Cellulite doesn’t exist

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Ok, wait a minute! I can hear the skid marks being laid across your brain. “Wait, what? What do you mean cellulite doesn’t exist? If cellulite doesn’t exist, explain to me what I’m looking at in the mirror!” Well, I’m so glad you asked because that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Be prepared to have your mind completely blown, but also be prepared to take control of the appearance of your body, once and for all.

Fasciology - Get Rid of CelluliteFor years, we’ve been conditioned to believe that cellulite is some sort of fat issue (even though skinny chicks, men, people of all shapes and sizes and even BABIES can have it). We’ve been led to believe that if we wiggle our noses right and slap some cream on our thighs, we might be able to convince ourselves that we will one day look good in a bathing suit. The problem is that fat is not the problem. There is absolutely NO chemical difference between the fat cells in areas of cellulite and the fat in any other area of the body.

Even Miss Universe Slovania struggles with fascial distortions! Clumps of fat cells aren’t dimpled, dented, or striped; HOWEVER, clumps of fat cells bound by tight connective tissue are.

In recent years, fascia has beeen talked about more and more. You might be familiar with Plantar’s Fasciitis (which is also a fascia problem – hence the name) or hernias (which are torn fascia). But fascia is about to be the most popular of all the “F words”, because not only is it the root cause of cellulite, but it is the root to a host of other issues in the body as well. More on that in coming weeks, but for today, I am going to focus on giving you and the billions of women around the world the solution to the grand mislabel of all mislabeled conditions – CELLULITE!

First, you need to know that we literally have fascia in every nook and cranny of our bodies and it’s all connected like a giant sticky web. It’s what holds everything inside us in place. It’s the reason your ribs don’t poke through your skin and your liver isn’t falling into your stomach and crushing it. You’ve never thought about that, have you?

Resources: http://www.fasciablaster.com http://younkis.livejournal.com/601.html

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