SilverSpoon Summer Issue

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SILVERSPOON july/august 2010

Make Your


on Fashion: Beautiful

Summer Looks from Little Marc Jacobs

discuss race issues with your toddler First Class Pass

Exotic Family Destinations

High Fashion & Grayce

The Vision of Layla Grayce


















34 Photo by: Justin iFill-Forbes Photography




















Photo by: Angela Calderon Photography







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{Editors Note} ho knew an idea would turn into this wonderful adventure?! I was always told creating magazines were very tedious and can now confirm that statement is more true than false. What I wasn’t told was how fulfilling the process would be…

Little Marc Jacobs Knocking on doors was the scariest part of building the magazine. Surprisingly more doors remained open than closed. It was very exciting when Marc Jacobs agreed to be highlighted in the premiere issue of SilverSpoon. The Little Marc’s spring/summer collection is full of bright colors and floral patterns. Despite the 100 degree weather, the children were overly excited to wear the pieces. Our models ranged in age from seven months to five years old and all possessed their own unique beauty. The millhouse was such a beautiful site for the photo shoot and aided in keeping the children camera ready. Now that I think about it, maybe we should have done a runway photo shoot instead… Hmmm. Content Piecing this magazine together went along very smoothly. I had the opportunity to meet with the co-owner of Layla Grayce, Wendy Rossiter Estes. It was such a pleasure to meet her and discuss with her the vision she and her life-long friend, Tiffany Grayce Harris, had for Layla Grayce a posh children’s line for clothing, furniture, and gear. She also discussed with us the setbacks she encountered and offered great advice to mothers who want to pursue their dream but may be discouraged by all of their other responsibilities. Current affairs point to the need for us as parents to properly educate our children. We’ve chosen to highlight a recent study done by CNN reporting the need to discuss racial issues with our children. Without the loving direction of a parent(s), children tend to make their own assumptions which can be right, but often times wrong. Summer equates to vacation for many and how fitting is it that we highlight two vacation options for families. These exotic destinations offer something for all members of the family except for the family pet. Pack your bags and make sure you grab your first class pass to your next family destination. I look forward to the upcoming issues we will be releasing to you. This is definitely going to be a ride I enjoy, providing you with the newest fashion, tips, and current events. Jump in and take a ride with me… Essence Clark





SILVERSPOON july/august 2010

{ PUBLISHER / EDITOR IN CHIEF / FOUNDER } Essence Clark / / { CO-PUBLISHER / CREATIVE EDITOR } Victor Flavius / / { EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS } Kenderecia Smith // Fashion Editor Laila Tyler Kris Konar Genesis Davies Kip Goldhammer Kurt Adams { PHOTOGRAPHY } Angela Calderon Photography - + Photographer // Angela Calderon - CREATIVE { MARKETING + ADVERTISING } The Brand LLC - + Brand Director // Askia Fountain { PUBLIC RELATIONS } ASA Public Relations - + CEO & President // Andrew Scott For any Editorial Request, Comments or Article Submissions: { EDITORIAL STATEMENT }

The vision for SilverSpoon is to shine a spotlight on high-end children’s fashion, gear and accessories while encouraging and educating parents to develop their children’s social, motor and cognitive skills. SilverSpoon will be a one-stop shop for both moms and dads to stay up-to-date on the latest children’s fashion trends, and offer answers to questions that come with raising children and preparing them for their future. SilverSpoon Media Group strives to deliver fresh and relevant content for parents through digital access and in print. Parents will remain connected with current fashions and current affairs in a new and exciting way. Silverspoon magazine is published bi-monthly and is distributed free online. To contact Silverspoon magazine, e-mail us at We appreciate your feed back. Silverspoon magazine, all rights reserved. reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited.




The trademark pieces are inspired by casual LA style with a Parisian flair, along with handpicked accessories including shoes, hair clips, and hats.



Los Angeles

LUXURY Right Bank Babies Everything they touch turns to


uxury exhumes in everything Right Bank Babies does even in its name which creator and head designer, Ellen Uzarowicz, named after the fashionable Right Bank of the Seine River in Paris. The childrens’ clothing label was named “The Best of LA” in 2009 just weeks before the opening of their beautiful flagship on October 15, 2009, at the Hollywood and Highland complex directly across the street from the Kodak Theatre. The Right Bank Babies Shoppe carries exclusive, one-of-a-kind pieces that are entirely exclusive to the Shoppe—from silk gauchos with hand-embroidered brocade fabric to reversible skirts in unique fabrics. The trademark pieces are inspired by casual LA style with a Parisian flair, along with handpicked accessories including shoes, hair clips, and hats. The owners and operators of Right Bank Babies: Ellen Uzarowicz, Lydia Dorsey, Lisa Evans, Adriana Rosas, Aga Maslowiec-Ostrem, and Nymimi hair accessories designer Ryam Teran are known as The Six Brave Chicks who each work one day at the shoppe, while continuing their full time work at RBB headquarters in downtown LA. It's no surprise some of Hollywood's biggest trendsetters are dressing their children in Right Bank Babies styles, including Heidi Klum's daughter Leni, Gwen Stefani's son Kingston, P. Diddy's twins D'Lila Star and Jessie James, and Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter Apple to name just a few. Right Bank Babies / 500 Molino St. Suite #109 Los Angeles, CA 90013 / (213) 621-1698 For a retailer near you visit




By Essence Clark


Him Decide



Making them feel comfortable with their choices increases their level of confidence and sense of independence.


arents are accustomed to always being the one in control. It is truly the “Do as I say, not as I do!” period. This way of thinking can stunt your child’s development in certain areas. A friend of mine told me in reference to my daughter, “Learn how to pick your own battles.” Still in the “do as I say” mindset, this statement made no sense until one day my three-year old and I was literally having an argument over a pair of flip-flops. (Yeah I know, sounds crazy right?) As our children grow they become more and more independent. Don’t be alarmed parents, this is a good thing. At some point, they want to feed themselves, go potty by themselves, even dress themselves. This is their way of letting you know they are ready. Your probably wondering like me, if I let them dress themselves they will go outside looking crazy! Stopping them from having this experience will stunt their growth of independence and freedom of expression. The day of me and my daughter’s fight, she wanted to wear green flip flops with an all pink outfit. Lime green at that! In my mind, not only did they not match in color but she can’t play with her friends in flip-flops. Then I stepped back and I said to myself,

“Why does it matter the color of her shoes if it makes her happy?” This rule does not only apply with girls, because my son gives me the same grief. He would rather wear his Transformers shoes every day regardless of what he’s wearing. I’ve decided at this point, it is important that I teach them how to dress and style themselves. I started by helping them pick out their clothes ahead of time and offer them suggestions. It is important that they knew how to put their clothing on properly so I gave them hands-on experience on how to dress themselves. When teaching your child how to dress themselves, it is important they know the most important rule: Teach them the importance of changing their underwear, socks, and t-shirts every day. The most important step in this process is for us as parents to be open to their choices. Do not laugh at her when she pairs her favorite hot pink shirt with green and white polka dot pants, or him when he pairs his favorite paisley polo shirt with swimming trunks and cowboy boots. Making them feel comfortable with their choices increases their level of confidence and sense of independence.



Like walking on clouds



mini me baby gear



time for

SHADE By Laila Tyler

It is very important to protect your little one from the very harsh UV rays emitted by the sun. Early childhood sunburns have been suggested to contribute to an increased risk of melanoma in adulthood. Having a “safe sun” protection plan can prevent mole formation and less risk of developing skin cancer. Sun protection alone can cut the rate of skin cancer by 80 percent according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. It is advised to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible; however, in some cases where that is impossible the following is suggested. Try planning your play dates earlier in the day preferably morning. Between the hours of 11 am to 4 pm the sun is generally at its hottest point. When dressing your little one consider grabbing an ensemble that is light in color, cotton fabric, and has a tight weave. These are all items that assist with blocking the sun. An alternative, gear with ultraviolet protection built right into the clothing. Opt for a light-colored hat and cool sunglasses with UVA protection for maximum protection. SUNSCREEN! SUNSCREEN! SUNSCREEN! I cannot emphasize enough. SUNSCREEN! (ok, I had to do it that last time) Apply sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher to every part of your little one’s body that is not covered by clothing. This includes face, neck, hands, and feet. This rule applies for newborns as well. It is recommended when necessary to use small amounts if the sun cannot be avoided. Rule of Thumb: Apply thirty minutes prior to exposure for maximum absorption and every two hours thereafter.



Sun protection alone can cut the rate of skin cancer by 80 percent according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.



“Everything we manufacture is made from the best materials and we have someone at the factory during production.”



Green In the

Corner with

“Going Green” is one of the trendiest movements to date. Everyone is trying to find new ways to be Earth-conscious from recycling, to purchasing “green” cleaning products, to wearing “green” clothing. Allison Tryk’s passion for being eco-friendly is not a product of today’s trend but originated when as a young child her parents encouraged her to use the most effective fuel-efficient vehicle… her bicycle. From that point, Allison became very conscious of every day materials that contained toxic elements which were not Earth-friendly. Her pregnancy with her first child ignited her research on the true safety of using plastic baby bottles. This research gave birth to EarthLust in 2007, a stainless steel bottle company which supplies bottles that are durable, convenient and chic, allowing consumers to permanently change their water drinking habits. Intrigued by her vision, SilverSpoon met with Allison to find out more about her journey to being eco-friendly, her vision of awareness for others, and her family life.

SilverSpoon: First I want to say, you are commended on starting a business that helps support promoting a green environment. What was your inspiration for this concept? Allison : The birth of our first son was the inspiration. At the time I was researching BPA in plastic and what I found was alarming. My husband and I were using very old BPA bottles and I wanted to replace them all with stainless steel but couldn’t find anything I liked… EarthLust was created because I wanted stylish and safe products for our family. The Birds & Bees line started when my second muse was born. We don’t use plastic bottles but glass is not very portable. Since I travel with the baby frequently, having something very durable and insulated was important. The protective cover and leak-proof nipple makes it the only bottle we use now.



SilverSpoon: How much research was involved to make sure you patented a product that was safe to both the children who use them and the environment? Allison : We have our own small research team of product testers… our sons. My mother’s group friends also offered advice and made requests for bottle features. Everything we manufacture is made from the best materials and we have someone at the factory during production. Every part of the product is tested to ensure safety. We use the new CPSIA standards for testing. Our factory and company are Green America Approved, which means that everything is audited for ethical standards and environmental practices. SilverSpoon: We are all usually faced with setbacks at some point when creating a new brand. What were your setbacks, if any? Allison : There were many. It’s been challenging as a small self-funded company to launch a product concept from scratch, but we’ve been fortunate in that people partnering with us to make the product believed in it. We’ve learned a lot along the way as well.



SilverSpoon: So now you have this fabulous business… How does your business fit it in with your family life and raising two young children? Allison : It’s challenging, but my husband has been working with me since our second son was born so that I’m able to work from home and take two days completely off. Our older son is going to preschool soon and I am cherishing this time at home with them. It often means that I work at night after they go to bed, but we feel very lucky. SilverSpoon: Do you have any advice for mothers who may have a fantastic idea such as yours, but could possibly be discouraged from moving forward for countless reasons including family responsibilities? Allison : If you have an idea that you feel passionate about – follow your dream! I started so small but worked hard at it, even when I wanted to give up. Be stubborn, don’t believe people if they tell you it’s impossible. The thing that was hard for me is not taking things personally… if one person says no, someone else will say “yes”!

“Going Green” is one of the trendiest movements to date. Everyone is trying to find new ways to be Earth-conscious from recycling, to purchasing “green” cleaning products, to wearing “green” clothing.”



home schooling disadvantages of


f you are concerned about the education your child is receiving at either a public or private school, you may have considered the option of home schooling. There are many advantages to home schooling that are easy to think of, but in making your decision you must also consider the disadvantages. Yes, despite all the bonuses you can think of in home schooling your child, there are many disadvantages to the process. Home schooling is a process that requires a massive amount of time and dedication. If you want to home school your child you must be present for a large part of the day. Kids are kids. Depending on how motivated by academic success your child is, he or she may not require constant supervision. However, in many studies, parental supervision is the key behind the success of home schooling programs. Parents must also possess instructional skills or access to someone who can teach effectively. Simply putting your child in a room with textbooks will most likely result in home schooling failure. In addition, you will have to purchase materials that public and private schools provide for students. There is also the need to be able to serve as guidance counselor as your child may require specialized instruction due to a learning



By Kris Konar

disability. Public and private schools usually provide these services with qualified individuals. One important benefit of an academic institution is the opportunity for children to become properly socialized. Attending school with other children from all walks of life leads to the development of social skills. One of the disadvantages of home schooling is the relative isolation children have from their peers. Many parents find comfort in blaming the educational system for the shortcomings in their childÕ s academic performance. If you choose to home school you will be accepting full responsibility for the outcome of your childÕ s education. This is more of a burden than it seems. Studies have shown that many home schooling ventures fail due to the fact that the home generally lacks qualified educators. Many parents have gripes about teachers, but the fact is that they generally have to teach large classes filled with children with diverse learning needs. In addition, certified educators have taken teaching classes and have passed state examinations to receive their teaching certificates. When you approach the issue of home schooling you must examine both sides. Sure, there are plenty of advantages, but if you forget to look into the disadvantages, you may be setting yourself up for failure.

“If you choose to

home school you will be accepting full responsibility for the outcome of your child’s education.



Left: Froufrou Bright Ocean Dress Right: Top: Froggy 4 Wicken White Tee-Shirt Bottom: Foley Brown Pants Shoes: Giovanni by See Kai Run

Make Your

Marc on Fashion Photo by: Angela Calderon Photography

Marc Jacobs New York has made its mark in the adult fashion world, being considered an “emblematic designer… in the universe of luxury.” Marc Jacobs, a household name, has been associated with luxury and lifestyle since existence and now parents can pass on their sense of fashion to their Little Marc children. Since Summer 2007, Little Marc Jacobs collections aimed at kids from newborn to 14 years has offered great personality. Viewing these pieces you can immediately see the classic inspiration received from the adult lines Miss Marc Jacobs and Mister Marc Jacobs. The beautiful hues make us dream of a Summer 2010 bathed in seaside and vanilla-ice cream colors. The brand has added its “Mini Me line” with garments selected from this designer’s best creations aiming “at true fashion connoisseurs fussier and those who don’t need to buy an attitude by buying a logo.” Dresses, t-shirts, all-in-ones for baby with palm tree prints, surfing mice and hot pink logos reminiscent of Southern Florida and New York in the 80’s with oversized flowers and sunny dots comes in light cotton, silk or taffeta. Dressing your child in this luxury brand, guarantees them making their unique mark in fashion...

Top: Foulque Astor Blue Shirt Froggy 4 Wicken White Tee-Shirt Bottom: Foley Brown Pants Shoes: Giovanni by See Kai Run Speedster Race Car B Braithwaite

Left: Fatima Cape Blue Dress Middle: Fabiola Indigo Dress Right: Top: Five 2 White Tee-Shirt Bottom: Feisty 2 Indigo Short

Fatima Cape Blue Dress

Accessories: Headband by Pixie Bows Top: Flint Rosa Mexicana Shirt Bottom: Fiesty 2 Indigo Shirt

Froufrou Bright Ocean Dress

mini me baby gear

Saddle Up It’s that time of year, again!

Meow...Curious kitty is ready for the year! Rawr, rawr! Your little lion is on the hunt! Your little monkey will go bananas!

These playful and cute backpacks are on the smaller side for younger ones with a sturdy design featuring a plush velour monkey face and banana, alpha lion, or kitten face on the front flap, which stays closed with touch-close fasteners. $24.75 Matching lunchboxes sold separately.


for a chance to WIN one of these great products.

Apple of My Eye and Slice of Summer lunch totes

This light weight snack tote is ideal for summer camp. It is insulated to keep hot and cold beverages at your desired temperature for hours. It stands upright allowing easy access to the inside. The easy-to-grip handles on the top make it very easy for your little ones to carry. $34 each

The Zoo Pack is the little kid backpack where “fun meets function!” These are a year round favorite and hands down adorable. Whimsical details and durable materials make this the perfect on-the-go pack for kids on-the-go! Skip Hop Zoo Pack Toddler Backpack Bee $20 Owl $20 Penguin $20



The Zoo Pack Penguin $20







Outfit by Bonpoint Photo by: Justin iFill-Forbes Photography



Outfit by Bobo Choses

Top: Apolline Bottom: Vanille Trousers Photo by: Justin iFill-Forbes Photography

Outfit by Bobo Choses Shoes: Alara by See Kai Run

Tutu Cute Ture

Tutu Cute Ture

Top by Bobo Choses

Should You Invest In A




A 529 College Savings Plan is a provision in the United States of America, started in 1996, which allows parents to invest on a monthly basis with the growing popularity of 529 College Savings Plans, also known as Qualified Tuition Programs, many parents are asking themselves whether they should go ahead with this investment program for their kids’ college education or not. A 529 College Savings Plan is a provision in the United States of America, started in 1996, which allows parents to invest on a monthly basis for their children’s future educational needs, especially when they are in college. It is advisable to start early with these investments. The earlier the investment is started, the smaller will be the sum of money required to be put into the fund each month. The 529 College Savings Plan is applicable for as many as 8,000 US schools and colleges and 800 foreign institutions. That makes it one of the most wide-reaching plans for educational investment in the US. The advantage to parents here is that they can choose whichever school or college for their children - and also various foreign institutions - without worrying whether the plan will pay out for their expenses or not. The 529 College Savings Plan is wonderfully designed to meet all the educational requirements of collegiate students, though the most intentional investment is of course for the college tuition fees. With college tuition fees touching a high of $20,000 per year, the plan is a boon to most parents, who can give their kids a better and longer college education. Also, the plan is adjusted for future inflation. This means, as the prices of the college fees will go up in future, the amount paid out by the plan will also increase. The plan can be bought at present rates, but when the student begins college education, it will pay out at the future inflated rates.

Apart from college tuition fees, 529 College Savings Plans can also be withdrawn to fund other college requirements such as food and lodging, books and education material and paying all kinds of utility bills. Though, there is a 10% tax levied for withdrawing this fund for non-educational purposes. Speaking of taxes, the 529 College Savings Plans are free from all kinds of federal taxes, and even state taxes are not levied in most circumstances. If you are a grandparent making an investment for your grandchild through the 529 College Savings Plan, you are allowed to sign off this amount from your total estate. Also, generally, the amount paid for the 529 College Savings Plan is tax-deductible. There are apparently no disadvantages of the 529 College Savings Plan, which has been carefully scrutinized by financial experts. Since it is a relatively recent plan, all the problems of the current economy are already taken into account, and the plan is almost error-free. As such, it is an exceedingly good idea to go ahead with such an investment for your child, as you cannot guarantee how you will be financially placed a decade later when your child’s college education will probably begin. Also, the sooner you begin, the better.





by Essence Clark

To sum up the brand Layla Grayce, you only need one word “Posh.” Wendy Rossiter Estes and Tiffany Grayce Harris, lifelong friends, built this collaboration of luxury to compliment your children, yourself, and your home. Their passion for design and uniqueness permeates when you view the products they’ve chosen to showcase. They believe, “Beautiful surroundings that express your personal take on lifestyle, shouldn’t be a luxury – it should be a necessity.” When I first landed on Layla Grayce’s website, I was awe-struck by their frilly clothing, accessories, and bedding. As a potential customer, I felt ever so comfortable with the idea of purchasing a piece of furniture retailing for $3,000 because of their company values and presentation of the luxury brands they offer. As I continued to peruse, I came across



the most beautiful pettiskirts and I knew right away I had to get one or twenty. The pettiskirts were paired with adorable tops and accessories which included hats, barrettes, head bands, and shoes to complete the look for any Mini Diva. Even for our Little Men, Layla Grayce offers adorable cardigans and robes so they can show who really is boss. The trend of the diaper bag is to be just as stylish as the purse you carry, and here you can find some of the most stylish and trendy diaper bags. One of my favorites is the Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Society Satchel which is a vintage inspired high-fashion diaper bag

with black European cut-velvet featuring a blooming tulip design bordered in Swiss dots and coordinating black wool tweed and black water resistant lining. Not only is it innovative in design, but also versatile with four different ways to carry which are: as a clutch, shoulder bag, backpack, and valet straps to a stroller. My list goes on and on for Layla Grayce must haves. SilverSpoon was happy to sit down and speak with Wendy Estes, co-founder of Layla Grayce, doting wife and mother of four, to find out how she maintains such a level of excellence in her business and at home.

“Beautiful surroundings that express your personal take on lifestyle shouldn’t be a luxury – it should be a necessity.”

The model pictured is wearing: Brown Tank with Turquoise Bow and Brown Rosette $28 Brown with Blue Ruffle Petite Pettiskirt $46



To sum up the brand Layla Grayce, you only need one word “Posh.”

Model on Left: White and Raspberry Tank $40 White Ruffled Pettiskirt $70 Model on Right: White and Pink Rosettes Tank $40 White Ruffled Pettiskirt $70



How did the concept of Layla Grayce come to life? A friendship, passion for interiors and a living room conversation. At the time it was a simple business plan without complication and grew to become more than we dreamed. With backgrounds in business and design, we merged our passions to create something we felt could grow with our families, allowing us freedom to work from home. That lasted for 6 months, growing quickly into a commercial space and employer for others. Where there any setbacks? We weren’t the lucky ones to escape setbacks. In the beginning there were product lines we felt defined our store and customer well, imbuing similar philosophies as Layla Grayce. We believed in those products but when we first started (about 6 years ago), many of these vendors were uncomfortable with an online presence and would not sell to us. Proving Layla Grayce was the toughest initial setback. Two years in to our business we also somehow survived a physical move across state lines, shutting down on a Friday, up and running on a Monday. With that, there were logistical setbacks, from hiring to understanding new local laws, etc. We made it through that one and welcomed the next challenge. It’s tough to discourage or dissuade us from our goals or vision for the company. What was your overall vision? Has it changed? We wanted to create a store offering products that would enhance one’s surroundings, adding inspiration to décor and life in a resplendent way. Some products are main stream although most are not. Products we bring in to the store meet aesthetic and philosophical standards or they are functional in a way. What separates Layla Grayce from other children boutique style one-stop-shops? Our return customer base is strong which we attribute to dynamic employees. Customers know they will get a live person on the phone or quick return communication via phone or email, honest and genuine answers, design assistance if needed and also know that the products we sell must meet specific standards for us to sell them.

Do you have store locations? If not is that a desire of yours? Will there be a New York, Los Angeles, or Atlanta store? No store locations however not entirely out of the question. If there were a first store, it would be in the Los Angeles area, where we’ve planted our roots. You have a family of your own, so how do you fit work in with your family life? We’re in the process of creating a better work/ life balance with additional hiring, however it is by far the trickiest juggling act being a mom and business owner. Short of cloning, there’s no easy answer and at some point you have to stop and evaluate where you want to see your efforts best reflected. I ask myself which issues can wait and push others down the list until I can knock the more crucial ones off. Sometimes people understand and sometimes they don’t but in an effort to be a better mom, I’ve learned to banish the guilt that tends to cloud us working moms. Any suggestions or advice for aspiring entrepreneurial mothers like yourself who may feel discouraged to pursue their dream because of their family responsibilities? We recently did a fundraiser for the family of a little girl named Layla Grace (no direct connection to Layla Grayce our store, other in that we had advertised with Layla Grace’s mother’s website at one time). This young child was battling stage 4 Neuroblastoma. I had been reading the mother’s online journal entries before we started to fundraise and was profoundly touched by the story. During the week we were fundraising, she passed away. Layla Grace was only a month older than my twin daughters who were born at 30 weeks and made it through a 4 week stay in the NICU. The story hit close and what affected me so deeply was that it had me reevaluating my priorities as a business woman and a mother. Determine early on how you can manage both. If there is any question, reconsider. Every child needs their mom! May not be the advice someone’s looking for just based on my own experience. If you had a chance to do it all over again, what would you do differently? I’m grateful for all of the experiences and people I’ve met along the way, no regrets. I have a penchant for learning, something my dad rooted me in at an early age. If I went back and did anything differently, I wouldn’t know what I know now! JULY/AUGUST2010 SILVERSPOON



Whistles New Generation or Heritage Collection

you choose...



This new parent “starter kit” includes everything you need for your new baby. Give your child the smoothest ride with its revolutionary QuadShock suspension, and easily dock and rotate your Infant Car Seat with the patented SmartHub ring. With StrongArm, the Stroller Travel System G2 has the easiest car seat for you to install securely, and with the worlds’ only car seat fabrics certified clean by Oeko-Tex, this product is one of the most eco-friendly you can buy. As part of the only system that flexes to fit your life, the included frame and base are compatible with all other Orbit Baby seats. Orbit Baby Stroller Travel System G2 / $900

Trusted by the British Royal family for generations, the Balmoral is a masterpiece of pram engineering that combines iconic design with unequalled craftsmanship quality. The ride of this iconic pram is unsurpassed as the freely suspended body glides as it moves along the ground. Balmoral Classic Pram / $2995 /

Beautiful handmade rattles made of 100% cotton and 8 inches in height. Elephant & Giraffe Rattles / $34

If necessity is the Mother of invention, then the Society Satchel is surely her sweetest expression. This sapphire blue and ocean mist vintage inspired floral European cut velvet with coordinating sapphire blue wool tweed and sapphire blue water resistant lining is a delightful assembly of clever pockets, thoughtful closures and intuitive strap option ensures smooth travel with tots, be it to the corner market of the Moskva River Make the trip delicious. Petunia Pickle Bottom Cake Society Satchel French Gooseberry / $350 /

A classic baby bag designed to handle every day duties in all types of weather. Very practical and offers accessibility to all of baby’s needs. Super Styling Baby Bag /



If you’re a mom that’s always shopping, then this accessory was made just for you. The mommy hook is the perfect accessories for hanging your shopping bags- built to last, it’s lightweight and versatile; it fits virtually all stroller handles. The mommy hook can be used on your stroller and shopping cart. Just snap it on and you’re ready to rock and roll. The Mommy Hook / $9.00 /

Sophisticated to suit your kitchen, yet practical to suit your little one, Loop is a fully adjustable and tilting highchair that exceeds the demands of modern day living. With an ultra comfortable seat in a choice of colours, it's designed to fit your world. Loop Highchair / $220 / www.

Made of 100% cotton and 3 feet by 2 feet in size. Giant Mr. X / $400


Along with cutting-edge safety, this Toddler Car Seat allows your Orbit system to truly grow with your child. It is the only convertible car seat to dock onto a Stroller frame, and to offer the back-saving convenience of docking rear-facing and rotating on your Orbit Baby car seat Base. The Toddler Car Seat offers high levels of side-impact protection and advanced materials, and is optmized for travel with its removable sunshade and sleek belt storage panel. The Toddler Car Seat is designed to be used alongside our Toddler Stroller Seat for a complete toddler travel system. Orbit Toddler Seat / $360

SnugRide 35 Infant Car Seat holds a child up to 35 lbs and 32" tall which helps keep your child rear facing longer. This seat has been engineered and crash tested to meet or exceed US standards. This car seat includes a convenient stay-in-car base with seat belt lock off and dial adjust for proper, easy one-time installation. Other great features include 5-point front adjust harness, removable infant head support, comfortable carrier handle, 180 rotating canopy, and EPS, energy absorbing foam Graco SnugRide 35 Infant Car Seat $170/

The fresco bloom is the only contemporary chair that stays with baby from birth to school age. Bloom’s European design team created fresco bloom to provide families with a 3-in-1 resting, feeding and play chair in a style that fits the contemporary home. Bloom Fresco Highchair $400 /

Made of 100% cotton and 3 feet by 2 feet in size Giant Zook / $300


A first for the nursery industry and unique to the market place with new and innovative technology using the Magic card system. The Magic Astro cradle when used with your Magic card and toys pack will provide hours of fun for your baby. Astro is designed to encourage your baby's key development skills at that early age, it is simple to use and very interactive for baby as it works by act and react, when baby pulls the toys they are rewarded with sound and light shows, they will soon learn how to have fun without the help from mom and dad. Magic Astro Cradle / $

This curved, single-piece frame with cozy comfort seat is perfect for contemporary living spaces. Formed in shades of stylewood, it has a smooth self-rocking motion and a 5 point padded safety harness that adjusts for your growing baby. .The micro-suede/ leatherette seat pad is easy to clean and offers maximum comfort. Bloom Rocker / $200



Discuss Race

Issues with your

Toddler By Essence Clark

A 5-year old Caucasian girl shown a drawing of five girls, all identical except for skin color, is asked which one is smart and which one is dumb. She looks over the drawing and chooses the pale-skinned child as the smart one and the dark-skinned child as the dumb one. The same study was conducted on a Black child with the same results. Why are our children relating negative biases to children of different skin colors than themselves? You may think it too early to start discussing race, but there is no need to wait until your young one starts noticing the difference between the color of their skin and their playmates. Often times, we are weary of pulling out the “race card” and so we tuck it somewhere in the back of the closet for a later date of discussion. This sort of behavior is very damaging to your child’s knowledge. It’s been noted that parents who avoid the discussion of race are not aware of the bias their children have developed towards children with different skin colors.

CNN recently conducted a study where children identified children of their same skin color as friendly and children of different skin color as ugly. Parents were astonished by the response from their children, but then forced to realize that this is a result of tucking away the “race card.” A similar study was conducted in 2007 by the Journal of Marriage and Family discovering that 75 percent of white families tested do not discuss race with their young ones. In contrast, it was determined that 75 percent of the black families tested do discuss racial issues with their children. It’s no secret that black ethnic has been one at the center of racial issues for years. With this type of experience and history, it seems fitting for it to be more of a topic of conversation for those in this group. Time to Pull the Race Card We must take responsibility for not educating our children on race. We have included our community leaders in the teaching and rearing of our children, but it must always start at home. Be open to discuss race not only when asked, but open enough to start the conversation. Discussing the differences between racial appearance, backgrounds, and cultures will teach your children to be comfortable when dealing with people of all races, eliminating whatever fear they could have developed from not being informed. Avoiding this conversation can and will strengthen prejudices they will develop naturally from being a part of a society where prejudice is still prevalent.







Enrichment Corner

While her friends and family may not believe in fairies, Geraldine knows, deep down, that she is a VERY fairy princess. From morning to night, Gerry does everything that fairy princesses do: she dresses in her royal attire, practices her flying skills, and she is always on the lookout for problems to solve. But it isn't all twirls and tiaras - as every fairy princess knows, dirty fingernails and scabby knees are just the price you pay for a perfect day! This new picture book addition to the Julie Andrews Collection features the joyful illustrations of Christine Davenier, and is sure to inspire that sparkly feeling within the hearts of readers young and old. By Julie Andrews, Emma Walton Hamilton Illustrated by Christine Davenier ISBN: 9780316040501

In this gentle, endearing story, a young African-American girl spends the day with her father ‘helping' him in his office. The father’s obvious devotion to his family serves as a wonderfully subtle role model for all fathers. Boyd's watercolors give life to the rhyming text, as in the opening scene when the eager to be "off to the office" girl awakens her parents, it is easy to see the father's lifted eyebrow and the cat's surprise at her early morning exuberance. The text and illustrations are full of the details of daily life. Consideration for others, essential good manners, work ethics, and the unfolding sequence of a day's events are a natural part of the storyline and beautifully reflected in the illustrations. The views of family, work, and city life are as important as the wonderful relationship of the individual father and his daughter. By Jabari Asim Illustrated by Aaron Boyd ISBN: 0316735752



Obesity Help Combat Childhood

by Essence Clark





A good diet coupled with exercise is a winning solution to obesity.

besity has proven to be a serious condition facing many in the United States. Every year the statistics increase, with the majority of state populations having an obesity rate of 25% or more (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009). An ongoing trend has been childhood obesity. Ò Among pre-school age children 2-5 years of age, obesity increased from 5 to 10.4% between 1976-1980 and 2007-2008ÉÓ (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). Obese children are at risk for health problems as children and later on as adults. How can you help combat childhood obesity? First focus more on your childÕ s diet. Incorporate more vegetables, fiber, fruit, and water in their diets. The war between children and vegetables still exists. To help wave the white flag in this war, preparation is key. When preparing your vegetables cook them until just firm. Often times the issue with food for children is texture. Mushy vegetables and picky children do not mix. Add some flavor to the vegetables such as a dash of salt and pepper or a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. If there are vegetables your child is insistent on not eating, you can sneak these veggies into their food by blending them into other dishes such as vegetable lasagna. Setting an example is always key in raising your children, and that does not exclude eating veggies. If parents indulge in veggies your children will too.

Raw vegetables are fun to eat with different dips. Try offering them celery sticks, cherry tomatoes (be careful can be a choking hazard depending on childÕ s age), carrots, cucumber slices, or steamed asparagus. Incorporate beans into their diets to offer more fiber. Lentils, chickpeas, and beans can easily be added to casseroles and salads. A great deal of calories can be found in the type of bread we give our children. Some of us, including myself, grew up eating white bread only and this is an eating habit we have passed on to our children. If you are having a hard time transitioning your child to whole grain bread, try starting with white bread made with whole grains. Offer your children fruits as snacks instead of junk food. Other great snack foods are yogurt, custard, peanut butter, dried fruits, and nuts. These snack foods offer much fiber, natural sugar, and protein. Offering water with these snacks is ideal. Fruit juices can be given minimally, offering only two 4 oz. servings per day. When buying milk for your children, try incorporating a reduced-fat milk product or soy. A good diet coupled with exercise is a winning solution to obesity. Include more time outside for play. Riding bikes together as a family, swimming, hiking, and playing sports are all great examples of fun exercise for children. Incorporating one change at a time can be the deciding factor in your childÕ s future health.




Atlantis - The Palm, Dubai Atlantis, The Palm is definitely a sight even for sore eyes.

September 2008 marked the official day it opened its doors to guests, harnessing over 1,500 guest rooms. The first resort to open its doors on the revolutionary island of Dubai, The Palm sits atop the crescent of The Palm Jumeirah, offering guests a dazzling, imaginative world of water themed amusement at AQUAVENTURE, seemingly endless beaches, fresh and saltwater pools and lagoons, open-air marine habitat, luxury boutiques, spa, four celebrity chef restaurants, a marine habitat of 65,000 marine animals, a kids club for four to 12 year olds, and a private club for teenagers.

Great amazement to find The Palm offers a kid-friendly environment as well. Kids have a place to call their own at this resort and this place is called the Kids Club. The Atlantis Kids Club offers children ages 4 to 12 recreational experiences tailored to their specific age groups. The different areas of the club include: the Command Centre, the Underwater Theater, Play Zone, and Creation Zone. Morning, afternoon, evening, or all day sessions are available to fit the needs and schedule of the child and their family. The Command Centre features Wii, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, along with 15 iMacs for surfing the internet and playing a wide range of entertaining and age-appropriate games. The Underwater Theatre has two circular windows with visible access into the Ambassador Lagoon so kids can climb in the bubble and experience

being under water. The auditorium allows children to attend fun learning programs and games or movies on a large screen in the evening. Kids rotate from adventure to adventure in the Play Zone, and the club central area offers two challenging climbing walls, designed to meet the different age groups. In addition younger children can enjoy climbing in and out of a fun shipwreck, incorporating thrilling slides back to the starting point. The arts and crafts area, or better called the Creation Zone, is ideal for stimulating creativity and inspiring the imagination of children. Adventures can be media-based activities such as painting, origami, pottery or experience-based adventures such as baking or visit the animal husbandry with the marine specialists.


Sweet Dream Bed

If you dream it, we can create it Children Interiors • (302) 655-1845 • 68


For older children (ages 13-17), The Palm offers Club Rush, a place to hangout and be entertained. Club Rush is a fully supervised 'No Adults' private club. Atlantis recognizes the importance of treating teenagers as young adults, therefore, creating an entire part of the resort exclusively for this age group providing a haven for them to socialize in – a first in Dubai. They can hang out in the lounge area, watch films at the cinema, make use of the latest games and consoles, catch up on emails at the internet facility, and dance the night away at the nightclub where they can also try their hand at DJ’ing. There are popcorn and hotdog machines as well as a bar serving fresh juices, punches and other non-

“ATLANTIS, THE PALM IS DEFINITELY A SIGHT EVEN FOR SORE EYES. THE FIRST RESORT TO OPEN ITS DOORS ON THE REVOLUTIONARY ISLAND OF DUBAI, THE PALM SITS ATOP THE CRESCENT OF THE PALM JUMEIRAH, OFFERING GUESTS A DAZZLING, IMAGINATIVE WORLD OF WATER THEMED AMUSEMENT AT AQUAVENTURE.” alcoholic drinks (‘mocktails’). Parents can buy credit and attribute it to their child's account so that they have the freedom to spend (as much or as little!) as they wish. Atlantis, The Palm covered every detail for every member of your family. From surreal sea life to heart-pounding water slides, children of all ages will be able to explore Atlantis and its deep connection to water and the ocean. + AQUAVENTURE - a water playground of over 18 million liters of water, consisting of extraordinary rides with cascades, tidal waves and rapids, and the Mesopotamian-styled Ziggurat temple reaching over 30 meters into the sky and featuring seven heart-pumping water slides – two of which catapult riders through shark-filled lagoons;

+ Not to forget even the youngest visitors, Atlantis has designed Splashers, a water playground featuring elaborate water games, slides and structures, providing a world of thrills and lots of water spills for children less than 1.1 meters - and their parents. Two enormous tipping buckets will spin on their axis and release 1200 liters of water at various intervals, dousing the occupants of Splashers playing beneath these regulated waterfalls. Children will delight in the interactive climbing frames or challenge one another across one of the five rope bridges that interconnect with ten water slides, whilst comrades use water jets and cannons on family and friends; + The Ambassador Lagoon – an 11 million liter marine habitat and underwater exhibit home to several hundred species of marine life, with a viewing panel looking right into the mythical ruins of Atlantis; + The Lost Chambers - bringing the myth of Atlantis to life through a maze of underground tunnels offering underwater views into the boulevards of the ruins of Atlantis; + Dolphin Bay – a 4.5 hectare state-ofthe-art dolphin education and conservation centre allowing guests the opportunity to meet and interact with one of the world’s most charismatic animals in an unparalleled facility. The waterscape at Atlantis, The Palm also features two pools - the Royal Pool, a sophisticated serene experience and the Zero Entry Pool, an energetic, engaging experience, ideal for families. There is an inviting 1.4 kilometer white sand beach which will host a variety of water sports including windsurfing, kayaking, and floating climbing walls. Family accommodation Over 1,400 of the 1,539 guestrooms and suites in the Royal Towers boast inter-connecting doors, providing ideal accommodation for families. What’s more, Atlantis, The Palm has taken steps to ensure a good night’s sleep for the whole

family by commissioning King Coil to create exclusive roll-away beds with high quality mattresses. All children staying at the resort will receive a welcome letter highlighting all the experiences they can encounter while at Atlantis. Even the youngest guest is well looked after with bespoke cribs, complete with extra linens and delivered with each crib, products from some of JOHNSON’S favorite product line, including JOHNSON’S shampoo, baby oil, lotion and a rubber ducky to make bath time more fun. Guests can also request all of the necessary items needed for young children including bottle sterilizers. Guests can utilize the mini-bar to store necessities as one side is empty for guest use, perfect for formula or bottles. Food for all tastes No matter what your children’s tastes and dietary requirements, the resort’s 17 restaurants will cater for them, with special allergy-conscious menus and a variety of food from around the world from sushi to pizza. What’s more, four famed celebrity chefs will debut at Atlantis, The Palm, making the resort the culinary destination in Dubai – Nobu by Nobuyuki Matsuhisa, Ronda Locatelli – an Italian eatery by Michelin star chef Giorgio Locatelli with a central stone oven with fresh-baked pizzas, Rostang-The French Brasserie by Parisian two star Michelin chef Michel Rostang and Ossiano – a gourmet seafood restaurant by three star Spanish Michelin chef Santi Santamaria. Families will also enjoy the variety available at the resort’s two buffets. Saffron is an interactive buffet with close to 20 theatrical cooking stations, letting guests be part of the action. Kaleidoscope is a warm, inviting restaurant focusing on Mediterranean cuisine complemented by specialties out of Northern Africa and India. Throughout the resort, kids will be given diverse selection including classic favorites including spaghetti and meatballs and hamburgers and hotdogs, as well as healthier options such as salads and fresh fruits and vegetables. Reservations: +971 4 426 2000



Unexpected Destinations

Offer Ultimate Family Experiences Abercrombie & Kent Family Holidays

The desire for families to travel to destinations further afield has been fueled primarily by television and internet advertisement. The dream of their children experiencing cultures distinctly different from our own is still stronger than ever. As travel horizons expand, parents are intrigued with the thought of introducing children to new places, but unsure of how best to do it. The more exotic the destination, the more overwhelming the planning process may seem to parents. Abercrombie & Kent Family Holidays are designed with this in mind. Carefully-crafted itineraries scheduled during school holidays, built around “home base” hotel stays of two or three nights, with dining choices that offer familiar foods and local favorites, and a friendly guide who understands children.



photos by Abercrombie & Kent

Travel beyond the expected…to Morocco, East Africa, China or India …. places where you might hesitate to go on your own. But with Abercrombie & Kent’s 62 on-site offices and expert local guides, cultural and language differences disappear. This local knowledge guarantees privileged access to people and authentic experiences in a personalized style tailored to the interests, attention spans and abilities of all ages. Abercrombie & Kent has expanded its Family Holidays for 2010 to meet the growing demand for travel in what were once considered exotic destinations for families.

A Moroccan Adventure New for 2010

This journey provides an introduction to this enchanting country with an exciting blend of hands-on adventure and childfriendly activities. Learn about Moroccan traditions at numerous workshops teaching dancing, pottery and cooking; take surfing lessons or ride a camel on the beaches of Essaouira; hunt for treasures in the Menara Gardens; and explore the souks of Marrakech. + Eleven days from $5890; child under 12 sharing with 2 adults, from $3995.

India: A Kaleidoscopic Adventure New for 2010

Go beyond the typical family vacation and discover the magic of this colorful country. Combine visits to Northern Indian cities with fun-filled elements, such as exploring atop an elephant, taking Indian cooking classes, visiting the majestic Taj Mahal, dressing up in traditional maharaja or maharani garments and learning about wildlife conservation. + Thirteen days from $7370; child under 12 sharing with 2 adults, from $4380. As families are broadening their horizons, more and more want to make a personal connection and a positive contribution to the places they visit. Described by the Los Angeles Times as "a highly respected company dedicated to conservation and environmentally intelligent tourism," Abercrombie & Kent encourages guests to get involved by including visits to schools and projects supported by Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy in select Family Holidays. Visit a center providing healthcare and education to disadvantaged children on Peru & the Galapagos Family Adventure (sixteen days from $11,885; child under 12 sharing with 2 adults, from $9525) or donate supplies to a local Maasai school on Tanzania Family Safari (ten days from $6570 per person; child under 12 sharing with 2 adults, from $4625.).



Kenya Family Safari Now includes sanctuary for orphaned elephants.

Now includes visits to a sanctuary for orphaned elephants. Visit a Conservation Club at a Maasai school to learn about their traditional way of life and what they are doing to protect the land for future generations. Between game drives, meet Samburu and Maasai tribal members. Practice animal tracking on guided bush walks with resident naturalists. Workshops on beadwork and leatherwork are especially designed for children. Can be combined with Tanzania Family Safari for an in-depth exploration of East Africa. Eleven days from $5825; child under 12 sharing with 2 adults, from $4395.

“The desire for families to travel to destinations further afield has been fueled primarily by television and internet advertisement.� 72


China: Dynasties & Discoveries Now includes Three Gorges

This popular family holiday brims with unexpected opportunities for all-ages fun and now includes a three-night cruise through the dramatic Three Gorges on Sanctuary’s ‘Yangzi Explorer.’ Imagine going up the Great Wall by cable car … and riding down by toboggan. Visit the Terra Cotta Warriors, then make a clay soldier of your own. Learn about Chinese cuisine at a local cooking school in Shanghai, visit a kite company to see how kites are made, learn wushu (Chinese martial arts) and ride (or pedal) a pedicab through the winding alleys of Beijing's hutong district. Fourteen days from $7970; child under 12 sharing with 2 adults, from $5240.

A&K Price Assurance Reserve your next family holiday with confidence thanks to A&K Price Assurance. If the eligible Abercrombie & Kent journey you’ve booked is subsequently offered at a lower price, A&K will refund the difference. Newly introduced page-turning technology makes it fast and easy to view Abercrombie & Kent’s new Family Holidays 2010 brochure online. Download or order a printed copy at or call 800 554 7094 to speak with a family travel specialist. + Prices are per person, double occupancy.



Kids tend to do very well with just a little push to use their imaginations. 74


By Genesis Davies


How to keep kids busy at home rying to meet deadlines while one child stands beside you, whining that he’s bored, and another climbing on your lap while you try to breastfeed the baby, is nearly impossible. Welcome to life as a work at home mom. No one ever said it would be easy! If you’re looking for how to keep kids busy at home, there are several ways to do just that.

Building toys. I can’t tell you how many times our wooden train set has allowed me to get just one more article written. Building toys like Lego, blocks, train track sets and the like are perfect for keeping children busy for longer periods of time. They can use their imaginations and build fine motor skills, too, so you don’t need to feel guilty. Climbing structures. Folding tunnels, monkey bars and small play sets are all excellent methods of keeping your child busy and letting him burn off some energy without needing constant supervision. That lets you get something done while they are going nuts leaping off the baby slide. Coloring. Make sure you always have a good supply of artistic materials for your little ones. Paints, markers, crayons and pencils are all things that should be kept on hand. Kids can entertain themselves forever with creating fun art, so hand out some blank paper and let them come up with their own designs and ideas. Books. You can never go wrong with books. To get more mileage out of them, look for books like Where’s Waldo and those that require finding things. They can take hours to work through and are a lot of fun for kids and adults alike. Kids tend to do very well with just a little push to use their imaginations. While television and movies may be a staple in your home, it can really help to limit these and work on providing lots of books. They’ll be far more likely to exercise those brains and come up with fun games of their own.



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“Praise them for doing a good

job no matter what and you’ll boost their self-esteem, giving them the knowledge, praise, and confidence that they need to move past this stage.

Let your Two-year old help! By Kurt Adams

You may have been warned about the terrible two’s, but don’t worry. There are plenty of fun and exciting things that happen around two years old that can far outweigh the frustrating tantrums and defiance that you will most likely witness on a daily basis. It helps if you have a good understanding of why your two-year-old is doing what they’re doing and why they act like they act. When you understand this developmental stage, you can help your child to move through it by providing activities that help them to move forward. First, you should keep what you’re working towards in mind. Things like sharing, imagining, playing well with others, and learning to be a leader can take a long time to learn. Children usually spend their entire second year working on these things and may not master them until well after they are three. The mental battle that they have with themselves can be very frustrating to them. They suddenly have the capacity to want to be in control and to want to do everything “all by myself”, but they don’t have the skills or the grasp on their emotions that they need to necessarily determine what they can and can’t be in control of. You will see toddlers at this age changing their mind a lot. Decisions are incredibly difficult and can seem very “final” to a toddler. You may notice them panicking over the choice between strawberry or chocolate milk and then following the panic with a giant tantrum. You, as a parent, just thought that you were being nice giving them a choice. To help your child in this area (and avoid a few of those fits!) give them choices whenever possible, and make it a really



easy choice. For example, ask if they would rather have a spoon to drink or a chocolate milk. Sounds really silly, but hopefully your toddler will think it’s silly too. Making them laugh and making the choice easy is a good way to squeeze in a lot of successful decisions. Successes help them gain the confidence that they need to make harder decisions later, like whether they want strawberry or chocolate milk. Make other things easier too. At this stage, children can get very frustrated when they need to communicate something and can’t make the words come out of their mouths. They may fully understand your language by this time, but formulating sentences takes a lot of thought. Pointing and screaming gets the point across much faster! Help your child to fill in the blanks by asking them to repeat what you say and then quickly and cheerfully complying with the spoken request. This is a really good age to start letting your child help you as much as possible. Let them push the button on the remote, pour the milk into your cake batter, use the pump on the hand soap, whatever you can think of that makes them feel like a good helper. If you let them help with laundry, make sure that you have small children’s hangers for them to use, like baby hangers or infant hangers, because regular hangers are too big for them to manage and they can get frustrated. Give them simple jobs, like folding the wash cloths in half. Praise them for doing a good job no matter what and you’ll boost their self-esteem, giving them the knowledge, praise, and confidence that they need to move past this stage.







Sweet D By Essence Clark

Can you imagine earning over $30,000 in your first five months of business? Seems like a sweet dream, but this is actually a reality for John and JoAnn Means. After recognition of extreme talent and encouragement by friends and family, the Means launched their Sweet Dream business on January 2006. After successfully completing a tasking job to create customized features for a special needs child that would allow the mother to assist her son with ease while offering him comfort, the Means realized the demand for beds that were fully customizable not only according to a child’s dreams but also their needs. Sweet Dream Bed creates stunning beds for kids that are truly distinctive and inspired. Every little girl and boy envisions a room that is uniquely their own, and regardless of the vision Sweet Dream can build it and make your child’s dreams a reality. Does your little one want to be a princess living in a grand castle? Does your son imagine

being a captain of a ship or knight slaying a dragon? Tell this dynamic couple what the dream is and they will make it come true. There are no limits to the design for your Sweet Dream bed. John and JoAnn works with their clients from start to finish, concept to completion on their customizable bed (any size, color, or shape). Every detail is hand-crafted and hand-painted with nothing left unaccounted for. You can also request extra storage space, slides, and other customizable features. Sweet Dream Bed offers furnishing that serves as a bed, playhouse, and storage center all in one. The beds start at $5,000 and increase in price according to additional custom features. Sweet Dream Beds was recently featured on Kimora Lee Simmons show “Life in the Fab Lane”. After Kimora saw their work she knew her girls had to have Sweet Dream custom princess beds. Ming’s custom made princess playhouse

castle bed featured custom carved unicorn doors, carved Baby Phat cat logo with her name, two grand staircases with dovetailed drawers, lots of storage, custom computer desk with drawers, and custom faux finish paint job. Aoki’s custom princess castle bed featured custom marbleized faux finish paint job, with gold leaf accents on all decorative trim throughout her bed, she too got lots of hidden storage space, custom computer desk with drawers, and a grand staircase with drawers, and a slide. Kimora stamped Sweet Dream Bed with her seal of “Fabulosity!” These exclusive, extremely sturdy beds continue to be well sought after by international royal families, corporate CEO’s, numerous Hollywood stars such Kimora Lee Simmons, and even NFL players such as Brian Dawkins of the Denver Broncos , whose twin daughters received two custom Victorian Doll Houses. As Brian Dawkins said “... our beds are the truth”.



cool baby things Handmade Accessories for the moms on the go Wipes boxes, slings carriers, nursing covers, stroller liners, bib sets, blankets, room dĂŠcor, hair accessories

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