Furnace Manufacturer and Supplier Italy,India,Indonesia,Turkey,USA,koria Turkey,Germoney,Uganda
SI LCARB RECRYSTALLI ZED Pvt LTD No -38 , 17 th Cro s s , Malles wa ra m,
Bangalore-560 0 55 , I ndia. Furnace Manufacturer and Supplier in I Fa x : +9 1-80-23 34 15 6 3 / 2 331 2 458 . Muffle Furnace
Tel : +91-80 -23 34 70 04 / 2 346 2 904 .
Muffle Furnace Manufacturer
Furnace Manufacturer and Supplier in It
Dosing Furnaces
“Silcarb has introduced a highly energy efficient dosing furnaces manufacturer which is made in Bangalore, India. The dosing accuracy is +-1%. All spares such as riser tube,silicon carbide heaters,pumps etc are avalibale ex stock Bangalore.�
Dosing Furnace
Furnace Manufacturer and Supplier in It
Aluminium Melting Furnace
Aluminium Furnace
Furnace Manufacturer and Supplier in It
Copper Melting Furnaces
Copper Melting Furnace
Our state-of-the-art Copper Melting Furnace is used for various applications. It is designed using quality grade materials and advanced technology to reduce cost of service operation. Available in different capacities and different budget, these are best in the industry. Today we share wider market place as manufacturer of Copper Melting Furnace in India. The product we are offering is widely known for its energy efficiency and enhanced serviceability.
Furnace Manufacturer and Supplier in Ital
Silcarb Reverbratory Furnace
Silcarb Recrystallized Pvt Ltd is one of the top global award winning manufacturer and supplier company of reverberatory furnaces since 1985.Silcarb manufactures Reverberatory Furnaces as per customers requirements and up to capacities of 10000 kgs.
Reverberatory Furnace
Furnace Manufacturer and Supplier in It
Aluminium Holding Furnaces
Silcarb manufactures Aluminum holding Furnaces using high-density calcium silicate boards as the metal contact material. These Furnaces use Silicon Carbide heating elements as their main heat source. These are highly energy efficient Furnaces and are the preferred choice for Aluminum filtration and holding application.
Aluminium Holding Furnace
Furnace Manufacturer and Supplier in It
Silcarb Electric Forging Furnace
Silcarb manufactures Electric Forging Furnaces for Ferrous castings and Aluminium castings. Silcarb manufactures three type of Forging Furnaces (for both Ferrous and Non-ferrous)
• Continuous Pusher Type Furnaces • Batch Type (Chamber Furnaces) • Rotary Hearth Furnaces
Electric Forging Furnace
Furnace Manufacturer and Supplier in It
Tower Melting Furnace
Furnaces for die casting machines are manufactured by Silcarb. These Furnaces can be used for both melting and holding Aluminum. Various combinations of heat sources are used, the preferred heat source combination for melting is fuel fired and holding being electric. This combination gives the best results in terms of burning losses, fuel efficiency and temperature accuracy. Output ranging from 150kgs per hour up to 1500 kgs per hour are manufactured by Silcarb.
Silcarb Tower Melting Furnace