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Identifying regional phenomena Introduction of the area................................................

Growth triangle: Helsinki, Tampere, Turku Growth corridor thematic map
Climate change affecting the whole world, including Finland and Kanta-Häme, is part of the current vision as the climate crisis deepens. With current actions, the climate could warm by up to 2.5 degrees, with global catastrophic effects on, among other things, the ecosystem and weather conditions. For example, rain and floods, as well as heat waves, will hit northern Europe. Thus, the cities of the future cannot be planned without taking into account climate factors, and climate action also requires the involvement of municipalities and decision-makers. (European Commision, 2021) this region. Hämeenlinna and Riihimäki, the largest cities in the region, are also located in this corridor. More than 50 % of Finland’s GDP is produced in this area. As Helsinki and Tampere contribute the most to GDP, they have the potential to create a tunnel effect in the area between them. However, Kanta-Häme has a potential to be greener while contributing to the GDP with existing infrastructure they have and prevent a possible tunnel effect.
Analyzing the geographical location of Kanta-Häme region, it is clear that the region is located in the middle of three growing cities in Southern Finland. According to forecasts, these three cities; Helsinki, Tampere and Turku will be Finland's only groth centers in the future. Kanta-Häme is therefore located in the middle of these three cities, but according to forecasts, it will not grow in itself.
Growth Corridor Finland extends in the direction of Tampere and Helsinki. Most of the Kanta-Hame region is located within