HOUSE OF COMMONS. Monday, Marck 2nd, and Thursday, April 2nd, 184G.
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" " O KG II \\' OOJ! I' ", L L "'Nto
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nt the Table, when
En I G lIT intcrpo6cti, !l1ll1 locggcJ le l!.\'c to prIlscnt a.
potition. \Vc understood it to be from Rending, IlDd to pray thnt the Uouse would not ro te thnnk~ to the Indil\\l army, O~ the 11'001' 8 WCrIl engaged in lin unjust ami impolitic warfare. Sm R. PEEL thon spoke 8 S follo ws : 1 11m about to ]l fOpOell thnt onc of the llighcst rcwll nls that clIn be bcstowcol upon sllccessful mlour shall be conferred by this lll)ulIc. [ am nbout to propose tllM th e TllonkB of !.he Commone of this great Empirc eh.o.lI be boil'OIl to the officers IlIlll mOll who recent ly on tho Lanks of the Sullcj , undor ycry tl'Ying circuUlstallces, by their discipline. by their fortitUllo , by their l\rillillllt valour. have 6ustainetl tI l(! rCIllltotiolI of their country. nnd proved thelllBelves worthy of th o ~ervi CII to whicb th ey helong. And I wn ~ prepared. nntil I wn~ interrupted by the bon. Gentleman lue Member for tbe city of DlJj¡hOln, to heliove tlHl.t it would be impossible that 1\1Iy body of Englisbmen couhl bl! fowld. who, seeing what Iroro the circulllst n.nccs of unprovoked nggression which called fortll til e exert-iOIlS of these gnl1 nut mell -seewg whnt. in II jnst eBnse, was th eir devotion to the interests of tll eir eouutry-,ronld sign a pet ition gmdging tho gratoful nckllOw lcdgmcnt of courage nud devotiou whicll we propose to offer. (Much cllccring.) The Rcaolutious with which 1 shnll coucludc will 1I0t tOllch upon nny matter of purely political COllec rn, l)ll t nrc fromed in conformity with c5tnblillllC<:i Ul!Rgc-thnt usoge Lcing consonant with reBson and justice. The Rc!!Olutionij wi11 be confin ed to the acknowledgmen t of mi!it.nry skill, abilit,y. !lilt! yolour: I1n.1 lh Oilc who may Le di sposed, if any tlLf'ti.' two to qUl!BtiOll , 2
+ the policy of the I"Jian GOI-onllnent, will not be;1I ti le sliglltcSI ,leg!'''c l:omp"Omi9cd by giving 0. rendy ncquiC'!lccncc in th e Moti vn 1 8111111 ~l1bmit. U C)\\'(wcr cony;ncc.\ I mny 1~ of tI,e justice. the moderation, nml th e wis'\mll which hll"c dunnetc~iz cd !.he conduct of my gallallt .Frionu the Goycrnor GIltlI~rRI, yet 1 shall stUlliously abstain, ill tIle oilscn'atiollll which I lllllkll, from any rcfcl'c(lco to matters of puLlic policy, ex.· cepting such liS i~ IIcccssnry to elucidate the military opel'!\,tioM Irhieh IITIl tlu'I sulljcct of the UCBolutions I ~hllll move. With the ]'ositioTl, witl, the G ovcnUllcnt, witlL the ]lOpulll.tion of the Sikh tCl"I"it(Jry. WI). hll,Vll- becomo (flillil;r,!, throllgh events IllIIt hal'C occurred within the last few ycal'S. TluJ state of the country nud the histury of tlu! PUlljuuu nre ]lrohnuly well known to all whom 1 nUl nthiresJliug, from the rclntion in which we stood townr<1l it , during our opcrlltionJl in th c ncighhouring count ry of Atl'glillnist"u. Tho House is probnbly well nwnl"n tlmt by th o nuil ity and energy of em individulll (R ul1ject Sing) suprcmacy was \lstablif:lhed by hiiU in (he PllUjllUb: Ilild thut for Illony yenTs, tl'fl>llgh thut ohility nud onergy. he rulcd tIle destinies of thnt g rout country. nnd kellt in sllujeetion nnt! sllilonliuntioll n powerful nl~ny. Sincc his deuth, which took pince in the ycn l- 183D, the GOVCrD.lllent of the PunjQlIU .hlls JlI'030tlted II aorics of nets of cruelty, of intrigue. of a rapid succ essiun uf governors, ill conseCjuence of the mllrdtlT of the rrc\leccs~or lIy the BtlCCCaSor ; it uns exhivitct! a picture of li ceutioualles~ nlHi tlelmuchery so e.dravngant, that it migbe vo cnlculnted to pro\'oke a amiin if it werc 110t for tile influence such liceu ti{>Ul:lllesa nllt! t!cbnucllcry must Cl:ercise over tIle welfure of lIlilliollS. The nc ts of tllll~ Gon~ru Illent hllve LeQ)1. lllnilliy directed l)y tlmt powerful sololicry ovcr which Runject Siug est ahlished his Bwny ; Lut wllich aill ce his t! hns Loen ill the constant hnuit of controlling the conduct of tIle civil nuthorities, a nd even of the Illilit.o.ry eOmmaU(\eTS, repe nted aetg of inslivordilllJ,tiOIl, IUld repeated murders, for th e purposo of extorting incrensed pay. Perhnps tho ilest idell one call g ive of the nnOlllnlous comlitioll of nffui.·s, and of the difficulties of apcclt!llting upon nny [lCtS thnt llllly he committ()ll, or upon nny measure thnt lllny be resortcd to i~ tllis---that it i ~ f!l lito cleM tllnt the ]Ullin lliJjcct of t he go-
5 \'crlJOI'R of that country, nud of the prillcip!!.llll.utlc\l pro}ll'i()tUTS lIud chiefs, hils Leen to pnH"okc colli~iolL witll the British /l.tllly. not for the purpo~e of rcsentiug nny wrOllg, or of SUII_
tllining the mili tnry reputation of their country, Im~ of freeiug thCillijdn:s frow suhjection to nn insubordinate and \iceutioll8 force, by pro\'okiug n. conflict with Grent Britnin, in wilich thllt force sholllU fall n sacrifice. That Ims bccu tliC main ob_
ject, and tho strange principle of public policy, that hRl! for Some time gUiliud tIle decisions and rcgulnted tlu~ nets of the rulcrs of the Punjo.ub. I well know what was the object of my l~I"iOIllI, Sir ncury I1 nrdingc, ill undertaking tl10 government of hulin. H e made grcnt 5f1crificCB from n BOllse of 1111blic duty; my gnllnut Frienll heM n prominent pl(lce ill the Couucils of ITer M nje~ty: he wllS, I heliove, without IlllY J'cfcrenee to purty divisions, holtl in gencrnl esteem in th is Honse, (IS weU by his political opponents n ~ \)y his}lolitic llol friends. ITe wn s reg-ardell loy the army of this eountry ns it'! friolHl, becanse he was the fricnll of jnstiee to aU ranka of that army_ It was PfO]IOHCd to him lit 110 time of life, when, porhnps, ambition is (I le~s powerful 8timulu~ tlJll,ll it might hll.l'e heeu at !lon earlier periOlI-it. wn~ proposed to him to relinquish hi s plnce itl the Councils of his SO\'ereign-to fOI¡ego th e sn tisfnetion he IUIlSt \lal'e felt lit what he couW not fnil to sec, thnt he wns nn oloject of gcn~ral respect nnd esteem. He scpllrated him ~cLf from thnt fnlllily willell con~tit lltcd tJIC chief lll!.ppillcs~ of his life, fOI" lim pur_ pOliO of llerfofmillg 110 public duty he Ol~etl to his Sovereign and W~ conntry, by tnking the nnluolls (Iud re!!pollsiblo sit ua_ tion of Chicf GOI'cmor of ollr Indiun l,ossessiolls. wen l, out witll " high l1lilitllry rCIHltation, aolieitoull to cstahlish llis fllme in cOllllexion witL oW'llldinn Empire, 1I0t by [llCaliS of conqnest., or the exh ibition oflllilitnry skill ntlll \"l\lollr, lout by obtniniug for himself 11. nllme itl the I1lLtllI.ilI of,~, M tho frieud of pCflce, Ilud th roogh the jlrolliotioo of tho secinl intcrcatH !LUll wclfllre of the inhilloitnnls. It wn~ IIlllinly 011 ne_ cOlm!, of tho llIilihll'y elmrnctor fln\1 higlt rqml ation of Illy g:d _ lant Friend that he WI\S euubled \0 cOlitrolllllll keel' in e\1<.:ck 111 0 nspimtiolJs or more nnlul1 l. and impetllous lIIi1l\1~ Lonl UI' OIl th e im'nsiou IIlId cOII'p\C~ 1 of the Puujllub.
Tbe view whieh my gallant. Friend took of the policy to be pursued in regard til tho Punjauu, was Bhortly thill: he th ought tl10 dominion! of the British Crown in Iudia wl!l'e sufficient for cI'cry purpoae-that the interests of tho Empire would 1I0t he IJromoted by tl10 a(hUtion of the Puujllub to the posselillions nlready BuLject to our 011'11 nlle, ITe \l'IlS determined, therefore, to resist nuy temptation to tcrritorilll uggl'll;udizement. His des ire was to BCIl a native Government estnblished in the Panjaub, capllble of lIIuilltaillillg its iudependcnce, of restoring BuoordinatiQn in tllc mnks of fI grent flrmy, eOUlllOsell of meu of high nfltnral cournge, of grco.t 1)bY6icnl strength, accustomed to Ilieeiplinc. nnd tmincd to military habits by Eu:ropelLD officers Qf distinguished reputation. H is wish was, thllt a Sikh GOTernmeut should be estaLiished, fIe deprecated the fOTnIntion of aM:ussulmall GOI'Cl'l1111cnt, or tho llominutioll of nlly other than Sikh uuthurities. At lJIIl same time tbat he was detcnniucd to res i~ t the temptBtions t o direct aggression, 1m refu.sctl l'cpeated proposals tlmt, were made to him to interfere iu the liome~tie affaira of lac Punjllub. Although nothing could have been moro easy; althougb but !\ wonl from him would hnl"e hCtln lIoccssary to indueD th e Aluu ullilall inhabitnnts of tbo Punjnub to rise against tbe Sikll authorities, wbo were contlucting tbemsch'e~ in 0. manner so irroconcilcablo with lIOunu policy or comlllon sell~e, he resoh'ed stendily to adhere to the line. he had chnlked Ollt; to abijtnin frOUl nIl interfer· 1'.111'.0 in tLo tl ome~tio affairs I)f the Plllljo.ub j and to obael'To literally e,'ery obligation of gotXI. faitIl, But wllile tlmt WflS his I'iew of tIle IJolicy tlll\t ought to be pursued, he was IIOt inBensiLle to the \lllnger to which our Illdiau Empire WIIS constantly eXp<lscll from the IDllintcunncu on its frontier of a profl.ignle Ilud debullehcd Govenu1)ent., COIlI·ro\loo by nn insuhordinate mid lieentiou IIrmy. My gn\lnllt F riend, tllCrefore, took o,U Ilr ecautions, lIe hlld to gllal·tl n frontier c.l('tending on tho banks of th o Sutlej at lcast 100 miles. The fromier from Perozepore to Roopu:r was at least 100 miles: from Porozcporo to Lootlial1A about, 77 miles. My gallaut Fricnd, cn ntiously nbHtlliniug from tha col\ecticu of any force !Ill the frontior wlliel1 coulrl)ustify ngg l'cssioll, or evell rcmO Il ~ tl'n1\e l', 011 the part of lilc Lahore Go\'emmelll,
7 look t!'OHCl prccll.Ulious ,,·hich Il'ould effcc~unlly pre\'cnt suco.:cssful nttnck 011 their pfU't. At FcroZoc£lorc be slnlioncu II. force (If about 8,000 mell , cOllllisting of ono EUropl'nn regiment, SCVOll regiments of no.tivil infRutry, two regiments of Ilative cRvnJry, twenty-four light guus, IIml hlLd mounted in poaition nt Ferozepol'c thirty or thirty-frye pieces of heal'Y nrtillory. ile iutClldcd th is to be the llc.l vllllced ]lost of th o Bri_ tish n.nuy on the western side of tho front ier. At n. ilia-.tance of abont seventy-six milOl:! to the cll.s twnl'd, highClr II!' the Sutlcj, Ilt Loodilmo, he colleetcd IL force of noon! 5,000 men. My guliaHt }o'ricnd though t thnt these two u!111iu, or two divisiolls of aIL IInny , stntiouc<l a.bout Bcvcnty_sil: miles from oneh ot.her, acting 011 the flanks of IlllY force from tho Punjaub, imlucetl by capr ice or by the t emerity of their rulers to de the Dritls}! terr.ito!'Y. wou ld 'be sufficieut to keep it ill effectual control. At II. distancc more in the inte. rior, namely, lit [JlUbnlll1h, he stationed an olhor division of 7 ,500 men at. the lellst. My gallaut Fl·iouu \I'M undoubtedly under the imprcaaion thllt it WlIS highly improbable Ihat o.oy o.ttack woultl be mlldo by the nrmy of tho Punjnub upon tbe British positions. ITe Knew-Ihat no conuuct on hiB part eoulll pro\'oko:l or justify such UII attock; and he felt evcry nssur· ance wo.t could be felt, ~ o fo.r as justico and rcn~on sanctioned the infcreuce, that the army uf the Puujaub \~ouM not bo mad cllOugh to lIeek n contliet witi! the Btitis1! forces 011 the left bank of the Suticj. Thero were good rell.sotlswllY my gailimt Friend did not Keep together for the last. two or Ihree years au immcnso Bri. tish and nnti ve army on tho llflliks of the Sntlej. Constant efforts \'''ere mado by tho Govcrnment and by tho military leatlers of tllc nrmy of the P unjnub to corrupt OIiT nllth·c troops. The constitntion of the Rrmy of th l! Punjll.llb is purely uemocratic: the pril'ate soldiers clect repl'CNC1Jl!l.til'ca, five in number from elleh eOlll pany, to coutl"ui tbeir officeI'll, t o depose them Wbe l\ they tllink fit, 01' to them to ucnth whcn it i~ deemed expedient. Tho pny of an lufantry Holdier of the Puujanb ill about 258. n tuonth; while tho pay of 0. Sepoy in Her Majesty's scrrice is oul.r sbont 14~. or 156. 110 nlllllth. CO tltitlllit exerti ut15 wero lnadc, Ity liired aud illl.lirod means,
8 a ided by community of language and of religion, to shake tile fidelity of the native troops; but 1 r ejoice to 68.y thnt tbllY wern made without success. Tho loyalty of tho sepoya, witll !lcarcely IL single exoeption, hILs been untainted. All tho offers of n proftigll.te Government and a liccutiolLH soldiery were wlIl.Yniling; but still it was prudent in my go.llallt Friend not to Lring together on thll frontier, for Oil illllefiuite t ime and for no specific object, all immense native forco, scoiug
thnt withill n few miles thoy would be exposed to the injurious eXlLID.plc of 11 soJdiery froo from all restraint, and cOllstantly resorting. to throats of actunl violence towards their leaden. There wcrc, tlmreforc, political reasons fOl' not kcopillg ow' troops ns it were in immediate coninet with such on Cllomy. Hnd thero wore miHttlry rClI.'IODB equally powcrful rt was, in tho first place, impossible, if aggre~sion were intended, to forosee at what point !IJ1 invasion would be made. On the left bank of tho Suliej were many States belonging to the Punjaub, and somo of tho chiefs of thow StlltOIl men of doubtful DltcHty. In those dominions On t1lo loft bank of the Sntloj are many fort~ of cOllsiderablo sille aud atnmg th. A force controlled by no GOI¡ormllcut" ilnpcllctt by tl\o Ceur of losing it-ll pay, or tho hop o of extorting more, is not govonled by ol'uiunry ooullill"crntiODII of prudoneo, like tho annies of regular 8tnte9; emd if the Imny of tho Punjauh meditlLted IL sudden irruption ilito Lhe British territory, it wall ,liffielilL to fo rosee at what point tho deacont would be ml\tle. Between l<'oroz eporo and Roopur thero aro not fewer than Llvellty ford s ayailable for the pnsaago of troops; 1101' is it easy to aseol'taiu their exnct position, since, frolU the nature of the river, thoy 11.1'0 constantly changing. lily gnllant Friend thought, thcrcfore, that tme militalJ policy rceommenlled tI\(I counfl 1m IlIlS pursued, not thnt hia whole army should be concentrated 011 tho bnnkJI of the Sutlej, hut that our territory shoulll 1)0 gUllrdod by a sufficient force stationed a.t Feroz.eporc Rnd Loodinnll.. Seeing the superior furee of cilyairy ill the "rillY of the Puujllub. the despera.te rn sh neslI of II lieentiOllJl 11m))" Dot gO\'erned by the ordinnry !'Illes of cOUliud, it was within 11m limit of l'o~aibility lhat n tillsh !night be made at lJelhi, or sOllie "itnl rllrl of the ludhul Ewpire. My gl1l1nnt Friend,
9 therefore, mOllt wisely ami prudently, kCI)~ a cOlIsiuera ble ÂŁor('(1 II~ Umballah, 80vouty-ail Ulilea to the BOuth_cll.!lt from Loodialltl , !Iud I/. still lArger body Qr t roops in th e neigllhourhoo(\ of Delhi. Thiu whole force Wil.l auctn1l1cd by "fray of precrlUtiop Itgaillst the possible ILttcmllts of tho Lnlloro army; end It. conei~tcd in the wIlDIo of not f ewer tho.lI thirty regiments of untivo infantry. of nine rcgimculll of Europcnu infantry. of twolvo regiments of native cnvalry, lind of three regiment. of EUroJlCllU cavalry. All this WIlS quite coDsistent with for-
benrance on the part of tho GUI'cn lor General, and with hill determinatioD to be seduced by 110 temptation to aggression
on the cncmy_ It i8 quite clenT that my gnlln.nt Fricud the Governor Geuemi did take c\'cry precaution to CllallfC the 8IIfet1of the British t1ominioHIl in 1ndill, iu case of sutlUIlU unu unp n;IVoK'::u nttl\ck_ l u tho early part of lho yeflt-, lOt, tho timo WllOU \iu IVI\.I! occupieo.! with his f\illctions ns Govel"uor General, and when it wns mo~t lllfttcrinl tlmt IlIl IIhould perform them in eonjuncliou witb h~ Council li t Calcnttll j in 0. minute. tiMed on tho 16th June, he SUilIUiued to tll1l Council bis 01100011 tllnl our relations with lile Court of l.nllore bccllDlO 110 uouJ..tfu1 , tlmt, great I\.!I WI\.!I the iueOll\"cnienec of IICpnl'1l.ting tho Govenlor General nnd his Council. it desirable, with referene e exclusively 10 I.ndinn interests, thnt he sllO uhl prucced tn the len hank of the Sutillj. in order that on the spo t Ito migh t he ennbled to give snch tlir~tions ns nppenred neceBMry, nno.! Ivhicb. if gh'CIL nt th o ,liBtanee of II. tllOusnnd miles, mig1l! bo inapprop l';nte, The unanimous opillion of till) melUbcl1l of the Council W4IJ, thnt ib was for tho pnblio interest thnt the Govel'nor General should proceGli to j uill the anny: IlUd, in tonformity with this "Ih'i~~, in tIle month of October he took llis t1cllnrturt -for tho left Lank of tho Sutlej, UII to lUI early f'criod in December, the opinion of Illy gallont Friend (Sir Hellry Hanlingc) \\'118, tllnt IIlCrc would Le 110 irrulltion from the rigl't lin n!.. t.hc Sntlej into lhe lIritish territory , lie feU eonfitlCllt cllOt the SiJ,:hs mus t be convince,l tha t such nn attempt could only cnd in 8ignnl defeM, l!.ml th erefore thnt it would Hot IKl IUnd(', So fllr as 110 co uld r(,"!1011 fl't)Ul experience, he lUlU n right to nrL'i,'c nt thiM eom}lnsiou, I II
10 1843, the nnny of Lnhore left the c>l.pital and auvnllceu to 11m Sutlcj ; but nftar retllOuet)'ll.uce 011 our part it retired agaiu and abandoned we enterprise. III 1844, cmctly the !lOme conduct was observed; the Punjnub anny, eager for pay. or for uooty, if II!}! could not be obtained, awl, instigatc(\ by tho Govcrumcut nnd tilO chiefs, nppClucd to contcml,lntc nIl irruption; but, ill 1844. as in 1843, tho Ilrmy \\'ithdrcw to the interior. Accounts, however, rcached my gallant Fricod towards tho (lull of r..~ ovember last, which led him to believe tIll'lt lUI inwl.siou of the Bdtiab territory wile soriously monaced. Tho H OUliIl .... i11 find by tho Papen! recently presented by command of ITer
Majesty, that on the 20th November, Major Broadfoot addreesed a letter to the Commauder in Chief, Dud IIDother tD tlJ{l Govel1lor General to this effect;" Go~"rnor , Gcnernl'. Agency, 1'0" , 20, 1845. "Sir-Since I had the honour of ,,:litifJg on your Excellency to-da y, I have rocci ..ed Lahoro lotter-. of the 18th mount (, ,,orning). During the n igh~ of the 17th, thu cmcr. ho.d ngreed 00,11[1(1 the Durhar had ordered in writing, th~ full( pbn M operntio".. 'I'lle army "M to be divided into ... ven di.'i'ion~, one to remain at Lahore, IUId the relit to proceed ngllin8t Roopur nIld our hill., Loodinnn, Ilureckec, ~'ero~epore , and Scmd", "hila oue " ... tQ I"'oceed to Pc,h",",,"; mild m force nllder IUjal' Gola~ Singh mL& \ 0 ba acnt \0 AUock."
'rho dcciaioll theD tllokcu hy the L llhore DOl"bnr ..,.l"l9, that four divisioDB were to be employed in IIll nttnek upon the Britiah territory, but they were UOt to make n concentrated or silLLul¡ t8.llcoua movement; and the policy of the cour80 adopted by lhn G()VCl"uor Gencrnl Wn5 thWi dcmonstrntcd. The Lnl'ol"c n.rmy, in four diviaiollil, was to make four sCllnratc attneks on differcDI. puints nluug the ri.'er-the first dh'ision wn~ to force th e ens tern extremity of the liue; ll.uether to attack Leodiann; n third pass the rivcr nt Ilurcekee; Iilld the fourth Ferozeporo, Thow diviaiou8 were to cousist of about 8,000 lII en ench. Tho lleuse will see by reference to the Papers l/lid hefore tJlelU how difficult it was fo r nny pcnon, c\'en th o 1L10S~ eXJlerie nc cd, to on we decision to which the gO"cming }lOwera at Lllhorc mi ght arrive. They will sec, too, IhM tho Minis ters, or those who held the rems of govcruDteut, ~pCD t their d.o.y~ iu such eontiuuou6 ,lruukcuuc86 aud dc, hnuchery, Ihll~ 110 {csolu liolL of theirs could he dopondoo Oli.
11 All account writteu by tlu;) Agent l\ ~ Lahore, to the Secretary to Government, (Inted Ullluallnh, NovcnHl()r 2 Jst,. fOUlldad 011 informat ion received direct from Lllhore, presents this picture of the councils of the PUlIjnub : " T110 Il.nne<l (\ I~~t i~, the "'gent . tbe IlKIthe~ or the infant Mnhnrnjl\b) compln in<Ml tlint whilst t he t.roop" were urgi ng the march. they we,...., still ,l!oing home to their vHlD.ges n. f;lJlt ... thoy got their p.n)'; nnd Sinbr Sham Si ng h Atrn ..... eomU"h dec lared hi . !;>eliof that unl cM IIOmcth;ng I'I'U dODO to stop thi • • ho "'auld find himllClf ou hi. way to Fcro!OIJON! with empty tenUl. 'rhe brut of moncy to be pD.;ll. nnd to Recorn"""1 them ..;lJI al ao offcrud, Rnd tit length the Durbar broke up M two r.... Gl'I'at cou _ ~ul t11tioHlI look [llace in the afternoo n ; bui. I know onlY!H'" re~ult, th:>.t tho R:meD had to give hcr I""cr hil fotmal di ~mi$ll.'ll, alIt! tl~~t he (Rajah I,.,,! Si ngh) MtlLOII, 'went into the cnmp or th e S,~ ... ar. lu). i& 10 cO ll1 m~nd , and pitched hill tent. What. the Ra nee ..1YB i&quite tn,s of tho ""po,.,. dilpe .... ing to tl,c ir hou ~ ; tho whole has 110 . udden!y rcllOh(...t ll~ 1',..,••",1 Leight, Ihat many of Ihe UI~n Ihcm6dvcI Ihillk ii "'ill como to "olhing, and 8tll11110TO ",ho I~~t! taJr.en Ih~ir t!c[lo~nUJ'C t!o Dol, t."lic'·o it ""1';011.8 cnough t o go b.~ok. 00 til e ,jnr "ftcr Ihi, eceno toolc. place, t. ~. Iho lllth, Ihe u~",~l ~tre,' m of ocllOr', ""Ii \'cs of the proLect".] Sta!.C8, who ha d got their poly,poured aero." thtl Sutlej, at llu[C<lkec, 0" the way to thei r home." There appears nlso IW ncoonu t (If Il.uother eonver~ l1tion. in
those Pnpers, which took plnee between the Rnjnh Lal Sligh and Bbneo Rum Singll. one of t110 principal officers and ndvisen of the Lahore Government, nml who seems to hlll'e beeD the only one of th em in whom, from his chnmetcr and wisdom, the Blightest eonfideDeocoult! be plMed, In o. lettcr fromLnlIorc, dated tho 24th day of No\'ember , the following conversntion was t!lltnii('d: Bhuoo Hum Singh, ndd.ressing LII.I Singh. ijnid.. 'I'bo E ngl;"h hMO interfered ill ~o ~ffolil"ll oft hn Kl,~lso.; ...Ilnt i, II,,] ... il!dom of your mJlking r-eUgioWl wlIr ~t t.he ~idt!ing of the ..,hli~ry ' Nond 0( the 110hlu h.1I'o dl'lcO"crcd tho rr~l intention! of tho Engli8h. The Govcraor Genera!'. IIgent, who iB ~ .te"t!y frient!, hu I'I'ritWII in thu pl";,,c.t tcrmY, th,,~ !.be £lIgli8.h GOvern llle nt dClin.'!I only friuulhlIip lilte that of the Inte Ma harajah I{un.iee~ Su'gh; but tlutt if Jlny thing .... rong I, dono by tho SikI, ~ r"' 1 , the ,·"lel"ll of thn kingdom willlia lICIt! ""1"'0_ ,ibl", for rulor. mURt account for tlte acts or their trooJ.>5 ""d .objoou . Be cautiou s ho w you mnrch 10 IIun.ockc-e ll'ilh the troop. . The It.lj~l, ..~id • • llI",eo Snhib, ",hnt con 1 do' if I ren"u n, tho >IOld i er~ seizo me Ii,. tho thront.' .. In a wort!, the councils of the Durbllr seem to hnve been ~hln illg from dny to dllY, lind no olle eOlllt! spc-culnt o with BUY degne of eouJidcuec ns to th e prohable result , OD tIle 9til of December, the GovcrnOl' GCllernl, til inking QUI' reln.lioll~ with lh e Pttl'joniJ I'cry critical, lind tlul~ it lvall dcair/Ll;ie to take el'ery prcc!luti,)u IIglli u6t /Lily ~uddcn irrup.
12 lioll, gnvo Orcle!"B that the divi~loD oftrooJlII at Um lHlll"h,
iug of 7,500 men, 8110UId move to\\'n l'(l~ tlill Sutlcj . On DeclltuLcr 11th, tho. "rry day on ",hic\1 the Lahoro nnny cl"OBsed the
Sutloj. the Bri ti~h nnd nntive tro ops of that divisiotl werc 0 11 tbdr mllrch from UmlJallnll to the frontier. The wholo proceedings of tho GovernOr Geo!lrni IIml tho Oommander-illGhi(Jf, subsequently to thnt dllY, as well 1I9 before it, WOi"\! chnrncterizc(i by the greatest prudence. skill, nod foresight. I~rom Ullll11LUa11 the troops IIlnrcllcd to 1\ place called BUBeau, where, owing to the llru!icllt prccnutiou~ of the GoYcl'nor GIlnoral, th ey foumlnll amp!o supply of food and slorcs. I t ,filS l"\l~oll'cd thnt a junction shoultl be effected with the Loodinun !lh-ision, lIml that it would bo better to ineur ~O!IW risk at 1..00<1i&nl1o, rather tluw forego the m\vantnge of 110 jUlletio!J ,vilu tho LoOOinu!l. division of the a rmy, Tho~e troops advllllceu accordingly towards Fcrozcpore, and learned by Ih~ II'ny thnt tILe army of Lnhoro, amounting to uot lcss llLan 60,000 mcn, brut cr08Bcd tho rivcr, aud were propared to attack tho British amlY, 'l'be cxpectations of tho Govorn()l' Gcoornl woro Clltircly justified hy tho l'csult, 'Phol'o wero in FeroZClpoTll 7,500 mOil, 35 heavy guns in position, nml24 pieces of field nrtillery, ill addition to tho heavy orduuucc, Tho army of Lllhoro 6hrunk from the a ttnck of so fomlidnhlo a post, ami Forozepol'O was entirely snfe, neeording to the a ntieiplltions which hn{t heen entertainod l)y the Govel'1lQI' General. Tho anny of LnlLOI'C, not \'UlltUJ'ing to attack FerOzcporc, d ctennined to give hattIe to tho Bl'iti~h forces 011 tl mi r nmroll from Umbnlln h, nud all tlHl 18th of December mnlic II sluhicn attaek on th em, On tlLnt Uny tlJC troops luu! reuched Moodkee, after il!l.l'illg m1l.I'ehed 150 11I i1e~ by fll l'ced mnrcl108, Th o mOll 1fcro sufferiug sovcrcly frOln wnnt of water, Gml froIU (ll:hnustion, allil yet Bnch was th ei r ,liscil,line nud gal. luntry, tlmt they I'epelled the who le (if tho attnekillg nrmy, thou gh greatly ~upe l'i()r to them in number, ,\ofentiug fL rorell treUi(! their nmonnt, /tnd sllceoodiug iu tho cnl,tllro of seventeen of th ei l' J;\lliS, The army ,-,r LnllOrc, thus re¡ pulsed by our fill~C!1 nl\valleing rrom Umhnll"h, "etired lI'iliLiu >,cry funuitlul,lc eutrcuc1uuents u~ Fel'f)~e$hl\h, Thoso ouil'elLchmcnl5, cunbistiug uf ~t rollg bl'enstwQl'ks, weI'" in till'
form of a l)aral!(,\o~'I'alll, of "'llich the opposite fnee ~ were a lIulll ami hfllf a Illite iu length, respeclil·ely. I II the face of th ose fOl'fllhlnLle wor.k~, proteeteu by 151) gUlls of llenv)' calibre and exccllent workmnnsllijl, null Ilefenued Ly ncur 60,000 men, the Governor General and the CommanUer. ill.Chief uctcrmineu to effect 0. junction with the l1il'i6ion of the army wlJich was statioueu at .l<'crozellore. Tho troop$ Il tl wlIlcmlnccoruingly within three rnilo~ of tho enemy's posil ion, llnd mnn(envreu 011 Ius "lcft Dank; Lut the Commanderin-Chief having givell llrcriolls notice to Sir J. Littlcr, madll n mllTch to his left, and on the 21st Decembor c;:ficct(lll n junction with the Ferozepore= division, which thll8 gnvo nn lllltlition of 7,500 men. At this timo tuel'o remai noll bllt threo how's to sunsct. It WIlS resoll'ed, however, to Mtnck the l)()sitioll of the cuomy. My gallant Friond (tllc GOl'erllOI" Gcneral) offcrctl lti~ ~CI'l'iec s n.~ ueoond in commallu, ~erviec~ which wore oheerfully HIIlI promptly acecpted by tIle Commamll'r-in-Chicf. Dotenniued uot to wait till uext lIlofuiug, the irutllllt tlwy effected theil' j Ulloti01J with tho diYisioll WIder Sir Johu Littler, tho commnnuers resolved to nmke un nltack "l)on tho cntrellehcd I'limp. 'fho re ~ult, Sir, of Ihnt nttnck pro\'cd the vnlour of our Eu)·opell.lI nnd Indian forces iu n prc-emineut degree, and hns ontitll'u them to the wannest acknowledgmo nts of l!liS House and of tIm oOlmtry. The ltigllt of tl.e 21 st Dccember 11'08 Olle of tIle most lIleUloJ"IlMo in the militnry allnols of Ihe British Empire. Tho enomy wcro well defended within strOllgly CUI·tified eutrcnclulltmts-tlieir gUlJ/I werc servetl with the grentest preoision, mut \.old on our nd· \'nncing colllnllls with greot effeot. The righ t of the British Ill'JllY was led by the, whilst the lefe o.entrc was hendl'llLy Sir n. Rartlingc. Ollr forces IIIndo nu nttnck on tlte enemy'B camp during the three honrs which I1S yot remained of da)'light j Lut tho), hntlllot ~lIf1ieient time to cOlllplotc that victory, whieh was glol"iou~ly nchim·ctl on the following day. The Dritisl. arlllY, howe\"er, wauc. good their atlack, IIml occupied II. l)nr!; of the enemy's cnmp. In tho middle of the night the camll took fire, and futthlJr coniliel was for 11 time suspeoded in consequence j bllt as soon IIH it Iwd eenset.! tIle nnnyof Lahoro 111"0llgllt forw nnl their llen,'y
:n·!illery. and pon rllli a. most t.!cs lru ct i" e fire upon our troOJls. Tho det ail~ of those occurrcnces hnl'o iJeen g iven wilh ad. mirable c1cnrne8~ in the despat ches of botll commnnd01,!!; {Ili l there lu).l'c bcen privRte letters reeeil'c(1 wh ich spook of them witli lcs6 of fonunlity, Ilnd perhnp~ gh'c truer find more faith_ ful accounts of Illese actions thnn dIe official documents. Perhaps Lhe House will o.~eUllc me if 1 rend an extract from a privato letter from thc GOI'cruor GellernllO IL mcmber of his own family. The right han. :Baronet then read a s foUoll's ;.. The night of thc 2h~ W!I! Ihe mOat utraonltnllry of my life. r hkoUBCked wilh the men, without rood or covering, nnd our night. Ill'<! biuer cold. A bnrning caml' in Our front, our ~rnve fellow. lying dow" IInd" r :' he~'1' c~lL llonade, whicb oontilluod dllring the whol .. night., rniletl with tho wild eric" of the Sikh., ou r Eng!i sh hUlTILh, tLe tmmp of men. nnd tho gro.'n~ of the d~ing. In Ih!! Slat<:, ... ith n l~~n,lfu! of mell • ...1, 0 h.~o! Mrriod th<l ~ ..ttl'';~s th~ night \.H!fori', \ rern~in~d tiU Dlorll ing, t::Lkilig ,·cry ~hort i"tarmls of re~ II,. lying '\o""n with ,·ntiou~ regiment. in ~u ece", io". to Mccrtnin th~ir tUlIll"'t, !llId ]"(l\'i'·e t.heir s!,iriu,."
.My gllllrulL Frielld, liS you ~cc, Bl'0ut that cI'cntful night pMSillg f!"Om regiment to regimont, cheering tIle mcn \Jy his UWIl c.mruple of constaue.}' and eonrage--Uoillg nll tllllt ilUlDll.l! mealls eQu id do to ensure vietol·y to onl· IInn ~ . "1 found," my gnllnut Friend goes 011 tu Hny-" I found myself Ilglliu with myoid friouds of the 29th, 31st, 5011" Ilud fltl l, nil ill good hoart"-rogimcntA with which be had served in the P enins ula alld Ivith them that regiment which hns enrncd immortnl fllme ill the nnnnla of the British army-Her Mllj csty's 80th. R egilncnt" 1'.1,. IInll«r to ~n an,! overy m,'n WII", d,~~ we ml\8t light it oot, nlt:wk the enemy vigorollll!,. at daybrenk , b<ont him, Or di o honolll'llbly in lhe 110M. Tho ga!lnn t old geno",,! . kindhearted, lind heroicn!!y brll~e, enti .....!y ~oillcided witb me."
Let the LIousc observe how IInxious my gnllnnt 'Friend i8 to (10 justice to his companions ill anns. " Duri!>g the night I ocOll.lLio",,\ly c"l.1cd on Ollr \".,,,,e English 'I(Ihlicr. 10 l'uni.h tbe Sikh. when !.bey came too e11ltO nntl lI'eI"<! impndcnt: IIn,1 ... hell morning broko wo weut lit it [n tn(O Eng!ish st.ylo . Gough wat! on the ~ighl. my ... !f, and dear Uttle Art,hur [hi~ !IOn] ~:r my .i,le, in tbo cnlltru, about thirty yard. in front of Ihe men. til prevent their IIring, "",! we drovo tho enemy without n hnlt from one oxtrt:Olity or th e camp to th e ut her, en]'t "';n/[ thirt)· or forly glLn> nl we went along, wbioh tl rNt lit \lI'ontl ]ll'CC! from " ". nnd ,,"CI'f! ""!rv~d oh"tinRte!y. Tho brayc m~II .!row "pin an cxtc l!cnt !in.... nn o! r.h("'r~"t 00\,);10 ~"'! my.~ U· n~ wt) rodo IL[' th~ line, the "'gimentll.! Co lour. lowerin g to me nl .. n r~r"'! c. 'l'ho ,noun,f,,! J'L.,rt i. the he,,,",, 1~6 I hnv~ ott! tninN] in my Offloor. . I
15 h.~l'C ba~ ten "io.lcl_d&oCaIDp hoy, tk coIRlml, he L:il1e</ a"o.l6~e wow,d.,.J , 'r be fire of grRpe "'&9 "CfY hC:lry from 100 pi""u of eannon; the Sikh anny, drilled "1 Freud, office"', and the InCII Ih~ moit w"dike in India,"
From my nffcctionnto rcgn rd for 111;s gallant mall. 1 11m proud to be ellllblod to exhibit him on snch n night all thn t of IIle 21Ht of December - going through the enmp -lln~sinS' from regiment to regiment-keeping up the ~piri t ll of 11,0 men _ cllcouroging them - a nimating their ardour - an d having lost ten l!.idcs-uC-CRrup out of twelve-placing hill ,Young son, 1\ boy of Bc \'cnl cCII or eighteell years of age, in tho front of the linc, in order thnl the British troops might 1,0 induced not to firo Oil the enemy. but drive HwlU bnck by tho force of the British bayonet. It 1'\'IIS chnrnctcrilltic of tile man to read the$e detailll. lIe had two sons pre8cnt. oue of ,,路hom wa.~ a ci" iliaZl, and the oth el" ill the arm)". On the night of the 2111t, he seut the eil'ilian to the rear of t.he anny, ~aying d'at his presence distuructl hiUl, ami tilM, if Ilc l路cfwlIlJ to retire, he would send hilll all"uy in arrest liS n prisolll!l' ; bnt the presence. he said, of his you ngll!" eon, un ullicer. wlloae duty called him tu the field, only mado the fath er llJore desporntely reMlme in the discharge of his duty. au the 22ml, af\('r tho battle II"ll"~ over, he took his eldest 80U, when viaiting the sepoys and tIle wouDtlcd: nnd he ahowed them II Governor General of I ndia. who hlld IOBt his hand. ami the sou of a. Governor Goneral who hnd l ost his foot, and endeavouroo to console thorn in tllcir sufferings by pro" ing to the.m thnl men in the hig hest rnnk were e:J:po~cd to Ole same ells\1altiul! flS t.hemselves. As I hefore obscrvcd, the ILcriiOWlts of all the Illilita.r.v Opl'riLtiona nro g i,路en wi th admi rable cleurness in the despatche~ In.i.d befQre tIle IIouse. They must have been rend with such a ttention by el'ery Member of ~he IlousC', I,hat I will IIOt weaken their effed by Il minute referenoe to military details. The pride and satisfaction we must all i1eril'll from UmBO galla.nt exploits lire no dOllb~ cOllnterbalnucod by deep regrot for the loss of 80 many mOll of the highest distiuction and promise. We hUI'e JUld tho misfurllllle-the great misfor路 tune--of IOBing: thnt gallflnt officer, who on former ooensioll8 hfl~ so freqllolltly disti11guished himself-S ir Roben Sale.
lie, Sir, IJas closeu 11 long cnrccr of g lory by that ucntJl LO wldeh I l)cl icve he iJims()lf looked forward ami which he covctcu-tllllt death in the field wlLidl entit les me to say ~hl1.t. even in his OWlI c~ti mntion, he was "felix ctium opportunitatc mOI'lit." Sir, I do hope that this Ho use will on 110 ÂŤietrln! day Dll1rk their clllccm nutl respect for the memory of Sil' "rloLcrt Sale, Ly 111unuly representing to ncr M(\j c~ty tllcir Imanimoua wish thot She mno:; be pleased to recoru Uw grl1titml c of th o country by the erection of a monument to Sir Robert Sale. We have, S ir, nlao, to deplore the loBS of Sir J . M'Cus.Kill , to "'hom Il lU'icf but touciling testimony of approbation iB borne in tIle dcspntclL of the COllllllllllllcr-in.Chicf, ns well u.s of ouc of the most eminent men III the eLl'il umI militury sorvicca of Imlin-Major Broadfoot.. In thnt gontlcmnn the highcst COI1fidence was pluccU by o\'cry oue wllo eume in contuct wit h him. He oLtnined tiiO applause of overy civil and military nutllority in the conutry, nnd. Ilia pnllienec and skill as a eivilillli were only cqua.l.J.ed by his ardour und bruvery iu tho fl eh!. He was, I hclie\'e, the Inst of three broth ers, all of wholl1 have di(!d in the service of their country on the fl eM of \,aulc. Major Broadfoot ',1'1\9 present with Sir R. Sale duriug the siege of J ellulalmll , und took a most eonspicllous PlJ.J"t in it ~ dofence. It is mOllnlflli, Sir, that wo should hava to deploro the loss in tile same conflict of two gallaut men so dcvOled to thoir eouutry's servieo n.I! Sir R. Sale uud Major Dromlfoot. 1 shall not rofc r by uume to officers of lower mnk who hllo\'e fullell in this conflict; for whoro all lvere ""0 dist inguisheJ, it must bo invidiolls to JlurW::ulurize; but whatevcr their rank, I can nssnre their s1U'Viving rel at ives that th eir country will do justice to their memory. I h ope the Thanks of t.he H ouso will be convoyed to ill th e men of every regiment engageJ in this brilliant ex})loit. wit.hout exception. If !.here were occusions on wl lich the reputation for valour of some regiments mny np})enr not to Il uve bc~n upheld, considering ilwir formo r servicell--their kn own gallantry-their sllvere 10llSell--the remembrnnec of one moment's default is altogether obliterated I!] tIle recollecti on of tlleir former eminent conduct., nnd of
~he &ervicea Ihey I'enuereu 011 that ,'cry dOj!. '\111 'luitllllcr, lain, Sir, that tho men of fi el' ~hjeBly'5 621111 Regiment, of tile 14t11 Nath'o TnflLntJ'y, and tho other gallant nath'll regi. ment on tllIl flank of Hor Majesty'!! 62nrl Regiment, ,,-ill not suffer ill tlltl estimatiou of the country: that the willing tlumh of thiM nouse will be gi"en, without uce.ption, to "lIlho regi. mellts engaged in IhM action. I hope, Sir. there will be an unanimous acquiesccnce in this Vute of Thanks ttl tire .EUrflp"lLn and Indian army. i trust 1 have Mid nuthing 11111.t cun prol'ok" disC\1ssion OJ' lliesellt in nuy 'lUll,rter of the IIousc. Tlwrll is not11ing ill the RC50111· t,iou to whiel, any llIan-wlmtllvcr may be his opinion3 I\S to the pulicy of the Governor Genet(l.l------call l'Iujllct. 'Let us on this oeco.siou keep 1,0litiol\l nmi PIU't,Y diIl'llrllOCCS altoget.her ill tho background. Let us all. without DUY division of politicu] purty, co ncur io bCHl.riug t c~u buony to th o t;ril1io.nt sor vice.; of nlt'n so worthy of 111C nnm e of Ellglislnnen, There nevl'r hns beeo a grenter exnmph.l of oxtremo forbcDtaocc, strict justice. ond 0 resolvo to resist IIIl the tcmp tatiollll to which tho arnJy was oxposed-tLmro neVC1' WUII n gl'Cllter comhination of tllOse high lJ,unlities with tllO most brillinnt talent nnd wllonr in defenco of tho British B11l11irc in Indi!!.. Tlle gallantry of those \VIIO fell in tllnt conflict w ·m lI(1t be without ih fruits . Thcu' lives will not have bllCll encrificcd ill, Tho remctnbrnnee of tlleir conduct constitutes one 1)£ lJIC brightest pos~cssions-one of tho gren t \lefonces of this country. "\VllCll we reUect what eM ue effected by disciJlline nud VAlour, such ns wns mllnifosted by our cOlilltryrucn 011 thcso IUcruorllhie llays, wo feel t1l1lt in 0. just ~lfIu se our country l1lust 1)0 ,·iclorious. Tho memor)" of thosu men who IHwc fnilcli through thcir devotion to their country williong serl'c to nnimnto th e British nrmy. It will Illn.kO us lJrOlid of thllt nnmo wlJich we uenr, and encOurAgo liB. if ncetl 1m, to omulAte their ll1lr(,ic exertions, Dnu cruiuit eqlml uevotiOIl, eq1\ni persm'cr:11lCfl, equnl cournge, in tilo eAust) of Illir common count ry. (Great uud enthllsillatie cheering grectea the right hon. TIuronct from 1111 a ide~ of tllc Houso ill tho prog ress, nnJ nt the (;onciusiou, of hi ~ speech ,) He mO"cd the first of til C following scries of Resol utioliS : -
IS "Til." lho ThalLkI
L;U"IC"J"' ~ G ~"cr,,1
IJr l!.is !Jon..., !.r gi"~" 10 tl,,' Right 11",'(lu ....L1.. Si r H~nry UfI,..J i"!!,,, lO o\,~ I'"ol' G"""... I of 1",1 ..,.
1\:";1;:" (orAnd eto... "r t ha Order of t hu n"lh, for tile "" ........ ,,"ilily "'ith ... I.;~h hu dlre.:teol d.u hlili'''"1 "''''',,. IJ.{ hi, ,lii[lOQl, \0 ,"" "'1....11. inl: "f t he IlIIl' J"Ovokcd inYa3ion 1/,. tho Sik.h "r Ihn ,Ior"in l,,"~ uf , h.. Uri,uh V<)f"nlmem, mild of tho 1·.... t.....,IN SIM~ upon tho loft, (mok nf 11,0 SulllJj: ",,,d "]fO, (or ' ]HI li nnnea nn,] ",!lntl!,.,- wi t h whieb ho <Ii· """1(~llho
oparAlio". nf
dl~ t
[lIm inD of tho "'my umlur hiJ imrne,lio.le
COIl1l1l",,,I, In tli .. nikrnoon ~I"l n;gll~ of [~mJKlr 2111, I!H6. Rnu On tho hg or the Z~nd, u]l(JH which !)eel"';OI' \1'0 nnemy'. dcr~nct' Wt'-re cnr .. I~<l hy Ilorm, th e 1:I'il"lcr 1':I,"t of th~ l r nrtlll~ryc~!>tnT1,!ll. "lid the ir ."bOl)<j llt QI"ttemf\tl to rtlg~in what they II,,~ IOl.t r~tK:.'ty,lIy ,I ~ r,,~te'l • .. Th.,t tl,~ 'l'IL,"k~ Olf thi. Hoose be ghnr, t o G'Uleml Si r lIug h Ooogh. Bnrollo~. Kn;JlM Gran,1 Cro". of tho Or~ijf Qf tho Bath. CUIl" ..uu<ier III Uhi"r(lf th~ Fore~. ill tllII 1,,,0, JII<ii~ •• r"r tho ~itti"f!'u;.hcd vnlour with which 1.0 ,lil'l.-'Ctcd "nd led tho """ornl .. tlacks 01'011 tho CII~"'y , ""~ rOf t h., "]uiuo,,t ""r l';""" ...,,,,lv,,,,1 hy him in the 1I" of tho 18th, :tht, ""d 22",1 or Ilt-oomber, 1845, di.phying.~. ho ,1;,1. I" c(",junction with the Go,'nn10t Ge:ne:rai , A brilli" nt e"'"''''l''e 10 tho troop., of PO~"Ct:l .. ct< "",I ~~"MlJ;c in " riti""l eir'C" m~I""c~", Alld or Irre:olltibtu anionr in t he IIC"er.o.1 ntt" ek. mlllio "lIOn t.h~ ""em" "1'I ... t Iho '[tlll"k. of Ihi& 1I0use be gi,en IG }.flljor Ccnem l Si r flonry GOOtgd S,u;th, KIIIlht COIOD1anru-r u( Iho Oni," of ! he lJ.~I I, . II> M:oj '!. e~IIcl'lll W<lIt". {nlui/:h em...,rt. "lid 10 Majo. Gcu~rnl Sir J\,I", ilumor Little., Knight ComnJ..~nd~r or the Onier of thll [bth, nn~ III t he ""vern l Ofllt:cn<, ~;uropenn "m[ Nntlvo. und er thd. Com m~nd, fur t.l16 ollll n.. llt Sll rri C{l1 .... n d~rcd tly thom in Iho recen t <lrd"ou~ <In<.l ne,,~.rul Opor.'I ;ol1l, "'1'hnt the ·!·h,,,,k. of !.l,u, [Jouoo be gi.'cn to tho Non·"".] Oilk.. ,ra ~"J I'ri'-:IIO Sol d'~r. . Ell....,"""" ~"'I N~th'",. r(lr 11011 l'~r.w vc,",»P.O a",1 t\,rtll"~~ n,,, lmainl'ti by t hcon lit M<:i<.HlJ;~ Oil thu IS1h of 1;"""",1", •• !flU, 111111 fur tho .bring" V"ionr w;lh ,,'hleh ~hoy foreed the Ene'"y'l i nt .... nr.hmen ls nt I-'cl'Ow'!L,I, 011 tl,o 21st ~nd 2211,1 of n""en,· ....·r. cnl'tured "'Olt of [';8 e""., "ml fi"nlly C<J"'l"lllcd the Si kb Army. of grcMI,r allpcrior Nu",t",ra, 10 ret i .... with]I< Ihci. 0"'1< Fnml ;c• • "'I'h~ l !I,il Rciolul;on bo 8i,;nificd 10 t hem b, II", Comm"ndeR of til<! llererai Corp"," "lk,{",...d-Thn t tho mid Itc..o1u ,iQ11!i If<) Irnn'lIlllled lIy Mr, SF",,,k.r ,.) t.he GO''ol nl(tr Cenci'll! of ""lb. nn,1 d~,~ I,e I.e ""'l"Clll'li to tomll\UII;. e~l~ It,,, "'m~ 10 tI'l! Ifl"tml Offi<:cta ",f"rred \.Q tll1'l'11;"'"
Sm R. PEEL spoke as fol1ow5: I nm r.nnUietl, I. will nOl say throngll tIle eourtesy, but the publiu Bpirit ami gcnel'Qu~ feeling of mnny Members who hall Motions entitled to prece_ dence over millc, to briug fonVllrd that of which [ gave lIotico immcilintcly on the r eceipt of the inwlligence of our reCOIn II11CCCSl!Ca in India. Thnt Motion, interposcU nil it is between tlisc ussions of grOllt political importance, lClldillg to nlllcll enger Bnd oven nngry controvcrllY, nml to serious dill'c\'cnccs ÂŁIf opinion, will, I know from past experience, obtain the hearty and unanimous concurrence of thi s HOII.llo.
from all sides.)
That Motion will unite tho
of n gront Empire, proud of it B militnry g lol'Y, ill nckuowlc llging in tIm first plllcc the protec ting hand of AlmightJ Gotl, the gil"er of nil victory, and in then e.t prcssing tlleir exulta tion thnt new Cl:amples of heroism Imve mnintnineil null exnlted tJle militllry ehorueter of tl lCir count ry . (Cheers.) TIm! Motion ,,;11 eMble us to pay n tribute of eordilll aml gmteful ncknowledgmcnt te tliC gencrnb, to the officers, n.nd to tho men, who hlll"c nchieved aignal victorics in n fnr tli~Ul.nt Innd. It. will enn.hle UB also to minglc with the admiration of valonr tiiO expression of a Inll.uly but hcartfelt Borrow for the los8
of t,lO "unretunlillg
llnve IIncrifieed,
willingly slIl: rificcd, theiJ' \ive8 in tho defellee of their cOlmt ry'8 il\te~s t M,
nrlli in th e mainten nnc e of their country '~ honour.
(Mucl, cLeering.)
'rb.;! R.;!~()ILLii() !l 8 I 8Ilall p1"op(lBe vdll c(lllvey th e thnnka of Lhis Bouse. for Bpl('nditl victori es IlcIlie"cd within [l "cry limited pcriod, nnd ",itIlin Il vcry limitcd gpnee; bm I hov e: fclt dllty not to incorp(lTiHo vurllckno"'ledgmen t3 f(lf these triumphs ill 1\ ai llg le rcw luti(l u, but t(l fes erve t(l enc h triumph the sepamte recugnition fi(l j ustly due to it. jChccrs.) It will flllY c hewn my good fortune since the n]()nth of Febl'unry, 1843, (In /iYtl distinct oeC ll8ions, to propose Ihst the Thrmh (If t he Comm(llls of England shoulrl be eonmyed til the anuie s, Eur(lpen n nml nnti,'c, cngngctl in the service of tho Orowu in !Julin, Including, imlceli, tllO VO\(I (In th(l gl(ln(lu6lcrmination of tho Chincee WAr . on Sil diffarcnt occasi(lns. wi!1 the ThanK s of this FIona.:: hlLve been nwnrded. The relICtitiun of t!J eee Vot cs tcuds in no degree to dim or disparage their yahle. (Oheel1l.) Nntiounl gratitudo must Keop pace wilh national glory; and every fresh ILChlo,'emen t nelds new value 10 tJli\ rowar(\ 11'0 confer on skill and vnlour by tll(l pnLlie llck no",letlgm cn t (If our grntitudc. 1 iulend, there. fore, to sub mit two sepClo rnte ;\IOlions; one, acknowledging the di stinguishod Mrl'ices of Sir Hen ry Smith. nntl of tho division of Ille amlY utulcr his comm nnd, f(l r the bll.ul o (I f >'\.liWlll ; anli the otllCr, 'eollYrying aIL equal ackooll'lecl gment for tho gl(lrionB ~erviecs of tho army undor !.he immediate eommnnd o'f Sir nu gII Gough. (Cheel's.) Since tIl e termi1l!lti otJ of t1105e bnu[eB, ",¡hieh have already entitled Il le IudillTl nrmy to tho th nnks of Parlinment, (the battle~ of Moodkee und FerozeBbnh,) th o euemy with whom we hlLd to contend, has dispbyed. tllfough 0. 6erie~ of oporntions, grelLt military skill, ond thnt ChllTllCtcr for unuaunted brayery for whi eh they aro justly dietinguished. Nelwithstonding th e rerersos 'they met with on tllo 18th find 2ht of December they Appeared without delay on the bll.nks of the Sutlej in eonshlernble force, pr(ltected 1)J' II. powerful artillery, nenr 'the ford of HUl'ekoo. Tlmy established 011 the Tight bank o~ tbo river a largo army, retn.ining possessiou of n bri(lge, ove r whi ch 1hey IlllMml from tho north bnnk of tIle Slltlej to th e south; they established nlsoo.t1:le dc pOllt 011 th e left bank, and entrenohed on Ihn t 11111lk R force which !Jy eOllstant acce~Bions I'1t IA8t included not less thnn 35,000 m ~ll , slIpported by I\ bout 90YC'Uty Jlicc e~
of ennnoll. The artillery WM of !.eaUliful 'V (II'klllnn,dli p. 'LlIII of LWIL"y .::nEure, Not only ,lid IllIl enemy e staLLi~h thlLt large army aud !,l... nt that artillery in the fncc of the British t roops under Sir Hugh Gough: hu~ they t1llspntched a. foreo of uot -fewer til(lU 20,000 llIen, oouduclc;.1 with the utmost ~killlllld courage, towanls the city of Loodillua, from which our forces had \.leen at fint withdrllwn iu Imler 1(1 nuist in the battles (If lloo(lkce Ilud l~ crol':Cshnh. They ad,yptcd tLis operntion, not merely fo r tlUI purpose of oceupyiug tln). city of I,oOllinnu, but for ' the llUrpose of thrent.euing to interrupt our communication with Delhi, allli to intcrecpt tho arrivnl of our nrtillcry hy the rond of Bus~ellll, It wns in order to prevent Illc success of thi8 skilful ami dangerous c utorpl'he, thut Sir Ilenl'Y Smith wns detnehcdby Sir Uugh Gough amI Sir [lenr! HlLrdingo--grea.tlyweakening the rOflle rtltniucd in front of the muin body of tile Sikh Ilrmy, It was n cee~surJ' huwt:l"cr, to tlo LLis iu ortler to defllflb tho f(,rmidIl.LLe body whicll eroasetl the cil'er from Philloor iu orller to intercept our eOllllllullicnliuu, !Lntl if possible to trnl1!lfer the sent, of "'Ill" from the lleigh\.lourllOod of Ferozcpore to Loodinua, It was inteuded, locfore Sir ITenry Smith attacked the Ilnny uIlller the Sikh chief, composed of not less (linn 24,000 weu, sUllported by Ilbout. sixty piooes of nrtillery, thnt he should cli'cctnjuuetiollwitll tho British troops ILt Loodiann under Majo r Guhl\.ly, Ilnd with nnother Lody of mell aellt to reinforce him undor Colouel WhcclCl', Tho HoltSe is awnre thnt the junetioll was ultir,ULtcly cflceted; nml tho.t Sir Henry Smith WIIS str cugtLcll,etl hy the ndtlitiou of !l,O force from Loodinun. nud of thlLt under Colonul Wheeler, A desperate action wns nftcrwul'ds fought by the dh'ision under Sir Henry Smit.h, tlH~ re~ul t of wllieh WIlS tile uttur J.iscum6turo of the enemy. the enptllre of nIl his gUliS, tho disorgnnizruion of bi~ wholo army, lind the ftigllt of that anny acron tllo Sutlcj nfieT tho Be l'urc~t 1088, These operatiolls a.TC describeu with such preti.aillll-{bellr. hearl-urc d<:tuilcd with such ful, ness nud \.le<i. utiful clell.rllcss-(chcol'S}---o.nd IllUBt be ao ÂŁalUuil:J.I' to "U whom I ntldress-(benr, hC(l.r~thnt 1 ",ill not. we-akon the eft'oct of their porueul by n.ttemptillg to go O\'er tho Bll.mO groulIIl. ThQ hnlld thnl hellL the pell, used ii witll the slteeOij~ with II'hieh it lmd wic!rlcu Ilw ! lI' ord, (Ge,
!!2 H~roJ
chcorilLg.) [hl1l'c yN I\I[vertoo ouly ~o tho). ~ue of Sir ITcury S mith ; Ill'" I will spellk , ami ~I'euk with confidence, IIwl ~ pell.k tu hill I,ollour, of intorru ptioJlli lLuol ch ec k ~ to Ihat 611eeC55. Thore cnnnot bUl be vici$~itudcs in lhe opcrlltions of war i Il.nd that IUnll ia til he honoured, wbo l'UCQ Vcrl! frum temporn ry ,lifilcult icR alLll Ui~llppi!intIllC!1U _ (ebeera)-llUtl th llll o.d(iJ; brighu.cs. 10 the glo ry of his ncuicI'c_ mCllt ~. (Cheerll.) I "W i ~h, therefore, Cor the 1\1I'1105e (If exult.iug tIle me ritl! lind lIerrie~'S uf Sir Denry Smith, lo presell t to tho U OUI D IIOme oceurreneu dlilt preeeol,.'d the bll tt.le in whic h Ill! WIIS 110 emil>ent!y Queeeufu l- l wish tu pl"CllCllt, fro m ReIlo ru Oh[y reecmly reech'cd , IlU Aceoll nt of the diffic ulties Il uol olisIlPI)Qln tlll clll~ !.to cUCQuutm'(al wit h the 'Illll() spirit. lluo.I eon~tullcy which 110 Jisl,l nyc,1 ill dc tol'Y ; nuJ which, in my opinion, cutitlo him to Cflll nJ uJ!l'lnu Hc. The gTeM l)[ttU () ul" Ali\\'nl was flJUg-h t ..HI tho 28tb of Jnllullry; Lut curlier ill lila" IU Olltit Sir lIclI!"y Smith haJ &UB tjjjn(.~\ ... Illlt 601l1C mig!l t c()usi ,jcn.~l a re,·cI"SC. I nllude to Il period l.Icfore hi. jUllttiou willi Colonel Whceler, MId 1\'illl the he rx,gimellt' f/VIII LooJianll . In th o uL,enco of 1111 intelligence be enOOl1llteN!J the encmy; Il.IItI but fur hie eminent skill nmi resolute valour, lIlig ht 1!llfe been cr[MJl!OO to IICriuII' hnUln!. Lei me stille ill whn t p U llUlll r hI! Clltric.n tCo.l IlimfIClr. W riti ng to Sir D ug-II Goug h (.011 the 2ht, j ust nfto.r he IUld succeet\e,( ;n rd;c\'ing LooJillna, Ito !l1I;'l Ihnt 110 hall Ilccomi'li~ l.tcd tlillt obj ect, but JIUUOI" oircul1Ist.nIJCCS not ({uite ~o fori ulIllte a~ ho duil"cd; oUlI he UijCI J thcM U.\!lfC6Siolls:" \l'h,," witbi.:. R milo a n<.l 1\ hnlf w "')" luft of Bu,lttulOal , '~O\'i"g ced&t!~
1 I n~). II"'1 ,~ r.'II"1
with m1 "olun", l .. hl cli tight in frlO"1. reR<.Iy I" ",1. . ..,[ Intu Q" jdemly f",. I h~ PUTJlOecI "r [nt".ru jltlng m)' lUt.-ft "C~, I ..... til .. en"'"1 . N"tlling ~"Ould 10(1 .tron~CI' ror thll ~lUlmy tlJ.1.n t./UJ ~""n _ limll.'Ii UIIU of villllb"-," whicL " Cl"tl in 1,,1 frtInl. .. 11" ..u 1U"~i"l': 1,1 l'OIUIa, ... hno I .a. mu";".!! o~cr "'I"")' he" ~1 .... nd_ !,MI. H" _1\11 in IId ~"n ... &ir loo10n<.l. 00 Iii)" right tb llk: 110 ur did h' "'lend , .. rnillO D1lDICn'l,,1 ,lid he ,ho1" hi. lI,r..,,11"")' D,,,1 guM, '..111 10 ..ell ,·I"JOo()n r<lr hl nl "':OS tho Ii.... or "lllIIg"I, 1 1~~t ... illo my force 10" "II, POI \.CI I.... _[1.·<\; "lid he (lpc.1t!<! II fil rio~~ Cllnll!lrlllOO or t'rom Ihirty_fh .. In ftonY"lIIo or v~ryl:u"l!n ca!ihO'\!, _nd ....o IIeu"l, right ... eU "'T~",I. My ubjecl Lot.lng I.. u"iw lII,.AIllf ,..ith the foren from I.Qodia. ..... ,.hill" e,'MY "",,,,,,,,t 1up•.'CI.od 10 Rl'I...~r in .ighl- for it "'"~ ,,;uo ,,'doc k~1 "''',·... 1 I''''olld " 'Ith the c"~ m~·. '''..... t..\ ,,~ tn Rl tark t h'l 1<.0mo1<1. tim Lt> ... 1'...... ' pll"l'adll~l llIe. Bu, I'o ...,,~or, .... l"">let! u1'on m", lhn]. I II I,,·u r.,1 hi "''', I""IT "')" ~le "c" ~"". "r"'" 101", ... illt 11111<.101,·,.,,1.\.. ,·,r'·,·I, 11,,,1 11,"",·,1 "I' !h~ 31" . 0".\ ..." PI'c l,",,;n!; to fllnn Inw "I"'" !I,;. n"~;HI~ n 1. ~'hr n
tbe cllemy lIl!Joe "'pi,ily f!J"med " lin<! (If ""ren r~s-i"le"t~, wieh ,heir gUll" hdwl'<)J), nt ri;!ht nngl,," with tltd Uno I """. nhout to .ltt;lek, whilo " COt< _ "idcrnLI~ force W:l'! UII)\'iug rouud my right lind front. 'J1m. ~n~~loped "lid o...,rll"\Johncd Ly numbe r_, "11d I ,,~h " .upllI·;or!ty of gUM, r bad 11 0thi",: for it but to Uu'Q,," b.~ck Ill)" linn on i ~ right. which "'pr~lIC lltc<I 3 Inlnllli no on d,u hY]loll,~nuoc of It. tri:uJgle."
Tlmt is to say, the two dh'i.sions of tho enemy formed two sides of a tl"inngle, Sir lIenry Smitll ,l.nU hi s force ueing ll1nced tctwcen them on [\. ~ho rter Ii lie, and lIenrer tl,c centre tlmu tho rellHl,ining side of the triang le. TIe goos Oil n~ fo11ow8;"The enelllY th"3 out..ll.~"ketl me nnd my whol~ forco. I thereforo gm ,l" nU)' witt"l...,w n,)" inf, ,,tr)" In cchdlon I.'Mta\i!J"', th" cM'ulry in r chdlon of "'1","lro"., In tho direct;"n i)f \.,\(),Ii,,,,,,. momunt"rll~ eX_ I" ' ''\;''I;" t.(I sea til" "l'J'runci, vf th"t I~,rc<,'-,·i ... "no ",;!ilMllt of e.n"lry, ~uu~, and !\'lli"wltL. ~r illf'''llry, whell I wo"I,1 10''''0 ",,,de,, "i _ r:0l't,iU" hLtauk . '1'1Lu grr. ",,,) w,,~ V" • .'" d<.",,!, "nd ""ntl.'", "",I t1oeNf" r" "cry ,li Hlcu l ~ LO m",·., 0 " . Th .. enemy c,mti"",,,l It) m(>\" .. UII ~. oo..orilJed \", "!'W,u,,u Ilf ~" hQ"r, "nd ,mtll I k,ww tha Lf>(Jt:linnn fure... wail "'(Jvjul: "')~ "n""kut .. no A..,.1. ","othillg 00 ,,101 Ill(c-e<~1 th e ~!<':! .lillCl!lo (;of Lhe lrvill'~' 'l"ho li"o ".~. t.hrown b~cl<,u,,,I~r Lhi . clu",o"".le. us if"" pnI":1J", NnLi..... u "'d! u lh·it ;"h. "ud Ihe n",'·Clllent. (lf th .. w,,;.lry, "mler Bri. g.~Ll i " r (; urul«n, we,.... , ""it1o,,1I1. n"y c ""'"l'tion, tho rnO.t p"rf.."Ct llLing 1 11,1), ~1W, "nd whioh J ~Rnllut ~cocril.>e: ·
So f,u frum with!w!Jillg this nnl"ratil"D of his cxtricatiou from to the proofij uf his ski ll nwl I'1l1011r. ami il!ustnl.t(!6 I,i!! uigh <:l'II<:II;lor Its 1\ COHlluimtier. (Cheers.) linvi,,&: uecu di ~:\ l'p<.>illt(!d iu dr~utillg lli~ jUliclion witl. the t,·oops fl"(>Il1 L ()(XU,l.lIl1, nuti tla,se expected to IIrrivo IIlHler Cul,.m;:! 'Vheolcr, he e.\ tricnted I,imsolf from his formi· oIlI\)le Otllbnrrns8meut with ellHHllUlUHth~ coolness lIud jmlgmcnt. in Rtelt<1 of uespouding nllder hi ll tcmpornry di~t\Jl!,lIjutllJ\)lIt, IHI wlLS !lvle to Jiroct nil his eHllrg ies to Ihe eutir" Ili~collifittll'e of the enemy only II. few days (Ift(!rwll.r.J ~ . (C hecrs.) or tl,e IlItttlo it.~t"lf I will not fipcnk; tho victory "'lUI CIIJlll'iele, nnu it bns been so II\Jmiru.uly dcacrived by tho illnstrious COlllmllnder, thnt. 1 will not ,,'eakeu tho effect of bis IInrrntivll. (Cheers). Anti iB this victory hill oilly title to our aelmow. I c Jg!Ilell~ ~ What bu. .. c beell the sc rvi eell of th is gallaut Om~or 1 Th e~e recent Ilvents bo.vo g iven now lH~tre tu I, i ~ prcoe.ling enre.::r. It iB Olle uf Ullusual ili6~inttion. Sir H e nry Sm ith W;ll! at the e:lptllrc of .,\1"onto Vidco--ot. t he attlluk UI'Oll Bueuell A)"rll~; hu surv eIl Ihe 6,·~t ClUllP'ligns of tim renin sili ur W,If, f!"tllll the hullic of Vjmcirn.IO th ai of Cor 11111111 . Ioi~ difficulties, I t hink it 01111 nJd s
He was o.~ the battles of Snbagal amI Fuente li'Onor, nt tLe sieges of CiuunJ Roddgo nu(1 BnJo.j09, at tho battles of Sala_ runnell, Vittoria, Orthea, Iho.Pyrences, autl Toulouae. (CLoera.) Ho was at Washington nlld nt New Orlenus, and finally he was at -Waterloo. (;\[uch clwering.) Whnt a aeries of noLle serviccs-(loud eheers) - rmd how rejoiced I alll tlmt there ~hou1d be nn opportnnity, through this new and signal victory, of bringiug lefore the gladdened eyes of 0 grateful country a [ollg lifc of military exertion, and III unbroken series of military hOllours. {Chec\'8 from nll sides.} After IIC hall aehie"ed that BUCCOSB for which we arc about to gi ve hilll OUI' !!pecial thnnks--after he had uriv('l\ bock tho cncmy ncros~ the Sutlcj, he instantly returned to rujoin his commanding officer. Sir Hugh Gough, He nlTived at head-qulIrtclll on the 8th FcbrllMY, two duys uefore tho decisil'o l'ictOl'Y gaulcJ by thc foreea undor Sir Bugh Gough and Sir Henry llardiuge, 1103 took, thorefore, a disting uisllCd part in t11C battle of Sollrnon. But for Ilia servicC-'s in the victory of the 28th of Jnnunry. I propO$e that there sllOuld be II. distinct ami separate votcdistinct nnd sepllrate from thut which I &11111 recommend for thnt not more glol'ioll~, though Ilcrhnps yet more important and decisive aehie'·emClIt accomplished at II. later dntc ly the whole British army. (Cheers.) I aay I will 110t weaken the effect of the recital ef tho. particulars of that second battle and "ictory, 119 detailed ill the despatches of thc gallant offiecrs ill eOUlwllu(l, by attempting wha t mus!' be ill cOUlparisoo 1\ 1100r nud inefficient narro,th·o, (ITear, henr.) J will do the Members of this Ilouse, the fellow,eountrymcn of tile Be lustinguisheu OfliCefij. the justice to hclie\'c th t they lLIe familiar with all tho details of these signal exploits. Let us not forgot, in COmmOlllOTlltiug the \'UIOlif of 01lT 0,,'11 countrymcn, 10 give due praise to the akill and brll.Yery of our .lefcntcu cuemy. Aflcr our successes e\·cr them 011 the 18th IlDU 2ht December, they ao flU' recovered fro m their disasters. thnt. unduunted/ thoy met 011 tllC nelli, oSter thl; 14P8,03 of a fcw weeks, the wholo force of tLe British anny, Si~ TIcnry Bnrdinge. spenk ing of their COlluuct ill the bnulc uf Subraoll, says, .. Such was tilu bravery of the clleuly. that being defeu lcd th ey wlliked n"'ny, ~ml. ill the middlc of
the river, disdained to 119k for quarter." (llellr, heal',) But I wilt not enter into partieuiaTs - for every mllil ',dlo honrs me i~ mnster of the details of the battle fought on the 10th Februnry; be is aware thllt the well-appointed. army of the Sikhs suffered a conlplete nud Il signn.l discomfiture: that their 10sII WI\lj enonnou~; thnt. after tho exLibition of grent valour, thoy were driven across the Sutkj; nnd thnt the British army, crossing at tho Sutlej near Fcrozepore, liS well as lit the point where the battle WIlS fought, united ih fOl'ee~ and marc.hed togetller towllrda the capital of the Sikh territory, AU this was lIecomplished in 1'1 period not exceeding oight weoks frolll the day Oil II'hiell tho first incursion of tho enotny took place: !lud !luring that period of l'ight weeks the enetny was triulllpllllntly defeated wherever he was eneolllltcretl , (Cheers,) E ve ry guu which the Sikhs had brought tIJ betH on ollr troollS wa~ cnp_ tured; and after a series of decisive ';etories, Vo'C now probably oceuI'y the capital city of the Punjaull, 1 belie"o dint not more t11an one-tllird of the whole force engaged eousiated of Europeans, nnd tho c,tnmp1c which those Europeans set was werthy of being followed 1lY the native soldiers. (Gheen.) TIley did follow it-(ehecrs)---nnd on every oceD.~ion during tho four successive and ues porate conflicts in wIliel1 til ey wero engaged, wns tho honour of thc British name worthily sustained by the CO=lLnders. the officers, nnd tho llIell_ (Chcerft.) The "ietary, this sllceession of ,;clorie8, hag beou interrupted by no single failure; it Willi unsullicd by lI.lly imputation on our arms nnd chll.ractcr. 'Vc hnve not been influcneed by IL grasping spirit of nggrnndizemcnt-wc Ill'Ive simply repelled a n attnck mnde upon U8 in Il time of Il rofolUui peace --all national ellgagenlenb on our }lnrt. having been faithfully kept, therc not hnving been a pretext, even ill the shape 0'( justifiable prepnratiou IIlld defence, for the aggrcs~ioo that wall made UPOIl liS, Thostl Sik.h chiefs with whom we 1la,'e had eommurucllotion sineo tho defeat of the cuem,., who disa\'o\v auy participnHoli ill his pertiu),. IIml profllss to di~approvo of it, IlILvo f~RnkJy aclmowledgeu tho object they IIIHI in view. By their powerful arti1lm'Y, fllIIll))" the ir formi'lable iufaillry lind eflvalr]. they thong-ilt to OVClllOWCl' the. two dl'tnchmelll ~ nf the British
2G farces !>!alioned Ilt d w ().UrcllliticB of th o frontiel' lWc- F cfO~": \lU re nnd LooJin nA ; ha ving overpowered th elll, tbey lutelliled to UlflI'(!h li t OIiCo to Dell.i, nml ho,lCt! ily their sueecslI 10 1I1ULko the Allegianco of our Tndian loldiory . T hat the e" owed oLjcct tliey hlul in vicw. Il WtU mimiLtcll that thero Will 110 Cl:CU!l.(1 fllr thi~ nggro!l;lion from nlLy proceedings on (l ur IIRrt: I\"U bad hco n guilty uf 110 LTcnch of t!'caty, flntl hnd douo uolhing thnt coul, ] j ustify l,ostility. 1'ho sli me l'c r8U D ~ ntlmittcd also tlmt thoy slu)uld derive eo nsoillti ull even from tllll fniJuru uf II. reLdl i01l8 1lllll lll ut inous lJ rIIly- tlmt Iho next bellt thing to ,· jew ry "'ault! 110 :1 dcf<!nl , since it "oulo.! lend to tho d i! l~r8iu lI und RlUlihilnti{m of 11 force which it WM imf11luihlc to coulro1. (C hccu.) Por l ucc:ess '0 gninet1, 11111,1 for trium ph ill Ii COli· ttic t so unpro voked, 1 think there will be 1m! one Iluivonml nml llIuULimOlls o:tpl'eniou of grntitlldo withill tllcsc wnllB, (Luud dlccn from 1111 sid1.:s.) Theru i~ lUucil to Ildorll und nothing to lIully our \';clory j und I do Lope Illut now it hil a ken nciLievell it will gh'o lrls ting lIC:lce lu India; thut n gc.ncrlll C<lll"jclion will 00 rd ! of our po wc r- n colll'iction (.If the superiority of llritish linne, thnl will olnsuro II. long cnjoyment of tranCJuil. lity to thnt country. I trust d.nt this runy he (Iur Ill! ! l!tlule, I1l1tl thn t herenfter "'0 may he cllnl,lold t .... tl irect Ollr wl uil·it!cd attention t o th o nmoliurntiOIl of tho coudition of (lllr l mlillll fd. 10w-slI hjec tll, I\ud tlill improvemcnt of IIHlulIlllrni rCSOllnlce of our Indian Ernl)iro. (Cheers_) lu Ihnt. nniicipnlion tho DoWlo will, 1 Btl! suro, llCnll;t me to refer to somo eil'c UllllItnucC!I whioh mlly well fill our hcnrt, .... ith j oy nmi exultnti on. 'r ho two Icatlol'3 of our ,-ictoriOllll army, tile GUfllru or GIlllcMll ami tho COmID llllLlcr· in-Cilh:f, liMe througllout thc~o o!lllrn tio n ~ aN till cxn mple of eordilll. COllcQrL anti unjuu-lll) Ilttllr forgctfuu,css of tJ)cm. ~cl \'cs , to whit'h th e 1.fljlp)' rcsult i, g renlly to Lc (eileen.) All matters of pUlictilio W!.lro B(LClrificoo, ami S ir !loory Dnrdiugc t'Onsen tcd to aen'C li B M.'Co tJd ill cOllllunnd. (UCllr,) 011 the olher hand, thero ,...o.lI not " lIuggt.~ti O Il offen.'t] by S ir Henry lJnl\]illgo which " 'All 1I0t tlll:lllkfully (LCl. cepted loy Sir B ugh Gougll. DOlli ng , 118 I have !llIi,l, dlll~ Ihi~ IIl11y 00 tl.e lCl!t l.lIlcl1sio)) fin 'wl )ich I al ll111 have to I,orronll tho gra tifying <lilly ,)r pl'np<l~i lt g n pu blio lIckll owlc.lgmcn l fur l'iotory, lind II I'uhlic oXI' rc ~siOIi uf Illimirnti(tn fl,r thu hig h
fjuu.iilies uf lOur illw;triuus cuuntrYUlen, I will, with the p.=rmi",sioll of the Uoua<l, refer tu II ,JOCUUWllt, not of II pllllie e1mr(letC I', dUI1 lm~ l,ce" put into DIy hnm! si nce 1 .e ntered tI,..: H ousc this cl'elling-it is (L kUer, from Sir llllgh Gough, which was never intcmlco.l to Ifl CcL the puLli!: (lye; but it uoe~ him so much hOllour, tl mL I cannot refuBil myseU' tho pICn~UT!l uf I'cuuin;; it. fIe snys ; .. I, i. now ",ill! I'ridq nn,1 witl! J~"I'~tuh, det.:.ilh'g uno of
I end""" you
mo.~ ~JllcDdid n"d dcd8h-O
~ cOl'r of my o'; o\ori"" upon
n',o)ril-tbo II'nlurloo uf lr"li~. 1111"'0 en\.c ... <1 rw fully both imo dewl ,,,,,I ~"""ne",l.,tio,, III "'Y olc"lm(u11 \(1 (hu vo~~nlOr Gcncr:d, tlmL it would IJO im[>Q&IIil.]u for Ill" to) cn!nrg<> "1'00 a &Ubjo;>eL mnbracinj( l hll wnrmrnl! "-,,,H"l:" of my heart . 1'"I;ey, h" ....:o '·or, 1,re<:luduoJ me l,uhUely rocOrdiHg my .emiUlc,u.. on tho splendid gallantry oC our f.~II~n foe, or t" re<:orll
tlou lieu of h.,..oi, ,,, di"I'I,,)·co,l. Mt onlr iwliridu"Uy, hut ;. Imost colWe_ li,ely, by tho Si kh Si ...h '" n",1 ~n",.: nnd [ d<lQbrc, ,,'uro it not frn m n ,1e"I' cmw ictiou tlUl~ my count,.,'s good " '<lui,.,,,,1 the !<~crifl "c, I could In",'" wcp/. 10 lin'.., ... i!l\~""CiI 1.100 fuart'ul 8Iaught(·r of 00 ilU'·lltl..J. a 1x>dy of rn~n. (I..o,,,loh,,,,,,,.) Noyer, in tbe /'''1(0 oC military history, luu thn bru,,1 ul'll1l AII_w;rw ()CiHg t..'Cn MI ~i.'!mlly Dlanit~.ood: to lliw, the ....... foro, be thu glory : we , n. Id. iu.trulI"'''t.;o, fcd Ihe pride. (Loud ChCD ..... ) nu~ I CRunot ptt~" over-I ".,,,not 100 ~Iro"gly rucord- faota which, whiliot ther "d,lluIITC 10 Lho "~l;"" artl'y, a lfonl to me, no iu head, ["cx_ prcui\'lc prid" omll'\"""UI"O. ( Lout! chcG r~. ) Fe,' III,ward. of n 'nomh, d""" in rront \If (noc ""Other, netwitl .. lnn,ling: when Iho t .... o annir~ ~Ioc "" mcro"~ te"'1rtnlion. hd, 1 ont. to Our Ml(lOY' loy mcn or t lu, ir own coJ\l1lr au d l'c1i!:ioll ; namdy. grrolly incrca,"~I I"~Y' IrQ'" iC vCn to tw~h'~ rUI~a a tnpmh , ,tn ,1 luln,l.'dintc promotion . I. [",d Lut Ihl"l.'II !lc~rtio". Crom thi. In''g<I for"". ((.ionti"" ed eh'~",.) I'\or .~oul' l I limit to "'UIl _ tion,,,",, proof of tllft hig h !flJl!.e of dl8Cil,liue ",f thi. ~,,]cndid Itrlny, lltll! I .... "" c"rrioo on u",.o""rv~.... ll r .ilOcc ""0 erO"Js~~1 t he Su ill'j iu th" """c rn[ Sikh tn .... nl M·(,,,,,,I ",hi~h o m ' ,Ih'i,i",," lu"... bt'l1n "occlIoIo1rlly pIlle"'] for Ihe ,,"''' UI"''''CO uf wat<-r . 1110,1 thc .nlIW confl,lenc~ hs" hecn ~I",w" "" Ihvug h ,,·c weN ill ou~ or our loulI·esll>hli.hl..J. pruduce • ." (Comiuuc,1 checring).
I",. to"""
Tlle example ijC~ })y two galln.ut commnmlcrs of o.Iis:rcgnro.liug military pUllctilio, uno.!. looking' exclusivcly to thllir country'ft honour nml to tIle ~afcty of Ihe anny, 1010.1, as might nnturolly bl> erpeeteo.l, un ulose plnccd nntleT their oruen. Sir Hug h Ouugh spcn k ~ of all oflicer 11'110 joineo.l ouly the night before tbe lontlle, DUo.I puy8 him n t,rihuto which I urn proud t o mcn~iun . This ollie... r (Brigadier lrviuc) hall lundo every o:<erliou to j oin tho nnuy. ill lIm 11"1'0 of Leing: I,liu;:ed in thl) prominont stntivn tro which hy hi~ rlwk he Wu8 entitled ; ".,,0.1, tiS J 11I1\'e ~ nio.l, lIe url'h'ot! only Ih .. nigllL h(lf"re th e hllltle. The 1;omomuu 1I"0uhl ullturnliy IHlI'I)(lt·'·oh·col ul'''u him,
28 bu~
ho uccliued to al!SUllle it. ill order dULl Ill! the cl'e,li~ nttaeh to the officer wh o ill poillt of rank was infeL"ior. but who had superi ntended the prepa.rations for the eomin,; action. Wl1uc we are bl,!lItowing due prnige 1111 lIucb devotion to public duty, let us IIOt forget the cxamplo that bad h()~n set hy tho GO'l'ol'llor Gellcral and CommanUcr-in-Chiof. That oxample had, no doubt, influcnced the conduct of othcr brave lIud honourable men, who were willing to make a sacrifice, not of mcrc p!lrBon.a1 interest, for that th!ly disregaro.lcu, but of thll.t which we.. ren\ly doar to thorn, tll1lopportunity of,lel'!loJi IlI distinction. (ClICCrs.) I am sure thc HolI.!!c will permit me, nmong !lll:pre ! ~ion s of gro.titude to the surviving conquerors, to mingle somo of decp regret at tho Ion we llllVC 6ustaincd. (Cheors.) On the for_ mer occasion 1 hlld to In.mont tho I!!Icrifice of lifc. anu I met with univcTsal and gencrolls sympo.thy ~ I had to condole with the country on the denth of lhllt gallllnt officer Sir Roben. Salc, who "'lUI knol\'l1 w most of us, and endean."!I to all who had illtercourse with him, by the kindly frankness of his .leportmeut. Ou this occlI.sion 1 ha.vo to dO[lloro tIle lo s ~ of sevoral offieetij of the highest reputlltion, and tho first I BhnU nnmo ia Sir R obert Dick. (Cheers.) 1 run confident tillLt the IIollBe will I'!lrmit mo Bhortly to rccite what is tho extent of national grnlitude due for the fonncr services of this gallant officer. (Hen r, bea.r.) Ho entered tho scrvice in 1800. fi o embark ed with tho 78th Regiment for Sicily in 1806, nnl\ WAS wounded in ba.ttle. He a.ceempnnied tbe expedition to Egyp t, nud WI).!! prOlient a.t tbe taking of AleIRllllrm. H e embo.rked with the 42nd Regimeut in 1800, a.llll wn9 ngain wounded at Fuente d 'Onor. TIe commanded the secenu buttulion of the 42ml Rogiment at Ciudnd Rodrigo. ne wn8 at the bn.ttle of SalD._ ma.nca, li t tho storming of St. Michel, and WIlS present during the siege of BurgOd. In 1815 he was severoly wounded, and. after n lifo of honour, bo at last foll in the bnttle, for the happy result of which we arc about to wake our gmteful I deoply rogret that in the face of the H 01l8C of Com1IIona I enlm . . t do J UBticc t l) evary officer IInu to every man WllO fdl ill litis cncouuter. lind &,Iuificcd hiB life in his might
29 count ry '.lonice. S ome, h l;lweYor, must ue iruPOM(HI 011 the menti on of indiridunl oftieert, an d the ie&ll t iuridiolUl limit il tbat of nnk and standing in tllO anny. Not oUUlepping tllll.t limit, I must deplore the los! of a.n o!her gallant IIOlditlf . 00 thtl dny which depriyeil UI for eyer of the lCJ'\'ieel of Si r Hobert Dick, there also fell Licutona.nt Colonel T aylor of tho 29th Regiment. Thtl father of thiA ga.1lant officer , leading into actio n th e 20th Light Dragoonl, of wbich he wall Lieute· nant Colonel, lost hill lifo ill tho Penitt.8ula. Tho (athor (oll at Vimior.-tbo lIOn ruel 00 eqUAlly g loriolUl death at th o I,aulo of Sobrnon. I 1ril1, witll th o IlC.nw.~;on of th o Bouae, briefly rccapitu1nt o the ~(!I'V;eel o( L ieutcnou\ Colonel Taylor. lIe eommnnded the light comllll.ul of the 20th Foot. in the expedition .gains! Kala.pol"C, in 1827_28; &i'! m* on the (rontier Juring the Oanadian l'tlbellion, where, ill the BlIecee~ful attQck of n. village occ upied h! the Nlhcle. bo r1llldcrcd a n import n.nt service : commanded a brigade of infantry in tb o acti on. of the 18!.h, 2ht. pnd 22nd of Dcecml>cr, 1845, wllcrcio he '!r1U! '!rounded; eommlUlded alllO d ie troop, Bent to keep up the communication between S ir Henry Snlitb and t he main .rmy, wh ilst the (ormer "., engaged in Iho (111)ra tion! which led to the battle of A1 twal ; IlIld II brigade of infantry III the battle o( Sobm on. whe ro he fell. lIiB dentll is thnB f1.nnoun cc!.l by Sir Bugh Gough:_ ., 'l'ho anny h....lIItlilnoo ~ he... ~y 10.. by !JIG d..",U. orJ)rig:>di~r Taylor . • most. mble olftcelo, alld '~"'1 ...on!!t to I....e '-tI at the bud or Uer Majtllty·. 20th rogiment, by ...hieh hn .... belo-t and I"eSJW'ted."
II ow muy thore are who h.o."e loat tbei r IIOIU1 and relatiyo, in theso roD6.iet, I need not lIB!; but I hayo beeo tbrown of ll1to into freque nt and nec essary in torcoUJ'1!.C with 000, wbole ga.ll.n.nt 8011 diet! on the field of batllo in Ihia ('ncoDnter. 1l Ilnll been my !.luty, my painful duty in lome reepocl s, '<llioid eOD5ulUt eODlDlWlico.tion willi Lord :P itzroy Somenot, whoBe brave ofi'epriug, 111'111 he IUJ"l'ivoo, would lu~ve lupport.ed the honour of hia famill' and trnnsm;IU'Il u> anothe r generation Ihe high el larnete r of hi, (a ther. Lortl .F iu roy Somel'rot him. !elf hall mn an ifiUlltrioUll career . (Cheer•. ) II e ~compa llioo tho Duk e of Wollington throughout all the battles o( tlte Pe· Il i n sula, aud Wa.1 severely oroundod III ,VIlI<lrloo. H nd hia Ion
~ l1f\·jyP'U, the ~I<t i sf!\c li ou tjf LorJ F'itzroy Somerset iu cOlitelllplatillg tIle recellt ~l.l ni ccA lo r his fonner cOlllrad c~ '\'Ou M have uccn unalloyeu. H e hu now tQ mingle wilh lluulirntiou of t.hei r "nlour th e sorrow~ of u rnther for ,.. pnillful I\nd irrepnrnule loss. If in mentioning tIle Il ltme of the gallant and lnmcnted Somerset, I 11m t rnnsgTcssiug the limit r proposeu to ohserve, the services and character, nnd atation of the f~t.h c r. llis rellltion to th e Britiah rumy nnd to its illustrious Chief, will fully justify me in offering this, the best consolatiou to the wounded feclings of 110 fallier and IL soMier. I wish I could do justice to my owll feelings by nnming mnny ofhel's l!cnrcely len uistinguiBhed or leM lnmentcd; but the list is so I\umcrous of tlwsc entitled to grntcful remembrll.Dee, that I trllllt 110 reluctant silence will not be imputed to nlly waut of 110 due senso of th eir claims ami Tnerits. (Cheers.) W1 ICn J reyiew the names (If those who M\'C taken a distillg uished part in thc ~e nud other recent victories in Indillr--tho Mmes of Sir H enry IIllrdinge. Sir Hugh Gougll. Sir Henry Smith, SirCIllLrles Nnpillr, Sir Robcrt Dick, nnu General ThRek_ \vell--(sm'era\ lI[embllr.~ here Ildu~ d rh e name of Gilbert)-l reflect witll snti8fndi on and pride thllt these (listiuf,'uished mcn recci,'cd their militnry education under the auspices of the Duke olf Welliugton. (Much cheering.) It add s new lus\ro oven to 1Ii6 immortal !lame, that bie school hn.~ produecd pupils wIro Iln\'e BO profitetl hy his oxample. (C hl1ors.j Thore lire offieers uot iCIffl eminont. who have not hnd the hOllour and advantage of serving under the Duke of WellingWn; but on tbem Iris precepts and e:mmJllo 1113.\'e not been lost. Such men as Nott, and Pollock, and Gilbert, Il.nd other brigJ.t omameni! of Um Indin ll army. hllxe treasu reu up the mcmory of "AsSl\yc, " and the urillian t career of the Duke of Welling ton throughout his Indinn cnmpnigns. TIis Illdinn Correspondence, hi., Comme llt~ on tIle R ctrcnl of Colonel 1ronsoll, his Lcssous on tlre Art of Indiflll Warfnrc. hav c c.tercised th eir just influence on those to whom, perhaps, his "jIeMlo n is unkn own. It mny he thnt al this ,· r.ry moment th e Duk e of Wellingt()11 i ~ bcstowiHg, in the H ou ~c of recn, th e un ~tillted mce(] of lli~ prnise on ti U'S4' sig nlll ncl,iel·ClllcutS. I11)U is stnmpillg RI) nddi -
31 tlOII111 vlllue even Oil the Th nn ks of Pnrli!l.Hl<)u t, by bellring his hi gh testimony to tllo ~ki!lllml ynlour of tho~e to whow tlll:!Y will lHl justly gh·cn. With whnt conscious priue must he rctl cct on the llllmbCl' of gallant mon di~tjllglli&hc(l:in ll\(~~o lllllinu cmtJl'niglls who lm"o llcrcwforo fough t I1mI bled under his comnllloJ, and, nfter the lapse of mallY yenTs, have now worthily followed his
Cx(ull]Jle l Allliiong roter he slHl,U hMe Leon gathered to hi8 futhera, will lhllt cl:Il.mplc instruct and fUlllnllio the Dritiah nnny. h will teach them tbat success is ensured by the ~allil nml displlssiormlo calculation of remote contingellcics - by th o preparation for IlII \'ici~8 itUllc9 of fortune-by Y(llour tempore;\ acconling to the cligcocica thnt require its displny -llOW patienl nuu enduring-now reckless nnd tl cspel'nt0. l~ wi!! tooeh them fort·ituuc umler disnppoin tment, nnll mQuclI'Q' tion in tho honr of ,·ictory. TI1(~ memory of 1110 high qu nlities nnu thc grent deeds of tho Duke uf Wellington will be for nges a tower of defence to his country, inapiring her miE· tn ry cOllu~ilB with wisuom !lnu justice, nnu guiding heroes thnt nre yet unborn in tho paths of glory. T co uc1l1dc Ly mO\'lugnfllti. UOU8C loa given to J'.bj or (;cn~rnl Si r n ellr,. Knig hL Comm:l,, ~or of the ""lSt ho"oOl·~111~ mi!i!"ry Order of tho lbth. for hi ' ~kilrol an~ mctitoriou. con~ o~!'. whell h, nomm alld of the Ilriti.h trooP" employeol Rg~in"t.~ I"r~ porti"" o ftl,.. Sikh army. of :;n:~( l y "" I>erior nllmiJer"; nll,1 fur the .i,i!"Il~1 Y.~1 o "r "nol jOllgl.llC ll~ diol'l"y~-d ~Y hiw in the ~"ttle of the 26th of Jammry. ",hOll Lh" cnCl oy·. foroo ""'~ tot..~l1r oIclcntcoi ••~nol new tu.tre RoI,leol LQ ~hc reput.~t;on nf tho Ilrit u.h ntml . .. 'l'h"t th .. 'I'!~~"k" of thl. Dou,"" be given ~" ~ho ""·er.~l OfflccrA. ~:urol"'l\n nn<1 ;.oMi.". unlle r (.h~ CQm"'~nol of Sir Hen,.,. Smil!., for the oIigti "g" i~h"oI oon·;008 rendered by th~m nt the J.,~ttlo of AHw~1. "1:I~~t thi. Hou!lO doth hli)hly appl'Qve nf. mnd commend , the "That the
intrcl'i,lity" " d cxempt:>,.,. iliscip1HlO oIi"l'lnyeU loy th~ Non-conulli~.inIlL.oJ Umcer. nnd I'riv:o.\c Sololicra. ~;u.apean ,, "ol Natiye. on tho 28th <of J"n""ry. in their "tt.~ck on t l,~ <:mcmy'. "C>lition, loy "'l,i~h the Sikh
.. ore cOJlll'letely rout~'<I . not! liri."" in cO ll rn.ion :OCr<;J3. th~ Sutloj. with thu 1o,. of "l1 th";" nrtjUcry and ",ili l,,,)" ",!uil'm ,'nt; anol th~t Iho MUla ..., .i"nific<i to thrm loy th o <:OIl\lnUll,I'!1"' of tho II<lveml COl'!'~' who Rrll ' 1 ~"i';' l to tl' ~lIk tl'~lll fur thei r gall""t. I/I·h:\\"ion, . .. Th:lt. in T<lijucrtini!: tilt' Goyeruor GClIcro.i ur hulia to comn",ni""tc t hel<! H"wl ut iuu. 10 (10" W'ly~",,1 Officor. rrfcl'TCd I~ th~rci". Ihis U(!u"" oI'(!. W RcknU"'I~rlg~ tt,,, .~"l and j,,, I ~ m ,· "t ni"e",1 by Ihr. ri!(h L h"" . l.i~vt ~n.~111 Gt " r l·a l Sll' Ih·,,,·y HRI"~ill~e. I'''ighl "rNll d Oro." lOr th"
\Irol!r uf lh~ lilith , r:'JH'n,,,,· Genf'ra\ 'IF [n,lia : ~u,[ ~I'\l hl" {l~ ,, " ,",,1 f$ir H u;: ~ Gougt" lIarl"" Knight 01"'11111 CI"Q" of Order of the Bat/, " Comml1ndor.ln.Chl~foflh.. I-'i1,""", in ["din " [n s" pplyi,,1!' Mnjor-Gene. a.l Sir ! 1t-,,'1" Smith with . "d, rci"forc.;mc"t. ~ lId mill la..,. ellnhlc,j him, \llld~r Oil"in e I'roYllk nc~_ '" "\"n,,·n'n ~ nlllh.. oh.w.c!e. thro"l"ll in hi. way by " !ora.e IIn~ d ~tumlined enemy.'"
,,,un, ..,
Sm R. PEEL thought that it would be unnecessllry for him to trouble the B owso further ,lUlU merely to proposo the Resolutio ns, embodying n Vola of Thn uka to Sir Hugh Gough Bud Sir H enry Htu'wngc, ond the officen Rnu soldien ~crving lLD.dor these dllltinguishcd genornl!. The gallant Officer (Sir
De Lnoy Evans) misunderstood him it ho !uppo!cd thnt be (Sir R. P eel) intended to hnvc mnde the ,lightest rcfieetioil on Sir lllUTY Smith, with re5pcct. 10 nny 105~ in the onggogc of his Ilrmy : on tho contrary. in will" he had ~lIid be hlld been most du iroull of paying nil nd.wtioolll compliment to tho gallant Ge neral for hi! most ab\o n,lId judicious comh tct pre"iou!Iy to tho nction of the 28th. I natcad of illlIllying nny Bort of blame, he intended to oxpl'es! his opinion that tho movement of the troops previously to tho bnttlo of Aliwnl hnd been conducted witb tbe greatest skill nnd brnvery. (Rellr, henr.) He wns fully o.ware tbnt it wns II mlltter of delicacy to allude in thnt ITouso to the probable c.lercisc of tile prorogative of lIer Majesty. no would Dot, howcl'cr, let the opporlunitypnss of oblCmug thnt Her MajeslJ had &igni. 60d , within ODe bour nfter tho receipt of the dcspatchc8. lIer graciolU intentinn of conferring the honour of tile British Pei!r¡ age on Sit H enry HlU'dinge no d on Sir Hugh Gough. (H OAT, holl'.) ITo would tnko tbot opportunity of alluding to e'l'ents which ought not to pnes in sileneo. In a communication from Sir Honry Hardingc. which ho rccci"cd ycstcnlny, that gallant
Officer bore testimony 10 ~h~ valour of tho di &tinguieLotl PrltS-
lIinn tboofficcl'iI who ILceompnnicu him iu tho cnmpnign ill India. That di stingui8hmL pcrsonngo hnd left the army nIt tlr tho battle of FCMl~cl,oro, but 011 hearing t hat tllCTO WD.' I\. probability of another cngngomc.nt. ret.urned to tnkc llD.r~ in it. The Prince is lints alludell to iu tho of Sir n ugh Gough :_" We wore in thi3 bnttlc ngain honoured wi tll the prescllco of Prince Walrlllll1llr of Pru!lsi(\., lind ll10 two nobleUlen in his suit e, Count' Orioln 11)1[1 Grcubcu. ,. Uere, IlS IH MooJkco nml FCl'ozcs.llnh, thc!IC tii!!tinguillhcJ \'i!i lors Ilid not coolcnt lhemscl.. ~ ,..ith II. dil.ltnnt \-i.ew of ~ho actiou, bu ~
throughout il were to b e
$00 11
in front wherever dAngor
mou urgen tly prcs~ed. (Clip-ors. ) He hoped nlao to ho permitto(l 10 supply o.n unw:sion wh ich 110 lltullnRde ill proposing tltc Motion, uruucly, in 1I 0t doing sltfficient honour ll> tlle distinguished ~elTiecs of M'njo r General Gilbert.. The hig hest testimony wns borno to the dist ingnishe,L services nnd meri ts orlh;8 gnllallt officer. (lIenr, hel'lr.) With l'eftpeet to hia eOlultwt during the l"ccen~ opera.tions. he wonW refcr to tll(l wordll Sir Hugh Gough. which ,,"cre [Dueh better thull I'Iny to which he could give utterance : -
" I ..... nt ..ord. tn ~pre~. mr gn.tltude to U.,jur Gcncr~l (;nlJ.ert. Not onl)' have I to recort! that. iu thl. great light all w,n ~chio \-cd b)' him .. hleh, ,1,& Conun:\ndcr·iu·Ohlcf. I ('ouh\ delirt! t.o IL'\'·ol'U<l.ut.W: not ,;",1), on 11Ii_ dIly ""'~ hi. tli~iolon ClL3.hld, br hi. akiIJ :l1I lt l)()ur~8'~\.'ua <ll'llm lll~. t.o triu"'JlI, o"er oll.!itAolc. from ",ll;ch II Icn 1I1~lont ' I';rlt .... ould h"~G roooikod AI inaurmoun bblot: but .;noo the boW' in ",ruoll our IflUling coluttlfl, moved (>u~ of Umballah, I ha'·c fom,,] lit Ih" M..j or C1!u.,ral :1.11 Om~'<lr whQ 112.'1 OM ruCl'ely cal'l'ied OUL :1.11 mI ol'llers to the tatte r. bu~ whol6 %elll :uut taet '~we eMhled bim in :l. hundred intulnee. 10 perlOM" ,·~I,.~ hla ... t~ices in .. ","cL nntici patiOIt or ItIJ' wi~h .." 1 cI]Ilkitl)' to l'e'CoumH:"d hllII " , yuu r EsceUcnc)" . nOli"e ..., '" d\v\!ioMI com mll.Ullcr " r th" ltigben maril ," (Cbee ....
If he bntl innthcrten tly omiued to ne tice wilh till! honour due to it tim IInlUe of Gener:..1 Gilbcrt, hc belia ,'cd t luH h<l had now made am ple corufl~nsntion b," reciting th<l 11ighes~ tel· timuny tIll\! could ue borne to h i~ cond uct. (TIell r . hCllf.) De lIhould e Ollclull u with Jl ropo~iug the following nuoln ti(ln~: .. ThRt th ~ ·r.hnnk~ orthi, nou", be .:i~Qn toth~ Right lion. Lleutonant. Cenci'll! Sir /len.,. Hanlin)!c. Knight 0 ,,,11<1 Cron nr the MOd Uonour"I,Jo Millr..~r)' Order of t ho /.lath. Gover"'" GenerAl nf ImIIA. for
thllj"~8'mcnt. ~no rS')',.n,1 "hilll, with which thP relQ-Ureul ~rlh& Utililh ~:mrfiMl in In~i~ hII,-., be~n npplicd. iII rep~Hins: thu "oj" .~ and
'm~rO'roke\! )OTlUlOI> of dIn Ilrit1~ territory hy the Sikh nation: IIn<] {(II' tho •.~lour Imd imlcfntig<3hl 0 elMloM .hieh be .Li!p]"yM .;10 the 10th Qi Ftbr"~ry. n\ the b.~ttlc of Sobr:lOD, when . by the bJn.sing of "'!might ,. r..,.l, .. hich "'1' .\eairo m(>!<t ImoI L!,. to 3ckuow!edt:e, this ho~til~ RIILI fYc:lc hcruu. fn .:..ioll "'3~ 8uee~ull1 defeatod • .. That thnl'hnn kl ofthiA lIousn lie gi . cn t l) General Sir nugb Gongh, 8311 ., Kld!!h~ C,.,,,,,1 Crog of lhe Mo. t llonOllr:lhl1l Miliary Ord ~r or Ib~ ll'llh, Coml"~h ,J'~T.U1.Chief or tho "Forces in Indi;., for tho .ign:.t atnlil)' and vn lou, ..ith ... bleil , "JIOn tho l Oth of Fcb .lUIry, he directed ,,,,dl.-..J Ih ~ !tttJlck, .. h~1I Ihn tnemy'a en trlln~hm enb W~rO ~nllt,J. th eir Qrtillery ~nl'lu...,d, tllt!ir 3rmy d~fn~u..·d 110'\ scattered. ami tl,,! Punj.,u b
jRi ,1 OJll'Tl I~ th" ndT:lDCO or ou •• ict(lri!l\l~ trOOP! '
.• Th..1 t be Thn nb nf Ihl. n Oll8O lie. gh'~n t o ~b.jQr·Gener3l SIl" Ilenry rrt.-ilr;,'lJ ~mnll. Knif.'ht (Jonunlllldor of tho Most IIQntll1mbl0 MlHt/"·,. Qr.ler of t l' e Uo.rh : ;\(;\jor·G~ncral Wlllier n ... loiglt Gilbert, ~nd IIhjor r;"ner:.! Sir In''''l'h Th~ck ...~I!, K.Ilight Conunnndcr or Ille lHo.t 1!',nr,,,,,,bh· MI\lt~ry Ord~ r or Ill" ·R~I II .. ~nd 1.0 tile olh~r o mc~,.~. E"T01 ~'nl ' It",l :-;ath"', for 110,· ,\.. tingl1j!hcd 8CT"\"ioos rendered by them ill toOl ,'minonlly .",,~co, li!l oJ>!'r"li on~ nt tim b.u t.\" of Sobnon. "J' hn l tl"l lI n,l$!" <I"th highl y n Pl,ro~" ot'nod commctul Iho ionnciLlc ou ll"t'p"luY,I",rSC" ernn ce. aod i lend, discipline di .pIB~ by the Nun · ~o mmiO!i"n~~1 u mc~1"\I and l'ri..ato S..,hlion, EIIl"Oprnm iUld N~tivc.olI 11m l \ltb of F~br,~~ry. by..-!i lch the glory of the lklH.h Ilnnl lun bee" ""ccebfWly ,tt:t.intai nc ,l n.c",;n "t n determined and g rcIIU,. Wp<"lrio r furce .. au ,j 1.10 • , n", » me Ix! ~itnifi l"l \0 Tb~m 1)r the cOIll Ul~ndcrt ofi.ha "",·..,,.1 eo rpo , wh" uro d,,~iro:J to t1~~nk them rQr their l:~lIalit behavio\lr." (C !i~ ... )