architecture portfolio
ST silvia toffanin
S i lv i a
T o f fa n i n
A r c h i t e c t 74, avenue Gaston Diderich L-1420 Luxembourg Ville +352691853782 / +393491202532 silvia.toffanin 28 ans
Autocad Rhinoceros Sketch Up Archicad Vray Podium Microsoft Office Photoshop Indesign llustrator Premiere After Effects mother tongue independent user independent user basic user basic user
Italian English French Portuguese German
W o r
p e
n c e
may 2014 // august 2015
Aries Interior Design // Arch. Victor Bragança Luxembourg
> Master houses and apartments renovation and interior design > All construction phases
February 2014 // may 2014
Hom(m)e Design Bordeaux, France
Architectural Assistant / Leonardo Programme
> Interior design > Public housing feasibility studies
October 2013 // January 2014
Nord Milano Consult
Busto Arsizio, Varese, Italy
Architectural Assistant
> Renovation of a farm in the province of Pavia > Realization of photo montages for environmental feasibility studies
July 2013 // September
3TILAB // Arch. Antonello Stella Ferrara, Italy
Architectural Assistant
> FIRST PRIZE in the competition “Renovation and restoration of the former mill of Nuragus” / March 2014
October 2012 // January
Architectural Assistant > Design of a residential complex in Luanda, Angola; > Realization of the architectural firm’s portfolio > Mention in the Interior Design competition “Ibis Style Hotel” / February 2013
September 2008 // February
> Participation in the International Design Competition “Thyssenkrupp Tall Emblem Tower Dubai”
E x p E r i e n c e s >>
Octobre 2013
Participation in the design competition Mission Gift / Formabilio Mai 2013
First Prize in the National Competition Vision 20 |20 Orientarsi negli spazi pubblici attraverso il colore Fevrier 2013
Participation in the logo & branding design competition for the city of Jesolo
E du cation
trai n i ng
July 2013
Diploma in Professional Practice in Architecture // Abilitazione all’esercizio della Professione di Architetto Università di Architettura, Ferrara, Italy
September 2010 // April 2012
Master’s Degree in Architecture // Laurea Magistrale in Architettura Politecnico di Milano - Facoltà di Architettura Civile, Milano, Italy
> Partipation in the Master’s thesis Award and Exhibition “Premio Mantero” @ Politecnico di Milano, Bovisa / January2013 > Participation in the Exhibition “Infrastructure, territory and landscape. The Brebemi Project” @ Antegnate, Bergamo, Italy / October 2011 > WORKSHOP Living in Valsesia Valley @ Varallo Sesia, Italy with Politecnico di Milano & TU Delft / August 2011
September 2009 // July 2010
École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Lyon - ENSAL, Lyon, France
> WORKSHOP Requalification of San Martino’s Area @ Como with Politecnico di Milano et ENSAL / Mai 2010
October 2006 // October 2009
Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture // Laurea Triennale in Architettura Politecnico di Milano - Facoltà di Architettura Civile, Milano, Italy
> Participation in “One Exhibition in One Day n° 4, 24 pavillions” @ Politecnico di Milano, Bovisa / June 2009 >> > IWTA International workshop for tourism and architecture @ Famagusta, Cyprus with Politecnico di Milano, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey et Eastern Mediterranean University - EMU, Famagusta, Cyprus / May 2007 > First PRIZE “Gian Girolamo Saint Micheli Award” for the projet elaborated during the workshop IWTA @ Triennale di Milano BVS / October 2007
Skills & Competences > 3 years’ experience > Architectural design: residentials buildings, apartments, offices, interiors, renovations, competitions, landscape > Drawing architecture: plans, sections, elevations, details, 3D renderings, presentations, reliefs on site, models > Attitude to work both alone and in a team > Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through my work and study experience abroad > Good communication and socialization skills > Sense of organisation and problem solving ability
Interests > DIY > Photography > Graphic design > Travels
aries interior design luxembourg work experience
+ renovation + + interior design + + construction details +
home renovation // interior design
m a s t e r h o u s e r e n o va t i o n interior design year place
2015 luxembourg
The aim of this renovation projet of a master house located in Luxembourg countryside was to respond at the owner’s current needs. In order to make the house more suited to contemporary life, the interiors and the façades are reviewed. An essential volume clad in red cedar wood is added to the existing building to increase the volume and open the interiors to the garden. New and old cohabit in a comfortable, bright and fluid environment. the building site
+ interior design + + electrical plan +
home // interior design
master bedroom suite interior design year place
2014 bordeaux / france
The interior design project fits in a renovation of a rural building in the countryside of Bordeaux. The master bedroom suite is for a young couple who loves dark colors and modern and refined furniture. The structuring element of the project is the central perspective, the creation of a visual continuity between rationally separated spaces.
electrical plan
3tilab ferrara italy work experience
+ competition + + renovation + + first prize +
competition // renovation // cultural centre
mulinu: a public cultural centre
2013 nuragus / sardegna / italy
The former mill of Nuragus was the major landmark of the city, because of its history and its architecture. The building, located at center of Sardegna and managed by important families of the zone, has represented the principal nucleus of an industrial production for the village and the neighborhoods. The proposed project, through an accurate study of the structures and the recovery and the restoration of the existing buildings , wants to put the complex at the center of the life of the village, transforming it in a new center of ‘production’, ‘conservation’ and ‘development’ of the identity, the culture, the traditions and the local products . The whole complex becomes a museum, a public space, an arena, an atelier opened to the inhabitants and the tourists.
FUNCTIONS 1. info point / bookshop / ticket office / exhibition the mill history
6. open air exhibition - local products
2. shows / exhibition
7. open air exhibition - local art
3. exhibition - the sardinian territory
8. restaurant
4. exhibition - local culture 5. exhibition - Giara di Gesturi
9. kitchens 10. services and technical rooms
the court
multipurpose room theatre / space for local associations
sasis arquitetura e consultoria curitiba brasile work experience
interior design competion Ibis Styles Hotel mentioned project + interior design of the hotel room + + concept development + + graphic design of the hotel room +
booklet of the competion Ibis Styles Hotel + concept development + + graphic design +
competition // interior design // graphic design
q u a r to “ ha p p y moo d ”
interior design competition “ibis styles hotel” year place
2013 curitiba / brazil
This interior design project follows the requirements set out in the call: create a different and unique design, that has to be cheap and adaptable to any type of public, from the family to the business man. The project has to follow an “happy mood”, condition easily possible in a country like Brazil, whose colors, scents, flora, fauna and culture are an emblem of optimism and liveliness! The developed concept is related to local identity: each hotel has a different decoration, following the landmarks of the region in which it is located, to benefit the reading and understanding of the place and encourage his guests, both Brazilians and foreigners, to explore the city. The city’s sights and wonders of nature represented with bold designs and bright colors become decorative elements and characterize the private and public spaces of the hotel. In the hotel rooms the space is large and comfortable, due to the perspective created by the inclined axis, designed by the bathroom block and the night area. Different heights, task lighting, bright colors and natural materials are the elements that characterize the rooms.
studio d’architettura moretti varese italy intern
competition Tall emblem structure in Za’aabel park in Dubai + architectural design + + design 2D and 3D + + graphic representation of the project + + postproduction +
competition // landmark
diamond: a landmark for dubai
competition “Tall emblem structure in Za’aabel park in Dubai” year place
2009 dubai / united arab emirates
The project participates in the competition “Tall emblem structure in Za’aabel park in Dubai” organized by the company Thyssen Krupp Elevator, and the claim is design an iconic building for the city of Dubai. The project area is in the city center within Za’abeel Park, from where you can see the main artery of the city’s traffic Sheikh Zayed Road and the nearby skyscrapers. The project provides a new layout for the park and the creation of a landmark visible from all over the territory and recognizable from the air. A diamond of 170m, reminiscent of Fuller’s geodesic dome, wants to be the representative symbol of wealth and power of the city. The diamond structure is glazed and conceals the true functional core of the building, a cube inside which there are an experimental theater, a library, a conference room and a bar with terraces overlooking the city.
the theatre
competition personal works
public space design competition VISION 20|20 - Orientarsi negli spazi pubblici attraverso il colore // first prize // + public space design + + concept development + + color as architecture +
Jesolo logo & branding design competition + graphic design + + concept development +
competition // public space // color as architecture
open to sky rooms
VISION 20|20 Orientarsi negli spazi pubblici attraverso il colore year place
2013 colonne di san lorenzo / milan
Porta Ticinese in Milan presents a conflict of uses in the public space: an historical and cultural heritage, due to the existence of the basilica and to the one of the most important Roman archaeological sites in the city; a residential reality and a lively and young nightlife, due to the presence of shops and restaurants, coexist in the same area. The goal of the project is create a public space for people and a relationship between the users and the site. Colors, combined with materials, are the instruments used to reach the objective: they give identity to the space and create an active and emotional dialogue with people who live it. The proposal focuses on the redevelopment of three micro-spaces. These urban residual areas are in state of carelessness and they can be connected because of their strategic position and their proximity. These areas are transformed into “urban lounge�, into rooms opened to the sky, where citizens can live, walk, play music and sports, relax and socialize. Each site is characterized by a color and a material that specifies the function that will host and it is designed to be used 24/24h. From day to night spaces transforms and they can be experienced in different ways. Technology becomes an additional element that unites the design of these rooms. Wifi, innovative materials, led lightning, open-air cinema characterized these urban lounge.
una stanza gialla per navigare e ballare
per allenarsi e emozionarsi
una stanza verde per rilassarsi e nascondersi
politecnico di milano ENSAL // workshop italy // france // cyprus formation and training
+ architectural design + + design 2D and 3D + + graphic representation of the project + + postproduction + + realization of architectural and urbanism models with different techniques + + realization of conceptual schemes +
master’s thesis // architecture // archaeology
Archaeolo g ical e xcavation as an archit ect ur al p rojec t i n t he ci t y Redevelopment of Beirut’s Martyrs Square year place
2012 beirut / liban
The project for Martyrs Square area in the center of Beirut is inspired by a central question in contemporary architecture: the link between archeology and architecture. The “old” that comes to light from the excavation as “new” upsets the previous order and needs an idea that can be absorbed and not denied. Indeed when the pre-existence is isolated, the architectural and cultural identity of a city impoverishes, and the complexity that is based on the presences, the additions, the interferences is destroyed. The project starts from this idea of the excavation as an essential entity to understand that particular urban fabric that is Martyrs Square. The aim is to enable the city to reclaim this area and to create a dialogue with the archaeological remains. The regulating lines creates a system for the designed elements in the area, which is broken in the presence of pre-existing buildings along the edge of the excavation. Main actors are the system of platforms, which relate the level of the buildings to the excavation, the border, which emphasizes the Cardo and Decumanus axes of the ancient Roman city and the rotation of the system, which shows the relationship with the past and is expressed strongly in the arrangement of the new square and the library, and has as its cornerstone the landmark tower of the Burj.
design elements cardo * decumanus * burj tower * french axe * serrail * ottoman’s walls * archeological remains * excavation * pre-existing system *
the border system
the burj tower
the library the shell copper coverage
the platform consultation area
the excavation archives and administration
the cardo
landscape // experimental // strategy
l andscape as architecture
brebemi,the new infrastructure in the territory: mediation strategy year place
2011 antegnate / bergamo / italy
Oppose industrial diffusion along the highway, the phenomenon known as sprawl, and mitigate the infrastructure impact on the territory are the two key points of this intervention strategy. The goal is transforming the “respect zone”, a non-place adjacent the infrastructure, into a “built respect zone”, a functional area, dealing respectfully with the environment. The strategy assumes a universal and reproducible character, because of its flexibility, that can be adapted to the different situations along the infrastructure. The traditional relationship between building and ground and the distinction between architecture and context are canceled: the landscape itself becomes a building material! The terrain is lifted up and creates green ramps that become a new urban park and a visual and sound barrier for the new infrastructure. The green ramps hide the production and commerce functions, so that these spaces don’t put on the chaotic and anonymous architectural aesthetic of the industrial centers along the highways.
background highway a4
future brebemi infrastructure
background analysis (the highway A4) and future forecasting (the BreBeMi infrastructure)
project strategy and case studies
development phases of the design concept
In the town of Antegnate a technology center is designed: the production function is combined with research and distribution also in short supply chain of agricultural products. Office buildings, laboratories, farmland to be used by researchers, a market, a restaurant, a sports center and a pedestrian and cycle route are functions that find place in this project.
museography // exhibition
p av i l i o n f o r t h e l u c i o f o n ta n a year place
2009 porto di mare / milan / italy
The starting point for the pavilion design is the willingness to transmit the concepts, the ideas, the principles that characterized Lucio Fontana’s artistic research, in other words storytelling through architectural composition. The aim is making clear the artistic anxiety that characterizes the artist and communicating to visitors the sense of time, of contrast, of continuous research. The pavilion is partly underground, in order to show only the initial work of the artist and to encourage visitors to discover the final phase entering in the museum. This operation explains the metaphorically concept of “attesa” (wait) introduced by Lucio Fontana Moreover some works exposed in open air, giving visitors a chance to observe without entering the exhibition. The complexity of the content is described by the simplicity of the type. The space is constructed through three fundamental elements: a path, a gallery, a ramp, in order to achieve the essential and to “strip” the architectural principle from any other attachments.
multifunctional center // experimental
f e r t ’ i l e : f e r ti l e I S L A ND
research center, vertical farm, and urban mutations pavilion year place
2010 lyon / france
The project Fert’ile is inspired by the ideas of the Degrowth movement, in particular the criticism of our way of life and the proposal for an alternative to a society in overgrowth: belief in unlimited growth in a world of finite resources hasn’t sense! The goal of the project is to restore the meaning of district life, promoting the system of relations and the local activities, and proposing a program that focuses on reuse and recycling and consumption of local products. The project is based on the realization of three bands with different functions and administered from a place of exchange: the urban mutations pavilion. The functions of the first band aim to re-educate our consumption: a food court is promoting the consumption of local and organic agricultural products. In the central area there is a study and research center related to the practice and knowledge of the earth. Finally, the last band presents workshops and ateliers open to the public and local artisans, offering a free and voluntary exchange of knowledge. The various functions are directly related to the vertical farm, the real experimentation and research center of the complex.
DEUXIèME ETAGE marché filière courte
musée exposition
PREMIER ETAGE restaurant ateliers potagere ferme vertical musée exposition
REZ DE CHAUSSE restaurant laboratoires ferme urbaine ateliers ferme vertical musée hall
amateur photography travel diary
+ brazil + + beirut + + china +
BRAZIL sรฃo paulo foz do iguaรงu
cHina beijing shangai hangzhou pingyao
thank you