Travis Magazine Vol.5 Issue 2

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volume five – issue two – November (A) 2010


EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief

Sheridan Student Union Inc.

Michael Burton

PRINTER Chris Beetham

Editor at Large Bryan Myers myersbr @

Unique Media Solutions


Writers Jaclyn Arduini Risall Bakshi Ryan Bolton Michael Burton Chris D’Alessandero Tyler Doupe Drew Graham Ben Holbrook Jenn McBride Bryan Myers Curtis Sindrey Riley Wignall Brooke Wedlock Creative Little Minds

Jayme Bennett Chuck Erman Josiah Gordon


SPECIAL THANKS Jess Baumung Michael Burton David Burton Chuck Erman Kathy Muldoon Bryan Myers Kathy Roussel Stephen Sills

Travis Online Ryan Bolton Kris Chaput Chris D’Alessandro Bryan Myers

DESIGN Creative Director Josiah Gordon

Designers Philina Chan Tyler Doupe Josiah Gordon Mike Luciani Jenn McBride Satesh Mistry Hermione Osmers Meng Tian Zhang

Photographers Jess Baumung Kevin Bryan Vanessa Heins Luis Mora Kathy Roussel Brooke Wedlock

Illustrators Taryn Gee Satesh Mistry Gabe Sapienza Hermione Osmers Meng Tian Zhang


Brooke Wedlock

Jenn McBride

Mike Luciani

Brooke has really stepped up her game for this issue. I mean really stepped up. She got her hands dirty with our Peter Larson story – and we’re now hoping that she never leaves us. The sad thing is that she did such a good job - some random employer is sure to steal her away from us now. Shucks, that’s just the way it is.

Jenn has been very busy here in the Travis Magazine world. She’s been contributing both written work, and even some design work. Not to mention she is a damn good source of comic relief here in the office. She won’t be leaving any time soon, she’s done for. But that’s a good thing, because we need all the help we can get.

Looch has helped us through good times, and bad times. He’s been here for us when we needed constructive criticism, design advice, or just a pat on the back. He’s a big fan of cracking inappropriate jokes, but that’s why we love him. Looch has been supportive of Travis for a very long time, and for that sir – we salute you. Don’t stop, believing.

To contribute to travis please e-mail /travismag 1


Skate 4 Cancer is an organization that believes the best tool against cancer is knowledge and prevention. Rob Dyer, the face of Skate4Cancer will be hanging out at Sheridan College on November 2nd at Connexion. Come hang out with Rob, you may be suprised at what he has to say. You might even be inspired.

issue TWO

This is an issue of change, an issue of new creative minds, and new ways of thinking. We’re going to march forward - stronger than ever. We’re going to hold our heads up high, and keep on enjoying that double-brewed coffee we really shouldn’t be drinking. We love what we do, and we do this for you. This one is for you Sheridan, this is TRAVIS - Now and Then.




Who the hell is: PETER LARSON

by Drew Graham & Curtis Sindrey

PHOTOGRAPHY BY: Kathy Roussel DESIGN BY: Philina Chan


COVER STORY: Skating 4 a Cure


Words on culture

by Bryan Myers

by Curtis Sindrey & Brooke Wedlock


Health & Nutrition


by Jaclyn Arduini

by Riley Wignall


ONGOING STORY by Jenn McBride & Two Creative Little Minds!

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EDITOR’S RANT I yell and throw things

Follow along on twitter at

Just In Case You Didn’t Know 1. skinny [skin-ni] adjective Burton loves skinny jeans, like really loves them. He likes the snug feel they provide.

What’s going on Sheridan? Let me introduce myself, I’m sort of new around here, but not really. I graduated from Sheridan’s journalism program last year, and I guess the nice folks at the Student Union liked me so much that they just couldn’t get rid of me. How cute is that? If you’re wondering, I enjoy things like skinny jeans, vintage video games, rainy days, loud music, and writing. I write all sorts of stuff– magazine stuff, news stuff, blog stuff. I’ve worked hard on Travis for the last couple of years, and I believe that I am the man for this editor business. I’ve got a hard act to follow since Bolton has been such a fearless, hunky leader for the last little while. Props to Bolton, and props to Bryan Myers for helping us along the way. I hope I can provide some good chuckles, and supply the Sheridan community with written work that you actually want to read. But with my hands on the steering wheel, it isn’t just fun and games. I expect to hear from you Sheridan – loud and clear. I need you to get involved. Writers, photographers, designers, all of you. I need your help. This big ol’ magazine can’t be filled up with cool stuff all by my lonesome. Being a part of this magazine will set you apart from the masses. When the time comes, when you need to face the real world, this is what will help define the rest of your career. I need a whole bunch of people to help lead the charge with me. I might yell, and I might throw things across the room – but I swear it’s all in good fun. So lets do something incredible. Lets interview all the cool bands, lets take pictures of our two beautiful campuses, and lets continue producing one of the best college magazines in this country. Here is the open call, to all students, I want you in this magazine. Sheridan College, it is time. Get off your asses.

2. years [yeers] noun This is more about the long political ladder Burton had to climb to get where he is now. It took some time, but he did it. 3. masses [mass-iz] noun Everyone. The world is a scary, competitive place. But this magazine is your creative outlet, use it. 4. campus [cam-pus] noun Hey Davis, I’m looking at you. We are going to be getting to know each other. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself. 5. vintage [vin-tage] adjective Burton prefers Super Nintendo, Sega Genises, and just about every Mario game ever. He also owns the original Duck Hunt. How nifty is that? /travismag 5


Say Goodbye Bolton

I’m leaving. Not to be alarmist, I’m just moving on from my post with TRAVIS. And I’m looking down the barrel of endless emotions. Sad, excited, wistful, separation anxiety. But I just received an e-mail that puts it all back into perspective. A kid named Derek e-mailed me. It was a short and simple e-mail. He’s new to Sheridan and he read TRAVIS cover-to-cover on his first day of school. Apparently, he liked it. And now he wants to get involved with the publication. Over my three years of being editor of TRAVIS, this was my favourite part. The part where students are moved by TRAVIS to a point that they want to join. Like our editorial goal states: “Why write a piece if a reader won’t brag about it to their friends? Make sure they give a shit about every article.” And sure enough, some kids give a shit about TRAVIS. I’m unfathomably proud of the magazine. I gloat about it shamelessly. Just ask my lady friend; she will gladly go on about my magazine obsessive


tendencies. (Note to guys: You may only call your partner “lady friend” after five years. Write that down.) TRAVIS is a student-run magazine that doesn’t look or read like a studentrun magazine. It’s an industry-approved publication that brings together wickedtalented writers, photogs, illustrators, designers and general creative types. And at Sheridan, there’s a larger-thanusual pool of said types. And for that, we’re blessed. As I step down from the editor’s pedestal, I know that cats like Derek will keep TRAVIS a well-oiled soapbox for Sheridan students. Keep pushing the envelope, team. Continue to make TRAVIS a magazine that our mom’s brag about. I’m leaving, but I’m far from gone. Now put your hands together for my protégé, Michael Burton. (A terse note for Burton: Don’t screw this up. You got this.) t Later days, Ryan Bolton Editor-in-Chief October 2010


travis by Ben Holbrook


hat good is a “Then and Now” issue without a little selfreflection on our part? Yes, we here at Travis have a history and we’re proud to say we’ve accomplished quite a lot in our brief existence. It’s safe to say we’ve come a long way from that first issue just over five years ago. Travis magazine was originally formed back in March 2005 by five first-year journalism students. At the time, there weren’t many outlets for students to promote themselves. So they made an opportunity for themselves by creating this magazine. Back then it was spelt pretty hilariously - TRA:VIS. It sure has been a while since the 500 copies of the first issue. Within that next school year a relationship with the SU was established, helping solidify Travis as a staple around Sheridan. Campus life was given a breath of fresh air once Travis hit the shelves. The magazine began connecting with students in a whole new way. In that time we’ve stepped up a little bit. Believe it or not the first issue was a 12-page debacle on single sided plain paper - stapled together. We’ve moved to glossy, then to

environmentally friendly, and finally bulked up our content. Sex, art, fashion, music, film, and technology has all been fair game for us. We’ve kept it fresh culturally, and have been able to sit down with some pretty big names. The beauty about looking back is the insight it gives us to the future. Five years ago a handful of students made something out of nothing. From 12 pieces of paper stapled together we now have a Behemoth of a magazine. From a feeling of hopelessness, an idea was formed. From that idea this magazine came into being. It’s been an outlet for writers and designers, and a career booster for all those have been a part. Really, it’s just been an opportunity for all. We’re students looking to find our way in this world. Times might be tough, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do incredible things. We don’t need to sit and wait until we graduate - hoping something will fall into our laps. As students we can make something for ourselves now. All it takes is an idea, paired with a little motivation. Suddenly we have an opportunity for the taking. t /travismag 7

sound check


Jamie Lidell Compass

Circa Survive Blue Sky Noise

Comeback Kid Symptoms + Cures




Lidell is using his fourth album to expand the breadth of his musical experimentations without really changing his core sound. Elements of folk, R&B and hard rock weave their way into Lidell’s mix to create a Beckmeets-Waits experimental extravaganza. Not surprisingly - Beck was one of his collaborators, along with Chilly Gonzales and Feist. All of this experimentation provides a chaotic backdrop for his soulful vocals which provide the only shared element between songs. Although the quality of the individual tracks vary, when everything falls together, it more than makes up for that. Call it artsy if you will. T.D.

This is Comeback Kid’s fourth studio album and it is a monster. Heavy, hard, and just plain awesome. Vocalist Andrew Neufeld has gotten considerably better at his duties. His vocals are a throaty, high pitched shout that really resembles harmonies you would hear in traditional singing. As for the rest of the album, catchy, fast and the same old Comeback Kid fun that we’ve all grown to love. If you haven’t seen this band live you need to go check them out when they roll through town. Stage dives and group vocals, makes you feel like your 16 again. M.B.

Quadron Quadron

The Chariot Long Live

The School Loveless Unbeliever



Indie Pop

This is classic soul, but not classic soul. That doesn’t make sense, does it? Check out the opening track “Buster Keaton” to hear what I mean. Synthetic drums, finger snaps, keys and spoken verses all cut through with the breathy backing vocals. While not quite in the same league as Beth Gibbons, she comes in as a close second. The whole album is soul with a twist, and still remains engaging with classic influences from Motown. Give it a try. T.D.


If you can begin to like the vocals of Anthony Green – you will like this album. This album is incredible from start to finish – and is one of the best sounding records of the year. Serious, this band might be a little bizarre, but that is why they are so amazing. They’ve created something different. A sound that is memorable, ambient, big and vibrant. Check it out – if this is your cup of tea then you will be hooked. I’ve found myself throwing this album on repeat, and is still incredibly entertaining. Have you gone out and picked it up yet? M.B.

Talk about dirty, dirty music. Believe it or not, this band is a Christian band. This album of theirs is really a step towards a more acquired taste of heavy music. It’s an even more noisy approach to their last effort that was called Wars and Rumors of Wars. For people unfamiliar with this band, they might just chuck this one in the garbage after the first song. For those who know what they are getting into, well lets just say they are getting their money’s worth. Check it out if you like music that makes you want to break stuff. M.B.

Apparently Cardiff, Wales is the place for good-time pop music, because one band from there, The School - really kicks ass at it. Loveless Unbeliever is a skillful blend of bouncy melodies, Belle & Sebastian chamber pop, trumpet stabs, and ‘60’s girl group everything. It’s the kind of pop that is so sweet, just looking at the bubblegum pink cover rots your teeth. The lyrics are exactly what you’d expect, well written too, but something you’ll never consciously listen for. Just crank this album and find someone to make out with. T.D.

myspace it

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James Frey Bright Shiny Morning

Remember when Oprah busted James Frey for his first book, A Million Little Pieces? Well, third time’s the charm for Frey, as his third book happens to also be his first work of admitted fiction. Regardless, all three have been on the bestseller list. This book is a collection of short stories involving people from various walks of life, such as a homeless man, a runaway, a maid, and a television host. Bright Shiny Morning is a not so shiny perspective of the life and times of LA’s lost souls. B.m.

Stephen King Under the Dome - A Novel

In the late ‘70s Stephen King began writing this book. Two weeks later he scrapped it and didn’t get back to it for almost thirty years. Now, he’s finally finished it. It’s a hulk of a book, but as with all of King’s novels it’s a bit of a quick read. The book’s character development is intricate and beautifully realistic. In the novel, the small town of Chester’s Mill is sealed off by an invisible dome. While trapped the town’s political figures vie for power over the town. King admits the book deals with a lot of similar themes from an earlier masterpiece of his, The Stand. Definitely a solid page-turner worthy of the King. B.m.

Tucker Max Assholes Finish First

Tucker Max has existed under the radar for so long. His writing is simply too raunchy and explicit to ever make it into the mainstream. His tales of drunken debauchery are what drive his books. When I first stumbled upon his website, I read each article, laughing out loud at how crude he acts. The weirdest part, he’s not just some star in training, he’s actually a law student. He’s the poster child for the depravity of the North American male. He’s unrelenting, he’s disgusting, he’s appalling, but mostly he’s the charming, witty, and shameless. Who knew that living a life of sexual promiscuity could lead to a book deal, a movie deal, and yet another book deal? B.m.

Scott Stratten UN-Marketing

For all the books on social media and trends and Blackberries and iPads, Stratten’s was a bestseller before it was released. Now he’s on a 26-stop tour that he organized through Twitter. Stratten, who lives in Oakville, and taught at Sheridan, has proven that using social media can launch businesses to new heights. Customer service may never be the same after Stratten’s book redefines what it means to interact with clients. People want advice from people they trust, is Stratten’s main message, not from pop-up ads and spam. Anyone interested in working with social media should have this book. B.m.

Interested in anything you see here? Be the first to ask for any CD or book at the Fuse and it’s yours for FREE! /travismag 9



The Social Network

Paranormal Activity 2

In Theatres NOW

In Theatres NOW

Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Justin Timberlake

Starring: Katie Featherston

Oh come on, you’re going to see this movie. Let’s be serious, we’re all hooked on Facebook. Your teachers, your family, even that awkward kid at the front of the class, everybody loves Facebook. It was just a matter of time before a movie told the story of the creation of Facebook. You know, the story of founder Mark Zuckerberg, the youngest billionaire ever? Played by the awkward kid from Zombieland, Jesse Eisenberg, what’s not to like? It’s sure to be a good time, and once the movie is over we can all hop on Facebook to tell everyone what we thought of it. Did I mention Justin Timberlake is in it too? The next step, a Twitter movie in a 140 characters or less. M.B.

Jackass 3D

Due Date

In Theatres NOW

Release Date: November 5

Starring: Johnny Knoxville & the Jackass crew

Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Zach Galifianakis

I’m going to be honest with you, I enjoy the Jackass series. Over the years it has made me jerk my neck back in disgust, cover my eyes more than once, and even made my tummy feel a little upset. But yet I keep coming back for more. The boys are back, Johnny Knoxville and all, and this time in glorious 3D. So when assorted bodily fluids go flying, or even when manure gets splattered, it will be up-close and personal. As for all the disclaimers, they just make me want to re-enact these stunts even more. Sounds delightful, doesn’t it? M.B.


This film has a hard act to follow. The first Paranormal Activity was a low-budget thrill ride that had audiences going home and ghostproofing their bedrooms. Maybe that was just me. The only lesson I learnt from the first film was that if you have a ghost chilling out somewhere in your home – don’t piss it off. This sequel is sure to provide some good jolts, and some of the same documentary style horror seen in the original. But I’m thinking this movie is more about box office sales than creating something as spectacular as the first. Regardless, I will still go see it. Then sleep under the covers. M.B.

Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis team up for this kneeslapper set for release in early November. The two hit the road so that Downey’s character can make it home in time to see the birth of his child. Just the combination of these two actors promises some laughs – and Galifianakis has been on a hot streak as of late, coming off the success of The Hangover. Expect plenty of quotable one-line jokes, and a whole bunch of beard. Galifianakis hasn’t shaved since he made his film debut, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. M.B.

waste time


Do you like Call of Duty? Do you enjoy multi-kills and chopper gunners? You and all your friends need to come out to Connexion on November 10th to play Call of Duty Black Ops. Yes you read that right – your own Sheridan pub is being taken over by this monster of a video game. You don’t need to line up all night, you don’t even need to pre-order the game. It’s all right here at Sheridan. The next installment of the Call of Duty franchise is produced by Treyarch, the nice fellows who brought you the game World At War. This game is expected to have more weapons, more customization, and an even darker and grittier take on the franchise. Expect the online multiplayer to be an even bigger step up from Modern Warfare 2 – which will include a remote controlled car that explodes on impact. Sounds like fun? I think so. Also you didn’t hear this from me, but I hear there are a couple prizes to be won, Call of Duty related prizes. Know what I mean? Hope to see all my fellow nerd friends there, and I hope you don’t get too upset when I lay you out with a headshot from my Intervention.

GET YOUR GAME ON FOR A CHANCE AT SWEET COD PRIZES November 10, 2010 Connexion Be There!

Mortal Kombat

Mafia II

Release: Sometime in 2011

In Stores NOW

It’s official, one of the best fighting simulators has a new installment due for release in 2011. Even though no release date has been set creative director Ed Boon said the game will focus on the characters from the original trilogy. Remember those guys? Sonya Blade is back, my secret crush. The original trilogy started out on Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis, and this game will focus on those origins. This instalment will include new features such as tag-team modes, while still retaining its older features like the challenge tower. It will even feature 2D graphics and maintain its mature rating that it has been known for. I’m a big fan of Johnny Cage, but I think I’ll be sticking to Scorpion. Get over here! R.K.B.

The sequel to “Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven” takes place in the fictional city of Empire Bay based off of New York. Mafia II totally revamps the third-person sandbox shooter genre with more guns, better game play, and an all new story. Try exploring the realistic 1940’s and 50’s environments, or shooting gang members to the tunes of Dean Martin and Chuck Berry. Sounds fun doesn’t it? Mafia 2 delivers exactly what it promises, so check this one out. R.K.B. /travismag 11

tech’d out


the new APPLE iPod touch & ipod nano iPod Nano starting at $149 iPod Touch starting at $229 Well folks, I’m sad to say this but that magical wheel is almost extinct. I’m talking about the iPod click-wheel. Have you been living under a rock? With the exception of the iPod classic, all new iPods are free of those funny all-in-one-buttons. The Nano, which now comes in 8 and 16 gig models, is now half it’s original size. It’s basically a shuffle with a touch screen similar to the iPod Touch, and it comes with a handy clip. The new iPod Touch got smaller and lighter too, but doesn’t include that nifty clip seen on the Nano. However it does feature two HD cameras, one devoted to Apple’s latest app, Face Time. You’ll be able chat with other iPod users just like Skype. Pretty cool eh? D.G.


illustrations ( seriously ) by satesh mistry

Samsung Galaxy S $499 / No Contract I’ve done it – I’ve found a phone that’s better than the iPhone. Okay, I lied, but it’s got a bigger screen and is way cheaper. The Samsung Galaxy uses a Super AMOLED touch screen, and is designed to watch and record HD video. It has a 1GHz processor for all those wicked games and apps. Although it might not have access to Apple’s 250,000 apps, the ones it does have ensures you’ll still find everything you need and more. With 32 gigs of memory for music and video storage - and at $200 less then the iPhone, you will be twice as popular for saving all that extra cash. Check it out – now. D.G.

The Verbatim tough n’ tiny $15 – $40 ( 2gb – 8gb ) This little USB stick is really, really small. So small that you can hook it onto your keychain and you will never leave home without it. It will just be there – hanging out, becoming a part of your life. Let me put this in perspective for you. It’s so small that if for some reason it fell onto your hamburger – you could eat it without even knowing. It could fall into your stir-fry, and suddenly it’s gone. I don’t recommend eating it though, I recommend getting your hands on it as soon as possible. Portable USB storage at any moment of your life – brilliant. Comes in 2GB, 4GB, 8GB and 16GB models, with a variety of funky colours to choose from. Hold the mayo. M.B.

iphone apps of the month $0.99 – $2.99 You’ve purchased an iPhone and now you want it to sing, dance and entertain you, just not while driving. The “Can I Drive Yet” application determines whether or not you are sober enough to drive. It uses blood alcohol standards that can’t be easily fooled, and is a fun tool when your out at your buddies box social. Try it out, seriously. Then there is the Ego application, which allows users to check Twitter and Facebook statistics that really matter to them. Put all that fun stuff in one place, and you are set. We say, why not embrace your inner narcissist? Or, have you ever wanted to take revenge on a boss or friend? With the iVoodoo application you can do just that at with the swipe of a finger. Users can stick pins into a less-than-appreciated person, letting out all that rage and resentment. The app even allows users to take a photo and paste it on the doll’s face. Just make sure your boss doesn’t catch you fiddling with this one. C.S. /travismag 13

Sheridan Student union

legal services S

o maybe you got into a bit of an argument with your landlord, or maybe you were driving just a little too fast down Trafalgar. That’s ok, these things happen. I’ve been there, it sucks. But what do you do? Where do you go? Who do you turn to? I’m glad you asked. The Student Union is offering free legal advice to all students on campus. There comes a time in a student’s life when you might have some questions that are better answered by paralegal student or a professional lawyer. “The paralegal service offered through the Student Union is designed to give Sheridan students legal advice,” said Nick Beaupre Vice-President of Services at the Student Union. “It will help them answer questions on anything from lease disputes, conflicts involving landlords, traffic tickets, and fines.” “Everything discussed between you and your legal advisor confidential.” A practicing paralegal student is available on Mondays ( Trafalgar ) and Thursday ( Davis ) to chat, while on Thursdays Bill Reid, a professional lawyer is available to all students. If you’re thinking about picking up some free legal advice, it’s best to get in touch with Gail Knowles ( Trafalgar Campus ) gail. or Maria Arias ( Davis Campus ) as they can help you schedule an appointment. Student life can be tough, but that doesn’t mean you have don’t have anyone on your side. The Student Union can help you – especially if you aren’t exactly an expert in law. So the next time you get pulled over going 30 over, or your landlord decides not to fix the leaky toilet, talk to us first before getting in a shouting match. Schedule an appointment, come in and chat, and we can find the best course of action for you. t



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Who The Hell is When things go wrong, the one person you want to see is this man. Peter Larsen, the director of Sheridan’s own Emergency Management program. by Curtis Sindrey & Brooke Wedlock, photography by Brooke Wedlock


am sitting in the Davis Campus, in the Centre for Healthy Communities surrounded by glass walls and plaques of achievement. I’m waiting for Peter Larsen to arrive. Larsen is the co-ordinator for the Emergency Management post-graduate program. I wondered what he would be like. I see an elderly gentleman with a nononsense demeanor walking down the hall in my direction. That’s not Peter Larsen. The Emergency Management program teaches unique skills that are required for unique emergencies - such as terrorist attacks and natural disasters. This certificate prepares you for becoming the decision maker when trouble strikes. Larsen leads this group and prepares them for anything. The marching of shiny shoes catches my attention and I look up to see a sharp dressed man in a suit with slick hair. But somehow I know, that’s not Peter Larsen. Before I know it a smiling man with long hair, a comfy wool sweater, drinking a fountain pop approaches me. That’s Peter Larsen. He offers to help me with my bags and invites me into his office. It is here that I start getting to know this laid back individual, who has dealt with some pretty intense and uncomfortable situations. Situations most of us flee from, while he runs towards them. This is a man that has focused his life on emergencies. It’s all about staying calm and devoting time to the prevention of future problems. “If you’ve seen one emergency, you’ve seen them all,” Larsen said.

From terrorist attacks, to fires in your home, Larsen believes all emergencies need to be handled calmly. The key to managing these problems is having a plan. Disaster relief is not only a skill, but also a position that is in high demand. There are jobs in disaster relief – and communities need to be prepared to handle future emergencies. Davis is a part of a four-year degree in either Political Science or Communications that includes the Emergency Management Certificate. By collaborating with the Political Science and Communications departments at Brock University – Emergency Management offers both theoretical and real-world teachings that students will need for their demanding careers. “The program is intensive, it must be,” stated Larsen. “There is an emphasis on teamwork because you can’t work effectively in isolation.” Larsen even worked for the TTC on the issue of track jumpers. He’d approach the area with a partner and one would deal with crowd control, while the other would attend to the victim. They work as a team, and know exactly what they are going to do before they even arrive. This experience helps the students because it includes case studies and problem based learning. Disaster simulations provide students with experience in various types of emergencies, all within a controlled environment. “We have both teachers and students that are involved in many areas of the rescue process and its aftermath,” Larsen said.

This is why Larsen is such an asset to this program, and a big reason as to why he turned to teaching. He felt he could use these experiences to teach future generations, and they could learn from his work. “The instructors are well versed in dealing with emergencies. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to their students,” he said. Knowledge that will help get the word out about emergency management and

If you’ve seen one emergency, you’ve seen them all. how prevention is key. Students are trained in the five most crucial skills of emergency management-mitigation, preparation, prevention, response, and recovery. Larsen is satisfied with what he has accomplished in this program. He hopes that his students leave Davis with the skills they need. He believes the goal of the program is to teach students the importance of teamwork, and that nobody gets left behind. As I packed up my things his class shuffled in. He waved good bye and told me to take care, an expression I’m sure he passes on to many people. Take care of yourself and those around you. /travismag 17

travis asks a personal question...



So for this edition of the Travis Personal Question we decided

to ask “How have you changed?” Sheridan, we expected awkward responses and sure enough, that’s what we got.

Asking questions comes relatively easy to me, engaging in awkward conversation, even better. I searched for a student that seemed to have taken the longest journey to Sheridan. Someone that takes life for a ride, not the other way around. On one fall afternoon I found exactly who I was looking for. “How have you changed?” I asked. He looks up, perplexed yet intrigued. “Well, it’s a funny story really,” he said with a smile. “Ever since I was born, I’ve been a journeyer. I’m pretty much the Rudy of Sheridan College.” “Well do you play football?” I asked. “No, but I love the movie.” I looked back at him with nothing more to say. Looks like Operation Awkward Encounter is a success. C.S She handed the book filled with unfamiliar signatures to the classmate on my left. “You can write anything you want,” she said. “I won’t read it.” While I waited to autograph this mysterious book, I thought I’d fill the silence with a little food for thought- a guerilla attack from philosophical left field. “How have you changed?” I expected a weird look, or even a counter question. At the very least, an awkward silence – but nothing. This gal didn’t miss a beat. “Well I got drunk and my friend dyed my hair in New York.” I paused awkwardly. Profound, if you ask me. R.W

“Hey, what’s changed?” I asked my friend Andrea as we were standing in line at the bookstore. “Well, for one thing, they don’t have those Arizona Iced Tea things for 99 cents here anymore,” she replied. “And I guess you’ve changed.” “What do you mean?” “You’re not a caffeine addict anymore,” she said.

I’M PRETTY MUCH THE RUDY OF SHERIDAN COLLEGE. “How could you tell?” “For starters, you don’t constantly have a can of Red Bull in your hand, your eye doesn’t do that weird twitch thing.” “I guess I have changed since I switched from Red Bull to Vitamin Water.” “Yea. Chris, you used to be cool.” Wow, cold as ice. C.D

“So, what’s changed?” I asked the guy wearing blue jeans and a white dress shirt – sleeves rolled. I was standing in line to get myself a delicious Double Double and a Vanilla Dip doughnut, those things are delicious you know. He grabs the bagel he just bought, double toasted. Looks back at me with a “why-are-you-talking-to-me” look. Then he speaks. “For the first time ever, I have everything I want in life.” Then he walked away. M.B I feel a little creepy talking to random people at Sheridan. I mean, I’m a graduate now. I’m back like that ketchup stain on your jeans. “Hey, what’s changed?” I ask the guy walking by the Sheridan bookstore. He’s got long dirty blonde hair, a black jacket and seems to be in a hurry. I like him, he’s the type of person you would judge based just off his looks. “What?” These personal question tend to get a lot of “what” responses. I ask again. “You changed man, you changed.” He pokes me with his index finger and continues on walking. Apparently I’ve changed, I see how it is. Welcome back to Sheridan. M.B /travismag 19

NOVEMBER AT SHERIDAN DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE? So You Think You Can Dance is coming to Sheridan! Think you can bring the goods? There is a $1,000 prize for the first place winner of Sheridan’s own SYTYCD. Auditions are held on November 1, 3, and 8 at 7pm to 10pm in both the Rec Room and Connexion. If you’ve got Youtube links, make sure to submit them before November 8th. Come cheer on your friends and watch a special performance by A2D2 CIRQUE COMPANY on November 23, 9pm at Connexion.

Speaker Series: Rob Dyer / S4C November 2nd, 2010 Connexion Retro Jams Pub November 4th, 2010 Connexion Jitz Tourny November 9th, 2010 Davis Rodeo Pub November 11th, 2010 Connexion Retro Bash November 17th, 2010 Davis So You Think You Can Dance November 23rd, 2010 Connexion


Rob Dyer Founder of Skate4Cancer, Get involved at


We’re different at Sheridan. Just like the people of Skate4Cancer, we’ve got different styles, tastes, and beliefs. But today we need some inspiration, right from the source. Rob Dyer, the man behind Skate4Cancer is here to give us some hope for a future, and bring us together as a community. by Bryan Myers, photography by Vanessa Heins /travismag 23

ob Dyer is a special kind of person. For one thing, he isn’t your typical guy, not by a long shot. Just look at him. He’s the creator of Skate4Cancer, a charity focused on bringing people together to fight cancer with skateboarding and music. Dyer’s personality is rare, unique even. It’s difficult to describe him, but he’s genuine. He’s got all the makings of a superhero. He’s charismatic, determined, and he’s even seen his share of tragedy. Like Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne, he probably could’ve done without the tragedy. Despite that, he’s become who he was born to be. My phone rings on a Saturday afternoon. I always get pre-interview jitters and this time they are especially bad. I know what Skate4Cancer is, and I know it’s a great cause. I know that on the other end of the line, is its founder. “Hey Bryan. It’s Rob calling, how are you buddy?” And just like that I feel the jitters disappear. We talk casually for a few minutes about


the weekend, and share a little anecdote about how this all came to be. He spoke honestly and openly. I can tell that his personality is what brought him to where he is today. He’s got such charisma that it would be hard not to like the guy. Today he’s in Kensington Market enjoying the nice weather. In the background I can hear live jazz filling in our conversation. I’ve come to understand Dyer as a bit of an icon. He’s one of the best things to come out of the scene in the last little while. I asked him what it feels like to be the face of Skate4Cancer and he laughed. I can tell that I just made him blush. He doesn’t see himself as anything special. “Ah thanks man,” he said. He went on to express how much he appreciated the compliment. “I don’t feel like an icon. People are able to relate to the Skate4Cancer story. We want people to feel comfortable.” That’s what really makes Skate4Cancer special. It’s not about one person, although Dyer perhaps is the most well known figure,

it’s about community. When Dyer was 15 he lost his mother, his maternal and paternal grandmothers, and a close friend to cancer. He focused his negative energy into something productive. His mom’s struggle convinced him that battling cancer was his journey. So he got started the only way he knew, with a skateboard in hand and a community as his support. A decade later Skate4Cancer travelled across the country twice, and is heading across the world to finish a skate across Australia. Dyer’s first skate took place in 2004 when he skated from L.A. to his home in Newmarket, Ontario. Two years later he did it again. This year Skate4Cancer attempted to cross Australia but was forced to cut the trip short after their van was in an accident. He still plans on returning to finish what he started. “Skate4Cancer is about friends getting together to take part in a cause they believe in, and it’s always been that way.”

photo by Jess Baumung

“Today it’s more of a community,” he explained. But why is Skate4Cancer such a success? Great question.

Like Peter Parker or Bruce Wayne, he probably could’ve done without the tragedy... It engages young people in just the right way. Dyer’s personality combined with his youthful creative team serves act as his driving force. Skate4Cancer’s awareness campaigns approach youth at eye-level, not from an adult perspective. It's all accompanied with the charismatic and dynamic voice of Dyer. “A lot of our audience is girls. It’s hard to get guys involved,” he said. “Any organization that can get men involved in these matters is incredible. We’re trying to bring awareness to something that guys aren’t comfortable with.” It’s easy to engage and captivate an audience of girls when your leader is tattooed and hunky. But engaging guys who are already uncomfortable with this sort of stuff, well it requires something more. On November 2nd Dyer will be talking to Sheridan students at Connexion about the Skate4Cancer mission, raising money for the Dream Love Cure Drop-in Centre. This will be a place that provides information and support for anything to do with cancer. Dyer’s visit kicks off Movember, the month where guys are encouraged to grow moustaches for cancer awareness. “Young people are the cure,” he said. “Living life in a certain way is the cure. They can change the way everything is right now, for a brighter future.” You can hear it in his voice – he’s passionate about this. This is what he was meant to do, inspire. So how can you get involved? “The most important thing is to go to the website, learn about the campaigns, and just show up at an event.” “Just spread the word,” he said. I’m inspired, how about you Sheridan? t /travismag 25



he confident blonde walks into the crowded restaurant searching for a familiar face. Immediately, she doesn’t recognize anyone. Looking at her, you can almost hear her heart beating faster. She is alone in unfamiliar territory. Stranded in the ocean of self-consciousness, she fumbles for her life preserver, her phone. You’ve seen it a million times - in fact, you probably do it yourself. The second you feel exposed, out comes the Blackberry, the iPhone, the digital security blanket. It’ll save you from standing there, helplessly looking like a total zero. Oddly enough, no one is thinking that, it’s just you. It’s all in your head. It’s silly to think you’re the centre of attention every time you enter a room full of strangers. You stood there, phone in hand, texting away to your buddies demanding their exact location. Or perhaps you put your head down and turned up the music. What you probably didn’t do was muster up some courage and make a human connection. You didn’t start a random conversation with a stranger, or take a risk. You stayed in your bubble and you sent out a social S.O.S. How did we as a culture survive riding elevators before the gadget revolution? How did you make it through sitting next to that creepy guy on the bus? How did you cope at that party where you showed up an hour early for? Don’t feel ashamed, we do it too. Everyone does. We’re a society that is becoming more dependent on instant messaging to say what we’re trying to say. The tragedy - we’re all missing out on some of the best moments that life has to offer. We’re missing out on the very things that make life interesting. Moments so perfect they practically have a cherry on top, the dessert of human experience.

These are the bite-sized moments of real life where one can break out and defy the norm. The random conversation with a stranger in the elevator, the silence of the doctor’s office - you’re missing out. Hiding behind your cell is avoiding life itself. These stories are all anecdotes and friendships waiting to happen. We’re shutting them down by flipping open our phones. It’s getting even worse because of the rise of Smartphones. You can get your Facebook on the go, and then proceed to tweet your life away. It’s a side effect of the new wave of gizmos that have become even more ridiculous. We can expect the next iPhone to come equipped with an espresso machine, HDTV, and Shiatsu massage. As for making a phone call - that is quickly becoming obsolete. Technology is pretty awesome. We’ve come a long way and it’s one of the coolest things about growing up in our era. We’re the generation who saw the birth and meteoric rise of Facebook. That’s a pretty big deal. The question is, why can’t we find the perfect balance of real life and technology? Why can’t we bear existence without gadgets and social media to save us from our fading people skills? We need to realize how much we tune out, when we’re plugged in. Did you see the person of your dreams breeze by you in the hall? Or was your face getting a screen tan as you texted your BFF? Yeah, thats what I thought. Here’s the mission, should you choose to accept it. Open your eyes, and check out the world around you. You might be surprised at what you find. And hey, you can totally write a status update about it later. t /travismag 26

written by Jenn McBride & Two Creative Little Minds illustrated by Taryn Gee & Gabe Sapienza

It was late at night- quiet, dark, motionless. There was no one on the street, no voices in the wind. All was calm at the Museum of Weird Things. But wait. Three shadows lurked behind the wings of the museum. They were trying to be sneaky, but the street lamp gave their darkened portraits away. Two men, dressed in prison clothes wearing black tuques crept behind the rose bushes. By using a laser gun, they beamed out a hole just big enough to squeeze through the bricks. These were no amateurs.


There was no mistaking it - this was the work of Jake and Luther, bandits of all things weird and rare. Their dog Bob, a Husky Chihuahua mix – Hiwawa, was a testament to that. These three were the most feared wrongdoers in the district as they were heavily armed, and heavily dangerous. Jake’s weapon of choice was a pistol. He drove a refurbished police car that resembled a Ferrari. The big rocket boosters out the back also contributed to its menacing persona. Luther preferred all things discreet. He carried a flamethrower mixed with a machine gun. It was telescopic, as it could fit in the pocket of his pants as well as hit a target over 300 miles away.

Nobody messed with these two. Nobody except for the Super Bananas! The bananas had been sent to the town from another district armed with heroism and red accessories. Banana Man – the returner of all things strange and rare. He is exactly as his name suggests, a banana. He was the colour of the fruit in its non-ripe stage. His partner Mushy was going soft with age, and his yellow skin was stained with brown and wisdom. He wore a red cape and a brown hat with a flower on top. He was Banana Man’s wingman. By day, Banana Man walked around in a human costume, so people didn’t know his banana alter ego. He saved that for crime

Luther preferred all things discreet. He carried a flamethrower mixed with a machine gun. fighting. As for Mushy, he disguised himself as a 103-year-old man. Their mascot was a rare Hula-Bird that had grown fond of the two fruit heroes on a rescue mission in Africa. Now this bird was unlike its Canary cousin. He had a hula hoop, and whenever he hooped his psychic thoughts would take over and locate street hooligans. So on this quiet evening, while the bananas were at home, the bandits searched for the pink diamond. As there was only ever one diamond of this

magnitude, it couldn’t have gotten any more rare. The robbers couldn’t have gotten anymore greedy. What they didn’t know was that as the bananas rested in their hammocks, Hula was hooping. He saw everything. With a squawk from his beak the Bananas were up and on their way to their Banana Boat Car. It was anything but discreet and gave away their position. But nobody could outrun it. It was green and orange and had three ice cream scoops piled on its roof with a cherry on

top. This garnishment of the roof served no purpose except to identify the car when the bananas needed to split. By now the robbers had the diamond and had already taken off in their police Ferrari. It wasn’t long before the bananas had caught up with them. They shot chocolate covered raisins and used sprinkle cannons to slow them down. It wasn’t enough. Were these bandits too good? t /travismag 29

health & nutrition by Jaclyn Arduini

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Midterms are almost here, are you ready for late nights? How about feeling so tired you have to rely on Red Bull and Bulk Barn to keep your eyes open? Then you can try to hit the sack, but you won’t be able to sleep, because your body is in caffeine and sugar overload. Doesn’t sound fun - does it? There has got to be a better way. The answer is simple - water. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated are the two best ways to fight drowsy eyes. Staying hydrated helps your body to function optimally. It increases the


efficiency of every biological process – from helping you to stay focused, to clearing out those post midterm toxins. Think about it, you wouldn’t go for a run or hit the gym dehydrated from eight cups of coffee, would you? I don’t think so. Being even just a little dehydrated has been proven to decrease both physical and mental performance, something you don’t want come exam time. How do you know if you’re hydrated? The answer is pretty clear, literally. The darker your urine, the less hydrated you are. Drinking between two and five litres of water a day will certainly make you go, but

be sure to check the colour. If you take vitamins or supplements you’ll be aiming for a light yellow. But drinking all the water in the world isn’t going to help if you keep cramming your face with chocolate, chips and Trail Mix. So make sure to make some smart choices. Snacks high in fibre and low in sugar will help you stay full longer, and avoid the crash. Another tip, choose something that takes a while to eat. Baby carrots, Cheerios, popcorn, dried fruit or cut up veggies are foods you can munch on all day long and won’t add to the waistline.


Now that we’ve got you drinking and eating right, we need to talk about the time you actually spend on your butt. Sitting for hours on end is not an efficient way to get the job done. Your brain is not built to focus on one thing effectively for more than 20 to 30 minutes. Take breaks, stretch your legs and relax those shoulders. Five minutes- twice an hour will save you from certain boredom and pay off in the long run. Remember to stay active during exams. Being physically active will help you stay awake during the day and sleep better at night. Just remember, your eyes are always bigger than your stomach and it’s ok to cancel your membership to the Clean Plate Club. t

Then: high school, cramming for exams, eating endless bags of candy from Bulk Barn and drinking pop and Red Bull to keep your energy up.

Now: college, still cramming for exams but with a two litre bottle of water, a bag of baby carrots and some Cheerios.

TIPS AND INFO Water intake: Non-active people need 2-3L / day.

Active people need 3-6L / day.

Even zombies need 1-2L of cranial fluid / day.

One-to-One rule: For every cup of coffee, can of pop or Red Bull, you need to drink the same volume of water. For example...

Drink one pop, drink one glass of water.

Drink 5 Red Bulls, drink 5 glasses of water!

Soon: apocalypse, fighting for the tastiest brains, eating everything and anything you can get your rotten hands on. BRAAAAAIIIIINS!

WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE LEARNED 1) Stay Hydrated. 2) Eat high fibre, low sugar foods. 3) Take breaks! /travismag 31

RANDOM AWESOME A throwback to then and now.


To contact someone in France, mail could take a long-ass time.

You could go barefoot.

Moby Dick.

It takes five seconds to get an eyeful of a Frenchman's downstairs mix-up on Chatroulette.

You can wear Crocs, but we suggest you don’t.


OMGWTFBBQ ROFLCOPTER LOL People wrote in proper English.

We invented pads.


Now, not so much.

Now we’ve invented invent iPads.

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