3 minute read

Reality is what you believe …………………………….. 17 to

because there is censorship, but because the truth is so much more frightening. These signals are not extraterrestrial, they are a kind of binary code, the encoding that supports the Universal hologram. Cosmic rays reaching our planet Earth are also an evidence of holographic projection.

Cosmic rays have a finite amount of energy and decay over time.


When they reach Earth, they all have similar amounts of energy, with a maximum of 108 electron volts. This suggests that all cosmic rays have similar starting points.

Cosmic rays are extremely penetrating particles with high energy, typically of 10 electron volts. They are mostly made up of protons and other atomic nuclei, but there are also electrons, positrons, antiprotons, neutrinos and gamma photons.

And behold, Genesis becomes like this Gene.sys (Sys alluding to system, operating system)

If the Universe is a simulation, then the “God” who created this holographic scenario is a good or a bad god? Was it the Demiurge that gnosis mentioned? The G.A.O.T.U (Great Architect of the Universe) that freemasonry refers to?


According to Gnosticism, Demiurge was a false god, he created this universe and this reality as an illusion, some associate him with Yahweh/ Yaldabaoth. In Babylon it was Enlil, in Egypt it was Ptah. Some occultists associate this god with Saturn "El", several god names ended in El, the Caananite (Phoenician) word for god was "El", worshipedBa'al Hammon (which the Greeks identified as Saturn). The term Elohim (starts with El) means gods (plural).

Ēl (לא) is a Northwest Semitic word translated into English either as god or as ... ELOHIM (in Hebrew) = El + Iah + im (im is a plural indication).

So the Archons (gods, Elohim, in the plural) were extraterrestrials in the service of a superior being (Demiurge) who created this hologram universe? And Saturn would be his control base and the frequency transmitter located in our solar system?

Saturn resembles a dish that transmits a signal, its rings are made up of billions of pieces of rock and ice that behave like crystals, and Saturn emits frequencies towards the Earth from both poles. These radio waves differ from “natural space noise” picked up near other planets, appear more organized and have a mechanized origin.

These sounds are audible to the human ear, are actually radio and plasma waves (or particles colliding and being vaporized, etc.) which were later converted by Cassini to sound waves for analysis.

Another Saturn phenomenon is the perfect hexagon at the South Pole, first photographed during the Voyager mission in 1981. NASA scientists were surprised by the perfect shape of the hexagon, even if it's atmospheric winds or storms, as they form a hexagon, geometrically perfect, not a circle? This hexagon is 13800 km in diameter (larger than Earth's, that is, our planet would fit inside), and 32000 km high. It rotates with a period of 10h 39m 24s, the same period as Saturn's radio emissions from its interior.

In fact, the hexagon is more likely to be a pattern caused by sound frequencies than by storm winds. Cymatics is the science that studies sound and certain frequencies which can draw these geometric patterns on a metallic sheet covered with sand, the sand grains assumed these geometric patterns. The term Kymatica was coined by Swiss scientist Hans Jenny. It is derived from the Greek Kyma, meaning "wave", and ta, kymatika meaning "matters concerning waves" or vibrations.

In astrology Saturn is the "lord of karma" and destiny. And if we go with the hidden symbology, notice that Saturn with the rings, if seen on the side, it has a "disk" shape, but if seen from above, it resembles an eye, "The all seeing Eye”. In fact, the vortex in Saturn's hexagon is sometimes called the “eye” .

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