Expert Witness medico legal yearbook 2019

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Here is what our clients say: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you most sincerely, once again, for your time and expertise, without which I know that such a favourable result could not have been achieved. Please also thank the rest of the team for being so helpful and super-efficient.” — Claimant Solicitor’s feedback on Sunneva Thorpe

“The fine our Client received was £40,000, originally it was anticipated this could have been up to £1 million, and Sadia’s report was helpful in mitigation to try and reduce the fine as far as possible.” — Defendant Solicitor’s feedback on Sadia Hussain

“This is an impressive report, and the narrative is wellreasoned. Reading the Claimant’s report, one might think that the Claimant was completely incapacitated – almost akin to an amputation type injury. However, Mr JuddCooper carefully analyses each of the features and, I think, gives a more balanced view of his condition.” — Defendant Solicitor’s feedback on Mark Judd-Cooper

“I think Sarah did a great job on this Joint Statement.”

— Claimant Solicitor’s feedback on Sarah Walker.

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