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silvia bachetti //portfolio

+39 3491876721 skype: silvia.bachetti

Final Project 01 | 14

actions, devices (*) shaping /soil

Supervisor Daniela Moderini

The action of digging and filling with soil is the basis of the main devices used to trigger fertilization. An excavation generates a change in microclimatic conditions, produces a different habitat in which humidity can collect.

La Arana | Malaga | Spagna



More than a quarter of the earth surface is subject to desertification. Processes related not only to climatic factors, but also to human actions: waterproofing of soils, deforestation ... The area of La Arana, on the east coast of Malaga, is the result of a twofold process of desertification, due both to water deficit (rainfall level <400mm) and to the mining activity of the cement industry that operates on the site over 20 years. The result is a ground hurt by the craters left by the industry. But it is also a valuable void in the urban continuum of Malaga.

gathering /water If precipitation is present only randomly, the first effort to provide a habitable environment is the accumulation of water. The impervious surfaces are useful for collecting water, which means the slopes are conveyed to points of storage.




generating /humidity, shade

*seasonal turat

o nt ve

The water not only exists in liquid form, we must also consider the "hidden precipitation� - humidity. Thus we need to think of devices that can generate shadow and limit the evaporation of water and at the same time can gather the one produced by condensation.

camera di condensazione



key words

*seasonal Arid means changing: we need to understand the alternation between phases of total dryness and phases of river flood.


*process The desert is not static. What seems to be firm, is actually in transformation, due to water and wind erosion. *fragile Any small change in initial conditions produce large changes in long-term behavior in the fragile balance of this vulnerable system.

silvia bachetti | portfolio

Fragile Landscapes. Steering processes of de-aridification in an excavation area next to Malaga

guiding processes *stable points The reconnaissance of the traces shows the elements that we recognise as stable points for the project. Here we start for the definition of new borders of excavation.

La Araña 2040 | strategies **grafts New transversal strings, generated from the old ways, first areas of replanting in order to avoid the construction of a huge crater.

Topographies in process The future is uncertain, depending on many factors over the years. That’s why the project prepares a new topography, a changing landscape. Differently from the industry proposal, we start re-modelling the earth during the industrial process itself, building wider plateaux than the normal terraces used in the environmental restoration. Thus we create different habitats and we guide the process of re-use.

step 1 2010>2020

Final Project 02 | 14

Supervisor Daniela Moderini

***new borders We work on the “negatives”, i.e. the excavations: from the matrix, the borders are deformed to build the new topographies.

Gathering rainfed water. The soil shaping allows water to accumulate at the bottom of the quarry, coming down from upstream to downstream through the watersheds. Each quarry has its own water tank compared to the amount of rain gathered during the days of flooding.

step 2 2020>2030

step 3 2030>2040

step 4 2040>...

well preserved historical paths destroyed historical paths archeological spots re-planting areas

silvia bachetti | portfolio

Fragile Landscapes. Steering processes of de-aridification in an excavation area next to Malaga

masterplan | step 3

2040 - 2060

river flood areas

Final Project 03 | 14

replanting areas

Supervisor Daniela Moderini

phytoremediation areas urban expansions

Topographies in progress At the final stage, the industry has completed the task of excavating and built a new topography for a future use. The modeling of the terraces and slopes has defined a variable system: the future is uncertain, the project aims at steering a process of disposal and reuse rather than establish unique uses. The topography is generated taking into account elements like water, soil, vegetation and in relation to any use that may change over time. After 30 years of mining activity the result is not a wound to heal after the event, but a new post-industrial landscape.

. shaping | soil

new connections, new uses The slate quarries in the north, now abandoned, can build a new linear system of public spaces that comes down the Rambla, serving the urban expansions planned by the city for years to come. At the same time we reinforce the internal connections through alternative systems of transport: in addition to slow walk-ways recovered from the first phase, the project proposes the use of buses for the internal long-distance along the ex-industrial ways. Once the industry has closed, new possibilities for the coast are coming. The project intentionally does not define a single solution for the future of this area, being closely dependent on many factors at play: once again we work on the topography, planning the eventual settlement of more intensive tourist use that can economically support the project.

water system: gathering rainfed water

diagram of mobility: the new access node from the north strada carrabile cammini pedonali

cave rese pubbliche nodi di accesso


Public | Private: coexistence of public use in abandoned quarries and private activities on the coast.

. gathering | water

water system, autopoietic cycles The alternation of long periods of drought to heavy rainfall is a key element, around which the new topography of the landscape in excavation is generated . The excavation is conceived in relation to the seasonal presence of water, which now acts only as an agent of erosion and goes lost. The rain water can instead be preserved through storage devices watertight basins and underground tanks that bring shade - while the effluent of sewage treatment plant can become a perennial source of fresh water through the construction of the lagoon basin. In such a way we build a autopoietic cycle, capable of self-sustaining irrigation in dry periods and take advantage of flooding.

silvia bachetti | portfolio

cammini pubblici

aree archeologiche

punti di interesse lungo i cammini

espansione dell’urbanizzazione El Candado prevista dal PGOU

Fragile Landscapes. Steering processes of de-aridification in an excavation area next to Malaga

device: balsa action: gathering water Through the shaping of soil along the borders of Totalan River, we take advantage of the opening of the quarry to create a reservoir of water overflow. When the phenomenon of flooding is over, the water is kept in balsa, creating new wet and fertile spots .

Rio Totalan: drought season

Rio Totalan: flood season

Final project 04 | 14

Supervisor Daniela Moderini

Water system of Cuenca del Sur

The Rio Totalan is a torrential river, so for a long period its bed is dry, but when there are storms (usually two or three times a year in autumn-winter) the water of the river overflows . Working with the seasons,the project aims to collect water during periods of flooding in order to maintain points of moisture even in dry periods, where the river becomes a public space-Rambla.

Rio Verde device: boquera action: diverting water Boqueras are diverters built with soil carryover. They divert water during the period of flooding to the edges of the river, where it is collected in “tanks”. During periods of drought, the tanks create new points of moisture. Rio Guadario

Rio Totalan

Los Reales

device: micro-catchment action: generating humidity Each micro-catchment, using a gradient of 7% creates lower points of humidity in which the vegetation takes root . The process of naturalization of the river through this device prevents the loss of soil.

Rio Guadalhorce

Embalse del Limonero Precipitazioni nella Cuenca del Sur (l/mq) Quantità d’acqua nei fiumi della Cuenca del Sur Inondazioni nella Cuenca del Sur

silvia bachetti | portfolio

Fragile Landscapes. Steering processes of de-aridification in an excavation area next to Malaga

phytoremediation | wastewater

Final Project 05 | 14

Another source of recovery of fresh water is the sewage treatment plant located west of the excavation, which treats 20000 m3 of water daily (9000 ae). Currently the waste water is treated until the second stage, and thrown overboard; however, local authorities plan the upgrading of the sewage treatment and the introduction of a higher stage. The project therefore proposes to enter those waters in the basin of the quarry, place of trial of phyto remediation for the construction of a new landscape in which the fundamental role of water and its recovery would emerge.

*1 treatment plant

Supervisor Daniela Moderini

*2 phytoremediation *3 vivarium irrigation *4 replanting areas

1.0 sedimentation pond

2.0 horizontal subsurface flow basins

tanks | rainfed water

3.0 surface flow basins

“The wells in the desert are like a public square, that's where everybody come together, especially in dry seasons, that's where you have and pass on the news, where human relationships are established” (isabelle jarry,théodore monod “Payot et rivages”)

Andalucia is subject to occasional torrential rains , when the maximum amount of rainwater is poured. The issue thus becomes to ensure that rain water flowing into the drainage area of the quarry could be collected in a waterproof basin (storage tank) and conveyed in shady places (storage tanks) to reduce evaporation. The rainwater that falls during a storm on the surface of the quarry is conveyed through the terraces in the storage tank, sized to contain the water fall. Through sluice gates we can decide how much water is channeled into the tank, where permanent water supply.

Episodio torrentizio del 20 marzo 2008 | apice a La Arana perimetro cava superficie di scolo 32 ha > 20.000.000 l

cisterna accumulo cap. 3.850.000 l

silvia bachetti | portfolio

vasca accumulo sup. 2.1 ha

Fragile Landscapes. Steering processes of de-aridification in an excavation area next to Malaga

Research on arid landscapes 06 | 14

(*) arid-scapes

an investigation on arid landscapes and the traditional management of water in areas undergoing desertification.

“ Water is the principle of all things (...) from which is everything that exists and from which it first becomes and into which it is rendered at last, its substance remaining under it ” {Thales of Miletus} The final project "Fragile Landscapes" was born from a previous research around the conditions of dryness and how to deal with it through careful management of water resources. From the original question about what exactly is meant by “desertification”, the investigation was then focused on studying the factors underlying the functioning of the ecosystem (vegetation, level of precipitation, soil ...) and on investigating more specifically the techniques traditionally used to make fertile, and thus habitable, a region characterized by low water levels > how to build an oasis. The Islamic garden is one of the interpretations that have been given to the concept of oasis, thus it has been one of the subject of research, led by the definition of key actions at the base of each intervention on an arid landscape. Here are some of the pages of the paper concerning water management and the issue of caharbagh.

silvia bachetti | portfolio

Fragile Landscapes. Steering processes of de-aridification in an excavation area next to Malaga

Urban Project | Masterplan for Campalto and the venetian salt marsh | Ferrara 07 | 14

1/ interruptions

Prof. Giangi Franz, Prof. Maurizio Bonizzi, Prof. Antonio Ravalli

masterplan for Campalto and the venetian salt marsh. The aerial observation of the Veneto plain around Mestre reveals an area saturated by building expansions, which over time have eaten the country. The new masterplan for the area between Mestre, Tessera, Campalto starts from the reconnaissance of one of the few macro-voids in this territory. Thus the project undertakes to put value in this void, establishing a new agricultural park that has its head in the salt marsh, passing through the interstices in the urban tissue of Campalto. We create new corridors through a new topography that will host the vegatation, the public program, and water as a key element in the understanding of this territory. The residential program is focused right on the banks of canals, new thick borders in opposition to the dominant sprawl.


punctual graphemes / masterplan


vertical graphemes

+ borders/

housing along the banks

horizontal graphemes


borders of project


/ analysis, strategies

silvia bachetti | portfolio


/ layers

+ water

>Thickening the borders >Reinforcing the in-between



Any rupture in the mesh can be seen as an opportunity for communication between the vacuoles. The closing of a mesh suppresses natural exchanges between the territorial vacuoles, so the possibility of biological inventions resulting from the encounter. (Gilles ClĂŠment | The third landscape)

Urban Project | Housing for the Venezia lagoon | Ferrara 08 | 14 Prof. Antonio Ravalli

2/ stratifications


new models of (co)habitation for the territory of Venice.


micro - aggregations

In a boundary land between water and earth, the new building is developed along the trace of a channel , a new edge in which public , semi-public and private program are mixed. The figure of the Arab medina guides us in defining the new housing complex. On a totally permeable public level we build the layer of private residence, articulated around patios space of the neighborhood - and finally the ground-cover, where are located the rooms and a new space of relationship and co-habitation is set.

// public activators system

// public space system

// re-activated public space

// patios system


1 > water + cane thicket 2 > salicornia (Arthrocnemum glaucum) 3 > herbs 4 > evergreen (juniperus virginiana) 5 > fruit trees ( prunus avium) 6 > deciduous trees

top level + 6.00 co-housing roof

silvia bachetti | portfolio

residential level + 3.00 introspective patios

// underground activators

public level + 0.00 interactive public space

// connections

living on the roof > space of co-housing

Restoration and re-design of a garden | Ferrara 09 | 14

Palazzo Gulinelli

re-thinking the romantic garden

Prof. Lolli Ghetti, Prof. Alberti

the garden | today


populus nigra h. fino a 30 m decidua, portamento eretto

celtis australis h. 8 - 20 m deciduo crescita lenta

acer negundo h. 6 - 10 m decidua, foglie tendenti al bianco

tilia x europea h. 20 m deciduo proprietĂ aromatiche

cercis siliquastrum h. 4 - 6 m decidua,fioritura violacea

quercus pedunculata h. 20 m deciduo crescita lenta, longeva

public green areas private green areas Palazzo Gulinelli

taxus baccata h. fino a 8 m sempreverde,crescita lenta buxus semprervirens h. fino a 6 m sempreverde,crescita lenta

*islands of light

the new garden


The garden of Palazzo Gulinelli was conceived as a romantic garden included in the courtyard of the nineteenth-century building. However, it is today in a state of advanced deterioration. Some of it was paved in the mid 60s of last century to build a parking lot. New plantings and no maintenance has meant that over time some trees lack the necessary living space. The project aims at the re-naturalization of the whole area. Therefore we consider as main operator the living space of the single tree, which means the maximum amplitude reached by the foliage. The new garden takes shape from the original matrix re-interpreting the romantic park, particularly in the area totally distorted by the implementation of the parking lot. It will be composed of "islands" defined only by vegetation and soil movements, left completely permeable even in internal routes. These are indeed the in-between spaces made of soil or grass rasa, but subject to changes that inevitably characterize nature. Islands of light / shadow areas The result is a soil where trees are concentrated in certain areas thus defining areas of shadow: here the topography is slightly tilted and the time is expressed in changes of color of vegetation. Each island groups different vegetation species, selected on the basis of appearance color / senses. The "negative"is the space of light, domain of herbaceous plants.

cedrus sp. h. fino a 40 m sempreverde, proprietĂ aromatiche

*island of linden and box trees

* network de barrio | network municipal

silvia bachetti | portfolio

Competition in Montblanc | Barcelona 10 | 14

Project for a new library in Montblanc The analysis of the urban tissue in Montblanc old town, leads us to consider our area as one of the largest voids, therefore a potential.

// urban voids

1.0 > the void

2.0 > generating elements gradients of water

// the new topography

3.0 > the new topography of public space

Prof. Pere Riera

layer 1 // underground library + layer 2 // surface public + layer 3 // emerging activators stone + cercis siliquastrum


vacancy as possibility A

ug n


plan of the entrance hall level 0.00


initially, the ground appears as a blank space divided into two different levels.

The building is located in the basement taking advantage of the difference in level.

B the void.

we define a new public level the topography of the roof that reaches the patio.

plan of the library level -3.00

B re-activating

a new relationship is established between underground and surface, through the extroversion of the most public part of the program.


section AA

section BB

silvia bachetti | portfolio

ACMA workshop | quarryscapes | Milano 11 | 14



> 2040

Designing the quarry landscape.


Time - landscapes

Prof. Patricia Perez + Michael Van Gessel

9.5 ha

5.5 ha


2.5 ha

In opposition to the traditional techniques of environmental restoration, we want to explore the possibility of long-term transformation of an active quarry site. The project investigates the possibility of constructing a new landscape over the years through the use of the machines of excavation, thus steering the process of modeling. At the same time we thicken the traces emerging from this territory, water channels and vegetal filaments that form part of the wide plains of the agricultural park in Milan.

excavation | phase 0 shaping the soil

sections on new excavations

silvia bachetti | portfolio

excavation | phase 1

the dredger extends current excavation basin.

excavation | phase 2 further extension. replanting of the first filaments, modeling semi-emerged lands.

excavation | phase 3

extending and thickening filaments. This completes the semi-emerged corridor.


ecological connection




shaping the edges

urban planning | Barcelona 12 | 14

residual spaces / spaces of opportunity

Prof. Carles Llop

reactivation strategy for Montcada-i-Reixac

Starting with an overwhelming modus operandi , inspired by our contemporary visual culture, advertising, strategic approach to participation and by the ephemeral dynamics, we try to create public spaces in which citizens can generate exchanges between themselves and with their immediate surroundings, the streets, the neighborhood, the city. Being aware and assuming that their actions are a catalyst for this change. This will give priority to spontaneous practice, to the undefined, leaving aside the prejudices, trying to identify what the community really needs and not what is supposed to be convenient. With the aim of bringing the community closer to architecture and vice versa, offering programs related to leisure | sport | consuming | recycling. Actuations that announce possible changes, changes that suggest new practices, practices that lead to new roads. In this sense we try not to interfere with the Plan Estratégico Oficial (which assumes the City as an engine / coordinator) We support it in a parallel manner, focusing on sites of smaller scale but not less important. "Stimulating" social agents (citizens and neighbors) by offering them a new vision of the city, "inviting " the economic agents (public and private) to boost, run and implement these changes. The opportunity to switch from residual space to converted space through a transition space.


public green spaces

residual spaces

spaces of opportunity

converted spaces

1.0 strategy for medianeras

residual spaces


* temporary residual space for ex. medianera

* temporary light structure like scaffolding

* protection/lighting.. skin

*de fi nitely inspired by "UN MUNDO LLENO DE POSIBILIDADES de Susanna Cros” prologue for “OPOP optimismo operativo en Arquitec tura”. AC TAR 2005.

* radiography

2.0 strategy for micro-residual spaces

* citizens who want to live the public space

a) Old town Specific and localized actuations, working on residual spaces of smaller scale, ephemeral intervention (lightweight, low cost) that quickly converts a residual space into a transitional space, generating spaces of encounter and the possibility of future transformation.

b) Municipal Context At a larger scale we plan the conversion of those spaces of break / interruption in new connection band. These fringes of partition between the districts, generally materialized in the infrastructure, generate discontinuities in the tissue where they pass. This type of residual space suggests more ambitious operations , more closely related to programmatic activities rather than a physical device .

silvia bachetti | portfolio

* neighborhood network | municipal network

*businessman / owner of a generic bar interested in the risks and benefits of the project

* suitable furniture

* a container for a mobile Moon Bar

* a residual space with potential

Ri-generazione Urbana project | Ferrara 13 | 14 ri-generazione urbana

Alias: pratiche urbane in spazi altri international workshop with "Ecosistema Urbano" (Madrid),“ArtKitchen” (Milano) and “Stalker/OsservatorioNomade” (Roma) Ferrara | 22-26 september 2010

“Ri-generazione urbana” is a project supported by the cultural promotion association "Basso Profilo", sponsored by the municipality of Ferrara and funded by the Emilia Romagna region. "Ri-generazione urbana" starts at the grassroots levels, particularly from the perspective of the youth. "Ri-generazione urbana" is a form of active citizenship.


ogni organizzazione razionale del territorio produce un residuo

"Ri-generazione urbana" is an experiment of recognition and re- thinking of marginal areas in Ferrara. "Ri-generazione urbana" is a group of informal activities, meetings, urban planning workshops and artistic labs.

Constructed situation “ Moment of life, concretely and deliberately constructed by the collective organisation of a unitary environment and a game of events". Constructing a situation thus implies collective construction of a moment - collective involvement and modification of all the aspects of a moment in time. Anonimous, Definitions, in “Internationale Situationniste” (1958) Do “the other spaces” - spaces to escape - exist in the contemporary city? And how can we define and recognise them? Which kind of use is made of these spaces? how are they represented by people who experience them, local residents and other citizens?

Ricette Urbane Ferrara | 19 september 2010 “Ricette urbane” is a neighborhood dinner at Via Carlo Mayr: an initiative aimed to promote a different use of a central place in the city, encouraging socialization among the residents of the neighborhood, its users and young people. The experiment starts from the key-question of the whole project: what do we mean for public space? can we encourage a re-appropriation through spontaneous practices that allow a re-reading and re-invention of it?

visioni collettive Visioni collettive + Whatifcities.Ferrara Ferrara | 19 july - 15 september 2010


After identifying through an experiment of investigation three areas of physical or social marginality of the city of Ferrara (competition "Visioni Collettive"), with this workshop we want to try to give back to these places a possible shared interpretation, from the point of view of the younger generation. Using public art and design as engines. The tools are various: the event, the performance, the installation , the social project. These tools, as means of experimental design, may become a collective project for the public space or, in other words, public design. It is, therefore, to give shape to a project of urban regeneration from the local contexts, the experiences, spontaneous practices of appropriation of space. Concrete examples of “other spaces” referring to an imaginary and a "urban desire" that would reflect a changing society. Recognizing the social practices of everyday life, and supporting them, means filling a gap and assisting with new planning tools an increasingly technical practice . Here comes public art , for its ability to be ephemeral, but at the same time to cause social aggregation and cultural roots, thus becoming itself a project of urban regeneration.

"Visioni Collettive" is a grassroots research experiment about Ferrara: the aim is to involve the young generations in the active process of a lecture of the city they live in. Its research tools are a web platform in which people can upload images, suggestions and urban proposals; and a photographic competition aimed at the spotting of three areas of social or physical marginalization. The competition asks for five photographs and a comment with a maximum length of 140 characters to be uploaded on-line at the Ferrara.what if cities platform.

ricette urbane silvia bachetti | portfolio

landscape executive project | Ferrara 14 | 14 ri-naturalizzare

Bondeno (Fe) | january - may 2010

The workshop Ri-naturalizzare was divided into two phases, the initial design project of the former agricultural area in front of Villa Prospera, in the countryside of Ferrara, and a second executive phase, in which the project of transformation and re-naturalization of the area was put in concrete practice, in the three days of intensive soil preparation, planting of vegetation ...

silvia bachetti | portfolio

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