondency but of abundant perience and indefinable pleasure joy and hope. Wben we read when WfJ delve into these writings. in close Bhai Vir Singh, we expertence We find ourselves a peculiar and inex~l icab l e type proximity. to divinity. The burden of intensity, concentration and of life becomes bearable. We power which bites into the do not curse our existence. We 'Subject till the teeth touch the find ourselves a little better bone. Like certain other great prep"od to face upto tne writers, he has created a style realities . The aim of all great for himself which is recognisable literature is to turn us into moral at a glance. He has tbe ability beings. Bhai Vir Singh. indisputato attach and draw extraordinary bly succeeds in achieving this meanings and interpretations aim. His works a're of lasting from ordinary situations. H~ value. Tlleir influence will draws profound lessnns from cootinue to be felt so long as simple objects of nature. The people do not give up tbeir love Kikar tree is a symbol of the of great literature and the human spiritual seeker in the quest of his existence does not lose its purpose on tbis plaoet. 'Creation :

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Impressions Of A Farmer

About Minimum 'Tillage By : Dr, Kartar Singh Chela Sardar Harbhajan Singh, a very progressive farroer of village Kutbewal Gujran in Bet area of Ludhiaca District, came in coutact with Dr. H .S. SandhU, Agronomist, Department of Agronomy, of the University in tbe Kisan Clu b Meeting held in May 1979. There he heard Dr. Sandhu's talk on uo tillage or minimum tillage. Impressed by this talk, be offered to conduct a demonstration at his farm under the guidance of Dr. n.S. Sandhu on zero (no tillage) or minimum tillage to wheat following paddy crop. The demonstration was arranged in one acre out of which half acre was sown without any tiliage and the other half witb normal tillag!, as was tbe practice in tbat area. Sardu Horbbajan Singb The package technology was uniformly adopted in both special type of scraper also need the plots as per recommen· to be developed for the removal dation of the University. ' The of paddy stubbles from the field. The Department of Agronomy yield of wheat variety WL ?11 obtained from this demonstralton bas ' been conducting research in the rice-wheat rotation was au minimum tillage for the last 19.46 q. per acre from zero several years and it bopes to tillage and 20 q. per acre from make a recommendation on zero tillage/minimum tillage very. normal tillage. A 'field day' on minimum shortly for tbe benefit of the tillage was "rgaD ised by the farmers. De partment of Agronomy at this Court Notice farm on April I I. 1980 which In the Court Of Sh. G .C. Jain, was presided over by the ViceDistrict Judge, Delbi. Chancellor, Dr. A.S. Cheema. Guardianship Case No. About one hundred. farmers of 271 of 1980 the area around village Kutbewal SIl. Om Parkash Chhabra .. Is~ attended the fiold day, who s/o Sh. Ram Saran Chhabra, were very much impressed with rio E-256, Greater KaUa~h-Ul t4e performance of wheat crop New Delhi-i 10048, in zero tillage plot 10 compamon Petitioner to normal tillage plot. versus Sudar . Har~h~jan Singh is i. State putting about 70 acres under 2. Sucbeta Kriplani Hospital wheat every year and he feels by Panchkuian Road, New Delhi adopting "ro tillage practice he through its Social Worker. can save about Rs. 200 per acre The petitioner above-named which is tbe normal cost involved baving applied for adoption of in preparing the paddy soil for tbe person. of ' minor Master sowing wheat Impressed with Ashoo Chbabra born on tbe performance of ~ero tillage, 30.5.1980. The 4ti! day of August, in the coming season, he plans 1980 has been fixed for the to sow more area of wheat with hearing of the applica(ion, and zero tillage after paddy crop. .notice is hereby giyen to general Similar results bave been public that if any . other relative, obtained at some otber farmers' friends, kinsman. or well· wisher ·of the aforesaid minor desire to fields . There shortage" of diesel is adopt of' the '~erson of' the and tbis problem' may continue said minor or desiIe· ~ to' oppose in tbe years to come. But by 1he applicil~on . of the ,,:elitroper adopting zero tillage the problem afdresaid', . he .. 'shotild ; ' '·-<In.t er of sbortage of die,"l .'for :.agricul. - 'appearance " in:. ·p~dn ·' Jn ~ , ·fIte ture can · be solved - to some ' Court:. On 't1he'afor<i5aii:l·ifate"ilid extent. There ",m:also ~ sa,,-mg .~ l1re~ai'ed tQ! : 'll;d?:~~lli,;Vi~.eic"e in tbe use iJf machinerY, lIme ' ·1 0 suppo:tt.of " JjjS \ijBl~ ·tl,?'Sl1¢h and labour. .JtWc)uht, however, ' adapti1'1il;~ 0t:o:;n}'~.~n · orr.:liis' be necessar.y to~d~velop a; special '. :'6ppo$\?~n"ttg~111ieJ~~~t~illit·· type of . s~ed-d'r:ill lNhl~b can ,·t~e);etIlI~,~f9~ellilfd'P! : ~.. } ;;. penetrate mto .. .tbe._!i.eld, after 1~'6:.Weli{~e~ : ~f.ll1lIli;i}f:'. ~n?- " harvestmg paddy ..!9.... s : to put .· the . "Se.!,I'. G( ' 1ib"., ·.. C~tf.I... ~blS . the . seed . i?·. ·s~il.. u~Qet,. proper . '.Z.8 th.'~a~ ..ofJllt~:'~!l:~!l'· --:-' _''': mmstUte. c:~n~nl!!J1$. JQf ~cuClng ' ~,/'\r~."·.:l!!~~~e; good gerintuattn~ fQr :\V~eat.. A \; (Seal) laelji\!.~




4th August, 1980

No flower is held in greater esieem than. the rose, still unnvalledfor Its beauty, shape, grace, Vtrtues and exquisite . fragrance. ' Rose is not only By : Sardar J.S. Kohli a symbol of peace but a symbol small, but some varieties are is therefore the first and foremost of heavenly joy. Rose is a ava.i lahl. which have double safeguard, and the nursing care priceless gift from God to flowers with beautiful shape. has to be proper and in time . . mankind. It provides feast for Polyantha, One of the hardiest Thanks to thp. bybridist, the the eyes and food for the soul. roses has also enormous clusters rose is increasing in vigour and As prophet Mohammed has said . with 'small flowers and leaves. 'If a man finds . himself with These Ole small in height and beauty. In the evolution of roses, modern hybridists have bread in both hands, he should bloom for a long period. perhaps given less attention to exchange one loaf for some Th. standard r oses are not the fragrance as compared to flowers, since the loaf feeds the a separate vari ety in themselves colour, form and repeat fiowering body, the flower feeds the soul'. and any rose can be budderl What's there on earth that high up on an upright stem of qualiti6s . . The quest for tbe so much contributes to our the stock, to make it a standard perfect rose continues. New types, new colours are appearing every delight and enjoyment as a rose, rose. year and this cbanging world which depict' :he nature in its A Hobby is becoming more interesting and rue form , offers an endless Rose growing is an excellent exciting as eacb year goes by. tvariety of sbapes, sizes and colour and only in the fiower hobby, whicb provides tremen- ' Who knows what ' tbe future but also in the foliage and type dous pleasure at a reasonably has in store, blue rose perhaps of thorns. Rose in full bloom small cost and minimal effort. may be, thornless rose. With provides a spectrum of colours What's more refreshing, more the latter achievement, Milton's which are brilliant and exciting delIghtful than the sweet fruits picture of Paradise rose will and some changing from yellow of the Motber Earth. No otber be realised, "Flowers of all hue long and without thorn the rose 1': to pink and on to red--the only flower enjoys such a flowerIng season nor gives such We look to the rose not only missing colours are true blue large number of flowers during as a symbol of peace and beauty, and true black. but also for scent, for it is a Ros. offers many varieties to the period it is in bloom. Roses, no "less than human flower tbat has always been choose from, whether from Hybrid teas, Floribundas, beings, need care, attention and associated witb fragrance. What's Polyanthas, miniatures, ramblers, nOllrishmeot regularly to make more fragrant than the breath healthy and of the roses? 'The Moghal climbers or shrub roses. It has tbem strong, been reported tbat there are r~slStant to ~ttacks of pests and Empress Nur Jehan is credited about sixteen thousand known diseases, which is necessary for with the discovery of •.Attar of varieties of roses in the world. the production of good quality Roses" .. Tbe medicinal properties Every year a number of varieties roses. Feeding is one of the of the rose have been handed are being added. Now no one mos.t i~p ortaot aspects in rose down ·t hrough times. Rose water knows exactly how many in cultivalIon . It will be a great is not only used as perfume but all these are? Hybrid teas and mistake to assume lhat no also for medicines and confecFloribunda roses offer a. large furtber attention is necessary to tionaries. It has soothing qualities variety of oolour, fragrance as manurial . . requirements, b~cause in ~ts preparation for the eye well as bloom. Modern garden tbe bed has been enriched lotIOn. It IS also used for making Rose conserve or roses are varieties of hybrid generously when the reise was sberbets. origin and are sub-divided into first planted . Tbe healthier and gulkand is considered as tonic climbing and noo-climbing roses, stronger the rose, lhe greater its and laxative. Pankhuri-dried wh,ch are of recurrent and power bf re~istance to disease·. rose pete Is are used for preparing cold drmks. The rose hips is non·recurrent varieties. Climbing As with all kinds of diseases animal a rich sou.rce of Vitamin·C. Our and rambling roses ac!!. easv wbetb~r human, to grow and require Iitt!e care. botaOlcal, sanitation plays a ancestors used roses io endless honey These are used to cover walls, great part · in preventing tbe ways-they flavoured arches and also make good spread' of infection from one wine and vinegar with roses: .hedges. The fiowers in ramblers plant . to another. Unfailing made rose drops, sugar cf rases are borDe in clusters whereas in attentIon to the cultural details and also wafers of roses. case of climbing hybrid teas, tbe flowering is continuous and spread over the season. Non·climbing recurrent fiowering roses' comprise bedding and display varieties, which are mainly classified into bush roses, shrub roses and miniature roses. Bush roses are' divided into three main groups-Hybrid teas, FloriPolyanthas. Hybrid bundas, teas eombine the ever blooming quality of old tea roses with the hardness of hybrid perpetuals. Hybrid teas-the larg. ilowered type .with r Mormous varieties are .mo~t : popular type in India. · Gra!ld.ifloras, one of the newest ·:a nd. popular ,variety of Hybrid · teas, pro!!ul'ed by .. crossing the · Fj~!'ib)ln.das with , Hybrid teas have robust , growth, healthy · feliage and· give pr.ofuse bloom. There . is . a)lo.ther ,. class of roses-FIQribundas, which · has become PQP'ular in recent years. This . group produces a mass of flowers io large clusters, though theindivid fiowers are often





Rose is much ':llder than man himself and its origin caD only be surmised. It. ha's figur~d in myths, legends, in art, literatHre, poetry, music and played an important role in religion, politics and economics. In Greek and Roman mythologies, the rose is associated with the Goddess of love and beauty. Thomas Campbell wrote: "When 10'" came to e~rth, The spring spread rose beds to receive him."

Its history is just as romantic as its legend . It Is said that Cybels created the rose, when angry with Venus, she took her revenge by bringing to life more beautiful than the Goddess of beauty herself. . Anacreon in 5th centulY B.C. bas paid tributes to the rose: "The rose is the perfume of Gods. Tbe joy of men, It adorns the graces at the blossoming of love, It is favoured fiower of Venus". Love is transmuted into a red red rose. Burns wrote in one of his poems: "0 my love's like a red red rose, That's newly sprung in June." Shakespeare uses the rOSe in more than sixty similies. In Romeo and Juliet, he rsays: "That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". Keats, Shelley, MIlton, Thomas Moore, Browning, Saadi, Omar Khayyani and many other poets and writers from East and West admired and wrote in the praise of rose. Richard Waston Gilder has rightly said: "Because the rose must fade Shall I not love the rose." ' The rose reigns supreme as the "Queen of Flowers", which title was rightly bestowed on it by the Greek poetess Sappho in one of the fragments of her lyrical poems. Queen it was and queen it has remained unto this day. A Latin poet wrote that a loving smile gave birth to the rose. In every form of art painting, and sculpture, carving' embroidery or design of allY description, rose has been used throughout tbe ages to expose . the artist's ideal of beauty. Rose is a symbol of peace. The ·rose, however, received real prominence in England during "War of Roses". DUrIng those troubled times, tbe House of Lancaster chose the red rose as its badge, while tbe House of York decided upon the white rose. In 1485, the two factions became united on the marriage of Henry VII with the heiress of House of York-the rose was then adopted as the Royal Emblem of England. In this strife-torn world where batred and envy are on tho increase, let us earnestly hope and pray that the rose will continue to remind us of our duty and obligation to spread Its message of peace to mankind.




- .


4tb Augu~t, 1980

Condolence On Sanjay Gandhi's


Is Haryana Heading For A Mid-Term Poll ? Rival Parties Mobolising Their Forces By : Sardar Gurmit Singh, Advocate Mid-term poll in Haryana who demonstrated and demanded is now a certainty. After defeat registration of case uJs 376 I.P.C. of one of the Congress (I) against the culprits. District nominee in the recent Rajya administration did oot act Sabha poll Chaudhary Bhajan · promptly but when it fouod Lal has blamed Chaudhary that things may yet out of Bansi Lal for his failure to win cootrol it directed police over two opposition M.L-A .s authorities to take the victim to vote for Chaudhary Prabhu for medical examinatioo . UntorSingh. According to the Haryana tunately, there .was no lady C .M. he had undertaken to doctor available at Civil Hospital win over eight votes from the D abwali that day and therefore, opposition ranks and he has police authorities decided to take successfully done so. Congress (I) the lady to Chautala dispensary needed nine votes to supplemeot for medical examination but on On behalf of Ramgarhia Sikh Community of Kenya, Sardar, its strengtb for winning both the way the lady died. Gurmit Singh Dev,i, Vice-Chairman, East African Ramgarhia Board the seats. According to police version has sent a condolence message to Smt. Indira Gandhi on the death of his son Shri Sanjay Gandhi. This open accusation by the jeep ·collided witb a truck Sardar Gurmit Singh ;s signing the condolence book placed Chaudbary Bhajan Lal has coming from the opposite at Indian High Commission office in Nairobi . . annoyed the supporters of direction but according to Cbaudhary Bansi Lal who still hus band of the deceased who Standing Left To Right : Sardar Harb. ns Singh of Indian enjoys confidence High Commission, Sardar Balvir Singh Kalsi, Giani Iqbal Singh, and of the was travelling in the same jeep Sardar Satinderjit Singb Matharu. majority of Congressmen in this police threw the lady on the state. It is worth noting tbat road and made out a false case on the success of Chaudhary of accident. No one else however Sultan Singh in the Rajya in the ieep is alleged to have to police had become violent Thi, caused resentment in police Sabha elections, while slogans eve n suffered a scratch. ·Police and had set police station on ranks and police in Sirsa District ·"Bansi Lal Zindabad" were registered a case uJs. 304-A fire. More tban twenty people went on one day token strike. raised by his supporter< no one against a truck driver but the received bullet injuries. Deputy Chaudhary Bhajan Lal rushed to raised slogans in favour of truck operators went on strike Commissioner Sirsa, Suprinten- Sirsa and Dabwali· to cbeck the Chaudhary Bhajal1 Lal although and 4fh class employees also dent of Police Sirsa and Sub- situation from · deteriorating he was instrumental in getting demonstrated at D.bwali and Diyisional Magistrate Dabwali further when opposition members such an unexpected number of Sirs.. Citizens of Dabwali issued a statement to the press demanded discussion on this votes for the Congress (I) observed hartal in the city, that firing was uncalled for aod incident in the Lok Sabha. nominees. Chaudhary Bansi Lal opposition parties held public . that it was ressorted to witbout Chaudhary Bhajan Lal tactfully bas still good d.a! of influence meetings demanding! arrest of orders from anyone of them. handled the situation and· with the Prime Minister and . culprits uJs 302. On the next They declared police firing to be ordered a judicial enquiry into Chaudhary Bhajan Lal's open day, opposition parties held a excessive. To pac;fy public, case the whole episode and witbdrew confrontation with Bansi Lal ra ll y in front of police station uls 302 was ordered to be cases uls 302 against the police is likely to cost bim the presti- and police opened fire to registered against the police officers. This pacified the public gious Chief Mini stership. disperse the moh which according officer who had order<d firing . as well as the police. A session Chaudhary Bhajan Lal who is a judge from Punjah has heen appointed to bold this enquiry .. shrewd politician and a master tactician is not una ware of these Agitation Against Rape · risks. He has started renewing In Dabwali contacts with Janta Party leadership from whicb · he had defected a few months back and he is said to have had a secret ,f meeting with Mr Hegde, the general secretary of the Jant. SUPER DELUXE Party.



Deteriorating Law And Order Situation . Is India . heading towards . another emergency? This . 1. a question which is being asked by the public in view of deteriorating law and order ,situation in the country. Haryana is no exception in this regard and opposition parties are· exploiting this situation to mobilise public ', opmJOn against · the Congress . rule. Is their . a design~ behind. the cases of rape and oth<r heinous crimes reported everyday. Recently police constables are reported to bave ; rape,d tbe · newly wed· ,!,ifeof the or40,19- . of a , judicial magistrate' at . Dlbwali. This caused resentment amongst the 4th class employees

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4th August, 1980

10 .',


Birthday Of Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Tc;.)J;he Editor

There is a misunderstanding about the date of Maharaja Ranjit Singh's hirth which is being mentioned in some quarters as 2nd of November, 1780. The actual date as gi,en in the Roznamcha·iMaharaja Ranjit Singh, the Umdat-ut,Tawarikh, by Sohan Lal Suri, Vo\. n, p, 19, is second Maghar, Maghar Vadi Ekam, Monday, 1837 Bikrami. And this corresponds with November 13, 1780 A,D., As for loyalty, ' if certain with the day being Monday. This has been accepted by Gopal Sir, Me. R. Kaundinya writes (The Tribune, 21 July, 1980) tbat commuDlties were loyal to tbe, Das, Tarikh-i-Gujranwala (Gov!. of the Punjab, 1872), Mufti British, these were the very Ghulam Sarwar Qureshi, Tarikh i-Makhzan-i-Panjab (1867-68), " Bravery arid courage are not tbe monopoly of any particular communities wbicb took major Kanhaya Lal, Tarikh-i- Panjab (1877), Gian Singh, Tawarikh Guru community or the people of a part in tbe fight for India 's Kha/sa(1894), and Prof. Sita Ram Kohli, Maharaja Ranjit .Singh. particular State". Whereas it is freedom , and they these days Diwan Amar Nath in his ZaJar Namah-i-Ranjit Singh mentlOns a fact. th at regions and guard the country's frontiers. tbe date as Maghor 3, But as he gives the da y ""s do-shamba or· But certain elements can be loyal Monday which rell on Magbar 2, corr~sponding with November 13, communitjes are known for thdr specific characteristics. For to no one except to tileir own it goes without saying that November 13(1780) is the correct date . example, the Rajputs are known selfisb ends. of the Maharaja's birth. Col. Gurdia!'s is only a reacfor cbivalry, whereas Gujaratis Dr. Ganda Singh and Marwaris are. known for tion to tbe Government of Lower Mall, their acumen in matters business. Ind ia 's fixing of quotas based on PatiaIa The latter and such like the States' population, for enrolcommunites are not known for ment in tbe Defence Services.bravery and courage required to Fixing of quotas almost amounts fight an enemy in war. Hence to reservation. Then why should they were not enrolled in the it be restricted to the Defence Sir, The main factor for should~shed narrow group intearmy by the British even during Services and not cover other discipline in industry is not of rests and contribute to greater departments! industrial relations but the Second World War. The Government of production. Then alone can Cbamar Regiment, raised during services? personal relations, The workers industrial peace be ushered in, Indi vidual , class or national today are not ready to accept After all,. tbe ultimate aim of ' the War, failed to deliver goods and thus bad to be disbanded characteristics are the result of tbe status of mere instruments industrial relations is to stop the profession(s) · adopted and of production. The employers tbe exploitation of one human soon. But who is stopping the carried out througb generations. shoul!l, therefore, treat them as being by a:!other and to make present Government of India These cannot be transplanted human beings and not just work an eminently desirable from ra!Slng figbting units overnight by means of passing machine-minders. experience. comprising purely of Gujaratis, acts, making statements, issuing Malvinder Singh M arwaris, Parsis, Bengalis and denials. and so on. A, everybody The workers, on their part, Simla Banias? But it would not be cannot be . a good businessman enough to raise such units, it similarly all cannot be good would be worthwhil~ watcbing fighting soldiers. tbeir performance in tbe face of Lt. Col. Gulcharan Singh (Retd.) enemy.

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Satyarth Prakash

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Sir, There appeared in the its second part (chapters eleven to Tribune of April 7, 1980, a note fourteen) is highly controversial from 'Kurukshetra that Swami and is devoted to adverse Om Nand, while spellking at . criticism--not always correct-of the 68th annual function of the other religions like the Hindu Gurukul; had announced that, Sanatan-dharma, Jainism, to eternise the Arya Samajist Buddhism, Sikbism, Chrislianity, holy scripture, the Satyarth Islam, etc., etc., and has at time~ Prakash, it would be engraved hlleD controverted by better on copper plates to be preserved informed followers and scholars in some safe place. The idea is of these religions. It would, very good indeed , But according therefore, be advisable that only to tbe generality of the Arya the first part of the work be Samajists. the Four Vedas are engraved on- tamar-patras as their only holy scriptures. As proposed and not the second such, it is the Vedas which controversial part of doubtfui deserve this ~onour. veracity. The Satyarth Pro~ash is the -Ganda Singh composition of Swami Dayanand and is justa little . over a , Lower Mall, hundred years old: Moreover, Patiala

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FO,r eed Sterilization . Sir, Sardar Khushw~nt Singb the minimum ago for marriage ' has' pl,eaded · for . · compulsory at 18 years for girls and 22 -' sterilisation , in his paper years for boys. Early marriage ·'!.Hiridustan Tjmes". in its issue should be punishable. , ofJuly':'I,4, '1~80, which happened The Janata Government td ,cause. the. downfall of Congres' 'Governm·en,t.Mistake Once allowed Ihree , children instead of two for · family planning. ' mad;e•.~s!iO.u\d 1)0\ .be ~epeaied. Concessions to ' Government Steflhs!'tl'1I1·. shOUld be employees should cease witb the voluntary: Government is not bitt\! of tbe fourth. cbild,-Yours goirii to Jeedt\lejr ' children. ' ' . . '. Cl)ina bas fixelU,h eage lim it fOt mar,iiage, 'I\t ,3Q Years. Our (S~edar) Sant . Singh (Re.t".) . G,?~ern,meri~ %\1~\SQ lar . down .Agra . .




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•Gurdtv Singh Commission Of Enquiry

Favouritism And Irregularity Shown In Certain Appointments The Gurdev Singh Commission of Enquiry in Punjab has found substance in 35 out .of 50 allegations about whicb it bas recorded its findings in its tbree interim reporls. . The memorandum of the action taken by tbe Government on these reports as well as the three reports were laid on tbe table of tbe Punjab Assembly on July 23 by the Chief Minister, Sardar Darbara Singb. The Government set up a taking. In the appointment of Mr. committee comprisi og the H"me Secretary, the Inspector-General J.R. Bansal as Cbairman of the of Policc, tbe Legal Remembran- Punjab Public Service Commiscer, the Advocate-General and sion, the commission has tbe Director of Vigilance on expressed the view tbat May 27 to examine tbe findings there was no material whatsoever and make recommendations for before it to prove that tbe consideration of the State Mr. Bansal was senior to Air Government. This committee Marsbal Shivdev Singh as a bas already held two meetings member of the commission or but is yet to make its final that the former was its seniormost member. Both of them recommendations. According to the first interim were SWorn in as mem beTS on report the commission came to tbe same day . . In the absence of the conclusion tbat tbe appoint- any orders fixing their seniority, ment of Sardar Udham Singh the Air Marshal who was senior as Director of Prosecution and in age and had put ID a long and Litigation was not made accord- meritorious service before his ing to the normal procedure but retirement had a better claim for solely to take him out of the promotion as Chairman of the disciplinary jurisdiction of tbe commission. Higb Court where he was facing Factual Error a departmental enquiry "inter alia Since the sale ground stated in because of his douhtful integrity". the order promoting Mr. Bansal This was done not only to pro- as Cliairman was that be was the tect his interest but also to fix senior-most member 'of commis-him up in at least an equally sion, the very basis of this order lucrative and important position. stood knocked out.because of the Besides the former Chief Minister, factual error regarding bis senioGiani Zail Singh, Sardar Nasib rity. In fact Mr. Bansal bimself Singh Gill, who was tben the noitber claimed seniority over Deputy Minister for Home, and the Air Marshal nor adduced any the tben Home Secretary were material to prove that be was the actively concerned iii this. They senior-most member of the comviolated tbe established adminis- mission on the day he was trative cODventions and proce .. appointed its Chairman. dures and misused their position The commission said that and authority for the benefit of according to the Air Marshal tbe Sardar Udbam Singb. promotion orders were passed by In anotber case, the commis- Giani Zail Singh at a time wben sion has found tbat the late he himself was away in Delhi on Sardar Gurbax Singh Sibia, the lea ve in connection with the wedthen Minister for Irrigation . and ding of his daughter. Mr. Bansal Power, relaxed tbe essential lost no time to take over the new prescrib~d qualifications in favour office as Chairman on December of Sardar Budh Singh who was 27, 1975, notwithstanding the fact not eligible for appointment as that the date of retirement of the Superintending Engineer in the then Chairman. Giani Lal Singh Irrigation Department. Thus the. was January 18, 1978. late Minister had acted in excess The Air Marshal strongly proof his authority and contrary -to tested to the Governor and the Government instructions in rela· Chief Minister asserting in his xing tbe relevant rules. letter that Mr. Bansal " did not In -a third case, ·the commis- enjoy good reputation regarding sion felt tbat the facts brougbt his integrity". This lent. accordon record did nct disclose any ing to the commission, credence sinister motive for appointing to the assertion both of Sardar Mr. Hari Om Dilawri as Chair- Kuldip Singh . Virk, the complaiman of the Punjab Dairy Deve- Ilant in this case, and the Air lopment Corporation. In this Marshal that long before Mr. appointment tbe former Chief Bansal was promoted as ChairMinister. Giani Zail Singb man, Giani Zail Singh was according to tbe commission. "aware of his reputation". was greatly influenced by his Regarding the appointment of colleague, the then Revenue . Sardar N.S. Mitba as a member Minister, Sardar Umrao Singh. of tbe Public Service Commis- ' Because of the alluring .picture sion, the commission was of the of white revol ution pre- view that Mr. Mitha was fortusented by Mr. DIIawri, the Chief nate in having caught the eye Minister inducted him as Chair- of the then Chief Minister, Giani man of the Government under- Zail Singh and in the absence of


4th August, 1980

any rules or criteria for making appointments (0 tbe commission, the Chief Minister was not to blame if he felt that there was no restraint on the; patronage that vested in him by virtue of his office. . Sardar Mitha had admitted in his .vidence that as the Public Relations Officer of Ropar and Patiala be never worke·j n, r Giani Zail Singh wb~ ·· t ·" Intt cr fought election to t h, i' .I;) . b Assembly. .'

Unusual Increme;;ts However, when he was appointed Direct0r of Public Relations in tbe State Power Board, Sardar Mitha was given eight advance increments which was usual. Tbere was, however, nothing to prove that the increments were given at the instance of Giani Zail Singh. The fact tbat tbe then Chairman of the board Sardar Zora Singh Brar, was quite close to Giani Zail Singh might, however, leave the


that Sardar Brar was acting under the instructions of Giani Zail Singb. Yet it did' not suffice to prove that tbis was done at the instance of Giani Zail Singh. For Mr. Mitha it was a windfall as his subsiantive appointment in tbe Punjab Government was in the grade of Rs. 350-1,000 and suddenly be was given the bigh status of a commission member with a starting salary of Rs. 2,250 per month. The commission was constituted by tbe Punjab Government on April 14, 1978. It has denied the allegation of bias made by Giani Zail Singh. Mr. Justice Gurdev Singh bas said tbat Giani Zail Singh bad kept bim in office as President of the Sikh Gurdwara Tribunal for more than two years after ' his ' retirement. It was obvious that if he bad any bias it would" bave been in favour of Giani Zail Singh and not against him. The appomtment of Sardar Hardev Singh, brotber of Mr. Justice Gurdev Singh, as standing counsel for the State of Punjab in tbe Supreme Court. was made much before the commission was constituted and on merits because of Sardar Hardev Singh's standiog as advocate on Record and

.Maharaja Ranjit Singh's 200th ·Birthday ,.

. At a convention· of leading . Sikh scbolars, ·writers and representatlves of'various unlvenities, organisations, societies and

academies beld at Guru Gobind Singh Bhavan ip :' Chandigarb last week, . it was resolved to evolve an effective framework for the celebrations . ,Oath birtb anniversary of Mabaraja 'Ranjit Singb. A seven-member subcommittee bas been formed to check overlapping of programmes, repetition of projects and duplication of efforts. The mem bers of the committee are Sarda[_ Kapoor Singb, Sardar Lal Singh. Mr Mohan Lal, Sardar Hardyal Singb, Prof. Abdul Majid Khan, Dr Jasbir Singh Ahluwalia and Sardar Diljang Singh Jauhar. A deputation of the celebr'" lion sub-committee will call on the Chief Minister of Punjab, Sardar Darbara Singh, to seek the State Government's help.

PAU Scientist Impresses Foreign Scientists Dr . Tarlochan Singb Sandhu a pulse-breedes bas returoed to lbe Punjab Ag~icultural University after 'a four-month training at the University of Hawaii in USA wbere h. was Invited becauSe of bis work "as a researcber and instructor in chick pea (ming) breeding". Dr Sandhu was working there on Niftal project (Nitrogen by ,tropical agricultural legumes). A-n eminent science


tion of Austraiia called Commonwealtb Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation has listed Dr. Sandhu's name among tbe four "specially knowledgeable persons about the Mung crop". The University of Hawaii has also sent a proposal to the US Department · of Agriculture and to . PAU for tbe. institutio,,- of "practical action . co-operation"


that University and PAU, •

Sikh Appointed U.K. Rail Manager

as a member of the Supreme Court Bar. In fact he bad been Sardor Surjit Singh " Bindra handling briefs for tbe · State became tbe first Sikh to be Government even earlier. . appointed Station Manager on . The commission recalled that. British rail when he took over nGoneoZf tbSe. alhlegations !Dadhe by . at a large suburban .station' ·in . la01 lIJ l 109 agamst tt c arg- . the southern region; . says a ing if with bia~. had been raised B.I.S. release. m hIS wnt petItIon which sought · . . . .' .. tbe quashing Of lhe notification The st~lon IS I.n Hllunslow; ' appointing him (Sardar Gurdev,:, West Lon.don. H~ also bas .. the Singb) as the Emergency "xces- res~onst~thty for · four..,. other ses Enquiry AutboTlty.. •Tne .a .igh stations In . the .,area-,-lsleworth, Court Division Bench of Mr. Syon Lane, BremfQrd ,. al\<;I.·· J(e.w P.C. Jain and Mr. 1.M_ 'Tand"n Bridge. " .... . '., . ' . . Sardar Bin4<:a.(45), 1i! .,' fouIid no merit in tbeopetition and dismissed it . on September ~' : .$.ad.\!~ ot Punjab University;' 1978. Tbe cbilri:eof a~:( :b~$> .·,.wI~:~,il) Jlritain fo·~ t\Ie last agamst him was thu~, . 19 years. the commission stated. .

Regd. No. b~(C) -85



4th August, 1980 '.

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a t Everest Press, 4, Chamelian Road, Delhi· II 0006 & published by Charanjit Singh, from 6·Northend Complex, R.K. Ashram Marg. New Delhi·!. Editor: ~banisham Singh, Pbone : 344676, Residence: 621717,

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